astute internet sleuths continue
analyzing anomalies and inconsistencies
it’s becoming increasingly clear that
the so-called final experiments 24-hour
Antarctic sun was just another faked
event recorded on a film set unbeknownst
to most for the past few years portable
panoramic 360° LED Studio setups now
exist and are being used for Hollywood
Productions like the Mandalorian and
many others Amazon volume or Amazon
Studio 15 for example are
state-of-the-art Studios which take the
standard of green or blue screen
technology and completely blow it out of
the water with new 360° panoramic LED
screen Studios the entire background and
ceiling or sky are digitally created in
Unreal Engine then projected l in up to
16k resolution so the actors on set can
see react and interact with everything
in real time Amazon’s sets comprise
3,000 seamlessly connected LED panels 80
ft in diameter and nearly 3 stories tall
13,700 cubic feet of interactive space
keeping all this in mind let’s review
some footage from the final experiment
to begin with watch the supposed Sun
circling around during their 24-hour
time-lapse video and pay close attention
to its
shape notice how the Sun changes from
circular to being smooshed down
horizontally back to perfectly circular
then smooshed across vertically and then
again this is not how the Sun usually
looks or behaves in person or in genuine
footage of the phenomenon from the
Arctic now pay attention to the changes
in length and direction of mun’s Shadow
as he Paces around the base
camp in the space of walking only a
matter of feet his shadow somehow
completely changes Direction and triples
length watch as his shadow stretches
contracts and sharply changes angles
within the space of just a few
Paces this is not at all normal behavior
of Shadows being cast by sunlight or of
a man walking only a few
steps the following is a simple
demonstration of how light and shadows
work depending on the distance of the
source in the first example the light
source is held close to the action
figure as he moves along the table and
we see quite pronounced changes in the
length and direction of his
shadow in the second example the light
light source is held farther away from
the action figure as he moves along the
table and we see much less change in the
shadow length and
direction in reality the sun is much
farther away in scale than this
demonstration allows for as well so even
the amount of change seen here is being
generous a man walking such a short
distance outside should never have a
shadow that changes Direction 90° and
triples in length
now let’s watch as mkun and Austin wit
it respond to commenters asking them to
show their breath in the
Antarctic as they blow hot air out their
mouths in freezing temperatures there
should be a Cloudy Mist that forms in
front of their faces as the water vapor
in their breath
condenses instead however every time
they blow not a trace of fog
appears in wit’s live stream he claimed
this was because the air hair was
allegedly too dry there someone then
asks him to pick up some snow which he
initially refuses to do because his
hands would be too
cold so he turns his camera off walks
into the shed to grab some gloves then
comes back in front of the camera and
exhales one and a half breaths which now
mysteriously do show Vapor appearing in
front of his face only to abruptly stop
again he says to the camera there’s a
little breath what’s up now as if
somehow proving the Skeptics wrong and
claiming that he took a sip of water in
the shed which was supposed to account
for it another camera recording from a
different angle however caught wit it
while exiting the shed doing what
appears to be hitting a vape pen just
before turning his camera back
on for comparative purposes here is what
someone’s breath looks like during
winter in Maine
USA every time you exhale there is a
visibly noticeable cloudy fog that
condenses from the difference in
temperature between the hot air in your
lungs and the cold air
outside so after exhaling his Vape hit
into the camera rather than picking up
some of the snow that was all around him
for some reason Austin walks several
feet away and picks up a bit of snow
from over there there then walks it back
to the camera and lets it fall to the
ground if snow is everywhere all around
him why did he have to walk way over
there to get
some anytime closeup footage of their
feet was shown their Footprints always
failed to make any impression in the
snow here he moves his left foot and
there is no impression footprint or
snow another thing apparent while
watching the footage was the complete
lack of wind or any precipitation
whatsoever throughout the live stream
footage I don’t recall a single instance
of any wind or even a light Breeze
strong enough to affect their hair or
microphones even on a calm sunny day if
they were really outside and not in a
studio we should see or hear the effect
of wind on their bodies or microphones
but it was mysteriously absent the
entire time
jiren wit it and others involved also
made comments several times about how
the mountains in the distance seemed so
close that you could touch them but that
they were actually several miles away
the mountains do seem strangely closer
than they should appear and if you pay
attention to where the background and
foreground meet in footage from the
final experiment particularly the
24-hour Sun time lapse it seems we are
seeing where the digital backdrop ends
and the studio floor
begins there is a separation line
indicative of a film set apparent in
much of the footage and made clear
through the use of video editing
technology by adjusting the contrast it
becomes clear where Studio reality meets
digital fakery in the 24-hour time-lapse
Sun footage the mountains and sky are
both chroma keyed out showing they are
both part of the studio
backdrop compare this to other footage
taken at Union Glacier when chroma key
is applied only the sky disappears
leaving the real mountains
untouched this makes the case that the
final experiment is potentially a
mixture of doctor Studio footage to fake
the 24-hour sun and other authentic
footage actually taken from Union
Antarctica the founder of this final
experiment Pastor Will Duffy has also
had a recent clip surface from a sermon
of his that gives some real insight into
the mind of the man behind this
okay we finally get to my conclusion on
the matter of lying in deception and
that is this after carefully looking at
both sides of the debate and after
taking a very deep dive into everything
I could possibly find in scripture
regarding lying and deception I have
come to the conclusion that neither
lying nor deception are inherently