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Globo Karens Are Coming For Your Memes

The LEFT Simply Can Not Compete. They Could Not Meme Their Way Out of A Wet Paper Bag.

By Paul Joseph Watson

The European commission has released a strategy paper winding about the popularity and success of rightwing humor the document is called wait for it don’t stop me anymore no OK Karen BU bureaucrats are wetting the bed over the power of memes to “influence how we see the world and” shape our views because God forbid anyone beside a bunch of despotic globalist empty suits in Brussels should be able to influence the world that particularly worried about how the whale Jack mean and others are being adapted to ridicule” normies who do not question the information that comes from mainstream prats and politics oh my God questioning the information that comes from mainstream present politics that shia horror that pissing their pants at memes that help people to use humor to express condescension towards the elite because saying the emperor has no clothes must not be tolerated yes it is for EU wants the influx right main culture and alignment social media influences of progressives to lobby for even more sense

Utterly incapable of grasping the basic reality that they established a monopoly on culture therefore have become the establishment you can’t be subversive you can’t be punk you can’t be edging while simultaneously being the establishment they still think Orange man bad is an edgy statement Orange man bad they continuously assert that punching down is no longer a justifiable form of comedy while continually punching down.

Sasha barren Cohen humiliating Hicks Stephen Colbert vilifying stupid Trump supporters virtually every metropolitan middle class comedian on the BBC laying into dumb working class Brexit it voters all lockdown skeptics it’s all punching down it’s OK when we do it in summary the left can’t me the establishment caught me but your opinion suddenly caught me but you know what they can do by all the memes and rest assured that’s precisely what they’re working on.

Explain a joke ultimately makes it not funny they can’t compete with it they can’t replicate it so they just have to eliminate it entirely but study undertaking my researchers at University college London found that the most effective memes in the run up to the 2016 presidential election largely originated into places the soap rabbit are the donald forum devoted boosting president Donald Trump unfortunately incorrect Paul for advice right above the study acknowledges that the most effectively spread memes originated on the donald and Paul bill laughed calling me the right can the good at it and that’s why they’re coming for your memes Facebook is building algorithms to identify incense a memes Instagram routinely fact checks and removes memes absurdly treat in them like that some kind of peer reviewed sturdy Twitter changed its rules to target memes the EU itself previously tried and failed to ban memes using copyright law even the Pentagon has declared war on memes why because they’re all crackpot memes that’s so little authentic meme culture on the left that giant transnational corporations like KFC are getting in on it to by stealing meme characters.

The European commission has released a strategy paper winding about the popularity and success of rightwing humor the document is called wait for it don’t stop me anymore no OK Karen BU bureaucrats are wetting the bed over the power of memes to “influence how we see the world and” shape our views because God forbid anyone beside a bunch of despotic globalist empty suits in Brussels should be able to influence the world that particularly worried about how the whale Jack mean and others are being adapted to ridicule” normies who do not question the information that comes from mainstream prats and politics oh my God questioning the information that comes from mainstream present politics that sheer horror that pissing their pants at memes that help people to use humor to express condescension towards the elite because saying the emperor has no clothes must not be tolerated yes it is for EU wants the influx right main culture and alignment social media influences of progressives to lobby for even more sense.

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