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Why Isn’t There a Camera on the Moon?

Why Isn’t There a Camera on the Moon?

I’ve got an open letter a question and a

request for

NASA on behalf of the American people

who have funded your entire program

there’s something that needs to be said

if everything that you’ve told us and

everything that you’ve said you’ve done

is true then I think there’s no reason

why there shouldn’t be a camera on the

moon NASA why haven’t you done this

yet what possible reason could you have

for not doing something that can only

yield positive results it’s an absolute

slap in the face to the people who live

on earth let’s think about this for a

second let’s talk about the good that it

would do and the Damage it does with

every single day that passes without

NASA completing such a basic and

essential Mission so NASA would need to

launch a moonlander craft that would

head to the Moon 6 5 4 3 2

1 Z all engine running lifar we have a

lift 32 minutes

the and if we’re going to discuss

finances we can just look back to 2007

and recall the launch of the mission

theis a moon Orbiter that has been

measuring the auroras in the Earth’s

magnetosphere and still is operating

today so that craft has been in

operation for 10 years and it cost NASA

$173 million

so a launch of a simple craft carrying

five or six 4K cameras would cost much

less let’s say the cost is 159 million

that’s only 3 days of the NASA budget

which is $53 million a day so 3 days

worth of the budget and we already have

our 159 million so we launch

it we launch it up and we land it on the

moon and when we land it we land it

right next to the Apollo 16 landing

spot you can then show us the LM and the

lunar rover sitting exactly where they

were left over 50 years ago this could

finally prove your moon landings and

I’ve already heard people saying oh

you’ll just call that fake too just like

you did the lunar reconnaissance Orbiter

photos of the landing spots well there

is a huge difference between live video

footage showing the Rover and the lamb

sitting on the moon and these images

Believers want to call proof

Pro if these images are proof to you

that the Rover and the lamb as well as

the footprints and the PA of the

astronauts seen from 50 Mi above the

Moon if these pixel changes and arrows

are proof then you better start

believing in the proof of

bigfoot you better start believing that

this here is proof of two UFOs in the

sky you better believe the proof that I

spent 7 hours on on the roof of the

White House last week and the week

before I walked on water from California

to Hawaii yes I know I did get a little

bit tired and I got picked up you can

see where that happened right there in

the middle then the boat drove us a

little bit forward and then I completed

the journey with a buddy and if you look

closely you’ll see proof of that too as

there’s actually two

paths so that being said let’s look at

all the positive effects that would be a

direct result of NASA placing a CA

camera on the

Moon number one set it and forget it

since we always see the same side of the

moon all you need to do is land there at

the Apollo 16 Landing site point the

camera at Earth and forget it that

camera view would always show the Earth

from the Moon number two you could prove

the moon landings numbers vary but some

poles have it at 7% and some have it as

high as 40% what percentage of the

world’s population

doubts that NASA ever went and landed

man on the moon well NASA this would be

your chance land the craft near the

Apollo 16 landing position Pan the

camera and show us the lamb and the

Rover number

three you can actually change flat

earther Minds it’s going to be real hard

to deny that the Earth is a ball when

people see from the Moon the ball Earth

spinning in space one of the reasons

many people people are flat earthers is

because none of us have ever seen the

things we’re asking NASA to

show number four it would be the first

ever live stream of the Earth from space

seeing the Earth in its

entirety number five it would be the

first time we would get non-composite

images of our Earth how can there be no

non-composite images taken of where we

live this would solve that problem

number six it would be the first live

stream from space to show the Earth

spinning in space seems like something

we should have already we don’t this

would solve that number eight easy and

Clear Proof and observed data empirical

evidence of what’s going on during

eclipses no need for your misaligned

diagrams for your scales being

incredibly off for your backwards

spinning Earths this would show students

adults parents and teachers everyone

exactly what’s going on during an

eclipse because you’re watching live

what’s happening during an eclipse be it

a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse we

would get to see both from the Moon we

would either see the Moon Shadow appear

on the earth during a solar eclipse or

we would see the Earth block out the Sun

during a lunar eclipse number nine think

of the education opportunities that this

presents the time-lapse videos the video

footage using it in schools showing

children rather than telling them

exactly what’s going on in the sky above

them would you rather them read it in a

book or actually see a live video going

on as they learn in the sky above them

number 10 payback all of NASA’s money

comes from the citizens of this

country the very least that they can do

the very least is provide video footage

of where we live from space this is

crazy that we’re having this discussion

almost 60 years since NASA was created

11 science denial there’s a lot of

people who deny science this would help

to reduce that number by showing things

rather than telling people it’s hard for

people to deny things that are being

shown to them right in their face number

12 this would be the number one live

stream of all time it would be seen by

more people than any live stream ever

made number 13 if NASA has problems with

the cost of this Mission by simply

allowing advertising agencies or

companies corporations businesses stores

Walmart Target AT&T to buy 1hour time

slots where they would have their logo

on the screen during the live stream

over the course of 10 years you could

figure out how much money NASA could

make and they would actually make money

money if they employed this kind of AD


generation maybe I’m the only one I mean

can you believe we are having this

discussion 60 years after NASA was

invented and 50 years since we sent men

to the moon no photos of Earth no live

video of Earth no video of the Earth

spinning no video on the moon to show us

eclipses no 24/7 view from space are you

okay with this and and if so why so

there should be a poll available right

now would love to see what sides you’re

on the rational side who looks at what

NASA claims to be capable of and

questions why in the world is there no

camera on the moon or are you on the

other side the side of the Fanboys the

ones that give NASA the benefit of the

doubt that they do not deserve in any

way the side that continues to protect

them rather than pressing them with

issues like this make your pick

do you stand with

Humanity or those who have Enslaved the

minds of humanity with lies and

deception with false teachings and make

believe heroism from agents in Disguise


NASA why haven’t you done this

yet today we have with us uh a group of

students among America’s

best to you we

say we have only completed a beginning

the beginning the beginning we leave you

much that is undone undone undone there

are great ideas

undiscovered breakthroughs available to

those who can remove remove REM one of

truth’s protective layers protective

layers protective layers protective

layers layers layers so do you want to

know my opinion it’s only my opinion but

I honestly cannot begin to imagine how

anyone can see this any other way cuz

they can get you Curiosity on Mars they

can build you any satellite you want

they can land on comets and observe the

Sun from the lrange point they can

operate Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 13

billion miles away with no issue at all

they can fly through the rings of Saturn

with Cassini and orbit Jupiter with Juno

but for some reason they can’t put a

camera on the moon they can’t

take a video of the earth so some of

those are painted on it is photoshopped

but it’s it’s has to be the reason we

have no videos no pictures no moon base

no photos is simple problem is we don’t

have the technology to do that anymore

we used to but we uh destroyed that

technology and it’s a painful process to

build it back again because we can’t get

but a few hundred miles from Earth NASA

can’t go anywhere just like all of us so

rather than teach people to be good to

each other and help each other and make

life easier for each other they tell you

a story did you about a spinning ball

flying through endless space around a

giant ball of nuclear

fusion 1 million times the size of the

Earth in a universe 14 billion years old

in our Milky Way galaxy 100,000 Lighty

years across and the whole thing is

filled with dark energy and dark matter

and black holes none of which has ever

been observed that’s absurd well we sit

and we talk about things ahead this is

where you using the window spacecraft

who appear to be the Earth far away and

how you ask how does NASA get away with


lies because people love the fantasy

they will never ever see any piece of

that fantasy in reality they don’t care

no one will ever stand on Mars no one

will ever travel in space no one will

ever go to the moon or to Jupiter or

Saturn because it’s all a mental prison

and the inmates think the prison is home

if I’m wrong NASA put a camera on the

freaking Moon why in the world haven’t

you done that yet

this this is the window and you’re in a

well you’re talking to the wrong guy why

don’t you talk to the administrator in

NASA we’re passengers we’re we’re guys

going on a flight

Bart Sibrel We Did Not Go To The Moon Interviews With Joe Rogan and Patrick Bet-David

Bart Sibrel We Did Not Go To The Moon Interviews With Joe Rogan



Joe Rogan podcast check it out The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe Rogan
podcast by night all day all right folks drop in good to see
you man thank you we first met what was like at least 20 years ago right 22
years ago was it 22 mhm wow so uh I had seen your movie and I don’t even
remember how I got in touch with you cuz this is before my podcast I don’t even you emailed me okay so did I email you
off your website is that what it was I think so and then you said if you’re ever in La let’s meet and I happened to
be in La when you sent me the email ah synchronicity yes yeah
so let’s take everybody on this journey with you so you were a young man you
were fascinated by NASA you were a NASA fan you had NASA photos on the wall of
your room what happened what happened to you that
you you you’re essentially you’re known worldwide as the leading proponent of
the Moon Hox Theory you’re the guy who’s researched it the most you’re the guy who can Auto recall the most
information and you’re the guy that the people that believe the moonlanding was real hate the
most so how this all happen well let me start by saying a comment about what you
said Theory you know it’s not a theory they did fake the moon landing
that’s a fact whether people realize it or not okay but we weren’t there so
let’s just go on what we know in terms of facts and I’m going to call it a theory okay you’re so Pol for fun I’m
just trying to well I’m going to have to steal man some of the arguments against you you know obviously how I mean this
is a fascinating but yet very challenging subject I think
today more people are aware of the insanely widespread deception that the
government was involved in during the same time as the moonlanding I think
this is important and I know a lot of people um who uh get very angry when you
question the moonlanding um they they use terms like patriotism they you ter national pride like we did this
incredible thing the scientists that we have I understand what they’re saying I understand where they’re coming from
entirely but we have to look at things realistically if we’re ever going to get
an accurate picture of how the world works and I think if we look at the time
that we’re talking about the Nixon Administration we talk about the Gulf of tonan incident where they got us into
Vietnam where there it was a [ __ ] false flag that wound up killing how many people was like a million people
dead because of that 3 million people including 58,221
there’s there’s the Bay of Pigs there’s all these things there’s the Kennedy assassination itself which they still
won’t release the files there’s the moon landing the moon landing and then there’s Nixon getting
Nixon removed from the White House which I didn’t know was a giant government operation too Tucker Carlson laid that
all out and I was like what and then I read a bunch about it what he’s saying is totally
true this one’s the one that people hold on to the most because it’s a source of national pride and it is also like the
accomplishments of NASA the accomplishments of the scientific Community accomplishments of these people that are able to make things like
the stealth bomber and all the wild [ __ ] that we know that is absolutely real the space shuttle SpaceX all of the amazing
engineers and scientists it seems to a lot of people
that by calling the moonlanding fake you’re discounting that work you’re discounting that amazing accomplishment
from humans what I want people to do is is to say what did they tell the truth
about if you if this is the one thing that you’re willing to hang your hat on he said I know they lied about
everything they lied about everything they they lied about MK Ultra they were dosing up John’s and brothel with acid
and monitoring them they they dosed up Charles Manson they probably trained him how to be a cult leader in prison the
whole MK Ultra thing is 100% legit verified there’s plenty of documents on
it um they they experimented on people with acid they did mind control experiments on
people what what did they tell the truth about what did they one they said you know what I know we’re liars and we get
people killed and we’re you know funneling money here and there but what we can’t lie about the moonlanding guys
and everybody agreed and everybody agreed this one this one we’re going to be this is just what it is is what it is
and we’re going to give the scientific Community Access to all the data so everybody knows it’s verified we’re
going to have third party people test everything to make sure it’s verified well you brought up a bunch of
good points um my opinion is really the opinion of the experts for example
Robert Kennedy Jr is 100% certain he has more access to the JFK files than Oliver
Stone does he’s 100% certain that his uncle President Kennedy was killed by
the CIA then as you mentioned the Gul of tonan Robert mcnamer before he died got
it off his chest said that the Gul of tonin incident the Pearl Harbor incident that got America behind the Vietnam war
never happened he and the CIA completely fabricated it Congress passed a law the
Gulf of tonan resolution that led to the death of 3 million people and
58,221 220 of Their Own soldiers I don’t think they have a problem faking an
image of the moon on television the problem is it’s a positive lie you see
whoever killed JFK you’re just changing who did it and why he’s still dead is
still a tragedy or 911 you can change who did it and why but all those people are still dead this is a positive lie
and people don’t want to give up that candy and I come along and say wake up and smell the manure
some people are like well I know America has gotten bad but at least we went to
the moon and people need to realize the sheer arrogance of the federal
government to pull off the moonlanding fraud when there’s virtually no eyewitnesses except three government
employees and a picture we have to trust is on the moon from the federal government yeah so it was actually very
easy to fake and in answer to your first question I was more than a supporter I
was Gaga idolizing the moonlandings with my father in the Air Force and giving me
a a packet of pictures of Apollo 11 and as I moved every two years from house to
house there were a prominent place of Glory on every bedroom wall from City to
City what changed well what changed is having an open mind and when but was there a moment yeah there well the first
moment was I’m so from the age of I was asleep in bed when it happened but at
age four I got those pictures saw them I mean even if I saw them once a day
that’s 3,650 times over the next 10 years probably saw them three times a day so I
see these pictures over 10,000 times believing they’re on the moon and being
thinking it’s the greatest thing and then I’m 14 years old and I see Bill casing a former rocket dine employee who
worked for NASA for six years on the Apollo program with high security
clearance only to Von Brun who says look I edited a memo from Von Bron to the
Pentagon warning them they are not going to make the goal there’s only a one in
10,000 chance they can go to the moon on the first attempt what year was this that was back in
1966 I think and so three years later they went to the moon is it possible
that they were able to overcome whatever challenges that get got him to 10,000 to
one well no because I mean the there so we’re going to go over many proofs yeah
this is important but I mean I need to every step of the way well here’s how you can prove that’s not the case okay
okay just do so the number one proof that we have is simply deductive
reasoning because today with 5 fouryear better rocket designs and computer
designs the farthest that NASA can send a rocket with an astronaut into space is
1,000th the distance to the Moon that’s why they’re sending mannequins to orbit
the Moon that can’t even land because they would die from the radiation so what they’re really claiming is back in
1969 ahead of schedule on the first attempt when all of NASA’s computers had
one million to computing power of cell phone they sent astronauts a thousand
times farther into space than they can send it today with 54e better technology so what they’re really claiming is they
had a thousand times better technology in 1969 than they do today not
necessarily well but but that is because you can’t have better technology in the past and in the future that’s impossible
but they haven’t done a moonlanding program today so if they started a moonlanding program program today the
technology is vastly superior right the the L time it would take less time to
return to the moon but it’s taking more time less right but they’re not doing it
right like during the AP because they can’t do it okay that’s what you’re saying yeah and I’m I’m with you but but
the Apollo program doesn’t exist today the Apollo program was a massive program to try to beat Russia to get the first
person on the moon and it was a concerted effort by how many scientists how many people were involved how many employees how many like overall I mean
very compartmentalized right but how many people overall were involved in the Apollo mood Landing well a couple
hundred thousand okay that’s a lot of people to organize and to Mo to to focus
on one very specific goal that’s not happening today so to say that we can’t do it today it’s like people would say
if I was steel Manning their position I would say no we’re not trying to do it today if we wanted to do it today we could do it today well actually they
they are 4 100,000 it says at the peak Apollo program employed 400,000 people and required the support of over 20,000
industrial firms and universities so here’s the the argument against that it
would be fake everyone would know and everyone would tell and it would get out
well that’s let me show you how that’s not true first of all Eugene cran flight director he said out of his own mouth
that a person in the Command Center in Houston during a launch to the Moon can
tell no difference whatsoever between a computer simulated flight and a real
flight they can’t tell the difference and just a bunch of numbers going by on a screen so if a person in the command
center can not tell a difference and how could we as a 10-year-old watching in on our living room at home and then do you
really think the CIA is so stupid to tell the person making the glove or the boot or the door handle hey we’re really
not going to the moon be sure not to tell anybody and then that’s wouldn’t be
the question the question would be that too many people would have to know and it would get out no it wouldn’t if if
someone in the command center doesn’t know then the command center people can be fooled once the rocket is up there’s
only three eyewitnesses to it it’s actually much easier to fake than we realize a bank teller and how many bank
tellers are at Wells Fargo hundreds of thousands 400,000 bank tellers probably
but do they know what the CEO knows about corruption in the bank I don’t think so you see there’s a big
difference and then we have no independent press coverage World War II had a billion or more eyewitnesses in
Europe but there’s no independent press coverage only three people it’s much
easier to fake Than People realize and then people wanted to believe it I also want to put people in the mindset of
humans that lived in 1969 with an incredibly limited access to information I think we’ become incredibly spoiled by
the internet and by the ability to search things and just read debunkings scientific papers all these
different things that are available that you could read today that just were not available back then and you knew either
what you learned at school or what the government or your employees told you your employers told you and that was it
that’s that’s all you had access to so these people that were working for NASA
to think that they had the kind of understanding of the way things are
manipulated that we have today there there’s no way they did there’s no way they they didn’t know about the Gulf of
tonen then they didn’t know about operation Northwoods they didn’t know about so many things that we know that the government has done the Kennedy
assassination hadn’t happened yet or it happened but they they still didn’t know who had done it you know that they had
wrapped it up and said Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone without the zuder film without the subsequent investigations of
it where people said wait a minute this is this guy like kept going back and forth to Russia Jack Ruby was in the mob
like what what the [ __ ] really happened here to back in 1969 when the
moonlandings were happening like this is an innocent country it was a different way people had a much different way of
looking at things well the people were innocent but the government weren’t they just killed their own president they
just faked the beginning of the Vietnam War and they were emboldened to fake the moonlanding because they had complete
control over the media and a public who wanted to believe it and even people at Nasa and Command Center couldn’t tell a
difference between the simulation and a real flight they also had a history of Faking things yeah they had a history of
deception it was it was a part of the fabric of the organization they were deceiving people all the time they were
deceiving United States citizens all all well and they still are that that’s the thing about the moonlanding and why it’s
so significant I mean let’s take a look at the two possibilities even though they went to the moon on the first
attempt ahead of schedule with one million to computing power cell phone but today they can only send astronauts
1 th000 the distance okay let’s say they did that came back whoopy do
or they lied to the world they lied to their own people they embezzled the
modern equivalent of $200 billion they gave them Medals of Honor for being
such good liars they printed it on stamps and coins it’s taught in University if that’s true which it is
that’s so much more profound an event than had they actually gone so one of the greatest events in human history is
actually the faking of the moonlanding and we have to understand these people are still at large you don’t say oh well
there’s a you know a child kidnapper in the neighborhood and one child disappears every month for the last 30
40 years oh well what can you do these people are in charge right now they did fake the moonlanding don’t believe me go
to watch 17 clips for free that prove it have you had any debates with
people that think we definitely went to the Moon and what you’re doing is dangerous and ridiculous well the most
interesting comment I got is I showed all this proof to a college professor of a major university all this proof I mean
like I said Shadows inter in at 90° which you can’t duplicate in sunlight which means it’s electrical light which
means they didn’t go to the Moon all this proof the footage we incover be there that doesn’t mean they didn’t go to the Moon that means that photograph
is faked okay okay well why would the pictures be fake if they really went but in any case well you could no you could
make the argument that the radiation damaged the cameras and they weren’t able to get real photographs and so they
made a conscious decision to use fake photographs well I think if you were really going to the Moon you wouldn’t
dare fake any of it to be accused of that I think they had uh a lot more
hubris back then they they faked a lot of photographs back then it was pretty common um I mean you know the the famous
one of the Gemini 15 where you see Michael Collins uh in a simulation where
he’s he’s doing a drill and he’s attached to wires and then they just used the same image and blacked it out
and reversed it yeah so you’re saying NASA has a track record of Faking space flights before then yeah you’re or
publicity firms that work for NASA had a limited amount of photos to work with and they decided to manipulate some so
that they could have photos that they didn’t have of an actual event which really took place which was a space walk
but what we have is them faking being halfway to the Moon right but they do do things like Space Walk they do do things
like the Space Center so that’s where it gets confusing well they can’t they can’t leave Earth orbit that’s where it
gets confusing so the the real problem the question is the Van Allen radiation
belts now um operations starfish Prime that was the operation where they
detonated a nuke in the radiation belts right didn’t they do something like that
something kooky they were trying to blow a hole through the radiation Bel I’ve heard that I don’t know it’s not confirmed I don’t know yeah it’s well
it’s Secret Squirrel stuff but what is operations Google that what is operations starfish Prime I remember reading that going they did what they
shot a nuke into of space starfish Prime is a high altitude nuclear test
conducted by the United States a joint of the atomic energy commission and the defense Atomic Support Agency it was
launched from Johnson atal on July 9th 1962 as a largest nuclear test conducted
in outer space and one of the five conducted by the US in space a Thor
rocket carrying a w49 thermonuclear Warhead designed designed at Los Alamo
scientific laboratory and a MK2 re-entry vehicle was launched from Johnston atal
in the Pacific Ocean about 900 mil west southwest of why the explosion took place at an altitude of 250 Mi so is
that essentially like where the space station is and all that stuff is that’s right okay above a point 19 miles
Southwest of Johnson atal at a yield of 1.4 megatons the explosion was about 10°
above the Horizon as seen from Hawaii at 11: p.m. Hawaiian Time so what was the
goal behind this or at least what was the publicly stated goal behind blowing up a [ __ ] Thermon nuke in space well
I guess they were trying to see if they could open up the radiation in order to go to the Moon they knew that the
radiation was this connected though was this program connected to NASA officially I I think they were trying to
see if they could open a w it not to go through it look what it says there starfish Prime and this always happens
caused an electromagnetic pulse that was Far larger than expected so much larger that it drove much much of the
instrumentation off scale causing great difficulty in getting accurate measurements the starfish Prime
electromagnetic pulse also made those effects known to public by causing electrical damage in Hawaii about 900
miles away from the detonation Point knocking out about 300 street lights
holy [ __ ] setting off numerous burglar alarms and damaging a telephone company
micro link these boys were wild they just experimented with a [ __ ] nuclear
bomb in space and it B blew out 300 street lights in Hawaii shut out men
your burglar alarm goes off with the CU the [ __ ] government launched a nuke into
space holy [ __ ] the EMP damage to the microwave link shut down telephone calls
from Kawai to the other Hawaiian Islands a total of 27 small Rockets were launched from Johnson atal to obtain
experimental data from the starfish Prime detonation in addition a larger number of Rocket born instruments were
launched from Barking Sands Kawai in the Hawaiian Islands a large number of the United States military ships and
aircrafts were operating in support of starfish Prime in the Johnson atal area and across the nearby North Pacific
region a few military ships and aircrafts were also positioned in the region of South Pacific Ocean near Samoan Islands the location was at the
southern end of the magnetic field line of the Earth’s magnetic field from the position of the nuclear detonation uh
detonation an area known as the southern conjecture region for the test so does
it say why they were doing it though yeah I’m interested to see like
why did you guys do that give me give me some sort of a logical explanation why
you just took a [ __ ] chance and launched a nuke 250 miles into the
sky okay what did they say they were doing okay they began a response to the Soviets announcement on August 3 30th of
1961 that they would end a three-year moratorium on testing began and resp right but why did
they do it in space I understand that they they they might have did nuclear tests back then because the moratorium
was over aliens aliens killed the aliens with nukes that’s probably why the
aliens started showing up more well that’s the all the folklore the folklore about uh fat man and little boy then
when they dropped those bombs that’s when the aliens started showing up like hey hey hey what are you doing which I
would do if I was an alien that’s around the time I would start Landing like as soon as they start dropping bombs on
cities like Jesus Christ so we know they did that that’s a real thing why they do
it the speculation is that they were trying to open up a portal to make Passage through the Van Allen radiation
belts possible now the people that say that it’s easy to go through the van Island radiation belts will tell you
that there it’s a donut it’s not a full it’s not like covering the entire sphere of Earth evenly that there’s openings at
the top and the bottom is this correct well yeah but then they would have to launch at the North Pole or South Pole
where it’s not possible to launch because of the temperatures that’s the only way you could do it to get through those holes that’s right according to
NASA’s own flight plan they went directly through the center that’s why they launched in Southern Florida to be
close to the equator okay so what they would say is that it’s not that dangerous and it’s just like being
exposed to a few X-rays and uh that the people were shielded well go to
and watch the latest C but you’re right there so I want to I just want saying what they would say to you the
the clip there is of Kelly Smith he’s an employee at Nasa explaining something
that most people don’t know which is above the Earth starting at about a th000 miles and extending about 30,000
miles is a huge band of radiation that astronauts would have to go through to
the moon and through again back first he says it’s dangerous meaning deadly and
then he says that the technology for an astronaut to go through it to the Moon in back and survive has yet to be
invented let’s listen to him say that and when did he say this I think he said that in 2014 okay all right Jamie
will’ll find that we’ll pull that up um but that would be the argument against the moonlanding be HX
let’s go navigation and guidance for Orion we are headed 3,600 m above
Earth 15 times higher from the planet than the International Space [Applause]
Station as we get further away from Earth we’ll pass through the Van Allen belts an area of dangerous
radiation radiation like this could harm the guidance systems onboard computers or other electronics on Orion naturally
we have to pass through this danger zone twice once up and once back
[Music] we must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of
space we must solve these challenges before we send people through this region in space we must solve these challenges
before we send okay did you just say that over and over again yeah what he said a Ryan though you see his name he
said it was for Orion you think he was talking about a different time period he said you would have to solve it for when
Orion was traveling when was Orion well he says You must solve these challenges before we send people right but through
talking what was he talking about though he’s talking he’s talking about sending people beyond Earth orbit through the radiation belt and he says that video
from what’s that what’s this video from yeah what is it when was he he said 2014
he was talking about this and what was this the Orion Project was to have a
step toward going to the moon what year was this was I think he said that in 2014 so the the Orion Project was a new
uh project to go to the moon in 2014 just not as focused as correct they were using part of that spacecraft on the
Artemis Mission when they sent mannequins through the radiation belt he says we must first solve these
challenges of radiation protection before we send people through this region of space meaning the technology
to send an astronaut through the radiation and survive has not been invent not exactly what he was saying I
see where you’re going with this but what he did say that was it was dangerous radiation you wrote deadly in all capital letters uh but what he was
just saying it was dangerous and he was specifically talking about instrumentation he didn’t say dangerous
in terms of like to people right because that would be more of a clue that they didn’t go to the moon so he didn’t
mention that it would be a thing that you would go but hey how did they do it
and then they get it would you would open up a can of worms right he says we must solve these challenges of protecting the astronauts before we send
people right through this region of space meaning people cannot go through it until the radiation shielding is
developed and it has not yet been developed a way to send astronauts through it and survive in 2014 so if
it’s not been invented in 2014 yet then it wasn’t invented in in 1969 well and I
think another thing is important to say that if you’re saying that radiation is dangerous to instrumentation it’s going
to be dangerous to bodies even if you but I’m saying even if you don’t say that even if you’re not he did say
people before he could send people but he could you could say imply I’m not saying this is true but by what he’s
saying that what he’s saying is instrumentation would be damaged and that would be dangerous well and he also included people before we sent people
through this region space but but it could be because they would lose their instrumentation you could interpret that
I’m just trying to be as generous as possible you’re overly generous I’m trying to be so what is this this is
from Reddit that someone says this is the full context of what he says in that okay here it is my name is Kelly Smith
and I work on navigation and guidance for Orion before we can send astronauts into space on Orion we have to test all
the systems there only one way to know if we got it right fly it into space for oran’s First Flight no astronauts will
be aboard the spacecraft is loaded with sensors to record and measure all aspects of the flight in every detail
we’re headed 3,600 Mi above Earth 15 times higher from the planet than the International Space Station as we get
further away from Earth will pass through the Van Allen belts an Ang an area of dangerous radiation radiation
like this can harm the guidance system systems onboard computers or other electronics on Orion naturally we have
to pass through this danger zone twice once up and once back but Orion has protection shielding will be put to the
test as the vehicle cuts through the waves of radiation sensors aboard will record radiation levels for scientists
to study we must solve these challenges before we send people through this
region of space so the challenges have not been solved in 2014 so how could they have been solved in 1969 the thing
is even if they did solve it back
then if what how did they do it this is the question so this is what we know
about the spaceship the what we know about the Apollo 11 what we know about
the shielding that it had they had 1/8 of an inch of aluminum now when you get a a dental x-ray they use one4 in lead
and so that’s for 12 fourth of a second they would be in that for an hour to an
hour and a half going to the moon and an hour to an hour and a half coming back so what would that be the equivalent to
roughly in terms of like x-rays it would be 100 times more than a lethal dose
according to their own reports which are documented at all for free you
go on there and watch the videos and read the documentation okay and to be clear and to be clear how many people
have gone through that supposedly well was the first ones the first one there
was an orbit of the moon a Mann orbit of the moon before there was a land yeah there were allegedly 24 people who have
allegedly gone through it to the moon and back but the footage we uncovered shows them faking being halfway to the
Moon from Earth orbit so it proves that they could not even go halfway to the
Moon because they’re faking being halfway to the Moon well whatever that footage was though in all fairness that
footage wasn’t released right that footage was found footage correct that was outtakes of them faking being
halfway to the Moon which even my greatest critic agrees that is them faking being halfway to the moon and
they’re doing it from Earth orbit and it’s dated two days into the flight where they’re supposed to halfway to the
Moon we’ll show the video but if I was going to steal man it what I would say is if I’m training these guys to film
things and they’re training all day long to do a bunch of different things one of the things I would do is to train them
how to film the Earth from the Moon and to stimulate or to simulate that I
would say what you can do is black out all the light when you’re in low earth orbit focus on one of those circular
Windows put the transparency or whatever it is in front of the window and practice that way so that way we make
sure you get it right except it’s dated two days and 3 days into the flight when they’re supposed to be halfway to the
Moon damn my steel man’s not working yeah okay so let’s you’re really bad I’m just trying I’m just giving you have to
though right don’t you think I have to no you don’t and here’s why because
we’ve heard their side of the story for 54 Years everybody hasn’t this is where you’re wrong no their side of the story
we’ve heard that the moonlandings are real for 54 years we’ve heard you’ve heard that but they don’t need extra
time truth people today that are in the scientific community that believe the moon landing is real so you have to
approach it from the perspective of how they’re going to debunk your debunk okay well let me tell you something else
about the radiation let’s look at the footage first cuz I think just we’re beaten around the bush the footage is so shocking that you immediately go okay
what is this like what is this I just want to know what what logically could
this be the only thing that I could think of that was logically would be
that they were practicing I’m asking though is this the video I’m should should be showing here or not yeah
mhm oh this so this is one when you compare back and forth right correct I mean there’s there’s more of just the
actual video that we can watch well there you could go to uh click
on a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the moon or go to the moonman video links at and pull this up
Smoking Gun I just gave you the time cues on the most significant part where you could do the side by-side comparison
and the side by-side comparison is for well on the left Neil Armstrong claims this is 130,000 Mi out he claims that
the camera lens is at the glass and that’s the Earth floating in space what’s on the right hand side are the
outakes that we got an unedited reel of the special effect shot by accident and
the lights come up and you see okay so this is the exact same size image
roughly the same distance they were really out on the left he claims and this is the part they showed to the
public that that’s the Earth floating in space halfway to the Moon looking back okay and then on the right is the out
takes where the lights come up and you see that the camera is really at the back of the spacecraft and that’s part
of the earth outside of a circular window with a little crescent piece molded in front of it and that’s the
take on the left- hand side you’re about to see Michael Collin’s breakdown part
of the uh so this is where effect this is what I want everybody to look at cuz this is where okay hold on a second this
is where it gets really weird so they’re saying they’re 130,000 miles away so they’re in deep space it’s the window
you see that so now there’s people standing in front of the you we used to think that we’re looking out into space
at the Earth but now we realize there’s people standing in front of it so there’s other stuff going on so
something there there’s you’re filming a room and then that’s really the window that’s an arm yeah that’s an arm getting
in front of the window that’s an outtake they never showed because it shows that it’s a fake shot okay do you think that
that is just a piece of the Earth in a circular window or do you think they put something over the window to represent
the Earth uh another photographer believes it’s part it’s like a transparency of there’s the circular
window let let this play out let’s let this play out so if see so that’s the window the point is it’s the window back
it up a little bit they’re using the window to create a one foot model of the Earth they’re and they’re using the
darkness of the cabin by blocking out all the windows it makes in space exactly it makes it look like the Earth
is floating in space so we have them faking being halfway to the Moon which means they cannot go halfway to the moon
and here we are 54 years later and they still cannot go halfway to the Moon
that’s why there’s mannequins orbiting the moon they said in 2014 in 2018 they
would have people orbiting the moon they were 100% behind schedule yeah but that’s politicians they they lie about
everything and they might have had Grand plans and didn’t get the funding but this is shocking weird stuff because
it’s hard to explain it’s hard to come up with a rational explanation of what this could be because if they being
halfway to the Moon that’s what it is and they but we should play the audio so they tell and they say in the audio
we’re 100,000 130,000 miles away correct right and then they also say which is
which is another lie that there’s only one window that faces the Earth and it’s filled up with the TV Camera meaning
right the lens would have to be right up against the window to see that but the camera’s really at the back of the
spacecraft with all the lights off you’re seeing part of the earth outside of the window it’s very ingenious let’s
play that so we can hear the words we can hear them say that because it’s even more interesting so if you see the
footage and then you hear the words you go what what could they possibly be doing here go to the Moon if they’re
faking being this is you video where can we find the raw video the raw video is in a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to
the moon go to it’s on the
homepage that’s his YouTube channel yeah that’s not my my film that’s another is this not the video no that’s no go to
36:30 he’s got links up there um let me add one thing about the
radiation so after Kelly Smith put his foot in his mouth I called up NASA I
said I’m a journalist can I talk to the guy no we don’t allow them to talk to reporters anymore I said well you sent
up two Geer counters on a civilian Mission with tax dollars to specifically
measure the radiation and the radiation belt which they should have had 50 years ago anyway right and then I said can I
please have those radiation readings and then they said this Joe they said it’s a classified military secret I said oh
wait a minute when you sent probes to the Sun to measure the temperature of the Sun the temperature of the sun is in
a military secret when you sent probes to Jupiter to find out how much helium is in Jupiter’s atmosphere the amount of
helium isn’t a military secret so why would the amount of radiation
surrounding the earth Earth and the radiation belt that most people don’t know about why would that amount of radiation be a secret because if they
reveal it it would prove that they couldn’t go through it to the moon or um we spent a lot of money to get that data
and that data is very important if if there’s manned Warfare in space like we have a
space force now there’s a anticipation that we could live in a future where there’s space wars right this is a real
thought this space program is real the you know this this space force is a real
organization if you’ve acquired yeah it really is I have a t-shirt Tim Dy gave to oh that must prove that it’s real a
t-shirt it’s real do I have a t-shirt an actual t-shirt but no there is a space force I think it was Trump’s idea right
yeah Trump started a space force which is awesome um anyway that’s data you
wouldn’t want Russia to have like so if the Van Allen radiation belts if there’s a way to get through them because you know exactly how much radiation it is
and you know that you need this amount of shielding you don’t want Russia to know that you don’t you want them to do spend your own money [ __ ] you can’t
have our [ __ ] data that’s what I would say I would say that’s an American secret that’s National
Security in that regard right because if if they’re if we’re going to be doing space wars they’re going to be flying
around through but they don’t know how to get through the radiation belts but we do then they’re going to rely on Espionage
they’re they sent probes to the moon so they would probably have Geer counters on there right but as they would know
the ration readings but they sent probes to the Moon a long time ago as time goes on the instrumentation is far more
efficient it’s much better more accurate so the stuff that they could the data they could get now we would both agree
right would be way better data than you got in 1963 that’s the argument people are making about now is that the
instrumentation now is more susceptible than it was then because of transistors are smaller and makes sense more
suceptible molecu getting in there yeah it’s it’s more complex uh you can start the clip if you want exactly that make
sense about the radiation belts when they were talking about instrumentation start at 34 my point is my point is are
don’t we recognize that the amount of instrumentation that would be dangerous to radiation would also be dangerous to
biological human beings well of course that’s why there’s mannequins orbiting the Moon instead of people that’s why you have to wear a lead Shield when you
get an x-ray and that’s why if you’ve ever seen those horrific images of people that used to test x-ray machines
back in the day when they would first started using x-ray machines in doctor’s offices the the technician would put his
hand under it and x-ray it and they didn’t know that you were [ __ ] your hand up really bad this guy they had
horrible Cancer all over their hands and that’s from 124th of a second not
something that’s 100 times more lethal going on continuously for 90 minutes the point is regardless of whether or not it
is dangerous to the instrumentation and that was their primary concern which could be accurate especially since the first one was unmanned it’s Al that kind
of radiation is probably bad for people it’s not unless you’re the Fantastic
Four right you go through it and you get superpowers right isn’t that what happened to them well yeah I mean let’s
get back to the technology issue I mean when they first exploded the first atomic bomb 1945 just 10 years later
atomic bombs were 1,000 times more powerful so if they could go to the moon
on the first attempt with 1 millionth to computing power cell phone we would have been on Mars 10 years later we’d be in
another solar system by now and there would be bases all over the moon it’s the only interesting one of the one of
the facts that there’s no other technology from 1969 that’s not easier
cheaper and faster to reproduce today except going to the Moon except
because it was a bluff like in poker okay so let’s play the video where you get to hear the audio so the audio is
really strange so this audio is uh this is Buzz Aldren Neil Armstrong and
Michael Collins in the the spacecraft and they are supposedly 130,000 M away
and they’re talking to NASA yeah let me describe it a little bit before you hit play so basically if they are which they
are not halfway to the Moon they estimated with radio delay and going
through the analog computers it would be 2 seconds out for them to hear the
transmission in 2 seconds back so this particular reel we uncovered the unedited reel of the special effect shot
of them faking being halfway to the Moon there’s a third track of audio who I believe is the CIA so first you’ll hear
why do you believe it’s a CIA well it’s it’s whoever is helping them fake the moon mission and you think it was a CIA
I would I would presume it would be okay and so NASA says the TV picture looks
great the person who he has an earpiece in counts off four seconds thousand And1
2 3 4 then we hear a third track of audio not NASA not the astronauts which
has this kind of walkie-talkie you know radio type of sound he says talk and
then Neil Armstrong speaks they’re creating a fake 4sec radio delay to make it appear they’re beyond Earth orbit
which they are really not okay let’s play it an allen radiation
belts understand too that only about 20 seconds of this raw footage was ever
broadcast to the public and these conversations discussing their deception were believed to be private
until now here they discussed that these television Transmissions were in fact
not broadcast live as everyone believed they were first screened and edited for
playback later right we just wanted a nity such a weend when we get to playback we can
sort of correlate what we were seeing thank you very much here they discuss the fact that
they have turned out the lights and have blocked out sunlight from entering the spacecraft through the other windows as
to not cause any reflected light to so that’s really the window of the spacecraft let it talk we shut out the
sun coming in some of the other window the spacecraft so it’s looking through a
uh a number one window and there isn’t any reflected light the reason this was
done is so that the truth of the matter would not be revealed it is this though
the federal government would have you believe that this is a view of Earth from a distance out of the spacecraft’s
window as it nears the Moon it is not what they have ingeniously done is
placed the camera at the back of the spacecraft and centered the lens on a circular window in the foreground
outside of which it is completely filled with the Earth in low orbit the circumference of the window then appears
to be the diameter of the earth at a distance with the darkened walls of the spacecraft appearing to be the Blackness
of space around it that is why they wanted the interior dark and blocked out the Sun from entering through the other
windows here you can see the extruded window probably 2 Ines thick at the
bottom this is because the Earth shine is coming in at a downward angle it also
causes the Earth to appear to be an irregularly shaped Circle for you are seeing the outside of the window at the
bottom and the inside of the window at the top which together form two different sized halves of a circle
subsequently this tap was never used as they perfected the shot a
crescent-shaped piece of black material was inset slightly into the window to create the illusion of the Earth’s
Terminator line dividing night and day it is uncannily
convincing during this segment intended to be edited and played back later for the worldwide television audience dated
July 18th 1969 Neil Armstrong condemns himself as
he states that he is 130,000 M out or halfway to the Moon as
the NASA flight log also States on this date when he is in reality in low earth
orbit of a few hundred miles 11 calling in from about 13,000 M
out here during another segment also intended to air after review Neil
Armstrong falsely explains to the viewers how the shot is attended by putting the camera’s lens to the
window’s glass as it would have to be if they were the claimed distance away from the earth and we only have one window
that uh has a view of the earth and it’s filled up with a TV Camera if the window
was completely filled up with a TV camera as he stated then an astronaut’s
arm would not be able to get between the camera and the window as it obviously does here in this
uptake South America becomes invisible just off Beyond The Terminator or inside
the shadow you can also notice how the astronaut operating the camera reacted
to the mistake by attempting to pan away from it see white major cloud formations
across the Earth and you see this is a segment that
they believed wasn’t even being recorded keep going much less suitable
for broadcast for the lens was being zoomed out and the scene was being changed to that of an interior of the
astronauts at work and apparently the stop button popped back up on the recorder without
notice here is the diffused work light that they used to see camera controls
but not throw light onto the spacecraft’s wall here they remove part of the
Crescent insert [Music]
finally the iris is opened up and you can see the real location of the camera and the very bright and near Earth out
the window here is the Slate for the 19th of
[Music] July okay so here here’s what I would say if I was trying to counter what
you’re saying all right the Earth at 130,000 Mi out is halfway to the Moon
the Moon is one4 the size eyes of Earth the moon uh on a full moon is fairly
bright I mean you could walk around outside in the dark I mean it’s pretty amazing how bright it is when it’s a
full moon imagine that four times greater and twice as close so the Earth
which has blue reflective light because of the oceans and it’s it’s it it’s glorious it glows in the sky you would
imagine that if you were filming Earth from 130,000 Mi out you would have to
blacken the insides of the walls and you would you probably couldn’t get the camera any closer to that window in
reality even by saying it’s in front of the window it’s covering the window
you’re talking I mean it probably doesn’t even fit any closer than that with all the instrumentation if you were
filming it specifically to try to get an image of the earth and what it looked like at 13,000 miles out would it even
look that small I don’t think it would it would probably look a lot larger so if there’s shooting it through this
window and the light is probably pretty intense it might be the only way to film
the Earth with the kind of cameras that they had back then would be to do it that way to block out everything in the room and to film through that circular
window as close as they can get that camera to and it’s just shitty footage of something that they eventually
figured out how to do right so that it wasn’t deception well the camera’s at the back of the spacecraft and that’s
the circular window and it’s filled with the Earth right if they were halfway to the moon and and the Earth was at the
window the Earth would be a tiny dot it wouldn’t be window no wouldn’t but stop it wouldn’t be that small cuz the moon’s
not that small you you got to think about how big the Moon is okay and the Moon is one quar the size of Earth think
about how close the Moon is so the Moon is a big ass [ __ ] thing right so let
me ask you this Joe do you think the moonlandings are real or not I’m not saying that what I’m saying wait minute
I just want to know what you think what do you think I’m going to go at this and I’m just going to try to ask the most
logical questions to refute what you’re saying without giving an opinion I’ll give you an opinion eventually but this
right now is if you were going to film the the the Earth from 130,000 miles out
and the Earth is four times larger than the moon and you’re halfway to the Moon I would imagine it would fill up that
window you wouldn’t you even it the difference between that and low earth
orbit I’m sure there’s a difference but I still think from that small wind it might be the whole window filled with
Earth that might be what you get well that’s not the opinion of myself as a filmmaker and three other filmmakers who
for a living our job is to make fake scenes look real uhuh and so we all
conclude that that’s the window that they have made a mockup of a one foot model to pretend but is there an image
of that mockup I never saw a mockup I didn’t there’s all well you saw them fiddle around in the window you
definitely see them fiddle around and the camera they lied about the camera being up against the glass the
camera is obviously at the back of the space to create that they said the C they said the window is filled with the
camera that’s what they said but it’s not it’s at the very back of the spacecraft the lights come up on the part they didn’t intend on showing and
the camera has been at the back of the spacecraft all the time right they they had to lie if they really were halfway
to the moon the only way they could film this shot would be to put the lens at the glass of the window window but it’s
a fake shot and part of the faking is the cameras is really at the back of the spacecraft all the lights are off part
of the earth is outside of a circular window and it looks cleverly like the Earth floating in space but that’s
really the window from Earth orbit question Jamie go ahead uh that you in the video it says that this line here
which like the Terminator line correct mhm yeah created with tape no like a transparency or something that that’s
like I don’t know some sort of Crescent insert they put into the window to make it look like the Terminator line between
a night and day I think it looks very good video said tape multiple times and then said they removed the tape could
have been a transparency I suppose but that line is very um that’s a very nice
gradient which was what it would look like if it was like the sunset not not um tape or well it’s less clear right
it’s less clear than like the top end and like if it was a transparency sitting on the on a glass or something that line would be moving it would have
to be hard set well I mean just go just go back to the segment with a little yellow circle around the window and you
can see they’re fiddling around with the window breaking down the model Jamie they only showed 20 seconds no no I know
I was say if that’s what I thought it was I would why not just create create recreate the fake scene I guess with you
know a giant picture of the earth outside of well I think the point is that they had to represent the Terminator line because of where they
were in orbit so if they’re flying away from Earth and they’re going towards the moon at a very specific time you’d be
able to know like where you know what part of the Earth was dark at what point in the flight right I would think so I
mean they they had to have known they they knew the cations with the public yeah but I mean they would do it the
right way if they’re going to not necessarily they made lots of mistakes yeah okay so yeah well this one’s a
weird one and to to me this is like the the only thing that I could say if I was going to steal man would be what I said
was that maybe his he misspoke by saying it’s it covering the window what maybe what he meant was that the
camera was pointed at the window it was covering the window and if you’re going to film something that’s incredibly
bright that’s coming into a bright environment it’s going to be obscured by all the light you know that right so the way to film it correctly would be to
adjust the aperture correctly darken the room and then point towards that window and you would be saying that the camera
is covering the window cuz it is covering the window that’s what it’s covering when you’re filming something you’re covering something so you’re it’s
covering the window it’s looking out the window window you blacked out the cabin so that you could actually see what’s
bright coming out of that window which is incredibly bright because it’s four times bigger than the moon and twice as
close because they’re halfway there well the shot where Neil Armstrong lies and says he’s 130,000 miles out we see a
little blue Earth with a bunch of black space around it right but that’s not the
Earth floating in space that’s the circular window of the spacecraft that has part of the earth outside of it
that’s what it is the lights come up and you see that’s what it is for sure if
you’re saying that Blackness is space that’s deceptive but well that’s what they are saying but it doesn’t mean they
weren’t 130,000 miles out well why would they fake being 100, 30,000 miles out if they were really 130,000 mil if they had
a policy of deception in terms of imagry which it seems that they did even though
they did that I’m just steelmanning that it doesn’t necessarily mean that the whole thing was fake right well if I I
was trying to understand so it’s not that they’re 130,000 mies outut it’s that they’re in space faking the shot
yes they’re in faking being which is why it’s so bright the reason why it’s so bright is cuz they’re just like the
space station that doesn’t I don’t know I just I’m I’m getting more confused on all these pieces because like I thought
that they didn’t even go to space no no no no no no no nobody thinks that nobody thinks that they go to Space Jam you
need to catch the [ __ ] up on Reddit well look at this part here makes sense to me to begin with keep playing this part
Jamie and you’ll see that this is the window here’s the work light inside of
the spacecraft either that or it’s a giant UFO right no it’s definitely it’s obviously a work light okay and then
here is Michael Collins breaking down part of the special effect shot using the window you’re going to see them dis
just but let’s be honest about what we’re seeing what we’re seeing is motion in front of the window that’s right
that’s the that’s the window of the spacecraft not the Earth floating in space like they claimed a minute earlier
true which means they’re faking being but I have to stop you you’re saying like make the transparency all these
different things you’re saying there’s no evidence of that you just see movement in front of it I I understand your assumption but there’s no evidence
of a transparency well it’s not an assumption it it’s that you see him moving you see just Dark Shadows let’s
see it one more time you see Dark Shadows moving that’s the window of the
spacecraft 100% I’m agreeing with you that some stop there if that’s the window of the spacecraft then that’s not
the Earth floating in space they claim which means they’re faking being halfway to the Moon necessar which they would
never do if they really went halfway to the Moon necessarily it could mean that so they went halfway to the moon but they faked it anyway they’re faking this
footage because this is the best footage they can get with the equipment they have looking through that window and they they came to a conclusion the best
way to do it is to back the camera up block everything out and just film that circular window and that’s the Earth and
that’s the only thing and we’ll pretend that it’s the Earth with space but we really can’t get that because the
positioning of the camera the the the amount of room if you look as the thing goes bright this is my question to you I
think this is compelling and it’s bizarre but when you say they remove the transparency well there’s no
transparency you don’t see it you’re literally just seeing black figures in motion now in clarity now you see
Clarity so now you see the amount of distance very small space they’re working in amount of distance where the
the circular window is where the Earth is and then where the camera is so the camera is is still just a few feet from
the window it’s not like it’s in a a giant room it’s just a few feet from the window spacecraft coupled together so
it’s quite deep right but it’s still it’s still not that big where they are but where they are to 10 ft away from
the window that’s pretty small this this whole room is pretty small right it’s basically smaller than here to the where
the our screen is that we’re looking at but the point is it’s not the Earth floating in space it’s the window it’s
definitely not made up to look like the Earth floating in space blacked out environment if they’re trying to pretend
that that’s space that’s deception exactly it still doesn’t mean that they’re not one one thing at a time so
we’ve concluded they are faking being halfway to the mo no no no that’s not we concluded we concluded that they are
faking that the Blackness around that image of the Earth is space that’s all
we’re confirming I that’s why I’m confused but hold on Jamie hold on Jamie so we’re we’re we’re confirming
that they definitely were if they were saying that that Blackness which is clearly the inside of the cockpit right
clearly if they’re saying that that Blackness is space and that circular image is the earth looking at the Earth
through space that’s clearly deception okay Boll 11 is being deceptive with
their photography why would they do that if they really went to the moon okay the Steelman I I know this is annoying to
people me Steelman means Devil’s African is that what you’re saying yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m I’m taking the other side’s position because it’s interesting to see
how how it lines up you would say this they wanted good footage they couldn’t
get good footage any other way they couldn’t get through where the camera is and how big the camera is how small the
window is the amount of space they’re working with they couldn’t get real clear footage of the Earth in space in
the distance so they decided to film it this way film it through that circular window we’ll black out everything it’ll
look like space but you will see the Earth from where we are which is 130,000 mph you know there’s a coming out in
July and I don’t know I’ve only seen the trailer but they talk about shooting a
fake moonlanding as a backup now they don’t care why you believe the
moonlandings are real as long as you do if you believe they’re communing with aliens with a secret crew or Neil
Armstrong does it they don’t care this the same thing if they really went to the moon they wouldn’t have to fake any
of it because they showed so little of the mission anyway to the moon it’s they wouldn’t
dare they would dare fake they wouldn’t dare fake any of it because there were people at the time already saying it was
fake they wouldn’t dare fake any of it if it was real even during the landing
they showed computer animation and then all of a sudden you see that black and white would dare fake it if it was real
see this is where we disagree because I think if it’s very difficult to go there
it’s even more difficult to go there and document it right and specifically when you’re talking about
camera equipment if you take camera equipment the old old school film and you run it through old school radar
detectors at the airport those metal detectors it [ __ ] up your camera equipment right doesn’t it [ __ ] up your film well but doesn’t it isn’t that
correct it wasn’t difficult for them to go to the Moon they they went six times in three years they drove cars on the
moon play golf on the moon that’s what I’m saying and yet for some reason today they can only send mannequins to orbit
the Moon listen we’re in agreement on this this is not what I’m saying what I’m saying is what you could say is that
the real Pro maybe they went and they faked the footage and the reason they faked the footage because the footage
got all [ __ ] up because they went through radiation I’m sure they would love the public to believe that because many filmmakers like myself agree that
the footage is fake so how can we possibly trick the public into thinking the moonlandings are real even though
the pictures are fake why don’t we create a feature film saying well we just only did it as backup and some of
that footage got got leaked into the real footage they showed so little real
footage to begin with why didn’t they just have a camera on the side of the rocket showing live pictures during The
Descent instead of a little Atari computer animation and then suddenly a picture of them stable and coming out of
the out of the spacecraft because they faked it as you know from my book we have an eyewitness who saw them film
Apollo 11 at Canon air force base June 1st 2nd and 3rd 1968 and yeah but I have eyewitnessed
that were raped by Bigfoot you could find those well you know what I’m saying like if it wasn’t if the guy wasn’t here
if the guy wasn’t here his son cooperates it and we have a video of that we can show the the point is and
it’s not even in my book okay the first thing the guy says as he’s dying about
to meet his maker fearing not being on the right side of judgment is that he’s
a murderer he killed somebody his son who you can go to watch his
son’s testimony who saw his father’s deathbed confession he said who did you
kill he said I killed a coworker at Canon air force base where he was the chief of security the military police
came in and they interrogated him as he’s dying wanted to notify the
relatives of the person who he killed who did you kill such and such a person a fellow employee at Canon air force
base in 1968 why did you kill him we both eyewitnessed the filming of
the fake moonlanding July uh sorry June 1st 2nd and 3rd of
1968 my friend thought it was morally wrong he was going to tell a reporter and I killed him to cover it up his son
confirmed he was chief of security at Canon air force base he lived right across the street from it he Stood
Beside President Johnson who was there for the first of 3 days of filming he
gave him a list of 15 people that were there who were allowed in the VIP
entrance to eyewitness it Neil Armstrong’s on the list balron is on the list and several people I never heard of
we got that list we publish it in my book and this is this is real his son
after telling me this information and confirming it his house was broken into a few days later everything about his
father was confiscated days after that two agent show up from the government
this is less than two years ago threatened to kill him and his family if he ever talks to me again about his
father’s participation in the moonlanding fraud the White House was involved in investigating this the FBI
was and the United States Senate intelligence committee investigated this and that man and those reports are
sealed because it’s a great embarrassment to the federal government that they did actually fake the
moonlanding I was the biggest fan if I can go from being the biggest fan to
having to accept the sad fact that our government is that arrogant and not only
that I interviewed the Widow of Gus Grom who was going to be the first man to
walk on the moon now we should explain one of the things that Gus Grom did that got people very angry he hung a lemon
that’s right yeah explain that well basically he was he was totally confused
how they could possibly think they’re going to the Moon in two years he thought it was at least 10 years away
and and still we can’t even go now right because of the radiation and he was preparing reports to give to Congress
and the Senate that his wife told me were confiscated from his house by CI
agents before they even informed her that he was dead which he had died a few minutes earlier she told me I
interviewed her for four hours this is the man who is going to be the first man to walk on the moon and he was the most
beloved of the press Corps and he was so frustrated he kept complaining up the
chain of command they wouldn’t fix anything because the higher-ups knew they weren’t going to go and hadn’t
committed yet to faking it and therefore hadn’t told the astronauts yet and that’s why they weren’t fixing anything
this your belief well that’s you know her her conclusion as well right and in his
Fury without permission he held the press conference he invited in a bunch of reporters to the top of the rocket
where he affixed the lemon the size of a grapefruit on a coat hanger he said this thing is a lemon a piece of junk made
the evening news and a few days later he dies his wife told me that on January 26
1967 he came home from work and said the following hun for some strange reason
the CIA is all over the Launchpad today I wonder why they’re here inspecting the
equipment never seen him here before he’s dead the very next day from faulty
equipment his widow told me he was murdered by the CIA the man who was
going to be the first man to walk on his Moon his son 747 pilot said the same
thing who I interviewed for three hours that his father was murdered by the CIA so it’s one thing if they fake the moon
landing and didn’t kill anybody maybe I’ll confess my devious nature I kind of
you know admire their Ingenuity you know like the people who tunnel from the dry cleaner into the bank but not if you
kill three guards slit their throat who have wives and children and the First with with three guards well I’m
just saying for example you know if they if they fak the moon landing and didn’t kill anybody that’s one thing but that’s
not the case you see and I know the type of person you are and the type of guess you have on your show we’re true
Patriots and Patriots have to face facts that when people take an oath to this
country it’s to protect it against all enemies foreign and domestic
they always want misdirection the Boogey Man to be in some other country where the biggest traitors to our country are
Americans and high office right that’s what’s going on and the first document
of our country isn’t the Constitution it’s the Declaration of Independence
where it says when any government becomes destructive of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness it is the right
of the people to alter or abolish it where according to Betty Grom they took away his life they take a third of our
income they deceive us through a moonlanding and then they use that money
to pay the salaries of the C agents who killed Gus Grom and two let’s go to Gus
gom’s death so Gus Gom died in an accident right he died in a fire correct
his his wife says that fire was set intentionally I understand that she I understand and I understand that why she
would believe that that makes sense well if if if her husband says C agents or messing around with the equipment the
day before and he’s dead the next day from faulty equipment the CIA killed him it’s a pretty obvious conclusion that’s
it could possibly be that definitely but also when you’re launching Rockets a lot
of people die they weren’t launching anything it was just a ground trest of pressing buttons and they found that
they pressurized that Space Capsule with 100% oxygen where steel will become
flammable they revers the door the day before so that it opened inwardly
instead of outwardly took an extra 5 or 10 minutes to open up and then they found a pile of oily Rags under his seat
so that they would do a spark and then I got the Apollo one report we bought it for
$10,000 from Roger chaffy Widow from his estate and there was a dip in power
right before the fire because the CIA had clamp something clamped in there to start the fire they ignited it it caused
a dip in power and then the fire began so where is this evidence that there was a dip in power well it’s in the Apollo
one report that there was a dip in power they had right before the fire because something was tapped into there that the
CIA rigged the previous day and that’s what killed them is there a logical explanation for why they reverse the
doors yeah so they would make sure not be able to get out it would take more time to get out sure they would kill but
is there a logical explanation in terms of an improvement design they were just testing something new right that’s their
EX use right um and the fire what was the
official explanation for how the fire was started just faulty wiring and what was the evidence that
the oxygen had been increased in the environment well that’s a fact they they knew not to do that that it had caused
fatalities where did you hear this fact well she told me and it’s in the Apollo 1 report which I so in the in the Apollo
one report it says they increased the oxygen by how much well they did 100% oxygen in the cabin and did they say why
they was just testing it something to test an experiment right and so that
then a fire ignites that’s right they rigged they rigged it with the oily Rags under there with reversing they did
everything they could to make sure those guys burned alive to get rid of the guy because Gus gum had they asked him to
fake the moonlanding he would have said no way and then he would have gone to the reporters okay the same reason my
source Cyrus Eugene acre killed his coworker because his coworker witnessed Apollo 11 being filmed at
Canon air force base in 1968 said this is wrong for the government to do this and was going to tell a reporter and he
was killed for the very same reason yeah I’m I would love to see the
video of that if there was a video of it it’d be interesting yeah there’s a video of his son talking about this you have
it cute up their people get old and when they get old they they say crazy things I it’s that crazy to say I’m a he we we
verified he was the chief of security I don’t know what his mental state was when he was dying I don’t know if he had dementia I don’t know you know what I’m
saying like people could but I’m not saying sure you didn’t work for O.J Simpson’s defense team I’m not saying it
didn’t happen I’m saying that some old people particular first of all memories are terrible most people’s memories are
a just said that earlier you forgot that memories are terrible yeah yeah you just said it a second ago yeah some most
people’s memory is not that good and then if you’re really old and you’re mentally compromised and maybe maybe you
have full-blown dementia and maybe you imagine things that’s also possible I
mean that’s an odd thing confession K somebody to cover up the moonlanding fraud I know what are the odds of that
being dementia not very good but also possible when people have dementia they
they think they’re secret agents they don’t know what the [ __ ] is going on they don’t know their name they don’t know their kids they when people are
dying and they’re dying you know usually there’s a lot of stuff going on it’s not just of details fascinating yeah and
could be what we hope it is which is deathbed confession like uh didn’t e Howard hunt have a deathbed confession
about the JFK assassination well one of the videos if you have it queued up Jamie is his son giving his deathbed
confession right as he’s dying of cancer of what he saw his father say he says I
lived right across from Canon air force base my father was chief of security he shows us a picture of his badge and his
uniform he was there yeah and and and what Bill casing said I had to look up
my from my own Library Bill casing said the whole moonlanding falsification was supervised by the United States Air
Force well my dad was in the Air Force I never heard of Canon air force base it’s tiny fewer eyewitnesses and then every
Department of the military has their special ops Intelligence Division headquarters it’s headquartered at Canon
air force base and so that’s where it was filmed and I even confirmed that
several people were there including a gentleman by the name of Robert Emer never heard of the guy a science fiction
writer who who promotes UFOs which is another reason to doubt UFOs because the
same guy who says UFOs are real been his whole life saying the moonlandings are real you see that same thing with the
astronaut Steven Greer’s number one source that UFOs are real and I have a book coming out about this as well at my
website he says his number one source that UFOs are has the Apollo astronaut said so you see
that and which one Edgar Mitchell well yeah Edgar Mitchell among many others let’s let’s come back to that I got to
take a leak let’s come back to that and this is great I appreciate you thank you for coming here this has been a lot of fun and I hope you don’t mind me being
annoying but I have to to like to cover this and we’ll get into more you don’t have to I do I do no you don’t this is
the right way to do it trust me trust me okay we’ll take a leak we’ll be right back so um we were at Gus risham died in
a fire there’s another guy who NASA had hired to make a report and he had this
500 page report it I think it was like 500 pages about how bad how badly
managed mismanaged the whole Apollo program was and that he saw so many
flaws in it that he thought he was never going to get off the ground and then Thomas bar yes Tom Ronald Thomas Baron
correct and he died on train tracks that’s right that was uh kind of uh with
his family I CIA hits kind of go through fads and there was a big fad period
where a lot of people’s cars stalled at train crossings I think back then this was before DNA evidence and it would get
rid of the forensic evidence that’s also how they killed those kids in mea Arkansas that found the cocaine that
that was the whole part of that Tom Cruz movie the the true story behind the Tom Cruz movie with uh what was that guy’s
name again that Jamie Barry seals yeah who was uh smuggling drugs and dropping
them off into Mina Arkansas while Bill Clinton was the governor and they killed these kids and
put them on PL uh train tracks here’s a relevant point about Bill Clinton two of them on page
156 156 of his book you know this he says that he doubts as president the
authenticity of the moonlandings well he said in a very koi way right but that’s what he’s saying well he told an
anecdote about a carpenter that he was working with in 196 9 he was saying how amazing it is that These Guys these
people they they landed on the moon and the carpenter said no those TV fellows can get you to believe anything I don’t
believe the thing they say and then he said back then I thought the old guy was a crank I’m paraphrasing but now after
eight years years in the white house I think he might have been ahead of his time I think that was not paraphrasing I think that was word for word Joe yeah
good memory well here’s the second that’s quite word for word I’m sure but here’s the second point about about
President Clinton when he finally after denying it 20 times admitted that he had an affair a reporter asked him why did
you do it and you know what he said why what because I could meaning because I
could get away with it this what people need to see they did fake the moonlanding and why did they do it
because they could and these people are still in power it’s a dangerous thing
also because they wanted to win this cold war with Russia they wanted to get
this uh economic and cultural Victory right well that’s could be their excuse
okay so so here’s another question you murder Americans to do that alleged
murder Americans well we we assume yeah yeah but we don’t really know the Thomas
Ronald Baron one is a wild one because that rep that report was buried correct after that that’s right and in the
report do we have details of exactly what was said in the report well basically he said what Gus gum said
there were a decade or more away from going to the moon and that was after the Apollo one fire the baron report and of
course he died right before he was to testify to Congress right what a coincidence yeah about how NASA was so
far behind schedule n you know NASA has never kept a schedule a single time in
their entire history except the most complicated mission of all time they were head of schedule and do you
realized there’s never been an aerospace machine airplane whatever that ever
worked on the the first occasion not even the Wright brothers plane and a 747
after millions of aircraft had already been built 10 years more technologically advanced than the Apollo Rocket it took
168 attempts to get off the ground and yet for the first time in history the
the there was an aviation project that worked on the first occasion that happened to be the most complicated one
of all time you see that coincidence how about that so humans have accomplished
some pretty amazing things but the leap between that and the moon
landings in terms of getting biological living human beings s to survive this
twoe journey to land on the moon and come back how long did it take total all
days in space well the from setting the goal to doing it it took only eight and a half years and but the actual since
then they’re talking about it being taking 15 years to quote return to the
Moon even though they have 54 years better technology it’s going to take twice the amount of time to return to
the Moon with five decades better technology but again isn’t that they would you’d also say because it’s not as
focused an effort it’s not like well it is a focused effort because eight presidents have said they’re going to return to the Moon in five years right
yeah they all say that you you had Bush senior say it and and Reagan said it and
Clinton said it and Obama said it and Bush senior Bush Jr Trump they’ve all
said we’re going to return yeah he said we’re going to go to the Moon by 2024 uh time’s running out Tick Tock
ticktock you got a couple months left well they said they were going to have people orbiting the moon they said in
2014 we will have people orbiting the moon in 2018 100% behind schedule my
point was and they only have mannequins orbiting the moon so my point was that the leap between what we do now in terms
of the difficulty difficulty of getting into space getting into lower orbit and and coming back it it it gets compounded
greatly by actually going to another planet Landing taking off coming back like that’s that’s much more difficult
and the only time that was ever accomplished was between 1969 and 1972 seven attempts six successful allegedly
accomplished allegedly accomplished but let’s just say what they’re saying just what they’re saying it’s it seems very
strange that no one else did it it seems very strange that it stopped right there and it seems very strange that no other
missions invol only it’s the only technological achievement in the entire history of world that no one from Any
Nation could repeat 50 years later now to steal man their position like it took so much money and so many res resources
that we don’t have that would be better served going to other things and that’s why they haven’t been back why should they go back they went there they they
understand they can prove they went there because there’s laser reflectors on the moon that they can shoot lasers
at and they will bounce off off and show you that there’s a laser reflector on the moon well that’s not an argument
either because in 1958 according to Scientific American Magazine they were bouncing lasers off the moon without any
man-made reflectors there on so all they had to do is choose a landing site that had reflective surfaces additionally
Russia put an unmanned Probe on the moon with laser reflectors so that doesn’t prove anything I was going to get to
that but that’s that’s the argument well you’re welcome I did it for you thank you that is the argument though right
yeah so the argument is the laser reflectors prove another like one of the goofiest ones was when they used the
reconnaissance imetry and they showed look we could see the landing site like what are you well yeah I meanin at you
have to understand they already faked a fullbody picture of an astronaut standing on the surface of the Moon
which was filmed in Clovis New Mexico according to an eyewitness okay so
you’re asking the fox for further proof that they didn’t steal a chicken you’re saying after faking a fullbody image
that was shot in Air Force Base and pretending it’s on the moon my client Mr Fox is an upstanding citizen and my
client refutes all allegations well the same fraudulent
organization has a little Shadow from alleged lunar satellite that says this is you know part of the lunar lander
yeah there there’s a lot of weirdness yeah uh another bit of weirdness that is fun to watch people do mental gymnastics
to explain away is the flag blowing in the breeze I was just checking this the
moonlanding these this photo was taken by a uh a guy like in uh Ireland or
something I think was it show he’s in he’s just uh he’s just a guy he uh no
what does it show the image The Landing sites what do you see I could just tell you any one of
those spots is a landing site and what are you going to say I mean you don’t see much do you know what I’m saying
it doesn’t prove nor disprove uh it’s not clear enough to say what that is
right it’s not clear I don’t see any objects that look like they’re definitively a lunar rover I don’t see
anything that makes me think that that’s what that is but it could be because it’s not that clear so it’s not it’s
neither proof nor it doesn’t prove or disprove those images in my opinion well
here’s another interesting proof you have Neil Armstrong said he person picked up a particular Rock put it in
his pocket and saved it for the prime minister of the Netherlands oh yeah that’s a good one who he who he gave to
right and they put it in a hermetically sealed box yeah the curator saw my film says oh I wonder about that he in the
middle of the night they they expected no one would open it up he opens it up puts the rock under a microscope and
it’s petrified wood kind of this Eerie out of the world looking that’s a fact so unless there’re trees growing on
Earth uh I mean on the moon then it’s a fake in fact there’s a story it says Moon Rock proves to be fake that deal
armstr picked up and personally delivered but no reporter asks uh so if
the moon rocks are fake what about the moon mission okay to steal man that you would say what was the chain of custody
between Neil Armstrong and this uh prime minister he brought it to him he he
personally gave it to him and he said I picked this up off the surface of the Moon this is the rock I remember it here
you go they put it in a box that’s not much chain of command to get messed up the thing is like who’s got it after
that and is it possible someone stole it and swapped it out with another rock that looked like that was [ __ ] it’s
possible you have to think it’s possible it’s I don’t think it’s possible again I’m with you I don’t think it’s Poss I
mean it seems highly likely that they gave him a fake Moon Rock but you have to leave the door open to someone who’s
involved who’s fraudulent who knew there was a moon rock there and some guy said hey man I’ll give you $100,000 another
interesting point is six weeks before they allegedly going to the moon for the very first time somehow with that
deadline Von Brun former Nazi takes a leisurely vacation in Antarctica where
he picks up you know dozens of pounds of lunar meteorites I wonder what they use
those for let’s explain that too that Antarctica is one of the best places to find meteors uh meteorites because the
fact that it’s completely white it’s all look Frozen in snow and the meteorites Will Stand Out they’ll stand out in in
the snow yeah and it hardly ever snows there so there’s not much to cover them up and maybe the orbit being the South
Pole it’s more prone to lunar meteorites right so it’s very well known that you can get uh meteorites in Antarctica and
a lot of them they can conclusively prove come from the Moon correct this is all true okay so warer Von braa maybe me
needed to know what he was looking at when he got those moon rocks back and so he like well we have any on Earth
well yes sir we do we have some lunar meteorites we can find in Antarctica let’s take a trip didn’t he have a
broken arm at the time I believe he did there’s one picture of him I right after
he was captured where his arm is broken and I was just talking oh it’s right after his capture because I thought it
was in on Artica that he had BR no no no no no it was uh he’s in his Nazi uniform
and it’s right after he got captured and and brought over an Operation Paperclip I always wonder he broke his arm it’s
like either he was being sassy during an interrogation or or he got you know
bombed and you know got pulled out of rubble one of the two could have been he loved Hitler so much he fainted when he
found out he got uh purple tund Syndrome from doing the salute to many times so
he was a legitimate Nazi and this is important too because this is a thing that I know a lot of people have denied
um Operation Paperclip was uh an operation that took place right after the end of World War II where we acquire
fired a bunch of Nazi scientists that went on to do the Apollo program verer
Von braa was one of them the Simon weisenthal Center had said while he was alive that if he if if rather if he was
alive they would prosecute him for crimes against humanity that’s right he was a legitimate Nazi they hung the five
slowest workers the five slowest Jews in their rocket Factory in Berlin so if you
walked in you would see the five slowest workers hanging there and this is
eyewitness from people who were in that rocket Factory this is not disputed
stuff that he did that and you know you could say he was just a rocket maker he
had nothing to do with that but he was a Nazi and we and in charge of the not the
moon faking not just one of them but one he also said before he died he was that the government is planning on Faking an
alien invasion so the guy who faked the moonlanding he said that he said that
that the the next the evidence of that that he said that well his secretary says so oh that [ __ ] might be crazy you
know you never know she might be doing coke making stories up she might be a scammer she seems
sincere to me she might be trying to he said they’re going to be an asteroid threat next followed by a fake Alien
Invasion that’s what he said and keep in mind these Apollo Astronauts who spent their whole life lying saying the
moonlandings are real or also the key people who are saying UFOs are real and so is the key people but Edgar Mitchell
one of them and Robert Egger made films you know propaganda films to plant the
seed that UFOs are real and he was at Canon air force base when they faked the moonlanding okay can I assume that then
by what you’re saying that you don’t think UFOs are real at all no they are real but they’re not from outer space what about the ones that Kenneth Arnold
saw in the 1950s what about I don’t know about those so this is the first I think UFOs are real but they’re not from outer
space according to the top two UFO research I have a book coming out hopefully in time of this podcast
aliens from Planet X that talks about their origin and future appearance and
they UFOs are real and aliens are real but they’re not from outer space and that’s according to the top two UFO
researchers after decades long research so go to and where do they
they’re not from outer space they’re interdimensional and potentially Fallen Angels disguising themselves because
they’re Liars of of something like you said can’t be proven or disproven I’m from
this galaxy 300 light years away this is kind of what Tucker Carlson thinks he he
thinks there’s a spiritual element to it he thinks they’ve always been here and he thinks that this is what’s kind of documented in the Bible as like good and
evil and that’s it exactly I mean that’s what’s going on I mean the top two UFO
researchers said UFOs are real number one number two they’re not from outer space and number three they’re demonic
and that’s what I talk about the where it talks about Fallen Angels inter breeding with humans as talked about in
Genesis 6 and creating a race called Nephilim who were men of renowned world
leaders could you interpret that as when you say interbreeding with humans now
imagine if what they are is a form of artificial intelligence or I should say
instead of artificial artificial is a word that it’s got a lot attached to it already maybe digital intelligence or
human cre intelligence that’s not of biological origin but it is a living thing it’s just living in a different
kind of way now if that is something that human beings are eventually going
to we’re going to have some symbiotic relationship with electronic that’s biological you’re seeing it already with
neuralink you’re seeing how this guy who is paralyzed can now utilize a computer and manipulate everything with his mind
he can move a cursor around you’re you’re seeing artificial intelligence come to the Forefront where people are
realizing the power that it has and how quickly it’s developing it’s happening very rapidly within this year it’s kind
of confusing people when better artificial technology comes along and
better interfaces come along and we start realizing that the only way that we are going to survive is if we
integrate isn’t that kind of the same as something coming down and Inter
breeding with human beings if these things if this is the pro the path of progress this is how it goes in
intelligent life forms on complicated planets on with when they have complicated technology they develop
internal combustion engines or some other source of power they start manipulating their environment and they eventually get to the point where they
can make an artificial life form and that artificial life form is far superior intellectually to the
biological life form and the only way the biological life form can survive as if it integrates with the artificial
intelligence and people will start to do it initially and those people will have access to tremendous resources that
biological people don’t have and it’ll be required just like it’s almost required for everyone to have a cell
phone everyone’s going to integrate and in case over time what would that look
like well probably look like aliens it would probably look like some weird sort of creature that’s not really biological
anymore so it doesn’t have all the flaws of our primate DNA it doesn’t have all the but it does it have a soul like are
we cre creating a thing without a soul that has a mandate and has like it has
plans for the universe and for life forms and would that kind of be demonic
it seems like that’s demonic I mean if you want to be real simple about demons
you think they live in hell and they got pitchforks and but what is the what kind of force would a demonic force be
something that would overpower the human race and render it non-existent well wouldn’t one way to do that would be to
integrate with humans to the point where it makes biological reproduction a thing of the past all reproduction is done
through either some sort of complicated gene splicing program or life and
Consciousness gets integrated with technology inextricably so where everybody is some sort of a hybrid
system well there is a spiritual component including to the moonlanding I
mean you’ve seen a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon right it opens up with the Tower of Babel which was built
simply to boast we have the tallest building and then we show the Titanic that says the ship that God himself
could not sink and we know what happened there Tower of Babel never finished Titanic never made one voyage and then
Richard Nixon when he knew they were not on the moon said putting a man on the moon is the greatest event since
creation itself you see Mankind’s greatest accomplishment you see and the
world leading country is putting a man on the the moon and how ironic when I popped in that tape of the window shot
and realized they really did fake the moon landing so that was the first one that really cemented it for me
absolutely I it just I gave him the benefit of the doubt as long as possible okay I want to go to the flag because
the flag is a piece of contentious debate the the flag waving
on the surface of the Moon so the moon has almost no atmosphere correct right
okay and it has one six or Earth gravity so when you’re watching these people uh
plant this flag on the Moon the Moon is supposedly it doesn’t have any wind or
definitely the kind of wind that blows around a flag now the flag had a rod at the top of it and the rod at the top of
it kept it in place and it kept it stiff so it it stayed horizontal and when you
watch the video footage the flag is waving around in what looks like a
breeze and so a lot of people have tried to kind of explain it away and say see
if you can find a video of the flag itself waving yeah there’s one so here we go so they’re planting the
flag now you do have to take into consideration that there’s very little
gravity so it’s one six Earth gravity so things definitely in a one six gravity environment they move differently the
problem is when the flag gets ultimately planted and then they back away from it
and no one’s touching it anymore then it seems to like independently be moving in the breeze well it’s my opinion they had
a lot of air conditioning pumped in there because the backpacks had the cooling units removed so they wouldn’t
fall over backwards so it was very hot in there and they had lots of air conditioning there’s better footage
Jamie where you can just see and a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the moon at there’s a clip of the flag
blowing in the wind a couple of times here’s another thing to take into consideration this what you’re looking at is not a direct feed that was offered
to the news organizations so what this is is a projector that’s projecting a on
a screen and then the news organizations then point their camera at that screen correct well actually NASA pointed a
camera at the screen there so they took the footage they put it on a big screen
you got to understand 1969 projection technology very low resolution looks like this they put a camera on it they
ran that to a monitor and then they had people film The Monitor right so it it’s
deliberately fourth generation so they’re intentionally degre the quality
of the signal the networks wanted a li feed and they gave him fourth generation instead but this is important to know
like that wasn’t I mean if you can get someone on the moon you can get better footage in terms of Gil Island in terms
of what we know 5 why didn’t they have color right I mean this is n they let’s
let’s just say it’s easier to do it in black and white let’s just say that if they did it in black and white there’s no reason why they can’t get a clear
feed directly to the news organizations and to television there’s no reason to be filming it on a monitor there’s no
reason to do that well there is to cover up the fact that it’s done in a TV studio but if you can overcome the
technological hurdles to get people to the Moon you can overcome the technological hurdles hurdles to
allowing people to have clear access clear footage of what this thing is instead of fourth generation stuff right
yeah like I said I think if gilan’s Island went from black and white to color in 1965 NASA can afford a color camera on
the moon after all it is the most technologically advanced event why wouldn’t they want a highresolution
color camera they didn’t because it might show that it’s a fake scene which it was that’s why they degradated the
signal by fourth Generations do we have better footage of the flag waving on the moon cuz there’s some there’s some
footage of it where you’re just like this is weird yeah there’s some and a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the
Moon about halfway through they filmed in color the next one on Apollo 12 okay let’s see that one while I was trying to
find that but just see just just Google flag Blowing in the Wind on the moon
well if you Google it it may not want to show it so it’s in my movie if you put it on YouTube as a YouTube search it’ll
show it like which one those are different there’s one Apollo five that’s me this one’s pretty good I
click on that one Jamie I don’t Apollo 15 no Jamie back where it says no I said
the one that says Apollo 15 right there that’s it yeah okay so this one this is
color he plants it it still looks shitty but he plants it
and let’s get a look at when he gets out of the way you see it moving around so this is it so this thing is kind of just
waving on its own no one’s even touching it and it looks like it’s waving in a
breeze it’s so it stops moving and then it starts moving
again now again there’s footage that shows it even more so than that like an
astronaut walking past it creating the breeze and then the flag blows without him touching it yeah I’d like to see
that so how much further does this go Jamie four minute video 3 minute video
so scoot ahead I think this is actually the one where the guy walk walks by it and then it starts going in the breeze
here it goes does it show it where he walks by
there it is it’s it’s back there because you see his image I don’t know where he went right
there where oh something just went in front of the camera there he is right there okay watch there it is see that
yeah there so watch that again Jamie so this is the one he hops by and as he hops by the breeze makes the flag blow
because he’s in an air environment he’s not on the moon right that is a weird one do it again look at this as he hops
by he doesn’t touch the flag now can I do dev’s Advocate what do you call it steel what Steel Man Okay the reason why
it’s doing that and really on the moon is because there’s microm meteorites hitting him and they’re bouncing off of
him and hitting the flag is that a pretty good one is that real no Oh I thought they were trying that I was I
was trying trying to come up with an excuse as to why the moonlanding are real you like that one that is a good
one micr Medi Arts will mess you up well actually Von braa we found publications of his mind you my film cost a million
dollars it was financed by a board member of an aerospace company who builds rockets for NASA who knows it’s
fake who gave me a million dollars to produce these films as his patriotic duty to expose it we found documentation
from Von braa that says every 24 hours on the moon there’s a 50% chance of a
catastrophic deadly error because of decompression from a microm meteorite so
they were there 3 days they were 150% chance they would have been killed from a microm meteorite grain of sand
traveling through space at 25,000 mph and he said you would have to immediately go into a cave once you
landed they never did that he also said in writing in order to go to the moon in
one rocket he says that cannot happen you need three rockets each Wayne Uh
each being 10 times the tonnage of the Queen Mary or some 800,000 tons each in order to go to the
moon and the Saturn 5 was 2,500 tons not
800,000 tons we have that in writing wait that was from his book right and what year was that uh I think that came
out uh in 1959 and then he recanted on his math shortly thereafter by 30,000
per. and now Elon Musk wants to quote Return To The Moon And he says to return
to the Moon we need to make nine fuel trips first to Ferry the fuel necessary
to be able to go to the Moon from there that’s exactly what Von Bron said in one of my Clips at you have to make
multiple fuel trips to go to the Moon first to a space station and then from
there you can go Elon must said the same thing but how did they do it with with a
rocket that contained 13,000 of a percent of the amount of fuel Von Bron
said it would take one of my favorite one of my favorite uh films is the film of the lunar module leaving the
moon when when it leaves when then the camera pans and it it looks let’s film
let’s show it let’s show what what what year was that which which uh I think that was one of the last missions uh and
I think you’re talking about where the camera perfectly tilt tilts up yeah with
the little model going up yes and of course with the delay how could you synchronize that of course you couldn’t
well you could because you know it’s 4 seconds right just like it’s radio waves well but it’ probably be more than that
going through all the analog equipment right but you could you could time it you could save you could have a 5-second delay so this is it this is it what so
this is launching off the watch this we and it’s perfectly tilting up with it in real time with the remote control from
NASA with the radio delay that I suspect would be more like 12 seconds but also because today if you say to someone in
Atlanta talking to someone in Iraq hey how’s it going one two three hey I’m
doing fine that’s that’s just on halfway around the world you the the panning is
interesting but um you could put a timer on it the um the thing looking so goofy
is so crazy like that that thing is supposed to get off one6 Earth’s gravity and fly like that how
what’s it doing it looks so [ __ ] fake it looks like it’s being pulled by strings look it might be real I’m
certainly not an astronaut I don’t know what I’m talking about but when I if I you had a guess if you showed this to me
and said hey do you think this is real or fake and you didn’t give me any context I’d be like what is this a cheap
science fiction movie what is this and then here it goes like that’s what that’s leaving a planet how’s it leaving
is that some new space technology where’s the fire coming out of the bottom of it how’s it doing that
I mean it just looks fake it might be real it might be one of those things that is real but looks fake all right
see so then this is where it gets weird cuz it’s not doesn’t say it’s a timer it said somebody in Houston had to anticipate the timing ignition lift off
which I guess you could have guessed it was going to be in 5 seconds and just lifted the remote control up could he have guessed I have no idea what he was
using I have to look that up I guess you could guess if you say I’m going to launch also they time in five and so you
know then you you count 10 cuz he’s going to you know you got you got like a 5-second delay and so when he gets to
like if he counts down from 10 if he gets to five you hit it well there’s a 3 second delay today halfway around the
world with modern equipment talking from like Atlanta to Iraq 3 second delay
could have [ __ ] it up only halfway around the world with modern equipment he has to say it so the guy on the moon
has to say I’m launching now and he has to wait 5 Seconds it would be at least a 12 second delay I think and possibly
more than that with the delay itself of the radio light waves they and back plus all that analog equipment but it is not
impossible to do a 12C delay it’s only 12 seconds if you had a stopwatch and you counted it and you had a far enough
Vision where you could see the base of the lunar module you could see it detach and then you kind of got it as long as
you got enough of a field of view in the footage but boy it looks fake it’s it also looks fake in the way it’s moving
up it’s watch it again Jamie cuz it’s moving up like it’s being pulled by string well it looks fake because it is
fake but most things that look fake are fake not all of them but the vast
majority of things that look fake or fake now watch how this pulls up here it goes it detaches it’s
like what is that now here’s the question did they practice this at all on
Earth did they practice uh taking off on one of those things or could they I don’t think they did they practice
Landing but here’s the question they couldn’t right because it wouldn’t have the same amount of thrust on Earth
because the gravity is so much stronger so that thing wouldn’t have been operational on earth right well they had
a lunar lander simulator that Neil Armstrong almost got killed in six weeks
beforeand he couldn’t fly it on Earth in the safety of a tried and true
environment and that was six weeks right but also again the gravity of Earth is much greater than the gravity of the
Moon well they took that into account that was supposed to be a simulation of it so more powerful to overcome Earth’s
gravity in comparison yeah but with so then you’re dealing with a totally different machine and you’re dealing with totally different factors maybe it
would be easy with one six Earth gravity may be easy like we boom it lands and
apparently it was but one six I would like to know like how much thrust do you need to get off of the gravity of the
Moon if it’s one six Earth’s gravity versus what it takes to get off of Earth
like what are those calculations and how is that amount Force being generated by that thing and is
it CU that’s a that would be a really good question because if you can’t prove that you could do that like how do you
do that well this is one reason why NASA destroyed all the schematics all the electronics all the diagrams of the
equipment because you could later prove that the lunar module see they claim that the lunar module was powering air
conditioning on a bank of car batteries and compe heated against 250° outside
and got it down to a comfortable 72 for 3 or 4 days I mean you try that at home
you know with your car batteries also batteries of T today like my Tesla only goes 350 miles if I drive real slow and
so they’re they’re saying they powered air conditioning off much more primitive batteries 24 hours 3 or 4 days in a row
against 250° outside so this is an indirect PR if you really went to the moon and spent
$200 billion you would never destroy the technology but one of the clips we have
is them saying that they intentionally destroyed all of the equipment to go to
the Moon all the diagrams are the hardware all the schematics all the original Telemetry of where the rocket
was at the time and all the original videotapes Ron Howard’s grandfather
warned him the moonlandings were fake he didn’t listen he wanted to make an IMAX
movie he went to NASA said give me all the originals so I can transfer it to HD and project it at 120 ft wide they said
give us a couple of days and in those days they lost every single original videotape from every single Apollo
Mission now if you really went to the moon and spent $200 billion the last
thing you would do is destroy that technology but if you perpetrated a fraud that’s exactly what you would do
so what is this Jammy I think uh video of them practicing so is this uh Landing
but landing is that there’s Neil Armstrong it’s the same machine I so this is the one that he was practicing on that he almost died in look at that
thing wow that’s crazy um there’s also an article I found about how they filmed
it they tried on Apollo 15 and 16 and failed for different reasons and then they finally got it right on 17 so it
was a timing thing uh so several second delay here it goes the cameras were very successful capturing the images of
numerous Eva but while they could be controlled from Houston it was felt that several second delay between Earth and
the Moon would make capturing the modules Ascent impossible so the plan was to pre-program the camera and hope
that NASA camera operator in Houston Ed fandel got his timing just right on
apoll 15 the Tilt mechanism Mal malfunction meaning the camera was never panned upwards and thus the lunar module
rapidly accelerated upwards and out of the picture on Apollo 16 Mission the astronauts actually parked the Rover in
the wrong place so while the cameras work perfectly it was too close to the module and again once it lit up the
engines it accelerated swiftly out of picture happily Apollo 17 got everything right but what is perhaps most
remarkable about looking back on it was that no one realized the significance of the liftoff at the time persistent
rumors suggest that NASA had to pay the networks to cover Apollo 17 Mission at all and when final liftoff of humanity
from the Moon took place it barely raised a mention on that evening’s news reports that’s a really important Point
too cuz people were really tired of it like they were mad that it was interrupting I dream of Genie I Love
Lucy oh that’s what it was I Love Lucy yeah well that’s from Wikipedia that continually defends the fake
moonlandings in fact if you if you type if you type in moonlanding fraud you don’t get anything about the fraud you
get a thousand videos defending you know the supposed Moon missions now if the
moon missions are real then anyone who says otherwise is an idiot okay so how
do they defend if I were going around saying George Washington not the first president it was really Mickey Mouse do
you think there’d be a thousand videos to reassure people that George Washington was the first president and
not Mickey Mouse but there’s a thousand videos out there that took tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of hours
to produce to defend the moonlandings if it’s so obvious they should speak for themselves it has to be continually
supported because it’s made out of straw that’s why so the um the lunar module
leaving the surface of the Moon how did they practiced that if was the first
time they ever pulled that off the first time they ever tried it was that I think they used a simulation but but did they
do that on the moon well they couldn’t practice they had to do it for the first time they did
it flawlessly every single time did they have the ability to land something on the moon and have it take off remotely
did they have that kind of control back then no I don’t think so probably not right so if they
did if Apollo 11 did happen and they did take off from the that time they did it
was the first time anybody had ever tried to use one of those things to get off the surface of the Moon worked every
time flawlessly person in it with a person in it with with two people in it three no two two people in it one person
in the lunar orbiter 10 landed on 10 were launched into space of those six
landed by humans onto the moon first two were flown test and low
earth orbit without a crew that’s Apollo though let’s talk about about the AI Discovery you know about that right but
hold on before we get going so the first two were in America dress rehearsal for the landing was Apollo 10 and then
conducted on Apollo 11 and so um is there footage of them trying that thing Apollo 10 no just just having it launch
on Earth I’d be fascinating to see what it looks like how that thing gets into the air I don’t you know because if they
were able to make uh a lunar lander that Neil Armstrong got in that thing that looked very different than the ones that
were on the moon but that thing if he’s doing that to try to overcome the six
times gravity that Earth has over the moon what does it look like when they’re testing that thing like how much thrust
does it have and where is the engine where where is the rockets that Propel that thing into space like where do you
fit those this is my question you know and so how did they explain that away like
what is the conventional explanation as to how that thing had the amount of
power that was required to get off of the moon’s gravity get away from the Moon and fly to Earth well how did they
do it with uh 13,000 of a percent of the fuel that Von BR said they had to why is
it today to quote Return To The Moon you have to make nine fuel trips to be able to go to the moon and return but somehow
they did it in one trip I’m looking on YouTube for a video of it but there’s like some people smarter every day
recreated the lunar lander and tested it successfully see what they did
um so this is one they did on Earth yeah I mean these guys made it I don’t know if this worked in space obviously
because they couldn’t get it there but right they made their own and I’m trying to find out how successful it was so you
certainly could make some well that obviously there’s no person in that right that’s small that’s different
that’s why I think that video I showed you a second ago of uh the test footage which I don’t know where there some link
I don’t know where it went okay I’ll find it again but I don’t know again I’m trying to find the official let’s talk
about the ai’s latest Discovery that’s the latest breaking news okay they had an AI conference in November you know
they have all these conferences automobile conferences video equipment conferences shoe conferences and they
had the latest AI conference in November in Moscow and just like at these
conventions you can try out a car driving around the track that gets 150 m a gallon that somehow never makes the
market well Google had its most Advan Advanced AI a bunch of AIS hooked up
together called the neural network and they let people play around with it for
3 days one group had it WR a symphony one group had it WR a novel another
group tested its deep fake detection program which has never been wrong it
can tell you in one second of video whether a video of Biden or Trump is real or deep fake it’s never been wrong
first they fed it pictures from the moon’s surface from the UN manned Chinese probes from a few years ago it
said they’re real and then they fed it in comparison pictures from the Apollo
missions and it said absolutely fake for multiple reasons fake background fake
foreground they even pointed out that one picture was not even a real astronaut it was a miniature of the
astronaut because the AI detected that the footprints were not the way a human
normally walked it was they were stamped in there with a miniature and that the entire set wasn’t even real it was a
miniature of the set so they could show a vast backr where AI conclusion where someone see that go to I wrote
an article about it and there’s a video of it of Putin himself being shown the results that the latest AI says the moon
landings are fake and then when I tried to track down the original article it
warned you if you click to proceed all the data on your computer will be stolen and you’ll be associ iated with child
pornography that’s it says that I have go there’s a clip of it I did a screenshot it says that that’s how
desperate they are because the latest AI says the moon landings are fake you
think that story is on RT their president was there it’s nowhere to be found does the latest AI look at that
Apollo 17 lunar module taken off well I don’t know that they showed it that footage but they showed it still
pictures from the Apollo Mission and they showed it still pictures from the surface of the Moon from the unmanned
Chinese probes it said the Chinese probe pictures are real the Apollo pictures are fake the smartest a on the real in
the world with a deep fake detection program that’s never been wrong how is
that not public how is that not major news exactly right why is it that Fox
News cancels their number one program if they’re in the business to make money
you know we had the former director of the Russian space agency a little over a year ago he said the moon missions were
fake Fox News calls me up the next day they said Bart we want to do an hourong
special about whether the moonlandings are real or not and we just want to be honest with you we haven’t read your
book we haven’t seen your film and irregardless of what’s in there we will
conclude that the moon missions are real the point is to reassure the public and then during that hourlong program which
I saw after the fact they had a quote from one scientist in
1969 that said congratulations and therefore they said see the Russians think it’s real and I’m like well what
about the former director of the Russian Space Program who said six weeks ago
that it was fake they deliberately don’t mention that you think RT is who said it was fake which guy well the former
director of the Russian space agency who is he his name is Dimitri razen
and he said that the Apollo missions are fake and Fox News calls me up they had
to put out that fire you see that and they said we will conclude without
investigating it without reading your book and even if your book and movie proved that it was fake we’re still
going to conclude that it was real of course it’s Fox and then your network well yeah and then are they really
anti-corruption no they’re not and there it is right there it doesn’t say Google
though it’s just is uh it’s the neural network thinks almost everything in this photo is fake meanwhile it back up back
it up again it’s the neural network thinks almost everything in this photo is fake and that’s the Moonlighting
thing so meanwhile raises no particular questions about this photo taken by a Chinese
lunar rover so this is someone explaining this to Putin and they’re looking at it it believes this one is
fake he’s pointing to the Apollo yes look at the red this is what Google’s neural network thinks not ours so there
will be no bias it’s surprising but it does believe so the neural network has analyzed a lot
of data including light and dark contrast Etc and then it believes the photo is
synthetic very interesting now he’s not surprised so he knows already that it’s fake let me tell you something Joe I
know somebody who works for the Chinese space agency okay I just did an interview with
him for my YouTube channel and he says everybody there knows that the Apollo missions are fake so why
don’t they like publicly broadcast that let me tell you exactly why he says they’re blackmailing NASA NASA is giving
them illegally according to the Own federal law secret space technology in
exchange for China not blowing the whistle and that’s the alleged reason why it must be real the Russians would
have found out and the Chinese would have found out and they would have blown the whistle that’s just not true let’s say I had a picture of a leader with a
prostitute I could upload it to the internet and take them down and then that would be it or I could blackmail
them year after year after year and that’s what I have a source in the command center of the space station at
at China China space agency he says they know everyone knows it’s fake they’re
blackmailing NASA for technology so the federal government is violating their own Espionage Act you see that Russia
knows the guy’s not surprised at all in fact my interpretation of his emotion
he’s afraid he looks afraid that the truth is going to come out now you see
and then RT doesn’t cover that story they don’t cover it and I saw another AI
story on RT so I went in the comment section and I’ve left I leave about two or three comments a year in there I’ve
never had one taken down in three or four or five years I leave a comment hey guys why didn’t you cover that the
latest day where Putin was there says that the moon missions are fake they took down the
comment they’re they’re they won’t let you go to the original link you see Fox
News is covering up for the federal government you see it’s a great embarrassment I showed that footage that
we talked about for quite a while to a news director at NBC he practically
fainted he says it absolutely proves they didn’t go to the Moon I said when
are you going to broadcast it he thought he says I can’t I don’t want to go down in history as
the man who caused the next civil war he says this will outrage the public 10 years later a new director at NBC News
sees the footage they say it proves we didn’t go to the Moon they fly me to New York they put me up in the Walo Storia
Hotel they pay me thousands of dollars for the exclusive license to that footage and they said Bart I’m sorry to
tell you this you can keep the money but we’re going to have to cancel the program I’m like well why is that he says well we got a call for from someone
in the federal government threatening us and we backed down huh you see so people
see that footage it convinced me and I was a big moon fan you know pride is a
thing here’s something I wanted to say I talked to a a guy who teaches Aerospace at a major university and he said even
if he saw Buzz Aldren confess on national TV that the moon missions were
fake he would still think they’re real pride is simp L the unwillingness to be
wrong and humility is the willingness to be wrong I was willing to be wrong it is
what it is they did fake the moonlanding our government is that corrupt okay
let’s let’s go over some other stuff um one thing I wanted to go over is the photographs and the Shadows that are
moving at different angles because this has been disputed and this has been refuted by some people that are
photographic experts they’ve looked at this and said this is actually Poss possible to get these kind of different
angles even with natural sunlight um it’s debatable though so let’s let’s
talk about it okay so here we have on the right hand side a picture taken from the alleged last mission to the Moon
you’ll see on the left hand side is sunlight try it yourself go go out in your front yard or your parking lot at
work on a cloudless day two people two telephone poles two trees they will always run parallel they will never
intersect it’s impossible for some sunlight Shadows to intersect over here on the right they claimed was taken in
sunlight after all there’s no atmosphere it’s 20 times brighter on the moon than on Earth the last thing you need is an
electrical light and the astronaut Shadow is going at 12:00 and a rock 5 ft
away the Shadows going at 9:00 a 90° intersection proving that that was taken
with an electrical light that’s really close and it’s probably behind the astronaut and if you go to the right of
it it’s going to throw the angle off that proves it in a court of law take a jury out they’ll see the picture on the
left break turn out the lights in the courtroom bring in a spotlight and you will prove in a court of law that that
picture was taken with an electrical light which proves they are on earth and not on the moon now what is the
conventional explanation as to why these Shadows move in different directions when when people try to debunk it and
I’m sure you’ve seen them try to debunk it what is their take on it I’ve never heard it debunked to tell you the truth
they they’ve ignored it in fact the reporter from National what was it mechanical
magazine Popular Mechanics interviewed me and they said I can’t I can’t explain
that I talked to the Washington post about the footage we showed he was doing a story about isn’t it interesting on
the 30th Anniversary some people doubt the moonlanding and I said well what about that footage and he says well it
looks to me like they didn’t go to the moon and I said well why don’t you you do a story about that he says if I did
that I would be fired that’s the Washington Post okay um
Jamie what are your thoughts just out of the gate yeah looking at this photo I go
Sun’s behind them well what about the the one side by side what’s your opion of that one Jamie this photo is not as
interesting but that this is okay that’s bigger that’s one um go to the side by
side one what’s your opinion of that sunlight on the left elect Lighting on the right why why does it have to be
electrical lighting there’s lots of things that make light sure well let’s take a look at the image Jim I’m trying to pull it back up but that’s there my
book which is interactive have 17 Clips one of the clips if you want to find it is National Geographic did a special
just to refute my film and what they did was and you can find that clip it’s under moonm video clips and
they go to a desert at night they dress up an actor in an astronaut costume they
bring out a spotlight and they have people stand next to the astronaut and the A and the Shadows intersect and you
know what they say Joe they say that proves that the moon missions are real and I said well wait a minute it proves
that they were taken by electrical light why didn’t you go out to a desert during the day during sunlight you see they
brought in a spotlight the shadows diverged and they said it proves that the moon landings are real that’s a
light that’s a close source course right yeah but my point is what they actually did is they proved that the moon
missions were taking with an electrical light if you take day it’s going to be brighter everywhere what’s that if you
take photos in the desert during the day the entire sky is bright you have to block out a lot of light well it doesn’t matter the Shadows the Shadows are still
going to run parallel it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter cuz that’s what that’s what I was trying to get up before I got cut off is that from this photo here
which is very similar to the other photo it looks like the sun is probably behind it that’s probably the brightest source
that they have around them mhm you’ve already admitted that that without adding extra laser reflectors that the
moon surface is reflective so there’s going to be reflection off of that and
you’re going to probably have the Earth which is also now a second source of light coming from a different angle that
the sun is to create potentially without knowing exactly everything because I’m not the math scientist to know where the
sun is or the the Sun and Earth are at this particular time of day they could create different Shadows well not really
because the sun why why not well I’ll tell you why because the sun is a million times bigger in volume than the
earth and that would be like on a bright sunny day at noon shining a flashlight
on the ground do you think you’re going to see I can take pictures in here with multiple light sources though and they’re going to look different jie the
difference in the amount of light that gets emitted by the earth and the amount of light that gets emitted by the sun is
substantial 100 that would be that would be like shining a flashlight on the ground at High Noon on a cloud St you’re
not going to see the beam of the sunlight the thing is and the surface and the surface take it from a filmmaker
that’s called reflective light it’s G to it’s not going to cast a distinctive Shadow yes but here’s my point it it’s
still that rock on the the upper right hand corner even if it was getting light from the earth that made that shadow
that underneath it to the left that goes in the wrong direction you would still get the same kind of shadow that you get
off the astronaut behind the rock there’s no reason why that would blast out that shadow that shadow would be
significantly stronger all right that’s why would this is the reason I wanted to go with the different photo because
that’s the one he sent and has other stuff on it I wanted to try a different photo well this one is not nearly as
convincing it just has it has Shadows going in different directions all over the place well that’s because it’s taken
with an electrical light well it does seem it does seem that they’re going in different directions it’s from Apollo 11
right well Apollo 11 they’re saying was taken with electrical light jamming what are you saying no he’s saying it’s from electrical light my point here right now
look the sunlight behind the guy’s head right over here on the left Shadow coming to the right over here on the
right who says it’s sunlight Jamie but Jamie if you had electrical lightlight
the Shadows would be parallel that you’re actually proving it’s an electrical light because sunlight is
parallel yeah it’s all right stop but no but hold on Jamie don’t stop well you guys are fighting against the things
that I’m saying as a photographer as a filmmaker and like we’re not you’re assuming you’re assuming it’s sunlight I
said it could be four different lights it also could be the reflector of the actual lunar lander that thing is made of giant shiny metal that has also light
reflecting in multiple ways where is the where is the lunar lander though maybe
we don’t know where all the light sources are I wasn’t there right that’s part of the problem with analyzing each
individual short little photograph like this but if I’m looking at this I see
one very distinct Shadow that’s coming from the one in the bottom right there that shows Shadows at two different
angles that’s kind of crazy that means an electrical light that’s what it means well why because I just showed you what
a picture looked like why have to be an electrical light there’s lots of light sources it’s true well it’s true but
there’s also a hot spot they e they either filmed it on the moon or they filmed it on Earth and that’s where if
it’s on the moon the Shadows are parallel in sunlight if the Shadows intersect it’s an electrical light which
means they’re actually on Earth trying to fake it out so what you’re saying is that if if it’s electrical light it’s
more than one source of light that they have like suspended and so these are going to cast light in different
directions and it’s going to create Shadows that come at different angles as opposed to the enormous sun which bathes
everything in a fairly even distribution of light yeah if there’s two light sources like two electrical lights they’
run in different directions or if there’s one light because it’s close the sun is 93 million miles away that
electrical light is probably like 10 fet away so if you’re behind it it’s going to cast a shadow or in front of it it’s
going to cast a shadow straight ahead and if you’re to the side of it it’s going to cast an angle in a the light in
a different angle and the shadow in a different angle and okay and so this one is just normal I mean look at this
picture on the right this is the most famous picture get the original off of eBay they’ve color corrected this the
soil and the original picture around his feet is car Brown look at the pictures
from the Chinese probes that the AI said was real it was a caramel brown color
and they had the background grayish blue and they said oops we can see the fake
background too easily so they color corrected them go to eBay go to your library find a publication from 1970 and
you’ll see and all them lunar pictures the originals from there’s one there there’s the brown one there go back
there were there was one picture of the original print of the soil being brown right there that’s the color all that
set of pictures that I had those 20 pictures I got from my dad all of them had the soil that color including the
famous one of Buzz Aldren right they all had a caramel brown and in the Chinese
probes the soil is caramel brown cuz that’s the color it really is color corrected them but if you landed um a a
probe in you know the the desert in California versus you landed a probe in
the middle of Austin rainy season you’re going to get different ground different color ground right wouldn’t we assume
that the moon when we look at the Moon there’s a bunch of different shades of the moon right that’s the Man in the Moon there’s like you could and all the
of pictures and the original prints they’re all the same shade because they’re in that spot where it’s that
color but you have to see there’s a before and after of that same picture okay that I want to say the original
picture well you have to find it on eBay or whatever the original picture think it’s online uh it could be but I don’t
you’d have to go to eBay and type in Apollo 11 phot everybody knows eBay is the most trusted source of information
there’s no way what we need is the original prints that came out in 1969 Jam exist Jamie will find it and those
the soil is brown and yet in this most recent picture they’ve color corrected it now why do you think they did that
why do you think they because the soil was brown and the background was grayish blue and they didn’t match and you could
see the fake backdrop so much easier now there’s another point of contention that the same background was used in
different photographs that were supposed to be nowhere near each other that’s true that is true okay and what are the
what’s the uh instances of that that you could show well I don’t have them queued up but that proves that they’re how do
you not have those you must know what they are though right well I’ve seen I’ve seen them before other people have
put them in films and it’s true that they claim they’re in two different locations but the backgrounds line up
exactly right top of one another so yeah it’s it’s supposedly many miles apart but yet the backgrounds look the same
yeah the AI said the picture they had of an astronaut on this vast background was
a miniature it wasn’t even a real astronaut yeah I want to see more of
that um and that was was it actually Google’s AI that did that it was it was Google’s neural network H and the most
Advan so either Google spent billions of dollars and 10 years or more developed
being this AI that ended up being a piece of junk or the moon landings were
fake you see which do you think is true well or the photographs are fake this brings me back to the thing that I was
saying earlier that if they did look the hassle bad cameras that they use to
photograph things in the moon one of the things that people would always say is oh they were special cameras they were
different they protected against radiation they did a bunch of things they they were they could operate under the incredible temperature of the moon
but they were the same cameras right they weren’t really special cameras right someone sent me a link recently
they have according to Eugene cernon he left a picture a family picture there on the surface of the Moon
and he took a picture of the photograph that he left on the surface of the Moon and then someone said okay at what
temperature does photographic print paper Kodak paper from that time you
know at what temperatures it destroyed it was something like 145° well that’s it’s 100° hotter than
that on the moon and the picture looks perfectly fine but how long does it take before the the image oh it’s to be immed
immediately immediately yeah and so the AI said that and then it says okay well
is this a picture of Kodak film on the moon you know it says yes it’s supposed to be but how can it be there just
leisurely laying around when it’s 100° hotter than what it would cause it to
destroy it what was different about the cameras that were used in the Moon and what protection was in place supposedly
to protect them from radiation and and temperature nothing when my film came out and that’s about the time that you
and I met for the first time here it goes Hasselblad Hasselblad Engineers gave it a coat of heat resistant
aluminum paint and removed the mirror and focus screen to save weight and allow the camera to be operated close to
the head as opposed to the waist excuse me to Aid in the photo composition they attached a bracket used for mounting
camera accessories called a cold shoe to the side it also held the astronaut’s checklist while they were on the lunar
surface inside the camera highly precise Motors allowed astronauts to scroll through a roll of film without using a
hard crank rise knew that recreating the perfect replica of the Apollo 11
Hasselblad camera was going to be more difficult simply because there wasn’t much accurate information available about it so that’s getting more into
this Recreation of the camera right that okay well the most significant part about this when my film came out Fox was
going to air it as is and right beforehand their lawyers freaked out and said well we didn’t show the other side
of the story it’s my argument with you during the break we’ve heard their side of the story for decades we don’t need
equal time give us equal time first well wait a minute let me say so they made a
special where they interviewed me it was conspiracy theory did we go to the Moon aired three times by popular demand one
of one of the most convincing Parts is they interview the representative from hosel blad cameras they show him a
picture of allegedly a guy on the surface of the Moon in sunlight and he’s embarrassed he says I I I don’t know why
it looks like that looks like he’s standing under an electrical Spotlight to me and it’s also because the hot spot
right that’s created by Spotlight that’s right so the guy who made the camera says that pretty much that the pictures
are fake he doesn’t know why it looks like an electrical light is lighting him not the Sun and again that could be
because it was almost impossible to recreate those photos to create those photos well they showed simulations so
many times during the 1969 television pictures you know they didn’t have that
much actual footage I don’t think they would have a problem saying well we just you know destroyed the the pictures all
we have is a TV image I’m sorry really really crazy they destroyed all the original footage if if I really went to
the moon or I was in charge of a mission that really went to the moon and someone said well we got to put in fake pictures
like no way because people are already saying the moon missions are fake I would never allow fake footage to be
shown in a real Mission it if they really went it would jeopardize The
credibility of it they would never do it if you had a say but also you have to take into consideration that people that
back then there was no VCRs they would air this once and in their mind that would be it no one anticipated VCRs no
one anticipated DVDs and certainly no one anticipated the internet no one anticipated a podcast no one anticipated
YouTube videos no one anticipated someone being able to analyze and look at these things no one anticipated AI
being able to look at the images and determine that they were fake I haven’t heard your Devil’s Advocate excuse yet Joe for why they intentionally destroyed
a $200 billion investment that doesn’t make any sense to me it doesn’t make any sense to me why they would destroy the
footage it doesn’t make any sense to me why they would not have the Telemetry data it doesn’t make any sense to me I
can’t think of a reason why other than gross incompetence which no they said they intentionally destroyed it not
accidentally I mean if there if there was any technology you might intentionally destroy maybe the atomic
bomb after World War II let’s we used it to end the war now let’s just destroy it all can’t do that because then other
people can to have it well the point is but I see what you’re saying I see what you’re saying 10 years later it’s a thousand times more powerful
right why would they destroy that technology unless they’re covering their tracks of a fraud now one of the things
about this is that this subject is connected instantaneously with
idiocy if you believe the moonlandings are fake you are a [ __ ] and it’s
something that is pushed heavily especially by people that only have a a
cursory understanding of the moon landing itself and their argument is it would actually be more difficult to fake
the moon landing than it would be to actually go well that’s not true the was the film The Martian shot on location in
Mars well that was much later well but the point the point is you know what I’m saying when 1969 technology that that
saying oxom Razer that the simplest aam’s Razer is the simplest explanation is true is true but they’ve got it
backwards the film The Martian wasn’t shot on location on Mars it was done in a TV studio it’s easier to fake a moon
Miss than there is to go to the Moon obviously and yet they’re so desperate
to say that the moon landings are real they say it upside down they say it’s easier to go than to fake something well
they say it’s easier to go than to fake it and keep it secret all these years but they did only a handful of people
knew the truth right the guy in the command center can’t tell the difference between a real flight and a fake one right
there’s only three eyewitnesses and no independent press coverage they have complete control everything
compartmentalized yeah so they did fake it we have the fact that you can’t have
a thousand times greater technology in the past than in the future right we have the footage of them faking being
halfway to the Moon we have shadows intersecting at 90 degrees which can only be done with an electrical light
and we have an eyewitness of Cyrus Eugene acres and then there’s another clip I think it’s clip seven Jamie I
interviewed Edgar Mitchell in his house for my second follow-up film astronauts gone wild I showed him the fake footage
that we just looked at he turned beat red got mad where did you get this get out of my house started cursing at me
kicked me from behind and in the commotion we left a highquality wireless
microphone on him and in the commotion my camera operator forgot to hit stop record so while the camera is in the
back seat of the rental car in the guy’s driveway he’s in his house with the door
closed and we’re recording his private conversation with his son and you’ll
hear them say do you want to call the CIA and have him whacked they’re talking
about me now if they really went to the moon and I’m some idiot who thinks it
was done in a TV studio why would they care why would the CIA care and why
would a civilian Apollo astronaut have the CIA in his Rolodex do you see that’s
indirect proof that they didn’t go to the Moon because why would they be talking about having me killed by the
CIA if they really went and I’m some silly person who thinks they faked it you see let’s hear that you have that
recording yeah it’s I gave him the time code there okay and then so my book goes
into all these things that are not in the film have so here’s you climbing into the car
see you later in court I hope
call the CIA have him whed and there it is so that’s the son son saying that
that’s right okay how old is his son at the time well he was about I guess 23
years old okay but but 23 year olds are [ __ ] well you get a 23y old kid they’re they’re dumbass they’re mad
their dad just got punked you know the whole thing’s happening your dad kicks this guy [ __ ] this guy you want to call
the CIA have wh I don’t know if you read the book one chapter is called a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to CNN okay I
found that tape of them faking part of the moon mission in my home studio and
and just quietly wept oh my gosh they really did fake it I freaked out I’m like oh my gosh I have proof that the
moonlandings are fake in my house with a blind roommate and a toddler son I’m panicking I call it Bill casing I’m like
Bill you’re not going to believe what I found they really didn’t go to the Moon they really didn’t go to the moon and he’s like well Bart I told you I’m like
no you don’t understand they really didn’t go he’s like well Bart part I told you and as I’m telling him about
the footage it’s interrupted by this Screech I can’t hear him he can’t hear
me I go to church that night to get advice from the elders what to do they say drive like a bat out of hell to CNN
I already made a copy of it and put it in safe houses as I’m leaving church one of the last cars late at night a van
backed into a swimming pool that had been closed for 3 hours since Sundown pulls out immediately when I go by I’m
like guy was waiting for me I pull over to the side of the road I said I’m not going anywhere until this guy’s in front
of me I got all night finally he realizes he he got caught he passes me I
follow him know the enemy he gets on the parkway going toward town I get in the
parkway going toward town I’m like I want to see this guy who is this guy waiting to follow me the day I find the
secret footage I look at him in the eye he looks like a great white shark who would kill me and go home and have a
great dinner not think about me tomorrow and as soon as we connect my car shuts off the electrical engine everything
shuts off he meets up with another what year is this this is 1999 what kind of
car do you have at the time I had a Toyota van uh and he meets up with
another car on the other side they start literally looping around as I’m running from side to side being chased by these
people I flag down a cab who takes me to CNN in Atlanta where I have a friend who
works there and I’m literally trying to give them the tape through the back door
this is all in my book maybe it’ll make a great movie someday and I’m abducted
by government agents in an unmarked white van who handcuff me and I can hear
them behind me say well where’s the thing I thought you had the thing oh he’s got the thing they’re all wearing
rubber gloves they put something on my wrist that looks like something you get
when you go into a hospital and within 1 minute I feel like I’m on LSD to the
point where I’m throwing up that’s what the thing was you see they put me in a van they start interrogating me I
escaped their custody how’d you do that well you got to read the book it’s a long story I make my way back to
Nashville I pee in a cup I say I got him I’m going to show my news director at
NBC that I’ve been drugged by this exotic true serem because I told them everything they wanted to know you don’t
have to waterboard anybody okay and I take it to a lab I give it to a friend
to put in the lab in his name right cuz I don’t trying to out with the CIA right right I check back with him a few days
later he says Bart well there was a problem at the lab and I’m like well what problem he says well they had a
breaking over the weekend and I’m like yeah so what he says well funny thing the only thing stolen was a urine sample
and the people at the lab are like we don’t know who you are but take your business elsewhere and so all of this
this is in my book never talked about it before because I’m already trying to convince people of this very difficult
truth they really did fake the moonlanding and how do you know these folks that abducted you were government agents well they’re the ones who
monitored my phones who followed me from church who followed me to CNN who stopped me from getting the tape there
who drugged me with something so severe I’m throwing up and hallucinating and
then they’re so afraid that I’m going to proved that I was drugged they break into the lab you know in the middle of
the night and take only thing stolen was my urine sample gone the next day after
again what year was this that was 1999 I’m going to stee sorry allergies um a truth you’re
allergic to truth no I’m allergic to whatever’s in the air in Austin we were talking about it before
the show that I made ton of people that have allergies alala tablets help me out a lot got to take like four or five a
day okay um so this is 1999 and this is when
you first get a hold of that footage that we watched earlier and um did they ask you where you got it what do you
remember anything that they asked you I remember like the first two questions I was really concerned about the safety of
my son I always think what would I do if I were them right and so I was concerned
they would kidnap him and say you know we’ll we’ll give you him if you give us the tape right so very very first
question out of their mouth I remember where’s your son very first question can you imagine that and then the next
question something about copies of the tape and I don’t even remember it’s a blur MH and I’m you know I’m literally
in the middle of the night running away from these people X Files type of things that you know will make a movie someday
about and just unreal what I went through and they really did go they’re
still keeping up with it you got to remember what’s his name Ralph nater he wrote that book was it deadly at any
speed and all all it was is GM simply didn’t want to spend $200 per car to put
in an airbag so you know what they did when Ralph nater was trying to get them to put they they s FBI agents on him to
Hound him to ENT trap him with prostitutes and drugs to discredit him only to not put $200 airbags in car
imagine the harassment to a reporter who had proof that they faked the moon
landing and now in my book that just came out we have an eyewitness who says
he saw them fake the moon landing at Canon air force base and even admitted
to killing a coworker to cover it up okay let’s let’s go over some of the things that people would say to try to
debunk some of these claims and let’s go over specifically the Van Allen radiation belts so what is the uh
explanation the official explanation as to how the astronauts were able to get through the Van Allen radiation belt
safely because I know that people have disputed this and it is something that people talk about all the time because
it’s the number one thing that people say well they they’re contradicting themselves because we just showed Kelly
Smith who said the field of radiation is dangerous that we need to develop
shielding before we send people through this region of space so the shielding to
send people through it so they don’t die has not been invented as a 2014 also
could have meant the shielding for the instruments so they don’t no he said people we must develop this technology
before we send people through I was agreeing with that but like so the instruments don’t break so that the ship
doesn’t die which will then harm the people right but that that was what we were talking about earlier that but
regardless regardless he says the technology to do that has not been
invented yet think we found that out that in the full quote he said that they had it for the no he says we must first
solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space so
the challenges have not been solved as of 2014 so how could they have been solved in 1969 well the idea is that
they they did solve them and then that technology was lost and they have to recreate it and they haven’t done that
yet really they invented the automobile and threw it in the ocean and now they’re having to reinvent the
automobile I’m just like I said I’m just Devil’s Advocate but the point is that doesn’t make any sense doesn’t make a
lot of sense no no it doesn’t make a lot of sense that they Destro you said you were going to share your opinion about
what you think about it what do you think well there’s no way I know right we’re all speculating there’s no way I
know but all this [ __ ] looks very suspicious like mostly suspicious like
not a lot of it makes sense just logically if you look at the Timeline
between 1969 and 2024 and the amount of progress that has taken place
in actual outside of Earth’s orbit space travel it’s non-existent by human beings another
question is did they ever manage to get anything alive through the van Island radiation belts and have it come back to
earth before they tried it out with people did they do it with a monkey did they do it with a chicken did they send anything into space and have it come
back alive not officially they may have done an unofficially and not reported it because the outcome was not good right
um when they did operations starfish Prime and they blew that thing up didn’t it make the van Island varation belts
worse in that spot that’s what I heard that it that it added to the radiation there here it says some people believe
that the Apollo Moon missions were a hoax because astronauts would have been instantly killed in the radiation belts according to the US occupational safety
and health agency OSHA a lethal radiation dosage is 300 RADS in one hour
what is your answer to the moonlanding hoax Believers okay total dosage for the trip is only 16 rad in 68.1 minutes
because 68.1 minutes is equal to 1.13 hours his is equal to dosage of 16 rad
in 1.13 hours equals 14 rad in 1 hour which is below the 300 RADS in 1 hour
that is considered to be lethal also this radiation exposure would be for an astronaut outside the spacecraft during
the transit through the belts the radiation shielding inside the spacecraft cuts down the 14 RADS per
hour exposure so that it’s completely harmless well I have a clip at
where they talk about it’s a show from the 1950s where they sent up probes with Geer counters and they say it’s 100
times a lethal dose it broke the geiger counter because it vibrated so much again again these numbers of the amount
of radiation in the vanon and radiation belts are from the people who faked the moonlanding mhm so what kind of proof is
that so this is their saying the total dosage for the trip was only 16 rad that’s correct how do we know that
because that because the people who faked the moonlanding said so what is the um source of this NASA NASA how what
what I’d find another source if you’d like of what the vanal and radiation yeah let’s do that let’s find out Source
that’s how would you yeah that’s a good question no one else why don’t you Google how lethal
are there’s a CLI there’s a clip from my book try another one try another article I’m just saying I don’t know I’m
supposed to looking for because deadly Van Allen is the only one that’s been there really right right there there’s a
clip from my book at that has a scientist showing the radiation levels
and talking about how it’s a barrier between deep space travel he say so now what is causing that radiation well this
magnetic field of the Earth causes this magnetic area which collects over
however old the Earth is all those years radiation that goes nowhere so it keeps
getting bigger and bigger and bigger it also Shields us from cosmic and solar and Galactic radiation and from people
not getting cancer so it you have to have it to have life on Earth but
paradoxically it also prevents you from leaving the Earth so it says the numbers along the horizontal axis give the
distance from Earth in multiples of the Earth’s radius the inner Van Allen ra uh
Van Allen Belt is located at about 1.6 re the outer Van Allen belt is located
at about 4.0 uh the distance of 2.2 there’s a gap region between these belts satellites
such as the global positioning system orbit in this Gap region where the radiation effects are minimum so there’s
a gap in between the two belts and says the International Space Station and space shuttle on this scale orbit very
near the edge of the Blue Earth disc in the figure so or well below the vanile
radiation belts so most of the space stations space shuttle travel all that stuff is in that area well it’s below
they’re at 250 Mi the radiation begins at 1,000 mil right I think in 1996 the
space shuttle went up to 365 miles one of its highest altitudes CNN reported
this word for word the radiation belt surrounding the earth is more dangerous
than previously believed so how is it that astronaut 600 miles away from it
know more about it than astronauts that allegedly went through it to the moon in back you see that that’s not possible we
have article after article that says that the radiation belts are an obstacle to going to the Moon we have George Bush
Jr saying we’re going to return to the Moon in 10 years of course he said that 20 years ago and he says but first we
need to learn how to protect the astronauts from radiation uh why not do it the way that
worked so well on the Apollo missions so what kind of protection and would how
thick was the aluminum shielding 1/8 of an inch 1/8 of an inch and was there anything a coating on the inside of it
that protected them further no just 1/8 of an inch of aluminum and how much protection would 1/8 of Alum inch of
aluminum provide well half as much as a dental x-ray uh you know lead vest or or
or less than that but they would experience much more radiation than that that’s right now if this is saying that
it’s well below the lethal threshold is there any thing that disputes that is
there anything that you can point to that shows that the van radiation belts are significantly more powerful than what they’re saying like this article
that you said was from CNN from the 365 mile uh trip let’s find that that’s in
the film that’s in the film if anything happened on the way to the Moon right I’ve read that just look just look for
that part uh in the film that shows the animation of the Van Allen radiation
belt and then those book clips and I said my book is interactive one of those
clips has two or three links underneath it including documentation from I think
it’s called Scientific American from a 1958 publication that says that the
radiation is 100 times a lethal dose we have an article to that linked in one of
the video clips description 100 times a lethal dose it says so talks about the
rad you know the lethal dose and so so forth and how much is in the van Allen radiation belt based on probes they sent
up in the late 50s in which the Geer counters broke because they vibrated so much they said it was 100 times a lethal
dose back when Von Brun said you would need three rockets Wayne 30,000 per more
than the Saturn 5 rocket but all that stuff was buried and now they’re you know rewriting history to falsify the
moon landings so one of the problems is that if they did did fake it in order to
redo it it’s even if the technology exists today to be able to Shield a craft to
get through the vanel and radiation belts and to fuel it adequately to get to the moon to pursue that and to pursue
that transparently where you have to explain the protection that you’re putting in place because of the danger because of the measurements that we have
because we did send the Orion up there we did send different probes up there to figure out how much rad is that would
throw into question whether or not the original Apollo missions were true so if
if it was even if we are capable of doing it today if those were fake it
would stop us from doing it today somewhat is that fair to say yeah mhm yeah and it’s one of those things
like like I talk about with the UFOs it’s like Lucy with Charlie Brown in the football like you always think you’re G
to get that football but nope they pull it away from you it’s like this if if they do want to actually
go to the moon and go to Mars and all and if we have the technology they’re going to have to publicly address what
precautions that they’re going through in order to Shield people from the radiation if they’re being accurate and honest about it well yeah Kelly Smith
made an attempt to do that I don’t know if it’s intentional or unintentional but he said the technology necessary to
protect astronauts from the radiation to the moon has not been invented yet so if
it’s not been invented yet as of 2014 and it’s not been invented yet as of today it certainly wasn’t around in 1969
and this explains that footage of why they’re faking being halfway to the Moon
because they can’t even go halfway they can’t leave Earth orbit and what a surprise 54 years later they still
cannot leave Earth orbit that’s why there’s mannequins orbiting the moon because of the deadly radiation that’s
why well also because it’s cheaper to send mannequins you have to keep them alive well they said they were going to
send people in 2018 uh and now 100% behind schedule
they can only send mannequins so if they could send people they would the fact that they didn’t means they can’t which
means it’s lethal radiation that’s what it means well that seems to be the most logical impediment right that in microm
meteor well and the fuel and the fuel because Elon Musk he’s a smart guy he
says it’s going to take nine fuel trips in order to have see you can find him saying that Jamie it’s eight I looked it
up oh I’m sorry eight eight fuel trips pull up him saying that I think he’s made it more efficient now he’s made
bigger containers so now so what are people that are confronted by this information that wanted to refute it
what do they say well the college professor I talked to said even a confession from buzzz Aldren that the
moon missions were fake wouldn’t dissuade him from the Glorious moon landings he would still think they were
they were real anyway Elon Musk says it would take eight Starship launches to fuel up a single Moon trip Elon Musk
isn’t entirely sure how many Starships it will take I would just so for for that’s without creating a new rocket to
create a new payload to create the amount of fuel they’d have to take that’s just what they already have just to do he said the moon landings were
were a historical anomaly meaning they’re out of place to have had greater
technology in the past and in the future I believe he knows that the moon
missions are fake but he needs cooperation with NASA to fulfill his
dreams and he’s playing ball I would probably do the same thing yeah yeah
that makes sense um this again this is one of those subjects
and this is why so many people are reluctant to take it on but if you even talk about the moonlanding being fake or
entertain a person like yourself that says this you’re automat put in the category of being a fool isn’t that
interesting if you believe the lie you’re intelligent and if you believe the truth you’re a fool not just that
it’s self- policed and it’s uh policed by a large percentage of the population
that will certainly attack you after this video and say why did I have you on this guy’s a crack a crank rather what
would what has anyone ever tried to sit down and debunk you cuz I’m inviting
someone to do that that if they want to do that with you cuz once this comes out I know there’s going to be a lot of people that are outraged the best way to
stop it would be to someone for someone to sit down and go over in every detail
why you’re wrong and has anybody ever done that I’ve never debated anybody about whether it was real or not nobody
ever wanted to no one ever asked me to debate them I know that they were fake I
used to not only believe they were real I worshiped them and if I can go a child
right well through a teenager mhm and I admitted that I was wrong and
still when I had all this evidence indicating the fraud I still gave him the benefit of the doubt that that
million-dollar film that was financed by someone who builds rockets for NASA who knows the moon missions are fake okay
that took seven years just to edit that movie that’s 45 minutes long took me 4,000 hours what is this debate from
2002 on MSNBC with him and someone oh yeah that’s Phil plate yeah I mean not a
real debate it’s like a one minute interview but uh
he that that film took seven years to produce three and a half years into it I pop in the tape it says don’t show to
the public I hit fast forward it’s the same shot over and over again the Blue Earth allegedly bouncing around I’m like
well let me let me listen to that from the top we never played the talk by the way we I hear a third track of audio
prompting them to fake a 4-second radio delay and I’m like that’s not the window is it that’s not the window the lights
come up and then it dawned on me they really did fake the moonlanding so before that you were on the fence well
originally I thought they went and thought it was the greatest thing I worshiped it by having pictures in my
room for many years and it was just bill casing Bill casing coming out that and looking at the pictures as a filmmaker
I’d become a filmmaker whose job is to make fake scenes look real and I could
tell that they were fake backgrounds I could tell that the Shadows intersected I said still that’s not enough proof for
me to say such a thing as they faked it but when I found that footage of them faking being halfway to the Moon right
in front of your eyes with a third track of audio of the CIA telling him to fake a 4sec radio delay that’s it the two NBC
news director agreed it proves they didn’t go to the moon and the weird thing is Joe this is the Lynch pin this
is the finger out of the Dyke you know the JFK witness list they
say it’s 200 people they knocked off to keep that a secret 911 3000 maybe they
killed 20 people to cover it up even though it killed the fewest number of people it’s the one that will enrage the
public the most if they find out because they waved their Flags they got down on their knees and prayed and they cried
they gave them Medals of Honor they printed it on stamps and coins and they taught it in school the Glorious
moonlanding if the public this is what the NBC news director tried to get me to understand which which I didn’t
understand until recently if the truth comes out it will bring down the corruption it’s the Lynch pin the
moonlanding fraud coming out has to happen or we will never have honest government ever again let’s look at the
apollo1 postflight press conference because this is a weird one because
these guys just return from the Moon and they look like they’re in a hostage
video well they look like they’re at the funeral of their mother it does not seem like these are happy guys who just
returned from the Moon Scoot youre a little bit here we go
so look how nervous they look look at Michael Collins fidgeting and obviously you would be nervous
you’re addressing all these people but it’s the tone in which Neil Armstrong takes and then after this we’re going to
show the 25th anniversary speech which is one of the most bizarre
yeah go to him talking let’s right over it’s developing and unfolding go back a little bit go back a
little bit so you can hear from an adventure here we go it was our pleasure
to have participated in one great adventure it’s an adventure that took
place not not just in the month of July but rather one that took place in
the last decade we all here and the
people listening in today had the opportunity to share that Adventure over
its developing and unfolding in the past months and
years it’s our privilege today to share with
you some of the details of that final month of
July that was certainly the Highlight for the
three of us of that decade we’re going to divert a little
bit from the format of past press conferences and talk about the things
that in interested us most in particular the the uh things
that occurred on and about the
moon we will use uh a number of films
and and slides which most of you have already
seen and with the intent of of pointing out
some of the things that that we observed on the the spot which may not be obvious to to those of you who
are who are uh looking at them here from The Sur surface of
Earth the the flight as you know started
promptly and I think that was characteristic of of all the events at the
flight the Saturn gave us one magnificent ride
both into Earth orbit and on a trajectory to the
Moon [Music] our our
memory of that actually differs little from the reports that you have all heard
from the from those previous Saturn five flights and and those the previous
flights served us well in preparation for this flight in in the Boost as well as the
subsequent phases
I we would like to to skip directly to uh the trans luner Coast phase
and uh remind uh ourselves of of the chain of
events that long chain of events that actually permitted a landing starting with
the undockings the transposition and docking
sequence this is going to go on for a long time one interesting thing to note there you see the two teleprompters
there in the desk these are the only guys on Earth know what it was like to
walk on the moon and yet they’re being prompted on how to answer the questions um it they just look very odd
it look very it looks very odd another odd thing was that Michael Collins said that he couldn’t see stars but yet he
wrote in his 1994 book about how magnificent Stars looked and also he
never left the lunar orbiter that’s right and also when he’s asked about
stars uh Neil Armstrong says I don’t recall and then Michael Collins to fill in for
him to help him out says I don’t remember seeing any yeah which he wasn’t there they were all three orbiting the
Earth so they had the same experience but he forgot so if you get the written transcript of that the I don’t remember
seeing any they change it to buzz saying it you see lightning strikes twice in
the same place what a coincidence first a type O that says Buzz said it instead
of Michael Collins and then in the video Michael Collins answering a question he should know nothing about having not
been on the moon and it gets attributed to Buzz Aldren because it’s not convenient but if you watch because they didn’t have YouTube videos back then
people got the transcript they said we need to correct that right Michael Collins wasn’t there right so they said
Buzz said it so yeah let’s they’re covering for it let’s pay the 25th uh
play the 25th anniversary speech because here’s one of the craziest things near Armstrong first man on the moon doesn’t
give interviews doesn’t want to talk about it doesn’t want to appear publicly becomes kind of a recluse and you would
imagine that a guy who uh didn’t want fame and all of a sudden he’s thrust
into the public light like that would be a real problem he probably didn’t like it didn’t enjoy it didn’t enjoy being
the center of attention and said you know what I was on the moon but I’m just going to just lay back you could look at it that way or you could look at it like
if you have a guy from a public relations perspective he’s one of the
most Valu able people to interview of all time he’s the first man to walk on
another planet he walked on the moon the first man to we we sent him to another planet he landed on our moon and he
walked around we got video footage of it that guy would be a hero he would be everywhere they would interview him
constantly just from a PR standpoint you would kind of force that guy to do some
interviews and talk about it because it’s the most incredible accomplishment in human history as far as what human
beings been able to do it’s the most significant technological breakthrough ever put a person on the another [ __ ]
planet right but he doesn’t do that he doesn’t talk to anybody and then he gives a speech so he G this is a speech
at the 25th anniversary of NASA and he’s giving this speech to like uh uh is it
American valid victorians High School valid victorians like some of the best brightest high school kids when Clinton
was President yeah and so this speech is so bizarre I’ve never seen anybody give
a rational explanation as to what the hell he is saying other then he’s trying
to tell you that something is [ __ ] so listen to the
speech in 1994 Neil Armstrong made a rare public appearance and held back
tears as he spoke these brief cryptic remarks before the next generation of taxpayers as they toured the White
House today we have with us uh a group of students among America’s
best to you we say we have only completed a
beginning we leave you much that is
undone there are great ideas undiscovered breakthroughs available to
those who can remove one of truth’s protective
layers okay what does that mean what does that mean I think he’s
trying to say something you know that is one of the most cryptic things I’ve ever heard anybody say publicly you can also
notice that he was looking down except that part he had memorized perhaps someday you’ll be able
to remove one of truth’s protective layers about the moon lanting how about
that bizarre as he’s holding back tears in my opinion you know how many pictures
there are of him on the surface of the Moon you know posing as the first man on the moon a still picture zero I went to
the archives personally a vault I had the employees I said find me a picture of Neil Armstrong on the surface of the
Moon a still picture they went in and out in and out scratching their heads he
refused to have his picture taken he refuses to give interviews unless the president asks him to you see not a
single picture because he didn’t want to have anything to do with it it disgusted him I believe they asked him to
participate in the fraud and at that point he was a noble man he said no thank you then they said you don’t want
to end up like APO one crew do you the guy’s a test pilot I don’t think
threatened his life man or you could say if you do this it’s for National Security there’s a reason to do this or
you know involved in a cold war it’s a very important thing that we achieve military superiority over the Soviet
Union I don’t I think he would have resigned and they wouldn’t allow that that would bring suspicion so I think they had to threaten I think they would
had to threaten this is all speculation though that’s right it’s my specul from years of research this video is not speculation and the video is crazy most
people again are not aware of that video I think they threatened his family’s life to get him to participate perhaps
but we’re just speculating right but the video again that’s not speculation has anybody ever gone over that video and go
well but it’s real simple anybody ever knil to Grass ties in it like that’s simple this is just very simple it’s
like we we went um another thing was that uh you could track the uh the this
the the trip the entire way and that people were tracking it from Earth well that’s not true the only people who had
the capability of tracking it were the American government and the Soviets who were blackmailing us for knowing that it
was fraudulent so so that’s just speculation too though right it’s like
how were they blackmailing people is there any evidence that they were blackma mailing people well they they
obviously know that the moon missions are fake Putin was not surprised it was around that time that we sold grain to
the Soviet Union before cost even though they’re supposed to be uh our enemy and
around the same time after Richard Nixon said communist China is an enemy that CH
that he went to China which is generally the inferior person visits the superior
person you see and so he went cuz I think they know I think they found out
and blackmailed them too and we know they are blackmailing NASA for technology in exchange for not blowing
the whistle you know that for a fact yeah I interviewed a guy who works for the Chinese space agency it’s on my YouTube channel right but that’s just
him saying that that’s not that’s his eyewitness testimony from talking to
people who work there well I understand what you’re saying but it’s still like it’s a guy saying it a guy who works in
the Chinese space agency but if you’re going to like he might not be telling the truth like we don’t have proof you
know what I’m saying well you have to judge I mean people people are convicted and sent to death row based on the
testimony of people all the time right but this is one guy saying something extraordinary and extraordinary claims
require extraordinary evidence it’s not that extraordinary that China would find out about the moonlanding fraud and
instead of blowing the whistle would blackmail as a more valuable tool of the
information I think that’s what the Soviets are doing to we being blackmailed it’s another good reason for
the truth to come out so we won’t be blackmailed by China and Russia anymore what do you think would happen if
definitive proof came out if Trump opened up all the files if everybody started talking about it and definitive
proof was was we we we got to a point technologically where we are ready to
travel to other planets we realize hey this is impediment and this this impediment could not have possibly been
traversed by the Apollo Astronauts well if the truth came out acknowledged by
the government it would be a beautiful beautiful beautiful moment in history because the faking of the moonlanding is
so much more significant than if they had actually gone it shows the sad Fallen state of mankind it would be like
throwing a glass of water in the Public’s face they wake up they realize
they’ve been sleepwalking and they look down and they’re one foot away from a cliff it would be dead silence oh my
gosh that’s who we are not just as a nation but as a spe we can’t even tell the truth about such
a thing but wouldn’t the problem then be we would have to revamp the entirety of government if if that’s the case the
intelligence agencies have done this if they really did Kill Kennedy if they really did fake the moonlanding if they
really did all the things that we think they did like the no one would have faith in them anymore that’s right and
maybe that’ll happen and so be it you know the stock market could crash the
dollar could crash it could ruin the reputation of the United States of America but we have a gang green limb
William Benny you know worked for the NSA for 30 years he says the CIA the NSA
they’re spying on the private cell phone conversations of Supreme Court Justices
to get dirt on them to Blackmail them into voting the way the CIA and NSA tell
them that’s a dangerous situation for a country to be in there needs to be a
major major house cleaning I’m not even sure what would happen if let’s say all
the federal government ran on electricity and you could unplug it all with one plug I’m not sure what would
happen to you and me and everyone else’s life if we unplug the federal government I don’t know why we can’t just have the
independent States of America and uh manage your own Affairs
because they are so corrupt they’re killing their own president they’re starting war after War based on lies and
fabrications right we have so many murders of people that
they have done themselves the federal government is killing their own people
and we’re funding it it’s wrong what they’re doing is morally wrong our leaders are
gangsters what are we missing like what what have we not covered we’ve we’ve
basically done this right now we’re at like three hours plus we’ve been talking about this what have we left out
anything well I think we’ve covered most of we have the fact that Shadows can’t
intersect unless it’s electrical light we have footage of them faking being halfway to the Moon we have the deathbed
testimony of an eyewitness who saw them filming Apollo 11 at Canon air force base and we have the fact that you can’t
travel a thousand times further into space in 1969 on the first attempt with
one minut the computing power of cell phone then you can 50 years later
technology has never been better in the past than in the future that proves it if it weren’t a sweet lie that people
loved and wouldn’t don’t want to give up people would see the truth for what it is that’s an interesting thing too that
you said it’s a positive lie it is yeah it’s not a lie like that got us into a war that wind up killing innocent
civilians that we know happens JFK is dead and all the people in 9 or 11 are dead regardless of who did it and why
this is different this is taking candy away from people and giving them manure
they’re defending the candy okay um would you be willing to debate
somebody if I get someone to come on here and and prepare and talk to you and refute all this stuff sure okay so we’ll
put that out there because I would like to see that I would like to see how someone describes that a way okay and
what they think about this because I’m sure there’s eyeballs rolling and fingers hitting keyboards right now people are getting to get very outraged
at this conversation but uh I don’t think I don’t think the right way to handle this
is to not talk about or to silence someone I think if you’re wrong the right way is to let you lay out your
best argument and have someone refute that best argument so I hope that at least is attempted okay and uh you’ve
been at this a long time B you you little tired of uh talking about the moon landing how long you been at this
for it’s a historic importance because the the faking of the moonlanding for
mankind is more significant than if they’ actually gone that they lied to the world embezzled money murdered their
own people that covered up and to not know that truth is like having cancer
and not knowing we have to know we can have a Great Awakening about everything else but if we still are deceived about
the greatest accomplishment of mankind you see then there is no Great Awakening it’s a spiritual issue it’s it’s a
spiritual battle between truth it’s ironic you know there was a famous writer who said about the Tower of Babel
the monument to their pride became a memorial to their and if the truth comes out that will
happen do you think that this is a subject that even intelligent people
that get this information of it resonance it resonates with them that they’re going to try to ignore because
it’s so controversial that you instantly get labeled a cook if you believe this the the problem with intelligence is
people can be smart but only within a narrow field like I asked my doctor get this what do you know about natural
medicine you know what they said virtually word for word all I know is what pill to prescribe for this illness
that I was taught in University that’s all I know they’re intelligent within that narrow field but they can’t
critically think and universities are Universal thinking I was forbidden by
the University of Pittsburgh after having a contract to speak to a student body group about the moonlanding fraud
they forbid it and the Free Speech free expression United States of America you
see this is a major problem people are emotional about this they have to be
willing to be wrong and people are so arrogant I mean a college professor teaching Aerospace who says if Buzz
Aldren confessed on national TV that it was fake filmed at Canon air force base just like Bart said he would still think
he walked on the moon anyway that’s what we’re up against this is a God to them the god of science is putting a man on
the moon when it’s really just propaganda all right Bart I think you’ve eloquently stated your case and I think
you’ve been at this like I said for a long time so uh I’m really hoping that someone will sit down and talk to you
about this and we can get further to the bottom of it because the arguments are very compelling the the the whole the
the the actual raw facts are very puzzling the whole thing is very odd very odd case all this stuff people can
investigate for themselves just go to there’s 17 Clips they can watch for free and then decide for themselves
okay thank appreciate you man no problem bye everybody

Joe Rogan Interviews Bart Sibrel We Did Not Go To The Moon.

Watch the story referred to in this video: Moon Movie Hoax Father Son Two Deathbed Confessions

Bart Sibrel We Did Not Go To The Moon Interviews With Patrick Bet-David



my guest today’s Bart saal and you may remember him as the time where he
approached uh uh buz Aldren and he asked him to put his hands on the Bible to
swear as if they had landed on the moon he went around talking to a lot of people I think there was even a documentary about it and then buz Aldren
got upset and punched him man if you’ve ever seen that clip that’s the individual I’m I’m interviewing today he just recently wrote a book called
moonman the true story of a filmmaker on the CIA Hit List he was also The Man
Behind the infamous funny things happened on the way to the Moon he does not believe we landed on the moon he
thinks it say hoax and a lot of other things are hoax we’re going to see if we can figure this thing out by the end of today’s interview having said that b
thank you so much for being a guest on Val tainment tell us why you were so convinced that the moon landing was a
hoax and what gave you this idea that it was a hoax well I grew up as the biggest
supporter of the moon landings my dad was in the Air Force he was an officer
uh he got a packet at the time of the alleged moonlandings of publicity 9×12
color pictures I had them up on my wall for 10 years saw them every day from the age of 4 to 14 which is
3,650 times and then um I saw a television show with this gentleman by
the name of William casing on it he worked as a contractor for Rocket dine during the Apollo program for six years
he had very high security clearances because he would edit Communications going from the top generals back and
forth to correct their grammar and everything so they wouldn’t look immature and so he saw a classified Memo
from Von Brun who said the odds of going to the Moon successfully on the first
attempt with 1960s technology was a one in 10,000 chance and so he saw all these
departments being shuffled around all the time just as soon as somebody got their full understanding of what they
were doing they would shff everybody around they were doing departmentalization so no one could see
the full picture that the equipment certainly couldn’t do it I mean here’s the simplest proof it’s simply logical
what they’re claiming is that they went a thousand times farther than they can
send astronauts today 50 years ago on the first attempt with one millionth the
computing power of a cell phone I mean when they flew across the Atlantic for the first time a few years later
hundreds of aircraft and thousand thousands of aircraft were flying across the Atlantic when they went to the North
Pole and South Pole here on Earth they never made it the first attempt it took multiple times and there’s never been a
technological achievement that no one could repeat 50 years later it’s like me telling you 50 years ago Toyota made a
car that could go 50,000 miles on a gallon of gasoline and yet today five
decades later the best car can only go 50 m per gallon or 1,000th the distance
you would laugh and say the original claim is preposterous and so here we are 50 years later and now the farthest they
can send an astronaut to the Moon is 1,000th the distance that they claimed
to have done on the first attempt 50 years ago with less computing power than a cell phone one millionth of the
computing power it just doesn’t add up it’s the only technological achievement that could not be repeated 50 years
later it never happened it’s also the only time that they deliberately destroy destroyed a technology I mean the B-52
is 70 years old and there’s still 200 of them in service and yet they admit they destroyed all the Apollo equipment and
they’re claiming they have to go back to the moon and recreate it from scratch they destroyed all the original videotapes all the original blueprints
you would never do that if you really went you would only do that if there was a fraud and you were trying to cover
Your Tracks I’d go to the moon in a nan second the problem is we don’t have the
technology to do that anymore we used to but we uh destroyed that technology and
it’s a painful process to build it back again so I started looking into it at a
14-year-old thinking hey you know maybe this guy’s right I was open-minded 14-year-old and then 10 years later I’d
become a filmmaker and I was editing uh for the filmmaker who had produced the
show I saw 10 years earlier I said you remember that guy in your show said we didn’t go to the moon no called the San
Francisco production office I did they said hey look if you called one or two days later we wouldn’t be able to tell
you because we’re deleting all 10 year-old archives so I called up the guy he said hey you know you’re a filmmaker
you should do a film about this I took off about six months I found out that two of the three astronauts on the first
mission never give interviews I found out that uh the administrator of NASA
resigned days before the first mission it’s kind of strange before you’re putting this big feather in your C I
found out that the Soviets had launched the first satellite the first animal the first man the first woman the first two
spacecrafts at the same time and they never went to the moon and then I look
at these Shadows you know I’m a filmmaker my job is to make fake scenes look real and I can tell you from
showing you one simple photograph that that the moonlandings are shot with electrical lighting I mean if you go out
in sunlight Shadows always run parallel you and a friend go out on a sun sunny day and you’ll see your shadows will
never intersect B show us what you mean by this lighting so here is a picture
that I took in sunlight you’ll see that the Shadows because the sun is about a thousand times bigger in diameter than
the earth that it cast shadows in the same direction over an entire continent
here’s a picture that NASA claims was taken on the moon here you see the
Shadows are from an object about 5T apart from one another here’s the astronaut shadow going at 12:00 here’s
the shadow of a rock about 5T away it’s going at 9:00 this is all the proof that
you need that the moon Lings are fake my job as a filmmaker is to make fake
scenes look real I use electrical lighting all of the time and when I looked at those pictures these things
are guaranteed 100% shot in electrical lining I mean there it is right here
this is all the proof that you need that we didn’t go to the moon and then in the
course of making a funny thing happened on the way to the Moon we found classified footage of them faking part
of the photography right in front of your eyes I when I popped in this tape saido not show to the public mind you I
had asked them for all the footage from just the first mission figuring if they faked it they were more likely to have
made a mistake the first time they faked it so I pop in this tape it says do not show to the public and then I see this
particular shot here of what is allegedly the Blue Earth floating in
space because at this point in the mission there’s supposed to be 130,000 miles away from the earth and this is
allegedly with the camera up against their window shooting the Earth far away which it’s not this was the only fake
footage that the astronauts faked themselves basically I gotten the same
footage over and over again I asked for unedited footage but I didn’t get any Bill casing thinks a whistleblower from
NASA sent me this footage intentionally so when I hit fast forward in the machine I kept seeing this same shot for
the full hour which is kind of odd why would I see this little shot here of the Earth floating in space for a full hour
because it was a special effect shot that they were trying to perfect so I I rewound the tape I hit play and I heard
the CIA talking to the astronauts on the tape take a listen Houston
the TV looks
great okay so you just heard NASA talking to the astronauts hey the TV
picture looks great then there’s a 4 second delay and then a third party the CIA
says talk and then the astronauts answer well
they’re really in authority orbit so they heard them right away if they had answered right away it would give away
the fact that they’re very close to the Earth so they had an earpiece in and basically they were instructed not to
answer NASA until 4 seconds went
by so first they were asked the question they counted off 4 seconds the CIA said
talk and then they started answering to give the impression that they were far away from the earth when in fact they
were still in Earth orbit which is where they stayed the entire time 11 Houston Goldstone says that the
TV looks great [Music]
over now why are they doing why what’s the motive to fake this because they can’t leave Earth orbit and so they have
to show footage as if they’ve left Earth orbit okay so if you go to the next clip
here we only have one window that uh has a view of the earth and it’s filled up
with the TV Camera you just said they only had one window that faces the Earth
and it’s filled up with the TV camera right which it would have to be if this is really the Earth floating in space
then they have to have the camera’s lens up against the window in order to shoot
this right this is allegedly the Earth floating in space and this is space around it but you’ll see in a minute
this is really the circular window of the spacecraft with a section of the earth outside of it and the cameras
pulled back at the back of the spacecraft with all the lights turned off all of which they talk about because
they thought these private conversations would be edited out so let’s take a listen of him claiming that he’s 130,000
miles away from the earth or halfway to the
Moon from about 130,000 miles okay so right now he’s claiming
that this is 130,000 miles out that this is the Earth floating in space and that
he has the camera up against the windows glass so here you see the real position
of the camera this is the footage that we uncovered that they said at the beginning do not show to the public this
is proof that they’re faking being halfway to the Moon here’s a work light inside of the spacecraft they put a
crescent piece of material inside the window to make it look like the Terminator line between night and day
here they are removing part of that those are the astronauts in front of the window removing this is a one foot model
of the Earth you see that then we see the iris open up and we see the real
location of the the camera being at the back of the spacecraft you see that so
they just faked being halfway to the Moon see this is really the window of the spacecraft with in Earth orbit with
the bright Earth shine coming through but over here they claimed it was the Earth floating in space do you see that
we have the unedited version that’s why it said at the beginning of the film do
not show this to the public right how’d you get this footage well U Bill casing
believes a whistleblower from NASA sent it to us so basically three and a half years into the seven-year project of
making a funny thing happened on the way to the Moon I discovered this footage this footage of the crew of Apollo 11
faking being halfway to the moon now why are they faking being halfway to the
Moon because they cannot go halfway to the Moon if they could really go we’d be
seeing the real Earth out the window and they wouldn’t be faking a one- foot model of it like they’re doing now so if
they’re faking being halfway to the Moon it means they cannot leave Earth orbit and what a surprise 50 years later they
cannot leave Earth orbit it’s largely because of a radiation field that starts
at about a thousand miles up that they would have to go through in order to reach the moon that radiation field is
25,000 miles thick and the only time in history that someone has said to have gone through it is the Apollo Astronauts
to the Moon in back and NASA’s own Kelly Smith says that the technology to go
through that radiation has yet to be invented as we get further away from Earth we’ll pass through the Van Allen
belts an area of dangerous
radiation radiation like this could harm the guidance systems onboard computers or other electronics on a naturally we
have to pass through this danger zone twice once up and once back
but Orion has protection shielding will be put to the test as the vehicle cuts through the waves of radiation sensors
aboard will record radiation levels for scientists to study we must solve these challenges before we send people through
this region of space we must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space we must solve these
challenges before we send people through this region of space so basically the guy just said that the technology to go
through the radiation belt has yet to be invented first he called them dangerous radiation this was from
an unmanned probe the Orion Project okay they sent an unmanned probe up there with two Geer counters they said it it’s
a dangerous radiation and he says we must solve these radiation challenges
before we send people through this region of space meaning the technology to send human beings to the radiation
field has yet to be invented you see that so I call up NASA I said let me
talk to this guy I’m a journalist he said oh no he didn’t talk to journalists anymore since he made that mistake and I
said well send me these Geer counter readings right of the of the radiation belts and they said that’s classified I
said wait a minute you sent probes to the Sun to find out how much helium is in the sun those measurements are just
nature they’re not classified you sent probes to Jupiter to find out how much hydrogen is in Jupiter’s atmosphere
that’s just nature so why would the amount of radiation in this radiation belt surrounding Earth why would those
measurements be classified because if they release them it would prove that they’re deadly and they cannot go to the
Moon you know when they made the atomic bomb 10 years later it was like a hundred times more powerful and another
10 years later it was a thousand times more powerful this is the only time in world history that technology has gone
backwards if they really went to the moon on the first attempt with one hum milant the computing power of a cell
phone they would have been on Mars 10 years later they would have been in another solar system by now the point is
it’s impossible for technology to go backwards can you tell me big credible
mathematicians doctors you know famous power politicians presidents who don’t
believe this event took place any major names that support that this never Happ on page 156 of his book my life he tells
a story about about uh when he was working with a carpenter back in 1969 he said uh hey you know to the
carpenter while they were building House Bill Clinton said to them hey in the moonlanding great the carpenter said I don’t believe them those television
people can make you think one thing when they’re really doing something else and then he said after spending eight years
in Washington he came to believe that the old man was ahead of his time meaning he also agreed that the moon
landings were fake it’s very simple there’s no independent IRA Witnesses no
independent press coverage they have a TV picture completely controlled by the federal government and three government
employees of the of the alleged greatest event in human history I mean it’s
unbelievable that they’re claiming that they went a thousand times farther than they can go today 50 years ago with one
millionth of computing power that they have today it’s a Preposterous claim if it wasn’t for people’s emotional
attachment to the patriotism or they it becomes a religion for people look how
great science is look how great we are they would ac they would already acknowledge it when Bill casing first
suggested that I do a film about this right which is when I was 24 years AG
old which is about 30 years ago I turned it down because I saw the Shadows intersecting I saw the Soviets were more
advanced I saw two of the three guys don’t give interviews but I’m telling you 30 years ago it scared me because I
personally I have kind of a a Relentless personality and I also love puzzles we
were talking about games before we got started I love games and puzzles and I said to myself Patrick I said look if
anyone could figure out whether he went to the moon or not it would probably be me and I said you know it looks like
there’s a good possibility that the missions were fraudulent and so I turned down the
project I said I want to have a wife and a family someday why should I risk my life for other people’s mistakes so I
down the project and then another client of mine a Christian client said hey I’ll get one of your scripts uh Mr filmmaker
to a famous Hollywood producer if you do me a favor I’m like sure they said read the Bible so I started reading the Bible
June 5th 1989 the day the man stood in front of the tanks in China and it was a
one-year Bible divided into 365 reads and over the next five years I read the
Bible five times from cover to cover and after that I realized you know there is a God there is good and evil there is a
judgment for how we live our life and I said to myself if they didn’t go to the Moon
that’s more profound than if they had actually gone think about this Patrick let’s say they could go to the Moon that would have a certain level of
significance to mankind but if they couldn’t go they lied about it they murdered people to keep it a secret
that’s more profound than if they’d actually gone and I said if they didn’t go this is important for mankind to know
otherwise we won’t grow we won’t learn from our mistakes we we’ll be stuck in this corrupted world so I called up Bill
I said I changed my mind I decided to make the film anyway well let me tell you these films cost $1 million and we
were financed by a board member of an aerospace company who builds Rockets from NASA he knows from an engineering
point of view that we didn’t go to the moon and he said it was his Patriot IC duty to finance these films to expose
this fraud okay that’s who financed our movie a board member of an aerospace
company building rockets for NASA who knows they didn’t go to the moon plus I had a guy who worked there for six years
who said we didn’t go to the moon but I still said well maybe we’ll find out but when I found that footage of them faking
the shot of being halfway to the Moon with the CIA telling him how to do it I’m like oh my gosh they really didn’t
go and then it got you know even worse then I found a source okay who was
actually there at the time that they filmed it now this is what I’m releasing in moonman for the very first time he
was personally there at a particular United States base military
base and he Stood Beside President Johnson while they filmed the faking of Apollo 11 June 1st 2nd and 3rd of 1968
we’re going to identify the code name for the Apollo project the military base where it was filmed and a list of 15
people he was the chief of security at this base and he and they said only these 15 people are allowed in to W
eyewitness this event he had that list and he gave it to me he confessed on his
deathbed that he was there and some of these people are still alive today and
then in the course of finding this you know footage this proof that we didn’t go to the Moon you know my phone calls
were interrupted I started being followed and at one point I was literally kidnapped and drugged by I
presume the CIA to the point where they were asking me questions I they gave me
true serum or something uh I told them everything they wanted to know I escaped
I took my urine sample to a lab uh to prove that I had been drugged illegally
by this some exotic true serum drug I call back uh or actually a friend does
because I was trying did not show if they were listening to my phone conversations that where I had gone but
somehow they found out anyway when my friend called the lab to get the results they said well we had a problem and I
said what was that problem they said well there was a Breakin over the weekend in our lab and they said the
only thing stolen was your urine sample you know so all of this you know
it leads up to the second film astronauts gone wild where I just had the thought you know from TV shows
growing up hey why not ask somebody to swear on the Bible so we Tracked Down A lot of these Apollo Astronauts and asked
them to swear on the Bible that they walked on the moon most of them would not do it one of them of course you know
punched me one of them kicked me one of them threatened to shoot me one of them threatened to hit me and one of them
when I was in their house and they literally physically kicked me from behind when my back was turned right
after they said they’re not a violent person so they can’t even not lie for five seconds in the commotion we left a
wireless microphone on them do you have footage of all this stuff do you have a yeah it’s it’s in astronauts they have
it queued up right now if you want to take a listen to it you got it I’d love to see it and so basically we left a
microphone on this guy my camera guy and the commotion of being threatened to be shot left the camera rolling in the back
of the car and when they went back inside their house with the doors closed
we heard their private conversations and you know cuz these are highquality microphones they work for
quite a distance and when the production secretary who was transcribing all the
interviews with the astronauts a month or so later she calls me up very excited says Bart Bart do you know what they’re
talking about in your in their house privately you know when you when the camera was still recording I said no
tell me she says they’re talking about calling the CIA to have you assassinated I said yeah that’s funny she says no
Bart no they I’m serious I said yeah that’s really funny said no Bart you’re not listening I’m being serious and and
sure enough they’re discussing calling the CIA to have me
assassinated you want to call the CIA have
W the question is if they really went to the moon why would they need to call the
CIA to have a journalist who’s completely wrong assassinated right
again if if I’m a conspiracy theorist and I’m completely wrong and it’s silly why would they have to call the CIA to
have me assassinated unless I’m a real investigative journalist uncovering the genuine and outrageous government fraud
the same way with Buzz Aldren okay if he really walked on the moon me saying
otherwise is like throwing a feather at the guy why would someone become violently angry for throwing a feather
at them but what it was like is like me walking up to him in the company of his wife and saying oh how’s your mistress
she says hello then he gets angry and that’s exactly what happened I exposed
his fraud I exposed this guy’s fraud and that’s why they become so violent because they’re known you know as Heroes
and that’s you know the sad state of our country they gave Congressional Medals of Honor they had tick or tape parades
for these guys right and some people say when you just see their expression from
the press conference they’re convinced that they didn’t go to the Moon because they look like they’re at a funeral and
so this is what moon man is about not only how and why we didn’t go to the Moon not only about my crazy Adventures
of being kidnapped and drugged not only about naming the military base where it was filmed the dates the code name and a
list of 15 people who were there it says look there these people and their apprentices are still at large running
our government this is a dangerous when did you get that audio of Edgar Mitchell what he said uh that was in 2003 and
what did you do with that audio well we put it in the film the follow-up film called astronauts gone wild no did you
ever give that to the did you ever approach anybody and and you know share
it with you know the cops or anybody just to say here’s what was said or no no however when my source okay about
naming the base okay the code name for the military base and the list of 15
people who were there at the time some of whom are still alive today okay and when I named all of this I
confirmed this with that person surviving family member and when I did
that a couple of days later their house was broken into even though they had a
security system with cameras They Were Somehow disabled somehow they knew their
password everything from their house about their relatives involvement in the
military and at this base was confiscated and two or three days after
that they were visited by two government agents who threatened them and their family members with death if they ever
spoke to me again at that point I contacted the White House Press Secretary I contacted the United States
Senator on the select intelligence committee and I contacted the FBI near where this person lived to give them
protection I mean this is a very serious thing you have to understand Ralph nater okay he wrote a book in the 60s unsafe
at any speed right and the CEO of General Motors James Ro and admitted
that he had Ralph nater followed by former FBI agents simply to not spend
money to put airbags and cars so if I am
exposing the most horrendous government fraud at least emotionally to the public
I think they might keep up with me and my sources and that’s why I was drugged
that’s why this person’s life was threatened that’s why all these things happen I mean I’m sorry I I really wish
we went to the moon our world would be a much better place if people didn’t have their emotional attachment I mean it
it’s it’s like a religion to people how dare you say that the great moon
landings are fake you know it’s unbelievable we right now we have 3,000
Architects and Engineers right who will go on the record and risk their lifelong
reputations and say the three buildings on 911 it’s impossible for them to come
down with fires especially the third one and yet 20 years later nothing is done
about it three quarters of the American public says Oswald did not kill Kennedy nothing is done about it we have John
mnur admitting that the Gulf of Tolen incident that led to over a million people dying they completely made that
up and never happened and it’s like why is nothing being done we have William
Benny who worked for the NSA for 30 years he says they listen to United
States President’s phone calls Supreme Court Justice’s phone calls Senate and Congress members phone calls in order to
get dirt to to Blackmail them to voting a particular way they admit it this is
even on a couple of mainstream media Outlets they admit this is a fact there’s not a single Congressional
hearing done about it because the the evil people who run the world and our government are so entrenched they they
own the FBI they own the justice department if this never happened what’s the big deal let’s just say never happened what
is the big deal about us proving that this never happened well if you go to chapter 11 of my book moonman you see
what the Achilles heel of all this is I agree with you okay they fake going to
the moon so what and if it weren’t true what I’m about to tell you I would agree
with you okay but the fact is they murdered the crew of Apollo 1 Apollo 1
one was going to be the first crew to walk on the moon and they were murdered on January 27th 1967 it’s not my opinion
it’s the opinion of the Dead Man’s Widow it’s the opinion of the dead man’s son who is a 747 pilot they have
investigated it for decades they are 100% convinced that that fire that killed the man and two crew members with
him the man who would have been the first man to walk in the Moon that that fire was set deliberately the basically
D Grom was the commander he was the most beloved of all the astronauts because of a Mercury problem he splashed down the
explosive bolts went off his spacecraft flooded he admitted at the press conference he had rolls of nickels in
his pockets to give to his son and school children to say this nickel has been in outer space but when he started
sinking to the bottom of the ocean with all that extra weight he said you know maybe it wasn’t such a great idea the
Press car laughed and then somebody asked him they said were you
afraid and he said Patrick of course I was afraid and everybody loved him he’s
telling he was the biggest critic of the Apollo program he wrote to his Senator he’s wrote to his Congressman he wrote
to every General saying they’re not fixing anything a few minutes before he was burned alive they couldn’t get a
wired intercom to work between two adjoining buildings he said guys how are
we going to go to the moon in two years if we can’t get an intercom to work between two buildings he said I can’t
hear you the interc comp’s not working so he told his wife who I interviewed extensively that the CIA was all over
the Launchpad the day before the fire the CIA went to his house and
confiscated all of his critical reports he was filing with Congress before they even informed his widow that he was dead
they murdered the Apollo Wan crew because he would not cooperate in faking of the moonlanding the valid lifelong
opinion of Betty and Scott Gom they have done thousands of hours of Investigation
I’m just sharing their opinion their opinion is the Apollo one fire was set Del liberate and they have forensic
evidence to back it up so why was the CIA there the day before the fire why
would they kill these three men and then later fake the moonlanding because he wouldn’t cooperate with it that’s why he
hung a lemon at the top of the spacecraft a few days before he burned alive said this thing is a lemon he said
we’re 10 years away from going to the Moon not two he complained thousands of times you need to fix this this this
they never fixed any of it because they knew they were only going into Earth orbit and they had not yet informed the
astronauts same thing with Baron he was a whistleblower and he did a report two
reports for congress saying this is not going to the Moon by the end of the decade they’re claiming they need 15
years to return to the Moon with five decades better technology than when they had an eight-year goal to go to the Moon
before cell phones and microwave ovens they could do it in eight years now 50 years later it’s going to take 15 years
Reagan said they’d go back to the Moon in five years never happened then the president after him Clinton said they’d
go to the Moon never happened George Bush Senior said they’d return to the Moon in five years never happened George
Bush Jr said twice they’ll go to the moon in five years never happened Obama said we’d go to the moon in 5 years
never happened and they said they’re going to send an unmanned probe to orbit the Moon and that never happened they
said that in in uh 2016 by 2018 we’ll have an unmanned probe going around the Moon that never happened they can’t even
do that did Trump did Trump ever say we’re going on the moon we’re gonna um I think he sent the goal of
20124 and they just said about I don’t know three or four months ago they can’t do that either and China which is the
most industrialized Nation on the planet says they need 15 years minimum in order
to go to the moon so how come they could do it 50 years ago in eight years and now with five decades better rocket and
computer technology they need twice the time to go to the Moon it it’s illogical there’s never been a technological
achievement that no one could repeat 50 years later never happened you don’t believe man landed on moon yet you
believe in a God you’ve never personally physically met before what do you say to that I said those people need to read
two books the first one is called privileged planet and the second book is one Cosmos under God and they will see
that mathematically the odds of there being life on Earth or anywhere in the universe is not likely at all it’s like
wining the Powerball 20 times in a row remember what the government says is generally the exact opposite of the
truth they’re trying to tell you that there must be life everywhere but these two books show you there shouldn’t even
be life on Earth that it has to be by Design there’s no other explanation for it things don’t make themselves cars
don’t make themselves look at our body all the departmentalized organs doing their job the ear it’s it’s obviously
design now whether you can understand it or not doesn’t matter intellectuals get so prideful they say well if we can’t
comprehend it it must not be true well my dog I can open the hood of my car and say this is the alternator this is the
starter it will never understand a spark plug but it doesn’t mean that the engine wasn’t designed by an intelligence
higher than itself so the the fact is logic says they didn’t go to the Moon
because it doesn’t make sense that they could go a thousand times farther than they can go today 50 years ago with one
millionth to computing power cell phone that’s completely illogical it’s the only time in history that technology
went backwards it’s the only time in history that a technological claim couldn’t be repeated 50 years later I
mean imagine Bill Gates spending $200 billion dollar to build the first computer and when he was done throwing
all the hardware the schematics all the records of it into the fireplace it would never happen they should have done
that with the atomic bomb but they didn’t so why would they if they really went to the moon and spent $200 billion
dollar in today’s dollars why would they throw that away they would never do that but the fact that they did is proof that
they didn’t go because if they really went they would never do it and if they were covering up the fraud that’s exactly what they would do so there you
go I’d go to the moon in a nano second the problem is we don’t have the
technology to do that anymore we used to but we uh destroyed that technology now
we only can fly in Earth orbit that’s the farthest that we can go and this new system that we’re building is going to
allow us to go beyond and hopefully take humans into the solar system to explore so the Moon Mars asteroids there’s a lot
of destinations that we could go to and we’re building these building block components in order to allow us to do
that eventually eventually eventually there you go folks I uh have
more information on this topic than I did prior to coming on and uh interviewing you and it’s always a good
thing we’re going to put the link below to your website where people can go and get all this content uh uh from your
site having said that bark thank you so much for being a guest on Val tment no problem

Patrick Bet-David Interviews Bart Sibrel We Did Not Go To The Moon.

Watch the story referred to in this video: Moon Movie Hoax Father Son Two Deathbed Confessions

Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake

Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake


Another theory related to fake photographs of the U.S. landing on the moon arose thanks to artificial intelligence (AI).

This was announced during the “World Tour of Artificial Intelligence” in Moscow. Namely, Russian President Valdimir Putin was shown an AI analysis that allegedly demonstrated that images of U.S. astronauts landing on the moon could be inauthentic.

Namely, this is about neural network analysis, demonstrated in a video with the participation of Putin and Nikolai Gerasimenko from Sberbank, which suggests the possibility of synthetic photographs having been used.

The video became widespread on the internet. It shows Putin’s reaction when he questions the authenticity of the Apollo 11 images displayed on the screen. Then, Gerasimenko says that the neural network allegedly considered almost everything in the photographs of the U.S. landing on the moon to be fake.

Gerasimenko also explained neural network evaluation by citing factors such as light-dark contrast. However, he said, the AI analysis did not raise any concerns about the images taken by the Chinese lunar rover during its mission to Chang’e.

Sberbank President German Gref clarified that the analysis is based on Google’s neural network. Reportedly, neither the U.S. nor NASA have commented on the AI analysis or Putin’s response.

Google AI Says The Moon Landing Images Are Fake But The Chinese Moon Landing Was Real, Putin Amused
Discussions Over Moon Landing
Discussions about the authenticity of the historic Apollo 11 mission, announced on July 20, 1969, continue to arise from time to time. The question of the success of the U.S. lunar mission was previously raised by Elon Musk, the American spacecraft manufacturer SpaceX. He posted a controversial tweet about the U.S. landing on the moon.

“They simulated the moon landing using a computer,” Musk wrote. He also noted a depiction of computer graphics technology from the last century but without directly mentioning the U.S. Apollo lunar mission.

However, it goes without saying that various artificial intelligence tools have produced incorrect analyses and “false and misleading information” since they were introduced.

Putin to Combat an ‘Unacceptable and Dangerous’ Western AI Monopoly

Meanwhile, Putin revealed plans to endorse a national strategy for AI development, asserting the need to prevent “unacceptable, dangerous and inadmissible” Western monopoly.

He denounced the monopolistic dominance of foreign technology in Russia, particularly highlighting the potential threat posed by Western-trained systems. Putin stated that algorithms from Western platforms could lead to a digital “cancelation” of Russia and its culture.

“An artificial intelligence created in line with Western standards and patterns could be xenophobic,” he noted. He also pledged increased resources for supercomputer development and other technologies to enhance national AI research amidst war with Ukraine.

Moon Movie Hoax Father Son Two Deathbed Confessions

Moon Movie Hoax Father Son Two Deathbed Confessions


One year to the day after the publication of the revelatory book “Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List”, which divulges the deathbed confession of the former Chief of Security at Cannon Air Force Base in Clovis New Mexico, who confessed thereon to his participation in the falsification of the first “moon landing”, his identity is finally revealed. This predetermined waiting period was previously negotiated with his sole surviving son, who himself passed away this year.

Cyrus Eugene Akers detailed the information in the book, including not only the location of the filming of the first fake moon landing at his military base, the dates it was filmed, and the CIA codename for the operation, he also gave the names of fifteen government scientists and officials who were allowed exclusive observation of this historic government fraud, some of whom are still alive today. The list was given to Akers by President Lyndon Johnson, who was there at the first day of filming.

Threatened with execution if he ever revealed this information, Security Chief Akers kept all of this to himself until his deathbed, the guilt from which prompted his tearful confession to his son, who was also threatened with assassination after sharing this information with the author of Moon Man, Bart Sibrel.

This sad and outrageous, and really unnecessary deception, was done for pride and embezzlement. It demonstrates the complete arrogance of leaders over their people, who in fact are financing their own deception. Unlike government frauds about war, assassination, or terrorism, the moon landing deception cruelly gave the over-trusting public the pleasing candy that they cried out for. Trying to take it away from them, after they believed with tears and cheers, by exposing their heroes as the criminals they really are, faces fierce resistance. Even a professor at a major university has so famously said, “Even if I heard a moon astronaut confess that he never really went, I would still believe that he walked on the moon.”

Fortunately a new generation is here, ones who were not emotionally branded by the deception, who are objective to the unfolding reality of the moon landings falsification. Simply put, what the corrupt government is claiming, is that in 1969 they went from never being in space, to walking on the moon, with only 8 years of research and development, and that with one-millionth the computing of a cell phone, and on the first attempt, when even the South Pole on Earth was not reached on the first attempt.

Today, with 50 years of more advanced rocket and computer technology, the current Artemis moon rocket took 18 years to develop, had three launch failures, is not safe enough yet to carry astronauts, and will only orbit the moon, because a moon lander for it has not yet been developed that works. The farthest that the government can send astronauts today, 50 years later, is to the space station, which is only one-thousandth the distance to the moon.

For the first time in the entire history of the world, technology was greater in the past than in the future. As this is actually impossible, it means only one thing, that the 1969 moon landing was a forgery. It is not the first time scientific boasts were falsified or governments have lied, as covid vaccine maker Prizer has been fined billions of dollars, on multiple occasions, for making fraudulent claims about their scientific products.

Former high-ranking government employee Robert McNamara, who was Defense Secretary during the Vietnam War, admitted before he died that the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident”, which was the reason why the war began, was completely fabricated by the CIA. If the corrupt government is willing to falsify something that led to the death of a million people, including 58,220 of their own citizens, then I think they are capable of faking an image on a television.

All Truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed,
Then it is violently opposed,
Finally it is accepted as self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer

In an age of universal deceit,
telling the Truth is a revolutionary act.
Whoever controls the past, controls the future.
George Orwell

One of the saddest lessons of history is this:
If we’ve been bamboozled long enough,
we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.
We’re no longer interested in finding out the Truth.
The bamboozle has captured us.
It’s simply too painful to acknowledge,
even to ourselves,
that we’ve been taken.
Once you give a charlatan power over you,
you almost never get it back.
Carl Sagan

It is easier to fool people,
than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Mark Twain

Sibrel has been interviewed and appeared on The Tonight Show, The Daily Show, Geraldo, The Abrams Report, Coast to Coast, NBC, CNN, FOX, HBO, Time Magazine, the New York Times, the L.A. Times, the Washington Post, and USA Today

given name is Eugene Rubin Acres
I don’t want any money for what I’m
doing because hopefully this video won’t
come out until after my death
so I have nothing to gain nothing to
by telling you what I’m going to tell
and um
a lot of what I’m going to tell you is
available online until they see this
video and I’m sure things will start
getting scrubbed
as well as moon photos but anyway
my father uh in 1968 was stationed at
Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico I
made notes on my computer
so that I wouldn’t forget anything
because there’s a lot a lot of little
things and stuff that I forget
so these notes were made a long time ago
the original recording that my father
made on his Deathbed was um
destroyed in a fire
but um so this is my death day
confession because now I’m dying to
cancer and I’ve got
Cancer all over the place and
so and they don’t know where it’s coming
from and
I don’t know if they can stop it but it
don’t look good so I’m gonna go ahead
and make this video for Bart syrell he
knows not to do anything with it until
uh until notification of my death
uh for which my son will respond to that
okay like I said in 1968 my father was
stationed at Cannon Air Force Base in
New Mexico uh we lived in Clovis New
Mexico he was in the military police for
over 20 years and on his deathbed in
2002 we made a recording of what
happened and I already told you what
happened to the recording but it doesn’t
matter because all the facts are there
so it doesn’t matter who’s telling the
story or whatever
um I will at the end of the video I’ll
Supply a picture of my father his badge
um the flag of when they buried him I’ll
show you some photos for the photos of
my dad
I was born in 1955. so in 1969 I was 14
years old I vividly remember
the uh Apollo 11 coming down landing on
the moon they’re walking around and all
that stuff
anyway I never
I never questioned
that until
till my dad told me what he told me on
his Deathbed and then I started doing a
nothing major nothing just surfing the
web I think because I was serving
surfing the web
and a lot of that information is right
there on the web I mean it verifies the
story that you told me
um a good detective a good one
would be able to uncover a lot more
of the story and I’m getting ready to
tell you
so please have at it
I’ve never known my dad to lie
to get caught lying was worse than
whatever it was you did to begin with I
remember going to school with long
sleeve shirts on to hide the purple
Wells yeah you did not lie in our house
that’s for sure Dad had a real
really bad attitude towards Lauren
excuse me again
okay anyway this is this is the story
that my dad told me on his Deathbed
project slam dunk
was the name of of this
um President Johnson in 1968 okay
um in Cannon Air Force Base in 1968 he
said by that time by the time he got
there that there was already two large
hangers that were connected
there was hundreds of dump trucks that
came in and dumped sand and uh Stone
and uh cement powder was powdered over
the top of all that to make it look like
a lunar landscape they had men that
fashioned it into a lunar landscape he
okay I’ve never known my dad to lie so
this all took me by
surprise you know
what’s that all about
so anyway
um he said that in front of the uh the
airplane hangars uh was uh pull framing
with a large canvas tents
um that was concealing the inside of the
staging area
inside the staging area
uh on flatbed trucks was armed created
the lunar lander that was assembled
reassembled back inside the hangers
um all of the walls were painted flat
and the ceilings as well
he was sworn to secrecy by the NSA
and they would put him in prison for
breaking that oath
when Dad saw the the moon landing on TV
he cried he said he knew
um that what he had witnessed on TV was
exactly what they recorded in that
there was no reason for them to go
flying around and everything they had
detailed high definition photos of the
landing area there was no reason for
them to go flying around to a different
landing area that almost exhausted their
fuel except for drama because everything
had gone so smoothly
nothing you know so it had to be
that was one of three guards that
guarded the uh the inside of the front
entrance there was a list of 15 people
who could enter no one else was allowed
by order of President Johnson and here
is that list and I gave it to Bart’s
eyebrow as well
uh and he checked out a lot of these
names and he says he can verify a lot of
these people and what they do
um and I come across the couple myself
anyway President Johnson
Neil Armstrong Edwin Alden Werner Von
Braun Robert emanager Gene Krantz James
Joe kirwan Dr Thomas Payne Glenn Looney
doctor for Christopher craft
Dr James Van Allen General Trudeau
Lieutenant Colonel uh Donald Simon and
Grant Norway
now the only two that I really have
information on is Robert emenegger uh
apparently he did a lot of video work
and stuff for uh
um the Department of Defense
um so the the dod did know him okay and
the other one was Grant Norway
n-o-r-r-a-y I believe
um was uh
to the best mine say the best of my
dad’s knowledge was a uh like some FBI
NSA who knows something like that
okay President Johnson only showed up
for the first day of filming filming
lasted for three days and the entire
project was restored to original in
other words the hangers were all taken
apart the sand was all removed and so on
and so forth okay
dad said there was a lot of building
going on at the base so at the time so
sand and cement powder was never
I can see how they could smuggle that
all in within everything else that’s
going on
um since 2002 I have dug up I already
told you about that the evidence for the
moon line that I have found
um if you go to Google and go to uh
Cannon Air Force Base website they admit
that President Johnson was there the
lunar lander was there the astronauts
were there I also have uh verified some
of the people on the list were there I
also verified there are a lot of
building going on in the base just as he
had told me and all of this was going on
at the same time on the same date
dad told me all these things father to
he also told me not to ever tell anyone
what he had said but he said on his
deathbed that he had to tell somebody
before he died because it was just too
important not to tell
I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell
um yeah I feared for my wife and me and
my son and I’ll tell you why
ever since I contacted Bart Cyril I
think they may be listening to his phone
once in a while
because I never had any problems until I
contacted him and told him my story
people broke into my house
two times
I was visited by men with black suits
and I was told in no uncertain terms to
drop this whole project
not to say anymore to anybody
or me and my wife and my son could
you take that pretty literally after
everything that’s going on
so I stopped contacting Bart
and now I’m making this video that I’m
going to send to Bart
Mr sabro Excuse me Bart’s my brother man
my brother and heart my brother and
Jesus okay
Bart being a good friend that he is
the police for me and told them about
the break-ins
the two detectives that came out and
everything questioned me and everything
like that I didn’t give them any
information at all at the time I thought
it was a test
from the guys in the black suits I
didn’t say crap
so all that all that went away and
everything but it definitely the two
guys in the black suits were not the two
detectives that came out to question me
about the break-ins
but thanks Bart
but no I don’t want any help I just
I just want somebody to pick up where I
left off
and be able to prove with the
information I’ve given and I’m trying to
give as much as I can because I know
that once I die I’m not going to be able
to be asked any questions
so that’s why why I tried to give you a
little back story too
but um
that’s about all I can think of I I
my dad he raised me by the book
I know he didn’t lie to me and as I
started seeing more and more of what he
was telling me was true
I realized my dad wasn’t lying I lifted
the lid off my dad’s case
and you can see his name is Cyrus Eugene
Acres he was born on July 17 1933 he
died on September 28 2002.
uh here’s his badge and I wanted to see
if I can get as close as possible
so that you can read the numbers on the
which are
okay there it is
zero seven five nine six
zero seven five nine six
that’s my dad
and most of my really really picture
because she’s only got two stripes so
that that was back in the 50s I’m sure
probably not long after I was born
and there he is
that’s my father
my dad he raised me by the book
I know he didn’t lie to me
and as I started seeing more and more of
what he was telling me was true
I realized my dad wasn’t lying

Flatlantis Eric Dubay

Flatlantis Eric Dubay

the history of flat earth from the beginning of recorded history
and for thousands upon thousands of years cultures across the entire world
all believed the earth was flat their various cosmologies and cosmogenes
differed in slight ways but their overall geographies and astronomies were incredibly consistent and in fact
virtually identical the earth was a stationary plane void of any motion or curvature
flat across its entire expanse except of course for hills mountains and valleys
the north pole was the magnetic monopole center point of the flat earth with polaris the north pole star situated
directly above polaris was the only motionless star in the heavens with all the other
constellations revolving perfect circles over the earth every night the stars were divided into two
categories known as the fixed stars and the wandering stars the fixed stars were so called because
they were observed then as we can observe today to stay fixed in their constellation
patterns night after night year after year century after century never
changing their relative positions the wandering stars what are today referred to as planets were so called
because they were observed then as we can observe today to wander the heavens
taking their own unique spirograph-like patterns making both forward and retrograde motions over and around the
earth during their cycles the sun and moon were both of equal size
and they too revolved over and around the motionless earth as immortalized in the chinese yin yang symbol
the sun and moon were much closer to earth than supposed nowadays and each shined with their own unique opposite
lights the suns being warm golden drying preservative and antiseptic and the
moon’s light being cold silver damp putrefying and septic the sun and moon
as though connected to a magnetic maypole made alternating spiral journeys
over and around the earth every year the sun began its journey at the tropic of capricorn at the winter solstice
where it made its fastest and largest circle over the earth for the next three months every day the
sun slightly narrowed its path and slowed its speed until by the spring equinox the sun had spiraled its way
from the tropic of capricorn to the equator then for the next three months again
every day the sun continued to slightly narrow its path and slow its speed until
the summer solstice when the sun made its smallest slowest circle around the tropic of cancer
once the sun reached this innermost circle like the ribbons and dancers around the maple
the sun would then begin its opposing widening quickening journey back to the
tropic of capricorn for the next three months every day the sun slightly widened its path and
hastened its speed until the autumnal equinox the sun had spiraled its way from the tropic of cancer back to the
equator then for the next three months again every day the sun continued to slightly widen its path and hasten its
speed until the winter solstice when the sun made its largest fastest circle
around the tropic of capricorn and the annual journey began again the moon had a similar yearly path
revolving over and around the earth but unlike the sun which constantly changed its speed to keep a consistent 24-hour
day the moon’s speed never changed so depending on its latitude the moon was
observed then as we can observe today to take approximately 24.7 to 25 hours per
cycle this is why at different times and places during each month we can see the moon in the morning afternoon or night
this is also the origin of old fairy tales such as the hair and the hedgehog or the tortoise and the hair
the hair like the sun begins the annual race full of energy excitement and ego
declaring himself the definite winner and gets off to an immediate head start meanwhile equally confident in his
seemingly lesser abilities the humble slow and steady tortoise moon begins as
well allowing the hair to lead as the race carries on the cocky hair
tires and slows down or takes a nap at which point the tortoise overtakes him
this is analogous to the moon reaching the tropic of cancer before the sun each year and beginning its return journey
when the hare reaches this halfway point of the race he realizes his lackluster attitude has resulted in being overtaken
by the slower tortoise and begins to speed up again then for the remainder of the race the
sun picks up speed day by day gaining on the moon but ultimately losing as the
slow and steady tortoise reaches the finish line before the hare and wins
so for ancient man earth and polaris were the two immovable center points of the universe around which the sun moon
and other stars all revolved in a dome-like shape some cultures believed in a literal
physical solid dome or firmament to which the fixed stars were bound other cultures mythologized the axis
mundi as the world tree with polaris at the center and all the other constellations forming the branches
in these flat earth depictions the north pole occupied the center point and south
was all straight lines extending outwards from there east and west were not straight lines as
is assumed nowadays but were in fact circles just like all lines of latitude
and the paths of the celestial bodies the southern circumference of earth was surrounded by a gigantic wall of ice 150
to 200 feet above sea level holding the interconnected oceans in like a world
cup beyond the ice wall some cultures claimed a firm barrier existed through
which no human could penetrate other cultures believed there were entire worlds and other civilizations
existing beyond the antarctic ice currently and for the past half century there has existed an international
antarctic treaty preventing all independent exploration of antarctica pre-approved guided tours exist which
take visitors to a few coastal regions of antarctica but no independent exploration of the continent is allowed
sailors like yarl and hoy have been caught attempting to explore antarctica and threatened turned around at gunpoint
fined and jailed for violating this militarily enforced international treaty
as a result the public currently has no way to confirm or deny the seemingly fantastical claims of ancient man
concerning what may or may not exist at the southernmost extremities of the earth
we can however confirm that this 200-foot ice wall surrounding the southern circumference of the earth most
certainly exists we can confirm that polaris is indeed the only non-moving star in the sky
all the fixed stars indeed rotate perfect circles around polaris while remaining stuck in their relative
constellations night after night year after year century after century
the wandering stars or planets do indeed wander the heavens taking their own unique spirograph-like paths when
charted from a geocentric perspective the sun and moon are indeed observably
of equal size and revolve over and around us in daily cycles just as the ancients observed the sun’s
annual path does indeed travel from the tropic of capricorn at the winter solstice to the equator at spring
equinox to the tropic of cancer at the summer solstice back to the equator at
autumnal equinox and finally back to the tropic of cancer at winter solstice the
sun’s light is indeed warm golden drying preservative and antiseptic while the
moon’s light is indeed cold silver damp putrefying and septic a thermometer placed in the sun’s light
will always read warmer than a thermometer placed in the sun’s shade while a thermometer placed in the moon’s
light will always read cooler than a thermometer placed in the moon shade
plant and animal substances exposed to sunlight quickly dry shrink coagulate
and lose their tendency to decompose and putrefy whereas plant and animal substances exposed to moonlight will
quickly show symptoms of putrefaction and decay last but not least just as the ancients
espoused the earth is observably motionless to all our senses and the horizon remains perfectly flat as far as
the eye can see not only does the horizon remain perfectly flat 360 degrees around the
observer but whether at sea level the top of mount everest 35 000 feet high in
an airplane or even at over a hundred thousand feet high the highest any amateur hot air balloon has ever flown
the flat horizon actually rises to the eye level of the observer all the way up
on a globular earth no matter how large it is assumed to be the horizon would remain where it was and the rising
observer would have to tilt his head downwards further and further the higher they rose to see the steadily falling
horizon many people will be shocked to know that to this day every single scientific
experiment ever devised to show the alleged motion of the earth has failed to do so or given evidence of the
opposite that the earth is indeed motionless and every attempt ever made to measure the alleged curvature of the
earth has failed to do so or given evidence of the opposite that the earth
is indeed flat the first person in recorded history to ever claim that earth was anything but
the flat motionless center of the universe was a greek mathematician and philosopher named pythagoras of samos
around 500 bc interestingly enough pythagoras has also been touted by free masonic historians
such as albert mackey james anderson william hutchinson and william preston
as being the very first freemason presented more as a thought experiment than a complete cosmology pythagoras
posited that if the earth were a spherical globe turning on its vertical axis once per day while revolving
annually around a stationary sun that this model could also equally explain
the cyclical motions of the heavenly bodies this heliocentric model was taught to
initiates at pythagoras crotona school but never became popular or had an influence outside of greece for another
2000 years a century later another greek mathematician and philosopher named
plato also espoused a spherical earth cosmology except he claimed the earth globe to be the motionless center of the
universe with the sun moon and stars revolving around his most famous student aristotle also
wrote about this geocentric globe earth cosmology in his book on the heavens offering three main points of evidence
for his theory firstly aristotle noted that when sailing away from an observer on shore
ships approaching the horizon disappeared from view hull before masthead and he postulated that this
occurrence was due to the curvature of the earth aristotle argued that the hull disappeared first because beyond the
horizon the globe earth curved downwards causing the hull and eventually the masthead and entire ship to drop below
the curvature today we can easily prove that aristotle was incorrect in his assumption by using
telescopes binoculars and zoom cameras once a ship has completely disappeared
beyond the horizon modern technology allows us to zoom in and bring the entire vessel hull and all back into
full view this proves that ships do not disappear hull first due to the alleged curvature
of the earth and that the horizon line is in fact merely the vanishing point of perspective from a given observer’s
point of view and not as aristotle supposed the beginning of the earth’s curvature
the horizon is subjective and varies in distance depending on the weather the observer’s height and the strength of
his eyesight or instruments as noted previously the horizon actually rises to the eye of the observer no
matter how high he climbs which also proves that the horizon line is not some objective point of curvature on a convex
earth but rather the subjective vanishing point of perspective from a given observer’s point of view
aristotle’s second point of evidence offered for his spherical earth theory was the earth’s round shadow cast on the
moon during lunar eclipses to this day heliocentrists still offer this argument
as proof of a spherical earth claiming that during lunar eclipses the sun earth and moon align in a perfect 180 degree
syzygy like three billiard balls causing the sun to cast the earth’s shadow onto
the moon this clever but faulty assumption is rendered completely invalid however due
to the fact that lunar eclipses have happened and continue to happen regularly when both the sun and moon are
still visible together above the horizon as early as the time of pliny the elder
there are records of eclipses happening while both the sun and moon were visible in the sky and continue to be recorded
by the royal astronomical society today obviously if the sun and moon are both
observable simultaneously during an eclipse then they are not aligned in a 180 degree syzygy and it is therefore
impossible that the sun could be casting earth’s shadow on the moon and some other explanation must be sought
another explanation in fact already existed in many cultures around the world who posited that a third celestial
body known as rahu or the black sun also existed equal in size to the sun and
moon this translucent dark body passed affront the sun and moon during solar and lunar eclipses causing their lights
to dim aristotle’s final point of evidence offered for his spherical earth theory was the appearance of polaris and other
stars to gradually decline overhead as an observer travels southwards he argued that the gradual declination
and eventual disappearance beyond the horizon of certain stars and constellations as one traveled
southwards was evidence that the observer was traveling over a convex curved surface similar to the ships
disappearing over the horizon argument aristotle posited that the horizon line was the literal curvature of his
spherical earth and the stars which declined and disappeared beyond it became invisible because a mass of
curved earth existed between them and the observer in actual fact however the gradual
declination of objects in the sky towards the horizon is merely a product of the law of perspective on plane
surfaces as any art student of point perspective knows the human eye views the world in a
pyramidal shape so that when looking down a long hallway the floor appears to rise the ceiling appears to sink and the
walls appear to narrow into a point at the center of the observer’s view of course the dimensions of the hallway
remain constant for its entire length the floor does not actually rise the ceiling does not actually sink nor do
the walls actually close in but to the human eye everything is perceived this way
similarly when the sun moon airplanes or clouds appear to sink towards the
horizon as they move away from us they are not actually losing altitude and slowly approaching sea level they are in
fact maintaining the same altitude except they are moving away from you and so the law of perspective makes them
appear to sink a century after aristotle around 250 bc
yet another greek mathematician and philosopher named eratosthenes made his claim to fame with a new alleged proof
of the spherical earth eratosthenes noted that at noon during the summer solstice at saiyen the sun cast no
shadow and the rays could reach straight to the bottom of his well yet meanwhile in alexandria a vertically standing
metal rod cast a significant shadow by factoring the length of the shadow with his assumed distance to the sun
eratosthenes recorded a measurement of earth’s circumference close to what heliocentrist astronomers still use
today the fact of the matter is however that eratosthenes calculations were made
assuming the sun to be millions of miles away so that its rays would fall perfectly parallel even in points as
divergent as cyan and alexandria this faulty premise led to his faulty
conclusion which was eventually exposed upon the invention of the nautical sextant
using sextants and plane trigonometry by measuring the sun’s angle at two points on earth simultaneously and factoring
their distance from each other the pythagorean theorem reveals both the height and dimensions of the sun
using this method the sun and moon have repeatedly been calculated to be approximately 32 miles in diameter 3000
miles from the surface of the earth high altitude balloon footage has also filmed lighting hot spots on clouds
proving the sun to be local and acting as a spotlight and not a burning ball of gas millions of miles away as supposed
by heliocentrists after eratosthenes the globe earth theory completely disappeared from
philosophical thought and recorded history for almost two millennia geocentric flat earth cosmologies
continued to reign supreme with even eratosthenes himself touted as the father of geography depicting the earth
as flat in his famous 194 bc map of the world cradies of malice invented the
first model globe earth around this time as well but it failed to have any effect on the world at large
fast forward to 1522 a.d portuguese explorer ferdinand magellan became the
first person in known history to successfully sail around the world this circumnavigation of earth soon
became and continues to be touted today as absolute proof of the spherical earth theory if magellan was able to sail east
to west around the entire world and return to his original starting point surely the earth cannot be flat and must
be a globe right wrong just as a compass can place its center
point on a flat piece of paper trace a circle either way around and return to its original starting point so can a
ship or plane circumnavigate a flat earth the only kind of circumnavigation
which could not happen on a flat earth is north southbound which to this day has still never been done
both the north pole and antarctica are military enforced no fly and no sail zones due to restrictions originating
from none other than the united nations the same united nations that haughtily uses a flat earth map in their official
logo and flag in 1543 just days before his death
freemason and jesuit nicholas copernicus published his book on the revolutions of the celestial spheres which revived the
old heliocentric cosmology of pythagoras and began the so-called copernican revolution away from a flat geocentric
model and towards a global heliocentric model since his book claimed earth to be a
tilting wobbling spinning sphere revolving at breakneck speeds around a stationary sun it was initially met with
do incredulity copernicus always countered this by claiming his theories were merely
hypotheses and shouldn’t be considered truth in his book he even wrote quote the
pythagorean teaching was founded upon hypothesis and it is not necessary that the hypothesis should be true or even
probable the hypothesis of the movement of the earth is only one which is useful to explain phenomena but it should not
be considered as an absolute truth contemporaries of copernicus such as
danish astronomer tycho brahi famously argued against his heliocentric model positing that if the earth revolved in
an orbit around the sun the change in relative position of the stars after six months of orbital motion could not fail
to be seen brahi wrote that the stars should seem to separate as we approach and come
together as we recede in actual fact however after millions of miles of supposed orbit around the sun
not a single inch of parallax could be detected in the stars as even wikipedia notes quote the lack
of any observable parallax was considered a fatal flaw in any non-geocentric theory
copernicus’s answer to this obvious problem was simple he moved the stars so ridiculously far
away from the earth that even after millions of miles of supposed orbit around the sun no appreciable parallax
could be detected copernicus simply needed to claim that the stars were trillions upon trillions
of miles away so then mathematically speaking it would indeed be impossible to detect such slight parallax
again contemporaries of copernicus argued against this convenient correction of his arguing quite rightly
that if the stars were trillions of miles away then there is no way we could see them backpedaling once again
copernicus claimed the reason we could still see stars trillions of miles away was because they were not mere tiny
points of translucent light in the night sky but that stars were in fact gigantic gas balls billions of times larger than
our sun so first copernicus had to move the stars trillions of miles from earth to
explain away lack of parallax and then he had to make the stars billions of times larger to account for why we
should see them at all from such fantastical distances lastly he offered very specific
distances and mathematical equations to solidify his theory claiming for instance that he had accurately
calculated the sun’s distance from earth to be exactly three million three hundred and ninety one thousand two
hundred miles at the turn of the seventeenth century tycho brahi under the patronage of
emperor rudolf ii began construction of the largest most state-of-the-art astronomical observatory ever built
upon hearing this german astronomer and freemason johannes kepler was determined
to apprentice under brahe even though kepler championed copernicus’s widely disputed
heliocentric globe earth theory brahe begrudgingly accepted kepler as his apprentice based on his merit as an
astute astronomer and mathematician brahi allowed kepler access to the observatory but guarded his data and
findings from him completely which frustrated and angered kepler to the point of eventually culminating in a
heated argument between the two of them resulting in brahe kicking kepler out
after much amends and apologizing a year later brahe finally forgave kepler and
accepted him back as apprentice this time however kepler was not content with his role as mere apprentice and soon
proposed and secured a commissioned position on brahi and emperor rudolph’s new project the rudolphine astronomical
tables less than a month later tycho brahe mysteriously dropped dead and johannes
kepler was given access to all of brahi’s coveted data free reign of the observatory and became emperor rudolph’s
new official astronomer abundant circumstantial evidence and obvious motive have long fed speculation
that kepler actually murdered brahi brahi was only 54 years old and in fine
health when suddenly he became deathly ill and passed away his official cause of death was reported
as a bladder infection but subsequent autopsies of his body revealed toxic quantities of mercury present on his
mustache hairs which has led many researchers to conclude he was poisoned the 2004 book heavenly intrigue
suggested that kepler had indeed murdered brahi to gain access to his data kepler himself never denied this and he
actually wrote quote i confess that when tycho died i quickly took advantage of
the absence or lack of circumspection of the heirs by taking the observations under my care or perhaps usurping them
and so for the remainder of his life kepler worked at brahi’s observatory for brahi’s employer using brahi’s data to
further his copranican theories which brahi had always criticized he modified copernicus’s calculations of
celestial motions changing them from perfect circles to irregular ellipses and even formulated a new updated
distance of the sun from earth while copernicus had claimed positively the sun to be three million three hundred
and ninety one thousand two hundred miles from earth kepler assured the astronomical community that his new
figure of twelve million three hundred and seventy six thousand eight hundred miles was the true distance
a few years later in 1608 the first telescope was invented and by 1609 the
next champion of copernicism italian astronomer freemason and probable jesuit galileo galilei had purchased and built
several of them galileo improved upon the telescope’s design boosting the zoom capabilities from the original three
times up to 30 times magnification and in 1610 made the most important alleged
discovery of his career with his 30-time zoom telescope galileo claimed to have seen what he described
as quote three fixed stars totally invisible by their smallness all close
to jupiter and lying on a straight line through it after tracking these invisible stars for
a while and noticing they appeared sometimes but not others galileo concluded that when he could not find
them they must be hiding behind jupiter and therefore they must not be invisible stars at all but rather invisible moons
orbiting jupiter his alleged discovery of moons orbiting jupiter was then touted as proof of the compredicant
system claiming that earth must be a planet like jupiter since both have orbiting moons
to this day nasa claims to have special telescopes which can on occasion see
these moons of jupiter just as galileo claimed in his day to see on occasion with his special telescopes
nowadays with modern telescopes and zoom technology we can see the celestial bodies far closer and with far more
clarity than galileo could have ever hoped for a 2016 nikon p900 has 83 times optical
zoom and 332 times digital capabilities which put galilean telescopes to shame
yet even with this level of magnification galileo’s alleged invisible moons still appear as mere
minuscule dots of light nearby a slightly larger dot of light galileo and his fellow mason
predecessors acting more like true believers of their heliocentric faith than legitimate scientists were
constantly guilty of inventing elaborate theories to support their foregone conclusion
this was never more evident than when galileo presented his theory on the cause of tides in 1616.
cardinal bellarmine had written galileo the year before stating that quote the
copernican system could not be defended without a true physical demonstration that the sun does not circle the earth
but the earth circles the sun taking this to heart galileo hoped to show that the earth’s tides were caused
by the sloshing back and forth of water as a point on earth’s surface sped up and slowed down due to earth’s alleged
rotation on axis and revolution around the sun he argued that these hypothetical
motions of his globular earth were the cause of tides and therefore the tides
themselves were proof of earth’s motion unfortunately for galileo his ideas were
not accepted and easily proven wrong by his contemporaries who rightly pointed out that if his theory were correct
there would only be one high tide per day not only this but if tides were caused by earth’s alleged motion all lakes
ponds and other inland bodies of water should be similarly affected yet they are not
the next champion of heliocentricism was english mathematician and astronomer knighted freemason and royal society
president sir isaac newton in 1687 newton published his famous
principia mathematica which presented his idea of gravity to the world the
globe earth theory had long faced criticism for being impractical due to the natural physics of spinning
spherical objects namely that anything placed on their surface should immediately fall or fly off
how could people buildings and the great oceans remain perfectly stuck to a ball earth spinning faster than the speed of
sound the globe earth theory needed a force that could keep everything in place somehow a force strong enough to keep
the oceans stuck to the earth but weak enough not to sink a sailboat a force strong enough to drag the entire
atmosphere along with earth’s breakneck speed but weak enough to allow birds and bugs to travel freely and unabated in
all directions a force so strong it could make rain fall upwards and plants grow upside down
but yet so weak that it could not be detected by any contemporary methods
newton’s postulate of quote an invisible force able to act over vast distances
led to him being heavily criticized for quote introducing occult agencies into
the field of science previous to newton’s theory of universal gravitation the natural laws of density
and buoyancy already perfectly and adequately explained the world around us for example the reason a balloon filled
with helium rises into the sky while a balloon filled with air drops to the ground is not because newton’s
mystical pulling force has an aversion to helium but rather simply because helium is lighter and less dense than
the nitrogen oxygen and other elements which compose the air around it so it floats up and conversely a balloon
filled with your carbon dioxide exhalation is heavier and denser than the air around it so it falls down to
the ground if you blow a dandelion seed out of your hands a substance just barely heavier
than the air it will float away and slowly but eventually fall to the ground
if you drop an anvil from your hands something much heavier than the air it will quickly and directly fall straight
to the ground this is not because gravity prefers anvils to dandelion seeds but rather because it is the
natural physics of buoyancy for objects less dense than the medium surrounding them to rise while objects denser than
the medium surrounding them to sink this is the reason raindrops fall down through the air and air bubbles rise up
through the water because of their relative densities it has nothing whatsoever to do with the
mystical pulling force of spinning balls from newton’s imagination newton’s theory allegedly began when
upon seeing an apple fall from a tree at woolsthorpe as though no one in the history of humanity up to that point had
ever seen a falling object and wondered why it fell he had a veritable scientific epiphany
the apple fell not because it was heavier and denser than the air around it but rather because a force at the
center of the spinning ball earth pulled it to the ground newton quickly got to work formulating
his theory of universal gravitation which he used to explain not only falling objects but also orbiting
celestial bodies newton claimed that the sun moon earth planets and stars gravity caused them to
all orbit around the most massive nearby bodies so not only was gravity fickle and
selective about which objects it caused to fall and which it allowed to rise gravity was also able to perform
different functions on different scales at the human scale gravity allegedly caused people buildings and oceans to
stick to the earth while at the planetary scale gravity allegedly caused moons to orbit around planets and
planets to orbit around stars unfortunately newton never addressed this but the question remains how and
why would gravity cause both planets to orbit the sun and people to stick to the earth
gravity should either cause people to float around in suspended circular orbits around the earth or it should
cause the earth moon and planets to all be pulled and crash into the sun the two effects are very different yet
the same cause is attributed to both furthermore this magnetic-like attraction of massive objects gravity is
purported to have can be found nowhere in the natural world there is no example in nature of a
massive sphere or any other shaped object which by virtue of its mass alone causes smaller objects to stick to or
orbit around it there is nothing on earth massive enough that it can be shown to cause even a dust bunny to
stick to or orbit around it try spinning a wet tennis ball or any other spherical object with smaller
things placed on its surface and you will find that everything falls or flies off and nothing sticks to or orbits
around it to claim the existence of a physical law without a single practical evidential
example is hearsay not science by now however you are likely beginning to see that these freemasonic heliocentric
priests are less interested in science and truth than they are in propagating contrived evidences for their foregone
conclusions in like manner as copernicus had claimed positively the sun to
hundred and ninety be thousand two hundred miles away and kepler had calculated it to be positively twelve million three hundred
and seventy six thousand eight hundred miles away newton was quoted as remarking it matters not whether we
reckon it 28 or 54 million miles distant for either would do just as well
it appears he was correct because the alleged distance to the heliocentrist’s son has continued to increase by the
millions until today where we stand with nasa’s current official figure of 93
million miles in 1773 captain cook became the first modern explorer known to have breached
the antarctic circle and reached the ice barrier this expedition offered an exciting chance to find proof of either
the flat or globe earth models because captain cook intended to sail completely around antarctica looking for inlets
through the ice wall if the earth was indeed a globe 25 000 miles in equatorial circumference as the
heliocentrists claimed then a complete circumnavigation of antarctica would be approximately 12 000 miles
and if the earth was flat with antarctica surrounding the entire circumference a complete
circumnavigation of antarctica would have to take over 50 000 miles
during three voyages lasting three years and eight days captain cook and his crew
sailed a total of sixty thousand miles along the antarctic coastline never once
finding an inlet or path through or beyond the massive glacial wall captain cook wrote the ice extended east
and west far beyond the reach of our site while the southern half of the ocean was illuminated by rays of light
which were reflected from the ice to a considerable height later voyages by captain james clark
ross and captain george snares in the 19th century further confirmed cook’s findings
ross’s expedition spent four years and five months in heavily armored warships
failing to find an entry point beyond the southern glacial wall and nares spent over three years
circumnavigating antarctica taking an admittedly indirect course but clocking
in nearly 69 000 miles total if antarctica truly was the tiny ice
continent claimed by globe earth proponents all of these expeditions would have ended years sooner
in addition to this many antarctic explorers including captain james clark ross and lieutenant charles wilkes using
globe earth projection maps wrote in their journals perplexed at how they routinely found themselves out of
accordance with their charts stating that they found themselves an average of 12 to 16 miles outside their reckoning
every day later on further south increasing to as much as 29 miles per day
these huge discrepancies experienced by explorers the further south traveled are usually attributed to increasingly
strong storms winds and currents but if that were the case they should have just as often found themselves ahead of their
reckoning which they never did in 1783 the hot air balloon was invented
and for the first time in recorded history people were able to float miles above the earth’s surface and see for
themselves once and for all whether or not the earth was flat or a globe to many people’s astonishment as high as
they rose the horizon remained perfectly flat 360 degrees around them and rose to
the level of their eyes all the way up jay glacier wrote in his travels in the
air that quote on looking over the top of the car the horizon appeared to be on
level with the eye and taking a grand view of the whole visible area beneath i was struck with its great regularity all
was dwarfed to one plane it seemed too flat m victor emmanuel another hot air
balloonist wrote that quote instead of the earth declining from the view on either side and the higher part being
under the car as is popularly supposed it was the exact opposite the lowest
part like a huge basin being immediately under the car and the horizon on all sides rising to the level of the eye as
stated previously this is only possible on a flat plane it would be an entire century after
newton published his theories on gravitation before any scientific experiment was devised to attempt to
prove its existence in 1797 henry cavendish the british scientist
freemason and wealthy grandson of the duke of devonshire created an experiment which he claimed successfully proved the
existence of gravity measured its constant and provided accurate figures for the exact masses of the earth sun
moon and planets how did cavendish achieve this quantum leap for heliocentric pseudoscience
he fixed two large lead balls on opposite ends of a torsion balance and hung them from the roof of his shed
by watching and recording slight motions of the contraption via telescope through his shed window so his mass would not
affect the reading cavendish claimed to have proven gravity two small lead balls were hung near the
large ones and any motion observed towards one another was touted as being the influence of gravity
now the cavendish experiment has been widely criticized by the scientific community because never in over two
centuries since its creation has anyone been able to replicate it firstly the balls simply do not always attract one
another as they must for the so-called gravitational constant to be constant at all sometimes the torsion balance turns
towards the balls and sometimes away as it is impossible not to give some slight tremulous motion when interacting with
it henry even complained in his notes how often as he was performing the measurement the contraption was still in
oscillation secondly since his calculated force of gravity was 10 to the 39th power weaker
than the force of electromagnetism from which all material objects are composed there is no control for the experiment
which can factor out and positively differentiate the alleged gravitational force from the known stronger
electromagnetic force in other words the balls could simply be attracting each other through static
electricity a known force existing in all things billions of times stronger than gravity and impossible to control
for the experiment even though no one could replicate cavendish’s findings the experiment went
down in history as a great success and is still taught as veritable proof of universal gravitation in science
textbooks today half a century later in 1851 a french scientist named leon fakhald performed a
similar experiment to cavendish but this time hanging a single ball from the ceiling swinging it and claiming all
lateral motion observed to be proof that the earth was turning beneath the pendulum since focal’s original
demonstration these pendulums have regularly been swinging at museums and exhibition halls worldwide purporting to
provide everlasting perpetual proof of the heliocentric spinning ball earth theory
the truth is however unbeknownst to most of the duped public that fucult’s pendulum is a failed experiment which
proves nothing but how easy it is for pseudoscience to deceive the malleable masses to begin with focal’s pendulums
do not uniformly swing in any one direction sometimes they rotate clockwise and sometimes counterclockwise
sometimes they fail to rotate and sometimes they rotate far too much just like the cavendish experiment
scientists who have attempted to replicate facult’s findings have conceded time and again that quote it
was difficult to avoid giving the pendulum some slight lateral bias at starting
in truth the behavior of the pendulum actually depends on one the initial force beginning its swing and two the
ball and socket joint used which most readily facilitates circular motion over any other the supposed rotation of the
earth is completely inconsequential and irrelevant to the pendulum swing if the alleged constant rotation of the earth
affected pendulums in any way then there should be no need to manually start pendulums in motion if the earth’s
diurnal rotation caused the 360 degree uniform diurnal rotation of pendulums
then there should not exist a stationary pendulum anywhere on earth also in the mid 19th century another frenchman named
gaspard gustav coriolis performed several experiments showing the effect of kinetic energy on rotating systems
which have ever since become mythologized as proof of the heliocentric theory his coriolis effect
is often said to cause sinks and toilet bowls in the northern hemisphere to drain spinning in one direction while in
the southern hemisphere causing them to spin the opposite way thus providing proof of the spinning ball earth
once again however just like fuckhalt’s swinging pendulums and cavendish’s hanging balls sinks and toilets in
northern and southern hemispheres do not consistently spin in any one direction sinks and toilets in the very same
household are often found to spin opposite directions depending entirely upon the shape of the basin and the
angle of the water’s entry not the supposed rotation of the earth the coriolis effect is also said to affect
bullet trajectories and weather patterns as well supposedly causing most storms in the northern hemisphere to rotate
counterclockwise and most storms in the southern hemisphere to rotate clockwise to cause bullets from long-range guns to
tend towards the right of the target in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere
again however the same problems remain not every bullet and not every storm consistently displays the behavior and
therefore cannot reasonably be used as proof of anything in the late 19th century mostly thanks
to the experiments books and lectures of an english inventor and author named dr samuel robotham a flat earth renaissance
began sweeping the world robotham’s findings beginning with his 1864 book
earth not a globe an experimental inquiry into the true figure of the earth proving it a plane without axial
or orbital motion and the only material world in the universe caused quite a stir in the scientific
community and thanks to three decades of his effort the shape of the earth became a hot topic of debate around the turn of
the 19th century dr robotham conducted several experiments using telescopes spirit
levels and theodolites special precision instruments used for measuring angles in horizontal or vertical planes by
positioning them at equal heights aimed at each other successively he proved over and over the earth to be perfectly
flat for miles without a single inch of curvature in his most famous series of experiments
robotham traveled to cambridge england where there is a 20-mile canal called the old bedford which passes in a
straight line through the fenlands known as the bedford level the water has no interruption from locks or water gates
of any kind and remains stationary making it perfectly suitable for determining whether any amount of
convexity or curvature actually exists if we were living on a ball earth every
pond lake marsh canal and other large body of standing water each part would have to comprise a slight arc or
semi-circle curving downwards from the central summit if the ball earth were truly 25 000 miles in circumference as
claimed by heliocentrists then spherical trigonometry dictates the surface of all standing water must curve downwards and
easily measurable eight inches per mile multiplied by the square of the distance this means along a six mile channel of
standing water the earth would have to curve 16 feet eight inches downwards from one end to the other and or dip six
feet on either end from the central peak depending where the measurement is taken robotham tested first by standing in the
water holding a telescope eight inches above the surface while his partner rode away from him in a small boat with a
five foot tall flag attached if the earth was indeed a globe 25 000 miles in circumference by the time the
boat reached wellney bridge six miles away the entire boat and flag should have been completely invisible hidden
behind a six foot tall mass of curved water in reality however every time tested the
entire boat and flag remained visible from start to finish in a second experiment dr robotham
placed seven flags along the edge of the water each one mile distant from the next with their tops positioned five
feet above the surface and stood with his telescope behind the first if the earth was a globe 25 000 miles in
circumference each successive flag would have to decline a definite and determined amount below the last the
first and second flags establish the line of sight then the third should fall eight inches below the second the fourth
flag 32 inches below the fifth six feet the sixth ten feet eight inches and the
seventh flag should be a clear 16 feet eight inches below the line of sight even if the earth was a globe of a
hundred thousand miles an amount of easily measurable curvature should and would still be evident in this
experiment but the reality is not a single inch of curvature was detected
and the flags all lined up perfectly as consistent with a flat plane in 1870 one
of robotham’s supporters an english scientist of the royal academy named john hampton offered a public wager of
500 pounds to anyone who thought they could prove the earth spherical by repeating the bedford level experiment
alfred russell wallace a fellow english scientist arden evolutionist and personal friend of charles darwin
accepted hampton’s wager and the two met with referees to decide the matter at the bedford level
the original plan was to repeat robotham’s flag experiment but after hours of attempting to align them one on
each mile marker upon looking through the telescope quote they could not even judge which was which let alone decide
whether the line of sight along them was flat or curved heated debate ensued an angry quarrel
followed and the experiment descended into a farce they called it a day but a week later reconvened this time wallace
setting new parameters for the experiment which had never been tested or approved by robotham or hampton
wallace hung a large calico sheet from the old bedford bridge with a thick black line painted across its center and
positioned his telescope six miles south at wellney bridge at the same elevation
then halfway between these two points wallace placed a long red pole topped with a marker disk designed to fall in
line with the black painted marker and telescope all of these he placed at a masonicly significant 13 feet 3 inches above the
water wallace’s plan was to view the marker disk and black line through the telescope and if the middle marker
appeared below the line of sight this would be taken as proof of the water’s flat surface and if the middle marker
appeared above the line of sight it would be taken as proof of earth’s curvature hampton immediately took issue
with this new method of allegedly determining curvature but begrudgingly accepted to continue
when viewed through the telescope the center marker fell a tiny bit below the telescope crosshair and the far marker
on the bridge fell a tiny bit below that this result was not expected by either party but wallace quickly claimed it
proof that the earth was curving downwards while hampton claimed the results to be in accordance with the law
of perspective over flat surfaces this time an even more heated debate ensued until wallace refused to speak
another word with hampton gave him the silent treatment and even had the police escort hampton from his hotel room
before leaving town the following day the referees for the wager decided in favor of wallace and the money was given
to him in response hampton immediately published a 16-page pamphlet denouncing
wallace as a liar and cheat called is water level or convex after all the
bedford canal swindle detected and exposed another fellow english author and flat
earther william carpenter also present during the experiment wrote his equally scathing 30-page review of the swindle
entitled water not convex the earth not a globe demonstrated by alfred russell wallace on the 5th of
march 1870. hampton later took wallace to trial and sued him for his 500 pounds the court
formally decided in favor of hampton that the bet was invalid and returned his money in full
next hampton immediately reissued his challenge to wallace increasing the wager to a thousand pounds and inviting
dr robotham to attend this time the experiment would be conducted as robotham had originally
done standing in the water with telescope held eight inches above the water observing a boat with a five-foot
flag attached sailing six miles away from welch’s dam to wellney bridge when the day of the wager came poor
weather prevented them from completing the experiment so they postponed met more bad weather and postponed again
on their third and final attempt before heading home with the weather still overcast they attempted the experiment
unfortunately shortly after reaching the halfway point the boat became indistinguishable beyond the haze and
the bet was called off the boat and flag were visible however for the entire three miles
in 2015 a group of flat earthers once again repeated robotham’s experiment at the bedford level with similar results
they detected no curvature and saw the boat beyond the halfway marker but became obscured by poor weather before
reaching the full six miles in 1871 after getting massive amounts of pressure from the public to address
these claims from flat earth proponents royal astronomical society president george airy devised an experiment which
he hoped would once and for all prove earth’s axial motion and forever silence the rabble-rousing flat earthers
by first filling a telescope with water to slow down the speed of light inside then calculating the tilt necessary to
get the starlight directly down the tube erie planned to measure the speed of the telescope and thereby the speed of the
earth by extrapolating the amount of tilt needed to keep the starlight coming in straight
the experiment however would go down in history and forever be known as aries
failure because every time he repeated it arie found the starlight was already coming in the correct angle with no
change necessary proving that the stars move relative to a stationary earth and not the other way around
arie had meant to prove the heliocentric theory but instead devised an everlasting proof of the geocentric
model in 1887 american physicists albert mickelson and edward morley performed an
experiment to determine earth’s speed through space or what was then called the ether by passing light through two
pathways one in the direction of earth’s alleged motion and the other at right angles to it the light traveling with
the earth should have taken longer to return than light traveling at right angles to it to the surprise of
mickelson morley and the scientific establishment however no difference whatsoever was detected even after
repeating the experiment several times in different places to attempt to patch up this glaring
problem the heliocentric establishment created the fitzgerald lawrence contraction which actually had the gall
to claim that the light pathway going the same direction as the earth became physically shorter during the experiment
so that the time to return became equal to the other pathway the implications of mickelson and
morley’s experiment were so detrimental to the spinning globe earth myth that they were forced to concoct this
ludicrous backpedaling explanation which even arthur miller denounced calling it a physics of desperation
after samuel robotham’s death lady elizabeth blunt an english author flat
earther vocal vegetarian and anti-vivisectionist founded the universal zetetic society
which attracted thousands of members and published a journal called the earth not a globe review for several decades
many other prominent flat earthers of the time also continued doing their best to spread the word john hampton continued publishing his
own work and reprinted all of samuel robotham’s material in 1885 william carpenter published his
famous 100 proofs earth is not a globe in 1892 alexander gleason released his
new standard map of the world as it is which remains to this day one of the most accurate flat earth maps ever
created he had hopes it would completely replace globes and mercator maps the world over
but unfortunately his map’s influence was short-lived the next year in 1893
gleason published his flat earth tome entitled is the bible from heaven is the earth the globe does modern science and
the bible agree which gave many flat earth proofs and also explained his wonderful map
in 1899 south african flat earth author thomas winship published his excellent
work zetedic cosmogeny evidence that the world is not a rotating revolving globe
but a stationary plane circle 1903 marked the beginning of airplane
travel which had it been invented in copernicus’s era would have destroyed his spinning ball earth fantasy long
before takeoff when hot air balloons were first invented people were told the reason they cannot simply float in the air and
wait for the spinning ball earth to bring their destinations to them was because gravity somehow stuck the entire
atmosphere and everything in it in place dragging it along at a thousand miles per hour so uniformly that we can’t see
it feel it hear it or measure it in any way once airplane technology evolves that we
could fly at comparable speeds to the earth’s supposed rotation however it became immediately apparent that the
earth and its atmosphere could not be constantly rotating a thousand miles per hour west to east
simply put if the earth were constantly spinning eastward a thousand miles per hour then airplane flight durations
going eastwards versus westwards would be significantly different if the average commercial airliner travels 500
miles per hour it follows that westbound equatorial flights should reach their destination at approximately three times
the speed as their eastbound return flights in reality however the differences in east and westbound flight
durations usually amount to a matter of minutes and nothing near what would occur on a thousand mile per hour
spinning ball earth for example flights eastward with the alleged spin of the ball earth from
tokyo to la take an average of 10.5 hours therefore the return flights
westwards against the alleged spin should take an average of 5.25 hours but
in actual fact take an average of 11.5 hours also of note
if earthworm globe there are several flights in the southern hemisphere which would have the quickest straightest path
over the antarctic continent such as santiago chile to sydney australia
instead of taking the shortest quickest route in a straight line over antarctica all such flights detour all manner of
directions away from antarctica instead claiming the temperatures too cold for airplane travel
considering the fact that there are plenty of flights to from and over antarctica and nasa claims to have
technology keeping them in conditions far colder and far hotter than any experienced on earth such an excuse is
clearly just an excuse and these flights aren’t made because they are impossible if the earth was a ball in antarctica
was too cold to fly over the only logical way to fly from sydney to santiago would be a straight shot over
the pacific staying in the southern hemisphere the entire way refueling could be done in new zealand
or other southern hemisphere destinations along the way if absolutely necessary in actual fact however santiago to
sydney flights go into the northern hemisphere making stopovers at lax and other north american airports before
continuing back down to the southern hemisphere such ridiculously wayward detours make
no sense on the globe but make perfect sense and form nearly straight lines when shown on a flat earth map on a ball
earth johannesburg south africa to perth australia should be a straight shot over the indian ocean with convenient
refueling possibilities on miraitis or madagascar in actual practice however
most johannesburg to perth flights curiously stop over either in dubai hong kong or malaysia all of which make no
sense on the ball but are completely understandable when mapped on a flat earth a casual study of other south hemisphere
flight paths and stop-over points will prove to even the most staunch skeptic
the clear illegitimacy of globe map projections building on mickelson and morley’s
experiment in 1913 french physicist george sagnac again proved the existence
of the ether and the stillness of earth by using a beam splitter to send light in opposite directions around a path
recombining them then observing their interference fringes first while stationary and then while rotating the
entire experiment table two revolutions per second the changes in interference patterns
between the moving and non-moving trials proved that the light and therefore the earth was stationary
in 1914 william westfield wrote his geocentric classic does the earth rotate
no and when gerard hickson’s masterpiece king’s dethroned a history of the
evolution of astronomy from the time of the roman empire up to the present day was published in 1922 the heliocentric
theory of the universe was on its last legs in 1925 the mickelson gale experiment
again vouched for a stationary earth and it was clear to the establishment that they needed something big to bring
public opinion back their way in 1916 a jewish physicist named albert
einstein had published his general theory of relativity a brilliant revision of heliocentricism which in one
philosophical swoop abolished the ether from scientific study replacing it with a form of relativism which allowed for
heliocentricism and geocentricism to hold equal merit if there was no absolute etheric medium within which all
things exist then hypothetically one could postulate complete relativism with
regard to the movement of two objects such as the earth and sun in one philosophical leap with no
scientific evidence to support it einstein and the heliocentric establishment were thus able to sweep
aries failure mickelson morley sagnac and gale all conveniently under the carpet and pretend they didn’t exist
simply by claiming that all motion in the universe was relative by the late 1920s einstein and his
theories had been pushed so vehemently the heliocentric theory began making a comeback and einstein was being touted
as a genius and one of the greatest minds in history far from it even he himself admitted
when asked what is it like to be the smartest man alive responded by saying i don’t know you’ll have to ask nikola
tesla a true genius who in no way supported einstein’s relativity or the heliocentric theory
einstein was even caught lying when he originally claimed to have never even heard of the mickelson-morley experiment
but later admitted that he had indeed created special relativity with the intent of abolishing the ether and
nullifying the mickelson-morley result by the 1930s an eccentric christian flat
earther named wilbur glenn voliba was attracting widespread publicity around the world thanks to his american lecture
tours and daily radio broadcasts from his personal station which could be heard all the way to australia
volva famously founded and built zion city in illinois a town of 6 500 people
all of whom were christian flat earthers zion city even had its own schools and churches which taught flat earth
cosmology in the spirit of robotham and hampton throughout his life voliva offered an
open-ended wager of five thousand dollars to anyone who thought they could disprove the flat earth
until his death in 1942 there were no takers after the second world war operation
paperclip brought hundreds of top german rocket scientists and physicists into the united states and beginning in the
late 50s employed them in nasa the national aeronautics and space administration
meanwhile the russian space program was also forming in a so-called space race between america and russia ensued
the geostationary communications satellite was first imagined in a 1945
proposal by freemason science fiction writer arthur c clarke and supposedly became science fact just over a decade
later in 1957 russia allegedly launched the first satellite named sputnik into low
earth orbit followed in 1958 by america’s explorer one
nowadays there are supposedly upwards of 20 000 such satellites constantly orbiting the earth they are allegedly
floating around in the thermosphere where temperatures are claimed to be upwards of 4530 degrees fahrenheit the metals used
in satellites however such as aluminum gold and titanium have melting points of 1221
1948 and 3034 degrees respectively all far lower than they could possibly
handle people even claim to see satellites with their naked eyes but this is ridiculous
considering they are smaller than a bus and allegedly a hundred plus miles away it is impossible to see anything so
small that far away even using telescopes no one claims to discern the shape of satellites but rather describe
seeing passing moving lights which could easily be any number of things from airplanes to drones to shooting stars or
other unidentified flying objects the fact that they are geostationary means they would not appear to move
through the sky anyway but rather be perpetually stuck in the exact same place all day every day
so-called satellite phones have been found to have reception problems in countries like kazakhstan with very few
cell phone towers if the earth were a ball with 20 000 plus satellites surrounding such blackouts should not
regularly occur in any rural countryside and deep ocean areas also satellite tv dishes which existed
for years before satellites were supposedly invented are almost always positioned at a 45 degree angle towards
the nearest ground-based repeater tower if tv antenna were actually picking up signals from satellites 100 plus miles
in space most tb dishes should be pointing more or less straight up to the sky
the fact that satellite dishes are never pointing straight up and almost always positioned at a 45 degree angle proves
they are picking up ground-based tower signals before satellites radio television and
navigation systems like loran and deca were already well established and worked fine using only ground-based
technologies nowadays huge fiber optic cables connect the internet across oceans gigantic cell
towers triangulate gps signals and ionospheric propagation allows radio
waves to be bounced all without the aid of the science fiction best seller known as satellites
also in the late 50s a sign maker from dover england named samuel shenton in the spirit of robotham and lady blunt’s
zetetic society created ifers the international flat earth research society and began giving lectures on
television in newspapers to youth clubs and schools about our flat motionless earth
shenton discovered the writings of the late 19th century flat earth authors mentioned previously and made it his
mission to spread the zetetic message as far and wide as he could with nasa’s supposed satellite launches
happening people constantly question shenton about satellites proving the globe earth to which he would always
reply does sailing around the isle of wight prove it is spherical when nasa claimed to have put the first
man in space shenton said from the beginning that it was all photo and video trickery when john glenn
supposedly orbited the world in 1963 shenton even sent him a free eiffer’s
membership with a personal message saying okay wiseguy shenton knew that john glenn two-time
u.s senator and one of nasa’s first astronauts was a lying freemason just like his heliocentric forefathers from
pythagoras to copernicus kepler to cavendish along with most all of nasa’s astronauts buzz aldrin jr is an admitted
ring-wearing hand sign flashing 33rd degree mason from montclair lodge number 144 in new jersey
edgar mitchell is an order of demolay mason at arresta lodge number 29 in new mexico
james irwin was a tihan lodge number 104 member in colorado springs don iselle was a member of the luther b
turner lodge number 732 in ohio gordon cooper was a master mason in
carbondale lodge number 82 in colorado virgil grissom was a master mason from
mitchell lodge number 228 in indiana walter shearer jr was a 33rd degree
mason at canaveral lodge number 339 in florida thomas stafford is a mason at western
star lodge number 138 in oklahoma paul weitz is from lawrence lodge number
708 in pennsylvania see fred klingneckt the head of nasa during the apollo program shortly
thereafter became sovereign grand commander of the council of the 33rd degree of the ancient and accepted
scottish rite of freemasonry of the southern jurisdiction nasa astronauts neil armstrong alan
shepard william pogue vance brand and anthony england all had fathers who were freemasons as well
the amount of astronauts known to be freemasons or from freemasonic families is astonishing it is likely that more
astronauts and people of key importance in nasa are affiliated with the brotherhood as well but not so open
about their membership for there to be this many masons members of the world’s largest and oldest secret
society involved with the promotion and propagation of this globalist heliocentric doctrine from his outset to
modern times should raise some serious suspicion before the first apollo missions ever
even cleared the launch pad 11 nasa astronauts died in highly suspicious accidents
gus grissom roger chaffee and ed white were all cremated together in an apollo capsule fire during a completely
unnecessary and dangerous test where they were strapped down and locked into a hundred percent oxygen chamber which
incinerated the three of them to death in seconds seven other astronauts ted freeman
charles bassett elliot c russell rogers clifton williams michael adams and
robert lawrence died in six separate airplane crashes and ed gibbons in a car
crash eight of these deaths were in 1967 alone so many astronauts coincidentally dying
under such circumstances is highly unlikely and lends credence to the idea that these were intentional hits by the
masons trying to find the right people to sell their hopes one of the most outspoken of the fallen
astronauts was gus grissom by 1967 grissom had become increasingly
irritated and vocally negative about nasa’s chances of ever landing a man on the moon he stated the odds were pretty
slim and famously hung a lemon on the apollo capsule after it repeatedly failed safety testing procedures
grissom threatened to go public with his complaints about the lem and even told his wife betty quote if there ever is a
serious accident in the space program it’s likely to be me right after his murder government agents
raided grissom’s house before anyone had been informed about the fire or his death they removed all his personal
papers and his diary never to be returned from 1969 to 1972 the freemasons at nasa
claimed to have landed six of their apollo missions on the moon with this ingenious deception a bit of
rocket technology a bunch of lying freemasons and photographs taken through a round window with this one psyop nasa
managed to convince nearly everyone on earth that they live on a spinning ball however in the documentary a funny thing
happened on the way to the moon you can watch official leaked nasa footage showing apollo 11 astronauts buzz aldrin
neil armstrong and michael collins for almost an hour using transparencies and camera tricks to fake shots of around
earth they communicate over audio with control in houston about how to accurately stage the shot and someone keeps prompting
them on how to effectively manipulate the camera to achieve the desired effect first they blacked out all the windows
except for a downward facing circular one which they aimed the camera towards from several feet away this created the
illusion of a ball-shaped earth surrounded by the blackness of space when in fact it was simply a round
window in their dark cabin neil armstrong claimed at this point to be 130 000 miles from earth halfway to
the moon but when camera tricks were finished the viewer could see for themselves the astronauts were not more
than a couple dozen miles above the earth’s surface in a high altitude plane these images showing a globular world
soon became the freemason’s most valuable tool in altering public perception about the shape of the earth
since the original so-called blue marble image nasa has provided the public with
many more pictures and videos showing a globe earth touting veritable photographic proof that pythagoras 2500
year old theory was finally validated when seen with a skeptical eye however
professional photo analysts have dissected several nasa images of the ball earth and found undeniable proof of
computer editing for example images of the earth allegedly taken from the moon have
proven to be copied and pasted in as evidenced by rectangular cuts found in the black background around the earth by
adjusting brightness and contrast levels if they were truly on the moon and earth was truly a ball there would be no need
to fake such pictures when nasa’s images of the ball earth are compared with one another the coloration
of the land and oceans and relative size of the continents are consistently so drastically different from one another
as to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the pictures are all fake nasa has many alleged photographs of the ball
earth which show several exact copy and pasted duplicate cloud patterns cheeky
graphics artists have even placed things like faces dragons and the word sex into cloud patterns over various ball earth
pictures one recent pluto picture clearly has a picture of disney’s pluto the dog
layered into the background on a clear afternoon during a waxing or waning moon cycle it is possible to see
the blue sky right through the moon for centuries stars and planets have often been seen and recorded even by the royal
astronomical society to have been seen through the moon if the moon is translucent enough to see
objects through it it cannot be the solid spherical planetoid claimed by nasa and modern astronomers
samuel shenton president of ifers was quoted before the apollo supposed moon landing stating that stars have been
seen through the moon the astronauts had better be ready to come right back because there isn’t anything much to
land on besides shenton many of the first people to unequivocally call out the nasa moon
landings as being a staged hoax were professional photographers when the official nasa photographs of
the moon are closely examined it is clear that many were taken inside a studio using repetitive backgrounds
artificial lighting wires and cranes award-winning british photographer david
percy photo analyst and historian jack white photographer and nexus magazine
publisher marcus allen and many others all put their professional reputations
on the line to expose nasa’s so-called photographic evidence none of the apollo missions brought any
extra studio lighting with them on the lunar lander so the sun should be the only light source on the moon and in all
pictures taken there in that case the light should only come from one direction and all shadows
should be cast in the opposite direction however in dozens of official nasa photos there are shadows being cast in
up to three directions simultaneously often at up to 90 degree angles which can only be the result of multiple light
sources not present on the moon several pictures even show overhead spotlights reflecting an astronaut’s
helmets and multiple lens flares originating from two or more light sources analyzing several images from the six
missions shows repeated background features the exact same hills dunes and craters being used over and over again
in supposedly different places on the moon as well as visible foreground and backdrop lines indicative of a studio
set in images from apollo 11 buzz aldrin can be seen wearing different color gloves
and different length boots in pictures that were supposedly taken within minutes of each other if buzz was really in the vacuum of
space in a pressurized space suit he certainly would not have had the time or reason to depressurize and repressurize
his suit just to make such fashion adjustments some pictures show the lunar rover with
no tracks anywhere around it others show rover tracks all over the foreground while it is yet to be unpacked and
unloaded a couple pictures even show what appear to be sneakers and a lady’s heel tracks
on the moon in addition to the astronauts boot prints another glaring mistake is that none of
nasa’s images or videos show stars in the background as they should just complete blackness likely because exact
star maps as they should appear from the moon would be nearly impossible to fake the testimony of different astronauts on
different missions in their autobiographies and interviews just muddies the water even more some of them
bragging about the quote astonishingly brilliant light of the stars and others saying they quote don’t remember seeing
a single star while on the moon such inconsistencies and the fact that none of nasa’s moon pictures feature
stars or planets in their appropriate positions should raise a red flag but these astronauts were not on the moon
many pictures of the sun on the moon are clearly spotlights and not the sun
some images show studio lighting lens flares or studio lighting reflecting off a black background
one image clearly shows a shadow on the ceiling of space as the lunar lander lifts off
many images show shadows of reticule crosshairs suspended in air over a print
underneath proving them to be doctored and not originals as claimed
images of the lunar lander supposedly on the moon shows a pathetic 1969 attempt at creating high-tech futuristic looking
equipment using what appears to be construction paper gold foil scotch tape
and metal shower rods the idea that the piece of junk shown in these official nasa photographs flew to
the moon and back is so ludicrous it’s laughable close-ups of the lunar lander foot pads
show them without a speck of dust on them and without a burn print under its ten thousand pound thrusters like it was
just gently set down in place nasa scientists in their own documents were worried about the lem falling into
its own massive burn radius yet there it sits with no burn print and spotless clean pads
even the astronauts boot prints made deep impressions on the moon dust yet the lander’s ten thousand pound
thrusters left not a trace no blast hole and no dust on the pads
when the video evidence is examined even more anomalies are found in certain frames light pings can be seen
reflecting off overhead stage wires attached to astronauts backpacks in one apollo 16 clip an astronaut falls
to his knees and is quickly jerked back up to his feet by what can only be an unseen wire hoisting him straight
upwards one of the more obvious video anomalies is how several apollo missions show
american flags flapping around in the non-existent space wind the moon is supposed to have no
atmosphere and so the flags should remain perfectly still but can often be seen moving quite boisterously
another interesting video anomaly is discovered by playing nasa’s moon footage at two times speed then watching
the astronauts walking running jumping or cruising around on their little buggy without the speed adjustment there is a
low gravity illusion as the astronauts seem to float drift and glide slowly and
smoothly along but once they are seen at two times speed it becomes clear that they are in quote normal gravity walking
running jumping and cruising at normal speeds they simply reduce the play speed by 50 in post-production and voila
instant moon motion not only is the apollo video record fraught with fraud but nasa claims the
original apollo 11 videos have conveniently disappeared from their records so no one can analyze them for
authenticity you heard correctly they spent over 30 billion dollars of american taxpayer
money traveling to the moon and then lost the video evidence those blurry ghostly black and white
images shown on tv were purposely lousy because nasa insisted at the time that
all tv networks must broadcast directly from a big screen display in their operations room a mandate which all the
major networks accepted and so what the public saw was just a video of a poorly magnified video and now it is impossible
to watch the original not only have the apollo 11 originals disappeared but nasa claims to have lost
all original audio tapes from the apollo missions and that their contractors have lost all prints and plans for the lunar
rover lem lander and apollo ship engines it even recently came out that when
curators at amsterdam’s reichs museum investigated their moon rock personally given to them by armstrong and aldrin in
1969 they found that it was actually just a worthless piece of petrified wood from earth
in 1970 freemason and philosophy professor at st thomas’s university leo
ferrari created the flat earth society of canada which he soon shortened to simply the flat earth society
unlike samuel shenton’s international flat earth research society in every way
leo ferrari’s flat earth society treated the entire subject as a deadpan joke making a mockery of it and even creating
several intentionally false flat earth arguments for example leo ferrari would always
bring a pumpkin-sized rock with him during interviews and lectures claiming he brought the stone back from the edge
of our flat earth he would say with a huge smirk on his face how his boat had fallen over the edge but he was luckily
saved by hanging onto this rock clearly treating our flat earth in this tongue-in-cheek way discouraged people
from taking the matter seriously and creating this fake flat earth society was the freemason’s way of mitigating
shenton’s eiffer’s genuine threat to their global deception in 1971 samya shenton passed away and
the american former airplane mechanic charles k johnson took his place as president of ifers charles and his wife
marjorie like lady blunt and many of the original zetetic society members were not only flat earthers but outspoken
vegetarians and anti-vivisectionists charles and marjorie maintained a periodical called the flat earth news
for many years where they printed articles about nasa’s lies geocentricity flat earth and vegetarianism
unlike leo ferrari and his mock society spreading disinformation charles johnson was a genuine voice speaking out against
the evils of the world in 1974 when johnson heard of ferrari’s budding organization he decided to contact him
and wrote a cordial letter requesting further information about his society to which ferrari never replied
two years later johnson wrote another polite letter saying how he was delighted by the prospect of a like-minded campaigner and said how it
was a very happy day when he learned a ferrari society quote i feel sure at the core we cannot
be too far apart in ames johnson wrote i do try to practice what i preach to think and seek and search out reasonable
ideas and concepts he closed saying that he could hardly wait to hear from ferrari and hoped very much he would
please reply after six months without a response johnson wrote one more time explaining again his sole purpose to
enlarge his view and getting and holding on to the facts which would benefit himself and in time the rest of the
world he requested a reply and a copy of ferrari’s fes magazine in conclusion
johnson signed thanks from the bottom of my heart in advance but warned that if
ferrari insisted on ignoring him once again quote i will then know for sure that you are some kind of enemy of the
flat earth work eventually ferrari did reply this time but not with a message or magazine as
requested he simply enclosed an fes paid application form johnson investigated ferrari’s
organization further and found that he was using quote the flat earth idea as a gimmick to entertain and promote the
atheistic society from then on johnson worked hard to expand his eye fors and constantly for
the rest of his life exposed ferrari’s fes calling him a false prophet guilty
of muddying the waters of truth near the end of his life tragically johnson’s house burned down along with
all the flat earth materials he and shenton had collected over their lifetimes until his dying day johnson
claimed the fire to be the result of arson by a nasa agent he had seen snooping around
apparently finished with their moon landing propaganda starting in 1976 nasa
began faking mars landings instead to begin with the planets formerly known
as wandering stars are not terrestrial earth-like habitations capable of landing anything on
the sun moon and stars are all simply luminaries celestial lights relatively close to earth and not something
tangibly solid that humans could ever walk on this is painfully obvious to anyone with
functioning eyeballs and a telescope or nikon p900 camera but nasa continues to
this day to publish thousands of fake cgi images claiming to come from mars
even assuming mars was an actual spherical desert planet as nasa claims it is impossible for them to have safely
landed the probes based on their own trials and statistics they say the surface pressure on mars is only
three-tenths of one percent the surface pressure on earth and equivalent to the pressure at about 23 miles above the
earth there is not enough air matter at that pressure however to provide any lift for open up the parachutes nasa uses to land
its mars probes no parachute ever devised has been able to successfully deploy at that altitude
they simply stream straight back then never fill the rest of the way down joe kittenger’s record highest fastest
and longest parachute dive from the earth’s upper atmosphere had him free-falling from only 19 miles high for
15 minutes at 767 miles per hour and his drogue chute proved useless and offered
no deceleration yet nasa would have us believe for example that phoenix’s parachute managed to somehow slow it
down from 12 738 miles per hour to 123 miles per hour
in just 2.86 minutes before its final landing in other words nasa is claiming to do
something on mars millions of miles away by remote control something that we have
no evidence is even possible on earth at significantly lower altitude and 16
times slower speed to this day nasa continues to fake mars landings and more government space
agencies around the world including russia china japan france india and others are following the same
freemasonic model of fleecing their populations of taxpayer money to fund programs that provide the public nothing
but propaganda nasa and other space agencies rocket launches never even go straight up
every rocket forms a parabolic curve peaks out and inevitably starts falling back to earth
the rockets which are declared successful are those few which don’t explode or start falling too soon but
make it out of range of spectator view before crashing down into restricted waters and recovered
there is no magic altitude where rockets or anything else can simply go up up up
and then suddenly just start free floating in space this is all science fiction illusion created by wires green
screens dark pools some permed hair and zero g planes in 1998 nasa claimed to have sent up
their first piece of the iss international space station they have been caught however time and
again with air bubbles forming and floating off in their official outer space footage
astronauts have also been caught using scuba space gear kicking their legs to move and astronaut luca parmitano even
almost drowned when water started filling up his helmet while allegedly on a spacewalk
it is admitted that astronauts train for their spacewalks in underwater training facilities like nasa’s neutral buoyancy
lab but what is obvious from their space bubbles and other blunders is that all
official spacewalk footage is also fake and filmed underwater
analysis of many interior videos from the international space station have shown the use of camera tricks such as
green screens harnesses and even wildly permed hair to achieve a zero gravity type effect
footage of astronauts seemingly floating in the zero gravity of their space station is indistinguishable from vomit
comet zero g airplane footage by flying parabolic maneuvers this
zero-g floating effect can be achieved over and over again then edited together
for longer uncut shots nasa has been caught using simple wires and green screens
in 2001 charles k johnson died and having lost all his flat earth material
and correspondence in his house fire the ifers was officially finished leo ferrari’s farcical flat earth
society on the other hand continued operation as usual making a mockery of the flat earth subject
in 2004 the reigns of fes presidency were handed over to daniel shenton of no
relation to genuine flat earther samuel shenton who true to ferrari’s example
maintains the flat earth society website to this day where they purport such fantastical purposeful disinformation as
the flat earth disc constantly rising upwards forever through the universe to account for gravity their sole purpose
as charles johnson correctly stated is clearly to poison the well and muddy the waters of truth
in 2008 teacher and author eric dubay that’s me began a website and published
a book titled the atlantean conspiracy which exposed among many other things freemasonry the fake moon landings
geocentricity and even featured a quote from ifer’s president charles k johnson
at the time i had already read samuel robotham and william carpenter’s old 19th century flat earth books and though
personally still on the fence regarding the shape of the earth i was confident they were correct about the location or
geocentricity of earth so i wrote about it in 2009 after watching alex jones
interview and praise several nasa astronauts on his show i wrote an article and sent a message to him and
his producers about the moon landing hoax and included a link to samuel robotham’s flat earth book for them to
read alex even mentioned this on air the next day and called me a flat earther who
thinks he’s covering up some atlantean conspiracy the title of my book and website
well well i mean i mean i mean the earth being flat that that’s clearly ridiculous though i’ve actually been contacted by some flat earthers saying
i’m covering up the fact that it’s it’s some atlantean conspiracy for the next several years i continued
writing books and articles about various conspiracies and worked on building a huge social media presence by making
multiple accounts adding as many friends and followers as possible joining and posting to as many groups and pages as
possible over the course of a few years i began building up very large followings on facebook google plus
linkedin twitter stumbleupon pinterest sue and many other sites to give you an
example of their efficacy you can see here my main google plus account with over 135 million views and my secondary
one with over 87 million in mid 2011 a professional artist
comedian and hollywood actor named math powerland claiming to also be an ex-nasa
whistleblower created the nasa channel on youtube he made a few decent videos exposing
nasa image fakery but his channel certainly did not contain many flat earth proofs or evidence and there are
more videos of him ranting about axe deodorant hookers on tinder his championship sexual prowess and other
irrelevant topics than there are actually exposing the flat earth for example see his recent video entitled
the history of the flat earth the same name and comparable length as the video you are watching now but contains almost
no content relating to history or the flat earth just him venting his various political frustrations
in short anyone visiting his channel would not become a flat earther and would more likely be turned off from the
subject due to his manic ranting style and lack of factual content in november of 2014
after years of researching and writing i released my book the flat earth conspiracy the first pro flat earth book
written in nearly 50 years i simultaneously released a flat earth conspiracy documentary on youtube began
giving radio interviews and published several influential articles on the subject within a very short space of time the
flat earth keyword saw a 600 rise in activity and google search results
jumped from a few thousand to over 21 million soon after this just as johnson had
experienced with ferrari i noticed a wave of disingenuous so-called flat earthers flooding into the movement with
the obvious intent to muddy the waters for example when i began writing my book
the flat earth conspiracy i came across paul michael bales on facebook a recent flat earth convert who had been
collecting a library of old original flat earth books and letters hoping to find some good reference
material i messaged him asking for recommended titles and he told me a few choice books to read
the full extent of our interaction consisted of a short facebook conversation yet curiously after my book
was published and the flat earth movement started growing paul began stating publicly that he was the
morpheus to my neo and that he taught me everything i know about the flat earth he even made the ludicrous claim that my
book was plagiarized from old facebook posts of his matt boylan aka math powerland also
jumped in and had the gall to say that quote my entire book was plagiarized from his information
which is equally laughable considering he and his information are only mentioned in two paragraphs of my 252
page book needless to say both of their claims are baseless and go to show how desperate
they are to receive credit where it is not due you can also see from this google
analytics chart that the flat earth keyword had not made any significant change in 2011 since the launch of
matt’s youtube channel nor in late 2012 early 2013 when paul claims to have
gotten his start the moment when the flat earth tides shifted and the exponential growth of
the movement began was clearly around and after november 2014 the exact month
when i exploded all of my flat earth research onto the internet in november 2014 i published the first
pro flat earth book written in 50 years the flat earth conspiracy i also published several popular articles on
the subject uploaded the most popular flat earth conspiracy documentary on youtube began giving radio interviews
and soon restarted charles johnson’s ifers the international flat earth research society and published my most
successful book ever 200 proofs earth is not a spinning ball which has now been
translated into 12 foreign languages and read by millions worldwide these simultaneous actions my
intentional exploding of credible flat earth information onto the internet all at once which i had been preparing for
the entire year before are undoubtedly the catalyst behind the exponential growth curve seen beginning here
later on around march 2015 recent flat earth convert mark sergeant came out of
nowhere began uploading new flat earth videos every day uploading new interviews several times per week got
offered his own radio show started being heralded by many as the king of flat earth and credited with starting the
modern flat earth revival at first i was glad to have him on board until the cracks began to show in the
clear disinformation campaign began mark claimed the moon and stars were holographic projections maintained by
alleged dome builders who keep us inside a truman show enclosed structure among
much other nonsense he even lied about me in several interviews including one where he claimed that i promoted the
idea of a constantly rising flat earth to account for gravity when in fact i constantly expose this false concept as
being disinformation mark was and continues to be the leo ferrari to my charles johnson
in fact mark has even bragged several times about being a card-carrying member of ferrari’s farcical organization
by new year’s eve 2016 our new ifers had gained over 3000 members and was
receiving 50 000 hits monthly when it was suddenly and without warning or explanation deleted from the internet
as the administrators and myself quickly worked on salvaging our material and creating a new site the obvious
parallels to johnson losing everything in his nasa agent-initiated house fire were noteworthy
around the same time two disingenuous flat earth channels issued two fraudulent copyright strikes against me
which i managed to overturn by filing legal counter claims against them youtube itself began a program of
regularly unsubscribing old subscribers of mine and lowering view counts of popular videos
shortly after that facebook also decided to jump on the eric dube censorship bandwagon by deleting my account all my
pages and giving my atlantean conspiracy group directly over to a team of freemason shills who still administrate
it to this day filling the group with nothing but death threats to me pictures of masonic goats and ridiculous
belittling memes after re-registering for new accounts and accumulating my friends lists again
facebook has now deleted two more profiles and i am currently on my fourth still trying my best to spread the word
in 2016 the movement continued to grow with many more genuine flat earthers
taking up the reigns and exposing the truth online as well as many more disingenuous shills continuing to poison
the well with misinformation the new ifers began thriving with more monthly visitors than ever before
many new flat earth youtube channels began creating and mirroring excellent content now in 2020 i am pleased with the rapid
growth of this wonderful flat earth movement and encourage everyone to please help speak out share this book
and spread the good word as we look forward to a future where humanity is finally free from this grandest of all
deceptions chapter 2
ancient polar mythologies nowadays and for the past five centuries
since the introduction of the heliocentric globe deception all world maps and explorers have depicted and
described the north pole and surrounding region as being nothing but an arbitrary
point in a semi-frozen tundra previous to this however depictions and
descriptions of the north pole and surrounding regions and world maps and ancient explorers accounts were very
different firstly before the 16th century the north pole was never once
shown or thought to be just some random ambiguous point amidst a low salinity
arctic ocean as it is now instead the north pole was universally described and depicted from diverse
cultures all across the earth as being a gigantic magnetic mountain situated
directly below polaris the prevailing belief was that compass needles the world over were actually
pointing to a huge lodestone mountain made of magnetite at the pole
in contrast to today’s prevailing belief that compass needles are pointing to some constantly moving magnetic field
generated by hypothetical molten metal existing at the center of a fantastical
globe earth while neither claim can be confirmed or denied without independent exploration
and experimentation it should be noted that nowhere in nature can we find molten metal which retains any
significant magnetic properties once heated past the curie point let alone
create some convoluted constantly moving dipolar field as is claimed by proponents of the fantasy ball earth
ancient buddhist vedic and jain traditional cosmologies all state that at the north pole magnetic center point
of earth exists a circular mountain of magnetite called mount meru
and sumerian traditions also referred to this place calling it mount sumeru in
ancient iran they spoke of mount hara berazati with a celestial spring on its
highest peak in the realm of the stars in early chinese writings there is mount
kunlun with a bronze pillar of heaven at the summit where the immortals dwell
often also called the pearl mountain a paradise home of four great rivers
around which the heavens revolve the turkmen tribes of southern turkistan
told of a copper pillar that marks the navel of the earth the mongols wrote of mount sumer with
the zambu tree on its summit the buryats of siberia talked of mount
sumur with the north pole star fastened to its summit the siberian dalmaks spoke of a mountain
lake from which four rivers flowed to the points of the compass the egyptians rode of the mound of the
first time which was the first land to appear from the waters and is the dwelling place of the high god the
source of light the muslims wrote of cough and the zoroastrians wrote of gurnagar the world
encircling mountains the navajos spoke of encircled mountain which was surrounded by four directional
mountains the dogan tribe of nigeria told of a cosmic pillar spanning 14 worlds which
was the roof post of the house of the high god amma the warao indians of the oronoco delta
in venezuela speak of a cosmic axis extending above the center of their earth disk
ancient greek mythology referred to mount olympus the home of the gods
the ancient germans told of urban soul a universal column which sustains
everything the norse edda spoke of asgard the berg of the gods rising in the center of
midgard the circular earth ptolemy recounted a legend involving magnetic islands which exerted such
strong attraction that ships with metal nails were held in place and unable to
leave in the arabic legend one thousand and one nights a magnetic mountain pulls all
the nails right out of their ship causing it to fall apart and sink the second tallest mountain in tanzania
is even named mount meru after its primordial partner at the pole
richard thompson wrote in many traditions the world mountain is identified symbolically with some local
mountain this is illustrated by mount olympus of the greeks mount albors of
the iranians and mount kunlun of the chinese in near eastern tradition the world
mountain is the small hill in jerusalem known as mount zion thus the circular continent centered on jerusalem in
medieval maps also possessed a symbolic world mountain john phillips wrote
jerusalem was paul’s lodestone the ancient mariners who set sail in their little cockleshell boats tended to hug
the coastline not daring to get too far from land aids to navigation were few and their
vessels were at the mercy of wind and wave the slightest sign of a storm would send them scurrying for refuge moreover
the dreams of those old-time venturers were haunted by the thoughts of the fabled lodestone mountain they believed
it had the power to draw their vessels to shipwreck on its shores against all the pull of tide and wind
isaiah wrote about a mountain set above all other mountains in the far recesses of the north where the gods meet called
mount zion in jerusalem genesis ezekiel and enoch all mention a
paradisical eden the mountain of god and source of four main rivers
genesis 2 10-14 reads and a river went out of eden to water
the garden and from thence it was parted and became into four heads the name of the first is pison that is
which compasseth the whole land of havilah where there is gold and the gold
of that land is good there is dellium and the onyx stone and the name of the second river is
gihon the same is it that compasses the whole land of ethiopia and the name of the third river is
that is it which goeth toward the east of assyria and the fourth river is euphrates
muhammad also spoke of four rivers and a divine tree in the srimad-bhagavatam four branches
of the celestial ganges flow out from brahmapuri on top of mount sumeru
in ancient canaan guru ili the mountain of el was the dwelling of el the creator
and a place of assembly for the demigods in one phoenician ivory carving from
around 1000 bc a deity is shown dressed to represent a mountain with four
streams coming out from the mountain god man at right angles similarly in an ancient acadian hymn to
the goddess ishtar she is addressed as the queen of the mountain of the world
and queen of the land of the four rivers of eric and she says i am lord of the steep
mountains which tremble whilst their summits reach to the firmament in the christian apocryphal book of
enoch enoch is taken by angels on a tour of the seven heavens and while in the
third heaven shown magnificent trees producing wonderful fruits with adjacent springs pumping honey milk oil and wine
to four directional rivers flowing down into paradisical eden an abode specially
prepared only for the pious and selfless similarly in the hindu cosmology four
trees in levarta varsa stand on great mountains producing rivers of nectar and
honey like fountains of youth providing health and vitality to all who drink of them while the central tallest jambu
tree rises to incredible heights and seems to cover all the heavens
richard thompson wrote in the bhagavata purana mount sumeru is surrounded by
four great mountains surrounded by four gigantic trees these include the jambu tree after which
jambuddhui is named four huge lakes of milk honey sugarcane juice and pure water are located between
the four mountains and these lakes confirm mystic powers on the celestial beings who bathe in them
there are also four celestial gardens near these lakes from the foot of each of the four trees
there flows a river that either emerges from the tree itself or from the fruits of the tree
these rivers of honey and different kinds of juice flow throughout the region of villavarta varsa surrounding
mount sumeru and they confer freedom from fatigue disease and old age on the
inhabitants of that region the yaku people of northeastern siberia
have their own strikingly similar ancient myth where a world tree of immeasurable age exists at the navel of
the earth just like the hindu jambu tree is born of the umbilical knot of brahma
the yaku world tree reaches into the high heavens with cones nine fathoms long and sap which imparts youthfulness
on all who consume it near the yakutri also lies a lake of sweet milk which is where the popular
modern japanese milk company yaku doubtless gets its inspiration
richard thompson wrote in different traditions the upper and lower worlds may be divided into several levels often
seven or nine in the center of the earth disc there is a world mountain or world
pillar that links middle earth to the lower and upper worlds the world mountain represents the polar
axis and the dwellings of great demigods are located on its summit the world mountain may be surrounded by
other mountains that define the cardinal directions and these directions may be associated with certain colors
four sacred rivers may also flow from the world mountain in the four cardinal directions there is a world tree that is
often situated on the world mountain or four world trees may be located on the neighboring directional mountains
the world tree extends from the earth to the heavens and it is nearly immortal it
is the source of rivers of nectar or pure water that give health and longevity to those who drink them
the tree stands in an earthly paradise where there are celestial gardens and rivers of various substances such as
milk oil and honey the tree or world pillar is often associated with a great eagle-like bird
that is the enemy of great serpents dwelling in the lower world
in ancient iranian thought a mountain called hera berezati or al borge stands
at the center of the earth a fixed point around which the sun moon and stars revolve at its summit lies the dwelling
place of ormus the lord of light complete with a giant miraculous tree an
edenic garden of ahura mazda and the celestial fountain are disor which is
the mother of all earthly water and flows down towards four cardinal points
into four large streams the bridge chinavad reaches from the peak of alberge to the solid vault of
heaven or gorodhman the home of the pious and blessed whilst underneath lies
the great gulf of dozak the abysmal abode of the lord of darkness araman
the earliest cosmogeny recorded by the japanese in their most ancient book the kojiki once again mirrors this recurring
mythology in the beginning izanagi and izanani the great god and goddess standing in heaven
drove a celestial spear into the endless sea and twisted it around until an island rose from the water
they then descended from heaven to earth and built a palace around the huge spear using it as the central pillar
this spear became the central axis of the world and their palace the birthplace of the human race
in the kojiki and shinto religion the creator and the north pole are so purposely and inseparably linked that
one of the often used names of god translates to the lord of the center of heaven
the inos supposed first inhabitants of japan whose name means offspring of the
centered are believed to have arrived onto the archipelago from the north and
bury their dead facing north to where their ancestors came into which their spirits would return
in buddhist funeral ceremonies bodies are cremated in special crematoriums
actually called meru which are essentially tall stone pillars with four
doors at the peak aligned to the cardinal directions with the belief that our reincarnated souls will pass mount
meru before returning to earthly bodies literally every temple and the little
spirit house shrines found in most buddhist homes are also representations of meru the abode of the gods aligned to
the four cardinal directions and opulently embellished with gold jewelry and metaphysical artwork
dr william warren wrote copen assures us that every orthodoxy constructed buddhist temple either is or
contains a symbolical representation of the divine regions of meru and of the
heaven of the gods saints and buddhas rising above it lily says the thirteen pyramidal layers
at the top of every temple in nepal represent the thirteen unchangeable heavens of amitabha
faber develops the evidence of this practice among the ancients with gratefulness and with respect to the
hindus and buddhists says each pagoda each pyramid each montiform high place
is invariably esteemed to be a copy of the holy hill meru
ancient south american traditions also believed the human race was birthed in the farthest north upon the highest of
mountains surrounded by perpetual clouds fountain head of the world’s waters and
home of god tlalak residing on their sacred paradise mountains klapalan
the first man quetzalcoatl was said to have drank the water of immortality from
clalux mountain and ruled as king throughout the golden age in mexico
the many incan mayan aztec and other step pyramids and temples aligned to
cardinal directions and devoted to the gods are representative of this world mountain
interestingly enough many modern mexican myths now represent the mountain as crooked or partially turned over
similarly in the ancient chinese taoist tradition a myth over four thousand
years old refers to shantae the highest of all gods who lives in
way described as a celestial space above the north pole shantae’s abode is said to exist
directly over the peak of mount kunlun which again places the highest god at
polaris as with the other cosmologies mount kunlun is a primeval paradise abode of
the gods with a world tree in the middle and a fountain of immortality from which four rivers flow outwards to the four
corners of the earth dr william warren wrote sparkling fountains and pearling streams
contain the far-famed ambrosia one may there rest on flowery carpeted
swards listening to the melodious warbling of birds or feasting upon the delicious fruits at once fragrant and
luscious which hang from the branches of the luxuriant groves whatever there is beautiful in landscape
or grand in nature may also be found there in the highest state of perfection all is charming all enchanting and
whilst nature smiles the company of genie delights the ravished visitor where now is the paradise mountain
located at the north pole immediately over the central peak of kunlun appears the polar star which is
shangtae’s heavenly abode in the central place the polar star of heaven the one
bright one the great monad always dwells in accordance with this conception the
emperor and his assistants when officiating before the altar of heaven always face the north the pole star
itself is a prominent object of worship both the ancient orientals and greeks
turned to face north before commencing prayer homer states that when addressing the
gods of mount olympus they would stretch their arms toward the northern sky and plato also confirms that this holy
habitation of zeus was placed in the center of the world heraclitus said that it touches the
ether and casts a shadow 5000 stadia in length herodotus stated the mountain to be very
tapering and round so lofty moreover that the top cannot be seen the clouds
never quitting at either summer or winter the natives call this mountain the pillar of heaven and they themselves
take their name from it being called atlantes they are reported not to eat any living
thing strabo claimed it was an earthly paradise with gigantic olive trees and
grape clusters a cubit in length pliny described a river of milk descending from great heights and called
the mountain a fabulous among maximus tyrius claimed the ocean waves
stopped short before reaching the mountain standing up like a wall around its base though unrestrained by any
earthly barrier nothing but the air and the sacred thicket prevent the water from reaching
the mountain in the fado socrates is quoted as saying all things that grow trees and flowers
and fruit are fairer than any here and there are hills and stones in them smoother and more transparent and fairer
in color than our highly valued emeralds and sardonics and jaspers and other gems
which are but minute fragments of them for there all the stones are like our precious stones and fairer still
the temperament of their seasons is such that the inhabitants have no disease and live much longer than we do and have
sight and hearing and smell and all the other senses and much greater perfection and they have temples and sacred places
in which the gods really dwell and they hear their voices and receive their answers and are conscious of them and
hold converse with them and they see the sun the moon and stars as they really are
dr william warren wrote the evidence that an ancient hellenic thought also the heaven of the gods was
in the northern sky is incidental but cumulative and satisfactory for example
heaven is upheld by atlas but the terrestrial station of atlas as we have elsewhere shown is at the north pole
again olympus was the abode of the gods but if the now generally current etymology of this term is correct
olympus was simply the atlantean pillar pictured as a lofty mountain and supporting the sky at its northern pole
in fact many writers now affirm that the olympus of greek mythology was originally simply the north polar
world mountain of the asiatic nations the ancient germanic and finnish people
also when praying or sacrificing to the gods always faced north and in the scandinavian edis both asgard and a
doveler are represented as the navel or center of the world
for them atop the yikdasil tree at earth’s center was the heavenly asgard
home of the gods today we still pay respect to this primitive tradition at christmas when we top our symbolic world
trees with a bright yellow pole star dr william warren wrote
we have already seen that the term naval was anciently used in many languages for center and that the pole or central
point of the revolving constellations was the navel of heaven but as to the celestial pole there
corresponds a terrestrial one so it is only natural that to the term the navel of heaven there should be the
corresponding expression the navel of the earth beginning with christian traditions let us make a pilgrimage to
the church of the holy sepulchre at jerusalem there in the portion belonging to the greek christians we shall
discover a round pillar some two feet high projecting from the marble pavement but supporting nothing if we inquire as
to its purpose we shall be informed that it is designed to mark the exact center or navel of the earth
early pilgrims and chroniclers refer to this curious monument but its antiquity
no one knows in the indian puranas both the terms naval of the earth and navel of heaven
are used repeatedly and always referring to a place not in or near india but
rather at the north pole hymns from the rigveda speak of the supporting column of heaven otherwise
known as the atlas pillar of vedic cosmology and describe it as standing upon the navel of earth
in the fifth verse of the 185th hymn day and night are represented as twin
sisters in the bosom of their parents heaven and earth where they lock arms and spin circles around a common center
point namely the navel this is also echoed in a mysterious passage by quintus curtius which has
baffled modern commentators stating how the object which represented the divine being resembled a naval set in gems
dr william warren wrote if anything is needed to disprove the common notion that geographical
ignorance and national self-esteem first governed the ancient peoples and locating in their own countries navels
of the earth it is furnished by what is in all probability the oldest epic in the world
that of izubar fragments of which have survived in the oldest literature of babylonia
these fragments show that the earliest inhabitants of the tigro euphrates basin located the center of the earth not in
their own midst but in a far-off land of sacred associations where the holy house
of the gods is situated a land into the heart whereof man hath not penetrated a
place underneath the overshadowing world tree and beside the full waters
no description could more perfectly identify the spot with the arctic pole of ancient asiatic mythology yet this
testimony stands not alone for in the fragment of another ancient text translated by seice in the records of
the past we are told of a dwelling which the gods created for the first human
beings a dwelling in which they became great and increased in numbers and the
location of which is described in words exactly corresponding to those of iranian indian chinese adaik and aztec
literature namely in the center of the earth among the ancient inca subjects of peru
was found the same idea of a naval of the earth and even among the chickasaws of mississippi
thus is all ancient thought full of this legendary idea of a mysterious primeval
holy paradisic earth center a spot connected as is no other with the center
of heaven the paradise of god why it should be so no one has ever told us but the hypothesis which places the
biblical eden at the pole and makes all later earth navals commemorative of that primal one affords a perfect explanation
in the light of it there is no difficulty in understanding that earth center in jerusalem with which we began
the inconspicuous pillar in the church of the holy sepulchre symbolizes and commemorates far more than the
geographical ignorance of medieval ages it stands for the japanese pillar by
which the first soul born upon earth mounted to the sky it stands for the world column of the
east arians in the chinwat bridge of iran it stands for the law proclaiming pillar of aura calcum in atlantis placed
in the center of the most central land it stands for that talmudic pillar by means of which the tenants of the
terrestrial paradise mount to the celestial and having spent the sabbath return to pass the week below
it symbolizes cardo atlas meru harabarazatai karsakura every fabulous
mountain on whose top the sky pivots itself and around which all the heavenly bodies ceaselessly revolve it
perpetuates a religious symbolism which existed in its region before ever jerusalem had been made the hebrew
capital we’re calling to our modern world the taboo of a period anterior to the days of
samuel in tradition it is said to mark the precise spot once the clay was taken out
of which the body of adam was modeled it does so but it does it in a language and method which were common to all the
most ancient nations of the earth it points not to the soil in which it stands but to the holier soil of a far
away primitive eden in freemasonic temples on freemasonic tracing boards and upon freemasonic
aprons can be found similar symbolism pointing to these concepts namely a flat earth framed by pillars
covered by an arch firmament often with the tallest or most prominent pillar
positioned centrally and a single eye representing polaris situated above it
the sun and moon are also usually shown on either side representing their paths and positions over and around the flat
earth this knowledge was clearly widespread among the ancient world but in modern times has become occulted by certain
such secret societies and vested interests dr william warren wrote
everywhere therefore in the most ancient ethnic thought in the egyptian acadian
assyrian babylonian indian persian chinese and greek everywhere is
encountered this conception of what looked at with respect to its base and magnitude is called the mountain of the
world but looked at with respect to its glorious summit and its celestial inhabitants is styled the mountain of
the gods we need not pursue the investigation further enough has been said to warrant
the assertion of dr samuel beale it is plain that this idea of a lofty central
primeval mountain belonged to the undivided human race elsewhere the same learned synalogue has
said i have no doubt that the idea of a central mountain and of the rivers flowing from it and the abode of the
gods upon its summit is a primitive myth derived from the earliest traditions of our race
in concluding this sketch of ancient cosmology one further questioned naturally and inevitably thrusts itself
upon us it is this how are the rise and the so wide diffusion of this singular world view to
be explained in other words how came it to pass that the ancestors of the oldest historic
races and peoples agreed to regard the north pole as the true summit of the earth and the circumpolar sky as the
true heaven chapter 3
early polar maps and exploration
the ancient world’s mythologies regarding a magnetic mountain four directional rivers and other more
fantastical features at the north pole are shockingly consistent but what did
the earliest known explorers historians and cartographers have to say about the subject
pythius the earliest recorded explorer of the north pole in the 4th century bc
claimed to discover an island he called tulay or thule the farthest northern
land and gave an account sounding straight out of ancient mythology in his lost book entitled on the ocean
pythius wrote the island was more than forty thousand stadia and in this region
there was no longer either land properly so-called or sea or air but a kind of
substance concreted from all these elements resembling a sea lungs a thing
which the earth the sea and all the elements are held in suspension and this
is a sort of bond to hold altogether which you can neither walk nor sail upon
pythius claimed upon reaching the northernmost point accessible that land air and water somehow became like one
substance similar to a jellyfish and was completely impassable
little remains of pythius’s original account but second-hand sources like strabo inform us regarding the
inhabitants of the surrounding northern islands he says that of the animals and domesticated fruits there is an utter
dearth of some and scarcity of others and that the people live on millet and other herbs and on fruits and roots and
where there are grain and honey the people get their beverage also from them as for the grain he says
since they have no pure sunshine they pounded out in large storehouses after first gathering in the ears thither for
the threshing floors become useless because of this lack of sunshine and because of the reigns
pliny the elder also wrote of pythius’s journey in his naturalis historia
stating that on summer days the sun approached nearer to the top of the world owing to a natural circuit of
light the underlying parts of the earth have continuous days for six months at a time and continuous nights when the sun
has withdrawn in the opposite direction towards winter pythius of morelus writes that this
occurs in the island of thule six days voyage north from britain pythius states
that north of britain the tides rise 80 cubits the most remote of all is toulet
in which we have pointed out there are no nights at mid-summer when the sun is passing through the sign of the crab
and on the other hand no days at mid-winter indeed some writers think this is the
case for periods of six months at a time without a break one day’s sale from thule is the frozen
ocean called by some the cronian sea benjamin franklin decosta wrote the
earliest voyage to the north that is claimed for pythius the distinguished phoenician astronomer and geographer of
marcel’s who flourished 320 bc his works were extent in the 5th century
but are no longer found pliny and eratosthenes gave full credit to his narrations though strabo shows
great hostility to pythius whose accounts he refused to receive saying that he made use of his acquaintance
with astronomy and mathematics to fabricate his false narrative pliny however with more reason thought
that he employed his knowledge in practical exploration the latest editor of strabo does not
share in his author’s doubt according to pliny and others pythius sailed through the straits of gibraltar
making his way north to the british isles whether it was the custom of his countrymen to resort and after traveling
over england on foot proceeded northward to a place called tule six days sail
from the northern part of britain even before the fourth century bc similar claims were made by ancient
greek and roman poets and historians like pindar herodotus hezowid homer then
later virgil and cicero regarding hyperborea and the hyperboreans meaning
place or people beyond the north wind they said the people of hyperborea were
giants who lived for over a thousand years and enjoyed lives of perfect happiness
in another lost book written in the 4th century bc hakadus of abdera collated
all the known stories written about the hyperboreans deodorant siculus references this lost work stating that
in the regions beyond the land of the celts there lies in the ocean an island no smaller than sicily this island the
account continues is situated in the north and is inhabited by the hyperboreans who are called by that name
because their home is beyond the point whence the north wind boreous blows and
the island is both fertile and productive of every crop and has a temperate climate
the classical greek poet pindar wrote that never the muse is absent from their
ways liars clash and flutes cry and everywhere made in chorus is whirling
neither disease nor bitter old age is mixed in their sacred blood far from labor and battle they live and
reminiscent of pythius’s strange account pindar stated that neither by ship nor
on foot would you find the marvelous road to the assembly of the hyperboreans
similar to thule and hyperborea the celts also had their northern terrestrial paradise known as avalon
saint brandon son of finn logo a famous saint of the irish church who died in
576 a.d was allegedly the first to reach this land during a sea voyage to the
north similar to other ancient accounts st brandon mentioned a fountain with four
directional streams and claimed there were magnificent castles and castle halls lighted with self-luminous stones
and adorned with all manner of precious jewels surpassing description in 1035 a.d archbishop adelbert the
vicar of scandinavia sent a team of frisian nobles to explore the northern
polar region after which adam of bremen recorded their experiences in the book
jesta hama bergensis ecclesiae pontificum similar to accounts of the
hyperboreans the frisian explorers claimed to reach an island where they
encountered giant human beings living in caves and underground hollows the giants
domiciles were adorned in gold and precious metals which some of the frisians stupidly attempted to steal and
were swiftly chased back to their boats minus one of their comrades caught by a giant who quote in a twinkling tore him
to pieces before their eyes they never reached the north pole or a
magnetic mountain but did encounter an incredible feature long alleged to surround them
ancient norse legend states that a gigantic violent maelstrom or whirlpool