Eclipses Explained On Flat Earth
among the top 10 flatter channels on
youtube with the highest subscriber
oliver ibanez currently holds second
place with
536 000 subscribers
but many of us english speakers have
never even heard of him
that is because his channel is entirely
in spanish
so today i’m going to translate one of
his videos for you that he made back in
2017 about eclipses
please enjoy
alright everyone i’m oliver and today i
want to talk to you about eclipses on
the flat earth
in this video we will see how eclipses
are actually predicted and the real
cause behind them we are often told that
it is because of the heliocentric model
that eclipses can be predicted with
total accuracy
but nothing is farther from the truth
since eclipses are not calculated
following the heliocentric model but
rather are calculated following time
intervals that were discovered thousands
of years ago
in his book the true system of the
james guillespie wrote a lot about them
before the current heliocentric theory
even existed
hundreds of years before christ
ancient civilizations already knew what
caused eclipses and knew how to predict
their timing with great accuracy as well
as the movements of the sun moon and
stars in the earth review of 1897
thomas george ferguson wrote no doubt
some will say
well how do astronomers foretell
eclipses and such so accurately this is
done by cycles
the chinese for thousands of years have
been able to predict the various solar
and lunar eclipses and do so now in
spite of their disbelief in the theories
of newton and copernicus
sir robert ball in his book the story of
the heavens wrote if we look at all the
eclipses in a period of 18 or 19 years
then we can predict with enough accuracy
all future eclipses
it is only necessary to know that within
18 years and 11 days after an eclipse a
similar one will occur again
this is the rule that allowed ancient
astronomers to predict eclipses
samuel robotham
and his book earth not a globe wrote the
simplest method of predicting a future
eclipse is to take tables that have been
formed over hundreds of years of careful
any observer can form their own tables
if you collect the calendars of the last
40 years
the time of the eclipses and each year
can then be separated and organized into
a table
after examining the table the observer
will soon realize that there are cycles
of eclipses that are repeated when
reaching eclipse number 19 or 20 they
will see that it is a repetition of the
first eclipses in the table
so following this method it will be very
easy to predict similar future eclipses
modern science has nothing to do with
the predictions that the ancient
civilizations already made
the only thing modern science has done
is make these predictions a little more
precise as a result of having a broader
observation period
according to the heliocentric theory
a lunar eclipse is formed when the earth
is interposed exactly between the sun
and moon
the earth then casts its shadow on the
thus causing the lunar eclipse
but this explanation has already been
refuted by frederick henry cook in his
book the terrestrial plane he writes
according to the heliocentric theory a
lunar eclipse occurs when the sun the
earth and the moon are in a straight
but it is documented that since the 15th
century more than 50 eclipses have
occurred while both the sun and moon
were still visible above the horizon
in other words the sun and the moon were
visible at the same time in the sky
while the moon was eclipsed for example
on july 19th of 1750 in paris observers
saw an eclipsed moon while the sun was
clearly seen in the sky above the
the same thing happened in the eclipses
of april 20th of 1837
september 20th of 1700 june 16th of 1666
november 3rd of 1648 and july 17th of
1590 also a recent documented event
occurred on august 16th of 1989 in
hawaii where the partially eclipsed moon
could be seen rising while the sun was
still setting
that means the sun the earth and the
moon were not aligned while the lunar
eclipse occurred
so it is impossible that the eclipse was
caused by the earth’s shadow being
projected onto the moon
another thing they say
is that the solar eclipse occurs when
the moon stands between the earth and
the sun
the moon covering the exact
circumference of the sun
this already improbable scenario is
refuted by recordings where it can be
seen that it is not the moon covering
the sun during an eclipse
showing us the moon does not cause the
solar eclipse
on march 20th of 2015
a total eclipse of the sun took place
and the travel quest international
company organized a flight of 50 people
to observe this phenomenon from the
north atlantic and this is where the
subject gets interesting
several passengers filmed the totality
of the eclipse
and the recordings show black orbs
orbs without light around the sun
and one of these orbs was covering the
sun at the moment of the eclipse
the possibility of these orbs being
stains on the window of the plane is
ruled out when we analyze the images and
apply these green and red lines
and we see that the orbs move in
relation to the sun
while the spots in the airplane window
do not move at all
so they are clearly two objects in a
different space
the orbs are in the sky next to the sun
so they all move together
in contrast to the spots inside the
plane on the window
the television networks that broadcasted
these images showed edited recordings
they edited the black orbs out of the
original recording
the existence of these non-luminescent
orbs in the sky has been corroborated
for thousands of years by astronomers
and observers
in the report of the council of the
royal astronomical society in june of
1850 it was written that we must
seriously doubt that the moon is the
only satellite of the earth
in the report of the academy of sciences
on october 12th of 1846
and again in august of 1947
the director of one of the french
observatories showed a series of
calculations and observations that led
him to conclude the following
there is at least one
non-luminescent celestial body
of considerable size attached to the
earth as a satellite
the astronomer and mathematician sir
john herschel admitted that there are
invisible moons in the firmament another
astronomer and mathematician john lubach
thought so as well and even showed
formulas for calculating their distances
at the reunion of the british
association for the advancement of
science in 1850
the president said the following
the view is gaining popularity through
the stars were accompanied by large orbs
that never emitted light
the best astronomer of our time sent me
a letter in july of 1844
he said
i continue to believe
that proxion and sirius are really
double stars and that each is made up of
a visible and invisible star painstaking
research at konasberg by peter sauber
supports the belief that there are
invisible stars in the sky
johann heinrich lambert a mathematician
physicist astronomer and philosopher
wrote that there are large dark cosmic
the existence of these non-luminescent
orbs in the sky has been widely
documented over the centuries
however the elite hide the truth from us
and instead show us computer graphics a
technique that obviously no longer works
with people who have woken up
people who follow my channel will
already know that the government agency
of nasa is a big fraud
and is just a setup
in the case of eclipses
all they offer us is a false explanation
of reality about how they are formed and
recordings where these orbs are edited
out the truth is that these
non-luminescent orbs exist
and these celestial bodies seem to be
the direct cause of eclipses
thank you all very much for being here
until next time this message has been
brought to you by oliver ibanez and the
flat earth institute of science
Not The Moon Causing the Solar Eclipse
Upcoming Eclipses Predicted
- 1 Apr 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
- 2 Oct 2, 2024 Annular Solar Eclipse
- 3 Mar 29, 2025 Partial Solar Eclipse
- 4 Feb 17, 2026 Annular Solar Eclipse
- 5 Aug 12, 2026 Total Solar Eclipse
- 6 Feb 6, 2027 Annular Solar Eclipse
- 7 Aug 2, 2027 Total Solar Eclipse
- 8 Jan 26, 2028 Annular Solar Eclipse
- 9 Jul 22, 2028 Total Solar Eclipse
- 10 Jun 1, 2030 Annular Solar Eclipse