Real Eyes Realize Real Lies 2018 Documentary Hibbeler Productions
The Earth is NOT a spinning ball of water in “outer space”. You just have to do the research, and you too will see, that the Earth being a stationary plane is not a conspiracy. Wake up and spread the truth! God bless you all! Please help us keep this truth frequency a float. Any donations will be greatly appreciated!
if you take a step back and look at the
earth that sucker is around as you’re
gonna get so it’s not actually a sphere
it’s like pear-shaped
it’s a sphere so people have known that
the earth is spherical for thousands of
years it’s not okay to say that the
earth is flat this is some sort of
strange denial I don’t know where it
comes from and it’s something where I
keep getting this question we really
need to put this question to bed because
we’ve known the earth as a sphere for a
long time
look at pictures from space where you
see the earth as a sphere those pictures
are not fake the earth isn’t quite a
sphere it’s a little Loula it’s spin as
Luth stretched it made it slightly
oblate the earth as a sphere but the
earth isn’t quite a sphere it just makes
no [ __ ] sense this is [ __ ]
[ __ ]
I’m skeptical I’m very skeptical but I
have an open mind
you see I’m pretty unique in the respect
that I actually will challenge my own
belief system challenge my own worldview
I’m not afraid to do that many Americans
are they just have gut instinctual
emotional responses and if it doesn’t go
with their familiar narrative of how
they think the world’s supposed to work
they ridicule they laugh they engage
themselves in groupthink they are afraid
afraid to question their current reality
when you realize that we’ve been lied to
about everything when it comes to space
people wonder why I don’t trust NASA
that’s why I don’t trust NASA
everybody’s trying to show you stuff
from space and you want you to keep
rejected this is why I reject it these
guys are liars
NASA we’re coming for you coming for
sixty years you’ve been faking space
there are no spheres in the heavens the
experts have devised them in the
imagination so it was easier to
understand their movements so what’s
that mean well I mean stars are not just
guilty of a cover-up the likes of which
has never been seen in human history
everything and I mean everything that we
were taught about space about the
planets about the orbits as a hoax it’s
a lie
it means our entire idea of the cosmos
isn’t just wrong it’s very wrong
astronomically wrong so any scientists
and he physicists out there gonna do
anything nor is the scientific community
just gonna sit there and do nothing you
guys are really just making it harder
for the truth to come out by protecting
these frauds and the Liars that deceived
all of us
right now we only can fly in Earth orbit
that’s the furthest that we can go in
this new system that we’re building it’s
gonna allow us to go beyond and
hopefully take humans into the solar
system to explore so the moon Mars
asteroids there’s a lot of destinations
that we could go to and we’re building
these building block components in order
to allow us to do that eventually
we only search in spline for with deaths
of partnership down
ever made from the lighthouse I just
can’t tell you how a gurney to another
planet a manned mission to Mars I should
tell you that the first mission is
scheduled to land on Mars on July the
4th 1997 Independence Day we will
undertake extended human missions to the
moon as early as 2015 with the goal of
living and working there for
increasingly extended periods of time
human missions to Mars and to worlds
beyond but I just have to say pretty
blunt way here
we’ve been there before there’s a lot
more of space to explore and a lot more
to learn when we do the last month we
launched a new spacecraft as part of a
reenergized space program that will send
American astronauts to Mars we will
establish a foundation for an eventual
mission to Mars that perhaps someday too
many worlds beyond if we dare to dream
big and that’s what our country is doing
again we’re dreaming big
you can tell it’s real because it looks
so fake the moon is supposedly 238,000
miles away it’s noticeably much closer
closer the Sun – which is why on a flat
earth the Sun is able to set due to
on the flat plane it’s closer it’s
smaller so the further it travels away
from you it appears to go down
it’s far enough away to where you can’t
see the light when we have hot spots
proving locality that it can be 93
million miles away
we are looking at a very local son
if your face is the brilliant Sun thank
you and this is earth and the moon is
over here the Sun is always casting
earth shadow into space so the moon
occasionally passes through that shadow
and if you see the shape of Earth’s
shadow on the moon it is always round
always round
one flat disc moving across another flat
disc as the circular shadow moves along
the moon it maintains its circular shape
the hallway at the same pace
the moon is not a spirit on
in the made-up heliocentric life as the
shadow moves on to a sphere it is
wrapping around its curve starting from
the outer edge and moving towards the
middle the shadow takes on the spherical
contour and bends upward at its height
then falls backwards in a barrel
distorted minute
we’ve been programmed and indoctrinated
to believe in this round spinning ball
earth flying through space if you watch
movies you’ll start to notice all the
time you’re seeing this right in your
face if you think about it you were
shown the globe and taught before you
can even think for yourself or even
barely walk you were taught the globe
model this stuff is imprinted in our
minds and we grow up and it’s hard to
let go
the definition of a fisheye lens is an
ultra wide-angle lens that produces
strong visual distortion to create a
wide panoramic or hemispherical image
whenever you start to tilt it upwards or
downwards that’s where you get the
curvature distortion so if you tilt the
lens upwards in relationship the horizon
it’s gonna kind of curve up and create a
bowl type of effect if you tilt it
downward it’s gonna create a sphere or a
kind of an orb
you see the curve that’s the curves the
earth and it’s not very deep drop the
video yourself a lot to yourself 127
thousand feet and it’s a completely how
we go how we get from that to this curve
uphill idea I dunno spiral ends
assertion and they’re trying to deceive
everybody besides Hollywood movies and
TV shows these wide-angle camera lenses
are the only reason you’ll ever witness
curvature it’s the very reason why most
people believe they have seen curvature
because at 120,000 Plus speeds there is
no curvature when you use a normal lens
that’s not distorted its 2018 if you do
know that the earth is not a giant
spinning ball then you are either
holding yourself back on purpose or
you’re a ship to all those of you who
can’t possibly imagine a deception so
large it’s time to realize that this
isn’t a conspiracy anymore
you just need to do the research and
you’ll see that we don’t and can’t live
on a spinning ball in space period math
is not really not really flying around
the curve of the earth then he should be
dipping the nose down every five minutes
you should be flipping the nose down to
stay around the curve that’s absolute
proof that the plane flies over a flat
surface rather than a curved one
earth doesn’t move if you look into the
experiments to prove that the earth is
spinning all of them fail
we have been led to believe that the Sun
goes down below horizon as we roll away
from it on our spinning ball earth when
we allow ourselves to question the
challenge or even try to confirm our
beliefs with real-life observations we
allow ourselves to see what we really
see even if we cannot understand it and
perhaps we are not supposed to
understand it and that is the point of
watching a son travel away from us
getting smaller and smaller and becoming
a speck on the horizon the
the band of convergence the Sun appears
to be exactly where we see it forget it
why it is so bright out you can’t see
anything in the sky except the Fox
satellite now I did not say that little
lights can’t go across the sky but they
I said orbiting the metal expensive
satellites don’t exist it’s a scam on
you and on me go ahead and try and prove
satellites exist you won’t and you can’t
what we’re calling satellite
communication is landline communication
most of the world’s communication
systems are land-based that is a fact
and that shouldn’t be a fact if
satellites are real okay none of the
stuff we use in our world today require
the use of a satellite alright key word
ground-based I know that this satellite
program is straight bogus and that the
billions of money that they’re getting
from us in taxes is being used to turn
around and deceive us why you keep
filling these towers if we’re paying for
anyway they could exist is to hover
above a certain height above the flat
plane earth and they would be stationary
captain thinks the world is around sea
but we all know it’s a flat right of
course it’s black sure I know the world
is black
so noise everybody knows that think
you’re on our side we’re gonna take over
the boat throw pull up as you chains and
Anna for all good I did the words Google
Flat Earth were found carved into the
river slide kill in letters that were 10
feet long the world is wide world is
flat not debatable it’s flat the world
is flat to earth is flat the earth is
flat is flapping earth is flat the hood
is fluff whoa is flat the world is flat
like a son of a [ __ ] you’re giving us a
lot to process
true or false the earth is round false
can you please explain your answer it
hasn’t been proven why do you believe
you’ll prove it without using Nassau or
any other Space Agency who you’re at
this flat I don’t see any curvature
curvature curvature
I mean it’s definitely not curving down
if anything the horizon is rising to
meet our eye line
this is a group of social criminals
these people in the space program Nass
holes I call them I have a very low
tolerance level for stupid [ __ ]
every one of those items is provably
untrue at one level or another but we
believe them because they’re pounded
into our heads from the time we’re
children that’s what they do with that
kind of stuff they put it in the heads
of kids they pound it in there because
kids they know kids are too young to be
able to mount a sophisticated argument
against these kind of ideas and so kids
and up to a certain age by the way kids
are gonna believe everything a grown-up
tells them everything
so they took kids never learned to
question things nobody questions things
in this country anymore nobody questions
things why people are too fat and happy
people are way too [ __ ] prosperous
for their own good everyone’s got a cell
phone that’ll make pancakes and rub
their balls on Americans of its silence
bought off in silence by gizmos and toys
and as a result no one’s ever learned to
question things kids who want to learn
to read are gonna learn to read much
more important to teach children to
question what they read
there’s not one authentic picture of
this oblate pear-shaped spinning ball
that they claim we live on I’m sorry to
tell you the only thing that’s been to
space is your imagination there is no
such thing as space
for thousands of years all ancient
civilizations knew the earth was flat
until 500 years ago they took the Word
of God they turned it upside down they
said no we were evolved around the Sun
the Suns in the middle and we’re
spinning through space
and wobbling with the Sun and over six
hundred thousand miles per hour when an
organization of pseudo-sciences tell me
to go completely against what all my
senses tell me that we’re stationary and
flat I see it is it’s flat it’s a
moveable and I won’t go outside when I
send a camera without GoPro or fisheye
lens when I’ve sent a balloon up a
hundred thousand feet and it shows the
horizon flat I can’t go against that
grassy skyline sixty to a hundred miles
away when spherical geometry says they
should be behind the curve all this
stuff isn’t adding up
this is from Joshua nawicki and what
you’re seeing here is a mirage you
typically would not be able to see this
from the Lake Michigan shore we talked
about this last night conditions are
right on the lake that we’re actually
seeing a mirage of the Chicago skyline
fool me once shame on you fool me twice
shame I mean I say continue to believe
pathological liars in you’re an idiot by
the way how much money is being spent on
space you should emblazon this in your
head here it goes this is a pie chart
330 billion dollars a year there we go
sorry about that in other news the prime
minister of Sweden visited Washington
today and my tiny little nipples went to
France what did he just say check the