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Whats crazier than flat earth – there is nothing more mind blowing

Whats crazier than flat earth – there is nothing more mind blowing



what’s crazier than Flat Earth what’s
that’s the CRA that’s the craziest thing
really is it’s really not though but it
is you know people kept coming up have
you have you looked into Flat Earth I’m
like dude shut the [ __ ] up yeah you’re
crazy yeah I’m about to one on that one
I think uh the Earth is round I think we
went to the moon I don’t believe the
Earth is flat at all I think I can just
prove Flat Earth that’s the typical
story everyone’s trying to debunk in the
world is not flat the Earth is flat the
Earth is flat this Earth is flat that’s
[ __ ] insane the Earth isn’t flat I
was violently opposed to it I was mad at
people that would bring it up there’s no
[ __ ] way the Earth is flat friend of
mine was posting all these things on
Facebook it was pissing me off you know
I was like what the [ __ ] is he [ __ ]
with me God this is a [ __ ] nightmare
I can’t be a flat Earth person I like
flat earthers that means they think
fors and they’re
skeptical the the only problem with the
FL Earth uh Rabbit Hole whatever you
want to call it is it’s kind of hard to
beat God damn it the Earth is clearly
not a [ __ ] spinning ball started
going into the research and
boom oh [ __ ] stupid unbelievable like
like how the [ __ ] are we supposed to
handle all of this there’s nothing
compares nothing compares to the whole
quote unquote Flat Earth res search uh
rabbit hole and then I remember feeling
kind of sad cuz I was like there’s no
way I’m ever going to have my mind blown
this hard ever again cuz there’s nothing
mindblowing than realizing that we’re
we’ve been lied to to the point where we
don’t even know where we are I can’t I
can’t think of any other experience
that this can’t this can’t be reality
needs to sink in for people to see this
in the big picture because the
perspective of what we been taught and
how Truman this Truman Show really is is
vital to us fighting this it is you have
to know what game you’re playing in
order to fight it right to Fathom the
reality is so terrifying to most people
that they just can’t do it like there’s
a some sort of mental block it’s like
you either got to believe the official
story as it’s told or you have to
believe that like all of these trusted
networks are in it together there’s some
sort of massive conspiracy it goes all
the way to the top and that idea is so
horrifying that people just reject it
outright I mean these people and their
ability to control the minds of the
masses is admirable if not completely
evil this entire establishment this
entire corrupt structure relies on
Mindless unquestioning obedience and it
might not seem like that but in reality
they keep you in a very uh confined uh
um you know mental state where you you
can’t break out of that until someone
like Alex sign shows up like the uh like
the woman from the 1984 commercial in
apple and just throw throws the hammer
through the screen and shatters the
reality and and hopefully uh shakes you
out of this delusion that you’re trapped
in this coma that you’re asleep in not
enough people question the reality in
which we live in I just want you to ask
the questions that are right in front of
you I want to try to address the
elephant that is in the room that you
know we constantly ignore flat earthers
get banned on YouTube why are they
Banning it if they hiding somebody’s
trying to cover something up absolutely
because if it was so ridiculous then
they would allow the counternarrative
and they would allow
discourse and discussion why would they
do that why Al why would they do that
Google cares about us Alex exactly so is
space fake is there even spaceace is
fake so fake so fake do they think we’re
stupid it’s like Santa Claus for adult
it doesn’t take a rocket scientist it’s
just it’s a laughable on good authority
that space is fake so really really
whatever math that we have for the
current size and shape of the earth is
has been proven wrong I mean it’s been
proven wrong you can’t deny it that’s
just in my opinion a fact n resumes they
received to work there it’s like are you
proficient in
Photoshop it’s like what everything uh
that comes out of NASA is faking it’s
all fake I think I mean you know kind of
like space NASA’s in the business of
Faking everything are you denying space
a little bit a little bit and that’s
normal every everybody that’s into Flat
Earth mhm it was very hard for them to
get into it in admit it took like a year
and a half for them to admit I’ve never
seen a former flat earther nobody’s ever
seen what the actual ual shape of the
earth is and then been like you know
what Neil degr Tyson really does give me
a good argument cuz it’s literally
ridiculous and when you study history
and this dark art stuff you realize that
this long con has happened for a very
long time to teach everybody what is Up
Is Down nobody is upside down that’s one
of the dumbest things you [ __ ] say is
that intrinsic direction of down caused
by gravity what’s the difference what’s
down on a globe en point of the
Copernicus system that is being utilized
now is to try to prove there is no up
there is no down there’s no Heaven above
there’s no nothing no right there’s no
wrong what’s the difference what’s down
on a globe there is no up or down it’s
all just con it’s all just
a like a a play they’re putting on and
everyone believes it time you think uh
Greg Reese can’t top himself he he does
just absolutely amazing stuff even like
the so-called smartest people in the
world will all be like these flat
earthers are [ __ ] you know of us
flat earthers know that once a person
says that they’re basically just
admitting that they haven’t even they
either haven’t even bothered to look or
they’re not smart enough to understand
that the math doesn’t add up one of the
two one of the two things you’re a globe
par it’s all [ __ ] a long time maybe
this really is a long time think I think
you’re on to something so I think that
your motive can ring true especially
with other situation they want to beat
us now they want to make us feel like
we’re insignificant they want to make
you feel like your life is just an
accident but it’s not I’m a creationist
I believe this was created in
intelligent design for sure 110% big
time I’m very much in uh the intelligent
design Camp you have to realize there is
a Creator and that there is some sort of
purpose in life and that we’re not just
some big bang Cosmic accident you know
we didn’t just evolve from Pawn scum
there’s somebody that played play on the
record player that put all this stuff in
motion so we need to connect back to
that spirituality you think you
understand the level of deception that
goes into these schemes we been living
in a matrix we’ve been living in an
artificial world with artificial history
artificial science this entire time more
and more it’s being proven they’re a
bunch of damn liar we’re not the crazy
people you’re the Liars we know they
lied about this we know we lied they
lied about that they lied about things
government lies all time who would
rather be thought as a [ __ ] for not
trusting criminals than a [ __ ]
sellout and a traitor for defending them
that message needs to be resonated here
with the facts and the
truth every day fires will be kindled to
testify that two and two make
four Swords will be drawn to prove that
leaves are green in the summer you’re
not crazy they’re the Liars with the
proof with the evidence you can do the
math guys basic curvature math the math
is right
there everyone’s prove you’re on a flat
plane okay there it is it’s right there
that’s the flat not moving plane
how about you prove you’re on a spinning
ball and it all goes out the window and
you realize it’s all [ __ ] it’s all a
lie folks it’s all a lie and I get where
I don’t believe any of this crap anymore
it’s like Mass psychosis would they do
this of course they would not everybody
can be a robot polisher really don’t
understand how like why they cannot wake
up why they cannot
see how this works dangerous
misinformation like the Earth is flat
and that humans have an immune system
the world round yes it’s a
globe GL card

NASA Mars Video Trickery Is Devon Island CANADA

NASA Mars Video Trickery Is Devon Island CANADA



we’ll have a clown world today where
NASA says it’s sending two more
helicopters to Mars two more helicopters
to Mars my guess is that the first
people who land on Mars will say
something to the effect oh wow this
looks just like Devon Island welcome
everybody to
Mars Devon island is the world’s largest
uninhabited Island it’s cold dry I call
this place Mars on Earth we find exactly
the same looking Canyons valleys and
bellies here exactly the same I was just
completely taken aback by how Mars likee
the whole landscape
was especially you’re flying in it looks
just like the moon base the land is
desolate we have to take seven FES to
get here this is a place that is Barren
vast intimidating slated remote and
Rocky just like the surface of mares
just like the surface of mares it has
exactly the file the slopes the
topography if you will of some of the
Canyons we see on Mars exactly these are
going to be heavy lift Rock helicopter
so they’re they’re saying they’re saying
that they’re going to carry
rocks across a planet that has
essentially virtually no atmosphere
using helicopters that can’t possibly
fly how dumb is this so NASA’s is in the
business of Faking everything
NASA has been faking science and they’re
still doing it with these helicopter
stories if you were able to explain to
somebody you know to really get it
through their thick skulls like how
helicopters work they would eventually
realize that well you oh you can’t fly
helicopters at high altitude even on
Earth can you nope you sure can’t cuz
that defies the laws of physics you
can’t build that it won’t fly
NASA knowing that the public is compl
Ely ignorant their sence and Nash is
like well as screw it let’s just say it
did work let’s just let’s just say that
we set a helicopter Tom Mars and it’s
been flying around and they have like
CGI videos to quote prove
it like deep fake NASA videos and it’s
so it’s working so well we’re going to
send two more
helicopters oh and I forgot to tell you
the best part how are these helicopters
powered oh get this um solar
panels solar panels they claim to have a
solar powered
helicopter flying on a planet with no
atmosphere planet that gets a lot less
sunlight than
Earth but they they think they think
that the average consumer is going to
yeah H yeah solar powered helicopter on
another planet with no atmosphere
carrying rocks sure makes total sense
why not and vaccines are safe and
effective just just endless and not
everybody can be uh Rob about
poish when alenis brought in all the
Nazi scientists and so forth they went
to two places they went to CIA and they
went to the National Aeronautics Space
Administration which in our world we
call it not a space agency and as Kathy
O’Brien has said so clearly that’s where
the bulk of the Mind Control has been
done they can make you believe
absurdities they can make you commit
atrocities people need to understand to
control their Minds uh otherwise other
people will control it for them

Irresistible MARS Meme’s

Here Is The Software NASA Uses To Fake The Globe And Space

Here Is The Software NASA Uses To Fake The Globe And Space

This video is addressed to Dave McKeegan who thinks he has un-debunkable proof that the ISS is flying over a cartoon ball earth! Any real flat earth researchers already know NASA can get up there high enough above the level earth and their sole purpose for doing so is to keep the ball earth deception going strong. In 1969 they were only up 150 mils above the earth, they already knew the earth wasn’t a ball, they already knew long before the moon landing that the earth was not truly a ball. They knew they were hiding more land and resources beyond Antarctica. So in 1969 their mission was to create a fake ball earth image from 150 miles up, while pretending to go land on the moon.

Ever since then they’ve relied on Photo Realist Artists and computer programmers to give them the best artistic and technological advancements possible to continue faking the cartoon ball earth. We’re not supposed to be able to uncover their lies, but some of us have been able to do just that! They were always watching what the REAL flat earthers were doing since 2002, they knew their fraud was being uncovered. They needed to step up their game.

Their main goal is to eventually stage another moon landing using AI to render the entire landing and fill any gaps the flat earthers uncovered all of these years. The globers that bought all the original fraud, hook line and sinker are hopelessly doomed to being duped for the rest of their lives.

Content creators like Dave McKeegan were pushed to the forefront by Google in 2018. Not only has NASA been stepping up their game to continue the ball earth lie, but they also had Google in the corner to censore all the flat earth content creators in 2018. The NASA whistleblower Math Powerland was shadow banned and ghosted long before 2018, he was eventually completely erased in 2020. The rest of the content creators were completely buried and shuffled to the back of people like Dave McKeegan, SciManDan and Professor Dave. This FACT alone should raise a huge red flag for anyone that comes across this information. WHY would they need to censor the flat earth if the ball earth claim was true? Why would they need to stay decades ahead of the sheep they’re lying to in technological advancements if they were telling the truth? Time is running out, if you’re a glober.. you better wake up and start pressuring NASA about their fraud and you better start demanding access to Antarctica and beyond! NASA is also involved in soft-killing all your asses and that got started in 2020 with CONvid and the jab! I don’t know any flat earthers that took that garbage! I know a few ball earthers that avoided it, but most of you globers were maskers and jabbers! WAKE UP!

so what’s up people this is Robert basano I just want to come back to you guys again and share some information with
you um I got to talking with Alice again and Alice says hey you want to take
another trip down the rabbit hole I want to show you something else and it actually involved a
commercial I saw yesterday when I was watching CNN watching Christian almond boards you’ve
been talking about NATO and then they went to commercial break in this interesting NASA commercial came up and
what it showed was a picture of the Earth you know it was in a cartoon
animation and then they showed a picture of this cartoon animation of the Sun
and then it started showing all kinds of information about the earth and the size of it and the shape of course they show
the globe and then they showed the Sun and then it went on to show how many Earths can fit into the sun what’s the
distance of the Sun from the Earth and then it went the video started to
progress and it showed a comparison of how you could develop a perceptual
understanding of how big the sun was first compared to the earth and they showed another picture of the front door
of someone of a home saying that this is the Sun and then they peered into the
keyhole they zoomed all the way into the keyhole of the door to illustrate this is how small the Earth is
and then the video ended with the words got it get it
good and on the bottom it says Source NASA so I’m like what the
was that a Flat Earth message was that saying hey we know what you guys are doing so we’re gonna put out
counter information to make sure we keep everybody on target with regard to what
the Earth what we’re telling them the earth looks like so I I went looking for this video
couldn’t find it on NASA’s website couldn’t find it on CNN’s website at all couldn’t find it on the internet at all
typed in all kinds of queries nothing came up and usually you know not supposed that
on their website where you can find it you know with regard to Media Inquisition relations so you know speaking to Alice we go down
deep in the rabbit hole deeper than we’ve ever gone before and I decided to type in Source colon NASA
and lo and behold all this crazy just popped up you
know in the search and I’m starting to see you know websites regarding coding
websites regarding Source open source code autonomous systems and Robotics
artificial intelligence so I just started to go digging a little bit deeper right and then I stumble across some crazy
on this website code NASA and the reason why I found this
interesting and again I want everybody to understand that I’m not looking for information to
you know support my belief you know I wanted to I’m curious you know I’m into
software programming GPU Cuda you know Blackberry OS Android
Red Hat Linux and um and I know you know I know quite a bit about machine
learning and Ai and and computer programming so I’m thinking okay
I saw a video the other day where a guy Flat Earth her he put up a video I think
he’s from Australia or or London and he made the insinuation that there
was a possibility they had some sort of software program that he believed whereby they could actually
they could take the footage from a high altitude plane like a drone we’ve all seen they know that we know that they
have those large um Reaper and predator drones which NASA
helped develop um with Lockheed and Boeing and they put these bad boys up at extremely high
altitudes they’re completely autonomous stationary atmosphere over a non-rotating earth
so I thought to myself wait a minute if you do have a picture of the Earth then you can take that that video and then
you upload it into the high performance computer to have the super computer and then you start creating all types of
image processing Graphics visualization you just basically go from scratch with
this whole thing and then I stumbled across this dick
q-u-ip quick Imaging processing on NASA’s website open source Q uip
provides an interactive environment for computing and presenting images and image sequences manipulating and storing
arbitrary data and general scientific Computing and plotting the current release supports unix-like operating
systems tested on Linux and Mac OS OS X and Apple’s IOS mobile operating system
GPU accelerating is supported with either Cuda or opencl which I’ve been I
know both of those there’s a built-in support so I’m thinking to myself cycle physics
what the hell is it am I confirming is it possibly I’m
getting ready to confirm that these videos are actually being put out they’re all artificial in a super
computers conducting all of this even the that they claim that’s live but wait till you see what more I’m
going to show you this is incredible people Alice is taking me deep
inventory system for lab equipment worldwide options uh eodos
on Earth I mean look this is all open source people you can go to all of this and this
there’s a possibility you will be able to create exactly what NASA’s creating if you have the computer memory and
power to actually do it but this is all of their open source
software they’re using world of view design I’m not even gonna go there this this
video is just basically to show you guys that this exists the disk repository
contains the wireframes and designs for NASA’s World review this code was originally developed at
Nasa Goddard space flight center for the earth science data and information systems Edis project
people you got to go to this this is you have to see this for yourself
and for those of you out there who are interested in programming and software development and open source sdks
this may be the Holy Grail people this may be it
this may be it people this actually may be it
you’re gonna have to see this for yourself I mean it just goes on and on and on
Google Earth offline cache preloader desktop operation remote Terrain
Capital Community database I mean they’re taking all the data they’re putting it up into a computer and
they’re creating the this the computer generated images and videos they’re doing the same thing
IPv6 socket manipulation for python
wow Earth data search data curtains core flight systems data search data
storage application version file plotting tools python power metric radar
beam blockage calculation I mean
you know to to give them a little bit of Defense I I’m gonna say that yes they’re
using this to create simulations so they know what aircrafts are going to do what space vehicle is going to do when
they’re in a specific environment but if you wanted if you couldn’t really do this but you could think of it and
you can create it on a computer that means you can make it look like it’s real
because when you go all the way back up to the to the coating
psychophysics do we not even search to see what that is people do we really want to see what
psychophysics is I mean do you want to know because I want to know
I want to know what psychophysics actually entails okay
cycle physics
psychophysics let’s go to
let’s go to and Academy again I don’t like looking at perception
lecture notes I don’t like looking at Wikipedia that’s for people who are just lazy
so psychophysics have you ever wondered what happens when
you eat a juicy watermelon how does a grainy texture of that pink fruit get translated into the sensation of sweet
or okay let’s guess what method of limitation limits to measure obsolete
threshold with the methods of limits a researcher would present the stimulus in either us and okay
this is just basically we want to keep it simple right people okay let’s keep it simple
psychophysics is the scientific study of the relationship between stimuli specific and physical terms and the
sensations and perceptions evoked by these stimuli the term psychophysics is used to denote both the substantive
study of stimulus response relationships and the methodologies used for this this
study okay that’s psychophysics so let’s go back to where we were so
again you guys see all of this we’re not going to go over all of it because this would be literally like a full five hour video
but I wanted to show you this just to to illustrate
there is a potential possibility all of this that you’re seeing on video that you see the NASA does I’m not
saying that rocket the rocket launchers are not real but what I am saying is this is
a lot of these launches that may be taking place at night time where there’s nobody around to see them or they’re not
being publicized that they’re happening um they could be computer generated
images and fake launches a lot of the launchers that are taking place in front of the eyes of thousands of people who
are standing around the seat of launches those are real those are real launches
or they could be fake launchers who knows
you know I’m not gonna say that they are fake launches but
you can’t take out the possibility that all kinds of crazy ass noise that could be created to simulate what it sounds
like to see to hear a rock and actually fire off because they actually can create these same sounds when they’re
doing rocket testing if you’ve ever seen the videos where they’re doing rocket testing they actually have the engine
they’re firing it off to see what the what the capabilities are how the Rockets performing what the engine
sounds like they’re recording all these sounds so when you see what you believe to be the space shuttle or some rocket a
few miles away away from you and you see the launch taking place but
there’s all these type of other vehicles and apparatuses around the launch site projecting sorts of images and Light
who’s to say that that’s not a holograph you’re seeing and the sound that you’re hearing is not actually coming from a
real vehicle being launched but it’s a sound being projected with very
Advanced speaker systems and sound systems that could project that type of sound and noise and that vibration okay
these things are possible people if you don’t think that they’re possible and you’ve been to an actual launch and you
say yes that was a rocket being launched hey I’m not going to argue with you on that but what’s happening when you’re not
there watching a launch you know you might say yeah you talk to friends and this happened but I need you
to take this into consideration because psychophysics image processing Graphics you can if Hollywood can do this
NASA can do it okay because that’s who they learned it from thank you Stanley Cooper so we go over to the software
catalog they have actually a technology transfer program software catalog for 2015 2016. you can sign up use your
email create an account and um basically you can download the
catalog I’ve already downloaded and put it into my secure Cloud so anybody want to know who it is you can just get say
this is a US government system that’s authorized for use only I actually signed up and I actually got the document to be perfectly honest with you
so I actually have an account so no I don’t work for the government
so another thing I wanted to show you guys was this the NASA world win
okay this is an open source platform cross platform completely free you can download this and I was in the process
of downloading it and I’m gonna do that right now okay I’m going to accept
and it’s going to give me the Whirlwind Java SDK 2.0 I’m going to download it
and put it inside my folder and just let it go through its thing we’re going to
see what that is later I need to play around with this see what it actually really is you guys can go to NASA
Whirlwind download it yourself play around with it maybe we can share some notes but it’s 98.8 megabytes so it’s
going to take a while but let me let’s keep going here so I found this paper Aerospace Research
Center but you have to pay to get this so I’m gonna have to log into my University later and use my University account to
actually access this document but here’s the interesting thing about the title moving Spirit simulations using the
Chimera grid approach moving sphere simulations using the
Chimera grid approach you need to research Chimera grid
approach do that on your own okay but
I’m gonna need to read this document to really come up with definitive results that they’re creating this all
through computer image processing because they have more than a dozen supercomputers around
the United States and the world okay
so this data and the way they’re doing this it’s not happening from the United States you can
be guaranteed of that because the United States suffers too many cyber attacks for that information
to be compromised for the whole system to be crashed literally in a day
okay in a day they would have to literally cut the cord to the worldwide
internet so that this couldn’t be published by some hacking group okay so let’s go here so I did what I did was
I did download this paper high resolution Aerospace applications using the NASA Colombia supercomputer
so I’ve got to go through this read this whole thing but what’s interesting about this and I haven’t read through the
whole document and I want you to understand something because there’s been talk about you know there being
potentially what is below is above you know there’s Waters in the ocean we
talked about a lot of things that people putting out videos saying that there’s there’s these lunar waves and they now
they’re talking about they may not be actual any kind of electromagnetic waves or or or
um heat waves but it could be actual some sort of fluid Dynamic environment that
everything may be in in the sky with regard to the Sun the moon the space shuttle the ISS all of that but what’s
interesting about this introduction notice what they say computational fluid dynamics
cfd techniques have been developed and applied to Aerospace analysis
and design problems since the Advent of the super computer however in spite of
several decades of continuous improvements in algorithms and hardware and despite the widespread acceptance
and use of cfd as an indispensable tool in the Aerospace vehicle design process
computational methods are still employed in a very limited fashion in the design process
the full potential of these methods in delivery delivering more optimal designs
and accelerating the design cycle has yet to be approached
now I want you to understand something we you don’t have to be in Aerospace or
an astronautic engineer or an aerodynamic engineer to understand that if you’re designing
an aircraft to fly in atmosphere and a gases pressurized atmosphere
then you’re going to put it into a wind tunnel and you’re going to create some sort of vapor trail where
you you’ll be able to see the way the gases flow or the air flows over the
wings of an aircraft and when the aircraft turns left to right pitched yaw you see how the air interacts with the
structure of the aircraft now that’s not fluid dynamics [Music]
fluid dynamics exactly what they say it is you’re using some sort of fluids
composition source liquid they’re using computational fluid
dynamics techniques for aircraft testing and design which
means that if they’re doing that on a computer and they’re doing it in a laboratory and inside some sort of
facility where they’re testing this then they’re letting these fluids go interact with the with the aircraft
vehicle which means because that vehicle is going to be going into the same environment they’re testing it under
fluid people fluid
I’ll leave it at that again I need to do some more reading and you guys are seeing this for the first time just like
I am okay so let’s go to the over grid now to give you some clarity on what you’re
actually looking at I’m going to show you what you’re looking at I found this this is also NASA website
okay let’s see here yeah it’s people
it’s okay I mean Alice is
fantastic she’s been taking me so far down the rabbit hole it’s unbelievable so I found this and it talked I wanted
to research what the Chimera grid approach actually was and yeah this was put out version 2.1 in
2010. but let’s just assume that this was something this is an
upgraded version of something that predates stuff that was being used before okay so that’s the Assumption and
presumption we can make because we don’t have anything else to compare it to so
Occam’s raises theory is the most logical conclusion is the most probable
right okay Chimera grid tools users manual so restrictions read this before
proceeding notices and disclaimers read this before proceeding uh let’s see here what they say read this before
proceeding many models in the software package have been developed under the dod high performance Computing
modernization program um it’s called the chissy cfd4
initiative as a result the following rules must be observed by the users of the software only U.S citizens or
permanent residents belong to a U.S organization are allowed to access allowed access to the software foreign
Nationals are permitted well oh got the cat out of the bag on this one hey it’s open source it wasn’t a
restricted website that I need to log into so you’re gonna put it out there I’m gonna find it I’m
gonna post it and let everybody know U.S citizens
are permanent residents who would like to use the software must sign a software usage agreement form in the past or
group leader branch chief can sign for the group the current rules require a signature from everyone who has access
to the software including indicating that they understand restrictions imposed on the software
source code must reside on secure facilities password protection at a minimum and be readable only by
individuals that have fully executed a software user agreement software is not allowed to lead the
organizing well that’s too bad because it’s I already got it what the do so
I’m not saying I have the software but here you go it goes the contents bugs
search for keywords references uh I don’t well here’s a software request
procedure but let me get to the point here you see all of this how they can create the space shuttle they create
everything that they need to create you know testing it you know Advanced
aircraft they see what happens to the aircraft you know flight Dynamics you know just everything you could have been
uh possibly imagine when it comes to aerodynamics and aerospace engineering
and what what interests me was this the yoga grid right here’s the overground
so what I discovered going to this overgrid version 2.3
is this software program over great graphics window again I’m not trying to
claim that this is what they’re using to create the computer generated images I’m not saying that the space shuttle never
went up into space which is not as far as we generally think it is all right
people think the space is a vacuum and all this other Jazz it’s not no one goes into a vacuum I’m sorry to
disappoint you I include you globers but when you look at the main menu
for this over grid version 2.3 you look at all the grid tools you can
put you color code them which means that this software program
let’s just say they needed to simulate this vehicle be going into space or they
needed to create the background that this has launched and the lighting has to be a specific way because here’s what
I think is happening this is just me being hypothetical and theoretical on this
if I wanted to create a video to show that I launched my own space shuttle
from my backyard and I had access to the atmos the daily real-time
atmospheric data that every news weather station has
access to right from NASA and I want you to understand the news that you watch on
television the weather that they’re forecasting
they’re getting all of that data from NASA they don’t have their own Doppler
systems they don’t they can’t pay for this they they can’t set these things up
they get them from the main sister station [Music]
and that sit station is is got an account with NASA just like a bank
and they’re getting all their data from NASA so if I wanted to create this and I have this software
all I have to do is input all I have to do is input all of the
atmospheric data into the software programming because remember it’s open source
okay it’s open source and then
when you combine the two programs you end up with
the automated configurations or custom fit configurations so that the
video or the simulation that’s being conducted the cert the the specific type of light
and Reflections will be visible on the vehicle themselves as as
you believe it’s being launched and going up into the sky and then when it gets to the darkness of space above 328
000 feet then things start to change and start to look a little bit funny okay
but when you look at debris tracing solution hybrid grid components you look
at this program again I haven’t downloaded this yet so I haven’t played around on it to know exactly how it actually works but from looking at this
template I can tell you here right now I’ve actually seen a template like this in a
Aerospace systems engineering software program
created for a private drone maker right now I know of and he has something
similar to this it’s not identical but it’s used for him it’s you so he could design us drones to do certain things to
fly you know have certain capabilities and they factor in all of this okay they Factory in all of this and when you look
at the bottom of this template you start seeing some things okay again if you’re not a software designer programmer or
coder you know and even if you’re even if you are a program recorder you don’t have to
be when you look at some of the selections that are given you with regard to accesses rotation centers you
have to punch in all of these codes um you look at who knows what the rest
of this does but I mean you’re you’re designing the aircraft for real time
situations right you have to program it in this dough is flying through the air
but in this particular case they’re using flu computational fluid dynamics if you don’t if you’re not sure of what
that is just go to and they’ll show you video illustrations of
what their computational fluid dynamics um capabilities are with graphic
processing units because this is used with gpus everything’s all Visual and if you know that everything they produce
NASA has to produce is all based on graphic processing units
then that gives you the answer right there that everything is based on visual
frame of reference Recreation and simulation of a visual environment hence
the term psychophysics stimuli giving you specific images
specific things that they’ve already pre-programmed into to identify as that
has to be real no that has to be fake and the difference between flat earthers and globals is that flat earthers are
really way outside the box thinkers and highly intelligent people I I’m not gonna say I’m gonna say that
in a general sense but somehow some people have slipped through the cracks and
they I don’t know they’re outside the box but they’re not too far outside the
box and uh they’re you know who knows they they might want to be like a cat and jump back into the safety of the box
which they believe is sitting on top of the ball spinning but not in here today
so when you look at this program start to put things together in your
head thinking oh wait a minute here yeah they’re using this for computer simulation
but this data is also being applied to real time
that’s how they get accurate in what they do whatever it is they’re doing however the way they’re doing it 3D
opengl provides 3D Graphics display we can only see things in 3D or 2D
right so when you look at all this
you should start asking yourself is this how they’re doing it
and I believe this is how they’re doing it if we’re going to stick to our claim
that they’re Faking It then here goes the proof that they’re Faking It
because this is highly complex they don’t expect us to go looking for this they don’t expect us to find this
they don’t expect us to have people within the ranks who can locate this identify it disseminate it decipher it
and put it to use they don’t expect it at all
you see it for yourself there it is plain as day
so I provided you with enough information to go do some searching start looking
for yourself oops sorry about that that’s the name of
the website okay what else that I wanted to show this is the paper that I showed you we
already looked at that I showed you the NASA world win I’ll
have that posted up for you so you can check it out I might not you guys just gonna have to do some homework on this
and I’m I’ve already downloaded the Whirlwind so I’m gonna check that out but there’ll be some more videos after
this so I can tell you what it is I’m discovering what do we got oh this is what I wanted
to show you this is the last thing I wanted to show you this is what is this website this website is okay there’s a technology transfer program I told you about Nas listen NASA
has this program uh NSA has this program Department of
energy has this program DARPA has this program they all have it the technology transfer program is basically Tech that
you know they’ve already Declassified it’s out there and now they want to see what people like us can do with it to
create something more advanced than what they have okay that’s why they put this out there all right it’s not some sort
of propaganda or counter Intel too to really up your computers and your life up and create something that’s
going to kill a lot of people they really don’t know what they’re doing and they need help okay they really don’t
they really need the help okay we know that they’re not bright people working for that organization
it’s impossible they may have him in your Masters and phds but they’re they’re not they’re not
the shiniest apples in the basket people because they’re in the basket we’re outside the basket so here you go I
wanted you to see this General fluid system simulations programs 6.0
so what I want to do is this you see how they’re using general fluid system so when we talk about computational fluid
dynamics what does that look like to you does it look like some sort of air or air
colored air gas no it’s not it’s like liquid fuel phase changes
okay they’re using this same system to test the aerodynamics of aircraft which
means that they’re going into the same environment that they’re being tested yeah here we go
look at this I can actually request this bad boy and I’m gonna do just that
[Music] I am going to do just that so let’s see what we can do
let’s do it let’s do it together I gotta create an account so I’m going
to create an account and I’m going to request this and then I’ll get back to you guys okay other than that it’s been
fun you’ve got a lot of things to look into hopefully you were exposed to something you’ve never seen before but
for those who are focusing on NASA and that is your only focus and you’ve
developed some sort of really how should I say stalker type of Attraction for
them I have to admit I’m right there with you but I’m an
observer on this whole thing but um
I think uh this may be it people this may be what you might be able to use to
prove to every Global who’s going to use anything from that so to say ah guess what I figured out how to create the
same video NASA created and boom here you go and do a side by side and
goodbye NASCAR take care people see you in funny papers I’ll post another one
maybe uh over the weekend or next week take care

Brain Washed Mind Control Is Government Job Number One

Brain Washed Mind Control Is Government Job Number One

THE MORE YOU FEAR THEM THE STRONGER THEY GET. If you don’t think you’ve been “brainwashed”, take another look.


i didn’t believe i was brainwashed or

mind control indoctrinated me so much

that i couldn’t imagine ever questioning

or leaving the cult

and what’s happening now as i see are

people are in a cult where they are so

programmed people need to understand to

control their minds

otherwise other people will control it

for them not everybody can be a robot

polisher you must assess this world with

truth you must be as a child meaning


you have to be honest with yourself

about this world you’re told right off

the bat you’re on earth how do you know

why because other humans tell you that

they’ve told you that’s where you are

how do you know that you’re trusting

everything you’ve been told if your

instinct which is valid tells you that

doesn’t make sense you’re right that’s

what building your house in iraq means

you must know thyself all of academia

all of the media all of the money

everything you’re told you have sorcery

being practiced on you

you have all kinds of control methods

you couldn’t even comprehend the people

that run the world will come off as the

nice ones we’ll always be nice about it

you know i care about you you seem to be

having some mental problems you might

benefits from some therapy and you

create this fraudulent psychology and

you indoctrinate the public into its

credibility so that you can draw upon it

whenever you are discovered

you witness this all the time whether

you know it or not with mind control

people cannot allow themselves to see

their primary agenda

they absolutely need require


to feel responsible for whatever they

have done to you

they need you to be ignorant

of the extra dimensional influence

because if you’re ignorant of that you

will blame everything on yourself

what they do

is make you default the best they can

make you defy what you normally would do

they do all the through you

perverts you corrupt you your character


get all the other characters to hate you

if possible and then use what they’ve

done to and through you against you and

some marilyn manson lyric the more you

fear us the stronger we get you know

it’s a growth do you understand that

it’s growing like a cancer like a bunch

of computers that are all linked

together for super processing they break

your will until eventually you just give

yourself to this cancer consciousness so

it can absorb you for itself because

there is truth in the fraudulent nature

of your ego so it knows that it knows

that truth will come out so it has to

amplify that and exaggerate it beyond


those been taken over by cancer see the

world as math random calculation of

possibility every truth that is true

they make fun of it as if it’s corny and

stupid and uh you know that’s the whole

intent of that you don’t know how over

your head these movie producers are and

what is controlling them do you

understand that evil is gonna come in

the name of love you think it’s stupid

it’s gonna come in the name of hate no

the number one thing that evil will push

on you is love and how much it loves you

a lot of the truth that is used about

creation life the elements of reality a

lot of that used to solicit them into

that religion cancer wants you to do

whatever you want to that which is not

its creation to destroy it as long as

your allegiance is to the cancer and

once it sucks you in your its slave

whether you know it in your current role

or not that opens the door for the new

world religion of sorcery for the final

entrapment demonic mind control forgive

them they know not what they do why do

you think you didn’t know what you were

doing are you still doing why are you

still out here well it goes to be like

the destiny thing and i made a bargain

with it holding up my hand what was your

budget to get where i am now should i

ask who you made the bargain with

you know with the chief uh chief

commander on this earth

and this earth and in a world we can’t

see not everybody can be a robot

polisher people need to understand to

control their minds

uh otherwise other people will control

it for them

Giants Are Emerging Everywhere ~ Documentary Video (They Can No Longer Hide This)

Giants Are Emerging Everywhere ~ Documentary Video (They Can No Longer Hide This)


Read The Transcript of this amazing video here.
In 1848 president abraham lincoln visited niagara falls and he was so impressed by the beauty of this natural wonder that he wrote down some notes including the following when columbus first sought this continent when christ suffered on the cross when moses led israel through the red sea nay even when adam first came from hand of his maker then as now niagara was roaring here the eyes of that species of extinct giants whose bones fill the mounds of america have gazed on niagara as ours do now during the th century there were many accounts of unnaturally large skeletal remains discovered in the ancient burial mounds scattered across north america today not a single news media has ever mentioned a thing about ancient giants or past discoveries if a giant skeleton is discovered somewhere it would most certainly be classified and hidden from the public it wasn’t like that in the th and early th century though almost every year there were at least a few newspaper headlines stating discovery of ancient giant skeletons it seemed to be quite normal to find bones of giants in america when the first settlers dug ancient mounds to prepare for roads farms and buildings the new york times in particular wrote many newspaper articles about the discoveries of giants let’s read through some of them starting with this one titled the bones of a giant found which was published on may th and reads a skull of heroic size and singular formation has been discovered among the relics of the mound builders in the red river valley the mound was feet in diameter and feet high near the center were found the bones of about a dozen men and women mixed with the bones of various animals the skull in question was the only perfect one and near it were found some abnormally large body bones the man who bore it was evidently a giant a thorough investigation of the mound and its contents will be made by the historical society another newspaper from may th reads this last week a small mound near homer was opened by some school boys who found a skeleton today a further search was made and several feet below the surface of earth in a large vault with a stone floor and bark covering were found four huge skeletons three being each over seven feet in length and the other eight this article from the san antonio express is telling about a giant skull that is twice the size of a normal human and there is also a picture the article reads beach giant skull unearthed by wpa workers near victoria believed to be largest ever found in world normal head also found that texas had a giant in the beach in the long ago appears probable from large skull recently unearthed on a mound in victoria county believed to be the largest human skull ever found in the united states and probably in world twice the size of the skull of a normal man the fragments were dug up by w duffin an archaeologist who is excavating mound in victoria county under a wpa project sponsored by university of texas in the same mound and at the same level a normal-sized skull was found the pieces taken from the mound were reconstructed in the wpa laboratory under the supervision of physical anthropologists a study is being made to determine whether the huge skull was that of a man belonging to a tribe of extraordinary large men or whether the skull was that of an abnormal member of a tribe a case of gigantism several large human bones have been unearthed at this site another article from the new york times written in reads one of the three recently discovered mounds in this town has been opened in it was found skeleton of a man of gigantic size the bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation the skull was as large as a half bushel measure some finely tempered rods of copper and other relics were lying near bones the mound from which these relics were taken is feet high and feet long and varies from six to eight feet in width the two mounds of lesser size will be excavated soon this article from the saint paul globe written in states bones of a human skeleton feet high are dug up in nevada workmen engaged in digging gravel here today uncovered at a depth of about feet a lot of bones part of the skeleton of a gigantic human being dr samuels examined them and pronounced them to be the bones of a man who must have been nearly feet in height apparently these discoveries were something completely normal back in the day and they weren’t hidden from the public as they are today the discoveries of giant skeletons weren’t limited just to north america this article talks of a giant skeletons found in a cave in mexico the article reads charles c klepp who has recently returned from mexico where he has been in charge of thomas w lawson’s mining interest has called attention of professor agassiz to a remarkable discovery made by him he found in mexico a cave containing some skeletons of men each above feet in height the cave was evidently the burial place of a race of giants who antedated the aztecs mr clapp arranged the bones of one of these skeletons and found the total length to be feet inches other articles mention discoveries of giants in europe this article from written by london globe tells of the discovery of a race of giants in modern-day france it reads in the year some human bones of enormous size double the ordinary in fact were found in the tumulus of castelnoll and have since been carefully examined by professor kyaner who while admitting that bones are those of a very tall race nevertheless finds them abnormal in dimensions and apparently of morbid growth they undoubtedly reopen the question of the giants of antiquity but do not furnish evidence to decide it you have no idea how many more newspaper articles we found there were discoveries of giants all across the globe and today scientists and archaeologists pretend this never even happened this article titled when giants roamed earth talks about the historical discoveries of giants from the time of the roman empire to the th century here’s what it reads the past was more prolific in production of giants than the present in one of these giants who was exhibited at ruin was ten feet high and the giant galabra brought from arabia to rome in the time of claudius caesar was the same height phantom who lived in the time of eugene ii was eleven and one half feet in height the chevalier scrog in his journey to the peak tenerife found in one of the caverns of that mountain the head of a giant who had teeth and who was not less than feet high the giant farragus slained by orlando the nephew of charlemagne according to reports was feet high in near saint gernard was found the tomb of the giant isoland who was not less than feet high in near ruin was found a skeleton whose head held a bushel of corn and which was feet in height giant backert was feet high in near the castle in dauphine a tomb was found feet long feet wide and eight feet high on which were cut in gray stone the words cantologues wrecks the skeleton was found in tire and measured and one-fourth feet high feet across the shoulders and five feet from breastbone to the back but france is not the only country where giant skeletons have been unearthed near palermo sicily in was found the skeleton of a giant feet high near meguino on the same island in was found the skeleton of a giant of feet whose head was the size of a hog’s head and each tooth weighed ounces although back in the days these discoveries were made public once the discovered skeletons were brought to the respected museums and historical institutions they completely disappeared and no one ever talked about them again here is a map of all reports of giants in north america it’s truly astonishing how many of them are there almost all of the discoveries end up in the smithsonian institute and we all know how good they are at covering up major discoveries there are also supposed reports of the smithsonian purchasing giant skeletons excavated by citizens which then disappeared never to be heard from again the smithsonian even had a special division for exploring ancient mounds and supposed giant burial sites one famous discovery of a giant which was also covered up by the smithsonian is the san diego giant from which was an eight foot four inch tall mummified giant there was even a picture of the giant mummy which was shown in many newspapers the mummy was inspected by many scientists after his inspection the san diego giant was purchased by the smithsonian years later in when the mummy was being exhibited the smithsonian ran some tests and suddenly dismissed it as a hoax saying it was made from gelatin the fact that it took that long and after spending so much money to acquire it plus the fact that it was carefully inspected by experts years earlier does suggest there may be more to this story than meets the eye is it just a coincidence that absolutely every culture and religion tell stories of ancient giants who roam the earth the sumerian civilization which was said to have begun in approximately bc tells of a race of giants which ruled over the sumerians and there are many depictions of them sumerian records speak of a giant king by the name of gilgamesh who ruled for years he is generally seen by scholars as an actual historical figure since inscriptions have been found which confirmed the existence of other figures associated with him in ancient egypt there are hundreds of depictions of giants and the egyptian records describe old pharaoh dynasties to be a race of tall giants and hundreds of giant sarcophaguses were also found but the mummies there had been long looted this unusual story with a headline prehistoric egyptian giants was reported in multiple newspapers and reads in when professor timmerman was engaged in exploring the ruins of an ancient temple of isis on the banks of the nile miles below najar jafar he opened a row of tombs in which some prehistoric race of giants had been buried the smallest skeleton out of some odd which were examined during the time timmerman was excavating at najar jafard measured seven feet and eight inches in length and the largest feet one inch memorial tablets were discovered in great numbers but there was no record that even hinted that they were in memory of men of extraordinary size it is believed that the tombs date back to the year bc according to the german newspaper build an entrepreneur named grigor sporey took a number of photos of a mummified giant finger in the owner of the finger was a retired grave robber who found the finger in an undisclosed tomb the finger is nearly inches long and if it is genuine it belonged to someone estimated to have been between and feet tall the owner of the finger had a certificate to say that the finger was authentic together with an x-ray image later when sporey returned to egypt to purchase the finger the owner had disappeared leaving us only with the photographs of this discovery the book of genesis which is the first book of the hebrew bible and the old testament tells us the story of an ancient giant race called the nephilim the story of the nephilim giants is further elaborated in another ancient manuscript the book of enoch apparently watchers who were fallen angels interbred with the women on earth and as a result the nephilim giants were born we know that these ancient manuscripts describe the great deluge a massive flood which according to scientific data really happened if the biblical flood was real could the nephilim giants also be real the stories about giants don’t end there every native american tribe tells of times when giants used to rule north america and there were brutal wars between the giants and the native americans the tribes had to unite together against a group of red-haired cannibalistic giants and fought them to extinction the existence of giants could certainly explain some of the massive megalithic structures around the world which by now had no explanation of how they were moved like the stone of the south at bailbeck lebanon which weighs at a staggering tons on mount sharia in southern siberia researchers have found an absolutely massive wall of granite stones some of these gigantic granite stones are estimated to weigh more than tons more than double the weight of those in lebanon it’s interesting to note that original name for stonehenge was the giants dance or the giant’s ring stonehenge is a later saxon name that translates to the hanging stones giants are also part of the celtic mythology the greek and roman mythology the hindus buddhist norse and even in the japanese shinto folklore in fact there’s an amazing video from an old military parade in imperial japan in which the japanese proudly show this huge giant and parade him alongside the imperial soldiers it’s been said that this giant was last member of a tribe of giants called cha-cha who lived on an island with the name of hahashima there are many historical accounts of giants as well flavius josephus a st century jewish scholar and historian wrote this for which reason they removed their camp to hebron and when they had taken it they slew all the inhabitants there were till then left the race of giants who had bodies so large and countenances so entirely different from other men that they were surprising to the sight and terrible to the hearing the bones of these men are still shown to this very day unlike to any credible relations of other men during the s when the spanish navigators were exploring the coast of the americas sightings of live giants were also cited three captains of spanish ships reported these taller than average native people on their expeditions to america as well as sir francis drake captain john smith and several other notable eyewitnesses this is what captain john smith wrote about them the sasquasahnogs are a giant-like people they measured the calf of the largest man’s leg and found it three-quarters of a yard about and all the rest of his limbs were in proportion in spanish explorer alonso alvarez de pineda was mapping the coastline of the gulf coast marking the various rivers bays landmarks and potential ports not far from where the river empties into the gulf of mexico he found a large town and near it some native villages he described seeing many giants living in this village and curiously a race of tiny pygmies was also living there pineda described the tribes that settled near the mississippi river as a race of giants from to palms in height and a race of pygmies only five or six palms high perhaps the most intriguing and widely known tale of real giants in the age of exploration began with an account concerning none other than the great portuguese explorer ferdinand magellan between the years of and magellan embarked on his most famous voyage a bold expedition to search for a good route to the maluku islands of the east east indies that would eventually result in first successful circumnavigation of globe magellan was given command of five vessels and one leg of their voyage took them out across the vast ocean all the way to the faraway land of patagonia at the southern end of south america it was there that the expedition would come across a rather baffling sight indeed here’s an excerpt from the diary of magellan’s official chronicler leaving that place we finally reached and one half degrees toward antarctic pole as it was winter the ships entered a safe port to winter we passed two months in that place without seeing anyone one day we suddenly saw a naked man of giant stature on the shore of the port dancing singing and throwing dust on his head the captain general magellan sent one of our men to the giant so that he might perform the same actions as a sign of peace having done that the man led the giant to an eyelet into the presence of the captain general when the giant was in the captain general’s and our presence he marveled greatly and made signs with one finger raised upward believing that we had come from the sky he was so tall that we reached only to his waist and he was well proportioned it is significant to note that the above narrative is taken from the journal of the official chronicler of magellan’s voyage of discovery that is the one person above all others who is tasked with recording and keeping the most accurate records of events and activities whether exotic or mundane this person is not only responsible to the commander of the voyage but also to king and country for his eyewitness accounts as a complete precise and accurate testimony of events that occurred during the voyage based on his position and responsibilities alone his first-hand eyewitness testimony of encounters with giants must be taken as factual information by an unimpeachable witness to do otherwise is to trivialize importance of the chronicler’s fundamental accountability years later in there was also account of hernando de soto another explorer who came face to face with numerous giants during his adventures through the southeast portion of what is now the united states de soto had set out from tampa bay florida with a contingent of hundreds of men and during their trek they allegedly frequently came across tribes of natives ruled by giants one of these was a chief tuscaloosa who was encountered in western alabama and said to be a hulking giant of a man who towered over all others there are also the reports from spanish conquistador and explorer hernando de alarcon who is trying to find a river that could be used to move supplies to spanish troops along the coasts of california and mexico al arcon would eventually make his way up the colorado river all the way up to the grand canyon and during this journey he and his men purportedly came across a tribe of around giant warriors standing up to feet tall the giants were supposedly very aggressive but alarcone appeased them with gifts and other signs of peace the conquistador francisco coronado also told of having come across whole tribes of giants during his quest throughout the southwest in search of the legendary eldorado in some cases there was physical evidence of these giants found as was supposedly the case with conquistador bernal diaz del castillo who served under her nan cortez during the spanish conquest of mexico within the pages of his detailed record of the conquest and subsequent collapse of the aztec empire there is an odd account of a race of giants that were claimed by the teloscatec indians to have once inhabited the area the chief of the tribe then provided remains of these mysterious giants as evidence of which castillo would write they said their ancestors had told them that very tall men and women with huge bones had once dwelt among them but because they were very bad people with wicked customs they had fought against them and killed them and those of them who remained had died off and to show us how big these giants had been they brought us the leg bone of one which was very thick and the height of an ordinary sized man and that was a leg bone from the hip to the knee i measured myself against it and it was as tall as i am though i am of a reasonable height they brought over pieces of bone of the same kind but they were all rotten and eaten away by the soil we were all astonished by the sight of these bones and felt certain there must have been giants in that land there were so many reports of real giants being encountered throughout north and south america in the age of exploration and such accounts have faded into history to be mostly forgotten there are some things however that cannot be forgotten as they are literally written in stone that’s the case of the giant footprint of south africa this is the most spectacular footprint in rock found anywhere on earth to date there are many others however like the giant footprint of pinyon but none are as fully formed and obvious as the one in south africa discovered in by a farmer called stoffel ketzie while hunting it has remained one of most controversial sites in archaeology and geological research the footprint is about four feet or . meters in length which suggests that the creature who left it would have been to feet or to meters in height the footprint is known to locals as the footprint of god or goliath’s footprint and stories of ancient giants are told all throughout the region skeptics reject the giant footprint claiming it was formed by natural erosion however professor peter wagoner from university of port elizabeth in south africa said that there is a higher probability of little green men arriving from space and licking it out with their tongues than being created by natural erosion judging by all the discoveries listed together with all the historical accounts we mentioned it may be possible that giants really existed but could it be possible that somewhere in some remote place a species of these enigmatic beings is still alive hiding from humanity we can’t end this video without mentioning the most famous giant encounter which didn’t happen in ancient times but in this occurrence which is still classified by the u.s government was disclosed in the popular radio show coast to coast after witnesses of event came through and anonymously told their stories events allegedly happened in in deserts of afghanistan where a u.s army squad went missing a special ops task force was sent to find out what happened and the soldiers walked along a rugged mountainous trail until arriving at the entrance of a large cave around the clearing of the cave there were pieces of broken u.s military equipment and scattered gear with traces of blood on them the task force was about to enter cave to search for the missing soldiers when a -foot tall red-headed double-toothed humanoid emerged and attacked them according to the witnesses the giant pierced one of the soldiers with his long spear killing him on the spot before the rest of the squad could take him down shooting at his face for seconds straight once the giant was dead the task force went inside the cave and found remains of human bones leading the military to think that the creature was cannibalistic when this shocking incident was reported to headquarters the body of the giant was packed and loaded into a helicopter and transferred to a secret location in the usa for study the giant weighed about kilograms estimated by the team who transported the body from the pickup location to the united states the giant wore a canvas or animal hide to protect his feet like some sort of moccasins if there was a living giant hiding for so many years in the caves of afghanistan without being discovered we must assume that this giant must not be the only one living on this planet surely there must be others somewhere out there this mysterious creature was caught on camera in the desert of portugal a few years ago could it be another giant hiding from mankind thinking about all the classified discoveries out there we should be lucky to know that billions of years ago dinosaurs existed if that was kept a secret who would actually believe that creatures over feet in height used to exist and if we know for a fact that giant reptiles giant birds giant fish and giant plants used to exist on earth is it so hard to believe that giant humanoids also existed and perhaps still do we’ll leave the answer to you and end this video with this amazing quote from mark twain stating truth is stranger than fiction but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities truth isn’t