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Hitlary Clinton flat earth compilation.

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. – Genesis 1:6

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. – Genesis 1:14

Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass? – Job 37:18

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. – Psalms 19:1

A Strangers Guide to Flat Earth 21 Questions and Answers Proving The Earth Is Flat

A Strangers Guide to Flat Earth 21 Questions and Answers Proving The Earth Is Flat

UPDATE: Hi everyone. 2022 has been quite the year for the struggle being real. I haven’t been able to do much when it comes content and I apologize for that. I promise you that is all changing when 2023 hits. I’ve been hospitalized with pneumonia this year and that kept me down for two months. I am having trouble with living situations and other financial responsibilities because of that and am having to work two labor-intensive jobs

in order to keep from drowning. All while trying to start a record label. It’s been brutal, but that’s been the nature of my life for the majority. I am used to it, and I refuse to go down without putting forth maximum effort. My Tee Spring page was terminated without notice at the beginning of the year and ‘Never Sleep Again Part 2’ was removed from all available streaming platforms. Those two things alone provided me some decent security, but no longer. Plus, a few videos being removed by Google/YT and not being active has taken its toll on my income as well. I am not saying this to whine or make an attempt for your sympathy, but simply to inform you why this year has been so unproductive. That’s why I always keep to myself even though you all deserve updates. I wasn’t planning on doing any fundraisers for my planned record label startup, but I may go that route. It will certainly mean consistent content much sooner if I reach the planned goal. If I do choose to do this, I will unveil the support page after the new year gets going and I’ve completed a few new videos. It’s just that I have some kick-ass artists lined up to make music with me and I CANNOT WAIT to begin releasing the new tracks for you all. Everything will be up to speed over the next two months, from my Patreon account to my Rokfin page. I will make up for all the lost time. I truly apologize. Much love, gratitude and respect to you all. Your ride-r-die conspiratorial inter-digi-web brother, O.D.D.

so where’s the edge?
who’s to say that there is an edge and why assume there is one? is it because when we are introduced to the idea of a flat earth it’s always depicted like
this? in the currently most accepted model
Antarctica is not a continent, but a 360 degree landmass made up of ice that
holds the oceans within. when we look at a Gleason’s map from 1892 that states at
the top that it’s scientifically and practically correct as is
we see this Antarctic ice rim. the Gleason’s map is basically an azimuthal equidistant projection which can be traced back to the year 1000.
the AE map is also an official map of the United States Geological Survey
(USGS) and the official logo for the United Nations. the oldest known globe in
the world is from 1492 this is something you need to keep in mind because many people argue that the
azimuthal equidistant map is just a flattened out version of the globe
when in fact the globe is just a rounded version of this true world flat map. if
the flat map came first and it has the ability to convert into a globe without any problems whatsoever then that should tell you a little bit about how this
globe deception was achieved. now back to if there is an edge or not. there is no proof that there is an edge
past the Antarctic ice wall, but it is speculated by many that perhaps the
plane that we live on is either extremely expensive or it’s possibly endless. in these two scenarios it would be logically assumed that more land as
being hidden from the general public
in a 1954 interview with Admiral Richard E bird, an American naval officer
who specialized in exploration, he had this to say: “but strangely enough left in the world today is an area as big
as the United States that’s never been seen by human being and that’s beyond the pole on the other
side of the South Pole from Middle America and I think it’s quite
astonishing that it should be an area as big as that unexplored.” implying that there is more
land past Antarctica. if that uninhabited land was on a globe
it would be in the Indian Ocean. a recent discovery of an old Buddhist map in a
newspaper from 1907 seems to support the idea of a vast plain with much more land.
where does the Sun go if the earth is flat? well the Sun neither rises nor sets, but travels in a clockwise circuit from
east to west and only appears to rise and set due to perspective. the Sun
disappears at the vanishing point of human perspective on the horizon where the ground meets the sky and since the sun is not 93 million miles away
I repeat NOT 93 million miles away, but much closer and smaller the light
emanating from the Sun only illuminates about half of the flat plane at once as
it makes its daily journey.
what’s underneath the flat earth?
this is obviously an unanswerable question since the assumed edge has
never been known to be reached, but many people suppose that whether the earth is round or flat that either way it still must be floating in the middle of outer
space, but the idea of outer space goes out the window with the round earth theory.
many religious text support an immovable earth that has its foundations on which
it is laid and its pillars by which it is supported. we simply don’t know, but we do know that the earth is obviously fixed in place as
we can tell by our everyday experience of non movement. what we see in the skies above are illuminated objects making circles
around us just as it appears. whatever this place maybe it’s the center of all we survey.
some say that the earth is the floor of the universe. in the ancient Hebrew conception of the universe
we are surrounded by the waters above and the waters below known as the great deep.
the deepest hole ever drilled into the earth was a total of about seven and a half miles.
the very core of the earth is nothing more than wild speculation if not another malicious lie. so what’s under the earth? that remains a mystery
to us all, but another thing that you can research is what’s inside the earth. multi-billion
dollar deep underground military bases known as dumbs D.U.M.B’s.
what about ships and boats disappearing over the horizon?
this is also due to human perspective. they don’t go over the horizon.
they go into the horizon, moving beyond the limit of our vision and passed the
vanishing point, but the ships and boats are easily brought back into view with a pair of binoculars a telescope and any camera with a good zoom lens.
a great question to ask yourself is why can’t we see noticeable curvature from
120,000 feet up, but many people claim that the supposed curvature can be seen from the ground by
watching boats? it doesn’t make sense.
and what about all the pictures of the earth?
they are all clearly computer-generated images they claim this picture from
apollo 17 in 1972 Is real and they also claim that the 2015 epic earth picture
is real, but NASA employee Robert Simmon gave us a glimpse of how they do it when
he shared his experience of creating the blue marble 2.0 in 2002.
he is now called mr. blue marble. he was interviewed and on record stating “the last time anyone took a photograph
from above low Earth orbit that showed an entire hemisphere one side of the
globe was in 1972 during Apollo 17 NASA’s Earth observing system EOS satellites were designed to give a
check-up of Earth’s health by 2002 we finally had enough data to make a snapshot of the entire Earth
so we did.” in 2002, blue marble 2.0. NASA’s Rob Simmon made this. Simmon’s job is… it’s primarily taking data and making
pictures out of it. that’s what this is. a composite of data sets from several different instruments translated into a picture. so we actually had to take clouds and out.
stashed the clouds for later went on to the ocean that came from an instrument that measures phytoplankton in the sea. where it was low,
I color it dark blue because they’re low mostly in mid oceans and then where it’s a little bit higher, it was like a little bit brighter green, then add the clouds
back in. there is a small problem with it because there’s a very slight gap in
between each orbit so some of those are painted on. it is photoshopped but it has to be. then there was another layer to sort of simulate the
atmosphere and then there’s this little bright spot, it’s called the specular highlight. so it’s the reflection of sunlight off of water. those are the
pieces, but you can’t just slap them all together just didn’t look realistic it looks kind of flat or the clouds are sort of to see through so i just hit
command + Z a lot. there’s artistry to creating the world. what I imagined it to be. unfortunately i’m not an astronaut.
I’ve never been to space, but I’ve looked at these images over and over again trying to sort of get the essence of it. It is photoshopped
but it has to be. it is photoshopped but it has to be. it is photoshopped
but it has to be. it is photoshopped but it has to be.
why are all the other planets around then?
when you compare amateur footage done with professional grade cameras and
compare it to NASA’s official images of planets and stars, it’s clear that NASA images are all computer-generated. no different than the
photos of Earth.
what have become known as planets are round lights that seem to be set over
the flat earth. the so-called planets and stars are not what we have been told
they are and comparing luminous objects that you see in the sky to the earth under your feet is very ineffective for actually proving the supposed rotundity
of the earth. since there are no actual photographs of the earth and motion has never been
experienced or proven, it would seem more logical for one to assume that we
are on a flat motionless plain and everything we see in the heavens revolves around us.
what about satellites and GPS?
as crazy as it may sound, satellites are a hoax. have you ever wondered why there are never any damaged or fallen satellites?
and why there are no satellite malfunctions due to constant heating and cooling?
it’s weird they don’t melt in the thermosphere that’s over 2,000 degrees. I find myself looking at the moon and wondering why we never see satellites
pass by the moon. did you know there are thousands of miles of fiber optic cables under the
seabed that supplies 90% of the Earth’s communication? internet, phones, etc. and
GPS works off of cell phone towers. it’s called triangulation. haven’t you seen those really tall towers and
wondered what they are? satellite TV is just enhanced radio using ground-based towers
it’s all ground-based just like the old TV antenna. science fiction author arthur
c. clarke proposed the idea of geostationary satellites in 1945 in a
magazine called wireless world and twenty years later in 1965 they claim to have successfully launched the first
commercial geostationary communication satellite. today there are said to be thousands, but the odd thing is that trying to prove it only leaves you
fruitless. is outer space even real?
yes and no. what you see in the sky as far as stars and wandering stars also
known as planets are there. how could we deny them? we don’t know what they actually are, but they are
there. now what we are told about outer space and what it is is not true at all.
everything we believe about so-called outer space is due mostly to Hollywood
movies and other media including children’s cartoons. of course NASA
propaganda is the biggest culprit. as we have already gone over there are no
pictures of Earth and even images of all the other so-called planets are computer generated.
NASA has gone on record numerous times stating that humans can’t get past low Earth orbit.
NASA’s next spacecraft already being built and tested across America will do
those things and more. this is the spacecraft that’s going to take humans to explore the solar system
it’s the next big step for NASA and exploration. called the Orion
multi-purpose crew vehicle or MPCV this next generation spacecraft will enable
America to explore beyond low-earth orbit. as we get further away from earth will pass through the Van Allen belts. an area
of dangerous radiation but orion has protection. shielding will be put to the
test as the vehicle cuts through the waves of radiation. sensors aboard will record radiation levels for scientists to study. we must solve these challenges before we
send people through this region of space. plan that NASA has is to build a rocket
called SLS which is a heavy lift rocket. it’s something that is much bigger than what we have today and it
will be able to launch the Orion capsule with humans on board as well as Landers
or other components to get to destinations beyond Earth orbit. right now we only can fly in Earth orbit. that’s the farther so we can go and this
new system that we’re building is going to allow us to go beyond and hopefully take humans into the solar system to explore. so the moon, Mars, asteroids,
there’s a lot of destinations that we could go to and we’re building these building block components in order to allow us to do that eventually.
and unlike the previous program, we are setting a course with specific and
achievable milestones. early in the next decade a set of crude flights will test
and prove the systems required for exploration beyond low Earth orbit. low Earth orbit is supposedly between 99 and 1,200 miles away.
the funny thing is that they say the moon is over 200,000 miles away.
how did we make it so far in the 1960’s and 1970’s if we can’t do it today? also the International Space Station,
just like everything else brought to us by NASA, is a fake free masonic hoax completely fabricated and done with special effects, models, pools, zero g planes
and various other camera tricks.
how is circumnavigation possible on a flat earth?
very easily. you can travel east and west directions to ultimately end up right back where you started.
the face of the earth looks similar to that of a clock. in fact, clocks were most
likely designed after the true appearance of our world. if you follow a compass east for long enough you’ll make a full circuit. same
thing if you travel west longlong enough. as we’ve already gone over, the flat earth map that was around before globes were easily converts to a globe.
so everything you believe you are doing on a globe is actually taking place on a flat earth.
how come the moon is upside down in the southern hemisphere?
this is another very simple explanation. when somebody is in the northern part of
the earth. or on the northern part of the earth, they see the moon from this angle.
when somebody is on the southern part of the earth the moon looks like this. they’re looking at it from this angle. they see it from the opposite angle.
that’s all it is. imagine you tape a picture of the moon in the center of your living room.
depending on where you are in the room the moon will be seen differently. when pondering this question,
keep in mind that the face of the moon never changes. on a spherical earth we’d expect to see other sides, but we never have.
what about the seasons?
the Sun is close and small and it circles around and above the flat earth
in a spiral pattern. on the tropic of cancer in the northern summer months and
then down in the tropic of capricorn in the northern winter months. so when the Sun is further away from the North Pole, the center of the
flat earth, it’s winter in the north and summer in the south. since the sun is smaller than we are told and closer
it makes much more sense that we experience seasons in the first place. if the Sun was 93 million miles away and had a radius of over 400,000 miles we
would hardly experience temperature fluctuation as we do.
what about gravity? gravity is necessary in order for a spinning ball
earth to work. people readily believe that you can’t fall off of a spinning ball that’s darting through outer space at speeds that you can’t even comprehend,
yet they will deny how much easier it is to stay on a flat surface that doesn’t
move. gravity is a scapegoat for all that cannot be explained and it has never
been proven. the reason why things fall or float is because of density and buoyancy.
if something is heavier than air it falls. if it’s lighter than air it floats. very straightforward.
your phone is denser than the air. therefore it falls when you drop it.
everything works because of density no need to factor in imaginary components.
quote “the law of gravitation is said by the advocates of the Newtonian system of
astronomy to be the greatest discovery of science and the foundation of the whole of modern astronomy.
if therefore it can be shown that gravitation is a pure assumption and an
imagination of the mind only, that it has no existence outside of the brains of
its expanders and advocates, the whole of the hypotheses of this modern so-called
science fall to the ground as flat as the surface of the ocean and this most
exact of all Sciences, this wonderful feet of the intellect, becomes at once
the most ridiculous superstition and the most gigantic imposture to which ignorance and credulity
could ever be exposed. Thomas Winship, zetetic cosmogony
what about the Coriolis effect? they say that the Coriolis effect is a result of the earth spinning and is
responsible for the deflection of an object moving above the earth, rightward
in the northern hemisphere and leftward in the southern hemisphere. the problem is that things like hurricanes and water in the sink aren’t
always predictable and have been known to spin both ways in either hemisphere.
also another contradiction that proves the Coriolis effect false is the fact
that no flying machine above the earth has to account for it. if a bullet that travels 1,700 miles per hour has to account for the effect than
an airplane traveling at 550 miles per hour would definitely have to account
for the effect. when you look for the answer you’ll find that we are told that since the atmosphere moves with the spin of
the earth, planes aren’t affected. so why would bullets be, especially when they go much faster than common
why can’t I see infinitely far?
this is for the people that wonder why they can’t see certain things that they believe they should be able to see if the earth was flat.
I’ve been asked on numerous occasions “why can’t I see Mount Everest from anywhere on earth?”
I’ve also been asked “why can’t I see spain from the east coast of America?”
well, besides dirt, dust, dew, rain, fog, smog, smoke, clouds, mist, haze,
snow, etc, your vision is limited by the vanishing point of your perception.
check your weather app on your phone and notice the visibility in your area.
is the flat earth a religious thing?
yes and no. i say this because, i myself, am not religious. I’d rather not have faith in something, but know the facts to the best of my
ability and the facts are that the curvature and motion of the earth have
never been proven. the Bible without any doubt whatsoever supports an earth
that’s fixed in place The Book of Enoch which is biblically endorsed and most
likely belongs in the Bible describes the flat stationary enclosed earth in
great detail. many religions and civilizations preceding Judaism and Christianity
support a flat and stationary earth such as the Babylonians, the Egyptians
the Mayans, the Norse, the Hindus, etc. this fantastic spinning globe earth is very
new to the people of the world, yet most of us carry on as if the theory is unquestionable and we’ve been conditioned to laugh when the flat earth
is brought up. whether you are religious or not, you can see the flat earth for yourself.
is the flat earth society behind the resurgence of the flat earth?
no. the flat earth society is designed as a containment unit. gatekeepers that tell
the truth about some stuff. but then lie about other things in order to make it appear ridiculous or steer you in the wrong direction.
for instance this is what F.E.S has to say about gravity “in the Flat Earth model
gravity rather than being a force is the upward acceleration of the flat earth.
the earth always accelerates upward at one g which is equivalent to the
gravitational acceleration in the round earth model. like the force of gravity,
the Earth’s acceleration causes several commonly observed phenomenon in our daily lives.
if that isn’t the biggest turnoff I don’t know what is. the flat earth
argument has never died. it only died down. real flat earthers have always been among us, but it wasn’t
until late 2014 early 2015 when Eric dubay started making a lot of noise about
the flat earth conspiracy and got people like myself on board. it took me 10 months of research before finally accepting the truth about where
we live. thanks to the many great flat earth researchers, content creators and
activists since then, more and more people are waking up to the massive deception every day.
are all scientists, pilots and members of the government in on it?
No most scientists, pilots and members of the government’s have been indoctrinated
just as the rest of us have. when they work at their everyday job, they go about
it as if the earth is most certainly spherical. if indeed some of these people did know the earth is flat, they most likely wouldn’t even speak out about it
in fear of losing their job or ruining their reputation. the average scientist
goes about everything they do with the spherical earth already factored in. for
mainstream science, questioning our current model is a huge no-no. for pilots,
computers do most of their work. not to take away from what they do because i personally appreciate it and also pilots often switch out and stops making it
difficult to understand the real lay out of Earth’s landmasses. as far as
government members and politicians go besides high-ranking officials at NASA which isn’t government at all, it’s safe
to assume that they are not in the know and they are not knowingly perpetrating this lie.
very few people compared to the population of the world are enlightened to the flat earth.
NASA isn’t the only space agency. are the others in on it too? the answer is yes
here’s a short clip on what you need to know. the vector. NASA’s official logo. if you’ve ever looked at NASA’s official
logo both their official insignia and their official seal, you’ll see that most prominent object in the in the seal is a a red swishing object. they call
that the chevron or the vector. if you ask NASA public affairs office why this symbology is featured so heavily in their insignia and seal
they’ll give you what really amounts to the standard facile cover story for the
unilluminated. They’ll tell you that that is a representation of a hypersonic wing
design from the 1950’s which was the time the logo was created.
not exactly the case. someone might want to ask the russian federal space agency,
roscosmos that was formed in 1992, why they chose that same logo and while you’re at it you can go ask the Chinese,
who formed their space agency in 1996, why in the world they’re using the hypersonic wing design from the nineteen
fifties as their official logo. then you can ask the Japanese and South Koreans, Taiwanese, malaysia, mexico, Iran.
all of these countries even bulgaria. they all utilize the vector symbology in
the space agency logos for their international space agencies. it gets even deeper. you can go look at the
individual manned program patches for NASA of the Mercury program for example. blatant use of covert symbology in every logo dealing with the Mercury program.
we will see what looks like a number seven in their logo and again, NASA’s official story is that they put this number seven there so that they
could pay homage to the original seven mercury astronauts, kind of forgetting
the fact that only six mercury astronauts actually flew into space. because number seven never never did. he had a heart problem so he didn’t get to go up so
there were only six mercury astronauts. yes there’s a seven in every single logo that’s in the official mission and say
for official program insignia for mercury as well as the six individual mission patches carry this member and it carries on to the space shuttle program
if you look at the Apollo program the Apollo logo has a big letter and that’s
what they want you to but it’s not again that’s just the simple way of explaining away the inclusion of this vector symbology and the local if you go to the
space shuttle program the original space shuttle sts program patch is a triangular patch that again
hides the use of the shamrock vector symbology and that also goes for many of
the sts specific mission patches every single one of the International Space Station expedition patches carry
the vector symbology the russian air space station use the vector symbology that was there there official logo
you can even go deeper and look at military industrial complex companies
look at the logo on a company like Lockheed Martin two vectors the XPrize
logo ames research labs US Space Command we get into the military realm the United
States base commander official logo is the vector symbol and when you look at the military’s individual space specific programs
all of them all of them deal with vector symbology and their official insignia and the question really becomes who or what are these people paying homage to
let’s look at nasa’s earth rise
now let’s look at Jaxa’s Earthrise. do you believe this is real
well then who’s responsible for this deception? you will find that the Jesuits and the Vatican have been intimately involved in
all things space, including owning the earliest telescopes and to this day the
largest owners of observatories and telescopes in the world. the society of Jesuits have been actively spreading the heliocentric
theory for 500 years while trying to bury thousands of years of Flat Earth
cosmology. the Jesuits are rulers of all powers that we are aware of and have
been ruthless in their pursuit of world domination for centuries. no matter who is killed or what has to be done to establish a one world order
out of chaos. they rule over or are deeply partnered with people like the Rothschilds and
many other international banksters, secret societies, especially the Freemasons as well as zionist jews and especially zionist jews in seats of
power. they rule over all the alphabet agencies and government think tanks
including the NSA, CIA, FBI, Mossad, KGB, roundtable, committee of 300, Tavistock
Institute, Lucis trust publishing, bilderberg group and the Council of Foreign Relations including representative government and
legislation like the US presidency Congress and the Supreme Court.
the jesuits order is said to have been established by Jews, again showing that the Jews are behind some of the biggest hoaxes in history, including the
Holocaust. Freemasons are also spread out all over the world to further the
different agendas that serve this Illuminati elite.
why the lie?
their desire is to convince us that we are only one of a septillion other
planets flying through infinite space. a septillion? where do they get these
numbers? a septillion has 24 zeros. they want us to think that we are nothing more than a cosmic accident
caused by a big bang that took place 14 billion years ago. again where do they get these numbers? how one could draw that conclusion is
unknown. they want us not to understand our origin and go on believing that life is
meaningless. they want us to believe that alien life is real and that they created us.
look no further than ancient aliens for the propaganda. not to mention countless shows and movies they program us with. this isn’t
just about flat earth vs. round earth. it’s much bigger than that. whatever they plan on doing needed the spherical earth
groundwork laid before they could proceed. they may either shock us with a fake alien invasion or a disclosure of the
beings that have always been among us passed off as life from distant galaxies. who knows? another reason to turn the earth into a ball is to hide extra land.
if this is a vast plain and there are places past Antarctica with more oceans
and more land masses, then an easy way to get rid of them is to wrap our part of
this plain around a ball and make it seem as if there is nothing else and
everything has already been discovered. the globe is full fledged slavery for
inquiring minds. “I like to be an explorer like the great Magellan.” “oh! you’re too late.
there’s really nothing left to explore.” what does it mean if the earth is flat?
it means that the origin of man is deliberately being covered up from us.
man woman child you are being deceived on a massive scale. flat earth, enclosed
flat earth, expansive plane flat earth or even infinite plane flat earth with an
infinite ceiling barrier or possibly another plane of existence above us and
below us. it means that this place was created. that you were designed. you were crafted.
you are special and with purpose. a purpose being hidden from you on purpose.
we are supposed to know our world and our reason for being.
we’ve been swallowed whole by this economic fiat money system that controls absolutely everything and rules this manufactured reality. most of us know
that we are slaves and it’s no wonder we desire to escape through movies, TV shows
and video games that happen to also further our programming and mental
conditioning. we were never meant to live like this and knowledge of our flat earth is a
step in the right direction. it’s something that can’t be taken from us it’s the fuel that we need to let
these bastards know that we won’t go down in ignorance. we will not willingly accept their one world authority that wants to rule over
all mind and all matter. embrace this flat world of ours and free your mind
from the globalist mind control. it’s time that we stand up for ourselves and our beautiful earth.
all I want to know is who’s coming with me?
space may be the final frontier, but it’s made in a hollywood basement.
have you ever dreamed of going up to outer space or maybe meeting other beings from another place?
have you ever wondered what it’s like on other planets then you watch a science show and come to believe you understand it? you feel empowered by the
knowledge and you feel enlightened listening to bill nye and neil degrasse tyson. but then you wake up and you start
to see the obvious. life is just a lie and this whole world and what we thought it was. NASA’s missions to the moon were never completed. they just filmed them in a room
and people believe it. I used to wonder what it’s like to be an astronaut, now when I see them acting I can’t help but to laugh a lot.
they give us cartoons and then claim that we live on the ball, but it’s flat and it’s not moving or spinning at all.
why you lying to us, man? that’s something that we want to know after that you’re going to have to pack up all your stuff and go.
space may be the final frontier, but it’s made in a hollywood basement.
history has been rewritten by winners of wars – the jesuit order, khazars,
Freemasons and more. they pulled the veil over our eyes and it’s time to awaken. through organized indoctrination our minds have been taken.
it’s time we take our power back and we rescue our people. the Vatican and the bankers are like resident evil.
they may have had the greatest plan that was ever concocted, but Illuminati never thought that they’d ever be spotted. their manufacturing reality all in our
heads. they tell us if the earth is flat we’ll fall off the edge, but if it is the spinning ball we won’t fall off and then and gravity is our imaginary magic
friend. why is water always flat when unmanipulated? why are pictures of the earth computer-generated? why you lying to us, man? that’s something that we
want to know. after that you’re going to have to pack up all your stuff and go. space may be the final frontier, but it’s made in a hollywood basement
Dear NASA, it’s coming 100% crystal clear that you
and the other space programs that are in operation are connected and are deceiving the entire world.
More and more people are waking up every single day and we are now able to see right through you,
but what we really want to know is why are you lying?
sincerely, Me and the great people of this earth

Eric Dubay: Earth is not a planet

Eric Dubay: Earth is not a planet

one of eight planets in our solar system
all of which are said to be huge
spherical earth-like habitations or
globular gas giants millions of miles
away they claim the earth under our feet
along with these seven other planets
revolve concentric circles or ellipses
around the Sun hence the term
heliocentric the previously prevailing
geocentric model had placed earth as the
immovable center of the universe with
the Sun Moon stars and planets all
revolving around us just as they appear
in the heliocentric model however which
would be more appropriately titled the a
centric model the Sun is only the center
of our solar system while itself
supposedly simultaneously revolving five
hundred thousand mile-per-hour spirals
around the Milky Way galaxy which itself
is constantly shooting 670 million miles
per hour away from an alleged Big Bang
creationary explosion at the beginning
of time in the geocentric model the
seven planets were known as wandering
stars with the multitude of other stars
known as fixed stars the wandering stars
were so called because they can be seen
meandering their own unique paths around
the heavens while all the other stars
remain fixed in their study group
rotation around Polaris the wandering
stars also happen to be among the
brightest in the night sky and just as
heliocentric falsely claimed the moon to
be a mere reflector of the sun’s light
they claimed the bright starlight of
these planets is merely them reflecting
the sun’s light back at us this has
already been shown to be geometrically
impossible however as convex bodies do
not and cannot reflect light in this way
in the heliocentric model the wandering
stars are all supposedly spherical
earth-like places several million miles
away from us while the fixed
ours are all allegedly super distant
Suns similar to our own but several
trillion miles away complete with their
own solar systems and accompanying
planets perhaps even populated with
sentient alien beings like ourselves
NASA’s current official astronomical
statistics state that there are upwards
of 10 trillion such planets in our
galaxy alone
and at least 200 billion galaxies in the
universe therefore they claim earth is
only one of one septillion planets in
the universe David Ward law Scott said
our modern astronomers imagine the stars
to be immense worlds or Suns some of
them many thousands of times larger than
our own and at an enormous distance Sir
Robert Ball in his cause of an ice age
says of Sirius that it is a million
times as distant from us as the Sun that
it is 92 millions of millions of miles
from the earth it is thought that stars
are in a more or less advanced state of
development and that probably some of
them may be already inhabited by beings
suited to their spheres their distance
from us they calculate to be so immense
that according to Sir William Herschel
the light from some of them will take a
thousand years to reach this world of
ours dr. Samuel Rowbotham said again
these stars are assumed to have
positions so far from the earth but the
distance is almost inexpressible figures
indeed may be arranged on paper but in
reading them no practical idea is
conveyed to the mind many are said to be
so distant that they should fall with
the velocity of light or above a hundred
and sixty thousand miles in a second of
time six hundred million miles per hour
they would require nearly two million
years to reach the earth Sir William
Herschel in a paper on the power of
telescopes to penetrate into space
affirms that with his powerful
instruments he discovered brilliant
luminaries so far from the earth that
the light which they emitted
not have been less than 1 million nine
hundred thousand years in its progress
Albert Smith said the fixed stars are
so-called because except for very long
periods they do not appreciably alter
their relative positions and they are
mere points of light so small that the
most powerful telescopes cannot magnify
them into discs yet they are supposed to
be sons of immense size removed by the
astronomers to immeasurable distance
away from us for the credit and
convenience of their theories NASA even
claims to have sent several remote
controlled flying telescopes like the
popular Hubble camera into outer space
transmitting back to earth pictorial
proof of the validity of their model
these Hubble pictures show that the
wandering stars are all in fact
spherical earth-like planets just as the
heliocentric claimed all along the
Hubble pictures showed that the fixed
stars are also in fact distant Suns
trillions of miles away just as the
heliocentric lamed the Hubble pictures
and videos all of which are
indistinguishable from a good photoshop
or Hollywood production completely
confirmed for hypnotized heliocentric
the truth of nasa’s claims and the
existence of various celestial phenomena
which only nasa in their advanced
cameras can show like planets galaxies
black holes quasars etc using even the
most advanced non NASA telescopes
however the fixed and wandering stars
appear to be nothing more than tiny dots
of multicolored light it cannot be
ascertained whether fixed stars are
actually distant Suns whether wandering
stars are actually earth-like planets or
whether any of NASA’s claims hold any
validity outside of their alleged
Victoria lleva dense from the supposed
remote control flying Space Telescope
images outside of NASA what evidence do
we have that stars are actually distant
solar systems what evidence do we have
that planets are earth-like places in
space they are certainly interesting and
plausible ideas but there is absolutely
no empirical evidence to support them in
fact if NASA hadn’t implanted such ideas
into their heads
very few people would
I look up at the night sky and assume
those little pinpricks of light were all
earth-like objects
millions of miles away or Suns trillions
of miles away complete with orbiting
planets and moons just like ours the
only reason people believe wandering
stars are earth-like planets and fixed
stars our distant Suns is because of
NASA propaganda as Gabriele Henriette
said the planets are not solid opaque
masses of matter as is believed they are
simply immaterial luminous and
transparent disks if stars are all
distant planets or Suns how is it that
various phenomena have been observed
including stars changing color intensity
of light sudden appearance disappearance
or shooting quickly from one place to
I have watched single stars changing
their colors as regularly as a disco
ball others shooting through the sky and
disappearing and stranger still I once
saw a star shoot quickly straight
upwards through the sky for two seconds
and then stop again back in the late
16th century when the heliocentric
theory was starting to take hold over
the imaginations of an unsuspecting
public Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe he
famously argued for geo centricity
positing that if the earth revolved in
an orbit around the Sun the change in
relative position of the stars after six
months of orbital motion could not fail
to be seen stars should seem to separate
as we approach and come together as we
recede in actual fact however after 190
million miles of supposed orbit around
the Sun not a single inch of parallax
can be detected in the stars
Thomas Winship said in the time of Tycho
Brahe he it was said that the earth
revolved around the Sun but he argued
that if the earth revolved around the
Sun the relative position of the stars
would change very much and the matter
must in the nature of the case be easily
detected accordingly experiments were
tried at intervals of six months and the
result showed that the stars were in
exactly the same position as they had
occupied six months before thus proving
that the earth does not move
at all if the earth is at a given point
in space on say January 1st and
according to its present-day science at
a distance of 190 million miles from
that point six months afterwards it
follows that the relative position and
directions of the Stars will have
greatly changed however small the angle
of parallax may be that this great
change is nowhere apparent and has never
been observed incontestably proves that
the earth is at rest that it does not
move in an orbit around the Sun when
Tycho Brahe he demonstrated that after a
hundred ninety million miles of supposed
orbit around the Sun not a single inch
of parallax could be detected
heliocentric desperate to patch the
glaring hole in their theory pushed
their hypothetical distances to the
Stars into the trillions of miles
claiming the closest one Proxima
Centauri was a ludicrous 25 trillion
miles away and thereby making all the
stars so conveniently far that no
appreciable parallax could be detected
this expedient explanation which
heliocentrism clung to ever since has
proven satisfactory to silence the
manipulated minds of the masses but
still fails to adequately account for
several issues dr. Samuel Rowbotham
wrote it is found by observation that
the Stars come to the Meridian about
four minutes earlier every 24 hours than
the Sun taking the solar time as the
standard this makes 120 minutes every 30
days and 24 hours in the year hence all
the constellations have passed before or
in advance of the Sun in that time this
is the simple fact as observed in nature
but the theory of rotundity and motion
on axes and in an orbit has no place for
it visible truth must be ignored because
this theory stands in the way and
prevents its voter Eze from
understanding it William carpenter said
considerably more than a million earths
would be required to make up a body like
the Sun the astronomers tell us and more
than 53,000 Suns would be wanted to
equal the cubic contents of the star
Vega and Vega is a small star and there
are countless millions of these stars
and it takes 30 million years
for the light of some of those stars to
reach us at 12 million miles in a minute
and says mr. Proctor I think a moderate
estimate of the age of the earth would
be 500 million years it’s wait says the
same individual is six heptarian tons
now since no human being is able to
comprehend these things the giving of
them to the world is an insult an
outrage and though they have all arisen
from the one assumption that earth is a
planet instead of upholding the
assumption they dragged it down by the
weight of their own absurdity and leave
it lying in the dust a proof that the
earth is not a globe several experiments
have since been performed and repeated
by notable scientists like Albert
Mickelson Edward Morley George Airy
and George san yak proving that it is
the stars that revolve around a
stationary earth and not the other way
around the conclusive results of their
experiments are not contested or even
mentioned in modern astronomy books
rather they are conveniently swept under
the carpet to keep prying minds from
seeing through the lies for example the
experiment known as Aries failure since
it failed to prove heliocentrism
involved filling a telescope with water
to slow the speed of light inside
usually telescopes must be slightly
tilted to get starlight down the axis of
the tube supposedly due to Earth’s speed
around the Sun airy discovered that
actually the Starlight was already
coming in at the correct angle so no
change was necessary this demonstrated
that the stars move relative to a
stationary earth and not the other way
around because if it was the telescope
moving he would have to change the angle
gabrielle Henriette said all the planets
including the Sun revolve around the
earth these circumstances cannot be
denied since they are plainly visible
either in the ordinary way with the
naked eye or with the help of the
telescope it can be said in this
connection that in the case of a science
which should be based exclusively on
observation and not on speculation such
as astronomy the evidence of the senses
is the only factor upon which
conclusions can and must be based if the
planets can be seen revolving around the
earth it is for the decisive
that they do revolve in such a way it is
asserted that this is not so and it is
maintained that the earth and the
planets revolve around the Sun we note
with astonishment however the bizarre
and definitely suspicious fact that
these planetary movements are not
visible they cannot be seen and yet they
are called real how can these movements
be proved and their speed be ascertained
since they are invisible on the other
hand the existing geocentric planetary
motions which can be observed and
measured and which consequently
constitute a perfectly valid system are
condemned as unreal and apparent a
pertinent remark may incidentally be
made on the subject why do the
astronomical tables which are published
year after year give the so-called
apparent movements of the planets in the
zodiac why take the trouble of
calculating and putting them on record
at all if they are not real why is it
also that no mention is made of the
so-called real movements of the planets
Marshall Hall said trust your eyes and
your cameras they have no reason to
deceive you about whether the stars are
going around you nightly then get it in
your mind the single fact surrounding
star trails that has been photographed
thousands of times and cannot be denied
must be explained away by the
theoretical science establishment all of
the fact list allegations of rotating
and orbiting earth billions of light
years distance –is to the stars a
fifteen billion year old universe the
whole Big Bang paradigm all of the
alleged evolution of the universe earth
and mankind that is to say all of modern
evolution based cosmology controlling
knowledge today all of it is completely
undone if the stars are doing what
cameras show they are doing namely going
around the earth nightly if you can do
so for a few minutes just lay aside the
Copernican indoctrination that
accompanies such pictures and take a
good hard look at these photographs of
something that really really happens
every single night do you see what I see
I see all the visible stars in the
northern skies going around the North
Star in perfect circles in other words I
see all the stars
which these time exposures have recorded
actually going around that navigational
star that God put there for us in the
northern hemisphere
Thomas Winship said the plurality of
worlds is based on assumptions so
contrary to known possibilities that the
grand idea must be thrown into the
wastepaper basket
the supposed great distance of the Sun
from the earth is the main cause of the
delusions of the learned as to the so
called world’s above us being inhabited
this distance is based on a fictitious
idea that of the revolution of the earth
around the Sun which I have already
shown to be unconditionally false the
Sun is a small body of light and near
the earth therefore all the star
distances are wrong their sizes and all
other suppositions the plurality of
worlds is only the logical sequence of
belief if the earth be a rapidly
revolving globe but this has been shown
to be ridiculous in the extreme evidence
apart from any theory has been presented
which entirely nullifies such an
assumption and renders it absurd showing
that such an unnatural idea has not a
vestige of natural fact to support it
the grand doctrine of the plurality of
worlds therefore like all of the other
grand doctrines of modern astronomy must
be consigned to oblivion when it can be
shown that this world is a globe and by
what known principle the inhabitants can
hang on to the swinging ball like the
housefly crawls along the ceiling it
will be quite time enough to talk about
the plurality of worlds in other words
the plurality of worlds if there’s
supposed to be many many ball planets
spinning around in this infinite
universe that only makes sense in the
heliocentric spinning ball cosmology
it’s been shown that the earth is flat
and motionless so the idea that there
are many other earth-like planets out
there or there are many other ball
habitations spinning around in the sky
is ridiculous
you can see with a telescope but the
things that they call planets
look exactly like the things that they
call stars and
before they started calling them planets
they were called stars they were called
wandering stars if the planets are
supposed to be masses like Earth why is
it that their star light is often
brighter than the other stars which they
claim our Suns why would they have light
at all it’s the same like with the moon
they’ve claimed to land on the moon and
they show this desert planet but we look
up at the moon and see a shining light
coming from this disc if the moon is so
bright shining with light like that why
weren’t the astronauts constantly
illuminated by this huge light that
shines all the way two hundred and
thirty eight thousand miles to the earth
but then when they’re on the moon is
just dirt when you look at these things
through an actual telescope they just
look like disks of light they don’t look
at all like Suns or like ball planets
and when you take a good look at what
NASA is feeding you
it’s CGI all the ball planets every shot
that NASA shows of Mercury Venus Earth
Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
did I miss any all these things of all
they’re pictures of these planets are
clearly made on a computer they are CGI
computer graphic images
computer-generated images so the idea
that there are many other spinning ball
planets out there in the sky
is false NASA doesn’t do science NASA
does science fiction heliocentrism is
not science it’s science fiction geo
centricity is what you actually
experience it’s what actually happens
the flat earth is what you actually
experience you do not experience a curve
you do not experience motion you don’t
feel yourself moving thousand miles an
hour the Stars don’t change their
relative positions they’re fixed because
they’re revolving around us just as it
appears think about it if we were
revolving around the Sun
and the Sun revolving around the galaxy
in the galaxy revolving around the
universe guess what all the stars would
change their position every single night
you wouldn’t be able to catch the same
star trails two consecutive nights let
alone four hundreds and hundreds of
years not changing positions if you had
those four different motions everything
spiraling around each other you can’t
have the North Star fixed and all the
other stars fixed in their
constellations revolving perfect circles
around it can’t happen you couldn’t even
have perfect circle star trails they
would be spirals they would be awkward
spirals they would be like elliptical
spirals so point is earth is not a
planet it’s a plane they just added a T
to the end and fooled everyone and then
they started saying this runs septillion
other planets too just like Earth and
then once they got people believe in
that now they’re saying and there must
be life on some of those so there’s
aliens and now they’re preparing you for
aliens that’s what’s coming next they
want you to believe in aliens they want
you to believe that there’s some
offworld enemy or friend that’s going to
come here to save or destroy us and
they’re going to use that as a false
flag event to further their agenda it’s
been in the works for a long time so
this is a big one you could even say
that this is the purpose of the ball
earth deception what’s the purpose to
create a world religion what do you
think NASA is what do you think the
spinning ball earth universe Big Bang
evolution is it’s a religion
people believe this and it doesn’t
exist so or why do they lie about the
Flat Earth
Eric because they’re making you believe
in a science fiction religion
that’s why you don’t even know that
you’re in a cult you don’t know that
you’ve been brainwashed and how deeply
you’ve been brainwashed you brainwash so
much that instead of thinking that you
come from a intelligent consciousness
you think that you come from nothing
and monkeys they brainwash you to think
that you and earth aren’t special or
unique but that there’s Infinite Earths
and worlds and beings and humans are not
the most intelligent of the intelligent
designers designs they want you to
believe that there’s some aliens out
there more intelligent I want you to
believe that they’re more intelligent
than you because only they have the
Hubble Space Telescope but only they
have all the technology necessary to
tell you that oh stars are really Suns
and the wandering stars are planets and
we found water on Mars with our little
probe rover thing check out these cgi
images we sent back on our million mile
internet connection that we have but you
don’t and you’ve never seen anywhere
think about how effective this religion
is its worldwide it is a world religion
they have successfully created a
worldwide religion and made people the
whole world over believe in it they
teach it to them in government schools
and they’re so indoctrinated into this
religion they have no idea that it’s a
religion that’s the point they call it
science they have no idea that they’re
in a cult being brainwashed by a bunch
of CGI pictures and fairy tales
so why the Flat Earth deception it’s the
most successful religious indoctrination
in history that’s why

Epic Deception Flat Earth Documentary

Epic Deception Flat Earth Documentary

so I’ll catch you live in a ball that didn’t seem possible the earth is clearly flat
so mainstream science tells us that the earth formed 4.6 billion years ago after
a big bang that created the known universe this wild theory is widely accepted as fact and it’s mechanically
repeated by most people due to the fact that it’s what public schools teach to the kids without challenge there is
absolutely no possible way to determine whether or not an event took place that long ago it’s actually very strange that
anyone would believe this nonsense mainstream science also tells us that life on Earth evolved into monkeys which
eventually evolved into us there’s only one huge gaping problem with the theory
of evolution we are not only missing one link between monkeys and humans but we
are missing hundreds if not thousands of evolutionary links maybe more they want
us to believe that one day we fell out of a monkey’s ass and we landed on a spinning ball that’s advancing through
outer space at ridiculous speeds we are being deceived let’s put it in
perspective they think they came from monkeys okay I don’t care how many
letters they have after the name you know these guys go to school they read books they come out believing they came
from monkeys and then they have the audacity to say that we’re the students listen to what they have to say in the
beginning there was darkness dang birth to an endless expanding existence
of time space and matter every day new discoveries are unlocking the mysterious
the mind-blowing the deadly secrets of a place we call the universe
it is across a mystery as to why the universe exists in such an intelligible manner but it suggests to me at least
that there’s a deep link between the universe the grand scheme that’s unfolding at beings like ourselves
somehow the universe has become self-aware it’s engineered the emergence of comprehending thinking beings like
ourselves who can come to know the universe some people marvel at the fact that the
universe has over billions of years given birth to beings who can appreciate its complexity we can even ponder where
and how we fit in
but at the dawn of history people thought they knew the answers to these
profound questions the ancients viewed their world as a
snow globe is essentially a flat earth say a disc covered by a dome and we call
this in English a firmament and in the firmament is where all the stars the planets were hung almost all ancient
cultures believed their universe existed in a dome similar to this one and they
never questioned who created it the ancients assumed that there was a
god or gods responsible for the creation and the maintenance of the universe the
idea that God created the universe went largely unchallenged until the Middle Ages when scientists made a sacrilegious
suggestion based on their observations the Sun not the earth was at the center
of the universe it was a paradigm shift there is now
another way to explain the naturally occurring phenomena around us and as a science since the Middle Ages
scientists have developed sophisticated new theories about the enormity of the universe and our place in it
theories that often have no room for God many phenomena have appeared mysterious
or miraculous or magical and then through the process of science we’ve eventually understood them
scientists gradually realize that the Sun really is just one star among a
multitude of stars in a gigantic galaxy having hundreds of billions of such
stars and all this was created in a Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago but while
scientific theories observations and experiments tell us where we are in the
cosmos they don’t answer the eternal questions why we’re here and who if
anyone created us
so while it appears a divine creator planned the universe many physicists say
apparent fine-tuning doesn’t prove anything of the sort something else must
be at work but what other than God could possibly explain the remarkable series
of events that led to the creation of life in our universe one very popular
contender is an idea that seems at least as incredible as the idea of God
it’s the multiple universe theory a very
large number of universes perhaps even an infinite number could in principle exist in a vast hyperspace we can
understand the idea of hyperspace by comparing it to a mug of beer the beer
mug would be the hyperspace and the bubbles would be these individual universes the bubbles in a beer mug are
all physically about the same but suppose they span a range of properties
some of them might have carbon and oxygen and stars and gravity and others
don’t we would be in one of the ones that leads to a rich complex universe
culminating with life as we know it if there are an infinite number of other
universes the fine-tuning that seems to be present in ours isn’t an example of
God’s plan but rather the law of statistics most of these universes wouldn’t
naturally develop in ways that fostered intelligent life but a few would so then
the explanation for the specialness of the universe is that we are winners in a gigantic cosmic lottery it stands to
reason that we couldn’t be living and discussing this in a universe that was hostile to life only the bio-friendly
ones get populated with thinking beings having a multitude of universes is
actually quite a simple and natural consequence of some of the most favored models for the birth and early evolution
of our universe it’s kind of like stars and planets as long as you have the capacity to make one it’s easy to make
lots of them oh really
evolution isn’t the only thing we are being lied to about the earth under our feet has been molded into a spinning
ball that is a byproduct of the Big Bang which is a theory that was introduced to science in 1931 in order for the theory
of evolution to be reasonable the Big Bang that was somehow pinpointed to 13.7
billion years ago has to be true in the Big Bang cosmology the earth is a
rotating sphere orbiting around the Sun the issue is that the motion of the
earth has never been detected and here we are in the year 2016 looking for the curvature of our world
which also can’t seem to be measured mainstream science using theory after
problematic theory to try and prove another theory isn’t science at all real science will reveal a stationary earth
that’s turning out to be quite flat with the Sun that’s much closer than we are told despite what you hear flat earthers
aren’t anti science at all we just don’t condone what mainstream science has become and that’s a faith based religion
swarming with lies and ludicrous theories that have never been proven also this re-emergence of the Flat Earth
has little to do with the Flat Earth Society if you have the desire to further look
into this don’t check for answers on their website some of the claims made by the Flat
Earth Society are decent while others are absurd this is a common ploy to
encourage no further investigation by the controlled opposition known as the Flat Earth Society it’s a commonly held
misconception that the earth is a spherical object that revolves around the Sun but the fact is of course that
the earth is a circular dish surrounded by a barrier of ice that explorers have
been attempting to penetrate for centuries what if gravity isn’t real what if the earth is in fact flat and
science has been wrong all along everything that you’ve been taught is a lie we’re showing that until that’s
the solar system a what you got a big Sun in the middle and all the planets with all around it but nobody’s ever
seen that we’ve never seen a photograph of it we’ve never seen I have you know real part we certainly never seen any
any animation of even those posters they probe out in Pluto of the moment and always ever seen the solar system at
least these always graphics it’s always secondary knowledge things that people hold dear and compact like gravity like
the age of the universe the universe formation itself the age of the earth they’re all dependent on things that are
unproven while they’re good to consider we should consider everything you have allowed them to become facts that appear
in our textbooks taught by professors to kids as facts the argument for all
practical purposes came to an end when the Church of England was established by law during the 16th century they
embraced many radical scientific notions prevalent at the time including
copernicus round earth theory with this endorsement the theory found its way
into the schools which were then largely controlled by the church it has remained
there to this day and many children have accepted it without question all see and
I and the square compasses here we have Buzz Aldrin the second man to pose that
walked on the greatest of Kubrick’s film set show it up the don’t try and hide it
it’s amazing there’s his missus Masonic ring he’s got a Shriner hat there and these guys yeah
the supposedly praying to the command module looks like a pyramid to make the
connections between Ronelle Hulbert I have one Hubbard he started the scientology movement walt
disney bernhard von braun rocket scientist jack dr. Parsons also rocket scientist Jet Propulsion Laboratory and
Aleister Crowley who’s obviously you know an arch Satanist influenced a lot
of rock music and you know everything sorts of the OTO the or the tempura Orientis and these
guys were all are all connected they’re all on the same and the connections between but here you
go Jack Parsons the JPL was how obviously NASA got into you know got going into the air in the first place
the jet reporters laboratory here’s Jack Parsons at a Masonic ceremony you can tell by the floor and again you can look
into this view cell yeah it’s easily it’s not it’s not you know it’s easily searchable Cesar researchable
information the connection between Walt visit here we have aboard the ISS again
no now we’re getting to the handshakes that we’ve got Baphomet all doing it yeah we’ve seen Bill Clinton do that and
borscht and not all these guys give you that we know what that means
we know who they’re in service to this is all about occultism it’s all about some worship heliocentrism it’s not
science it’s about it’s a religion it’s a faith this is Helios this is Helios
the song God and there you know here is on the badge of Apollo 13 this is all occult religion going all the way back
to all Egypt and then back through to Babylon as well life is much simpler on
a flat plane there’s no complex theories
or complicated mathematics involved in
it a flat plane now there’s a sea level is level
everywhere you go as he level is it’s sea level there’s no bending there’s no
bending the ocean around a spinning ball his level it’s hot water finds its level
and it maintains there’s can’t bend it around the ball this idea these facts
they’re facts resonating with people all over the world is not an accident it’s
not a coincidence that is the hardest part for you guys to understand the
people that argue with me that want to make me feel like a [ __ ] idiot that’s
not you talking that’s your ego talking that’s you have to convince yourself
verbally to somebody who is challenging your own beliefs to make yourself feel better and to help you sleep at night
the Flat Earth is a perfect example of that you refuse to look at the information it’s stupid well why is it
stupid well it just is what you every little thing that you’ve brought up all
of you can be refuted and explained differently but you refuse to see that
you refuse to look at it that makes you ignorant that that is the definition of ignorance so how does Hollywood
brainwash you but one way is like this they begin their movies on a globe and
then these zoom in to whatever the first scene is real clever way to brainwash you in the very first scene of any movie
you see Universal Studios are so bad they use this goddamn globe as their
logo as their intro to every single movie that they make
at the beginning of every single movie Universal makes you’re going to see the spinning globe global it doesn’t even
matter what the movie is about you’re going to be brainwashed no video real
video of the real spinning in space which you could all like to see actually
exists this is what your show this is last year from the discover satellite the epic and camera it is actually the
Dark Side of the Moon going past the earth there’s neither spinning there’s
the bat tell me the problem with Eisley moon’s supposed to be orbiting the earth not just flying straight past it
your eyes aren’t fooled yeah you’re in got your own senses trust your senses this is clearly CGI but you go to NASA’s
website and they will claim this was taken from a million miles away from Earth by the discover satellite you will
notice also that the clouds don’t really move I mean the move across but they
don’t change up swirl they’ll change direction and five hours 350 to 8:45
notice five hours of time-lapse photography those climb those those
clouds do not move at all you’ve been my rock before
we don’t have a picture of Earth except for the nice composite fake images NASA
gives you to make sure you keep believing you’re in a ball and keep arguing on their behalf keep fighting for them keep telling people we went to
the moon simply because you can’t let your mind think of the possibility that someone lied to you
the government lied to you they can’t lie there my government believe me it’s hard for all of us that’s crazy the
government doesn’t lie to people I was a huge Star Wars fan very very disappointed to find out that I’m just
being a program again it’s the multi multi-pronged approach show you in you
know we’re not trying to pretend that’s the whole as is real in any way but again it’s impressing your brain again
and again again that the space and planets and and spaceships and they’re all around than everything else okay
it’s Hollywood so now about the ISS does this look solid this is like a solid
machine to you but how do we know these of it we don’t but I tell you what you
don’t see from the ISS which you really should you never do is one of the 17,000
satellites are also supposed to be spinning round off there as well what difference does it make if it’s a globe
where if it’s flat they’re stealing your money and showing your cartoons and CGI
wouldn’t that make a difference if it was a globe or if it was flat if they
keep showing your cartoons of a globe they show you CGI glow dish in the
Hollywood trickery of a globe they’re stealing your pocket money
that’s the glad that begs the question hey
what the hell have you been showing us this fall for all this time what have
you been doing with our money did you guys go to space is evolution actually
real did you guys just make this [ __ ] up
see these are the questions we asked it
might be more land out there we discovered there might be a [ __ ] firmament up there
we don’t know stolen from us stuck us on
the card oh we’re being lied to controlled manipulated stolen from and
I’m not going to stop speaking out there’s a quote by Tesla today’s
scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off
through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality that’s what
happened with the globe Theory everybody knew the world was flat until one day
some guy came along and said oh no no it’s it’s a ball where we’re spinning
through space we’re circling the Sun a lie is a lie even if everybody believes
it and truth is truth even if no one believes it told Amira find a system
with earth at the center for 1500 years ptolemies system was used as the basis
of astronomy and calendars and it worked quite well Copernicus hated that and Copernicus set
about to undo Ptolemies greatest discovery while working at the request
of Pope Leo the 10th on improvements to the Julian calendar Copernicus conceived what turned out to
be the foundational idea of Derna tea itself the idea that the earth
moved not all were persuaded by Copernicus however the greatest
astronomer of the time Tycho Brahe he developed a new geocentric model the
earth occupies the center the planets orbit the Sun and the Sun orbits the
earth they basically stole our minds and enslaved us by showing us a picture of a
bull so here’s what you live on it’s fall when they show us a different picture of a ball here’s a different
picture of a ball in everyone’s like yet it’s the same place it doesn’t matter
the colors of the continents change it doesn’t matter the color of the oceans change it doesn’t matter that continents
change sizes change locations Tico hired a young assistant named Johannes Kepler in 1600 Kepler working
on his own development of the Copernican system needed Tico’s observations but
Tico refused to part with the when Tico died suddenly and mysterious
in 1601 Kepler took charge of Tico’s observations and used them to develop
his own system in Kepler’s system the Sun is in the center while the planets
move on ellipses non-uniformly the ellipse with extruder chyme allows us to
see the Ptolemies epicycles and equaled were actually a brilliant attempt to
express non-uniform motion centuries before Kepler indeed once the
concept of non-uniform motion is introduced all of these systems can be shown to be geometrically identical
perico’s was the main guy who started off the revolution he’s broke on the
revolutions of the celestial spheres changed you know thousands of years of
thinking about the earth being completely still as you can experience it for yourself every single day of your life and the obviously the bodies move
moving the heavens of others that’s what your senses experienced converted squat changed all that round but you didn’t use any silence there’s no science in
his book he got his ideas from the hermetic if I’m Hermes Trismegistus and it basically says how the Sun sits
enthroned in the middle of the s in the middle of the solar system and we all orbit around it what’s that sound like
to you that sounds like some work it sounds like a song called to me because later on we show you hi uh Fred was
another astronomer oil he said there’s no difference in the mathematics whether it’s geocentric or he listened with other song ms earlier the earth moves
around the Sun the mass works the same exactly the way the connections between conveyors just just [ __ ] just on the
imaging yeah I wouldn’t be I would be you know have a portrait done with a big
33 on it or or a triangle with an eye or anything like that I would want to be connected or associated with any of that
stuff cuz I’m yo I’m not really until I kind of sometime I’m working for the other side
so but Kabutops had no problem with the script with a square compass yeah with
the big wheel here the big Sun wheel and we’ve got the mercury sign as well yeah all these back again you know you can
you can investigate more for yourself the book of thought by Aleister Crowley
freemason move the Sun over the head yeah as above so below yeah and one of the reasons why I
mercury because it can rise in the morning and the night so it’s also home that for dick and both sexes which he obviously is
Baphomet as well should we know as the the breasts on the penis it goes on and on it’s all about cults or worse you can
chase it back to Babylon you can see all the different gods going through it but there is no signs to Copernicus’s and on
the revolutions of the spheres now eight seats of philosophical track then it’s all based on the hermetica uppers up
down is down if I visual aid I have a
pin if I release it from my grip what happens anybody correct it Falls
was that gravity yeah the molecules that make up this pin
plastic ink it’s got a little rubber grip on it are more dense and the
molecules of the air surrounding it the molecules of the air will not support
the weight so they fall so it falls when you let go like that density and mass
make an object heavy there’s no there’s no gravity simple up is up count us down
objects fall because they’re heavy if it
floats its lighter-than-air helium filled balloon with helium it goes up filled with hydrogen it would
also go up lighter than air float heavier than air balls it’s not
complicated gravity is of God because it’s the answer it’s the magic answer to
everything why how does this how does the earth keep Azam but it still spins around it’s the law it’s a lot of
garbage how does the other type of gravity wasn’t the moon fly off to the song because this song got bigger girl
gravity’s weight gravity lives don’t worry about its gravity gravity is the god that explains everything very very
magically there was no need for gravity whatsoever if we’re on a fixed stationary plane and the heavenly bodies
are simply going above us the reason why you don’t fall off is because you’re denser than the air that one bit underneath it’s just again Occam’s razor
so straightforward explanation basically perspective of living on a globe is
preposterous is ridiculous it’s hilarious
how we are taught to perceive the world we live on because basically even when
trying to depict it it’s hilarious they have no way of depicting it without it
being comical you have whales climbing
the curb like it’s absurd how can we live on a globe core of the earth you
know that you’ve seen the cut away this much is crust and mantle and magma and
liquid molten stuff at the center the
deepest hole that’s ever been drilled in the history of mankind to date even with
today’s technology eight miles if you want to say this is what the first eight
miles looks like I will believe you because they can show me the hole this
goes eight miles down okay it goes eight miles down that’s how thick is the plane
that we live on it’s at least eight miles because they’ve drilled down that
far but they can’t go any farther it just it doesn’t work so it’s speculation
with a sphere of four thousand miles radius being spun round once every
twenty-four hours a little bit of calculations will show that that person there is being spun round at about a
thousand miles an hour and there doesn’t know it I mean this is obvious gnosis
the stage was set for one of the most important events in the history of physics the Michelson Morley experiment
the experiment failed to detect the earth moving in or against the ether the
problem was serious although various solutions were advanced in the end
science was faced with a choice either discard the ether or admit that the
earth wasn’t orbiting the Sun it was Albert Einstein who came up with the
solution which now forms the basis of our physics and which we call the theory
of relativity Einstein eliminated the ether as the cause and said that it was
simply a principle of nature that when objects moved through empty space they
contract in length they decrease in the time traveled and their mass increases
all by the same proportion hence in order to maintain the Copernican
principle the length time and mass of moving objects were altered and this is
the essence of Einstein’s special theory of relativity all of physics collapses
with an experiment for cult’s pendulums do not uniformly swing in any one direction sometimes they rotate
clockwise and sometimes counterclockwise sometimes they fail to rotate and sometimes they rotate far too much
scientists who have repeated variations of the experiment have conceded time and
that quote it was difficult to avoid giving the pendulum some slight lateral
bias at starting the behavior of the pendulum actually depends on one the
initial force beginning its swing and to the ball and socket joint used which
most readily facilitates circular motion over any other the supposed rotational earth is completely inconsequential and
irrelevant to the pendulum swing it’s the alleged constant rotation of the earth affected pendulums in any way
then there should be no need to manually start pendulums in motion if Earth’s diurnal rotation caused the
360 degree uniform rotation of pendulums then there should not exist a stationary
pendulum anywhere on earth it has been said that the pendulum experiment proves the rotation of the earth this is quite
impossible for one pendulum turns one way and sometimes another pendulum turns in the opposite direction now we ask
does the earth rotate in opposite directions at different places at one at the same time we should like to know
perhaps the experimenters will kindly enlighten us on this point there’s all kinds of evidence for the phenomenon
what’s called continental drift that this means that the the continents are able to move as if they’re floating on a
fluid now if the earth is is spherical if it’s spinning can it any anybody
knows that if this is spinning very very very fast like that that the continents
should all be located at the equator because centrifugal force would move the
comets from the poles to the middle the Coriolis effect is often said to cause
sinks and toilet bowls in the northern hemisphere to drain spinning in one direction while in the southern
hemisphere causing them to spin the opposite way thus providing proof of the spinning baller
once again however just like for cults pendulums spinning either which way sinks and toilets in the northern and
southern hemisphere do not constantly spin in any one direction sinks and toilets in the very same household are
often found to spend in opposite directions depending entirely on the shape of the basin and the angle of the
water’s entry not the suppose adroit ation of the earth jennifer Horton wrote
while the premise makes sense that the Earth’s eastward spin would cause the water in a toilet bowl to spin as well
in reality the force and speed at which the water enters and leaves the receptacle is much too great to be
influenced by something as minuscule as a single 360 degree turn over the span
of a day when all is said and done the Coriolis effect plays no larger a role
in toilet flushes than it does in the revolution of CDs in your stereo the
things that really determine the direction in which water leaves your toilet or sink are the shape of the bowl
and the angle at which the liquid initially enters the bowl the Coriolis effect is also said to affect bullet
trajectories and weather patterns as well supposedly causing most storms in the northern hemisphere to rotate
counterclockwise and most storms in the southern hemisphere to rotate clockwise to cause bullets from long-range guns to
tend towards the right of the target in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere again however
the same problems remain not every bullet and not every storm consistently
displays the behavior and therefore cannot reasonably be used as proof of anything they got us to ridicule it and that was
the genius in their whole plan if you ridicule something socially it’s it’s ridiculous so I’m not gonna look
into it and if you think about it if you flip it inside out to assume here this flight is so makes so much sense to
assume it’s a cloak is so ridiculous we should have laughed at that you know and it’s funny how people who still believe
in the sphere always make fun of the Flat Earth because they’ll say well I’ll shut up
how can I stay on I fall off I mean that that’s ridiculous I’ll fall off yeah they have total faith and not rolling
tumbling down the sphere for some reason this appears safe to them you know it’s
like know what in a level surface appear more sensible and safe if you really
think about it people sue we go look at the planets the planets are spheres so
that means we’re a sphere no without a telescope I’ve got one without your
telescope and look at Mars it’s a dot of light it’s an orange dot and then when
you look at a meta image it’s this district rose with canyons and ice and
craters and [ __ ] but when you look at it through an amateur telescope like a good amateur telescope not one from [ __ ]
Walmart like a good one it’s important job it’s not a desert world with canyons
and [ __ ] that they went to there’s no rover on Mars they’re
prepping us with movies like the Martian so they can steal our money on fake trip
to Mars just like they stole money on a trip to the moon
behold the mysterious floating warmth I
don’t need all the complex theories and math the Sun isn’t 93 million miles away
it’s much closer much closer and much smaller oh it’s four hundred times
bigger than the moon but it’s also 400 times farther away so it appears to be
the same size the Sun and Moon are the same size and they’re not as far as they
say they are they circle above the plain
that we live on the flat plane they circles the sunshine sound like a spotlight around 24 hours the same
phenomenon aratus Feeny’s measured could be explained by a flat earth if the Sun were only a few thousand miles away and
32 miles across the math would work out the same once you know once you realize
what’s going on you’re on a flat plane you can see the Sun is like it moves
towards you passes overhead it moves away from you it’s a perspective the
distance it moves that direction until it reaches the vanishing point the point
of convergence on the horizon where you can no longer see it’s light and this is
a really really good video to watch it’s called loom a amazing planet for balloon to the edge of space and you watch it
you will see because those are clouds there this isn’t this isn’t the ocean this is clouds and what we’ve got here
that’s a hot spot from the Sun now if it Suns 93 million miles away yeah but
massive how is it causing a heat spot on here cuz this is a skill for me you can watch the video for yourself but this is
what it does minutes and minutes in this video it spins around you can see it again and again it will blow your mind
we shall see the Sun isn’t that far away at all because it can’t be causing a heat spot on the clouds if it’s 93 million miles away it’s massive she’ll
all be coming in same anguish we know the Sun is obviously not 93 million
miles away it looks very close circumnavigation is really just a flat circle pack gravity as we know it simply
doesn’t exist the Sailor thinks that he’s travelling around the earth
this way when in effect he’s traveling around the earth this way and he’s
creating a circle he’s moving in a continuous direction around he goes through the various parts of the circle
and he comes back raised on frontieres’ run around this way one of heliocentric favorite supposed proofs of their baller
theory is the ability for ships and planes to circumnavigate to sail or fly
at right angles to the North Pole and eventually return to their original location since the North Pole in
Antarctica are covered in ice and guarded no-fly zones however no ships or
planes have ever been known to circumnavigate the earth in north-south directions only east-west and herein
lies the rub east or west bound circumnavigation can just as easily be
performed on a flat plane as akin on a globular sphere just as a compass can
place its centre point on a flat piece of paper and trace a circle either way around the pole so can a ship or plane
circumnavigate a flat earth the only kind of circumnavigation which could not happen on a flat earth is north south
bound which is likely the very reason for the heavily enforced flight fiction’s flight restrictions
originating from none other than the united nations the same united nations
which hardly uses the flat earth map as its official logo and flag so the ball
arthur’s logical argument is that only a globe can be circumnavigated the earth
has been circumnavigated and therefore at leas as a globe this is indeed a
logical modus ponens statement but the conclusion is rendered invalid because the first premise that only a globe can
be circumnavigated is categorically false there is no current man you will
bump up in your house and saw the curvature you will or a plane and Salter know you didn’t there is no Parature you
know how I know I tried to debunk the bladder that I failed and so most of us
get started we try to debunk the planner and we can fail there’s no evidence the
curvature when you use your own senses in your own observations cross Lake
Michigan from Saint Joseph to Chicago is 60 miles over 60 miles to any 100 2400
feet should not be seen this is a visual of how that works see the blue level
obviously the Green Line is you straight out if you’re walking straight out obviously the viewer supposed to curve so the blue line is where it curves
anything beyond the blue line should not be seen Sears tower’s only 450 feet high it’s the highest obviously building in
Chicago just give me the house of some of the rest of e and buildings there it’s quite a famous picture a guy called
Joshua nawicki of Chicago from 60 miles away we shouldn’t be able to see any oh
it should be all behind 2,400 feet the curve yeah now people say ah but you can’t see
the bottom of that you know it’s proving that the earth could you can’t see the bottom of it because in the bottom of it cuz seas and lakes the wave you go up
and down they’re not completely on me obviously if it’s completely flat and completely clear then you’ll see a lot more but this actually proves that
they’ve got that the picture wasn’t taken from very high above sealer if it was you’d see a lot more of the
buildings like in this next one from slightly closer I’m going to 37 miles away and she’ll be behind 9gp a curve I
think we could see more than 500 feet this is Taliban but you can see virtually all of the skyline because obviously it’s a clear road a
it’s a little bit brighter and obviously the waves aren’t just chocolate here’s the opposite there’s that you know there’s 36 miles of waves in
between why would we see the whole thing but we can still see far more of it
should be eight hundred and forty feet a drop you shouldn’t be able to see hopes you better see less and less than the
top half of those we want to a different city Toronto across Lake Ontario
place called Grimsby see not in Lincolnshire 37 miles away it’ll be
behind 9gp curve the CN tower is 1,800 feet tall you should be able to see only
the top path without hardly any of the rest of Toronto can we see pretty much the whole skyline there again you can
check this out yourself how do i you know you can get half a dozen of these pictures from various places all around
this bag yeah this is actually taken from the red lines there that that’s the krims of is here it’s actually a little bit further in this red line you can get
pictures of on Toronto from all over the speak yeah and you can see way more
other than which should be no because I was that’s like refracting bending it round the curb it doesn’t more like a
mirror I’ve seen their eyes yes if they’re inverted or the wavy widow on my Rajan applying that we can see it in the list 81 miles
away from Genoa so the Isle of Gorger it’s only 70 feet above sea level we shall be able to see
anyone or she’ll be able to be seen most of the island which you move behind four thousand three hundred feet the curve which should have curved away by now we
can still see it we could bring it closer back oh yeah Isle of Man from the
file Co 61 miles away but again we can’t you see the tops of the turbines we can see virtually all of them from 61 miles
away Snowbell is 2030 feet high mm 34 feet Haj that’s the highest point on the Isle
of Man 61 miles where should be two thousand four hundred eighty feet of curvature should be you know half mile
below the horizon come on don’t know 75 miles away starts getting interesting
when you go when you start good towards 100 mile mark we’re talking over a mile of dip now this is the Ohio I love a
wahoo taking from Coit Tower twine thank you in Hawaii it’s 90 miles away again
you can see you know apart from you know what we’ll have a bit the waves are hide
and we can see a lot of the island and here’s the numbers for it it should be
behind 5,400 feet a drop elevation is 4,000 at 3 feet so we shouldn’t even be
able to see the type of it you can see nearly all of it this is the Sierra Nevada range from Mount Diablo in
California San Francisco is 160 miles well yes we’re up a mountain you’re there imagine we can see again a lot of
the bottom of the mountains you can see the snow-capped tops then we can see the rest of the mountains as well 160 miles
away they should be showing behind 17,000 feet of curve again yeah she
might be able to see the top of it but not all of the mountains and here’s the furthest one I found so far this is my
record so far this area I’m sure it will keep on growing this is the reunion from
the Isle of Mauritius it’s a hundred and forty nine miles away it’s a long long
long way away once again we can see the peak but we can also see most of us now
this is quite clearly a very very good observational they very clear very calm and the highest peak on Reunion Island
is 3072 metres toys just under 2 miles
149 miles away everything should put behind two point eight miles of curvature should have curved way away
away and again it’s not just the tops we can see we can see much more we can see a lot more you know 2,000 feet or so of
them we can see far more so I’m saying about the z axis curve it’s not there it’s not there if you watch a boat out
to sea and then get a telescope on it it’ll come back into view again yeah it’s perspective Alex
obviously the limits of our our eye side Bruce also conditions as well quite clearly yeah he K is conscious from what
Hubble visible condition do check but the point is that photo has to be taken I’ve just shown you it doesn’t go to
grass from soil 30 ml 6 ml negative are L we can see how 150 miles in the distance and actually well have
disappeared behind the curve the globe huge flat place on earth everybody’s aware if you have watched Top Gear the
Bonneville Salt Flats where we goes racing but there’s even bigger ones in South America I tell you Theo Pia but
the salad salad am I’m in Bolivia you got there it’s 4,000 square who’s going 421
thousands of square miles big flat places on earth a famously flatter than a pancake and the evidence is all around
us earth is flat and that is that don’t
overthink this thing it’s not necessary primary knowledge of sacrum you know
you’re going to use your own senses your own observances your own experiments hopefully are you gonna believe what
you’ve been told just because that’s what everybody believes that this overly
covert like sigh up like what would be the point of that the discredit the
truth movement if you look in the bladder for three hours that you would
realize that it’s not a PSYOP it’s not a PSYOP siop of that magnitude that would
ultimately bring the truth movement to its do you really think the truth movement is going to be brought to its
knees anytime soon given all the information the same is with bladder think about it
so why what forgot to gain you know why bother well as far as I’m concerned if
you once you doing research and if you come to the same conclusion up there myself and thousands of others a dog a
overthrows heliocentrism ltos the big bang that over ho-oh throws evolution over throws everything we thought we
knew about the will and I’ve heard people say that the reason they don’t want to publish papers that disagree
with special relativity or general relativity is that they built their careers on this if you were paranoid
you’d say there’s a conspiracy whatever it is there is a lot of resistance to
getting something published that disagrees with either of mine Stein’s two theories as for all of the photos
and video evidence we now have that the earth is round well all that material is completely fabricated a hoax perpetrated
by space agencies airlines Globa manufacturers they are reaping the
rewards of our ignorant belief that the earth is actually round
a stupid rumor
sir chair three
to but I so he is the story and it’s true
true story