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Timelapse of the 24 hour Antarctic Sun Proving More Than One Sun

Timelapse of the 24 hour Antarctic Sun Proving More Than One Sun

It was either another sun or a fake projected one. Regardless, they have always covered up MORE LAND and possibly an EXTENDED/INFINITE PLANE with MORE LUMINARIES! This light in the sky has only started up MORE research! Don’t you EVER put limitations on the creator!

Here are some images of two suns being seen in the sky at the same time.


See many more examples/images of Two Suns

(opens in new tab):  Google Images Search = Two Suns


that large round thing to the right of

the sun well that’s our second sun I

don’t know if you knew that we had a a

second son but uh there it is uh it’s

normally hidden from view uh NASA and

other organizations they usually hide

that stuff away from us they don’t tell

us the truth but you there it is it’s

true it’s true it’s true






if you’re at the bottom of a ball there

in Antarctica okay flip it around from

their perspective the Sun is up really

really high it’s up here in like two or

3:00 range right it should be we down in

here makes no sense


the fact that you see the Sun up high

over here lighting up the realm over

there Mars or whatever it is now that

makes more sense

Old World Order 2024

Old World Order 2024

“Old World Order” Directed by Sean Hibbeler

Our history has been fabricated! The official narrative is that in the mid 1800’s – early 1900’s, men riding horse & buggy (or prisoners) built thousands of GIANT stone and marble structures (what’s left of them anyways) and the official timeline of our recent past, does not match our reality. Our Rockefeller “his-story” books are pure fabrication! They teach us the “Great Chicago Fire” in school, but never tell us every major city was burned to the ground! Also, the civilization before us had amazing technology and were beyond advanced. There has been a massive cover-up!

allegedly have no connection yet very similar designs this style of architecture
riddled with elegance and purpose can be found in your neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere
and when you walk in you are overwhelmed with a vibrant feeling of Serenity a feeling that modern-day
architecture does not provide the concept of a timeline that once existed
where structures were created with a completely different purpose yet when we take a look back at who they told us
built these structures considering the timeline and the lack of Technology The
Story begins to crumble and that story was taught to us all during a time when we were too young to question it but
when you shine an unbiased light upon the history books you’ll quickly uncover the lies of his story but even before
Rockefeller and his goons started the Board of Education they already had our
ancestors and anyone who questioned their narrative would soon find themselves at an unwilling resident of
the original indoctrination camps and where did they come from where did we
all come from if knowledge is truly power then maintaining such power must
rely on the absence of knowledge are you aware that every major city in America
experience a great fire candle fires that turn Stone to dust leaving behind a crime scene that resembles a war zone
let’s take a giant step back perform our own investigations question the history that
was written by these [Music] Victors with a growing Nationwide lack
of trust for our leaders it’s time to discover the extent of the
deceit and where the LIE truly began what’s being kept from us is
huge and you talking earlier about the
architecture I really like to encourage people to do their research in their own communities because you really do not
have to go far to start chipping away at what they’ve told us and ask yourself a
question is this even possible is it possible that X building was built in
the 1890s and they’re giving us timelines of like a year it was built in a
year they want us to believe we didn’t have the technology that we were low Tech and yet we’re building all of these
amazing structures this dis arity between what the narrative says and
what’s actually there you have places cities in America that look as though
they were constructed in medieval Europe when nothing was here and people showed
up and just got started building from what we’re told one would assume that they would build with the means that
were available to them wood nails if they were lucky what
we get is this Nar that people were showing up and really making do with what they had what we learned about in
school is there was nothing here this land was free for the taking the only
inhabitants were wild Indians and we built everything here
everything you see in this country in North America cuz we’re talking about
Canada too was built by us after we got here nothing here they had to change the
narrative they had to destroy the evidence they had to come up with an
explanation for who built this why they built it when they built it and they had
to do that for a lot of buildings we are told that during the 1800s the cons senses of North America was low
extremely low too low to justify the infrastructure within the timelines they’ve provided too low to have the
experience or knowledge on Crafting these glorious buildings they’re the most Exquisite bu buildings I’ve ever
seen and there was only a population of a few thousand people at that time and I’m looking and there’s mud
roads and wooden sidewalks and then I’m looking at this building that is just it could be out of
Paris or Prague it’s not Computing and so I’m realizing there
again there’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into re thought
reconsidered and in some cases completely discarded we no longer build
like that how does that happen in a realistic timeline wouldn’t you be progressing year after year to have
incredible buildings today we would be building massive pyramids massive cour
houses cour houses that last forever instead we have the complete
opposite and they’re very cheap the tools have upgraded supposedly
yet our construction has gotten worse it’s completely backwards there’s
evidence of a of a worldwide culture that existed in the not too distant past and the evidence is is everywhere it’s
an interesting thing because like I’ve spent a lot of my life looking into ancient history and traveling around the
world searching into the past and it isn’t until recently that I realized that it’s actually I don’t have to travel to Egypt or anywhere it’s all
right there in Sydney and in London and in San Francisco and it’s all around the world and once you see it you can’t
unsee it all you going to do is look at the civilization you’re living in with the right type of eyes you’re sort of
looking around your city and you’re going well hang on what’s this building doing here and why is there a building just like that in the Philippines why is
there one in Japan apparently Japan’s borders were closed weren’t they why are we finding what we’re told is Greco
Roman style architecture in every country on Earth was it really Greco Roman style or is it evidence of a
culture that existed a worldwide culture that existed right around the world in a not too distant past if I took a picture
of this building behind me and asked any of these people where do they think this building is in the world I guarantee you
most of them would say Rome or Europe somewhere but no it’s right here in San Francisco we have buildings like this
all over the country and they want us to believe that they were built in the early 1900s or the late 1800s with for
buggy and there’s just no way that’s true these buildings were built by the
prior civilization Master Builders the old world order this is the architecture I’m
talking about you’ll find this anywhere in um New Zealand Australia Hong Kong
North America South America all over Europe it doesn’t matter where you are this architect is replicated the weird
thing is they Akin it to being all built around the 1870s to 1900 man
so all of the world just [ __ ] out of nowhere at the same time there was nothing before it does it make any sense
I don’t think um Antiquity is a long time ago I think this civilization went
just before us you know the edwardians are supposed to be um around the time of the first world war So within
grandparents is living memory yet we know nothing about them it’s the control
mechanism that covers it up with the education system they got the news they got got the narrative they got you know
the mainstream to tell you how things are but the reality is completely different history goes the victors okay
somebody invaded this place and took over beautiful through jealousy using trades trade rout using the sea and they
took over this place they covered all of this fine architecture with their iconography so there’s literally been a
cover up of history in more than one way if you look at capital buildings all
over the Earth they look the same they do they’ve got columns they’ve
got domes it was not random and every story were told in our historical
narrative about how a place got started was some guy was the first settler there
bought some land subdivided it sold it and pretty soon you have a city but the
whole narrative is based especially in North America but there wasn’t anything there and we built it all you could look
at it the whole building was a work of art so there was obviously some pride
that went behind that it wasn’t just about making money and throwing [ __ ] up as fast as you
could it was about building with a purpose and that there was there was symbolism Behind these things they built
them to last they built them with a certain level of
artistry and attention to detail and
customization you see now you’ll go through a a neighborhood and every home looks the same this neighborhood perfect
example but everything had its own identity and it was steeped in
customization and orate attention to detail we don’t get that now you don’t
get that now even when you look at the beauty of the buildings from that tarian area if people were actually paying for
labor and you had to get carpenters in there no you never build buildings like that if you’re working by the an alley
right you just be getting it functional people used to build that stuff because they love to build because beauty is
actually a function beauty is actually a function of a creation when you’re living in in a world of beauty your soul
is expand and it’s expansive you can create you can become all that you can be and if you can become all that you
can be you sure as hell don’t need rulers so that’s why they don’t want you to uh know about any of this sort of
stuff I know we’re at the Pinnacle of our civiliz ation now this is the best it gets the best we’ve ever done look at
the quality of these walls that [ __ ] that Gothic [ __ ] look at
this you know I mean yeah when I was like 8 years old I started researching
the pyramids and stuff because no one knew how they were build you know so I started looking into ancient history and as I said I’d spent most of my life
traveling around the world looking at all these ancient sites and then suddenly you see this civilization
that’s right there under your nose it’s been there the whole time in all of our Western cities they covered everything
up it wasn’t just inserting the Dark Ages they changed everything so when we start even trying to piece it together
through the history that they’ve given us how do we know any of these places are even the names that we’re told they
are how do we know any of these things how do we know any of the history is true because it’s not they just put all
together and just Shuffle the deck and throw it out to a bunch of countries and name them whatever they want so it’s
become extraordinarily ult to try to trace it through any mainstream history records all we’ve got to to really go on
is the architecture itself it wasn’t thousands of years ago it was just hundreds of years ago even if you go
down to South America and look at some of the temples down there the edges on them the beveling on them this is only a few hundred years old this is not old
ancient structures these are new walls I’ve gone there and looked at them myself you nothing is what they tell us
you know everything is a lie it’s just how big the LIE is you know and the bigger the LIE is the easier it is for
people to believe it there’s a lot of architecture in the world today on every
continent of buildings that are much much larger than you would think people
of our height would build and so I gave the example of the Supreme Court building in Washington DC
as being one of those buildings um the Basilica the National Shrine at Catholic University in
Washington is another example a huge huge building look at the Texas state capital it’s
incredible you’ve got these pillars around the whole area it’s kind of the same thing as the Vatican I do wonder
about Iolani Palace how old is it and one thing to look at is it took them two
years from 1880 to 1882 how did they build that beautiful beautiful building
was that building here longer was it here before Captain Cook there’s no construction pictures and there’s none
of that stuff so no power tools horse and buggy how is that even possible when
you have St John’s Cathedral in New York City that’s not a style of Cathedral that’s the real mcco could you imagine
that being built today I think that everybody would go crazy they have no legitimacy whatsoever except to trick us
and convince us that they do and that’s how they’ve managed to get away with this so they could insert themselves in
and set themselves up as overlords Stone building is not just something you can
pick up and teach a convict in a matter of weeks like we’re told about Americas
and Australia truly that’s how we’re told these countries were built just extremely sophisticated and technical
engineering involved and you know there’s so many questions that come to mind how’ they do
it if they were our size how could they even accomplish this with the technology
we were told we had a [Music]
time you’ll find many of the banks post offices government centers especially
100 years ago were facilitated in these large glorious stone structures so
number one the rulers wanted the stronger more durable more imposing structures for themselves that sends a
message to the people you’re ruling over we’re going to play a little game here with two Alternatives right and you or I
whoever the person deciding between these two is I’d like for you to pretend
you’re a world leader you’re not a good one you’re evil and You’ like to rule the people underneath your thumb or
you’re looking to maintain control over people bear with me and envision these two alternatives
in the first we have the opinion the theory the teachings the Paradigm that
man is nothing but a carnivorous monkey in outer space floating on a rock for no
reason in the middle of nowhere by accident and this all got kicked off 43
bajillion years ago on a Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. and they can determine this with their color star charts and then you
know uh Moon dust and things like that and going on to a long vast existence of
nothing just surviving by Instinct on par with an animal justification for any
morals ethics no real pursuit of true happiness no pursuit of Harmony and
understanding here on the earth and this is all what we’re living in today there’s no spiritual accountability
there’s no understanding of beauty while on the other alternative on this side we
have a purposeful creation a purposeful design to not only the human being but
the entire Earth the laws of nature no theories no theories only laws ingrained
into existence woven into the fabric of Reality by the designer the Creator not
in a linear sense not you know back then this many years ago or that it doesn’t work that way this is the fabric of what
we live in there is a value placed on beauty why because God has a beautiful Creation in
order to return the favor mankind has an Impulse to create beautiful things in
recent times this has been robbed from us but nonetheless it’s in the soul of every human being to not only Value
Beauty to seek it out to place a high high emphasis on it this is how the
Ancients maintained their ways of life geometric proportional laws of
beauty there’s never been anything like it in the whole world it’s right in our own
homet grandpa they’ll never tear it down B well they better not well they didn’t
tear all of them down not that they put them up in the first place the world’s fairs showcase many of our ancient
structures in their grandest form yet we are sold to story that these are alleged
temporary buildings all being built in record-breaking time for the purpose of a worldly Gathering a gathering to
Showcase new technology or perhaps just taking credit for the old with so many
lights on display one would only assume assume that power plants and electrical resources such as wiring and even
electricians were widely available however during this time period that wasn’t the case at all therefore how
were these vast areas in the late 1800s able to light the evening sky like a modern day theme park or was there a
different method for harvesting energy now ask yourself what part of these magnificent
buildings look temporary what part of these buildings
look rushed and most importantly what part of these buildings
look new or you can just believe these guys
with these World spheres it was all brand new this is what they tell us it was meant to be
temporary so they Ed plaster Paris and wood and all these other structures and
if you look at the pictures that’s not what you see you see
these massive masonry structures that look like what you see in Europe they
had these in places like Chicago Omaha Portland Seattle Guatemala they had them
in Tasmania Georgia Louisiana Ohio Canada each one of these fairs each one
was built in two years or less each one was magically populated by millions of people that came from all over the realm
to participate in this event they started with the Crystal Palace
Exposition in 1851 so what they tell us in 9 months
they from you know the moment they conceived of it to when it was built it
was 9 months of getting it all together this gigantic plate glass structure with
fountains and trains and all the bells and whistles now supposedly they moved
that entire structure to a different location in London in
1854 and that in the 1930s that burn
down so you show pictures of this Crystal Palace structure which is
massive and all the things that are there oh we have and moved that no
problem oops it burned down which is typically what happened to a lot of
these World’s Fair structures if you can erase it from history people don’t see it as a potential future and I
think that in itself is for me the moral of hiding history about hiding the old
world it just doesn’t make logical sense to me to build something so Grand and
then just destroy it really those was an excuse to take existing infrastructure
build some little [ __ ] around it and then when you’re finished with your so-called Fair it gives you an excuse to
tear everything down of nobody questions they might have built a couple of these
buildings and you can actually tell the buildings that they built because they look like dog [ __ ] now we have buildings
that can hold 10,000 people huge giant buildings that look like they were made
for a larger race of people where they say they built it in 2 years 600 acres
which is I think something like 27 million square fet it’s at absolutely
insane the amount of architecture they say they built in 2 years as an architect and somebody who’s been
building my entire life designing houses and buildings for 20 years so the time frames that they allow for just the
planning the idea that that could just be planned out in two years begs credulity they had these
ornate buildings with all kind of moving sidewalks and in Crazy technology they
had ill things with so many lights electricity when electricity was supposed to be a new thing and all of
that they had [ __ ] that was like something out of a dream bro this are
the expositions they were fully electrified you know some of these examples this they’re electrified before
electric was a thing you know the first electrified city was supposed to be Buffalo first electrified building was
supposed to be JP Morgans in New York all attributed to um Edison but these things you know some of 1890s fully
electric and it would have been free any they didn’t have massive plants to generate electricity the first one in
America was in 1876 and that was the Centennial World spere in
Philadelphia the one in 1901 in Buffalo was a major
one the 1904 in St Louis was Louisiana Purchase
and then the Leon Park was in Portland the following year if you define the word exposition it’s telling a story
story it’s setting the stage the narration so these World faires were
used as this is the narrative that we want people to believe and go home with
the world fairs served to get people with the new program they said trains
incubator babies this is the new Norm fast forwarding people into the modern
Industrial Age everyone’s wearing the same Beaver hats everyone’s wearing the same three-piece suit you know it seemed
like individuality had ceased to exist the world’s fairs served the purpose of
indoctrinating the world Colombian Exposition was one of the most
superb in Chicago Illinois formerly known as chil laga had some of the most
beautiful stone masonry in the world the area was nicknamed The White City as
each building was strategically painted bright bright white in an attempt to hide the inevitable aging of the
structural entity the mainstream narrative would lead you to believe that these Mega structures were designed by
the most educated and experienced Architects right the architect you
didn’t have any formal training what on Earth would give you that idea this not what the website said right your website
your website said that the architect of this building has no formal training that’s here I find that
implausible this is your we all do that’s why probably I’m not sure if there were even any schools of architecture back then how did they know
how to do this then that’s all we’re asking this is not built for dinosaurs The Field Museum it was built for
something else it’s not to show off the fake dinosaur bones it was for something
else when you walk inside you can see the doors are much bigger than the size we are it’s nothing like we build today
the Museum of Science and Industry which was the Arts building the Fine Arts building and they make the argument that
that was a temporary building like all the others and the public liked it so much that they rallied to save it so
what they did is they went and rebuilt it out of granite and marble and copper and all the permanent materials that we
see now I think these are children’s stories that they give us I don’t understand at
all how serious-minded people can accept the story that says this building was
built exactly as we see it now but with temporary materials and then because we liked it it got rebuilt out of granite
and marble and copper and and glass to me that defies explanation and is much
more of a fanciful tale than the idea that the building was already there and
was repurposed for a fair this one connects to the Shad aquarium I guarantee it and it connects to a lot
more buildings around this area and it’s not just here it’s in every single city in the world you know we on top of water
we’re on water we on water so we on top of water you go in the basement you hit a water hit the wall and then sometimes
when it rain because the sewer be flooding sometime the water come in the basement flood the whole basement oh my
God thoughts on that’s exactly what we’re talking about before we leave it press him on that what do you got on
that okay so there’s massive tunnel systems throughout all of these buildings in the world yeah so you’re telling us right now that there’s
tunnels basically there’s a basement here this building is much bigger than than we can see on the it’s a basement
it’s a basement here when a war you hit when you go in the basement we do round what we call Our Round is called the
ground level and then we got upper level so we go downstairs to a certain hallways you
help water H the in the walls wow you have seen the tunnel systems underneath these buildings according to the
information gathered from my grandfather who got here in Chicago in 1969 well before that as far as for what
we have here from what we Museum we’re in now from The Field Museum to the Shed
Aquarium to Soldier Field there’s a there are the Pathways underneath that are all connected it’s like if you go to
mment place if you go there got the little tunnels over there too cuz they be flooding over there too connected you think yeah yeah so
this whole campus the whole campus is connected and we gu tunnels I was told it’s tunnels you know what I’m saying
it’s like the tunnels on on on the lake that you can go down in and then it leads you into like a little path but
you know that’s I heard definely some somebody that he was he was working for 43 years really been here for 43 years
he been here for 43 years he retired I want to say like last week sometime have you ever been in them no sir they won’t
allow access to the public okay and then they only allow access to very very few of their actual workers here so you
think that dirt in that picture downstairs you think the dirt is actually there and we put it there to cover up this building to make it look
like it’s not as big as it really is that’s a good one that’s good I feel
like we did though I feel like he he put the he made the picture to fake like I feel like the building was H already
what do you tell your child when you’re when you’re coming to A to a new location and they’re asking you questions and you have no answers you
will start to create so that what you have way to answer those questions or your child will grow up with no answers and and forever
seeking so now we’re here to give answers there you go when they say that these buildings were temporary what
they’re basically suggesting is that it’s a fullscale model that is going to be occupied by thousands and hundreds of
thousands of people that are coming in and out of these fairs where they’re going to hold together through brutal Winters through hurricanes through
potential earthquakes with hundreds and thousands of people occupying these spaces the liability on that alone would
have shut the whole Endeavor down from the beginning it wouldn’t have been permitted it’s not the kind of thing
that’s permissible when you’re talking about uh the Building Trades when you’re talking about a public facility where
you’re going to be bringing so many people now this takes a huge
infrastructure and it takes a huge amount of people to do something like this when you see these ridiculous
construction photos where it’s like popsicle sticks clear manipulation all
right so right here you can see they’re doing they just put the scaffolding up just like they’ve done in the past in
the original pictures of the construction yeah and they’re doing it right now how hard would it be to just
make it black and white and then make it look like they’re doing some construction right now NASA’s not the only company to fake
a photo guys with a lot of these old glorious buildings regardless of where they are
you’ll find supposed alleged construction photos now many of these
will show simply scaffolding around an already constructed building if you take
an old Cathedral and put scaffolding around it and you’re the first person ever to have that Cathedral photographed
well you are ripe to make a case for yourself that you may have built that to
begin with whereas you might have just been renovating that Cathedral repainting it fixing it old primitive
photo manipulation techniques wooden sidewalks and mud roads you have to be
able to bring all the stone and brick and glass and copper and all the
component parts you have to be able to bring that to the site and so just the roads alone like you can scratch and
sniff any aspect of this and the story starts to crumble but if you’re printing these in books or you’re presenting them
like on a maybe a TV documentary let’s say and it’s just an image that’s going
to come and go and 99.9 right% of people looking at them are not even going to scratch their head
they’re going to just say well there it is there’s the construction photo and I
don’t need anything else because why would I question that that’s absurd also you’ll find good oldfashioned
cut and pasted you know someone with an exacto knife out in a early primitive
dark room slapping together photos that actually don’t belong together to begin with this technology of its day was a
sure way to make multiple images and combine them into one there was no way the rewriters wouldn’t need this for
faking construction pictures and no it’s not Photoshop but the layering process
is very similar Victorian photography manipulation using pencil marking and
scraping techniques to draw erase and touch up any image desired the easiest
way to achieve your goals is to have a white background that you can remove later in the dark room not uncommon for
others to create trick photography and show off their masking and etching skills for back then this was The
Cutting Edge of the start of this fraudulent Society they’ve built they take an already completed building and
they whitewash the skies they call it vanilla Skies they’ll blotch out the sky
and cut away from what they want to leave in the photo they can cut away
what was there and replace it with a gray or white vanilla Colored Sky
Vanilla Sky where the background is cut out and you can see the Crop Marks you can see you can zoom in and see where
the edge of the building just there’s a little bit of a blurry Edge the sky that
would have been the background has been disappeared it’s like well why would they do that if you see one construction
photo that’s off where they’ve painted in scaffolding or they’ve taken out
backgrounds you have to stop why did they go to the extent to do
this you have to ask a question and if you see hundreds of photos that have done this way you have to realize this was an industrial scale effort to create
a narrative Exquisite masonary buildings were built in one or two two years these
take time I mean you’d put one or two years just into the planning well before that you have the
engineering piece you have the design you’re not just getting a bunch of artisan Builders together and
knocking these things out there’s architects involved so there’s the design then there’s the engineering of
it all of this takes time these buildings are years in making and
especially when you’re crafting every single corner of it like what we’re seeing we’re
seeing every door knob every cornice over a window is celebrated and this is
what why the architecture is so beautiful it’s a it’s an architecture of
Celebration you have to ask yourself this why is there such a lack of
construction photos from the inside of the buildings the outside’s incredible
but the inside is built like a palace there’s such a lack of photos from the
inside of these buildings and they’re incredible when you had the Kinski building in Chicago that took 14 years
and then you come back and you look at the one before that the Federal Building built in seven years how is that
possible they’re not going to be able to bring these things all the way up to the top get these people that have no training and actually create this
amazing thing that lasts forever in a timeline where they tell you they were riding around on Hors and wagons where
this should not be accepted it’s just not going to happen in the amount of time that they’re telling us we know
people cook the books in other areas we know people have manipulated photos for the sake of deceiving people just like
NASA does this isn’t a new thing it’s an old thing but it’s still being done
today you find photo manipulation now CGI the techniques have developed
substantially but back then they thought they were at The Cutting Edge they didn’t think that they would be caught
on to or maybe they didn’t care like by the time they figure this [ __ ] out who
cares we’ll be long gone and who cares they have their
stories everything everything has something to explain
it within the last 100 to 200 years I even called the Illinois State archives
building and they didn’t have information on their own Courthouse is located within one mile of
[Music] itself Illinois State archives how may
help you hey um I was just transferred to you cuz I was looking at the Supreme Court when it was built and I was just
trying to find like records on it and it said it was saying like on their on their website it was saying that it was built in like a year so I was just
trying to figure out if that was true or not um I would have you tried contacting
the Supreme Court yeah and they sent me over to you guys okay um I don’t know
what we would have on the building itself let me look here yeah it was
saying on their website that it was the keys were given over on February 4th 1908 but 1908 they also said that they
were moving out of the other old the old state capital building so I don’t know 2 months it doesn’t sound right yeah that
sounds kind of odd um
see I don’t know if we have anything on the building
itself the stories that we’ve been told are basically just that they’re
stories that we are repeating over and over and we’re just regurgitating what
they’ve been telling us you could either choose to believe it or you could choose to research and see the truth that these
are buildings from the past civilization I’m standing in front of the sunken ship parking garage which is in the exact
spot as the ocidental building now the ocidental building was built supposedly in
1882 and was destroyed in the great fire that was that giant masonry massive 34 thick wall of just
solid brick and stone that was somehow burned down in a fire so this is what the modern year rolled out for us we
have the sunken ship parking garage which is just kind of a a thumb in the nose of this world that we’re living in
now yeah salt in the wound but I think it’s just good that we remember the past and know what used to be there in the
glory of the old world as it was on a lot of these old glorious structures
you’ll start seeing old sheep banners signs just kind of get slapped on to
these old glorious Stone buildings they simply don’t fit together these
buildings were not intended to become money-driven establishments and those they kept
turned into such it’s funny that we never hear through the passing down of generations stories regarding any of the
difficulties a nation would face building a magnitude of stone and brick palaces why are none of our grandparents
or great-grandparents ever speaking highly of these buildings if they were truly built in the early 1900s do you
think one of our grandparents would have been like yeah I was at the site and I’m so proud of building that
or my friend I knew somebody and he was over there building that building not
one time does that sound odd in order to build some of these buildings in a year you’d have to have hundreds of people
like daily sleeping there you’d have to have people with houses located on site
because they got their horse in their wagon are they traveling home at night where are these horses staying during
the day when they’re building these buildings and it just the story doesn’t add up if it was really truly built like
they say then there would be so much proof and sorry but saying that a photo
wasn’t available or hard to take back then that’s just not that’s not going to cut it you’ve taken a photo before why
couldn’t you take another one they transported all these materials from hundreds of miles away and it got
there perfectly there was never an issue it just isn’t logically possible as an architect of 20 years I have a pretty
good understanding of how materials react to the elements over time modern infrastructure of Seattle is at best 140
years old there’s no room in that narrative for a building to be showing the type of weathering that we’re seeing
Beyond so just to me that one building alone is further evidence that this city
was here for a long time to me it’s been there for centuries I would give this building 300 years I like to look at a
building as telling its own story I’d like to say that Stones don’t lie stones are always going to tell you the truth
and if you look at it through that lens and you let it tell its own story then something else emerges entirely there
are blocks stones used in some of the constructions of places like Machu
Picchu even St Augustine Florida just sitting there a Hune stone that no
amount of men could have dragged it would have taken something larger something more technologically
assisted that is of course unless we’re talking about people of substantial size
in many ancient books all over the world they speak of giants that existed and
alongside what we would call regular siiz people now people who were larger
might have had a easier time hauling huning placing
arranging stones of this size that we see in the megaliths of the Americas that we see in the megalith of the whole
world may have been the result of [Music]
you know can use incredible thinking it just doesn’t make any sense as to why
build at such a large scale for people are size that’s the weirdest part is
when you have doorways in random buildings that are too big they’re way
they’re 20 ft High why would you build a door frame that’s
20 ft high for a population that is so small why would a regularized human not
just why but how would a regular siiz human make something so
massive it just boggles the Mind why do 6-t men and 5-ft women need that we
don’t do that we we build door frames that are proportionate to our size they’re just absolutely huge you there’s
no sense no sense whatsoever churches exactly the same they have just massive doors and just like you go through a
little door here to get in it I noticed when I was in Europe last they had some doors that took photographs off and the
lock on the door is up here yeah the all the
people you have these door frames that are in stone you can’t take them away and they’re 20 ft in the air or taller
and then you have our door frame that we build inside of the door frame so that we fit through normally we’re much
shorter than they were as a civilization think about it you’d have to be a
[ __ ] [ __ ] to build a door that’s 30 or 40 ft high if you’re 6 tall and you
can’t even reach the door knob across this plane we find much
evidence abounding evidence of giants not only in the major city centers of this world but in the burial mounds and
ancient ruins of the old world and what you find around the major city centers
is giant [Music]
doorways we had giant books we had giant
helmets we had giant knives giant samurai swords giant rifles we had giant
shoes we had giant crowns we had giant
typewriters giant Bells giant this and that things that
don’t seem suited for the average sized person even on the taller side it just
doesn’t make sense and to think that large communities of people got together and built structures that were
excessive costly to begin with but then you’re adding the factor that they’re building for a greater size than they
need it’s not very cost efficient it’s not in line with what we’re told about
Frontier America so even just compared to me
right in terms of a hip placement my knee is up here and I’m 5’11 so these
are really large individuals really large individuals and then when you think about it it’s not even that big of
a deal really like what’s the big deal there was giant [Music]
people I mean I’ve seen some of the unearthing of skeletons of giant Giants and all this type of [ __ ] like and
what’s so funny is you know people will dismiss Giants even though
there’s a myriad of evidence to it at the very least suggest that they existed
right but there’s nothing that would even suggest that dinosaurs [ __ ]
existed and y’all [ __ ] believe in that okay if you were to find Giant
bones like that oh give me that that’s yeah yeah that’s the femur of a of a
Velociraptor get the [ __ ] out of here this [ __ ] the Smithsonian Institute
has the bones they’ve found this at kakia and there are articles saying that
they took these bones from St Louis area and put them in the Smithsonian Institute they’re not telling us that
they have them when really we know they’re either in the basement or they destroyed them or threw them away there’s so many news articles from the
1800s and the early 1900s of them destroying or disposing of these bones into the ocean they had to cover it up
there’s no room for Giants in their new world and they have to lie to us about
it they had to write the story books telling us that we came from monkeys I
think everything was bigger I think everything was much bigger I think there was more oxygen in the air the trees
were much bigger the places were much bigger they were better they had all the technology these people may have left or
may have been killed off my opinion is that they went for more land I don’t think they’re allowed to be here I think
this is all an operation to repopulate this place and to be controlled by the
leaders so-called leaders if you go back to the biblical scriptures when the
Nephilim came about from the Fallen Angels breeding with the daughters of men they bought Giants it’s in black and
white it tells you there’s plenty of evidence physically we had a race of giants we are not that race we are A
different race yeah we are a different set of people I think we a cohabitant I think they were the same time they most
of them play basketball yeah well that’s it they well glow TR is under cover AR
they talk of the Nephilim of going into you know having sex with regular people
and creating some sort of mut and all this type of [ __ ] training Sha’s Grandpa yeah you’re right big ass T Yao Grandpa
you know yeah we see a lot it’s allall people in the NBA and all of that is
this a Remnant in the DNA it’s a fact that there were giants it’s not a
conspiracy theory I mean we have proof of this what makes more sense you have a civilization that’s short and Tiny and
riding around on donkeys or you’ve got a tall very strong population that’s smart
and capable and have experience that are building these Cathedrals and basilicas
the places that are built are massive it’s proportionate to their size you find skeleton after skeleton exhumed
from the Mounds of America from the Mounds of Florida South America go over to Mesopotamia and you’ll find the same
thing giant people buried under the ground and these were whole races these were not you know one guy who gets
gigantism by accident there’s still giant skeletons giant skulls that are
being uncovered randomly and the push is really to completely discount that and
say nope not true but the 19th century is full of the
findings of giant bones didn’t happen a long time ago this happened recently
human history is framed as to convince the average Joe that all of the luxuries
the benefits the techn Tech ological advances in their life all of those things are the mere fruits of the
Industrial Age and an industrial way of life and the banking systems that
followed the methods of travel that became cemented after the Industrial Age
in the 1800s all of the world’s inventions just [ __ ] out of nowhere okay so you got like literally everything
from the underground Railway to the railways the transport system modern shipping the modern tra
banking the whole thing everything just arrives you know around maybe the 1850
back when records started coincidentally because all of our birth records were never official until 1850 before then
they were in church parishes and they were highly controlled as is the information in the church so nobody can
really look that far back into you know into the past to find out their
ancestry we are convinced that to be human today is a result of Ingenuity in
the Industrial Age this is not
true another element of History they’ve conveniently helped you forget about a
luxurious form of travel that was prompted removed from our skies airships are the oldest form of air travel
they’re the most time- tested now they’ve been taken out of
circulation a lot of people have the false impression misconception that if
you were traveling on an Airship you would be confined to the little cabins that were suspended from the bottom you
know like the Pilot’s cockpit you probably feel a little iffy about those coming down being on the bottom of the
ship it’s coming down you look like you’re going to get smooshed well that big blimp is not just a balloon in many
many airships of the old world you had access into that large cavity of the
blimp and there were restaurants there were bars there were dance halls things like this this is all a matter of
fact why would they build such a big thing and not put anything inside
so it’s basically like a cruise but a comfortable Cruise where you know you’re not sitting in the bottom part of the
Airship where they normally show you on a blimp you’re sitting in the
Airship it’s a beautiful place a beautiful easy graceful method of travel
flush down the drains they’re actually safer than airplanes and what we had was
a mass media event in the form of the Hindenburg which actually scared most of
the world’s population away from Ever Getting in an Airship [Music]
again at starting the rain again the rain had uh cracked up a little bit they
backed Motors of the ship are just holding it uh just enough to keep theame get start
get it’s it’s right terrible oh my get out of the way please it’s running
buring in the PLS and and it’s falling on the morning fast and all the folks that this is terrible this is one of the
worst catastrophes in the world e h 4 500 ft into the sky and it it’s a
terrific chist ladies and gentlemen the smoke and the slaves now and the FR is crashing to the ground not quite to the
moing MK all the humanity and all the P beaming around I told you I can’t talk
to people out there
it’s I I can’t talk ladies and gentlemen Hest just leg down Mass smoking wrecking
and everybody can’t hardly Brea the talk and screaming lady I I’m sorry
I I can hardly breathe I’m going to step inside while I cannot see it that’s
terrible I can’t listen folks I’m going to have to stop for a minute because I’ve lost of
the wor thing I’ve ever with oh no can’t do this they’re dangerous with the
footage of the Flaming Hindenburg you know falling out of the sky NOP no more
airships but there’s a lot of of evidence shall we say that’s
available to show that yes there were airships and they were a pre-existing
technology and one of the ways that they get rid of things is to say like it’s
not safe safety hazard we can’t do this anymore and I don’t want to be flying in
that again because there’s just fire up in the air and there’s no way I would ever travel in that again so I’d rather
picked to be on an airplane we’ll stick with our helicopters and our airplanes and we’re going to can
airships what’s a more tranquil form of travel Airship or
airplane you can’t tell me that everyone isn’t terrified getting up on that tarmac and taking off on an airplane on
an airplane you’re stuck you’ve got 60 to 100 people stuck on this little plane you can’t travel that far with the tanks
that they have with an airship you can travel very far and you can travel with a lot of people you could take Mass
amounts of people to these other lands that are much further than we could ever imagine the airships of Germany were
touching down in opaka Florida for years and Glenn Curtis the man who opened up
that opalak airport is a man embroiled in Scandal so
if anyone’s telling lies here it’s it’s those guys Glenn Curtis was nicknamed
fastest man alive live for breaking top speed records on a motorcycle using gas engines and he helped push gas as
Superior to steam and other techniques he started slapping gas engines on airships too and he helped get them off
of other methods then he did the same thing with airplanes in direct competition with the wri brothers he tried to steal the wri brothers patents
with the help of the Smithsonian towards the end they started filling them with dirtier gas trying to get them to be gas
propelled that was not the case many of these were steam in some instances just
like a submarine they can try and hide this from us a little bit but you the viewer
can go and look this up for yourself the blimps were a lot more sophisticated than we’re told and going back to the
comparison between airplane and blimp they can literally and metaphorically bottleneck the costs of travel by only
allowing so many people on to this tiny little tube that’s traveling so fast so
dangerous we let this go by speaking of modern day airpls you can only fit maybe
a couple hundred onto an airplane when you could fit a couple thousand onto an Airship number one it’s graceful but
number two you can fit way more people you can have way more facilities on that it’s like almost like a traveling City
so the airships provided something that airplanes don’t they were safe in terms
of the speed of travel you know the danger of Landing somewhere you’re not supposed to to think if your fear of
flying is caused by open Waters in the case of an emergency you would now have a way to safely dock on a boat and a
fear of Landing could be comforted by a slow docking Airship things like the Eiffel Tower which we were told was
built for a World’s fair but there’s Eiffel Towers everywhere this will give
you an opportunity for a blue to come in to your city and more up and get
straight out and it delivers you to the place where you where you uh where you want to be now don’t think this is
beyond the B possibility they actually did it Hindenberg used to couple up to
the top of the Empire State Building a doorway would come out Gantry would come out and everyone would climb out of the
zeppin into the Empire State Building and they’ve done it in LA in Chicago these BLS were the transfer of the day
believe it or not it was not uncommon for people to fly their airships
straight into downtown New York City and to dock those airships in the Steeples
in the finals the towers the spires of places like New York
City Chicago major cities in Germany England you name it airships were
docking they would offload people into the tippy tops of
buildings I think that there was more than just airships I think that the technology goes further than that I
think think that these things were much more powerful and I think that they went further than we can ever imagine to
lands that we’re not told about behind the scenes they are still making these but we wouldn’t have access for making
our own if you wanted to build an Airship today you can’t because NASA
owns 99% of the helium the tech back then was possibly
even more than what we have now there’s videos in the 19 1930s 1940s of
hoverboards and portable scooters that ran off of electricity
they used to have self-parking cars right when in photography was invented
you have these electric trolleys running Wireless around cities 20 years later
they’d all be breaking down then went on to wires then went on to the slower
Edison electric grid and remember that they have much much more than what they’re giving us they are slowly giving
us back the technology that was once here that they found from the previous civilization it’s funny right because
they drop it back in doses pretend like they’re the heroes to reintroduce it but meanwhile that very thing that was
designed to create freedom and creativity within humanity is now spun
to be used for manipulation and control but it’s dropped in those doses
where we just accept it and the the line gets pushed further and further and further and people just sit back and
they’re just like this is
life wireless energy powered by The Ether existed way before Big Oil we all
know how dirty the oil companies are but to think about the things we could have if they never existed an oil refining
process was invented in 1854 by somebody in Pittsburgh by 1870 John Rockefeller
and Henry flaggers established the Standard Oil company and so it was like
they needed to get a replacement energy source as quickly as possible and they got it from this
mining of resources back in the 1800s mainstream Academia had 18 additional
elements on the periodic table of elements ether being one of those right and somewhere along the line when Albert
Einstein came out with his theory of relativity and started doing lectures
across the country and the world that anybody that spoke about ether at that time was completely like their
reputation was destroyed they lost their Laboratories they lost their teaching jobs like what we saw in 2020 a lot of
times they’ll leave the breadcrumbs a lot of times the truth is in plain sight so with that Benjamin Franklin sending
up the key on the kite that’s essentially you the average American sending up their drone with a copper
wire and harvesting electricity straight from The Ether I think that the Ancients
understood very well that the ether is real and that there’s ways of channeling atmospheric energy Earth
Energy and I think that they built their buildings with this in mind if we had access to free energy I mean imagine if
you could just walk into the forest anywhere you want and you could just put up a little device and a resinat you can
build yourself a castle and just do it Le levitate stones and just just create a kingdom well that’s not very good for
Joe Biden how’s he going to take attacks you and how how’s FEMA going to work
with you in that situation and how you know that’s why it’s so dangerous to them that doesn’t work when you’re
introducing an electric system that is dependent upon a power source a bunch of
wires meters and your output that you’re having to pay for where you become
dependent on a system of scarcity this old way of doing things
was basic upon a system of abundance and plenty because there’s no end of the energy that’s all around us
over the time there’s another way of doing things we don’t have to live in this way of constant crisis because of
constant scarcity we can break through it and I think that we’re on the verge
of rediscovering this knowledge at a very curious time where the old system
is actually falling apart everyone knew there was an ether most buildings were
constructed in that manner until they came in and started destroying things
and indoctrinating us you go through and you start finding these correlations you start finding how the free energy worked
what the power stations were how all these places have got these certain buildings and fountains and certain
copper toop roofings and and all the stuff for landing sites for flying machines and you start to see that all
of this stuff is way too similar all around the world for there have not to be a Senor culture many times these
towers held old world Technologies uh such as bells which would send out
resonant frequencies into the community Beyond so many photos of bells being
rounded up all over Europe we’re living in a time where we’re waking up to what
we so recently had the pike Oregon is a healing machine that’s why it was
integral to the construction of ancient Gothic Cathedrals the organ was the
centerpiece of the Church of the cathedral now around the building up
down around beneath you had pipes and essentially speakers blasting this music into the
cathedral they plac these these beautiful organs under these stained
glass windows which are treated with leads and specific properties and these
and they they work like car speakers they augment the resonance and the sound
out into the ether outside so everyone outside in the community is is
invigorated is on a higher state of consciousness literally being the best they can and you can see it in the
pictures of these people in the day everyone is healthy anyone who’s been around for a full volume live authentic
pipe organ performance will tell you your bones rattle your organs start to
respond your hairs on the back of your neck stand up walk into a wellmade stone
Cathedral here the pipe organ sit there and saturate in the healing frequencies
yourself Cathedrals are something Beyond just a center for worship they are
healing machines and the organ of the cathedral is just one tiny little finger
of this whole realm that we’re talking about you’ve got star forts which I call
a Gateway topic because the same structure exists all over the Earth have
been given to us as fortifications that were built for these different Wars which made them military
targets and so they have an excuse for why it was built in whatever location
then they have a an excuse for why it was was destroyed so in school we learn about
one fire we learn about the Chicago great
fire in the case of the Great Chicago Fire there was a lot of fanfair over Mrs
O’s cow kicking over the lantern the legend is that Mrs O’s cow in a barn kicked over a lantern and that caused
the entire fire and poor Mrs oi and her family had their lives ruined because of this we only learn about Chicago and I
remember going to summer camp and we’re sitting around the campfire and it’s one
dark night when we were all in bed oh miss lary took a lantern to her shed and
when the cow kicked it over she turned around and said there will be a hot time in the old town tonight fire fire fire
and we would yell fire louder and louder with each verse and we do this like 10
times to where it was echoing back to us across the lake and now when I think about it it’s like how many kids growing
up in America were singing this song about this stupid story what I realized
is that it’s like an incantation and it’s spellcasting where where did this song come from it’s a
story that they wanted the population to come to embrace
and believe as part of the founding Mythos of the country
and who we are as a people well lo and behold as an architect with the Keen
interest in history I come to find out only within the last few years that there were fires in every major city and
then I come to find out that it’s not just wooden Shanty Town built out of
matchs we’re looking at city after city after City with photographic evidence
showing masonary buildings of the most exquisite tight Philadelphia New York
Boston you come down to Florida Jacksonville Miami every major city at
one point was burned to the ground Believe It or Not these were Stone cities these were megalithic Stone
cities ancient metropolises that were burned down as if they were made from
wood very quickly now we can speculate as to what the source of that destruction was from above From Below
Carson you know biblical destruction you name it nonetheless every major city in
America if not Europe and the entire world saw a great Devastation by a fire
you’ll see pictures of people walking on the sidewalk like no big deal I mean that’s subjective but I mean that’s what
it looks like the pictures are are strange the sequence of events that are supposed to have taken place are strange
so you know there’s just a lot of Clues lose if you will that these weren’t random events
like somebody wants us to believe if you look at photos of even
the buildings that still exist of the old world they always give a backstory for why they took them down but it’s
just curious why so many towers are missing now and so the Pioneer Square is one of those examples and this was built
in the immediate aftermath of the fire in 1889 is curious because it appears on
a real estate map from before the fire in a fully and intact form in order for
stone to burn down it has to reach 2,000 de F house fire reaches the temperature
of 1,000° that’s half it’s impossible for any stone building to be burning
down the 1800s and earlier fires may have been fake they try to explain away
multiple buildings with fire stories and and multiple cour houses built on the same site in just a year with the same
architect and they’re just demolishing these buildings this is exactly why my fireplace right here is
made of brick and stone because it doesn’t
melt you got to be an idiot to think that that these forest fires are going
to be melting brick and stone use your head
guys as they are are busy dismantling it in the 3D reality that we experience it
was part of a program to dismantle the old world and shock us into an
acceptance of basically the New World Order that’s why I wanted to speak to
you today about the new world taking shape around us about the prospects for
a new world order now within our reach it’s the New Order Babylon banging down
your door the War Pigs hungry for w we rally the troops of rest sword once and for all
it’s the new water babon begging for your soul they coming and they want
control they we burn their system to the Flor one for it’s time to wake the [ __ ]
up so you had what I would call the reset of History
according to a very specific narrative I mean it didn’t change very much
and using the media like they do today to publish it print it this is
what happened these are all the details these are all the people involved we got it down on record so again they’re
saying okay everything was built out of wood like a Hollywood movie set didn’t hold up it caught fire so we
came in and we built all of these beautiful structures to make sure they wouldn’t burn down again and that is
told repeatedly you look at any major city they suffered this same fate and I
don’t think it’s a simple matter of oh they were just so stupid they didn’t
know they put candles all over the place and let their cities keep setting on fire the stone cour houses the stone
banks in the Smither now in Jacksonville we actually at a fire where there are
firsthand accounts of people who were escaping the fire and once they thought
they had escaped to a safe distance were watching the fire cuz that’s what people used to do back then you wasn’t much of
a fire department they just said well it’s burning just time to take photos and watch and what they actually did was
they were sitting up on a hill watching Jacksonville burn they said that things
on their persons started spontaneous ly combusting pocket watches buttons things
that were made of certain materials were combusting this was happening back in the late 1800s early 1900s cities would
spontaneously combust with no sufficient cause no suitable explanation but
they’re in a covered Carriage what happens materials on their body are still spontaneously combusted out of
nowhere sparking into flames now now how could that be the case if this is a
local fire spreading to anything that it touches these people were hundreds of
yards away if not more from the fire there weren’t Embers falling on them that they couldn’t see cuz like I said
they were already in the cab so this is just one instance in Florida and you can
go look up your own City the closest major city to you and you’ll find this
same fate you look at destruction from World War I World War II it looks
exactly the same so these weapons have been around for a long time the biggest
factor to 911 was the Eraser of evidence erasing the evidence of the wrongdoings
of the government the financial institutions you name it you had evidence being destroyed what do they
call it Jewish lightning for lack of a better word insurance fraud destruction of evidence those two typically go hand
inand when we’re talking about buildings falling down out of thin air
Seattle burned down the downtown 2 months later Ellensburg which was at
that time a major city in central Washington territory burned down two
months after that Spokan which was another major city on the Eastern flank
of the territory burned down and when I discovered that I just want hold on a
second like there’s something else entirely going on in the backstory it’s
like they want to get rid of these beautiful structures and some are still in use but
the ones that are inconvenient to the narrative they just W gone and there’s also probably a
component of the energy Grid in all of this as well because they keep what they
can use they keep what benefits them and at some point they determined okay
we don’t need that anymore for whatever Thea part of the story of the fires is that the fire
chief wasn’t in town at the time he was away on some conference and so the
command structure was broken so the mayor at the time in Seattle was the one that was calling shots and he was making
decisions that they should go in and make what they call fire breakes between buildings me actually bringing Dynamite
into buildings and blowing them up and that’s acknowledged and that’s acknowledged in Boston the Boston fire
in in city after City what’s called a tactic to contain fires and then they
often say well look back in you know in retrospect maybe it wasn’t the best idea
well what was causing these fires and what was causing this this type of
damage in the first place needs to be examined so when you have a broken command structure and somebody body else is
calling the shots that’s really curious to me because that’s the same thing that happened in the H the wildfires that
swept through Maui are the deadliest in US history in more than a century on social media people are speculating
about what could have caused the fires one trending theory is that the fires started due to an attack from a directed
energy weapon they’re weapons like lasers that use energy fired at the speed of light to damage or destroy
targets according to the US government accountability office many countries including the US are researching their
use they flipped the police chief peler who was from the Vegas shooting they made 10
emergency declarations all about Uncle Billy and all about banning drive and all this stuff and to believe it or not
the Sunshine Law where they removed the Sunshine Law or suspended it it wasn’t in these 10 proclamations that they they
uh really promoted and and really blew up all over all over the news it wasn’t in any of them it was in this quiet
little affordable housing act on the side truly
it does look like only the places they wanted Safeway didn’t get hit the gas
stations didn’t get hit they knew what was going to go where uh it’s either they did it from the top with the laser
energy weapon like like others say or it came from the bottom but one thing was
crazy is that over 24 hours later they were still letting the fire burn the fire was blowing so fast the wind it
said it moved 1 mile in 10 seconds I only think I would think in my
head could move one mile in 10 seconds you know some kind of Boom one time the whole place with the fires from
Maui I mean I’ve got in my head I’ve got you know these rows of cars that are just completely burned honestly none of
it looks like a fire it looks like it’s been destroyed with like some weapon or something from
an angle just completely destroyed by a direct energy weapon just building
sliced in half you have melted cars you have melted everything I mean it just
completely looks like a war zone send a laser from a directed energy weapon
against a community and then step back and say oh that was natural or too bad
so sad and all those people are left homeless and they don’t get any help and
people aren’t being allowed to get out of there when it’s happening they’re jumping in the water and poof and
everything looks like you know cars are burned
out and people are going whoa what’s going on here and they’re not getting
any answers and the current Administration
also has a slogan of build bag [Music] better which was the excuse given for
these other great fires well everything was wooden so look look what we did we built it back with this solid brick I
think what we’re seeing now now was never supposed to happen this quickly I think all of these things were
supposed to happen without us even being aware of it I can only think why else would would you want to do that you know
it gets rid of everything there’s no fingerprints there’s nothing it’s done there’s nobody to talk they get rid of
all the buildings what stories is there to tell his story is what they’re going to
tell it’s what they did tell us distorting a timeline
laced with coverups and preventing public awareness of our own cities being
destroyed how powerful are these weapons and when did they truly
originate so this frog should have turned to Ash it even has some ashes on
the bottom it’s kind of gray and it got a little bit on the edge
of some heat but it didn’t contort it or anything it’s just perfectly
symmetrical petrified and it seems mostly Hollow but the skin is totally solid and
intact there have been a lot of people that have been talking about the subject
of meltology and my take on that and other
things is that’s part of it it’s not all of it and what I believe is that there was
a directed energy attack on the Earth’s grid system that blew out the
grids and that caused swamps deserts it
caused land to just Shear off and fall into the ocean and that would have
caused melted buildings as well a really good example on top of my head is a place called Red Rock State Park in
California it looks melted and there’s other examples as well so my belief is
that there was just a massive surge of energy so that surge of energy could
have been from multiple sources and just went through the grid system and just blew everything out when they came here
this was a destroyed and ruined landscape and they even used the word ruins to describe things but they push
things far back in the past like thousands of years or millions of years and you know that was so far back we
don’t know anything about that the Earth was terrif Med by a
highly Advanced civilization and so things we think of
as mountains like the Rocky Mountains and hills are actually buildings
when you look at the city of San Francisco from the early 1870s and not a
soul around vast empty with a fully intact City and nothing’s
out of place except that there’s no people and so what it looks like to me is they went into a city that was already there
empty nobody around so
odd wait wouldn’t the Tower of jewels be visible somewhere on this map remember
from the World’s Fair in San Francisco it shouldn’t be because that was 37 years after this Photograph was
snapped oh yes of course it looks like it’s already
there with the world affairs it does seem that the purpose of them was to
provide us with a new narrative and bring bring the population to them just
overwhelm them with this Fantastical realm that they were now
going to internalize and then burn it down in almost like a
ritualistic fashion to sear this into the consciousness of the people the populating of the Americas was not as
authentic organic as people might have been led to believe there was a large
system of what people have termed orphan trains incubator baby Farms a lot of
these were housed hubbed in world’s fairs you had incubator babies at the world’s fairs buy an Asian baby buy a
Filipino buy an African baby I think part of it was repopulation I think part of it was
early child trafficking premature children were in these incubators you see pictures of these you
know nurses and their uniforms in a room filled with baby
incubators with people paying admission with our increase awareness
today you know we’ve got things like Planned Parenthood and and other things going
on there are companies that mail kids there’s there’s a online business where
somebody can place an order for a for child based on eye color or whatnot and they get
delivered that that’s not good and I think it’s the same idea that there’s
this harvesting of humans going on without our knowledge and awareness and
unspeakable things happening to children that got its start very early
on because the same families are behind
[Music] it and you would see this Mass migration of Orphan trains and orphan boats and
you’re like where first of all where all these [ __ ] orphans coming from how how many orphans were there in the
1800s why so everybody’s learning this thing at this young age and everybody has to go
by these new set of structures and new set of rules they have to learn this new history that everybody isn’t really
agreeing with and then anybody that’s not agreeing with they have to go to the insane asylum there is the orphan
asylums for the children and the insane asylums for the
adults now all of a sudden John D Rockefeller comes out with a board of education and all of the children are
sent to a public schooling system to learn their new history what better way to trick a society than to take their
children at a young age and teach them exactly what you want them to know if
people just realize that if you don’t understand the past you’ll repeat it
over and over again and it prevents people from going to progress in the
future and us as a collective species we have to we have to get to the nitty-gritty of what really happened
what our true potential now is a as a collective civilization because we can’t rely on
those people anymore
how does any of us know and I would ask my father this all the time I would say I would say Dad how do you know you have
a great great great great grandpa how do you know none of us know it’s the truth
you know those are things and you know people can sit there and say you guys are off your rockers uh talking about
this stuff but I mean look who we’re accepting the official story from all I’ve ever known my whole life is that we
don’t know how we got here and we don’t know why we don’t know when if Americans are sitting there one day and say I
don’t know how I got here I don’t know why and I don’t know when well then you’ve been
reset don’t believe what we say go out in your own
communities and do your own research there’s plenty of buildings that they left for us to examine
once we can all wake up collectively then we can come to realize
what they have truly done to
us shout out hi Productions check this old world order stuff out here you go a
true gem firm fam 2024 sit through the lies of
indoctrination ancient civilization laid to wasting more I scratch at the surface
more I’m facing hitting no world Advance not cadan free energy before the lies of
the Mason split the script and change the whole situation American cities found not created the tech of the Giants
colossal creation what lies had they hid from us in plain sight the power of the ethos to feed them free light structures
weren’t built by horse and Buggies huge slabs of stone masterful not ugly old
photos show marveles that’s been there mil from quaries not anywhere near there research the old world right now I
declare we Tak it back our world from those who feed fear yo it’s that old world order the new world Slaughter
don’t drink the water raise Sons and Daughters teach them the truth bless from the father and rip the chains right
off us yo it’s that old world order the new world Slaughter don’t drink the water raise Sons and Daughters teach
them the truth bless from the forther and rip the chains right off of this is the age of Toria massive M floods and
real history not the Chronicles and arnia where did Tesla get his coil sustain energy not the rockefeller’s oil
who writes history

Level with Me 2023 Hibbeler Productions

Level with Me 2023 Hibbeler Productions

The third installment of the LEVEL series, the documentary “Level with Me” is definitive proof that our space agencies are fraudulent. They have been stealing our tax money for far too long. Fooling the masses with, but not limited to, CGI, green screens, harnesses, and governing your mind into a fantasy heliocentric world. Gravity you say? Well in this documentary, they prove electrostatics is the force commonly referred to and accepted as “gravity” due to our Rockefeller funded education systems, with a ground breaking electrostatics experiment! This time around, they visit NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Orlando, NASA’s CSBF in Palestine, Texas, and the Board of Brevard County Commissioners office in Florida. Also, they bring forth what really happened with the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion and what the crisis actors involved are currently doing with their lives.

This is Part 3 of a 3 part Level Series by Sean Hibbeler of Hibbeler Productions.

Part 1 – Level 2021

Part 2 – The Next Level 2022 

Part 3 – Level with Me 2023

Okay, level with me here. There’s this idea that we live on a ball and it’s spinning, and we’re traveling

through space at unfathomable speeds. Yet you can’t measure it.

You can’t repeat it or observe it. At this point, it becomes a religion. What are you holding onto?

Do you care what other people think? Are you just worried what your friends and family are gonna say? Is it your satellites?

Is it your aliens? There are no satellites in the vacuum of space.

Satellites are sate-loons. Your aliens, let’s say you’re an outer space alien fanatic.

What if I told you, you can have your aliens too, that they come from alterspace, not outerspace, but alterspace?

They are extraterrestrials. Terrestrial meaning terrain, meaning land.

So, what is it? What’s stopping you? You’ve never seen curvature with your own eyes. You never felt the Earth spinning.

You’ve never been able to observe and measure these claims. So at this point, it becomes a religion.

Do you want to become free? What if there’s thousands upon thousands of other continents?

What if there is an actual creator? This place was designed for a purpose?

This isn’t an accident? Would your life change?

We’re all supposed to live in abundance. We’re all supposed to be here for a purpose, and learn, and love, and live.

Being on a ball from an accident of a big bang, evolved from monkeys.

That’s no way to live. That’s no way to perceive life. You’re an accident. You have no purpose.

What’s stopping you? Look out here. There’s no curvature.

120,000 feet, 30,000 feet. It’s nowhere to be seen. Where’s the curve?

It’s time to pay attention. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to become free.

7, 6, We have main engines start. 4, 3, 2, 1, and lift off. Lift off of the 25th Bay shuttle mission.

And it has cleared the tower. On January 28th, 1986, CNN watched the Challenger launch live on the air with its

viewers. They and the other media outlets told you that the astronauts died in the explosion.

But as always, there is an agenda behind every mainstream headline. Velocity 2200

This morning, it looked as though they were not going to be able to get off.

A minute, 15 seconds. Velocity 2,900 feet per second altitude. Nine nautical miles. Down range distance, seven nautical miles.

Looks like a couple of the solid rocket boosters blew away from the side of the shuttle

in an explosion. Flight controllers here, looking very carefully at the situation, obviously a

major malfunction. We have a report from the flight dynamics officer that the vehicle has exploded.

Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pain to the core with the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger.

We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is, truly, a national loss.

The seven NASA astronauts supposedly killed in the 1986 Challenger disaster, did not die in the explosion and are quietly living out their lives in the US,

with many of them hiding in plain sight, using their same names and working at high levels in the same fields they worked in before the disaster,

according to exposive evidence uncovered by investigators. We’ve located six outta seven of them.

In the world of deception, it’s really easy to say this person is that person. And there’s a lot of that going on,

muddying the waters. But six out of seven have identical names. They work for universities, most of them.

There were no people in the Challenger. That was a hoax. That’s been proven conclusively by researchers and reporters.

Investigators who have found that those supposed people that were in the Challenger are still alive, today.

We remember Dick Scobee, the commander who spoke the last words we heard from the space shuttle Challenger.

We remember Michael Smith. We remember Judith Resnik. We remember Christa McAuliffe.

We remember Ellison Onizuka. We remember Ronald McNair. People still think the Challenger exploded with these astronauts.

It was a horrible thing. Never happened. Yes, the rocket exploded. There was no one on board. So, imagine you’re at the launch of the Challenger.

This is a historic moment, and it blows up in midair. Whether you are personally related to somebody on there or don’t know anybody,

you’re gonna be a mess. This is an emotional, incredible scene.

And CNN was reporting, and they told the cameraman, let’s get a live shot of Christa’s parents.

And when they zoomed in on them, they were giggling, they were laughing, they were smiling. I don’t know how you can put a smile on someone’s face, even if you told them the

funniest joke in the world, at that very moment. Just look at their face. Is that the face of somebody whose daughter just blew up in the most

horrific, violent accident ever? Or is that somebody playing a role not knowing that they’re on camera and

thinking about the money that they may have gotten? You can hide somebody that’s allegedly dead right in plain sight.

All you have to do is move them a little farther away, give them a different job, claim that they’re somebody else.

You don’t even need to change their name. So, statistically speaking, the odds that almost everyone on the Challenger have

exact lookalikes with exact names still existing, is kind of laughable, honestly.

Exact doppelgangers existing in the world with the same names. And when confronted, they get very nervous and their stories begin to conflict.

And they have the same mannerisms. You know, it doesn’t take a lot to put it together, honestly. Let’s start with former NASA astronaut, Michael J. Smith, with the same name as

this retired professor from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hi. I saw you, Ijust came by to ask…

Are you Michael Smith? Yeah. Professor at university? Retired. Retired?

Yeah. Yeah. I just stopped by because there’s this rumor.

Are you aware that there’s a rumor on the internet that people are saying… It’s not me, obviously.

I mean, anybody that looks at my background, looks where I was born. It’s not me.

I mean, it’s interesting that the Michael J. Smith that was the astronaut looks something like me when we were younger, but really not.

If you really look at facial recognition… You’ve never been a pilot, never been in the military? Nothing like that.

No. Okay. Yeah. That’s all, I just came… And I don’t respond to the emails I get. I get probably an email, maybe two a month.

Really? Yeah. And I got one guy that’s been really hounding me and I turned it over to the FBI.

Okay. Yeah. You just sure look alike. It’s the same name. I know the facial thing. But that’s what we looked like, what, 40 years ago?

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, thank you. Yeah. Okay. Michael J. Smith. Identical looks, dimples the same, teeth the same.

There’s really no denying it. And before he could finish the question, Michael denied it.

Oh, that’s not me. That’s not me, you know, and laughed it off. What’s you gonna say? Oh, you got me.

Not gonna happen. The driveway footage of Michael J. Smith. That’s real. I mean, that can’t be a deep fake, you know?

So, at some point you gotta stop trusting liars. We don’t hide our space program.

We don’t keep secrets, and cover things up. We do it all upfront and in public.

Next, is former NASA astronaut, Judith Resnick, with an exact doppelganger working at Yale University.

37 years have passed, and she hasn’t even changed her name.

Side by side, there’s no denying it. When she’s approached, she has a very odd way of not responding.

Hey, hey, Judy. How you doing? I’m from the press. I just had a quick question, if you don’t mind.

What press? I’m from a radio station in San Bernardino. I know there’s a conspiracy about the space shuttle.

No, I want to be polite. No, I’m friendly.

It’s just a question. So, there’s a lot of rumors about you being on that space shuttle. Obviously, you know, if you want to comment, we would really appreciate it.

Kind of odd that Judith is in full panic mode when realizing the press is in her presence.

She’s no stranger to being in the spotlight. She even made her way into Hollywood for a quick cameo.

If the choice is to allow Americans to be taken as hostages or to be executed, I’ll bring my own fucking rope.

Sadan backed down. And Ambassador Wilson helped thousands get safely home.

When he himself came home to the United States, he was warmly greeted by our president, who took him to the Oval Office and introduced him to the war cabinet as

an American hero.

Commander Dick Scobee had a company called Cows and Trees. And when you went to his website, there was an animation of a cow taking off like

a rocket with a smoke stream coming out of its backside, doing a twisty curl in the air that looked remarkably just like what we saw with the Challenger.

And after we started making videos on that, and it started going viral, that website disappeared, never to be seen again.

And nobody could have predicted back in 1986 that in 30 some odd years from then, that there would be something called the internet that would bring all this

information to the tip of your fingers and you’d be able to search through pictures, Facebooks, websites, profiles.

Now these people are scared. They’re hiding their profiles, they’re deleting their websites.

They’re making their Facebooks private. Onizuka and McNair are always together.

They’re hanging out at NASA and always talking about themselves. Ellison Onizuka, if you look at clips of him back in 1986 when this happened, he

actually spoke like, uh… Every other word was, uh…

Let me say that, uh, It’s really a pleasure to be back, uh. If you look at clips of his brother Claude, now speaking, it’s the same exact thing.

Every other word is, uh. But uh, Ellison’s dream is

continued to be carried on, uh. We’re very fortunate that, uh, the…

I think we’re ready to go fly. Thanks for, uh, being out here today. His brother just so happens to be the spokesperson for the Challenger tragedy.

Why aren’t there any pictures of his brother back when this happened? Why didn’t his brother speak at the funeral?

Use your head. Former Governor Ariyoshi, who has a story about a picture that survived the Challenger disaster.

Ellison Onizuka came to see me one day, and he wanted the family photo, and he wanted to take it up on the Challenger, and he’s gonna bring it back, inscribe it,

and autograph it. But that Challenger accident happened, and I felt very sorry to lose Ellison, but I

didn’t even think about the photo. After everything else must have been destroyed completely.

About two months later, Lauren Onizuka called me, and told me that they found, in

the water, NASA found the personal belongings of Onizuka.

And she said there were two things in there. One was a monk’s prayer, and the other was his family portrait.

So I told her, oh, then it must have been in terrible condition because the astronaut, the the big bang up, and the ocean, the water, for two months.

She told me, no, it’s in perfect condition. I said, I’m gonna bring the picture over to you, and you present it to you.

And then in the meantime, NASA got the picture and they put this together for us.

Ronald McNair conveniently has a twin brother named Carl McNair, who looks exactly like him and is at a lot of the events now, but was nowhere to be found

when the explosion happened. Christa McAuliffe was a fairly new teacher just three years at that school to get her

story planted. All of these people, the parents, the astronauts, everyone involved that you saw

are crisis actors. She was in the stands to see Tuesday’s launch, a site that, she says, still

haunts her. Why didn’t I leave too? But I thought, no, I wanna stay and see it.

Then she read Mike’s invitation for the launch, Ms. Hessy said that she doesn’t know if she’ll be emotionally ready for a service like that in his hometown.

Since I won’t be able to see you all in person, let me say, thanks for coming and have a great time.

And I hope you see a good show. George Bush Sr. hand-selected the teacher, Christa McAuliffe.

What are the odds that 30 years later there is a professor at Syracuse University with the name Sharon McAuliffe?

I still can’t believe that I’m gonna actually be going into that shuttle. It just really doesn’t seem possible.

Christa McAuliffe was asked if she had any fears about her space shuttle flight. People really feel that space travel is safe now. It’s not that earlier feeling

that, oh, it’s gonna blow up or something’s gonna happen. Right at this point, I feel that I’ll be okay if I go up.

Where’s Jarvis? How come you haven’t located him? And the answer is, you know, he could have died of natural causes, a heart attack, a

car accident, you know, 3, 4, 5 years later. And it would never be reported. The reason they did it was a psychological operation to justify not doing man space

flights anymore. And to pull on your heartstrings with an emotional cover. So, if you dare question it, then you know you’re immoral.

And then, when you look into it, you find out, of course, that you have all these people still existing in the world.

So, basically, a government version of witness protection for NASA. Our nation held a vigil by our television sets.

In one cruel moment, our exhilaration turned to horror. We waited and watched.

They were waiting, and watching. When they saw the explosion, there was confusion. Was something wrong? The

principal and teachers weren’t certain either. Then, it got very quiet as the horror of it began to register.

Besides the trauma-based mind control, and putting children through that trauma, It also reinforces their model.

It reinforces their religion. Look, this terrible thing happened. We’re trying to go to space. We’re trying, you know, we’re trying to explore for science.

But, oh, look, all those people died. But at one o’clock, school was closed, it had to close.

I felt as if my whole body blew up inside when I saw that.

And I can just never be as shocked as I am now. Seeing it with my own eyes, it really just scared me.

Some astronauts blow up in a rocket. What does that do subconsciously to the average person?

They don’t don’t want to go up into space. They don’t want to blow up in a rocket. We’ll leave that to the professionals.

We’ll leave that to NASA, our government. Once they had seen the evidence on the visual screen that there would be no

survivors, it suddenly became apparent to them that they were dealing with deaths.

The government had incentivized the different public schools to play the Challenger in their classroom.

So they rolled their TV sets out, they had all the children sit down and get ready to watch it. And 20% of the American public watched the Challenger event happen live.

And within one hour, 80% of Americans had seen the Challenger tragedy happen.

So, just like with 9/11, they have everyone see this traumatic event, and then we’re all in unison and we’re traumatized.

And when it blew up, it was a form of trauma-based mind control that, you know, some people will never grow out of.

And then the emotions kick in, and you’re unable to think logically about what’s going on. Of course this was planned.

They made every school show this event live. They wanted these kids to grow up defending this tragedy. Think about how many field trips come here, unfortunately.

Yeah. And they go in and watch that Heroes and Legends thing and they come out thinking that, yeah, this is the greatest possible hero that they could ever be.

And that’s just… They’re actors, and we’re building them up higher than your father, police, military, all these people that are actually heroes.

These are actors working for a government agency. So… Next!

Hello. Hi. I’m gonna get one of these signed, if that’s all right. My name is Justin.

Justin? with an i n? Yes. With an i, n. Where are you from, Justin? Orlando.

Yeah. Picture? Not too far. No, I’m okay, but thank you. I do have a question, though. Sometimes, when we’re watching the ISS footage, you’ll see the astronauts

sometimes connected to like wires and harnesses. Is that to keep them like in the frame during the broadcast or what’s the reason

for that? You know, I haven’t actually… You mean while they’re inside the shuttle?

Yeah, like when they’re inside the ISS, sometimes during the feeds, the broadcasts, you’ll see kind of, pulling on their belts or something like that.

I, that they, I bet, that is, I have, they, bet, that is. I have, I have, I have not personally seen that.

Oh, really? I know that they, you know, they try to be still when they’re doing it, they’re talking to someone, and then they usually try to release, and do like a flip at the

end, or something like that. Yeah. Because I’ve seen the flip before and it almost looked like a foot was caught like

inside something, but there was nothing really there. It was really strange. I didn’t know if there was something to kind of like hold them in place or

something. They’ve never had anything like that. Oh, okay. But they may have learned over time that it was hard to stay still and came up with

something. Did you ever think the public would find out that all the spin walks were filmed

underwater? Thanks, sir. Did you have any comment on that?

Well, we train underwater. Oh, okay. But only training? Only training. Okay. Most of the public have no idea that the ISS is located in an underwater neutral

buoyancy lab in Houston, Texas. The space station footage that they trick us with is not traveling at 17,500 miles

per hour above your head. It’s all being filmed here on Earth.

An exact ISS replica underwater. Coincidence?

It’s a pretty simple process. Film your footage underwater, remove the water layer, add in your CGI Earth layer

and cast your spell.

1, 2, 3… Bubbles in space! The International Space Station.

That’s a complete fraud. It’s a complete hoax. I don’t believe that all these astronauts are living up there and doing all this.

Every single time that they do some type of live demonstration, you can see some type of faulty wiring, some type of glitch.

They’re literally being held up by strings. Green screens, wires,

CGI, you know, augmented reality, all sorts of issues. Think about this. They always have the women with long flowing hair that would never be allowed.

They literally spray hairspray in their hair to make it look like their hair’s floating in zero gravity.

The International Space Station, brought to you by the same guys who faked six moon missions.

Yeah, I believe that. You know, I don’t know exactly how they’re videotaping themselves.

They could be on one of those zero-G planes and, you know, doing it all in there.

I’m not sure how they’re doing it, but I don’t believe it at all. It looks like a bunch of green screen fuckery.

I don’t believe that at all. Space Station is a serious place.

We’re doing serious research, scientific research, and engineering research.

Running around in gorilla suits, going 17,500 miles an hour. There’re supposedly micro meteorites, other satellites up there.

They could die at any second. But they’re running around playing with water. They’re always playing with water,

claiming to grow lettuce. And I love this video because it looks like animation, like something that

somebody made, but it’s actually real footage from the space shuttle. Just sped up just a little bit.

And this is a little video. It’s about four minutes long here. So, there’s a space station. I love that this is not animation, this is film taken by a shuttle of the space station.

And so, this is real. It’s not animation. Now, this looks like animation and I’m very proud to know that it’s actually real film.

It’s not a video game. People are living there. I know this looks like animation, but it’s actually really real.

I love this video because it looks like animation. It doesn’t look real, but it is real. People can watch all these fuckups and trickery by NASA and all these other space

agencies, and all that goes out the window because they see a little light in the sky, and it’s the ISS.

Oh yeah, that’s the ISS. That’s all the proof they need. And everything else goes out the window.

The view will still be A OK out there. And all you need to look for is a bright light in the sky that will be moving, and that’ll be the space station.

I’ve seen the light go from horizon to horizon. There’s many problems with that light. First, it’s as bright as the sun.

It’s really bright. How is the ISS reflecting that light as bright as the sun back to me, the whole way across?

Is it made of mirrors? Is that mirror following me? Right? How would somebody 10 miles away see the same reflection?

Because it can’t reflect in all directions. It’s going 17,500 miles an hour for 12 minutes.

I could see it. So what is it? I was in communication with a NASA whistleblower and he says that they have

five B2 bombers that they’ve re-modified with some parts of them are transparent material with a thin metal strut that you

really can’t see. The bottom was overlaid with LEDs to match the color of the sun.

And they use them in their base. Two of them are in Alaska, and I forget where the other ones are. And they take

turns doing these flybys.

Good afternoon, commissioners. Today I’d like to bring to your attention a potential fraud on an enormous scale happening in your County.

There’s now clear evidence of NASA using numerous methods to grossly mislead the public about astronauts being on the International Space Station.

During interior ISS scenes from NASA’s own live feed, the use of wires, harnesses, green screens and virtual reality have been detected to achieve the appearance of

a weightless environment. This begs the obvious question, if they’re really up there, why are they using

Hollywood techniques to fake the footage? Are they in space or are they underwater?

Now what’s really interesting is that they train for space walks in an underwater pool with a complete ISS replica.

Now, surely they aren’t filming these space walks in an underwater pool, and then editing them to appear if they’re in space.

Cause that sure would be something, wouldn’t it? I’m calling on the Board of County Commissioners to open a full investigation

into NASA’s fraudulent practices and use of taxpayer dollars. It costs NASA a $3 billion per year to operate the ISS.

And if they don’t have a darn good explanation as to why they’re faking these videos, I and the public would like a darn good explanation as to where our tax money is going.

It is our duty to expose and eliminate this fraudulent and astronomically wasteful ISS program.

And look, I know what you’re all thinking. The NASA’s part of the federal government and you’re just county commissioners.

Even if what I’m saying is true, what can you do? But let me remind you, not only is this happening in your county. As public

officials, you have the platform and the ability to make a statement or hold a press conference alerting the public, state and federal authorities to

investigate further. You have the power to start the conversation.

I look forward to the day that 3 billion annual budget is put towards our veterans, our homeless, maybe some of that mental health stuff the young lady just spoke

about, and the revitalization of Rivard County. Flat Earthers, pay attention.

We’re paying attention to NASA, we’re paying attention to SpaceX. Most people aren’t, but yet they’ll defend it.

They’ll defend it. They have no idea. The Earth’s supposed radius, they don’t know.

They have no idea how far the sun is supposed to be according to NASA, 93 million miles?

They don’t know. Like, how far is the sun? Like, I don’t know, a couple million miles. I don’t know. They have no idea.

But they’re defending it to the death. You know, once you start paying attention and have an open mind. Pay attention.

That’s the worst footage ever. But we do wanna make sure that the Americans, American people understand that

there’s no need to panic. The president took this action, as I mentioned earlier, because the objects

were indeed flying at lower elevation, and they were in civilian airspace, and we wanted to make sure that we protected that airspace.

But again, you know, we wanna also make sure that the Americans do not panic during this time.

Wait, what? It’s on a balloon? Why is there a satellite on a balloon? It’s always been that way.

Flat Earthers have been talking about this for a long time. One thing that isn’t really discussed in the mainstream is that NASA, you know, of

course, we know spends more money on helium than anyone else in the world, and actually just upped their most recent contract to hundreds of millions of

dollars for helium. And they admittedly launched balloons bigger than one to two football fields.

And it’s significantly more efficient for transmission of data, for weather compilation of data. They basically have a fleet of balloons above you that are facilitating majority

of the information that we utilize. So, why do you think NASA is the world’s largest consumer of helium?

Why would they send up balloons, these satellites on balloons if they’re in

magical floating space? In the magical floating vacuum of space?

They’re showing us. They’re telling you, right now. They’re telling us in plain sight.

Hey, look, satellites are on balloons. They’re not in magical space. Right here, at this research center…

Okay. Loud, loud truck. Yeah,

I know They’re gonna make, okay.

Howdy. I’m just doing some filming. What? I’m just seeing if there’s anything we can see, we’re just doing a documentary,

No, we’re independent journalists. Are you filming me?

Oh, well, I mean we’re in public. There’s no expectation of privacy. I’m not, I’m not…

Well, we tried to call ’em, they said they weren’t doing any tours. They said they weren’t doing any tours. Hey, of course you gotta do your due diligence and, you know, make sure there

ain’t nobody out here potting shit. I get it. Like Johnson Space Center, they have guards…

They will shoot you. Yeah, they, yeah, they definitely…

Do not run up in there… We’re interested in these Sateloons, you know? We didn’t even know they existed.

It’s cool that they’re all going up on balloons. We didn’t even know. We were taught, you know, they’re just orbiting by themselves.

That they shot up with the rockets. Yeah, the shot up with a rocket. It makes more sense on a balloon. So we’re like, okay, well this makes sense.

I don’t know… Unless they got some top secret stuff I don’t know about. You don’t know about any of these satellites without the balloons?

The idea that you would need some type of box that free falls in orbit around a ball

is really just a fiction of imagination that we don’t, we don’t need that at all.

We don’t utilize that. Satellites have been on balloons since the fifties and they’ve always been on balloons.

They just lied about putting ’em in space. There’s no evidence at all of satellites in space. They would have to have a propulsion system.

Even if you believe that the Earth is a ball, you must also believe that satellites cannot propel themselves without a source

to thrust, okay? We know that they don’t have engines on ’em.

What’s making ’em go around? They don’t make sense. Then, you find out NASA owns 98% of the helium.

Then, you find out all these satellites that crashed, have balloons attached to ’em. Then, you can deduce they actually float these satellites up with balloons.

It’s that simple. If all these satellites are moving 17,500 miles an hour, some are moving this way, some are moving that way.

It’s common sense. There’s 50,000 of them. They’re supposed to hit each other eventually, but none of them hit each other?

Come on guys, wake up. There’s no satellites, there’s no proof of ’em. The only proof we have are things floating on balloons.

Arthur C. Clark, in the fifties, wrote a book theorizing about satellites falling around an Earth in an endless fall.

Shortly after, we all of a sudden had satellites falling around the Earth. Now, think about it.

The Earth is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. It’s orbiting in an elliptical orbit’s speeding up and slowing down.

It’s 66,000 miles an hour. It’s chasing this on in another curved orbit. And we somehow have geostationary satellites.

That’s a satellite that stays above the same plot of land. So it’s mimicking the spin, it’s mimicking the orbit, it’s speeding up and slowing

down, and staying over that same plot of land. And it’s just falling in a never ending fall.

That makes absolutely no sense. And now it’s openly accepted that they’re on balloons, but they’re making it seem like it’s a new thing.

This is the new way we’re gonna launch satellites, it’s on balloons, and it’s cheaper, and it’s just better.

Like, we don’t need them space ones no more. You know, people are starting to figure it out. That’s why they’re going back to balloons.

A majority of all the transmissions we use for our cell phones or “satellite TV” are all ground towers.

They all send transmissions from the ground, tower to tower, admittedly at high elevations. And, of course, we have underground and undersea cables that make up 99.9% of all

transmission. So this is just a facade in people’s mind that you have little metal boxes flying

around giving you all of your data. None of that is real.

Oh, my God, I’m calling my brother. That is freaking beautiful!

Okay, there you have an Artemis fly. Wow! It’s flying right now! Whether it’s ISS or the rocket launch, the second someone sees it with their own

eyes, they think it’s real. This is freaking amazing!

Oh, there it is. What the heck happened? They don’t even know what the fuck’s going on.

The reason that you can always find a video of a rocket from NASA taking off,

and then slowly making a U-shaped arc is not because it’s going around the ball and

going to the other side or going out in the space,

it’s because shortly after these rockets, that are funded by your tax dollars, take off, they only have a certain amount of time before they crash back to the Earth,

because they run out of fuel. It’s all made up.

So, what really happens is they launch ’em near the ocean, in Texas or in Florida, they will never launch a rocket from the middle of the country.

It won’t make it to the ocean. It’ll crash on dry land. Okay? So, NASA has to launch rockets from Texas and Florida because it’s right by the water.

If they wanted to launch a rocket from Little Rock, Arkansas, it wouldn’t even make it to Texarkana.

So, when they launched rockets in Cape Canaveral, Florida or in Houston. Houston, we have a problem.

Yeah, the problem is you can’t get past the firmament. In 1962, 7 years before they faked the moon landing, operation Dominic began.

A series of 31 missiles were shot straight up into the sky to test how high humans can actually reach.

They quickly figured out, not far at all. It seems that whenever they were shooting these missiles up into the sky, they were

actually interacting with different layers of this plasma field or this electromagnetic phenomena.

And it seems to have fluid-like properties as it actually hits a certain portion of this force field, if you will.

It begins to disperse and seek equilibrium based on the impedance of the electromagnetic layers.

Why is it, when we review this footage, that these things are exploding? It looks like they’re hitting a barrier.

Testing the strength of the firmament, and they weren’t able to penetrate it. What’s going on there?

What is this? In my opinion, I think that they were trying to find a way to possibly get out.

There’s a firmament above us. So everything is as above, so below.

Obviously many people are becoming aware that there’s a firmament above, that many people are now starting to realize is impenetrable.

No matter what you do, you can’t go straight up in the air and keep going. An interesting rocket launch was the amateur GoFast rocket.

They gave us something that NASA and SpaceX never gives us, an uninterrupted feed from their camera.

If you watch a NASA launch or a SpaceX launch, there’s 4, 5, 6 cuts before it even clears

the launch pad. Gave us an uninterrupted 72 miles, I think. Went up and all of a sudden it went chirp, flunk, it hit something.

It went up, and it appears to have hit the firmament. One thing I really want your generation to embrace is that the Earth is a closed system.

We cannot leave the Earth. There’s no place to go. There is water surrounding us in all directions, including directly above us.

We now know that there’s something called super fluid that exists. You could have helium-3, and it could actually offer full electromagnetic

propagation perpetually, without any impedance. Based on the things that I see such as Crow 777’s lunar wave observations, I

think that there is clearly a fluid-like medium above us. The waters above in ancient astronomy, which was the same science as astrology,

except one was more theological and one was more secular.

They taught that this was called the crystalline sea. And in the book of Revelation, it speaks about the crystalline sea.

It’s the ninth heaven. The waters above, it’s firm. I think the evidence is pretty overwhelming that there is a fluid-like

medium above us.

What I can tell you, for sure, is the water above is level. Because all water finds and maintains level.

I feel that’s the next wave of enlightenment, is now more and more people realizing as above, so below.

And the only way we can get above or below is to go within and

tune our frequency to that of which surpasses and passes through. Who knows?

Maybe there is some kind of firmament, some kind of firmament, and we’re underwater.

We can be underwater. Maybe there’s water above the firmament and then water down here. That could possibly be why the sky is blue.

Because behind it is the firmament which holds back water. As above, so below. God’s throne does not sit on a convex silly snow globe.

Okay? The firmament, the waters above, where he separated the waters below from above, they’re flattened level.

It’s the sky plane. The sky only appears to curve, just like the ground. There is no curvature in the sky.

There’s no curvature on the Earth. Well, Dave, the SpaceX Falcon 9 is going to launch from Vandenberg Air Force base,

and it’s going to launch in just about a minute, maybe a little less here.

Just see the trail it’s leaving behind. Absolutely amazing.

And to describe it to you, and you can see it, but from the ground, it almost looks as though…

Some of these rockets look like they’re scraping across a watery firmament, kind of like a boat dragging something through the water.

You see what resembles a speedboat going through water. You’ll see the rocket hit the firmament explode like watery, and then it will skim

along the surface of the firmament. Why is that? Well, because it’s hydrogen, it’s water.

I’m not sure what they’re doing, but they’re not flying into space. It’s almost like they’re just throwing it in your face.

Look, we’re running into a solid barrier. These rockets literally look like they’re bouncing off the ocean. Like a boat in the

ocean, creating waves. Look at it, look at the footage, look at that.

They’re putting it in our face. It’s soft disclosure. They can’t just come out and say there’s firmaments, we’re on a flat Earth or whatever else.

They can’t just come out and say it. They have to show breadcrumbs. They gotta show a trail of breadcrumbs.

They have to boil the frogs slowly. People say, well, what’s under the flat Earth?

Cause they’re thinking of a disc floating in space. We don’t know what’s under the flat Earth, cause the deepest hole is 7.8 miles.

And while they were digging that hole, while they were drilling that hole, they were using ground penetrating radar to see what they were gonna hit next.

And they were wrong every step of the way. No more rocks, no more water. They hit rocks, they hit water, right?

They were wrong, wrong, wrong. And then they hit an impenetrable barrier. They tried for years to get through and they couldn’t.

And then they gave up. But then, somehow, we have a meme that shows us a cross-section of the Earth.

The next 4,000 miles, they know exactly what’s there. They couldn’t get the first 7.8 miles right,

but they know the next 4,000. And everyone’s seen the meme of the Earth with a molten magnetic core. Another thing that they’re laughing at us, cause you can’t have a molten magnet. Any

magnet of any type, you heat it up and before it melts, it hits the curi point, and it loses all its magnetism.

Have y’all heard about the recent claim from the heliocentric priests? They’re saying that the core has stopped spinning and it’s now spinning the

opposite direction, which is gonna cause all this chaos.

Well, this morning we are learning about a shift in the Earth’s inner core. That sounds like the plot of a

Hollywood blockbuster. Scientists say our planet’s solid core, which is actually disconnected from the rest of the Earth’s layers, may actually have stopped rotating

and could even reverse course. What does this mean? Well, at first it sounds like something from a Hollywood movie.

The script says, oh my God, the core of the Earth is spinning backwards? How do they know this? I just wanna know, how do they know what the core is doing?

If they’ve only been down eight miles? How? How is that possible?

We’ve only as humans dug down a maximum depth of eight miles. How do they know what’s 3,000 miles down?

Makes no sense. So, if you look at a magnetic field on a ferrel cell, you have something called the inertial plane or the block domain wall.

That would be where we reside. We live within a magnetic field. And you can only go so far down before you’re actually gonna have the

reciprocation of that energy or that magnetic field. We know the deepest hole ever dug is around 7.8 miles, which seemingly

correlates to the deepest area in the ocean, of course, the Mariana Trench.

So, the way that I see it is, you’re actually living on the inertial plane within the magnetic field, which actually then begins to make all celestial

phenomena fit perfect within the toroid. And of course, this entire idea that there’s this magic magma core made of

nickel and iron that’s spinning at different speed than the Earth spins, is a complete fiction made up of seismic activity and speculation.

And actually, when you look further into that, they say that that causes the magnetic field with something called convection currents.

You have the geomagnetic field from the geo dynamo model, and actually, you would have a symmetrical magnetic field coming from the core as it is a sphere.

You would have the same magnetic field in the north and the south. But what the evidence actually shows is that it is not symmetrical at all.

And in the south, the magnetic field gets up to 30% weaker. There’s something called the South Atlantic anomaly, which shows that a 100%

is not some symmetrical dynamo effect causing the magnetic field. If you actually look further into the dynamo model, there is about 50 questions

that have gone unanswered. They can’t even get the math to work with super computers. It’s pure speculation that they can’t get to work.

And it seems that actually we are just prohibited from going too far down, based on pressure mediation within a magnetic field.

There was a famous scientist that sent a submarine down and hit the bottom of the ocean, and wasn’t

able to penetrate the bottom of the ocean as if there were some type of water barrier firmament.

One of the strangest places on the ocean’s floor was only just discovered in the 1990s.

And Mike deGruy is one of a handful people to ever see it in person. Without a doubt, one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen in the bottom

of the ocean, and it was while filming for Blue Planet in the Gulf of Mexico.

And I noticed there’s something out in the distance, I couldn’t tell exactly what, but it looked like dark band,

and as we approached it, the dark band became a donut. When I saw this donut, it was black in the center.

What the heck is that? And so, as we get closer and closer to it,

I noticed that the black band would appear to have kind of steam over it,

and then I looked, and there was water lapping against the shore. This band was a ring of mussels.

And inside the ring of mussels was a lake. I was like, wait a minute, I’m already underwater! I went up over the water

in this lake and tried to descend in it and bounced off. It was so super saline and dense that the submarine couldn’t go down and we

literally bounced off. And as we bounced off, we saw ripples

heading back to the shoreline. It’s because of the firmament. It’s firm.

What I believe is that this is a plane and everything vibrates. And ultimately, we have to become masters of vibration to work through

the dimensions of this plane. This is the third dimensional plane so that, this physical,

physical, physical. This is the physical plane. Now, if we close our eyes and we envision something, our brain doesn’t know the

difference between a thought and actual reality.

So, they teach us about gravity when we’re young kids. Because when you’re a young kid, you kind of believe everything that you hear.

They tell us that gravity was discovered by a guy named Isaac Newton. And by the time he was 23, he had discovered gravity, invented calculus and

trigonometry. Well, I’m telling you right now, none of that happened.

Gravity’s just a theory and an excuse, really. It’s real simple.

If there’s a force, strong enough to hold oceans

to the planet, if there’s a force, we should all be stuck to the ground. You know, the force can hold building skyscrapers, tanks, ships to it, but it

can’t hold a helium balloon. Helium balloon just flies away.

Smoke just flyes away. Everything should be stuck to the ground like a magnet. If there’s a force holding oceans to it, it doesn’t make any sense.

Once you look at gravity and you try to prove that it’s real, you’ll discover there’s no proof of it.

And that there is only proof of density, buoyancy and electrostatics. Electrostatics is a proven thing.

We all know that a positive and a negative will attract towards each other. So, the Earth has a neutral or negative charge.

Everything above it has a positive charge, and it is attracted to it. Everything that exists is electric.

There’s not one thing that exists in the entire world that is not electric. It’s actually the unifying force that keeps everything here, holds everything

together, and everything seeks equilibrium based on that. So everything’s trying to find a state of rest based on its electric phenomena or

its electric nature within the environment that we exist within. And then when you start to look further into it, you find out that on the smallest

scale, electrostatics is significantly stronger than gravity is even claimed to be. Magnitude’s greater, 10 to the 36 power to be specific.

So everything simply put, everything that exists is electric. Everything that is falling to the ground or not falling to the ground is seeking

equilibrium based on electrostatics. We can actually test this.

We can use something called a corona motor. And whenever we manipulate electrostatics, we can make things levitate.

We can make things go up or down and we can actually change how fast they go down. We can also manipulate the weight of an object simply by manipulating

electrostatics. And of course that’s how science actually works. As you do an experiment that shows you what the cause of the effect is, and you

can manipulate electrostatics and cause the effect of downward acceleration, commonly referred to as gravity.

Of course, I’ve never seen a test that manipulates space time, and you will never see that, it doesn’t exist.

Everyone thinks that the reason things fall is because of gravity, but actually everything that exists is electrostatic.

So, when everything go to the ground, they’re seeking equilibrium. So they go find their balance on the ground where their charge disperses or

spreads out in through the ground. So we have positive charge in the air, we have negative charge on the surface of the

Earth or on the ground, which is why it’s called grounding. And then we introduced positive charge, and then it went back down to the ground

to seek equilibrium. This shows that that’s actually what objects do when they fall to the ground.

They go to the ground because of the electric forces and they seek equilibrium on the Earth.

We knew about it as in the 1950s, even earlier. And it’s all been hidden because, if humans were allowed free energy, free

movement and able to explore, we would find out what this place is.

We’d find out our position in this world. And that’s the number one thing. Why? That’s why are they hiding the flat Earth?

Why? What’s the motive? And the motive is to keep us dumbed down, not knowing who we are, not knowing where

we are, not knowing the true power that we have and not having true freedom. So, ultimately, the master plan in all of this is to fake an alien invasion.

I think one of the biggest upsets with globe believers when they hear flat Earthers, is we’re taking away their star wars.

We’re taking away their aliens. We know that aliens extra thresholds have been documented since all recorded history.

I’ve actually personally seen UFOs multiple times from like the age 18 up. Probably seven different times, I’ve seen UFOs.

I know it’s a very real phenomenon. What about the secret space program? I call it the secret propulsion program.

They’re using electrostatics and other technology to maneuver around.

Maybe they’re even just pulling energy out of the air.

We can go back to, I think it was Reagan and his famous United Nations speech, talking about the world coming together, facing a universal threat.

Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bound.

I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we

were facing an alien threat from outside this world.

They knew back then that that’s the the best way, the most powerful way to get everyone to unite into a one world government.

If suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species, from another planet

outside in the universe, we’d forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries.

And we would find out, once and for all, that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together.

Well, I don’t suppose we can wait for some alien race to come down and threaten us,

but I think that between us, we can bring about that realization.

We did secure some footage of the flying disc in the hangar. The codename for the project is A KEY and it has been designed for humans to fly.

We asked the scientist in charge of the project what propulsion system the craft uses, but he would not divulge what he called classified information.

As to how much of it is manmade or something that maybe you wouldn’t understand. That’s a great question, who knows? But I think that they’ve simply reversed engineered ancient technology and then hid

it from the masses so that we don’t know what it is. And you can look back at the Germans and they explained that we’re using electric

levitic propulsion. And so, with electric levitic propulsion, you could attain a perpetual flight.

You could defy, “defy” physics. You could attain all kinds of changes in angular momentum on a dime.

Manmade technology that we don’t understand yet. I don’t know, maybe there’s other humanoids or aliens, whatever you want to

call ’em, like, that way and that way. But up there, I don’t believe it.

UFOs are real. You guys are just confused where they come from. They don’t come from some far off planet trillions of light years away.

They come from the outer lands, and possibly under the ocean. I personally believe that the government is so evil that they’re devising any type

of plan that they can to manipulate people into one world government. They call it the new world order.

One way that they can manipulate people is by destroying cities with missiles and

lasers and all sorts of destructive bombs.

And then, they can blame it on aliens. They can say that aliens are coming when really, it’s our own government.

Now, man has reversed engineered that. So we do have them here now. We know our government has this technology.

If they fake an alien invasion, they get the new world order, which they want. They thought Covid lockdowns were bad.

We found out that they pretty much lied to us about everything to push an agenda of more total control.

We’re closer than we’ve ever been to World War III, all of this other stuff. And now the only way for them to truly, in my mind, get what they want or supersede

the timeline, speed up the timeline, is the fake an alien invasion.

The moment they do that, everybody panics. The government has to step in as a one world government.

All governments come together to fight an outer worldly threat. And then, we’re all in lockdown like you wouldn’t believe, because we gotta be

aware of the alien viruses. I mean, we’re already scared of the human viruses now we gotta be scared of the

alien viruses and we’re fucked. So that’s, I think, the end game.

And it’s pretty easy to see that that’s what they’re gearing up for. That’s why they’re telling us there’s a mothership in our… No, shut the fuck up.

Like we’ve had this technology for years. They’ve taken our focus and put it up there and not to the outer lands or the

extra terrestrial areas. When someone says extra terrestrial, what does that mean?

It means extra terrain. So it’s a lot more prevalent that the world is bigger than we know, in my

opinion, than these beings are traveling millions of miles or light years away to come here.

I believe they won’t let us go past Antarctica, so they won’t let us go past Antarctica.

My favorite show in the world is Attack on Titan. I believe they’re telling us things through shows, that being one of them,

that there is potential for other land outside of what we know. If there’s more land out there, then why are we paying $1,500 a month to live?

Or in California, people are paying $3,000 to $4,000 a month in rent to live.

Why would we have to do that if all of our world could fit into Texas and then there

was more land, other places, like obviously it makes more sense.

You can still have that concept, that idea, that belief, whatever you wanna call it. You can still have that on flat Earth.

You’re not trapped in a snow globe. I honestly do believe that the government is hiding more land.

There could be thousands of continents. There’s definitely more than seven. I’ll bet my life on it.

Relax. This is only a visual concept,

although this is scientifically possible. There have advanced aircraft that can do incredible things and move incredible

speeds. But it’s for here, it’s for exploring this world, not scientifically impossible outer

space. Little green men running around, abducting people.

That’s the Hollywood mainstream narrative. There are underground caverns, there are underground cities, deep underground

military bases, dumbs, there’s all kinds of networks under the ground. Think about all the underground bases.

Think about the millions, and millions, and billions of dollars that go into black budget projects and black,

I mean, that is a whole nother industry. NASA, nobody knows what NASA does. Regardless if it’s, you know, a government hoax to instill fear and control and take

away our rights. If it’s project Bluebeam, just know that these crafts are not coming from upper,

outer space in the magical vacuum of floating balls. They’re coming from outer space, not upper space.

They’re coming from outer space. The extraterrestrials are coming from outer space.

So just know they’re not coming from up there. There’s a firmament. They’re showing you on the daily rockets bouncing off of it like water.

They’re showing you on the daily. They’re not coming from up there. They’re coming from out there. So, I’ve recently come across information from someone inside the military that is

early as 1992. They were able to attain the ability to do holography or holograms with acoustic

holograms, electromagnetic manipulation, just utilizing light, as you know, for very realistic holograms in any size and proportion that you can imagine with the

entire spectrum of dimensions. So, I would just encourage anyone that does begin to see this activity in the

sky, to always keep in mind that it could be simple hologram technology used to manipulate you emotionally to get you to be in a state of fear.

Of course, we’ve been warning people about that for over seven, eight years. That Bluebeam was given to us as a warning via the Secretary of von Braun.

But that will be their last card. He would repeat to me over and over. And the last card, the last card, the last card would be the extraterrestrial threat.

Well, at the time I kind of laughed when he said asteroids. And when he said extraterrestrials, I knew I wasn’t gonna deal with that subject.

And now we hear on the news just today, this week, that they’ve slid in another enemy.

Only this time we’re gonna protect our satellites. In other words, we have to have some reason to spend these trillions, to waste

these dollars on a space-based weapon system. And they’re all lies, a lie, a spin.

And Wernher von Braun was trying to hint that to me back in the early seventies and right up until the moment when he died in 1977. What he told me was is that there’s

an accelerated effort in place.

He didn’t mention a timeline, but he said that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could possibly imagine, and that the last card that was being held was

the extraterrestrial enemy card.

The intensity with which he said that made me realize that he knew something that he was too afraid to mention.

He was too afraid to talk about it. He would not tell me the details. I’m not sure that I would’ve absorbed them if he had told me the details or even

believed him in 1974. But there was no question that that man knew

and had a need to know, I found out. The look in his eyes made it clear to me that he knew that there was

something going on that was a big secret that he could not divulge.

That’ll probably be their last card. I think that’s where they’re heading.

They’ve got the technology, they’ve got amazing advanced stuff, which they’ve held from us, the elite families, for millennia.

And also there’s patents for this guys. There’s patents, old documents, patents, US government, Russian government, German

government, everyone. They have patents, documents from dating back to the early 1900s of building these

machines by hand. Why are they building these machines? For what? What is the whole plan?

If these are some special things coming from above, then why does man have to build him here to scare you with him?

Why does man have to create Bluebeam technology to, coming soon, scare you with this stuff?

Because none of it’s coming from above you. None of it is random, okay? It’s either coming from the outer lands, under the ocean, or they’re manmade or

Bluebeam or all the combination of what I just said. But there’s nothing coming from above your head.

So please stop. Stop holding onto your alien bullshit. Let your ball go.

My name is Joseph Spencer. I was known as a man in black.

Following seven years, acting as a counter intelligent agent for the CIA, I was recruited for a new assignment that entailed working with thin, above top

secret operations. I was aware of the black budget projects, but never knew the context of them, due to

their high level secrecy. Even the president was denied access to their inner workings.

Annually, billions of dollars are poured into black projects, which operate without any supervision or intrusion.

They have full autonomy. The operations deal primarily with advancing military technologies, most of

which have been reversed engineered from recovered alien spacecraft that had either crashed or were shot down by our military.

The public sadly, will never, ever have knowledge of these operations. Since the early 1950s, scientists have been developing holographic technology,

and over the years, improved it to a state that we can only imagine. They stood there staring at the bomber, which looks so absolutely real and solid,

that I could reach up and touch it. I contemplated the possibilities.

What if this projection was a thousand feet up in the sky? How would anyone know that that was an illusion?

The Phoenix Lights craft, witnessed by 10,000 people, was the first grand scale sky beam test upon the public.

It succeeded beyond expectations. In October, 1938, Orson Wells unleashed

his War of the Worlds radio broadcast to the American public. They were so realistically portrayed,

fast portions of the population went into panic. Terrified citizens scrabbled to evacuate their this city in robes.

America has been easily tricked by very simple memes. In the year 2024, the world will stand witness to a massive alien invasion.

Thousands of projected holographic alien warships will blanket the skies, sending people into a panic. Real military crafts within the holograms will inflict actual

damage to the surrounding areas to sell the gimmick. And as a result of the ensuing human chaos,

a one world government will immediately form without any resistance from the people. They will be the new world order.

Once this happens, we, as a people, will be tuned to enslavement and accelerated depopulation.

With that said, the only hope for human salvation is to acquire and spread the knowledge of these

activities and agendas. Resist, retaliate, then conquer this imposing enemy.

The time is now. The time is now.

The time is now.

Why would rich powerful people want you to not know the Creator, God?

Because a man of God cannot be controlled.

The Next Level 2022 Hibbler Productions

The Next Level 2022 Hibbler Productions


The sequel to “Level (2021)” – The flat earth is heavily censored and shadowbanned, yet most people turn their cheek to this life changing truth.

“Why would they lie”? The number one question regarding the deception involved with the heliocentric globe theory. A theory we are all taught in kindergarten. A theory we were told was “thousands of years old”. The Next Level will break down the many reasons for the lie as well as showing the many scientists of the past that have proven the stationary earth. Also, how John D. Rockefeller and Georges Lemaitre in 1920, changed the course of (his)-story as we know it. It’s 2022 and the truth cannot be stopped.

This is Part 2 of a 3 part Level Series by Sean Hibbeler of Hibbeler Productions.

Part 1 – Level 2021

Part 2 – The Next Level 2022 

Part 3 – Level with Me 2023

challenger only seconds after leaving the launch pad according to nasa has exploded just has the same seats that
like normal car has it’s literally a normal car in space
i should tell you that the first mission is scheduled to land on mars on july the 4th 1997. we will undertake extended
human missions to the moon as early as 2015. we launched a new spacecraft as part of a re-energized space program
that will send american astronauts to mars we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint for an eventual
mission to mars what you’re seeing here is a moroccan it is photoshop but it’s it’s passivated five
four three two one
the one thing globe leavers need to understand is that you don’t just take the spinning ball earth and flatten it
out and put it back in the heliocentric model like it’s just the only misfit
planet in its flat and the rest of the planets around no flat earther has ever said that no
flat earther will ever say that because it’s not what we believe the earth is in a pancake floating in outer space
and you will never hear a flat earther say that and if you would ever actually take the time to study it for yourself
or hear a flat earther through then you would find that it’s much different and
things would actually make more sense they’ve got the narrative control to where anyone that goes to search for this they’re going to see
pancakes floating up in space you know it turns people away or they see a snow globe
a snow globe out in the middle of space with water falling off the sides and they’re like what is this it turns them away the mainstream agenda
was to push their false narrative all these hit pieces on flat earth 2016 2017
that was pretty much the end of the youtube era where we could actually find real evidence real you know content
any search engine it’s the algorithms are suited to their favor you’re going to see all the hit pieces
you’re going to see all the stuff that’s there to debunk flat earth so it’s just it’s almost impossible to
get the real information youtube played their part in it and not just cherry picking which videos they wanted to show
but deciding whether or not they wanted you to subscribe to somebody so on several occasions and with several
different content creators i’d press the subscribe button to then find out several days or several weeks later
that i couldn’t find that content creator assuming that either been deleted or they’ve been censored beyond
belief and of course he had been because my subscription that was previously made was no longer there and i know that i
hadn’t unsubscribed to anybody and then resubscribing you’d find again that down the line that the same thing’s
reoccurred there’s a major campaign by google and youtube and all of these corporate
lying companies to discredit the flat earth why do they have that disclaimer under
every video dealing with the topic of flat earth that it is an archaic
antiquated outdated model that the ancients used to believe in of course
the ancients were stupid they didn’t know how to build gothic cathedrals and they didn’t know how to build
cities and pyramids the problem is people that think that flat earth is stupid think flat earth is
stupid because they’re thinking of a stupid flat earth and they ridicule and make fun of flat
earthers it’s absolutely ridiculous since 2015 the content providers for
flat earth have had a living hell we have been ridiculed we
have been trolled we have been censored beyond belief by youtube
it’s really difficult to get the truth out there youtube controls the algorithm
who owns youtube google these are these big corporations that came in and said
the flat earth is getting way too big people are finding this out we don’t want them to find this out
this will just completely destroy our agenda that we’ve worked so hard for we’re losing it
because of our own technology that we created so they had to get involved with
holding information and knowledge is a form of control now for new people
coming into the subject if you research flat earth the google analytic will give
you government hate propaganda against the flat earth truth
if you go to google and try to find anything flat earth related then the first thing that’s going to pop up is the flat earth society and that is
something that has absolutely nothing to do with this movement in fact it’s a completely made-up organization in
order to deter anybody looking for some sort of truth so that you’d first of all get to that page you’d see these
ridiculous accusations and this spinning disc illusion that’s going upwards in space that i can assure you nobody
believes in if the globe model was as strong as they claimed to be then there wouldn’t be so much concern with anybody
talking about a stationary earth model now everything’s fine in court and so somebody walks in with a load of [ __ ] on
you everything’s fine until somebody out there has evidence that’s going to prove you guilty
and that’s when you start acting suspicious that’s when you start panicking that’s when you start putting damage control
out there which is inevitably what these bots are what these trolls are on social media and of
course the algorithms this is just a new lie that was started in the 20s and even
before then they weren’t really teaching anything about the world and where we were it was just common knowledge one of
the main arguments that globe believers come at you with is we’ve known for two thousand years aristophanes figured it
out with his sticks and shadows well aerostatness may or may not have been a real mathematician he figured out the
shape of the earth that would have made him the michael jordan of mathematicians but nobody ever mentioned him in a book
until the mid-1900s what’s crazy is i’ve talked to some elderly people and they’ve told me that back in their day
when they were in school they didn’t even learn about people like copernicus or
galileo everything’s up for grabs at this point people like christopher columbus and any other figure in history
could be totally false or created just for some sort of agenda this is everywhere we found somebody in uh
croatia they said they were teaching flutter through the 1930s most people think that
this flat earth versus globe earth has been going back and forth for
thousands of years no it has not this is a brand new
deception they come up with these stories these fictional stories fictional characters to reinforce that
we live out a ball all of our globe provers galileo aristophanes copernicus
the pictures of them show that they’re masons but i contend that we don’t even know if they’re real all of our history
is a lie i’ve met people that said that they were taught flat earth in the early 1960s in school they were taught flat
earth and globe earth and then it kind of just went away i interviewed ruth 102 year old woman back in february of 2020
and she was taught flat earth in public school in connecticut tell me your name
ruth and how old are you today 102. 102. so you were born in
1918 1918 and um we were just talking and i asked you
what what shape the earth is and what did you say what were you taught in school when
in elementary school where did you go to school in elementary
school i went to school and school in hampden connecticut
so how does it make you feel to realize that you were right as a kid it makes me feel better it does make you
feel better right my ho oh my god that is so true my whole
life i believe you know what i was taught and then when i discovered the flat earth
because we are the center of creation that’s right we are important that’s
right we are here god’s children when all the problems that are happening
in this world today i’ll give you some good news a lot of the problems that they report
on the news aren’t even real that’s right you can’t try they’re just keeping us in
fear that’s right that’s right
that we never went to the moon that that was all fake is it right that’s
yeah so did i and we all believed it but that was just to reinforce that people to believe they can live on a ball and
they could walk on a ball oh it’s such a lie it’s such a lie but
knowing the lie is like knowing going to a magic show yes is that what we call it we call it
red this is this is your moment of waking up it’s when you go to a magician and you know how the tricks are done and
the magic no longer works on you and you’re free from the illusion so knowing this
is gonna free your heart it’s okay [Music]
happiness yes tears of joy
[Music] rockefeller seems to have a role in this he started
the general education board and continued being involved with the educational
system the fact of the matter is the people that have been in control they’re in control now and they’re going to
continue to be in control whether they pass it down or change the name whatever it may be but yeah i mean
whenever rockefeller’s name is tied to something it’s always something to question that’s for sure that’s a huge
red flag for me that they can come in and change everything we know all of history
[Music] and turn it into deception and keep teaching the deception over and
over and over again until it becomes the norm the same man who said that he wanted a nation of
workers and not a nation of thinkers this was the same person who was found guilty of antitrust violations around
the turn of the 20th century he then went on to get his fingers in all of the
education systems and of course with the promise of i’ll give you money i’ll make sure that your
school has everything that it needs as long as you push these textbooks as long as you push these narratives and
you push these ideas i’m going to give you a nation of workers and not a nation
of thinkers and that’s exactly what we’ve become now this should tell you something why we
can’t talk about literally the thing that we’re standing on why is that
knowing that there is a creator absolutely that is one of the main reasons to hide this but you know at the same time it’s it’s
nowhere in near comparison when a billion people find out that there’s more land it’s about hidden land i think
that’s possible they could be hiding land in here somewhere with us and i think that the antarctica treaty
is very very very sinister and there must be something else going on they went really really really tough with
their implementation of the you know the antarctic treaty and everything else and just to keep people away from the truth
they didn’t want people to know about more land haven’t we been fighting over land forever isn’t that what always
happens countries fighting over land but not on the outskirts of antarctica oh no
no no no fighting there they’re all in agreeance you can’t go there you can’t explore any
of it that treaty was in effect in 1959 it can’t even be questioned until the year 2041 the longest lasting treaty uh
that all of the world signed on to at the same time and is still in place antarctica is the container of our world
oceans what is beyond antarctica um why is the government hiding antarctica from us why
is antarctica completely off limits except for taking a tour of a little peninsula off of south america which is
nothing and people go well you can go to antarctica we spent months trying to actually do it i was gonna send a crew
they won’t call back you can’t even go there there’s one peninsula where you look at penguins exactly and then you
think oh i would oh i have some friends that went to [ __ ] south pole yeah yeah they put them uh in that little
[ __ ] island with penguins you can’t say we went to antarctica and you walked around it he’s like being in new jersey
and saying saying you were chilling in california it’s [ __ ] huge there’s about a hundred different companies that
you can spend a lot of money to go on a little guided tour of just that peninsula but all of those companies are
owned under one umbrella one person controls them all they don’t let anybody explore antarctica
will be a [ __ ] international headline in about five minutes australian navy ship troops facing our
way bad boys is it the turret is turning our way the turret’s turning at us we should hide
adrian and take
that’s unreal [Music]
when people say why the lie one of the main answers is they’re hiding more land [Music]
what if we can truly become free the whole reason for this is because of
more land because think about it if there’s more real estate
if there’s more resources natural resources if there’s more food for our
starving children if there’s more space more room for us to get away from the child sex
trafficking if there’s places where we can go
and other civilizations we can be a part of where they don’t
charge you for water they don’t charge you for free energy they don’t charge you for property
taxes what if there is more land nobody can go explore antarctica period
because if humanity found out there’s more land then the heliocentric theory is gone
they can’t start adding more continents on the bottom of a ball it’s just they wanted its silence right away there
is evidence out there through old maps namely the thousand-year-old japanese
kawawashi map which shows continents and lands outwardly of what they call the
ice shelf or the ice wall so why are they teaching the globe model well you see the the globe is a container
and it’s container of all the known land the jesuits and the freemasons
they needed a new model because they wanted a new world order because right now on a ball or in a snow globe there’s
only seven continents that’s all there is so everything is is very limited we have a limited supply resources are very
scarce because the earth is a globe right it’s cut off everything’s cut off if you open it up and there is more land
then there’s plenty of resources more land means more resources
that’s huge if they’re hiding something like that there’s a scene in the truman show where truman is like
i want to be an explorer when i get older i like to be an explorer like the great magellan oh you’re too late
there’s really nothing left to explore imagine if there’s like all these beautiful places to explore
still and finding out that there’s all this land it just opens up the door for discovery again have you ever heard of
the eyewitness testimony written in the books the iron republic the smokey god worlds beyond the polls
in the late 1800s there was a series of articles written in florida magazine about a politician that was tired of
what was going on here got a big ship and a crew was exploring antarctica and he went
found a passageway through and he popped out into the ocean was lost for about a month finally they found land with a
city and they pulled up and it was a very advanced quite different civilization and are
very friendly and they stayed there and that he writes about all the experiences he had there in the late 1800s they were
talking about more land beyond antarctica remember the word extraterrestrial means extra land
they’re telling you that there’s more land in here that they don’t talk about
there could be more land in some of the oceans where it’s just all blue on the map nobody knows you’re
not cruising around on big ships or flying over it on planes and looking you know nobody’s out there
charting anything have you heard of such a thing as no-fly zones for instance you
can’t fly in certain areas near the arctic circle or the antarctic circle
the reasons being is because there are lands there that we’re not supposed to know about they
don’t want those lands to be discovered all these corrupt systems that are stealing money from us
kidnapping our children just doing horrible things they rely upon
the cattle staying on the ranch the slaves on the plantation
that’s why flat earth is the most important the most important knowledge we can obtain is because there is more
land don’t look at us and say go prove it
it won’t allow us to go prove it we’re not the lazy ones here
we’re being restricted from going to prove this to you
so because of that of course we’re gonna speculate it’s a red flag if that’s not a red flag
to you i don’t know what is they won’t allow us to go allow us to go
if we go and there’s nothing there i’ll admit i’m wrong but all signs pointed that they’re
hiding more land you have to have permission to do
everything you have to have permission to marry the love of your life
you have to have permission to travel down the road when we have the inable right to travel from point a to point b
you people think you’re free you’re not free you’re free-range chickens that’s what you are your
free-range chickens held in an area you’re not allowed to go past and if not
you go to jail you get shot stay on the plantation do what you’re supposed to do pay your taxes and shut
up right well if there is more land and i sincerely believe that there is then
that’s the perfect reason to lie to everybody it’s not just about hiding a place for for more resources and where
else we can go and dig for gas and gold it’s not about that they’re hiding freedom they know that as soon as we all find
out that there’s another place to go without dictatorship that we’d be gone there’s endless
amounts of everything and um there’s so much more land out there and there’s many places to explore and
um they just want to keep us here in the middle of the pond um stuck here thinking that this is all
there is what happens to the price of gold and all natural resources if there’s more land gold can’t go to a
dollar an ounce gasoline can’t go to 20 cents a gallon we can all have you know
thousands of acres of land to ourselves the whole system crumbles
the entire system crumbles period on the other hand we have uh the north
which is also off limits i went on my first official trip
i was going with my father and my grandpa sinclair up to the north pole
it was a very glamorous destination i figured i was finally going to be led
into the reason for the existence of this
high security arctic base
that was exactly right we drove slowly
through and past the buildings on a special top secret mission
and that’s when i understood just how powerful and wonderful my
father was the north pole is a biggie it’s always been in my mind
i’ve juggled with the idea is there hidden lands could they have possibly hidden in continents in the arctic ocean
which is seemingly an ocean they could hide land there many many old
maps will show you the hyperborean four continents and in the center axis monday
and i think that’s what’s there i think that is mount meru and i think that gives off an acoustic device there’s
definitely something special going on up there and if you just think think about that long enough
why do compasses point north i mean that’s really wild in itself what if we all took our compasses out and just
followed them until it stopped a compass will always point
north towards the magnetic north there’s some kind of force or
some type of energy frequency of vibration that’s pulling that needle
to the north it’s crazy to think that all compasses are pointing north
to the north pole no compass points south there is no south pole there’s no compass that’s
going to go over go south and no it’s it’s come pass come to the north
there’s something there i think we could all agree there’s something there and it’s crazy that they cover it up
they’ve covered it up for so long there’s ancient civilizations the nordics there’s people have talked about you
know the rupers [ __ ] the the uh mount meru the giant magnetic
mountain at the center an entire magnetic mass or a mountain that is strong enough to
make everybody’s compass point north when i was a kid in school they showed us a national geographic video of the
guys they’re getting to the north pole and they just basically made it look so horrible and miserable and dark and cold
that no kid ever in his life would go hey i want to go to the north pole so if you watch any documentary about the
north pole or anybody venturing to the north pole all you’re going to find is some dude mobbing on the ice sheet
and he’s got a little device in his hand he’s like three two one north pole
and that’s not the north pole man that’s [ __ ] [Music]
so what this is [Music] it’s a map
[Music] my father showed me a map like this once
[Music] inside this circle is your world
and my world many others no one knows how many
the dark tower stands center of all things
and it stood there from the beginning of time and it sends out
powerful energy [Music] [Applause]
i think that there’s possibly a north pole or part of the electromagnetic torus which gives off green light which
you see as the northern lights the north pole is the center
of the earth it is a hyperbola because we live in a toroidal field
solar system there must be a plane of inertia intersecting it in the middle and there
must be a hyperbola hourglass in the middle in the srimad bhagavatam
kanto 5 it calls this mount meru and why are we not allowed to go
anywhere near there well simply because you cannot go there it is a magnetic
toroidal hyperbola therefore there is no way that you can fly
anywhere near the north pole in the center of the earth admiral richard bird said he found more
land uh you know in the north as well as the south there’s a book called the smoky god of a
father and son that ended up finding more land and a race of giants with technology beyond your
wildest imagination cartographers have charted you know maps with land in the center you know where i’ll
come to this point there’s just a lot of evidence pointing to more land so yeah 100
i would put my life on if there’s more land at the north it’s just as heavily guarded as the south can’t like go go
check the north and oh yeah let me go check i’ll take some pictures and videos and come back
you’re not even get that close you’re going to be turned around the same as the south
all the way up until the 1600s they had four landmasses around the north pole
region and right after the 1600s is when it slowly started disappearing until finally it
was all gone and you can verify this for yourself if you just go back before the 1600s and
look at maps of all sorts you’ll see these landmasses on each one and then
sure thing these land masses just started being deleted from history
so what are they hiding at the north pole
if we sit back and observe all of this evidence this eyewitness testimony that the verdict
would come back guilty it would come back guilty
okay you are moving a thousand miles an hour as earth rotates you are moving 18
18 miles per second in orbit around the sun and you don’t
feel any of that okay okay you don’t feel anything if it’s trying to fling you off the earth
okay but the force of gravity is resisting back by what force is it trying to fling you
off that upward centrifugal force subtracts from the gravitational force that the
earth is trying to put on you it subtracts okay so chuck what do you weigh here
here and now 192. i’ll give you the 190 pounds okay okay
so if you do the math you run to ecuador because we’re in the western hemisphere so let’s stay there you run to ecuador
you will not be 190 pounds you’ll be like 185 pounds
what that’s how significant it is that’s and i think i did there are pounds less
that you weigh for living on the equator than from living anywhere else simply because the
spinning earth is trying to fling you off yes
yes if the earth is spinning at a thousand miles an hour in a curved trajectory
we’re dropping at a rate of miles per minute but somehow none of that inertia affects
these rocks here which are perfectly balanced the fact is the earth is
stationary and that is scientific not pseudoscience
in 1879 george airy astronomer royale for 49
years who did a telescope experiment and proved that the earth was stationary
then we have parallax also known as robotham who carried out an experiment
in the late 1800s on the bedford levels experiment where he went at a distance
of six miles which should have showed up some sort of curvature of around 16 foot
no curvature was seen at all then we have
michelson molly and sanyak in the early 1900s with their interferometers
using light instead of telescopes this time and with their interferometer
experiments they proved that the ether over the earth the field is moving and
the earth is stationary we also have michelson
they did an experiment in the 1930s and proved that the earth is stationary one
of the greatest science experiments of all time in my opinion is from marconi
marconi in 1901 set up transmitters to send radio waves like signals wireless
signals across the ocean atlantic ocean okay so he has one set up in europe and one set up in canada okay
and they’re sending signals there i think the letter s was the first one boom
and it worked almost 2 000 miles across the ocean they got the signal
there’s no curvature you’re talking about 600 miles of curvature between the two
points but it worked because all water is level
[Music] i don’t even know if he was trying to talk about that at the time it was just
more about his technology that he was coming out with and have you learned about that in school
no then we have pierre luigino a colleague of marconi and before he died
he showed people in his laboratory how the earth is stationary you can go
to my channel mr astro theology and you can see uh videos of mr
pierre luigi iguina proving in his laboratory with strobe lights how you can prove quite easily
that the earth is stationary every scientific experiment throughout time looking for axial rotation or curvature
has proven the opposite they don’t teach this in schools any observation when you go outside on a
calm morning you can see a perfectly glass lake and your sensors will tell you that you
know nothing is moving we stationary earth is we have science real
science on our side and the globes have pseudoscience in
fact all they have is einstein saying i have come to believe that no optical experiment
can prove that the earth is moving and yet the earth is moving science yeah albert
einstein i always recommend people go watch albert einstein in his interviews
interviews he’s reading cue cards
he’s reading notes that someone handed him kind of like people on tv nowadays there is no
optical experiment ever been conducted that can prove that the earth is moving
the earth is spinning at a thousand forty miles an hour you can’t feel it you can’t measure it you can’t observe
it you can’t repeat it but trust us there’s not one experiment that shows the earth is spinning
or moving whatsoever there is however an experiment that was proven
in behind the curve bob nodell was uh talking about the ring laser gyro showing that there is a apparent 15
degrees drift throughout most of the day when we turned on that gyroscope we
found that we were picking up a drift a
15 degree per hour drift and this was taken out of context it was uh later the
experiment was done at a higher altitude and it showed a different uh rotation speed which absolutely proves it’s not
the earth that’s moving that it’s the ether that is spinning above us netflix is mainstream netflix is you know the
alternative mainstream narrative netflix can’t go against the grain they’ll lose their contract a documentary like a
mockumentary i’m sure someone watched our movie and was like whoever made this movie is a government
chill and sure they’re just trying to hide it and that’s what they want on it trying
to hide it he accidentally proves that the earth is round
it was the biggest mic drop it was the big like you kind of cut it cut it the thing is
we have technology that is out running their lives now we have time lapse imagine that we have time lapse where we
can point at the sky and year after year day after day hour after hour
the sky’s spinning
[Music] every day there should be different stars
random stars in the sky if we are traveling at 650
million miles an hour which is mark 870 000. do you really believe that every
year we move through space [Music]
at five and a half trillion
miles every year and yet every year the same stars keep
turning over our earth aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo
libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces
year after year after year and yet none of those constellations distort change
shape get brighter there has never been in recorded history we have never seen
any star get brighter or dimmer or
any shape of those constellations which are still recognizable today as they
were thousands of years ago they never suffer any parallax or distortion
polaris has never moved in all of recorded history point your camera up at polaris and do a
time lapse and watch god’s perfect timepiece spin a bucket
[Music] and we move
five trillion 694
million miles through space every year congratulations to you if you
believe that it’s called education indoctrination and dumbing
to reach our down if you look back in history you got universal their company they started off
with a logo with the globe in it but it wasn’t until like the 1920s that they actually had the the motion one where it
was a spinning globe and they actually had an airplane in the early ones like leaving a a chem trail that said
universal which is kind of funny nobody has been high enough to even see what it
looked like they were definitely trying to instill the image of a globe in people’s heads because obviously early
on in the movie industry they were one of the most popular companies to make movies so people were going to the
theater and seeing this globe
so they’re showing you a globe before every single movie to program your mind they were showing this globe before they
even went up there to see what it was i think the first man ever to go up and check this picard going up there i mean
that’s a story we’re not taught in school from the practical point of view professor picard’s experiment is of the
highest possible importance these timelines these dates these these these are facts we got august picard coming
out in the 1930s in an actual publication by a science journal saying
that the earth looks like a flat disc with an upturned edge besides universal programming you had walt disney
programming you with space documentaries for almost 15 years straight some pretty
crazy propaganda in the 1950s there was one called man in space he’s talking
about taking men to the moon in a rocket and then if we cruise on we got richard
e byrd he goes on long jeans chronoscope and he’s sitting down and he’s telling people strangely
enough there’s left in the world today an area as big as the united states that’s never been seen by a human being
shortly after richard e bird did that interview they put the antarctic treaty in place and then one year later nasa is
established almost zero hour at cape canaveral and
in large 16 millimeter pictures show a monkey specially trained and conditioned for voyaging in space
two monkeys had been selected for the job they called them able and baker a and b of course
in fact the monkeys came down safely near antigua reported none the worse
after blazing the trail for human space travel [Music]
they come in and they’re the gatekeepers for your minds like they’re making sure that people
think that they live on a spinning ball and that’s their sole purpose that it has always been their sole purpose
that is a magic of engineering i would wear a mask on my face in a nanosecond
but unfortunately we lost the technology it can take days even weeks to produce
just a single image the dazzling final results enough to keep us all dreaming
nasa is hiding the freaking flatness of the earth why
it’s okay to say i have a fisheye lens right
because yeah official lenses are useful you know you get more you know in architecture or you know realtors use
them but when you’re doing it too much and you’re not really coming out and
saying why questions build up
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
[Music] 1923
a fisheye lens was invented so these space agencies had a heads up already
and the fisheye lens was originally i think 27 thousand dollars to purchase
and this is in 1923. i mean today that’s about 100 grand 200 grand equivalent
in cost and people will tell me hitler i i’ll give you that nasa
is a lying government entity right but what about red bull
rebels just an energy drink and i saw felix baumgartner jump out of
the space capsule flat earthers did a great job of debunking that as of course it’s a fish
island it’s not even a question what most people don’t know is that neil degrasse tyson you know the
science priest of modern day that everybody loves and they listen to
him oh he’s so smart well he is a smart man in the sense of he
knows that we debunk the [ __ ] out of that and that dude who jumped out of a perfectly good balloon felix baumgardner
edge of space jump now you know i i don’t it’s funny he
wants to i don’t have a problem if he doesn’t but the the honesty of it would greatly
diminish what i think people thought he was actually doing and not only that they made sure to photograph him
standing there with a really wide angle lens which curves horizontal lines so in
the photo you see this curvature of earth’s surface and he’s like wow he’s in space
look at that no he’s not at that height you don’t see you don’t see the curvature of the earth
is he just don’t that stuff is flat
so we put so much pressure on neil degrasse tyson to come clean he had to we exposed
felix baumgardner that’s a complete fish-eye lens there’s no
curvature at all on this earth let alone they’re trying to sell it as 20 20 23
miles up there’s curvature [Music] even though people will sit there and swear they saw curvature out of an
airplane 10 miles high yeah okay so your priest neil degrasse tyson admits 23
miles up no curve how do you feel about that
all right maybe you say this no big deal okay even though felix bumgarner himself
said he could see the curvature of the earth it’s almost overwhelming when you’re standing there in a precious suit the
only thing that you hear is yourself breathing you can see the curvature of the earth you can see the sky is totally
black you can see the curvature of the earth you can see the curvature of the earth you can see the curve
that’s 120 000 feet four times higher than most passenger planes fly
so that should make you go hmm right away what’s going on here
who’s lying right but you don’t think there’s an agenda here you don’t think people are lying
here fast forwarding to recently richard branson his ugly ass mr
billionaire himself officially the first billionaire to travel to space to richard branson so you go 63 miles up
you would all probably assume that of course you could see this giant curve of
earth you’re 63 miles up holy [ __ ] richard branson
supposedly goes up 63 miles even though it’s nothing but fisheye lens footage we
expose that here comes neil degrasse tyson again damage control time oh by the way you didn’t ask but i’m going to tell you do
you know how high up above the earth he was taking 63 miles well yeah right so take a school room
globe and that’s how high above it is he so he’s about two millimeters
above the surface of a schoolroom globe so nobody has seen the curvature of the
earth from that height just i just want to make that clear you can’t see the curve out of an airplane
right 10 miles you agree i hope you agree so far okay so 10 miles up no curve
red bull 23 miles up no curve branson 63 miles up no curve
so where is this curve at that you swear by
because if you live on a ball i don’t care how big the ball is it could be four times the size of what they told us
you would still see a physical curve at some point that’s what
the horizon is supposed to be that’s what that’s how the sun is going i mean
there’s a curve of the earth all these theories involved with the curve of the earth
[Music] get thrown out the window that’s that’s then you know that that that’s what
happens with a new company this is the fiction section fiction means it’s a made-up story oh hey elmo i
bet we can find your galactic gayle comic book here we all know who our enemies are they are
called the globalists with their false idol that they give
children on the teacher’s table at kindergarten the false globe of
the global agenda people are just deceived i mean i grew up from kindergarten river
globe my kids you know they graduated from kindergarten it was a freaking globe they gave them a global graduation
to take home like an inflatable bishop and i was looking at that and going oh my god we are taught that the earth is a
ball before we can talk in school there’s a globe in the class one of the first worksheets we get is a cheat on
the orbits of the planets and the sun and i actually still remember that sheet i i did it i got it right i was so proud
of myself uh sesame street as astronauts on disney it’s all globe programming so
your entire world belief is around this if you think about it they’ve gotten us at a very very young age with the lying
before we we have any critical thought the capability of thinking for ourselves
they’ve they teach us lies from the very beginning from tooth fairy santa
dinosaurs you know with santa for instance i mean
we’re taught this lie you better be good we need you to stay in line and be good don’t be naughty be
nice you want to be on that nice list santa will come and bring you this material gifts
and then fast forward you find out santa isn’t real
for what five six seven years however long the lie went on for you’ve been conditioned a certain way to act a
certain way so you’ll fall in line you’ll do exactly what mommy and daddy tell you what the teachers tell you
and when you realize that lie it’s subconsciously you’re you’re taught at that point it’s
okay to lie it’s okay lie it’s okay to accept lies it’s okay for people to lie to you it’s
okay for you to lie so the whole world is a [ __ ] liar everyone’s a [ __ ] liar now because they were taught at a
very young age it’s okay to lie they get you with these lies of tooth fairy and santa at a young age so when you’re an
adult you can’t tell the difference between a lie and in reality and when you do find out it’s possibly a
lie oh it’s okay you’re subtle you’re um you’re just you’re passive you allow the
lie because you’re just you’re used to it’s okay to lie you’ve been conditioned your entire life it’s okay to lie it’s okay to be lied to so when the lie comes
out people are just like okay whatever got to turn on my fox news got to go to the bar got to go watch my
my football give them bread and circuses and they will never
revolt when people hear about flat earth when i talk to them about it they they think it’s the dumbest thing ever they
think i’m uneducated they don’t realize that they don’t know what they’re talking about and people
say well what about chips over their eyes and you explain that what about sunset you explain that what about season you explain that
and then they throw their hands up they go why does it matter why what difference does it make i still have to go to work tomorrow that’s right where
they want you they want you working in your slave job they want you obeying orders doing what you’re told and living
paycheck to paycheck and just not realizing where you are the truth is we’re not spinning out of control lost
in space where an asteroid could take us out they want us believing we’re running out of fuel they want us to believe we’re
running out of food when anyone can go and get a seed sticking into the ground water will fall from the sky and food
will grow out of the ground there is no shortage of water food space every
american family could have a half an acre in texas and the rest of the country would be empty they’re lying about everything you let your kids get
raised and taught by other people that you don’t know what they’re learning everybody’s disconnected there is no
harmony or anything going on with human beings we’re all scattered disconnected and
pretty much what they’re doing with teaching us this whole lie about the earth being a ball and
you’re flying through outer space and dinosaurs used to roam the earth and if they’re these powerful beings could get
wiped out by a comet then what are we going to do if a comet con we’re done so
the heliocentric model not only manages to keep us all completely worthless floating amongst the stars in space but
it also keeps us in fear that we’re either going to knock into something in the future or
there’s going to be something that then bangs into wars that causes some sort of horrendous collision and we’re all going
to die or maybe you know some cartoon satellite has found another planet where
there could be like flesh-eating monsters on there and it’s you know some sort of crazy [ __ ] that they they throw
down your face and try and say you know this is as well as everything else that you’re scared of keeping your house
keeping your health keeping your family together there’s also a chance as well that some rock may fall from the sky and
kill you tomorrow another thing people don’t know is that not only in 1920 did rockefeller
change all the textbooks and come up with his own agenda of what they want you to know
but there was a man named george lemitre i felt like einstein passed the torch to him or
something they were good friends apparently and george lemitre was a catholic priest
yeah a catholic priest in 1920 he said hey we came from a big bank
it’s all about 1920 was a crazy year huh 1920 they said we came from a big bang
we exploded for nothing well how do you prove that well no you can’t but that’s what was stated
so here’s this catholic priest where in my opinion they knew that even though non-religious people knew
the earth was flat and stationary they were trying to
group just call flat earthers at that time they’re flat earthers they’re all religious people
so let’s bring forward a catholic priest look he’s not a scientist he’s not
government he’s a priest he’s catholic he’s holy this is brand new
this isn’t thousands of years old this isn’t the big bang’s been around for thousands of years heliocentrism been
around for thousands of years no they create fictional characters galileo copernicus
they create characters to support the the new world order their agenda
the way they change the entire school system and structure of what we know and all the information and
knowledge that we obtain if it’s f if it’s false then yeah they got their goal a nation
of workers not thinkers no one thinks what’s the circumference of the globe
i have no idea how fast is it spinning at the equator
don’t know how uh fast is it orbiting the sun
cody how do you have glasses on
how fast is the sun is the sun moving man i i you’re asking some questions i’m
not ready to answer let’s see this is the point you guys laugh at flat earth
but one you don’t know what flat earth is and worse is you don’t even know what your own solar system is they don’t know
their own model you can ask them how what’s the radius of the earth how was it found what’s the speed of the earth around the sun how fast they are
spinning at the equator how fast is it chasing the sun how many miles does it go a year how far is the sun nobody they
don’t know any of these things but yet they defend this and they ridicule and make fun of flat earthers all the things
that i was patronizing and condescending and going i was sloughing off that’s not worthy of me they rose up to eye level and i remember
saying boy the world is flat i’m looking it in the eye i see further i see wider i see clearer
i settled on uh near infrared like some of these cameras can be converted to near infrared you know
so then i started taking photos and since i was doing a lot of flying i started going up
and boom i was actually amazed to see the incredible flatness that you get from
high altitude everywhere i looked there was like clues that yours is flat
and i was like this is blowing my mind everywhere i looked ears is flat and nasa is lying about the curvatures i
said something is eerily wrong over here man
when i saw across the gulf right off the coast of texas there in louisiana flying to orlando and i saw
all the way out in the distance and you could even see the razor right at a different angle that that tripped me out
but if you really go up high then you realize oh my god tears is extremely flat
this would be impossible on a globe there is no eight inches per mile square equation for curvature
of eight inches per mile squared has been debunked over and over again the flat
earthers with their p900s and their p1000 cameras are constantly seeing things way off way off beyond the
supposed curvature of it in fact many tests have been done with lasers
cameras filming mountain ranges three four five six
seven hundred miles into the horizon which are visible and
shouldn’t be visible if we were living on a globe this is how much
distance he covered with his camera and he could see from here
the rocky mountains there you go [Music]
there is no eight inches per mile square there’s no way you can see 500
miles on the other side of this ball there’s no buildings that are curving backwards if point a to point b you’re on a ball you
know they’re not going to be flat up and down like on our flat earth they’re going to be like this there’s no tilting they’ve measured
distances from the base of buildings to the top level
and flat people look out at the ocean and you see ships and stuff and it appears like
these ships and boats they go down and that is a huge factor
as to why people think the earth is round if you look at the ocean or a lake it
looks flat look at that look how straight and flat that horizon is
looks flat doesn’t it see it looks like a table or a board now
once in a while you might see mountains or hills but those are just like little bumps on what looks like a flat earth a
ship sail away they don’t disappear all at once
now first the bottom will disappear see the bottom of the ship is gone
now we can see midway up and then the whole thing disappears so people realized that the world is curved i mean
it’s a big curve but it’s curved that’s what we call pseudoscience you could buy
a camera now that zooms times 100 and you could zoom in on these ships and boats leaving your
view and your human eyeballs view and pull out a camera and zoom in on it and
suddenly you’re back it’s on top of a level surface still cruising so the
limit of your vision is where the sky meets the ground due to perspective as they come together
that’s the limit of your vision that’s called our horizon the horizon is optical if you had a super zoom camera
you can zoom in and make this angular size bigger to reveal
small objects that you couldn’t see and then when you zoom out
it goes back together and things disappear into the horizon not over we
see skylines beyond what we’re supposed to see i mean the
visibility from 100 200 500 miles away it debunks the whole eight inches per
mile squared photogrammetry i think is one of the the best way to convince yourself you do multiple images of the
ground and then you put in the software and you realize how flat it is you’re thinking yourself it’s your data
nobody’s lying to you you’ve taken the data yourself it’s not j tolerance that’s trying to
you know troll you like some people they’re like he’s trolling people man and it’s not spacex or nasa doing it
either it’s yourself yeah it’s yourself you’re doing your own experiment many times when you’re looking out over water
there’s waves well those waves will block um entire city skylines
if this was a wave right near right near me if my face was a city skyline it
blocks just the bottom but if that wave was closer to you it blocks much more of it it’s all
perspective and i thought i wasn’t going to get anything that would beat this until i found this photo from rand grandmere
state park this is from joshua to wiki and what you’re seeing here is a mirage typically we would not be
able to see this this image would be viewable from much much higher in the sky up in space the story has been one
of the most viewed stories on our website ever they say my explanation is a cover-up a cover-up to their belief
that this picture is proof the earth is flat the one goal i had was to prove that what people are seeing from the
other side of lake michigan is not a mirage that they are actually seeing the city [Music]
what do you think i think it’s amazing dude
it certainly didn’t it’s not a mirage i can tell you that no
our focal point was the sears tower which is also known as the willis tower right yes the willis tower the willis
tower and we can see it the entire time we can see it the entire time
that’s not a mirage that’s not a garage
i was shocked to find out that there are a number of people that believe the earth is still flat and that to them
this is actually proof that the earth is flat one person just questioned me and asked me for a
retraction of the articles and lies uh a lot of people try and kind of be nice about it well are you sure you did
it right and then they send me links that the earth is flat uh and some are just pretty straightforward about it and
the title replies calling me a deceiver and that uh i should check my degree or quit
telling lies on television it got me questioning a lot of things was or were my
calculations right no you can obviously see chicago
from that far away it really is the chicago skyline we can see things farther and farther away than that
and prove it you can prove it yourself you can go there on a clear day and see the same thing
you can go do the same tests and prove it to yourself that’s the best way to do it right prove it to yourself
that you’re not taking anyone’s word for it it’s you’re doing your own experiment it’s not a mirage it’s not an illusion
it’s chicago from 60 plus miles away i mean we could barely see the street
sign a few blocks ahead of us on a foggy day i mean they’re spraying our skies with [ __ ] all the time you can open your
weather app right now and it’ll tell you the visibility but that’s how far they’re telling you
you can see the weather patterns there’s so many different factors of why we can’t see that far
we’re not superheroes i mean take any flat and level road
around your house safely test it out make sure it’s level when you take your camcorder and you bring it all the way
down to the ground and you zoom in and you see all this distortion and it kind of vaporizes and globe heads want to add
like that this bridge is bending around a curve and there’s the curve it’s like no
it’s it’s an optical illusion that’s all it is this has been replicated many many times there is no
curvature stop fooling yourselves that even something like the sun when it goes across this huge plane
it sets and it disappears due to perspective so you’re seeing it
come and go on such a vast plane it’s so huge
that the sun can come through and go so far away
that it just goes out of your view and behind so many false horizons
i.e mountains trees forests city buildings just really tall things keep in mind the sun is much
smaller and close [Music]
this is an intelligently designed and created place as someone who starts rotating around
knowing that we can only see a certain amount of light i think what one percent there’s only there’s only so much light
our eyes can actually see unless you’re on like dmt i’m sure you can see way more lights but naturally we can’t see
that many lights in the sky all ancient civilizations spoke about other bodies
other lights in the sky that may or may not be visible to us at any given time it’s crazy though when you see solar if
you don’t see the moon at all i remember as a kid like where’s the moon though and it’s like you just see this black circle and
everything goes back to normal it seems like it’s like that what the heck just happened on the total eclipse of the sun
the shadow that the moon casts on the earth is only 70 miles wide that is
impossible but then they come up with umbra and penumbra and it’s just stuff to confuse your mind we have a
infinitely far sun sending diagonal rays from the side and straight
rays from the middle where they cross each other it makes absolutely no sense i went live a few years ago on youtube
during the 2018 eclipse in the united states um on a live event and we were
all waiting for the moon to actually show up to cause this elliptical
this eclipse and all we found was no moon showed up
so that blew my mind to think that there was actually no moon visible yet this
this effect of the sun literally being covered by an object i had witnessed why can’t we see
the moon approach the sun eclipse the sun or exit the sun and we don’t we just
see a black circle eclipsing the sun we never see it next to the sun now people
say well it’s because the sun is so bright when the moon is totally eclipsing the sun you should be able to
see the features on the moon you should be able to with a regular camera with your regular eyes with an infrared
camera but it has never been seen there’s only been anti-flat earthers that will fake an image and fade it into
a picture of the eclipse there’s no video of it think about what a an amazing video
would be if they could film it from the international space station or from the moon itself never happens because i don’t believe it
the moon that we see is what’s eclipsing the sun there’s lots of ancient mythology
about other dark bodies there could be um anomalous bodies up there they’re not
actually visible to us a celestial body that we perhaps can’t see because you know there’s no on the the spectrum of
light there’s only we can only see one percent of all the light rays gamma rays x-rays
you know we can’t see these certain frequencies and energies and lights what happens is
the sun is eclipsed by the so-called moon but it’s not the moon it’s actually the north node
there’s been you know times documented in the past where there’s you know this eclipse the moon’s supposed to be
eclipsing and there’s no moon anywhere in the sky nowhere anywhere
and that makes absolutely no sense so there’s got to be another celestial body the oldest ancient symbols and it’s the
black sun a celestial body that we perhaps can’t see
a lot of ancient civilizations always spoke about a black sun it’s like why are they talking about a
black sun for hundreds if not thousands of years
and that information now has turned into oh the black sun is an evil thing it’s
like well yeah of course that’s what they’re selling it they’re selling it to you as an evil thing to stay away from it they already don’t want you to like
the real sun in the sky they push it so far away they want you
to not care about it there’s a reason it’s close to you
there’s a reason it’s here for us there might be more suns and moons on the outskirts of antarctica in the outer
lands there might be more suns and moons there might be more suns and moons in our world here but we just can’t see it
and you talk about the seasons itself seasons prove the earth is a stationary plane with a local sun
when the sun is circling over the earth over here in the tropic of cancer these people here they have summer
but six months later the sun is over here it’s going around over here
so australia down here and south africa and south america now they have summer
because the sun is local it’s not 93 million miles away and the sun and the moon revolving and springing into the
center seasonally and then springing back out again this makes perfect sense than a spinning ball hanging on an
invisible skyhook at a degree of 6.66 of a supposed access which tilts the
earth people need to stop defending a theory that they were taught in kindergarten so at sunrise every sunrise
should be arctically cold because that is the most severe tilt possible and to
make it worse in the northern hemisphere in the helio nonsensical model
the sun is three and a half million miles farther away in our summer
but when the sun shows up on the horizon i can feel the heat on my face immediately i can get a suntan in june
but in december at solar noon when the sun is at its highest point in the sky i can look up in the sun and barely feel
the heat on my face and also it’s three and a half million miles closer the whole tilt thing doesn’t make any sense
and when the sun is on this side it only illuminates this part of the
earth because it’s local and this part is dark that will be night
so it’s quite easy to understand day and night and the seasons and explain them on the
flat earth than it is with the globe model someone who stars are rotating around
our heads like a perfect clock and it goes out of your view is taking the light with it
this is an intelligently designed and created place the sun does move about 15 degrees per
hour uh through the sky but when it gets close to the horizon it kind of stops and it stays there and it moves at a
different speed i filmed this several times with my drone
no humidity [Music] and not over water
and it’ll just stop and sit there [Music] and then it kind of just fades away as
it goes into the distance
but at the same time because of perspective i have friends that were down at the beach that saw the
sun set 10 minutes earlier from the bottom up and that’s simply because they’re looking across a span of water
that has a hill with trees a tree line on it which is hundreds of feet over their heads but from their point of view
it’s at eye level and as the sun moves away it just gets eclipsed by the tree
line which they think is eye level but it’s high up in the sky water it’s always flat always level
so starting at the northernmost point as far as i can get of lake michigan
and then traveling south you can see that red line here that the body of lake michigan is
574 feet above sea level and it’s level there’s no change in elevation there’s
no curve this cross section shows what an undisturbed body of water looks
like in that level we know that to be true there’s three properties of liquids they have mass
they take up space and they always take the shape of their container the physics of water is to
find and maintain level so if it’s in a cup to this lake behind me to the seas to the oceans that’s why i
call it sea level because it’s flat and level no matter who tries to sell you the idea
that water’s curving over a ball it’s just not happening that’s the number one proof right there
just water alone water alone proves that the earth is flat because water always finds and maintains
level period water does not curve [Music] in its temporary state it’s finding its
level once it it hits the ground and finds its level it remains level i never even thought of the idea of water
maintaining its level and that alone just was like mind-blowing like
absolutely water has to maintain his level like it’s always if it’s calm and there’s
nothing going on you know it’s you look at a lake it’s just chilling flat it has to be it can’t curve
there’s nothing you can say or do to ever show water bending or curving water needs to be contained
no matter what you do it’s going to remain level the flat earth proves beyond the shadow of the
existence of intelligent design a creator and we are all important in the center
of the universe yes it is absolutely imperative that we know that there is a creator that the sun moon and stars
revolve around us that we have a purpose we are at the center of the universe i didn’t become a millionaire until i realized i was at the center of
the universe now i have a purpose once you understand that you are at the center of creation
[Music] everything changes and basically we’re unplugging from the matrix we’re
unplugging from the heliocentric system and when you do that the the rulers of this world uh you
unplug from them you stop feeding them what they need they want your fear
energy they want your labor they want everything from you and people unknowingly just keep giving it to them
i don’t want my children to be lied to and i don’t want my grandchildren to be lied to either so if this is going to
stop it starts with you and i you know they inherit all this stuff you go to school and they teach you when i was in
grad school man i was shocked that most people most of my classmates
were not really interested in learning they were interested in passing a class
on the one side tens and tens of scientists proven
that the earth is stationary and we have nothing on the global side so
the earth is stationary no one thinks how easy it is to do this
and they pulled it off unfortunately but we’re here now to completely reverse
this and people hate on us from the left and from the right everyone hates on us
shut up with your flat air stuff it’s not important it’s the most important thing it opens the door for everything
else you want to know the truth you have to know where you live
this whole agenda is to keep people disconnected from our creator you know they want us to
they want to just cut all our ties spiritually and that’s one reason why they calcify our pineal gland they don’t
care about our health you know this by looking look at your water supply even the water that you’ll drink yourself
when you go and buy bottles of it it’s got chlorine in it it’s got fluoride in it these are all um chemical waste
products that they then re-brand and put in our drinks and tell you oh well it cleans it
we’ll also take away all of the medicine that’s kept people alive and well for centuries and they’ll tell you oh no
that’s not good for you that’s not safe here’s our product here’s our petroleum-based medicine that they’ve been pushing on us for the past 100
years and of course look at people’s health look at the world’s health are we a healthy nation is any nation a
healthy nation no and who’s in charge of health care the government’s the corporations
so it seems like everything that they touch turns to [ __ ] so why do we allow you to touch everything stop defending
rockefeller rothschilds all these goons these people that want the new world order the modern day people bill gates
schwab all these people that they’re pushing for it and they feel like it’s almost there and we’re sitting here
fighting we’re sitting here trying to wake the world up so we can have a peaceful and loving world again and
you’re attacking us whose side are you on we’re trying to take these evil entities down
that suppress our knowledge we’re trying to give knowledge back to the world so we can become powerful
again if there’s more lands if a billion people found out tomorrow
that they can all go to outer land space and visit other tribes and civilizations
and explore technology and uh animals the whole system would crumble
and i know there’s a lot of people out there celebrities people with big shows big names the big followings that know
the truth of this world and you’re keeping quiet just to protect your little empire well now it’s time to say
something because the empire is falling if we don’t do something now all of this is going away and the they’re taking
over this world so speak out it just takes one celebrity one person with a
big following and then it goes viral and then the entire system collapses all of this world control is based on the
heliocentric lie [Music]

LEVEL 2021 – Flat Earth Documentary

LEVEL 2021 – Flat Earth Documentary

Hibbeler Productions Presents : LEVEL (2021)

In a world that tells us science has been settled, we tell them, the journey has merely begun.

Starring O.D.D TV, Dave Murphy, Santos Bonacci, Tanner Stewart, Johnny Giampapa, & more! Directed by Sean Hibbeler of Hibbeler Productions.

Narrated by Eric Dubay.

This is Part 1 of a 3 part Level Series by Sean Hibbeler of Hibbeler Productions.

Part 1 – Level 2021

Part 2 – The Next Level 2022 

Part 3 – Level with Me 2023

So there it is the earth from outer
space do you believe this is a real live recording do you believe how about
now does this make it more believable
[Applause] ask yourself is this real do you believe
let’s try this another way breaking news nasa finally didn’t they finally did it
they’re finally live streaming the earth spinning from outer space the world is celebrating this one will go down
convinced well if you didn’t fall for that then why would you fall for this maybe you
just never paid when you do pay attention you start to notice things
are you paying attention [Music]
did you know that starting at the end of 2015 through 2017
flat earth was one of the top search terms in the usa let alone the world
while most of you were falling for the political charades the rest of us were trying to discover the true nature about
our world my name is odd tv i’m a local rapper here in denver
colorado i just want you to know the truth so please don’t shoot the messenger it’s a but this is how
it is when you live i’ve been rapping for 20 years just like anyone else when you’re a kid and you’re
really into music you’re into making music every kid looks in that mirror and fantasizes about being famous and
because i like to make my own music i just decided screw it i’m gonna make a youtube
channel and start talking in videos there’s never been one experiment that proves that the earth is
in motion when you try to find the curvature of the earth it’s nowhere to be found
unless you’re looking at footage from gopro cameras that have fisheye lenses hollywood movies or nasa
propaganda started making the videos in 2014 early 2015
started getting noticed you’re living in a world where there’s fake people faking events
on tv in order to move agendas forward with the earth being flat i couldn’t just sit
around and do nothing there was videos everywhere there was videos of people
doing science putting blooms up with a camera that doesn’t have a fisheye lens
on it like a gopro lens a wide angle lens and they were using these cameras
that didn’t have those the horizon rose to eye level which would be impossible on a ball that would
be falling away from you as you rose up there’s people putting out top 10
nasa hoax videos debunking the moon landing picking apart nasa just left it right it was awesome
awesome time for youtube between 2015 and 17. even google mentioned it during their
commercial do you remember this why would google be promoting this as a
joke as a joke no we know why
they were panicking panicking because the platform they purchased 10 years ago was collapsing
with truth the powers that be would not allow that because we want to provide users with authoritative trustworthy
sounds i’m sorry to catch up i only have a minute and a half and i i don’t really need to hear what you’re trying to
provide i want to know how you’re dealing with all these conspiracy theorists on your platform so the the
first way is by demoting low quality content and promoting more authoritative content and the second is by providing
more transparency for users so we’re introducing boxes that provide factual
information at the top of results that have shown themselves to turn up a lot of information that is counterfactual such
as searching for the earth is flat on youtube where you see a lot of your response is to put a box saying nope the
earth is not flat correct okay so instead of deleting all of the millions of videos we have made they simply
decided to bring in their puppets to reiterate the agenda at stake we are already sufficiently motivated to invest
the necessary resources and people in addressing this threat you can tell it’s real because it looks
so fake honestly the earth being flat is getting out of control can you please help can you
please when you stand on the shoulders of those who came before you might just see far enough to realize the earth
isn’t flat one plus one is two what color is the sky
blue and the earth is round the second is here
earth theory that is spreading ironically around the world and it’s possible roundness
spinning now they are talking about it [Music] they want you to search for it because
they already changed their algorithm to be set up in their favor what is this trash none of this tells
you our side of the story these are all videos they put together so you can watch and learn nothing
nothing that any of us would show you like here have you ever seen a time
lapse of the sun does it look like the earth is rotating backwards and the sun is still
or does it look like our sun is simply moving across our sky traveling away from your perspective again
but with some inversion you can clearly see the sun not only decreasing its size but heading towards
its next destination with a slight turn before it disappears from your line of sight
while google would make sure when you type in flat earth that nothing like this would ever pop up
many agree the science regarding our sun is far from settled
we’re told that the sun is a massive ball of burning gas 93 million miles away
but if that were true then all the light that arrives here would be parallel because it’s so far
away and it has to be parallel because one of the most often cited supposed globe
proofs is eratosthenes experiment between alexandria and cyene
by which he calculated the size of the earth for that calculation to be accurate
the light must come down parallel the only problem is that that’s not what we
see if you go out on a sunny day with broken cloud
what you’ll see is that light comes down at angles diverging angles
and that means that we can follow those light rays back to the source and triangulate the sun’s height above the