Flat Earth vs. Round Earth | National Geographic Explorer
Flat Earth vs. Round Earth | National Geographic Explorer
Flat Earth vs. Round Earth | National Geographic Explorer
The word “Agartha” is of Buddhist origin. True Buddhists fervently believe in this subterranean empire, which they say has millions of inhabitants and many cities, including the capital Shamballah, where a Supreme Ruler dwells. They believe the Dalai Lama is his terrestrial representative, and his messages are transmitted to the lamas for thousands of years, These terrestrial inhabitants have lived here, sheltering humanity after terrestrial cataclysms.. The Russian artist, philosopher, and explorer, Nicolas Roerich, published that a Tibetan lama revealed the capital of Tibet was connected by a tunnel with Shamballah, the heart of the Subterranean empire of Aghartha. And that the entrance of this tunnel was guarded by lamas who were sworn to keep its actual whereabouts a secret from outsiders those who are led through this underground passage travel deep into the earth through areas where it becomes so narrow, it can be difficult to pass through.
There’s an ancient mystery of connected tunnels across the world… could these paths lead to the legendary Hollow Earth kingdom Agartha deep under the Himalayas? Who (or what) lives in Agartha? What kind of lost knowledge might they hide from mankind?
The Earth is NOT a spinning ball of water in “outer space”. You just have to do the research, and you too will see, that the Earth being a stationary plane is not a conspiracy. Wake up and spread the truth! God bless you all! Please help us keep this truth frequency a float. Any donations will be greatly appreciated!
if you take a step back and look at the
earth that sucker is around as you’re
gonna get so it’s not actually a sphere
it’s like pear-shaped
it’s a sphere so people have known that
the earth is spherical for thousands of
years it’s not okay to say that the
earth is flat this is some sort of
strange denial I don’t know where it
comes from and it’s something where I
keep getting this question we really
need to put this question to bed because
we’ve known the earth as a sphere for a
long time
look at pictures from space where you
see the earth as a sphere those pictures
are not fake the earth isn’t quite a
sphere it’s a little Loula it’s spin as
Luth stretched it made it slightly
oblate the earth as a sphere but the
earth isn’t quite a sphere it just makes
no [ __ ] sense this is [ __ ]
[ __ ]
I’m skeptical I’m very skeptical but I
have an open mind
you see I’m pretty unique in the respect
that I actually will challenge my own
belief system challenge my own worldview
I’m not afraid to do that many Americans
are they just have gut instinctual
emotional responses and if it doesn’t go
with their familiar narrative of how
they think the world’s supposed to work
they ridicule they laugh they engage
themselves in groupthink they are afraid
afraid to question their current reality
when you realize that we’ve been lied to
about everything when it comes to space
people wonder why I don’t trust NASA
that’s why I don’t trust NASA
everybody’s trying to show you stuff
from space and you want you to keep
rejected this is why I reject it these
guys are liars
NASA we’re coming for you coming for
sixty years you’ve been faking space
there are no spheres in the heavens the
experts have devised them in the
imagination so it was easier to
understand their movements so what’s
that mean well I mean stars are not just
guilty of a cover-up the likes of which
has never been seen in human history
everything and I mean everything that we
were taught about space about the
planets about the orbits as a hoax it’s
a lie
it means our entire idea of the cosmos
isn’t just wrong it’s very wrong
astronomically wrong so any scientists
and he physicists out there gonna do
anything nor is the scientific community
just gonna sit there and do nothing you
guys are really just making it harder
for the truth to come out by protecting
these frauds and the Liars that deceived
all of us
right now we only can fly in Earth orbit
that’s the furthest that we can go in
this new system that we’re building it’s
gonna allow us to go beyond and
hopefully take humans into the solar
system to explore so the moon Mars
asteroids there’s a lot of destinations
that we could go to and we’re building
these building block components in order
to allow us to do that eventually
we only search in spline for with deaths
of partnership down
ever made from the lighthouse I just
can’t tell you how a gurney to another
planet a manned mission to Mars I should
tell you that the first mission is
scheduled to land on Mars on July the
4th 1997 Independence Day we will
undertake extended human missions to the
moon as early as 2015 with the goal of
living and working there for
increasingly extended periods of time
human missions to Mars and to worlds
beyond but I just have to say pretty
blunt way here
we’ve been there before there’s a lot
more of space to explore and a lot more
to learn when we do the last month we
launched a new spacecraft as part of a
reenergized space program that will send
American astronauts to Mars we will
establish a foundation for an eventual
mission to Mars that perhaps someday too
many worlds beyond if we dare to dream
big and that’s what our country is doing
again we’re dreaming big
you can tell it’s real because it looks
so fake the moon is supposedly 238,000
miles away it’s noticeably much closer
closer the Sun – which is why on a flat
earth the Sun is able to set due to
on the flat plane it’s closer it’s
smaller so the further it travels away
from you it appears to go down
it’s far enough away to where you can’t
see the light when we have hot spots
proving locality that it can be 93
million miles away
we are looking at a very local son
if your face is the brilliant Sun thank
you and this is earth and the moon is
over here the Sun is always casting
earth shadow into space so the moon
occasionally passes through that shadow
and if you see the shape of Earth’s
shadow on the moon it is always round
always round
one flat disc moving across another flat
disc as the circular shadow moves along
the moon it maintains its circular shape
the hallway at the same pace
the moon is not a spirit on
in the made-up heliocentric life as the
shadow moves on to a sphere it is
wrapping around its curve starting from
the outer edge and moving towards the
middle the shadow takes on the spherical
contour and bends upward at its height
then falls backwards in a barrel
distorted minute
we’ve been programmed and indoctrinated
to believe in this round spinning ball
earth flying through space if you watch
movies you’ll start to notice all the
time you’re seeing this right in your
face if you think about it you were
shown the globe and taught before you
can even think for yourself or even
barely walk you were taught the globe
model this stuff is imprinted in our
minds and we grow up and it’s hard to
let go
the definition of a fisheye lens is an
ultra wide-angle lens that produces
strong visual distortion to create a
wide panoramic or hemispherical image
whenever you start to tilt it upwards or
downwards that’s where you get the
curvature distortion so if you tilt the
lens upwards in relationship the horizon
it’s gonna kind of curve up and create a
bowl type of effect if you tilt it
downward it’s gonna create a sphere or a
kind of an orb
you see the curve that’s the curves the
earth and it’s not very deep drop the
video yourself a lot to yourself 127
thousand feet and it’s a completely how
we go how we get from that to this curve
uphill idea I dunno spiral ends
assertion and they’re trying to deceive
everybody besides Hollywood movies and
TV shows these wide-angle camera lenses
are the only reason you’ll ever witness
curvature it’s the very reason why most
people believe they have seen curvature
because at 120,000 Plus speeds there is
no curvature when you use a normal lens
that’s not distorted its 2018 if you do
know that the earth is not a giant
spinning ball then you are either
holding yourself back on purpose or
you’re a ship to all those of you who
can’t possibly imagine a deception so
large it’s time to realize that this
isn’t a conspiracy anymore
you just need to do the research and
you’ll see that we don’t and can’t live
on a spinning ball in space period math
is not really not really flying around
the curve of the earth then he should be
dipping the nose down every five minutes
you should be flipping the nose down to
stay around the curve that’s absolute
proof that the plane flies over a flat
surface rather than a curved one
earth doesn’t move if you look into the
experiments to prove that the earth is
spinning all of them fail
we have been led to believe that the Sun
goes down below horizon as we roll away
from it on our spinning ball earth when
we allow ourselves to question the
challenge or even try to confirm our
beliefs with real-life observations we
allow ourselves to see what we really
see even if we cannot understand it and
perhaps we are not supposed to
understand it and that is the point of
watching a son travel away from us
getting smaller and smaller and becoming
a speck on the horizon the
the band of convergence the Sun appears
to be exactly where we see it forget it
why it is so bright out you can’t see
anything in the sky except the Fox
satellite now I did not say that little
lights can’t go across the sky but they
I said orbiting the metal expensive
satellites don’t exist it’s a scam on
you and on me go ahead and try and prove
satellites exist you won’t and you can’t
what we’re calling satellite
communication is landline communication
most of the world’s communication
systems are land-based that is a fact
and that shouldn’t be a fact if
satellites are real okay none of the
stuff we use in our world today require
the use of a satellite alright key word
ground-based I know that this satellite
program is straight bogus and that the
billions of money that they’re getting
from us in taxes is being used to turn
around and deceive us why you keep
filling these towers if we’re paying for
anyway they could exist is to hover
above a certain height above the flat
plane earth and they would be stationary
captain thinks the world is around sea
but we all know it’s a flat right of
course it’s black sure I know the world
is black
so noise everybody knows that think
you’re on our side we’re gonna take over
the boat throw pull up as you chains and
Anna for all good I did the words Google
Flat Earth were found carved into the
river slide kill in letters that were 10
feet long the world is wide world is
flat not debatable it’s flat the world
is flat to earth is flat the earth is
flat is flapping earth is flat the hood
is fluff whoa is flat the world is flat
like a son of a [ __ ] you’re giving us a
lot to process
true or false the earth is round false
can you please explain your answer it
hasn’t been proven why do you believe
you’ll prove it without using Nassau or
any other Space Agency who you’re at
this flat I don’t see any curvature
curvature curvature
I mean it’s definitely not curving down
if anything the horizon is rising to
meet our eye line
this is a group of social criminals
these people in the space program Nass
holes I call them I have a very low
tolerance level for stupid [ __ ]
every one of those items is provably
untrue at one level or another but we
believe them because they’re pounded
into our heads from the time we’re
children that’s what they do with that
kind of stuff they put it in the heads
of kids they pound it in there because
kids they know kids are too young to be
able to mount a sophisticated argument
against these kind of ideas and so kids
and up to a certain age by the way kids
are gonna believe everything a grown-up
tells them everything
so they took kids never learned to
question things nobody questions things
in this country anymore nobody questions
things why people are too fat and happy
people are way too [ __ ] prosperous
for their own good everyone’s got a cell
phone that’ll make pancakes and rub
their balls on Americans of its silence
bought off in silence by gizmos and toys
and as a result no one’s ever learned to
question things kids who want to learn
to read are gonna learn to read much
more important to teach children to
question what they read
there’s not one authentic picture of
this oblate pear-shaped spinning ball
that they claim we live on I’m sorry to
tell you the only thing that’s been to
space is your imagination there is no
such thing as space
for thousands of years all ancient
civilizations knew the earth was flat
until 500 years ago they took the Word
of God they turned it upside down they
said no we were evolved around the Sun
the Suns in the middle and we’re
spinning through space
and wobbling with the Sun and over six
hundred thousand miles per hour when an
organization of pseudo-sciences tell me
to go completely against what all my
senses tell me that we’re stationary and
flat I see it is it’s flat it’s a
moveable and I won’t go outside when I
send a camera without GoPro or fisheye
lens when I’ve sent a balloon up a
hundred thousand feet and it shows the
horizon flat I can’t go against that
grassy skyline sixty to a hundred miles
away when spherical geometry says they
should be behind the curve all this
stuff isn’t adding up
this is from Joshua nawicki and what
you’re seeing here is a mirage you
typically would not be able to see this
from the Lake Michigan shore we talked
about this last night conditions are
right on the lake that we’re actually
seeing a mirage of the Chicago skyline
fool me once shame on you fool me twice
shame I mean I say continue to believe
pathological liars in you’re an idiot by
the way how much money is being spent on
space you should emblazon this in your
head here it goes this is a pie chart
330 billion dollars a year there we go
sorry about that in other news the prime
minister of Sweden visited Washington
today and my tiny little nipples went to
France what did he just say check the
Besides guessing what the map may look like (I’m sure we will never know) truth does not fear investigation…I’m just looking for truth, don’t get too offended. Research before you judge. If you have any new info on where we all live, on this beautiful plane, feel free to leave a comment below. God bless Please help us keep this truth frequency a float. Any donations will be greatly appreciated!
far as we can tell uh it is motionless as far as we can tell and everything in
the sky is revolving around us as far as we can tell if nobody told us otherwise
we’d logically assume that the Earth was flat motionless with everything in the sky revolving around us and you can
prove that this is the case as well for instance with the Horizon as you rise up no matter how high you go on the top of
Mount Everest or if you go in a balloon higher and higher we’ve gotten independent balloons have gone up with
cameras The Horizon remains flat all the way around and Rises to the eye of the
camera all the way up totally flat and Rises to the eye of the Observer so that’s one proof now if the Earth were a
ball no matter how big the Horizon is said to be the curvature of the ball if
you were to go to NASA it’s it’s all fraud it’s all fake um pretty much everything NASA puts out is is
fraudulent there are no images of Earth from space put an end to this topic once and for all turn the Hubble around and
show us um Earth in real time but they will not do it they can’t do it it it it
can’t it doesn’t exist literally doesn’t [Music] exist
looking at these images of Earth including the one they call the Big Blue Marble which is was released in 2002 I
think um zoom into it with Photoshop you’ll see where they’ve used the Clone
tool in Photoshop to take a picture of one one of the clouds and stamp it in
various places around the the picture they got lazy if the Earth is 25,000 mi
in circumference there must exist a curvature drop of 8 in times the mile
when you square the mile one mile means there should be an 8 in curvature drop 2
miles 2 * 2 * 8 is 32 that’s 32 in drop
3 miles would be a 72 in drop and this would exponentially
continue here’s the longest bridge in the world the danyang Kong Chong Grand
bridge in China 102.4 mil long there should exist nearly
7,000 ft of curvature drop in that bridge
7,000 ft curvature drop do you see it it ain’t there look at the Horizon it’s
flat [Music] you can see in that uh dive shot that
the um inside camera The Horizon is completely flat then it goes to the
outside and you got a huge curve but when you’re looking at some of the amateur balloon footage some of its lens
corrected and it’s completely uh flat and others uh like the GoPro stuff The
Horizon will fluctuate as the camera spins and tilts The Horizon will go convex and concave a lens effect it’s
obviously not the Horizon shifting every 2 seconds as the camera jumps U and when it’s still you can see all the way up
[Music] flat NASA is essentially Hollywood and all the images that you think you’ve
seen of a spinning ball Earth are faked and all the amateur uh balloon and
Rocket footage that we’ve sent up there was a flat Horizon that rises all the way up and that’s impossible on a ball
humans for the most part don’t have a clue they don’t want one or need one either they’re happy they think they have a good bead on
things but why why a big secret people are smart they can handle it the person is smart people are dumb panicky
dangerous animals and you know it500 years ago everybody knew the Earth
was the center of the universe 500 years ago everybody knew the Earth Earth was
flat imagine what you’ll know
tomorrow the Horizon for instance is always completely flat and you don’t
feel any motion so if you were just born today and looked out you wouldn’t assume
that you’re standing on a spinning ball you’d assume that you are on a flat motionless plane
so to assume that we are on a spinning ball is actually contrary to our common
sense and our everyday experience and there’s also experiments that have been done uh to test whether we’re on a
spinning ball or [Music]
not uh my question was uh why why if if it’s a flat Earth why couldn’t you stand
on the coast of California with a telescope and see Japan or haw or something uh and I think you know the
answer to that I’ll let you I’ll let you answer that yeah uh you can’t see an unlimited distance the lowest layer is
the densest and not transparent so if you uh imagine like a hot humid day the
haze over a road um all telescopes will eventually blur out in that same kind of
way due to the uh the air so no you can’t see an infinite distance is the
earth flat or round it’s round okay now let’s see how
do we go about proving that go to the uh Seashore go to a
seashore watch as ships sail away they don’t disappear all at once now first
the bottom will disappear see the bottom of the ship is gone now we can see Midway up and then
the whole thing disappears now ships came back they didn’t fall off the table so people realized that the world is
curved I mean it’s a big curve but it’s curved so the process of testing claims
The World is Flat the world is round is what we call science now if you have a
claim that can’t be tested that’s what we call pseudo science extraordinary
claims require extraordinary proof extraordinary claims require
extraordinary proof boats don’t disappear over the curvature of the Horizon boats disappear due to
perspective all you have to do is go to the beach watch a boat disappear from
your eye and then whip out your telescope your binoculars or your high-powered zoom on your camera and you
can pull the entire boat right back into view whole mass and all yeah that’s
right you think the boat disappeared just whip out your telescope your binocular or your zoom camera you bring
the entire boat back into view completely debunking everything koi just
told you and here’s my video proof extraordinary claims require
extraordinary proof imagine that you can debunk the curvature of the earth yourself with
just a simple zoom on your camera bye-bye little boat the Flat Earth well
that didn’t stand up to tests the round earth did and you can come on everybody
watches newscast you all use mobile phones you all see airplanes fly around
you all go to U see Ed Sharon in concert one day in London another day in
Melbourne Australia this all depends of our fundamental idea understanding of the size of the earth and its shape with
extraordinary Precision what the [ __ ] did you just say the way we teach science is you’re just some empty vessel
and we pour the science into you and then you regurgitate it on an exam because Earth we know it
spins once uh day yes off to a great
start so uh so so you spin you know when you
spin pizza dough it kind of flattens out yeah gets wider in the middle and so Earth throughout its life even when it
Formed it was spinning and it got a little wider at the equator than it does
at the PO not only that it’s slightly wider below the equator than above the equator little chubbier little chubbier
yeah chubbi is a good way it’s like pear shaped yeah so it turns out the
pearshaped is bigger than the height of Mount Everest above sea level let me
just so you understand we’ve been fed a lie our entire I want to call a lie
we’ve been fed it’s a point of view thing I think we’ve been fed a we’ve been Earth has has been misrepresented
To Us by science pearshaped pear
shaped science so they’re all trying to figure out is the universe spinning around us or are we spinning around the
universe they tell you they tell you we don’t know [ __ ] we’re looking at a bunch
of lights in the godamn sky you’re going to tell me that that light and that
light that’s 250 100 million light years away how the [ __ ] did you figure that
out you well don’t they have an explanation for that [ __ ] no exactly that’s what every what you just said
right now what you just said now is what everyone’s natural reaction cuz anytime someone says anything about space you
automatically think someone figured it out you don’t know the guy’s name you
don’t know the name of the experiment you didn’t look into it yourself you just think when someone tells you how
far is the earth from the sun they’ll say oh 93 3 million miles away like you
just you you everybody relies on someone figured that out and someone
double checked it you’re going on what you read right now cosmology they don’t know what the [ __ ] to do you know what
they found out the cosmic microwave background shows that all the galaxies
are in on shelves lined up to us that we are this we’re at the [ __ ] Center
they don’t know what to think about there’s a lot of controversy going on about it you should see the stars do all
sorts of strange motions but you [Music] don’t you only see them make these
Perfect Circle that tells me that it’s the stars that are moving not the Earth the Cernic’s principle the one that we
live by is that uh we’re insignificant we mean nothing we’re a speck in the
universe that’s the heliocentric model that we go around the Sun the geocentric model means that everything goes around
us that’s what this is in the Bible that’s what the first astronomers were saying uh um té was the first one to say
yeah we are the center you can tell based on these observations everything’s revolving
around us Earth is the center of the universe and we stand still and the universe spins around us you know what
they’ve lied so much NASA’s lied so goddamn much that I don’t believe [ __ ] they they’ve got that satellite image of
uh that Frozen Moon what’s that Frozen Moon oh let me see if that’s CGI find
that fro they got a picture of a Frozen [ __ ] Moon I guarantee you at CGI no
way they could take a picture heliocentric models in
trouble watch as the sunlight shrinks and follows the sun it’s definitely a
locally Illuminating Sun not far away not very big and definitely not 93
million miles [Music] away
there’s a place in Bolivia called um salad Yuni which is a a Salt Flat it’s
literally 100 Mil um wide one way and 80 Mi
across and it’s perfectly flat and when it rains um literally uh you get an inch
of water and it looks like a perfect mirror um now how does that happen on a
a sphere yeah it shows you that you know if you’re one end of this this Salt Flat
you can see perfectly clearly the other end 100 miles away um so it’s just
showing you that uh you know um the the Earth is flat and um without the effect
of the waves in the sea you you You’ be able to see um a whole lot further
took a picture across the Great Lakes from Michigan and was able to see believe it was Chicago um which he
shouldn’t have been able to see and the uh yeah and the News the television um
station basically said it was a mirage I found this photo ranmir State Park this
is from Joshua nowicki and what you’re seeing here is a mirage we typically
would not be able to see this from the Lake Michigan shore we talked about this last night conditions are right on the
lake that we’re actually seeing a mirage of the Chicago
Skylight warning warning [ __ ] alert very interesting here here’s
what’s happening this is a a good example of a superior Mirage so Joshua was on the Lake Michigan shore he was
looking towards the west and Chicago’s Beyond the Horizon should not be able to see it however with the right conditions
we have an inversion we have cold air near the cold lake water and some relatively warmer air above it this will
bend the image of that uh Skyline back
towards the viewer and so typically we would not be able to see this this image would be viewable from much much higher
in the sky warning warning [ __ ] alert they
always say it’s a mirage but um for a mirage to happen you have to have very specific atmospheric um conditions you
know it’s not a mirage it’s simply that you you know you’re you’re looking across a
plane now how come in all these ball pictures man you can see all the continents pretty much and there’s just
a little bit of clouds here and there man it’s like some of these like there’s some where they show the Earth at night
and you can see all the lights and stuff it’s like you’re telling me the entire continent didn’t have clouds the entire
[ __ ] continent like you can see Africa and all these lights and all this stuff like you know if you turn on your
porch light I guess you can see it from space apparently and it’s like there’s no clouds in some of these
pictures and they spelled out the word sex right recently probably a few months ago in one of the clouds you know if
they do their research they say well those AR composite and I said well how come they copy and paste the clouds on
some of these and they use the same cloud form like if you’re going to make a composite make a composite but you
shouldn’t be copy and pasting fil that means you’re you’re adding stuff that’s not real yeah and the thing is those
pictures that you’re talking about the Blue Marble pictures you know I think it’s about maybe 8 to 10 of them over time that uh NASA has put out and you’re
absolutely right none of those pictures look the same the color of the water is
different like you said the continents are different sizes it’s just unbelievable and I think what happened
originally was they would put these things out and nobody was paying any attention to it you know and then all of a sudden now people are paying attention
to it and now they’re pulling these pictures in and it’s an obvious fraud
what and the thing is there’re supposedly tens of thousands of satellites orbiting
Earth [Music]
we can’t get any closeups of Earth we can’t get a view of Australia with the
buildings upside [Music]
down and they’ll look at you like you’re crazy but really you are the samean one
for asking real
questions they’re the [ __ ] idiots for just repeating school book [ __ ]
that’s how it works I was taught schoolbook [ __ ] and public school and somehow I was able
to break free and free my mind you know how I did it I watched NASA rockets
explode a bunch of [Music]
times fly off sideways and not go to space if you watch the trajectory of the
Space Shuttle it doesn’t go straight up it always goes in a curve and out to
[Music] seea point is they actually go
horizontal the space shuttle goes horizontal it never goes any further up it goes horizontal um very very low down
in the in the atmosphere you know it’s it’s still in the atmosphere while it’s uh horizontal so it never gets any
higher and it goes out of sight not because it goes too high because it goes too far down range and they have a a
plane that’s mocked up to look like a space shutle uh that’s it’s a jet
powered aircraft that’s it it’s not a GL R up is it’s an aircraft um and that’s
what they’re fooling us so taking billions of dollars in and giving us
images and uh and and fake planes um for that 10 billion you know however many
billions of dollars it
is what goes out must come down um and literally we have not ever seen anything
that um has ever gone up and not come down
[Music] one thing I really want your generation to embrace is that the Earth is a closed
system we cannot leave the Earth there’s no place to go
Rockets don’t have brakes it’s it literally stopped all of that angular momentum from from the rotation of the
rocket and the linear momentum from flying up just stopped no it had to hit
something but when did it hit if it hit a solid surface the rocket would have been destroyed and most likely the
camera too so we wouldn’t have the footage and obviously that’s not the
case kicks and Deals it’s a long Fly ball going back back and the ball
shatters the sky bringing the ocean itself down into the stadium oh Simpson
just broke this dream’s reality wide [Music] open I know we have still not shattered
that highest and hardest glass ceiling but someday someone will and hopefully
sooner than we might think right [Music]
now there’s no place to go although we weren’t able the shatter
that highest hardest glass ceiling this time thanks to you it’s got about 18
million traps in it and it may be hard to see tonight but we are all standing
under a glass ceiling right [Music]
now people figured out that we were an enclosed system the more advanced we got it would be the biggest thought on our
minds that’s all we care about you can make a Wildlife Reserve 1,000 M Square all people you know human beings would
do is just be knocking on the fence constantly going what why is this fence here who built the fence why are we in here and so on and so on why do you
think that the Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now we accept the
reality of the world with which we’re presented oh Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth y y
Earth Earth yep yep yep yep yep yep
Oh e if you start here and you go around
long enough in the same direction you wind up in the place you started from
yes Thomas why don’t we fall off when we walk underneath missah because of a force called
gravity what does gravity look like gravity is something we can’t see but we
know it’s a great invisible force that keeps us all here on Earth
it’s a natural force that keeps us all from flying off into space we were always told that the world is flat you
are told right don’t listen to her I’ve been patient with you Sarah Lord knows I’ve been patient but now your words
have revealed you the law of gravity was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in
1687 that’s almost 200 years ago Uncle Evan but there is only one law the law
of God what is gravity we have no idea okay next question wow no here’s the difference we can describe gravity we
can say what it does to other things we can we can measure it predict with it
but when you start asking like what it is I I I don’t know Einstein in an
einsteinian answer we would say gravity is the curvature of space and time and
that and objects will follow the curvature of SpaceTime and we we
interpret that as a force of gravity that’s probably the best answer I can
give to a what is gravity question or why is no gravity that’s the best I can do there I think that that’s a good
start the world is round what you know how everybody believes the
World is Flat like a pancake well they’re all wrong the world is actually round like an
orange the world is an orange H and and
well that’s it it’s a great idea it’s one of my best ones yeah but but what kind of Orange Is it a naval or a juicer
what look just sleep on it in the morning the idea will come to you again
and you won’t even remember where you got it get it got it good I must say I
really thought you’d catch on to this a little quicker cernus what my name’s not kernus I’m Charlene Sinclair you’re not
cernus this isn’t 16th century Poland oh boy I screwed up how do you
brainwash you repeat the same thing over and over again you know if somebody’s resisting the concept if you keep
[ __ ] repeating it they’ll incorporate in their brain since you’re you’ve seen this image but uh you’ve never seen it
from that point of view but your brain has three dimensionalized oh yeah that’s the Earth how to repetition well let’s
just all get on our hands and knees and wait for a scientist or an astronaut to come along or Neil the grass Tyson to
come along and bestow upon us their knowledge now as you can see this is the
evolution meter and I’ve put God the creator of everything on the right side and evolution on the left I won’t change
my mind cuz I don’t have to cuzz I’m an American I’m dug in and I’ll never
change back look you’re wasting our time you’re not going to get us to not believe in evolution and why is that
because the smartest scientists in the entire world all agree that it’s real
I’m glad you brought that up Mr Reynolds these were all the smartest scientists only problem is they
kept being wrong this is insane you fool I’m a Fool
because I have more faith in the saints that wrote the Bible yeah because you just read the words of a bunch of guys
that you never met and you just take it on faith that everything they wrote was true and what makes you think what your
scientists are writing is any more truer than my Saints because there are volumes of proven data numbers you know figures
have you poured through the data yourself the numbers the figures well no
I no oh interesting so let me get this straight Mr Reynolds you get your
information from a book written by men you’ve never met and you take their words as truth based on a willingness to
believe a desire to accept a leap of dare I say
it Faith come on look I mean I don’t even
know how I’m supposed to respond to that like come on I rest my case it’s matter
tells space how to curve space tell did I get that right the science Community
is is ignoring a lot of the things that we’re looking at and so normal people are going out and doing experiments and
one of the experiments has turned up um an amazing fact that we’ve not been told
and it it destroys the whole idea of this this uh heliocentric system um and
that is the moon now you can actually measure the temperature of the Moonlight
next to the meas the temperature of the shade of the Moonlight and you’ll find the Moonlight is colder than the shade
the opposite from the Sun so the Moon is throwing out its own light and that
light is the opposite from the Sun now that tells you that it’s not reflecting
the Sun’s light it’s producing its own and its light is different from the Sun
so you know the scientific Community have not told us this yeah because they won’t tell us this because um it
destroys this idea that the the sun is you know is lighting up the
moon everyone knows like if you’re in sunlight um it’s colder in the shade right so if it’s 100° sun it’s 90° in
the shade you go to the Moonlight like take especially in a full moon especially if it’s high in the sky the Moon is its own independent object it is
not reflecting the sun rays uh the Sun is own object also you know the the um
about the same size which is you know again coincidentally you know why the moon fits so perfectly in front of the
Sun during an eclipse we always thought it was coincidence that even though it was 400 miles 400 times farther away
that it was also exactly 400 times less diameter which is why it fits and the other weird thing about the moon which
everyone thinks oh it’s just a coincidence is that we never see the other side of it it’s constantly
perfectly rotating so we only see one side of the moon exactly one side it’s not like we have like a quarter of a
degree every 5 years or half a degree here and there it’s always the same side
there are no coincidences when it comes to the system it was it was deliberately built but I think it was deliberately
built to be detected and I think we were naturally supposed to figure this thing out maybe as late as 1970s but the
government figured out first and they have been doing spending a heck of a lot of money trying to uh to keep it a
secret [Music] [Applause] [Music]
when I look at the people who signed the Antarctic treaty and all the nations that were down there doing whatever they
were doing signed a treaty and I believe it was 1958 or somewhere thereabouts saying nope um nobody can stake a claim
to Antarctica and if you’re going to go down there you can only go down there for scientific reasons under carefully restricted guidance um but it’s not a
freefor nobody can just you know hey I’m going to go check out an ARA do a high jump on my own no can’t do it it’s the
only treaty that’s that’s uh you know all these countries have signed and never broken and uh completely agreed on
it’s the only one and you know what what treaty is there that everybody’s agreed on um we we’re being kept away from it
for a reason you they have some scientific bases there yeah and and
literally it’s controlled by the military because they don’t want you finding out what’s beyond uh during
three voyages lasting 3 years in 8 Days Captain Cook and crew sailed a total of 60,000 miles along the Antarctic
Coastline never once finding an inlet or path through or beyond the massive glacial wall so the other question is
well how come ships don’t go off the sea if it’s flat how come ships don’t fall off the well here’s why you don’t fall off the edge a 200 to 300t high
wall that is the border that scripture says is keeping everything in nothing’s going past
that because I don’t want you finding out what’s [Music]
beond personally I think the unconquered South face is the only one worth scaling
it’s a 20,000 ft sheer wall of ice but that’s never stopped me before
risk of course I’m aware of the risks thank you for your
concern here’s the uh the picture of the Earth from uh from space there it
is since you were a kid you’ve seen this image but uh you’ve never seen it from
that point of view you’ve never seen that with your eyes
from that scale of a model that point of view from outside of the planet surface
well here’s the uh the first image that sold the whole thing
1482 this is when they came up with this idea we are on that thing it’s a ball
hey we should go to the North and the South Pole we didn’t do it yet it’s a [ __ ] ball hey nobody’s even like
jumped up high enough to see if it is a ball we can’t do that we don’t have planes yet it’s a ball you know what we
adopted this whole model like 4 500 years before the airplane 400 years
before the air pretty much beginning 1900s they went to the North Pole in the
1900s this is 1482 nobody went to the top of the globe to the bottom or flew up or built a
skyscraper it’s funny that we said that this is this this is what we’re in right now this is
what we’re on before any instrument approval this is the first time we actually had like an instrument of
flight actually go high enough to actually [ __ ] check out if what we agreed to 500 years ago was
real so if they were wrong after 500 years the question
is what they tell [Music]
you tan physics why objects move on a ball spinning 1,000 mph
while was going 26,000 Mi around the Sun basically the model we accepted
right now the Sailor thinks that he’s traveling around the earth this way when
in effect he’s traveling around the earth this way they began flying it around the world from Abu Dhabi last
year with stops in India and China then across the vast Pacific justes running around your
neighborhood prove that the neighborhood is round I was an airline pilot for Delta
for 26 years a pilot’s primary flight instrument is his Artificial Horizon
which he has to be maintained level to keep from climing and descending from a
cockpit weather permitting I could see hundreds of miles in all directions viewing cities connected by roads is
across the flat plane as far as the eye could see nothing ever lean if a pilot
is uh is flying around the curve of the earth then it he should be dipping the nose down and every every 5 minutes he
should be dipping the nose down to to stay around the curve that’s absolute proof that a plane
flies over a flat surface rather than a curved one but I went to um the
manufacturer of the Artificial Horizon and they confirmed to me that it’s completely mechanical nothing electronic
in it whatsoever so it’s it’s literally just a gyroscope that can freely
move that right there is proof to me that um you know planes fly over a
plane [Music]
[Music] glad earthers it’s time we are going to
destroy the blow bed’s arguments concerning fight
rounds when you go on to the plane tracking software um you’ll see hundreds
and hundreds of flights over the uh over the Northern Hemisphere um and you can track those flights from beginning to
end when you look at any flight in the in the southern hemisphere what you’ll find is the uh the flight takes off and
disappears off the tracky and that only leaves why why have they done this
what’s the point of this Grand deception I think Eric dubet explains it
best people are always asking you know why do they do this I mean this is I mean other than the obvious profit
margin motive NASA being the biggest black budget black hole in existence sucking in over $30 billion taxpayer
money for the fake moon landings alone nowadays hundreds of billions of dollars and not just NASA but rasa and all the
other fake space organizations around the world giving CGI images for hundreds of billions of dollars you want to put
something in context if you want to do something with three and a half trillion dollars you can do whatever you want
whatever you judge to be important to the profile of the nation that you were trying to build and to sustain so by
surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist Sun worship not only do we lose faith in anything
beyond the material we gain absolute faith in materiality superficiality status selfishness Hedonism and
consumerism if there’s no God and everyone’s just an accident and all really matters is me me me so they’ve
turned Madonna the mother of God into the material girl living in a material world is all about making us feel
nothing so that we can be used if everybody realized how special we all
are how unique every single life is then
this whole world will change overnight we wouldn’t allow ourselves to to be
used by this cabal I I start from the supposition
that the world is topsy turvy that things are all wrong that the wrong
people are in jail and the wrong people are out of jail that the wrong people are in power
that the wealth is distributed in this country and the world in such a way as not simply to require small reform but
to require a drastic reallocation of wealth all we have to do is think about
the state of the world today and realize that things are all upside down now if
you don’t think if you just listen to TV and read scholarly things you actually
begin to think that things are not so bad or that just little things are
wrong but you have to get a little detached and then come back and look at
the world and you are horrified now as soon as you say the
topic is civil disobedience you’re saying our problem is civil
disobedience that is not our problem our problem is civil
[Applause] obedience I think our all our society is
run by insane people for insane objects
objectives and I think that’s what I sused when I was six and 12 way down the
line but I expressed it differently all through my life it’s the same thing I’m
expressing all time but now I can put it into that sentence that I think were being run by Maniacs for maniacal mean
ends you know if if anybody can put on paper what our government and the
American government Etc and the Russian Chinese what they are actually trying to do you know and how what they think
they’re doing I’d be very pleased to know what they think they’re doing I think they’re all insane you know but I’m liable to be put
away as insane for expressing that you know that’s what’s insane [Music]
Part II – Besides guessing what the map may look like (I’m sure we will never know) or even the exact directions of the sun…. truth does not fear investigation…I’m just looking for truth, don’t get too offended. Research before you judge. Please help us keep this truth frequency a float. Any donations will be greatly appreciated!
that the world is round and someone else
says it’s flat that’s worth reporting
well debate whether the earth is flat
like like they used to think of silent
around the earth everybody say that
[ __ ] s other signs repeated is nice
but that man like everybody at that time
thought that guy was smart why at this
time why and we think that the earth
goes around it’s an overwhelming science
it was flat and there was an
overwhelming saw a gradual are no I said
we where the Senate center of the world
you’re just taking an authorities word
for it and all we’re saying is be
skeptical while you’re being skeptical
there’s a bunch of evidence that totally
against the mainstream version and while
you’re being skeptical looking at that
evidence to start compiling more and
more the evident until you become like
me you know the truth I don’t believe
the earth is flat emotionless I never it
is there was a lot of things I thought I
knew but there suddenly turned out they
can save you differently
I can’t just impose documents they have
to tell us about it and wait for our
content and silence is considered
if the Sun was 93 miles away you
wouldn’t see that
we feed effective but is the horizon
that our eye level and add things recede
from us they tend to converge to the
center of that horizon line to face
what’s known as the vanishing point the
Sun rotates around us and only appears
to rise instead because of the way our
vision works
now Tron works the following videos
without the preconception that the come
right isn’t that the rather mister
the images of your world with curves or
at the ball park CGI
you can see those images all your life
they’re painting their
computer-generated images
poor little home
anything with a and the verse is a sage
in the bra do you have never with her
naked I ever seen neighbors of the vault
from fate you never have but you just
have blind faith that that’s what it
looks like
the earth were actually a big vault the
horizon should think as us meant not
rise to your high level and it would bit
at each end of your periphery not remain
flat all around the horizon rising with
the camera level and remaining perfectly
flat 360 degrees around all the ancient
cultures from the beginning of time have
depicted a flat kind of enclosed earth
so we have this Flat Earth cosmology all
the way up into the 1900s when a big
push was made to live on this round
spinning ball flying around the Sun they
are basically placing up on a deck of
dust flying through infinite space where
it was made from this accidental Big
Bang and we really don’t mean very much
and everything is kind of an accident
and it kind of leads you into this
mentality where things are meaningless
it doesn’t matter what you do in life
but the more you research the more
you’ll find that you can’t preach the
spinning ball earth unless you’re
suffering from cognitive dissonance and
you’ve been programmed your entire life
all scientific experiments show that
we’re being lied to about what
mainstream science is saying about the
earth if Tyler is flying around the
curves of the earth then it should be
dipping the nose down and every every
five minutes you should be dipping the
nose down to stay around the curve
that’s actually proof that a plane flies
over a flat surface rather than a curved
a lot of people even lay that the
mulleted now you can actually measure
the temperature of the moonlight next we
measure the temperature of the shade of
the midnight you find the moonlight you
colder than the shade opposite in the
fabric of the Moon during our only line
of the scientific community have not
told it it mainstream science says that
we can see the curve visible at 35,000
feet but when we’re watching an amateur
balloon flight without a fisheye lens or
a wide-angle lens on it
there is no curve to be seen and
basically if we were living on a ball or
a sphere of any sort and no matter how
high you rise you would have to look
down to see that horizon yet when you
take these cameras to a hundred thousand
feet the horizon is still at eye level
that’s inconsistent with any kind of
spherical shape whatsoever
there’s got smaller gatekeepers for the
platters that they’ve brought in to
distort the message and it gives a fake
flatter an argument hoping that you’ll
reach them before you reach someone like
me and then you’ll hear their stupid
argument saying that gravity is real but
the flatters disk is constantly rising
and that’s what causes us to you know
things to fall they’ll give explanations
like this which to any their own
thinking person will totally reject and
then they’ll totally reject the entire
salon Earth’s model based on these
little disinformation that are being
200 troops earth is not a spinning ball
and that’s just 200 I came up with 200
because William carpenter came up with
Albert in the 18 understand I wanted to
double it I could come up with 400 it
could give me enough time and infective
people are doing that right now
he’s like the actual observable
repeatable natural file that we can do
ourselves the kind of science in quotes
that you’re getting from the figurehead
is not observable testable repeatable
natural science that you can do yourself
it’s stuff that they claim that only
they can do with the Hubble telescope
only we can take images BGI images fake
planets of our Hubble telescope you
cannot condemnation without
investigation is the height of ignorance
and I think that’s timeless right about
that I don’t believe in anything but I
do investigate everything I don’t just
take things at face value or take
somebody’s word for it I want to know
for myself
and if I can’t know for myself and I
will happily be in the place that’s not
knowing they need to have some authority
figures element answers and they’re
going to believe that and that makes
them feel safe but me I’m the opposite
what I like to be skeptical and I think
everybody would be better off if they
did that instead of just believing some
authority figure the test you’re on a
spinning ball that was exploded out of
the Big Bang you’re a monkey man that
evolved you know particulars and it’s
obvious why they’re doing it they want
you to think you’re a monkey a
purposeless accident that comes from
nothing well well they still fifty
million dollars of your
as money everyday the motive is obvious
PTI images betta splendens washable
telescope but you can take a regular
telescope and you can see that images
they give you are complete nonsense
cartoons and what it actually looks like
is infiltrating lights Muskaan
okay oh that star is seven hundred
thousand light-years away from that
constellation I was all into that I was
totally into it I was super into
anything faith you can sign channel oh
my god had me you had me focus on you
see I love this vgi DVDs all those
bbbbbb Nova quark floating in space
spinning around the Sun and the Sun has
got some gravitational pull on us
we got the gravitational pull the moon
that doesn’t make it that’s not science
to me when people talk about science
this x value explain to me how that is
signed there’s a force that’s holding
ocean keeping it from spinning in
florianópolis bending how the mountain
our but as soon as we get a certain and
to assert altitude it’s all magic inside
all that magic are floating and faith
and were being connected to the Sun that
has forced the connected things crazy
and was lying through the universe and
the universe can lift my people to hit
the earth is flat
where’s the edge the edge of the
understanding what reality is very very
important I think it should be important
to everybody I think the more people
become perhaps a bit of spiritually
aware or awake when they start to see
through things how things have been
manipulated in the reality being created
for them for granted if God forbid
everybody came and started demanding
answers and once they can provide those
answers people we are they are busted it
can be a mistake it can’t be interesting
but the deception and control mechanism
it ends because people are waking up and
no matter how much they dress the
president’s Runner
men oh it’s going to keep moving one way
or another you can see in google awake
so now louder than ever can hear that
clock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick
in other breaking news the world is
round not flat
Ackley’s method on nonverbal the word
Google flat earth or found carbon to
notice life skill is letters devil can’t
be wrong we thought to the person who
did it keep a faith and project yet one
possible explanation of the message
trunk you’ll believe the world is flat
not round and post about it online
so you can check the via delights and
telescopes and different methods lasers
to see if actually does have that
curvature and it’s been tested over and
over again and found to have no
curvature whatsoever so I mean even if
they had the number wrong and it was a
hundred thousand miles in circumference
it would still be a calculable
measureable curvature that just isn’t
the only place curvature exists is in
NASA photos and videos and those can be
proven to be CGI fakes fakes and the
early ones were literally taken through
a round window to make the earth look
year round
literally taking through a round window
to make the earth look year round
oh this is a shot from a hundred and
thirty thousand miles out
I guess who’s a tomorrow refurbishing or
approaching the moon looking at the
if that’s the earth is that like another
spacecraft that I have no idea what that
is it sir
some aberration on the film of some sort
all those are shadows I think a
reflection of the reflections of this
will open that not together
I like it a lot of shot of it
okay turn off the camera your interview
is done I’ll give you all the time I’m
getting it not be healthy
they meet you I don’t say it’s a
pleasure understand please get your ass
out of my house okay and you came here
under false pretenses and I think you’re
an [ __ ]
lying about going to the moon at the
Satanic lot of gigantic support I don’t
hit people but you’re going to be on the
deck unless you climb and get the hell
out but still get that done Superman
before you get out no no we have a video
camera running if you want to do it like
right there be great footage for us see
you later in corna hope for so V is a
blast brief put a transparency over the
window and move the camera of the earth
and move the camera back away from the
window turn off the lights in the base
craft and appeared to be halfway to the
moon when the fact they were in Earth
huh really again they said it was the
same way that you did it on a Politan we
wanted to give you the opportunity to
put your left hand on the Bible create
the right hand it swear to God
take it in your walked on the moon we’re
giving the opportunity to pray to God
that you walked on the minute I’m going
to give you the opportunity to help off
batteries you’ll need to get along
found a very unique reel of footage that
we do that to show you yeah and it’s
from the mission and to our knowledge no
one has ever seen it before and it’s 30
years old and you want me to see this
while you have me on camera well it had
to tell us what it is we’re having just
being the fingerprint I cannot I’m not
interested in nothing in satisfying your
supposition when there’s all going
everywhere because normally it’s cooler
for one player using the window to them
hearing there were halfway to literally
hair off wisdom turn the camera your
delegate and the wrong guy whenever they
talk to the administrator is empty
we’re passengers guys caught on a flight
there coward and a liar and a thief
we see shooting stars but did you see
the shooting star yeah I’ll get to that
okay but the lower noise going on it’s
so I don’t I don’t know the results of
some of the experiments they’ve
conducted the point is they can’t get
that far from here and they’re really in
the protective confines of the earth
they’re really in the protective
confines of the earth they’re really
look well I don’t believe this is photo
trickery and brainwashing that’s got the
world thinking that were on a ball
spinning around the Sun with a magical
force called gravity holding us on the
underside of this spinning ball it’s all
just brainwashing that we’ve received
it’s pseudoscience accepted as legit
but real science has confirmed
geocentric see in the Flat Earth glad
the best way to brainwash the whole
world line for the whole world about
what the world is in reality we’re not
cosmic accidental sneeze nothingness
turns everything this is quite obviously
intelligently designed this thing we’re
experiencing here this life that’s
universe I I can’t believe anyone in
their right mind can look me in the eyes
of the straight face and say no man it’s
all random be open-minded about this
this is very very controversial and
difficult to get your head round the
first which is the scientific method
something the scientific community
doesn’t give the data but the scientific
method is where a theory or opinion is
before that matches will be observed
another thing we have to accept is how
easily a mind once have been programmed
or given a worldview how easily those
I use the tree
be honest
the earth is not getting all orbiting
all being trained fixed and if the stars
are moving people can change they don’t
like what they understand we all have
our own pursuit of happiness
don’t listen to someone’s story to say
and and and what you need more is there
happiness not good enough for you so he
doesn’t like we don’t to have to bring
happiness to others we are all a family
family trees to make this absolute we’re
in charge of being the line body and
soul who truly walk will meet every
deadline what happens to love all I see
is me the way we treat other speakers
that I can’t is there only eight every
living thing can value it should be
treated as such we only have one earth
but act like
realize we are control that SuperSearch
so called all the world because it was
money well spent
there’s no food eat the money
I hope I opened your eyes to the world
really did better afford to write to
reinforce to please spread the word
please spread the word Hibbler
productions production