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Patrick Bet-David Interviews Bart Sibrel We Did Not Go To The Moon

Patrick Bet-David Interviews Bart Sibrel We Did Not Go To The Moon



my guest today’s Bart saal and you may remember him as the time where he
approached uh uh buz Aldren and he asked him to put his hands on the Bible to
swear as if they had landed on the moon he went around talking to a lot of people I think there was even a documentary about it and then buz Aldren
got upset and punched him man if you’ve ever seen that clip that’s the individual I’m I’m interviewing today he just recently wrote a book called
moonman the true story of a filmmaker on the CIA Hit List he was also The Man
Behind the infamous funny things happened on the way to the Moon he does not believe we landed on the moon he
thinks it say hoax and a lot of other things are hoax we’re going to see if we can figure this thing out by the end of today’s interview having said that b
thank you so much for being a guest on Val tainment tell us why you were so convinced that the moon landing was a
hoax and what gave you this idea that it was a hoax well I grew up as the biggest
supporter of the moon landings my dad was in the Air Force he was an officer
uh he got a packet at the time of the alleged moonlandings of publicity 9×12
color pictures I had them up on my wall for 10 years saw them every day from the age of 4 to 14 which is
3,650 times and then um I saw a television show with this gentleman by
the name of William casing on it he worked as a contractor for Rocket dine during the Apollo program for six years
he had very high security clearances because he would edit Communications going from the top generals back and
forth to correct their grammar and everything so they wouldn’t look immature and so he saw a classified Memo
from Von Brun who said the odds of going to the Moon successfully on the first
attempt with 1960s technology was a one in 10,000 chance and so he saw all these
departments being shuffled around all the time just as soon as somebody got their full understanding of what they
were doing they would shff everybody around they were doing departmentalization so no one could see
the full picture that the equipment certainly couldn’t do it I mean here’s the simplest proof it’s simply logical
what they’re claiming is that they went a thousand times farther than they can
send astronauts today 50 years ago on the first attempt with one millionth the
computing power of a cell phone I mean when they flew across the Atlantic for the first time a few years later
hundreds of aircraft and thousand thousands of aircraft were flying across the Atlantic when they went to the North
Pole and South Pole here on Earth they never made it the first attempt it took multiple times and there’s never been a
technological achievement that no one could repeat 50 years later it’s like me telling you 50 years ago Toyota made a
car that could go 50,000 miles on a gallon of gasoline and yet today five
decades later the best car can only go 50 m per gallon or 1,000th the distance
you would laugh and say the original claim is preposterous and so here we are 50 years later and now the farthest they
can send an astronaut to the Moon is 1,000th the distance that they claimed
to have done on the first attempt 50 years ago with less computing power than a cell phone one millionth of the
computing power it just doesn’t add up it’s the only technological achievement that could not be repeated 50 years
later it never happened it’s also the only time that they deliberately destroy destroyed a technology I mean the B-52
is 70 years old and there’s still 200 of them in service and yet they admit they destroyed all the Apollo equipment and
they’re claiming they have to go back to the moon and recreate it from scratch they destroyed all the original videotapes all the original blueprints
you would never do that if you really went you would only do that if there was a fraud and you were trying to cover
Your Tracks I’d go to the moon in a nan second the problem is we don’t have the
technology to do that anymore we used to but we uh destroyed that technology and
it’s a painful process to build it back again so I started looking into it at a
14-year-old thinking hey you know maybe this guy’s right I was open-minded 14-year-old and then 10 years later I’d
become a filmmaker and I was editing uh for the filmmaker who had produced the
show I saw 10 years earlier I said you remember that guy in your show said we didn’t go to the moon no called the San
Francisco production office I did they said hey look if you called one or two days later we wouldn’t be able to tell
you because we’re deleting all 10 year-old archives so I called up the guy he said hey you know you’re a filmmaker
you should do a film about this I took off about six months I found out that two of the three astronauts on the first
mission never give interviews I found out that uh the administrator of NASA
resigned days before the first mission it’s kind of strange before you’re putting this big feather in your C I
found out that the Soviets had launched the first satellite the first animal the first man the first woman the first two
spacecrafts at the same time and they never went to the moon and then I look
at these Shadows you know I’m a filmmaker my job is to make fake scenes look real and I can tell you from
showing you one simple photograph that that the moonlandings are shot with electrical lighting I mean if you go out
in sunlight Shadows always run parallel you and a friend go out on a sun sunny day and you’ll see your shadows will
never intersect B show us what you mean by this lighting so here is a picture
that I took in sunlight you’ll see that the Shadows because the sun is about a thousand times bigger in diameter than
the earth that it cast shadows in the same direction over an entire continent
here’s a picture that NASA claims was taken on the moon here you see the
Shadows are from an object about 5T apart from one another here’s the astronaut shadow going at 12:00 here’s
the shadow of a rock about 5T away it’s going at 9:00 this is all the proof that
you need that the moon Lings are fake my job as a filmmaker is to make fake
scenes look real I use electrical lighting all of the time and when I looked at those pictures these things
are guaranteed 100% shot in electrical lining I mean there it is right here
this is all the proof that you need that we didn’t go to the moon and then in the
course of making a funny thing happened on the way to the Moon we found classified footage of them faking part
of the photography right in front of your eyes I when I popped in this tape saido not show to the public mind you I
had asked them for all the footage from just the first mission figuring if they faked it they were more likely to have
made a mistake the first time they faked it so I pop in this tape it says do not show to the public and then I see this
particular shot here of what is allegedly the Blue Earth floating in
space because at this point in the mission there’s supposed to be 130,000 miles away from the earth and this is
allegedly with the camera up against their window shooting the Earth far away which it’s not this was the only fake
footage that the astronauts faked themselves basically I gotten the same
footage over and over again I asked for unedited footage but I didn’t get any Bill casing thinks a whistleblower from
NASA sent me this footage intentionally so when I hit fast forward in the machine I kept seeing this same shot for
the full hour which is kind of odd why would I see this little shot here of the Earth floating in space for a full hour
because it was a special effect shot that they were trying to perfect so I I rewound the tape I hit play and I heard
the CIA talking to the astronauts on the tape take a listen Houston
the TV looks
great okay so you just heard NASA talking to the astronauts hey the TV
picture looks great then there’s a 4 second delay and then a third party the CIA
says talk and then the astronauts answer well
they’re really in authority orbit so they heard them right away if they had answered right away it would give away
the fact that they’re very close to the Earth so they had an earpiece in and basically they were instructed not to
answer NASA until 4 seconds went
by so first they were asked the question they counted off 4 seconds the CIA said
talk and then they started answering to give the impression that they were far away from the earth when in fact they
were still in Earth orbit which is where they stayed the entire time 11 Houston Goldstone says that the
TV looks great [Music]
over now why are they doing why what’s the motive to fake this because they can’t leave Earth orbit and so they have
to show footage as if they’ve left Earth orbit okay so if you go to the next clip
here we only have one window that uh has a view of the earth and it’s filled up
with the TV Camera you just said they only had one window that faces the Earth
and it’s filled up with the TV camera right which it would have to be if this is really the Earth floating in space
then they have to have the camera’s lens up against the window in order to shoot
this right this is allegedly the Earth floating in space and this is space around it but you’ll see in a minute
this is really the circular window of the spacecraft with a section of the earth outside of it and the cameras
pulled back at the back of the spacecraft with all the lights turned off all of which they talk about because
they thought these private conversations would be edited out so let’s take a listen of him claiming that he’s 130,000
miles away from the earth or halfway to the
Moon from about 130,000 miles okay so right now he’s claiming
that this is 130,000 miles out that this is the Earth floating in space and that
he has the camera up against the windows glass so here you see the real position
of the camera this is the footage that we uncovered that they said at the beginning do not show to the public this
is proof that they’re faking being halfway to the Moon here’s a work light inside of the spacecraft they put a
crescent piece of material inside the window to make it look like the Terminator line between night and day
here they are removing part of that those are the astronauts in front of the window removing this is a one foot model
of the Earth you see that then we see the iris open up and we see the real
location of the the camera being at the back of the spacecraft you see that so
they just faked being halfway to the Moon see this is really the window of the spacecraft with in Earth orbit with
the bright Earth shine coming through but over here they claimed it was the Earth floating in space do you see that
we have the unedited version that’s why it said at the beginning of the film do
not show this to the public right how’d you get this footage well U Bill casing
believes a whistleblower from NASA sent it to us so basically three and a half years into the seven-year project of
making a funny thing happened on the way to the Moon I discovered this footage this footage of the crew of Apollo 11
faking being halfway to the moon now why are they faking being halfway to the
Moon because they cannot go halfway to the Moon if they could really go we’d be
seeing the real Earth out the window and they wouldn’t be faking a one- foot model of it like they’re doing now so if
they’re faking being halfway to the Moon it means they cannot leave Earth orbit and what a surprise 50 years later they
cannot leave Earth orbit it’s largely because of a radiation field that starts
at about a thousand miles up that they would have to go through in order to reach the moon that radiation field is
25,000 miles thick and the only time in history that someone has said to have gone through it is the Apollo Astronauts
to the Moon in back and NASA’s own Kelly Smith says that the technology to go
through that radiation has yet to be invented as we get further away from Earth we’ll pass through the Van Allen
belts an area of dangerous
radiation radiation like this could harm the guidance systems onboard computers or other electronics on a naturally we
have to pass through this danger zone twice once up and once back
but Orion has protection shielding will be put to the test as the vehicle cuts through the waves of radiation sensors
aboard will record radiation levels for scientists to study we must solve these challenges before we send people through
this region of space we must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space we must solve these
challenges before we send people through this region of space so basically the guy just said that the technology to go
through the radiation belt has yet to be invented first he called them dangerous radiation this was from
an unmanned probe the Orion Project okay they sent an unmanned probe up there with two Geer counters they said it it’s
a dangerous radiation and he says we must solve these radiation challenges
before we send people through this region of space meaning the technology to send human beings to the radiation
field has yet to be invented you see that so I call up NASA I said let me
talk to this guy I’m a journalist he said oh no he didn’t talk to journalists anymore since he made that mistake and I
said well send me these Geer counter readings right of the of the radiation belts and they said that’s classified I
said wait a minute you sent probes to the Sun to find out how much helium is in the sun those measurements are just
nature they’re not classified you sent probes to Jupiter to find out how much hydrogen is in Jupiter’s atmosphere
that’s just nature so why would the amount of radiation in this radiation belt surrounding Earth why would those
measurements be classified because if they release them it would prove that they’re deadly and they cannot go to the
Moon you know when they made the atomic bomb 10 years later it was like a hundred times more powerful and another
10 years later it was a thousand times more powerful this is the only time in world history that technology has gone
backwards if they really went to the moon on the first attempt with one hum milant the computing power of a cell
phone they would have been on Mars 10 years later they would have been in another solar system by now the point is
it’s impossible for technology to go backwards can you tell me big credible
mathematicians doctors you know famous power politicians presidents who don’t
believe this event took place any major names that support that this never Happ on page 156 of his book my life he tells
a story about about uh when he was working with a carpenter back in 1969 he said uh hey you know to the
carpenter while they were building House Bill Clinton said to them hey in the moonlanding great the carpenter said I don’t believe them those television
people can make you think one thing when they’re really doing something else and then he said after spending eight years
in Washington he came to believe that the old man was ahead of his time meaning he also agreed that the moon
landings were fake it’s very simple there’s no independent IRA Witnesses no
independent press coverage they have a TV picture completely controlled by the federal government and three government
employees of the of the alleged greatest event in human history I mean it’s
unbelievable that they’re claiming that they went a thousand times farther than they can go today 50 years ago with one
millionth of computing power that they have today it’s a Preposterous claim if it wasn’t for people’s emotional
attachment to the patriotism or they it becomes a religion for people look how
great science is look how great we are they would ac they would already acknowledge it when Bill casing first
suggested that I do a film about this right which is when I was 24 years AG
old which is about 30 years ago I turned it down because I saw the Shadows intersecting I saw the Soviets were more
advanced I saw two of the three guys don’t give interviews but I’m telling you 30 years ago it scared me because I
personally I have kind of a a Relentless personality and I also love puzzles we
were talking about games before we got started I love games and puzzles and I said to myself Patrick I said look if
anyone could figure out whether he went to the moon or not it would probably be me and I said you know it looks like
there’s a good possibility that the missions were fraudulent and so I turned down the
project I said I want to have a wife and a family someday why should I risk my life for other people’s mistakes so I
down the project and then another client of mine a Christian client said hey I’ll get one of your scripts uh Mr filmmaker
to a famous Hollywood producer if you do me a favor I’m like sure they said read the Bible so I started reading the Bible
June 5th 1989 the day the man stood in front of the tanks in China and it was a
one-year Bible divided into 365 reads and over the next five years I read the
Bible five times from cover to cover and after that I realized you know there is a God there is good and evil there is a
judgment for how we live our life and I said to myself if they didn’t go to the Moon
that’s more profound than if they had actually gone think about this Patrick let’s say they could go to the Moon that would have a certain level of
significance to mankind but if they couldn’t go they lied about it they murdered people to keep it a secret
that’s more profound than if they’d actually gone and I said if they didn’t go this is important for mankind to know
otherwise we won’t grow we won’t learn from our mistakes we we’ll be stuck in this corrupted world so I called up Bill
I said I changed my mind I decided to make the film anyway well let me tell you these films cost $1 million and we
were financed by a board member of an aerospace company who builds Rockets from NASA he knows from an engineering
point of view that we didn’t go to the moon and he said it was his Patriot IC duty to finance these films to expose
this fraud okay that’s who financed our movie a board member of an aerospace
company building rockets for NASA who knows they didn’t go to the moon plus I had a guy who worked there for six years
who said we didn’t go to the moon but I still said well maybe we’ll find out but when I found that footage of them faking
the shot of being halfway to the Moon with the CIA telling him how to do it I’m like oh my gosh they really didn’t
go and then it got you know even worse then I found a source okay who was
actually there at the time that they filmed it now this is what I’m releasing in moonman for the very first time he
was personally there at a particular United States base military
base and he Stood Beside President Johnson while they filmed the faking of Apollo 11 June 1st 2nd and 3rd of 1968
we’re going to identify the code name for the Apollo project the military base where it was filmed and a list of 15
people he was the chief of security at this base and he and they said only these 15 people are allowed in to W
eyewitness this event he had that list and he gave it to me he confessed on his
deathbed that he was there and some of these people are still alive today and
then in the course of finding this you know footage this proof that we didn’t go to the Moon you know my phone calls
were interrupted I started being followed and at one point I was literally kidnapped and drugged by I
presume the CIA to the point where they were asking me questions I they gave me
true serum or something uh I told them everything they wanted to know I escaped
I took my urine sample to a lab uh to prove that I had been drugged illegally
by this some exotic true serum drug I call back uh or actually a friend does
because I was trying did not show if they were listening to my phone conversations that where I had gone but
somehow they found out anyway when my friend called the lab to get the results they said well we had a problem and I
said what was that problem they said well there was a Breakin over the weekend in our lab and they said the
only thing stolen was your urine sample you know so all of this you know
it leads up to the second film astronauts gone wild where I just had the thought you know from TV shows
growing up hey why not ask somebody to swear on the Bible so we Tracked Down A lot of these Apollo Astronauts and asked
them to swear on the Bible that they walked on the moon most of them would not do it one of them of course you know
punched me one of them kicked me one of them threatened to shoot me one of them threatened to hit me and one of them
when I was in their house and they literally physically kicked me from behind when my back was turned right
after they said they’re not a violent person so they can’t even not lie for five seconds in the commotion we left a
wireless microphone on them do you have footage of all this stuff do you have a yeah it’s it’s in astronauts they have
it queued up right now if you want to take a listen to it you got it I’d love to see it and so basically we left a
microphone on this guy my camera guy and the commotion of being threatened to be shot left the camera rolling in the back
of the car and when they went back inside their house with the doors closed
we heard their private conversations and you know cuz these are highquality microphones they work for
quite a distance and when the production secretary who was transcribing all the
interviews with the astronauts a month or so later she calls me up very excited says Bart Bart do you know what they’re
talking about in your in their house privately you know when you when the camera was still recording I said no
tell me she says they’re talking about calling the CIA to have you assassinated I said yeah that’s funny she says no
Bart no they I’m serious I said yeah that’s really funny said no Bart you’re not listening I’m being serious and and
sure enough they’re discussing calling the CIA to have me
assassinated you want to call the CIA have
W the question is if they really went to the moon why would they need to call the
CIA to have a journalist who’s completely wrong assassinated right
again if if I’m a conspiracy theorist and I’m completely wrong and it’s silly why would they have to call the CIA to
have me assassinated unless I’m a real investigative journalist uncovering the genuine and outrageous government fraud
the same way with Buzz Aldren okay if he really walked on the moon me saying
otherwise is like throwing a feather at the guy why would someone become violently angry for throwing a feather
at them but what it was like is like me walking up to him in the company of his wife and saying oh how’s your mistress
she says hello then he gets angry and that’s exactly what happened I exposed
his fraud I exposed this guy’s fraud and that’s why they become so violent because they’re known you know as Heroes
and that’s you know the sad state of our country they gave Congressional Medals of Honor they had tick or tape parades
for these guys right and some people say when you just see their expression from
the press conference they’re convinced that they didn’t go to the Moon because they look like they’re at a funeral and
so this is what moon man is about not only how and why we didn’t go to the Moon not only about my crazy Adventures
of being kidnapped and drugged not only about naming the military base where it was filmed the dates the code name and a
list of 15 people who were there it says look there these people and their apprentices are still at large running
our government this is a dangerous when did you get that audio of Edgar Mitchell what he said uh that was in 2003 and
what did you do with that audio well we put it in the film the follow-up film called astronauts gone wild no did you
ever give that to the did you ever approach anybody and and you know share
it with you know the cops or anybody just to say here’s what was said or no no however when my source okay about
naming the base okay the code name for the military base and the list of 15
people who were there at the time some of whom are still alive today okay and when I named all of this I
confirmed this with that person surviving family member and when I did
that a couple of days later their house was broken into even though they had a
security system with cameras They Were Somehow disabled somehow they knew their
password everything from their house about their relatives involvement in the
military and at this base was confiscated and two or three days after
that they were visited by two government agents who threatened them and their family members with death if they ever
spoke to me again at that point I contacted the White House Press Secretary I contacted the United States
Senator on the select intelligence committee and I contacted the FBI near where this person lived to give them
protection I mean this is a very serious thing you have to understand Ralph nater okay he wrote a book in the 60s unsafe
at any speed right and the CEO of General Motors James Ro and admitted
that he had Ralph nater followed by former FBI agents simply to not spend
money to put airbags and cars so if I am
exposing the most horrendous government fraud at least emotionally to the public
I think they might keep up with me and my sources and that’s why I was drugged
that’s why this person’s life was threatened that’s why all these things happen I mean I’m sorry I I really wish
we went to the moon our world would be a much better place if people didn’t have their emotional attachment I mean it
it’s it’s like a religion to people how dare you say that the great moon
landings are fake you know it’s unbelievable we right now we have 3,000
Architects and Engineers right who will go on the record and risk their lifelong
reputations and say the three buildings on 911 it’s impossible for them to come
down with fires especially the third one and yet 20 years later nothing is done
about it three quarters of the American public says Oswald did not kill Kennedy nothing is done about it we have John
mnur admitting that the Gulf of Tolen incident that led to over a million people dying they completely made that
up and never happened and it’s like why is nothing being done we have William
Benny who worked for the NSA for 30 years he says they listen to United
States President’s phone calls Supreme Court Justice’s phone calls Senate and Congress members phone calls in order to
get dirt to to Blackmail them to voting a particular way they admit it this is
even on a couple of mainstream media Outlets they admit this is a fact there’s not a single Congressional
hearing done about it because the the evil people who run the world and our government are so entrenched they they
own the FBI they own the justice department if this never happened what’s the big deal let’s just say never happened what
is the big deal about us proving that this never happened well if you go to chapter 11 of my book moonman you see
what the Achilles heel of all this is I agree with you okay they fake going to
the moon so what and if it weren’t true what I’m about to tell you I would agree
with you okay but the fact is they murdered the crew of Apollo 1 Apollo 1
one was going to be the first crew to walk on the moon and they were murdered on January 27th 1967 it’s not my opinion
it’s the opinion of the Dead Man’s Widow it’s the opinion of the dead man’s son who is a 747 pilot they have
investigated it for decades they are 100% convinced that that fire that killed the man and two crew members with
him the man who would have been the first man to walk in the Moon that that fire was set deliberately the basically
D Grom was the commander he was the most beloved of all the astronauts because of a Mercury problem he splashed down the
explosive bolts went off his spacecraft flooded he admitted at the press conference he had rolls of nickels in
his pockets to give to his son and school children to say this nickel has been in outer space but when he started
sinking to the bottom of the ocean with all that extra weight he said you know maybe it wasn’t such a great idea the
Press car laughed and then somebody asked him they said were you
afraid and he said Patrick of course I was afraid and everybody loved him he’s
telling he was the biggest critic of the Apollo program he wrote to his Senator he’s wrote to his Congressman he wrote
to every General saying they’re not fixing anything a few minutes before he was burned alive they couldn’t get a
wired intercom to work between two adjoining buildings he said guys how are
we going to go to the moon in two years if we can’t get an intercom to work between two buildings he said I can’t
hear you the interc comp’s not working so he told his wife who I interviewed extensively that the CIA was all over
the Launchpad the day before the fire the CIA went to his house and
confiscated all of his critical reports he was filing with Congress before they even informed his widow that he was dead
they murdered the Apollo Wan crew because he would not cooperate in faking of the moonlanding the valid lifelong
opinion of Betty and Scott Gom they have done thousands of hours of Investigation
I’m just sharing their opinion their opinion is the Apollo one fire was set Del liberate and they have forensic
evidence to back it up so why was the CIA there the day before the fire why
would they kill these three men and then later fake the moonlanding because he wouldn’t cooperate with it that’s why he
hung a lemon at the top of the spacecraft a few days before he burned alive said this thing is a lemon he said
we’re 10 years away from going to the Moon not two he complained thousands of times you need to fix this this this
they never fixed any of it because they knew they were only going into Earth orbit and they had not yet informed the
astronauts same thing with Baron he was a whistleblower and he did a report two
reports for congress saying this is not going to the Moon by the end of the decade they’re claiming they need 15
years to return to the Moon with five decades better technology than when they had an eight-year goal to go to the Moon
before cell phones and microwave ovens they could do it in eight years now 50 years later it’s going to take 15 years
Reagan said they’d go back to the Moon in five years never happened then the president after him Clinton said they’d
go to the Moon never happened George Bush Senior said they’d return to the Moon in five years never happened George
Bush Jr said twice they’ll go to the moon in five years never happened Obama said we’d go to the moon in 5 years
never happened and they said they’re going to send an unmanned probe to orbit the Moon and that never happened they
said that in in uh 2016 by 2018 we’ll have an unmanned probe going around the Moon that never happened they can’t even
do that did Trump did Trump ever say we’re going on the moon we’re gonna um I think he sent the goal of
20124 and they just said about I don’t know three or four months ago they can’t do that either and China which is the
most industrialized Nation on the planet says they need 15 years minimum in order
to go to the moon so how come they could do it 50 years ago in eight years and now with five decades better rocket and
computer technology they need twice the time to go to the Moon it it’s illogical there’s never been a technological
achievement that no one could repeat 50 years later never happened you don’t believe man landed on moon yet you
believe in a God you’ve never personally physically met before what do you say to that I said those people need to read
two books the first one is called privileged planet and the second book is one Cosmos under God and they will see
that mathematically the odds of there being life on Earth or anywhere in the universe is not likely at all it’s like
wining the Powerball 20 times in a row remember what the government says is generally the exact opposite of the
truth they’re trying to tell you that there must be life everywhere but these two books show you there shouldn’t even
be life on Earth that it has to be by Design there’s no other explanation for it things don’t make themselves cars
don’t make themselves look at our body all the departmentalized organs doing their job the ear it’s it’s obviously
design now whether you can understand it or not doesn’t matter intellectuals get so prideful they say well if we can’t
comprehend it it must not be true well my dog I can open the hood of my car and say this is the alternator this is the
starter it will never understand a spark plug but it doesn’t mean that the engine wasn’t designed by an intelligence
higher than itself so the the fact is logic says they didn’t go to the Moon
because it doesn’t make sense that they could go a thousand times farther than they can go today 50 years ago with one
millionth to computing power cell phone that’s completely illogical it’s the only time in history that technology
went backwards it’s the only time in history that a technological claim couldn’t be repeated 50 years later I
mean imagine Bill Gates spending $200 billion dollar to build the first computer and when he was done throwing
all the hardware the schematics all the records of it into the fireplace it would never happen they should have done
that with the atomic bomb but they didn’t so why would they if they really went to the moon and spent $200 billion
dollar in today’s dollars why would they throw that away they would never do that but the fact that they did is proof that
they didn’t go because if they really went they would never do it and if they were covering up the fraud that’s exactly what they would do so there you
go I’d go to the moon in a nano second the problem is we don’t have the
technology to do that anymore we used to but we uh destroyed that technology now
we only can fly in Earth orbit that’s the farthest that we can go and this new system that we’re building is going to
allow us to go beyond and hopefully take humans into the solar system to explore so the Moon Mars asteroids there’s a lot
of destinations that we could go to and we’re building these building block components in order to allow us to do
that eventually eventually eventually there you go folks I uh have
more information on this topic than I did prior to coming on and uh interviewing you and it’s always a good
thing we’re going to put the link below to your website where people can go and get all this content uh uh from your
site having said that bark thank you so much for being a guest on Val tment no problem

Patrick Bet-David Interviews Bart Sibrel We Did Not Go To The Moon.

Watch the story referred to in this video: Moon Movie Hoax Father Son Two Deathbed Confessions

Here Is The Software NASA Uses To Fake The Globe And Space

Here Is The Software NASA Uses To Fake The Globe And Space

This video is addressed to Dave McKeegan who thinks he has un-debunkable proof that the ISS is flying over a cartoon ball earth! Any real flat earth researchers already know NASA can get up there high enough above the level earth and their sole purpose for doing so is to keep the ball earth deception going strong. In 1969 they were only up 150 mils above the earth, they already knew the earth wasn’t a ball, they already knew long before the moon landing that the earth was not truly a ball. They knew they were hiding more land and resources beyond Antarctica. So in 1969 their mission was to create a fake ball earth image from 150 miles up, while pretending to go land on the moon.

Ever since then they’ve relied on Photo Realist Artists and computer programmers to give them the best artistic and technological advancements possible to continue faking the cartoon ball earth. We’re not supposed to be able to uncover their lies, but some of us have been able to do just that! They were always watching what the REAL flat earthers were doing since 2002, they knew their fraud was being uncovered. They needed to step up their game.

Their main goal is to eventually stage another moon landing using AI to render the entire landing and fill any gaps the flat earthers uncovered all of these years. The globers that bought all the original fraud, hook line and sinker are hopelessly doomed to being duped for the rest of their lives.

Content creators like Dave McKeegan were pushed to the forefront by Google in 2018. Not only has NASA been stepping up their game to continue the ball earth lie, but they also had Google in the corner to censore all the flat earth content creators in 2018. The NASA whistleblower Math Powerland was shadow banned and ghosted long before 2018, he was eventually completely erased in 2020. The rest of the content creators were completely buried and shuffled to the back of people like Dave McKeegan, SciManDan and Professor Dave. This FACT alone should raise a huge red flag for anyone that comes across this information. WHY would they need to censor the flat earth if the ball earth claim was true? Why would they need to stay decades ahead of the sheep they’re lying to in technological advancements if they were telling the truth? Time is running out, if you’re a glober.. you better wake up and start pressuring NASA about their fraud and you better start demanding access to Antarctica and beyond! NASA is also involved in soft-killing all your asses and that got started in 2020 with CONvid and the jab! I don’t know any flat earthers that took that garbage! I know a few ball earthers that avoided it, but most of you globers were maskers and jabbers! WAKE UP!

so what’s up people this is Robert basano I just want to come back to you guys again and share some information with
you um I got to talking with Alice again and Alice says hey you want to take
another trip down the rabbit hole I want to show you something else and it actually involved a
commercial I saw yesterday when I was watching CNN watching Christian almond boards you’ve
been talking about NATO and then they went to commercial break in this interesting NASA commercial came up and
what it showed was a picture of the Earth you know it was in a cartoon
animation and then they showed a picture of this cartoon animation of the Sun
and then it started showing all kinds of information about the earth and the size of it and the shape of course they show
the globe and then they showed the Sun and then it went on to show how many Earths can fit into the sun what’s the
distance of the Sun from the Earth and then it went the video started to
progress and it showed a comparison of how you could develop a perceptual
understanding of how big the sun was first compared to the earth and they showed another picture of the front door
of someone of a home saying that this is the Sun and then they peered into the
keyhole they zoomed all the way into the keyhole of the door to illustrate this is how small the Earth is
and then the video ended with the words got it get it
good and on the bottom it says Source NASA so I’m like what the
was that a Flat Earth message was that saying hey we know what you guys are doing so we’re gonna put out
counter information to make sure we keep everybody on target with regard to what
the Earth what we’re telling them the earth looks like so I I went looking for this video
couldn’t find it on NASA’s website couldn’t find it on CNN’s website at all couldn’t find it on the internet at all
typed in all kinds of queries nothing came up and usually you know not supposed that
on their website where you can find it you know with regard to Media Inquisition relations so you know speaking to Alice we go down
deep in the rabbit hole deeper than we’ve ever gone before and I decided to type in Source colon NASA
and lo and behold all this crazy just popped up you
know in the search and I’m starting to see you know websites regarding coding
websites regarding Source open source code autonomous systems and Robotics
artificial intelligence so I just started to go digging a little bit deeper right and then I stumble across some crazy
on this website code NASA and the reason why I found this
interesting and again I want everybody to understand that I’m not looking for information to
you know support my belief you know I wanted to I’m curious you know I’m into
software programming GPU Cuda you know Blackberry OS Android
Red Hat Linux and um and I know you know I know quite a bit about machine
learning and Ai and and computer programming so I’m thinking okay
I saw a video the other day where a guy Flat Earth her he put up a video I think
he’s from Australia or or London and he made the insinuation that there
was a possibility they had some sort of software program that he believed whereby they could actually
they could take the footage from a high altitude plane like a drone we’ve all seen they know that we know that they
have those large um Reaper and predator drones which NASA
helped develop um with Lockheed and Boeing and they put these bad boys up at extremely high
altitudes they’re completely autonomous stationary atmosphere over a non-rotating earth
so I thought to myself wait a minute if you do have a picture of the Earth then you can take that that video and then
you upload it into the high performance computer to have the super computer and then you start creating all types of
image processing Graphics visualization you just basically go from scratch with
this whole thing and then I stumbled across this dick
q-u-ip quick Imaging processing on NASA’s website open source Q uip
provides an interactive environment for computing and presenting images and image sequences manipulating and storing
arbitrary data and general scientific Computing and plotting the current release supports unix-like operating
systems tested on Linux and Mac OS OS X and Apple’s IOS mobile operating system
GPU accelerating is supported with either Cuda or opencl which I’ve been I
know both of those there’s a built-in support so I’m thinking to myself cycle physics
what the hell is it am I confirming is it possibly I’m
getting ready to confirm that these videos are actually being put out they’re all artificial in a super
computers conducting all of this even the that they claim that’s live but wait till you see what more I’m
going to show you this is incredible people Alice is taking me deep
inventory system for lab equipment worldwide options uh eodos
on Earth I mean look this is all open source people you can go to all of this and this
there’s a possibility you will be able to create exactly what NASA’s creating if you have the computer memory and
power to actually do it but this is all of their open source
software they’re using world of view design I’m not even gonna go there this this
video is just basically to show you guys that this exists the disk repository
contains the wireframes and designs for NASA’s World review this code was originally developed at
Nasa Goddard space flight center for the earth science data and information systems Edis project
people you got to go to this this is you have to see this for yourself
and for those of you out there who are interested in programming and software development and open source sdks
this may be the Holy Grail people this may be it
this may be it people this actually may be it
you’re gonna have to see this for yourself I mean it just goes on and on and on
Google Earth offline cache preloader desktop operation remote Terrain
Capital Community database I mean they’re taking all the data they’re putting it up into a computer and
they’re creating the this the computer generated images and videos they’re doing the same thing
IPv6 socket manipulation for python
wow Earth data search data curtains core flight systems data search data
storage application version file plotting tools python power metric radar
beam blockage calculation I mean
you know to to give them a little bit of Defense I I’m gonna say that yes they’re
using this to create simulations so they know what aircrafts are going to do what space vehicle is going to do when
they’re in a specific environment but if you wanted if you couldn’t really do this but you could think of it and
you can create it on a computer that means you can make it look like it’s real
because when you go all the way back up to the to the coating
psychophysics do we not even search to see what that is people do we really want to see what
psychophysics is I mean do you want to know because I want to know
I want to know what psychophysics actually entails okay
cycle physics
psychophysics let’s go to
let’s go to and Academy again I don’t like looking at perception
lecture notes I don’t like looking at Wikipedia that’s for people who are just lazy
so psychophysics have you ever wondered what happens when
you eat a juicy watermelon how does a grainy texture of that pink fruit get translated into the sensation of sweet
or okay let’s guess what method of limitation limits to measure obsolete
threshold with the methods of limits a researcher would present the stimulus in either us and okay
this is just basically we want to keep it simple right people okay let’s keep it simple
psychophysics is the scientific study of the relationship between stimuli specific and physical terms and the
sensations and perceptions evoked by these stimuli the term psychophysics is used to denote both the substantive
study of stimulus response relationships and the methodologies used for this this
study okay that’s psychophysics so let’s go back to where we were so
again you guys see all of this we’re not going to go over all of it because this would be literally like a full five hour video
but I wanted to show you this just to to illustrate
there is a potential possibility all of this that you’re seeing on video that you see the NASA does I’m not
saying that rocket the rocket launchers are not real but what I am saying is this is
a lot of these launches that may be taking place at night time where there’s nobody around to see them or they’re not
being publicized that they’re happening um they could be computer generated
images and fake launches a lot of the launchers that are taking place in front of the eyes of thousands of people who
are standing around the seat of launches those are real those are real launches
or they could be fake launchers who knows
you know I’m not gonna say that they are fake launches but
you can’t take out the possibility that all kinds of crazy ass noise that could be created to simulate what it sounds
like to see to hear a rock and actually fire off because they actually can create these same sounds when they’re
doing rocket testing if you’ve ever seen the videos where they’re doing rocket testing they actually have the engine
they’re firing it off to see what the what the capabilities are how the Rockets performing what the engine
sounds like they’re recording all these sounds so when you see what you believe to be the space shuttle or some rocket a
few miles away away from you and you see the launch taking place but
there’s all these type of other vehicles and apparatuses around the launch site projecting sorts of images and Light
who’s to say that that’s not a holograph you’re seeing and the sound that you’re hearing is not actually coming from a
real vehicle being launched but it’s a sound being projected with very
Advanced speaker systems and sound systems that could project that type of sound and noise and that vibration okay
these things are possible people if you don’t think that they’re possible and you’ve been to an actual launch and you
say yes that was a rocket being launched hey I’m not going to argue with you on that but what’s happening when you’re not
there watching a launch you know you might say yeah you talk to friends and this happened but I need you
to take this into consideration because psychophysics image processing Graphics you can if Hollywood can do this
NASA can do it okay because that’s who they learned it from thank you Stanley Cooper so we go over to the software
catalog they have actually a technology transfer program software catalog for 2015 2016. you can sign up use your
email create an account and um basically you can download the
catalog I’ve already downloaded and put it into my secure Cloud so anybody want to know who it is you can just get say
this is a US government system that’s authorized for use only I actually signed up and I actually got the document to be perfectly honest with you
so I actually have an account so no I don’t work for the government
so another thing I wanted to show you guys was this the NASA world win
okay this is an open source platform cross platform completely free you can download this and I was in the process
of downloading it and I’m gonna do that right now okay I’m going to accept
and it’s going to give me the Whirlwind Java SDK 2.0 I’m going to download it
and put it inside my folder and just let it go through its thing we’re going to
see what that is later I need to play around with this see what it actually really is you guys can go to NASA
Whirlwind download it yourself play around with it maybe we can share some notes but it’s 98.8 megabytes so it’s
going to take a while but let me let’s keep going here so I found this paper Aerospace Research
Center but you have to pay to get this so I’m gonna have to log into my University later and use my University account to
actually access this document but here’s the interesting thing about the title moving Spirit simulations using the
Chimera grid approach moving sphere simulations using the
Chimera grid approach you need to research Chimera grid
approach do that on your own okay but
I’m gonna need to read this document to really come up with definitive results that they’re creating this all
through computer image processing because they have more than a dozen supercomputers around
the United States and the world okay
so this data and the way they’re doing this it’s not happening from the United States you can
be guaranteed of that because the United States suffers too many cyber attacks for that information
to be compromised for the whole system to be crashed literally in a day
okay in a day they would have to literally cut the cord to the worldwide
internet so that this couldn’t be published by some hacking group okay so let’s go here so I did what I did was
I did download this paper high resolution Aerospace applications using the NASA Colombia supercomputer
so I’ve got to go through this read this whole thing but what’s interesting about this and I haven’t read through the
whole document and I want you to understand something because there’s been talk about you know there being
potentially what is below is above you know there’s Waters in the ocean we
talked about a lot of things that people putting out videos saying that there’s there’s these lunar waves and they now
they’re talking about they may not be actual any kind of electromagnetic waves or or or
um heat waves but it could be actual some sort of fluid Dynamic environment that
everything may be in in the sky with regard to the Sun the moon the space shuttle the ISS all of that but what’s
interesting about this introduction notice what they say computational fluid dynamics
cfd techniques have been developed and applied to Aerospace analysis
and design problems since the Advent of the super computer however in spite of
several decades of continuous improvements in algorithms and hardware and despite the widespread acceptance
and use of cfd as an indispensable tool in the Aerospace vehicle design process
computational methods are still employed in a very limited fashion in the design process
the full potential of these methods in delivery delivering more optimal designs
and accelerating the design cycle has yet to be approached
now I want you to understand something we you don’t have to be in Aerospace or
an astronautic engineer or an aerodynamic engineer to understand that if you’re designing
an aircraft to fly in atmosphere and a gases pressurized atmosphere
then you’re going to put it into a wind tunnel and you’re going to create some sort of vapor trail where
you you’ll be able to see the way the gases flow or the air flows over the
wings of an aircraft and when the aircraft turns left to right pitched yaw you see how the air interacts with the
structure of the aircraft now that’s not fluid dynamics [Music]
fluid dynamics exactly what they say it is you’re using some sort of fluids
composition source liquid they’re using computational fluid
dynamics techniques for aircraft testing and design which
means that if they’re doing that on a computer and they’re doing it in a laboratory and inside some sort of
facility where they’re testing this then they’re letting these fluids go interact with the with the aircraft
vehicle which means because that vehicle is going to be going into the same environment they’re testing it under
fluid people fluid
I’ll leave it at that again I need to do some more reading and you guys are seeing this for the first time just like
I am okay so let’s go to the over grid now to give you some clarity on what you’re
actually looking at I’m going to show you what you’re looking at I found this this is also NASA website
okay let’s see here yeah it’s people
it’s okay I mean Alice is
fantastic she’s been taking me so far down the rabbit hole it’s unbelievable so I found this and it talked I wanted
to research what the Chimera grid approach actually was and yeah this was put out version 2.1 in
2010. but let’s just assume that this was something this is an
upgraded version of something that predates stuff that was being used before okay so that’s the Assumption and
presumption we can make because we don’t have anything else to compare it to so
Occam’s raises theory is the most logical conclusion is the most probable
right okay Chimera grid tools users manual so restrictions read this before
proceeding notices and disclaimers read this before proceeding uh let’s see here what they say read this before
proceeding many models in the software package have been developed under the dod high performance Computing
modernization program um it’s called the chissy cfd4
initiative as a result the following rules must be observed by the users of the software only U.S citizens or
permanent residents belong to a U.S organization are allowed to access allowed access to the software foreign
Nationals are permitted well oh got the cat out of the bag on this one hey it’s open source it wasn’t a
restricted website that I need to log into so you’re gonna put it out there I’m gonna find it I’m
gonna post it and let everybody know U.S citizens
are permanent residents who would like to use the software must sign a software usage agreement form in the past or
group leader branch chief can sign for the group the current rules require a signature from everyone who has access
to the software including indicating that they understand restrictions imposed on the software
source code must reside on secure facilities password protection at a minimum and be readable only by
individuals that have fully executed a software user agreement software is not allowed to lead the
organizing well that’s too bad because it’s I already got it what the do so
I’m not saying I have the software but here you go it goes the contents bugs
search for keywords references uh I don’t well here’s a software request
procedure but let me get to the point here you see all of this how they can create the space shuttle they create
everything that they need to create you know testing it you know Advanced
aircraft they see what happens to the aircraft you know flight Dynamics you know just everything you could have been
uh possibly imagine when it comes to aerodynamics and aerospace engineering
and what what interests me was this the yoga grid right here’s the overground
so what I discovered going to this overgrid version 2.3
is this software program over great graphics window again I’m not trying to
claim that this is what they’re using to create the computer generated images I’m not saying that the space shuttle never
went up into space which is not as far as we generally think it is all right
people think the space is a vacuum and all this other Jazz it’s not no one goes into a vacuum I’m sorry to
disappoint you I include you globers but when you look at the main menu
for this over grid version 2.3 you look at all the grid tools you can
put you color code them which means that this software program
let’s just say they needed to simulate this vehicle be going into space or they
needed to create the background that this has launched and the lighting has to be a specific way because here’s what
I think is happening this is just me being hypothetical and theoretical on this
if I wanted to create a video to show that I launched my own space shuttle
from my backyard and I had access to the atmos the daily real-time
atmospheric data that every news weather station has
access to right from NASA and I want you to understand the news that you watch on
television the weather that they’re forecasting
they’re getting all of that data from NASA they don’t have their own Doppler
systems they don’t they can’t pay for this they they can’t set these things up
they get them from the main sister station [Music]
and that sit station is is got an account with NASA just like a bank
and they’re getting all their data from NASA so if I wanted to create this and I have this software
all I have to do is input all I have to do is input all of the
atmospheric data into the software programming because remember it’s open source
okay it’s open source and then
when you combine the two programs you end up with
the automated configurations or custom fit configurations so that the
video or the simulation that’s being conducted the cert the the specific type of light
and Reflections will be visible on the vehicle themselves as as
you believe it’s being launched and going up into the sky and then when it gets to the darkness of space above 328
000 feet then things start to change and start to look a little bit funny okay
but when you look at debris tracing solution hybrid grid components you look
at this program again I haven’t downloaded this yet so I haven’t played around on it to know exactly how it actually works but from looking at this
template I can tell you here right now I’ve actually seen a template like this in a
Aerospace systems engineering software program
created for a private drone maker right now I know of and he has something
similar to this it’s not identical but it’s used for him it’s you so he could design us drones to do certain things to
fly you know have certain capabilities and they factor in all of this okay they Factory in all of this and when you look
at the bottom of this template you start seeing some things okay again if you’re not a software designer programmer or
coder you know and even if you’re even if you are a program recorder you don’t have to
be when you look at some of the selections that are given you with regard to accesses rotation centers you
have to punch in all of these codes um you look at who knows what the rest
of this does but I mean you’re you’re designing the aircraft for real time
situations right you have to program it in this dough is flying through the air
but in this particular case they’re using flu computational fluid dynamics if you don’t if you’re not sure of what
that is just go to and they’ll show you video illustrations of
what their computational fluid dynamics um capabilities are with graphic
processing units because this is used with gpus everything’s all Visual and if you know that everything they produce
NASA has to produce is all based on graphic processing units
then that gives you the answer right there that everything is based on visual
frame of reference Recreation and simulation of a visual environment hence
the term psychophysics stimuli giving you specific images
specific things that they’ve already pre-programmed into to identify as that
has to be real no that has to be fake and the difference between flat earthers and globals is that flat earthers are
really way outside the box thinkers and highly intelligent people I I’m not gonna say I’m gonna say that
in a general sense but somehow some people have slipped through the cracks and
they I don’t know they’re outside the box but they’re not too far outside the
box and uh they’re you know who knows they they might want to be like a cat and jump back into the safety of the box
which they believe is sitting on top of the ball spinning but not in here today
so when you look at this program start to put things together in your
head thinking oh wait a minute here yeah they’re using this for computer simulation
but this data is also being applied to real time
that’s how they get accurate in what they do whatever it is they’re doing however the way they’re doing it 3D
opengl provides 3D Graphics display we can only see things in 3D or 2D
right so when you look at all this
you should start asking yourself is this how they’re doing it
and I believe this is how they’re doing it if we’re going to stick to our claim
that they’re Faking It then here goes the proof that they’re Faking It
because this is highly complex they don’t expect us to go looking for this they don’t expect us to find this
they don’t expect us to have people within the ranks who can locate this identify it disseminate it decipher it
and put it to use they don’t expect it at all
you see it for yourself there it is plain as day
so I provided you with enough information to go do some searching start looking
for yourself oops sorry about that that’s the name of
the website okay what else that I wanted to show this is the paper that I showed you we
already looked at that I showed you the NASA world win I’ll
have that posted up for you so you can check it out I might not you guys just gonna have to do some homework on this
and I’m I’ve already downloaded the Whirlwind so I’m gonna check that out but there’ll be some more videos after
this so I can tell you what it is I’m discovering what do we got oh this is what I wanted
to show you this is the last thing I wanted to show you this is what is this website this website is okay there’s a technology transfer program I told you about Nas listen NASA
has this program uh NSA has this program Department of
energy has this program DARPA has this program they all have it the technology transfer program is basically Tech that
you know they’ve already Declassified it’s out there and now they want to see what people like us can do with it to
create something more advanced than what they have okay that’s why they put this out there all right it’s not some sort
of propaganda or counter Intel too to really up your computers and your life up and create something that’s
going to kill a lot of people they really don’t know what they’re doing and they need help okay they really don’t
they really need the help okay we know that they’re not bright people working for that organization
it’s impossible they may have him in your Masters and phds but they’re they’re not they’re not
the shiniest apples in the basket people because they’re in the basket we’re outside the basket so here you go I
wanted you to see this General fluid system simulations programs 6.0
so what I want to do is this you see how they’re using general fluid system so when we talk about computational fluid
dynamics what does that look like to you does it look like some sort of air or air
colored air gas no it’s not it’s like liquid fuel phase changes
okay they’re using this same system to test the aerodynamics of aircraft which
means that they’re going into the same environment that they’re being tested yeah here we go
look at this I can actually request this bad boy and I’m gonna do just that
[Music] I am going to do just that so let’s see what we can do
let’s do it let’s do it together I gotta create an account so I’m going
to create an account and I’m going to request this and then I’ll get back to you guys okay other than that it’s been
fun you’ve got a lot of things to look into hopefully you were exposed to something you’ve never seen before but
for those who are focusing on NASA and that is your only focus and you’ve
developed some sort of really how should I say stalker type of Attraction for
them I have to admit I’m right there with you but I’m an
observer on this whole thing but um
I think uh this may be it people this may be what you might be able to use to
prove to every Global who’s going to use anything from that so to say ah guess what I figured out how to create the
same video NASA created and boom here you go and do a side by side and
goodbye NASCAR take care people see you in funny papers I’ll post another one
maybe uh over the weekend or next week take care

The Shape Of Deception Why The Truth Matters

The Shape Of Deception Why The Truth Matters


‘Flat Earth’ as a term DOES NOT represent a map or a model. It’s not an “Archaic Conception”, but instead represents free thinking and an ongoing investigation and understanding of where we are, who we are, what we are, when, how, and why.

is often used as a defense mechanism by
stubborn Globe Defenders it’s more
rhetorical than inquisitive and tends to
be their final discussion point before
refusing to engage further with the
this question formulated one of several
ways is so what if the Earth is level
why does the shape of the earth even
what difference does it make to my life
firstly the thing of crucial importance
is not the shape it’s the LIE
the LIE of heliocentrism is one of the
most Insidious lies imaginable that
replaces our common sense and lived
experience with unproven theories and
explanations from supposed experts
children are indoctrinated to abandon
the evidence of their senses in favor of
this nonsensical Globe Model A Schism
occurs in their psyche where they are no
longer able to trust their own senses
and experience and instead must trust
information completely contrary to it
presented by perceived authority figures
teach such a false cosmology is
incredibly deceitful and disempowering
to the individual and the result is that
Humanity has become just like the slaves
in Plato’s allegory of the cave
a child who learns not to trust the
evidence of their senses becomes forever
imprisoned within Plato’s Cave
a world of distorted Shadows
cast by Plato’s Puppet Masters
that blinds them to the reality Beyond
so why does the shape of the earth
again it’s not about the shape
it’s about the LIE
to fool nearly the entirety of humanity
from multiple Generations stripping
people of their common sense and
replacing it with carefully crafted lies
is obviously a matter of serious
it is one of the most psychologically
devastating things that could be
perpetrated upon an individual
and seeing through it should be one of
the most revealing Revelations of a
so when someone asks the foolish
question of what difference does it make
that is already evidence of extreme
psychological Distortion if knowing the
truth doesn’t matter to your life what
does that say about your life
the level Earth is an epic Epiphany that
changes many people to their core
affirming their common sense
developing their critical thinking
skills and reigniting a spirit of
Discovery and adventure
in this way the level Earth Revelation
is holistically helpful and truly
transformational for many on an
individual level
even more importantly however is if
Humanity succeeds in fully exposing this
egregious lie
and finally rooting out the liars
The Beneficial ripple effect it will
have throughout Society is massive
once these foundational facts are
realized these governments universities
media outlets and other entangled
suddenly and completely lose all
the resulting Mass mental Exodus away
from the control system is exactly what
is needed
essentially once the level Earth
conspiracy is exposed
so is every other important conspiracy
by proxy
because this so-called mother of all
conspiracies holds under its umbrella so
many fundamental and foundational facts
fully reveals them

Jesuits Erasing our Flat Earth – Documentary

Jesuits Erasing our Flat Earth – Documentary


How the biggest deception started and who promoted it, narrated by Johnny Cirucci. From the Holy Roman Empire, to modern times, while explaining the Jesuit connection with Pythagoras, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Einstein, etc.

mig/mag special report for a thousand
years from roughly 500 AD to 1500 AD the
civilized world was controlled by Rome
but not military Rome religious Rome the
Roman Empire had mutated from a military
power into a religious one co-opting the
beliefs of Christianity and mixing them
with ancient Egyptian Greco and
Babylonian paganism Christian doctrine
that came directly from Jesus Christ and
was transcribed in the Bible stated that
each individual had the liberty and
independence to govern their own
salvation by cultivating a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ the new
religious Roman Empire insinuated
herself in between Christ and the
believer and said if you wanted to have
your soul saved you had to rely on the
priests bishops and Cardinals of Rome
this was the worst kind of slavery
because it was a slavery of
disinformation now and again sincere
Bible believing Christians like the
Waldensians of the Alps the Alba Jen’s
Jerome of Prague John Wickliffe and his
Lollards yon hoose of Bohemia would
rebel against this Roman rule and show
Christians that Vatican doctrines
claiming that you needed Rome to ensure
your salvation were contradicted by the
Bible as a result the papacy strictly
forbade Bibles to be placed into the
hands of the common person and only
allowed Jerome’s Latin Vulgate
to be handled by clergy men like John
Wickliffe painstakingly translated the
Vulgate into the language of the people
for Wickliffe it was English English
Bibles were then slowly and carefully
handled by witless followers who handed
them out – and taught the people in
response Roman authorities captured
wickless followers called lollards tied
their Bibles around their necks and burn
them alive
it’s what Christian so-called Christian
Rome did to all of her enemies including
Jerome of Prague and yeah who’s John
foxes Book of Martyrs originally titled
acts and monuments is completely filled
with examples of Catholic authorities
torturing and murdering Christians and
when a lollard was burned with a Bible
hanging around his neck it was a
terrible loss because not only were
Christians being burned alive but
Bibles were irreplaceable but in 1517 a
new rebel stepped up an Augustinian monk
from Germany named Martin Luther Luther
was furious that Pope Leo the tenth
Giovanni de Medici from the powerful
medici family who helped to rule the
world then and including through to
today had sent their attack dogs the
Dominicans to cheat the common people
out of their money by claiming they
could buy what is called an indulgence
which is basically a receipt of forgiven
sin by paying money to indulgences
peddlers like Johann Tetzel or
Christians believed that they had some
of their sins forgiven worse they were
told that dead loved ones were in
purgatory and they could give money to
these indulgences peddlers and the Pope
would then release their dead loved ones
Luther wrote 95 short paragraphs or
theses and on November 1st a 1517 All
Saints Day posted them to the doors of
All Saints Cathedral and Vinton burg but
what was different about Martin Luther’s
protests and the protests of previous
Christians was the movable-type printing
press of Johannes
ninety-five theses were translated and
replicated by the Gutenberg press and
spread like wildfire want Luther
instantly shot to number one on the
Vatican hit list remember he was an
Augustinian monk that didn’t matter he
was waking people up and freeing them
from the Roman chains and for that he
needed to be stopped he was kidnapped by
his benefactor Frederick the wise of
Saxony and held it Wartburg castle for
several months to protect him from
Vatican assassins during that time he
translated the Bible into vernacular
German and it may have been the most
important thing he ever did starting
with the New Testament and then later
the Old Testament but now the Gutenberg
press started printing off large
quantities of common language Bibles and
the fires of the Inquisition couldn’t
keep up other brave Christians like
William Tyndale also a Roman Catholic
priest began translating Bibles into the
language of their people
Tyndale was English like Wickliffe and
he too was eventually executed by Rome
for his crime but now Rome had a problem
there were too many Bibles and Bible
Translators to be kept in check by
burning them all a new tactic was born a
tactic that English Cardinal Thomas
Wolsey called learning against learning
and that tactic was to discredit the
Bible in order to force people to return
to accepting Rome as the ultimate
authority over their body and soul in
this tactic of learning against learning
Rome would literally rewrite reality and
weave a false reality matrix that we now
all swim in to this day for thousands of
years mankind understood the earth to be
flat and stationary only rarely did men
like Pythagoras attempt to claim
otherwise and it’s interesting to note
that many Freemasons consider Pythagoras
to be one of the first of their craft
but now rewriting our reality as a
tactic to discredit the Bible became a
top priority in the face of Martin
Luther’s 1517 ref from
Meishan Protestant Reformation the
Catholic response would be the
counter-reformation and it would be
spearheaded by Spanish Templar knight
named Ignatius of Loyola and his
followers whom we call today the Jesuits
their first opportunity came from the
Vatican’s mathematician a Polish priest
named Nicholas Copernicus Copernicus
gave birth to the modern heliocentric
model of the universe with his work de
revolutionibus orbeum celestia on the
revolutions of the heavenly spheres
Copernicus knew he was weaving a matrix
of lies and wanted to hold publication
of de revolutionibus until after his
death but powerful Roman Catholic clergy
like teed men geese bishop of comb and
the papal secretary himself johann
him to publish in 1543 the facts that
catholic clergy forced Copernicus to
publish or that Copernicus was the
Vatican mathematician or that he
received his doctorate in canon law from
bologna university canon law the
precepts by which rome governs nations
Adam vice helped was a doctor in canon
law or that he was a Roman Catholic
priest these have all been swept under
the carpet but Copernicus never married
and even the Catholic Encyclopedia had
to note then in 1537 King Sigismund of
Poland put Copernicus’s name on the list
of four candidates for the vacant
Episcopal seat of Orland which makes it
probable that at least in later life he
had entered the priesthood also swept
under the carpet has been the timing of
the publication of de revolutionibus
right on the heels of Martin Luther’s
Protestant Reformation and if that’s not
clear enough for you how about this a
Vatican agent named Yuri okiya rheticus
who was originally born your de Porres
had insinuated himself into the Luther
Reformation and was in Vinton Berg when
he left to become a close student of
Copernicus sources like Wikipedia
claimed that rheticus was
sent from reformer Philip Melancthon a
dear friend of Martin Luther but it is
absolutely Roman Catholic disinformation
in the table talk of Martin Luther the
great reformer is quoted as having said
there is talk of a new astrologer who
wants to prove that the earth moves and
goes round instead of the sky the Sun
the moon just as if somebody were moving
in a carriage or a ship might hold that
he was sitting still and at rest while
the earth and the trees walked and moved
but that is how things are nowadays when
a man wishes to be clever he must need
to invent something special and the way
he does it must needs be the best the
fool wants to turn the whole art of
astronomy upside down however as holy
scripture tells us so did Joshua bid the
Sun to stand still and not the earth in
his lectures on the book of Genesis
Luther said we Christians must be
different from the philosophers and the
way we think about the causes of these
things and if some are beyond our
comprehension like those before us
concerning the waters above the heavens
we must believe them and admit our lack
of knowledge rather than either wickedly
deny them or presumptuously interpret
them in conformity with our own
understanding the great reformer Jean
Calvin also known as John Calvin called
Copernicus a dreamer who has a spirit of
bitterness and contradiction reprove
everything and prevent the order of
nature we will see some who are so
deranged Calvin said not only in
religion but who in all things reveal
their monstrous nature that they will
say that the Sun does not move and that
it is the earth which shifts and turns
when we see such Minds we must indeed
confess that the devil possesses them
and that God sets them before us as
mirrors in order to keep us in his fear
so it is with all who argue out of pure
malice and that happily make a show of
their imprudence when they are told this
is hot they will reply note it is
plainly cold when they are shown an
object is black it will say no it is
and vice-versa just like the man who
said that the snow is black for although
it is perceived and known all to be
white yet he clearly wished to
contradict the fact and so it is that
they are madmen who tried to change the
natural order and even to dazzle eyes
and be numb the senses do you think
Calvin knew how the Freemasons were used
by the Jesuits when they are shown an
object is black they will say it is
white we’re talking about our government
he owned we’re talking about a crime
bill feeling simple y’all got to start
thinking on a different level like the
CIA does now went through the
looking-glass here people white is black
and black is white very quickly Rome
jumped upon this new model of the
universe and Jesuits like Christopher
Claudius used Copernicus and his work to
fabricate the Gregorian calendar the
calendar we all use rightly did the
prophet Daniel say in Chapter 7 verse 23
that during his vision of being standing
near him said the fourth beast shall be
a fourth Kingdom on the earth which
shall be different from all other
kingdoms and shall devour the whole
earth trample it and break it into
pieces the ten horns are ten Kings who
shall rise from this Kingdom and another
shall rise after them he shall be
different from the first ones and shall
subdue three kings he shall speak
pompous words against the Most High
shall persecute the Saints of the Most
High and intend to change times and laws
and the Saints shall be given into his
hand for a time very quickly did Rome
and papal agents like the Jesuits begin
to push this new cosmology she took over
astronomy and either pushed out or
killed off anyone who contradicted the
idea that the earth was a globe spinning
in space and revolving around the Sun
even those that met her halfway didn’t
keep her happy and she dealt with them
as well
Teague ah Tintin brah hey whose nickname
was Tycho accepted the idea that the
earth was a globe spinning in space but
still believed that his own observations
and data
proved that the earth was the center of
the solar system and not the Sun this is
known as geocentrism Tycho wanted to
follow in the steps of Martin Luther and
studied at the University of Wittenberg
but was forced out by the plague
Brahe Hayes life appeared to be
frequently in danger and in 1566 he lost
a large portion of his nose in a duel he
was 20 years old at the time he later
died under mysterious circumstances at
the very young age of 54 one of those
who claimed it was simply an illness a
bladder infection contracted during a
banquet in Prague was his understudy
Johannes Kepler Kepler was a German
astronomer and supposedly a Lutheran yet
he had an intimate relationship with
Jesuits in 1597 Archduke Franz Ferdinand
ii of austria banished all protestants
good Roman Catholic that he was and
Kepler fled to Hungary but that Jesuits
intervened and convinced Ferdinand to
allow him to return Kepler grew up with
a Jesuit uncle under the same roof of
their house in veal de staat uncle said
Aldous was a Jesuit astrologer who also
kept a wife upon the unexpected death of
Tycho Brahe Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph
the second immediately promoted Kepler
to replace him as Imperial mathematician
and Kepler very quickly went to work
rewriting all of bra haze observations
to be interpreted as heliocentric and
not geocentric in a paper titled
Kepler’s relation to the Jesuits dr.
York shook nur the University of Leipzig
noted that it is well known that the
order of the Jesuits was the most
important and the most active Catholic
order in the field of science during the
17th and 18th centuries one field of
particularly intensive successful study
carried out by the Jesuits was astronomy
many of their names are associated with
the important discoveries in the history
of astronomy such as the discovery and
mapping of
moon craters it is nearly impossible to
list all the names of those who made
serious contributions as astronomers or
mathematicians one aspect of the
considerable role the Jesuits played in
the history of astronomy was their
support of Johannes Kepler some of them
stood in extensive correspondence with
Kepler now it was obvious to protestors
like Luther and Calvin that something
fishy was going on in Rome and the
papacy needed plausible deniability
while she rewrote our reality that
propaganda was presented by Italian
astronomer and mathematician Galileo
Galilei and it’s absolutely fascinating
what user edited wikipedia says in the
entry for Galileo Galilei under the
subtitle Galileo Kepler and theories of
tides Cardinal Bellarmine had written in
1615 that the Copernican system could
not be defended without quote a true
physical demonstration that the Sun does
not circle the Earth but the arrow
circles the Sun Galileo considered his
theory of the tides to provide that
required proof of the motion of the
earth now there’s no link on the name
Cardinal Bellarmine which is unusual for
maybe that’s because Cardinal Bellarmine
was Robert Bellah mean of the Society of
Jesus one of the most powerful Jesuits
of his time was canonized a saint in
1930 and named a doctor of the church
what’s more it is ludicrous to imagine
that the Earth’s supposed large mass
doesn’t pull the moon and crash into it
and instead the magical force of gravity
holds its stationery even more
ridiculous is the idea that the moon
affects tides by pulling on the water
the magical mystical force of gravity is
blamed South African author Thomas
Winship wrote in 1899 his book zetetic
cosmogony if the moon lifted up the
water is evident that
the land the water will be drawn away
and low instead of high tide caused
again the velocity and path of the moon
are uniform and it follows that if she
exerted any influence on the earth that
influence could only be a uniform
influence but the tides are not uniform
and wish it uses examples from South
Africa at port natal the rise and Falls
about six feet while at birra about six
hundred miles up the coast the rise and
fall is twenty six feet this effectually
settles the matter that the moon has no
influence on the tides but Protestant
reformers were on to Rome she knew she
needed a smoke screen and she provided
it suddenly history was rewritten and
rather than pushing with her own agents
like Copernicus Kepler and Galileo and
others to rewrite our cosmology suddenly
the papacy was a defender of the Flat
Earth well just look what they did to
poor Galileo let’s do supposedly Galileo
was tried for heresy at the hands of
that evil flat earther Jesuit Robert
Bellamy he bravely stood by his guns and
humiliated the church with a
heliocentric spinning ball earth what
happened to Galileo Galilei well for the
last few years of his life he was put
under house arrest have you read
anything about the Inquisition do you
know what the Inquisition did to people
when it truly considered them an enemy
things like rotating their arms
backwards until they were pulled out of
their sockets inventing special
instruments that could be jammed into a
person’s body to rip open their valves
putting them in a special sarcophagus
filled with spikes that would jam into
them to the bone you ever hear of Edgar
Allan Poe are you familiar with his
short story the pit and the pendulum
about a swinging razor-sharp pendulum
that lowered across a victim and would
take hours to slowly saw that victim
half did you know it was based upon the
Inquisition a little known secret is
that the Jesuits now own astronomy when
their missionaries went across the world
across our flat earth the first thing
they did was insinuate themselves in
royal courts to become the official
astronomer of that kingdom China is a
great example one of the first Jesuits
in China was Matteo Ricci Ricci and his
successors like Adam Shah and Ferdinand
verbiage were all the royal court
astronomers and eventually fabricated
the calendar for the Chinese emperor
today the Jesuits even have their own
observatories both in Italy and in
America they use their puppets in
American government to steal Apache holy
ground on Mount Graham in Arizona are
they reaching out extraterrestrial or
enter dimensionally they appear to have
answered our question with the latest
piece of technology on Mount Graham the
large binocular telescope near-infrared
utility with camera and integral field
unit for extra galactic research also
known as Lucifer and it’s not surprising
given the success the Jesuits have had
in rewriting our reality now we’re
supposed to believe that rome was
against the spinning ball earth
heliocentric cosmic accident cosmology
of our modern understanding yet at every
step of the way Jesuits are Jesuit
agents were there to bolster our false
reality hiding whenever possible behind
convenient Jews and for more on that see
our special report it’s the Jews from
Johnny suruci and mig/mag
needing to contrive an origin for our
accidental existence that contradicts
the Bible Jesuit trained Belgian priest
George’s lemaître is the father of the
so called Big Bang Theory the idea that
first there was nothing and then it
exploded he was a close co-worker of
just such a Jewish puppet Albert
Einstein Einstein bolstered the Jesuit
cosmology with his convoluted theory of
relativity the problem was that
observations of both scientists and
laymen weren’t matching what so-called
astronomers were telling us and so
Einstein fabricated the theory of
relativity to claim that your reality
was relative to the time-space continuum
it is purposefully almost impossible to
understand you’re just supposed to trust
science and astronomy the Jesuits then
jumped on with dinosaurs and Charles
Darwin to claim the earth is billions of
years old
and wherever Darwin’s theory of
evolution had holes Jesuits stepped up
to fill the gap Jesuits like Pierre
Teilhard de Chardin the father of the
new age after fabricating the eight like
pre humans that we supposedly came from
even students of evolution became
concerned that there was a quote missing
link between primitive Apes and modern
humans a discovery was made in 1912 to
bridge that gap having been found in
Piltdown East Sussex England it was
named Piltdown man unfortunately it was
also found to be a hoax the skull of a
small human with the altered mandible
and teeth of an orangutan sometime later
paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould
uncovered the father of that hoax
a Jesuit priest named Pierre Teilhard de
Chardin there are many such examples in
archaeology and paleontology and yet no
one asks why would so-called scientists
be fabricating evidence the goal was to
discredit the Bible and it has been
resoundingly successful without the
spinning ball earth Darwinian dinosaur
cosmic accident the Bible is a science
textbook with it critics laugh and
questioned the Bible and instead look to
human authorities to save their souls
such as the Vicar of Christ himself who
is for the first time in Roman Catholic
history a Jesuit priest this has been
Johnny suruci for a mig/mag special

Photoshop: James Webb Space Telescope Hubble Telescope Carina Nebula Stephan’s Quintet Southern Ring

Photoshop: James Webb Space Telescope Hubble Telescope Carina Nebula Stephan’s Quintet Southern Ring

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