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VEGAN 2018 – The Film

VEGAN 2018

Imagine many decades from now, they’ll be saying, “Can you believe that our ancestors used to eat animals?” and all the healthy children of the world will turn up their noses in disgust and confusion. My only regret in this lifestyle is not doing it sooner. I’m sorry for all the times I called vegans protein deficient. I’m sorry for reading the books I was given on the subject too late. I’m sorry I didn’t wake up until last year…but I’m glad I did…and I hope more people follow in that path. Learning on your own really helps–doing your own research on these subjects from your own curiosity. We just need to spark people by asking a few necessary questions to have them question their own judgements. Easier said than done, but this is not a fad. This is not a short-term “diet”. This is a lifestyle…and one worth living. Save the planet, save the animals, and save your own lives. 💚

Grow.Glow. Flow

I’ve been vegan for almost 10 months now, some days are hard for me as I want to resort back to my old diet because of my family, some friends, co workers, etc judging me and well missing my moms food..but seeing this video gives me hope and for the rest of my life I will try my best to remain vegan for the animals although I’m not perfect but to me it’s about the effort 💚