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Jesuits Erasing our Flat Earth – Documentary

Jesuits Erasing our Flat Earth – Documentary


How the biggest deception started and who promoted it, narrated by Johnny Cirucci. From the Holy Roman Empire, to modern times, while explaining the Jesuit connection with Pythagoras, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Einstein, etc.

mig/mag special report for a thousand
years from roughly 500 AD to 1500 AD the
civilized world was controlled by Rome
but not military Rome religious Rome the
Roman Empire had mutated from a military
power into a religious one co-opting the
beliefs of Christianity and mixing them
with ancient Egyptian Greco and
Babylonian paganism Christian doctrine
that came directly from Jesus Christ and
was transcribed in the Bible stated that
each individual had the liberty and
independence to govern their own
salvation by cultivating a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ the new
religious Roman Empire insinuated
herself in between Christ and the
believer and said if you wanted to have
your soul saved you had to rely on the
priests bishops and Cardinals of Rome
this was the worst kind of slavery
because it was a slavery of
disinformation now and again sincere
Bible believing Christians like the
Waldensians of the Alps the Alba Jen’s
Jerome of Prague John Wickliffe and his
Lollards yon hoose of Bohemia would
rebel against this Roman rule and show
Christians that Vatican doctrines
claiming that you needed Rome to ensure
your salvation were contradicted by the
Bible as a result the papacy strictly
forbade Bibles to be placed into the
hands of the common person and only
allowed Jerome’s Latin Vulgate
to be handled by clergy men like John
Wickliffe painstakingly translated the
Vulgate into the language of the people
for Wickliffe it was English English
Bibles were then slowly and carefully
handled by witless followers who handed
them out – and taught the people in
response Roman authorities captured
wickless followers called lollards tied
their Bibles around their necks and burn
them alive
it’s what Christian so-called Christian
Rome did to all of her enemies including
Jerome of Prague and yeah who’s John
foxes Book of Martyrs originally titled
acts and monuments is completely filled
with examples of Catholic authorities
torturing and murdering Christians and
when a lollard was burned with a Bible
hanging around his neck it was a
terrible loss because not only were
Christians being burned alive but
Bibles were irreplaceable but in 1517 a
new rebel stepped up an Augustinian monk
from Germany named Martin Luther Luther
was furious that Pope Leo the tenth
Giovanni de Medici from the powerful
medici family who helped to rule the
world then and including through to
today had sent their attack dogs the
Dominicans to cheat the common people
out of their money by claiming they
could buy what is called an indulgence
which is basically a receipt of forgiven
sin by paying money to indulgences
peddlers like Johann Tetzel or
Christians believed that they had some
of their sins forgiven worse they were
told that dead loved ones were in
purgatory and they could give money to
these indulgences peddlers and the Pope
would then release their dead loved ones
Luther wrote 95 short paragraphs or
theses and on November 1st a 1517 All
Saints Day posted them to the doors of
All Saints Cathedral and Vinton burg but
what was different about Martin Luther’s
protests and the protests of previous
Christians was the movable-type printing
press of Johannes
ninety-five theses were translated and
replicated by the Gutenberg press and
spread like wildfire want Luther
instantly shot to number one on the
Vatican hit list remember he was an
Augustinian monk that didn’t matter he
was waking people up and freeing them
from the Roman chains and for that he
needed to be stopped he was kidnapped by
his benefactor Frederick the wise of
Saxony and held it Wartburg castle for
several months to protect him from
Vatican assassins during that time he
translated the Bible into vernacular
German and it may have been the most
important thing he ever did starting
with the New Testament and then later
the Old Testament but now the Gutenberg
press started printing off large
quantities of common language Bibles and
the fires of the Inquisition couldn’t
keep up other brave Christians like
William Tyndale also a Roman Catholic
priest began translating Bibles into the
language of their people
Tyndale was English like Wickliffe and
he too was eventually executed by Rome
for his crime but now Rome had a problem
there were too many Bibles and Bible
Translators to be kept in check by
burning them all a new tactic was born a
tactic that English Cardinal Thomas
Wolsey called learning against learning
and that tactic was to discredit the
Bible in order to force people to return
to accepting Rome as the ultimate
authority over their body and soul in
this tactic of learning against learning
Rome would literally rewrite reality and
weave a false reality matrix that we now
all swim in to this day for thousands of
years mankind understood the earth to be
flat and stationary only rarely did men
like Pythagoras attempt to claim
otherwise and it’s interesting to note
that many Freemasons consider Pythagoras
to be one of the first of their craft
but now rewriting our reality as a
tactic to discredit the Bible became a
top priority in the face of Martin
Luther’s 1517 ref from
Meishan Protestant Reformation the
Catholic response would be the
counter-reformation and it would be
spearheaded by Spanish Templar knight
named Ignatius of Loyola and his
followers whom we call today the Jesuits
their first opportunity came from the
Vatican’s mathematician a Polish priest
named Nicholas Copernicus Copernicus
gave birth to the modern heliocentric
model of the universe with his work de
revolutionibus orbeum celestia on the
revolutions of the heavenly spheres
Copernicus knew he was weaving a matrix
of lies and wanted to hold publication
of de revolutionibus until after his
death but powerful Roman Catholic clergy
like teed men geese bishop of comb and
the papal secretary himself johann
him to publish in 1543 the facts that
catholic clergy forced Copernicus to
publish or that Copernicus was the
Vatican mathematician or that he
received his doctorate in canon law from
bologna university canon law the
precepts by which rome governs nations
Adam vice helped was a doctor in canon
law or that he was a Roman Catholic
priest these have all been swept under
the carpet but Copernicus never married
and even the Catholic Encyclopedia had
to note then in 1537 King Sigismund of
Poland put Copernicus’s name on the list
of four candidates for the vacant
Episcopal seat of Orland which makes it
probable that at least in later life he
had entered the priesthood also swept
under the carpet has been the timing of
the publication of de revolutionibus
right on the heels of Martin Luther’s
Protestant Reformation and if that’s not
clear enough for you how about this a
Vatican agent named Yuri okiya rheticus
who was originally born your de Porres
had insinuated himself into the Luther
Reformation and was in Vinton Berg when
he left to become a close student of
Copernicus sources like Wikipedia
claimed that rheticus was
sent from reformer Philip Melancthon a
dear friend of Martin Luther but it is
absolutely Roman Catholic disinformation
in the table talk of Martin Luther the
great reformer is quoted as having said
there is talk of a new astrologer who
wants to prove that the earth moves and
goes round instead of the sky the Sun
the moon just as if somebody were moving
in a carriage or a ship might hold that
he was sitting still and at rest while
the earth and the trees walked and moved
but that is how things are nowadays when
a man wishes to be clever he must need
to invent something special and the way
he does it must needs be the best the
fool wants to turn the whole art of
astronomy upside down however as holy
scripture tells us so did Joshua bid the
Sun to stand still and not the earth in
his lectures on the book of Genesis
Luther said we Christians must be
different from the philosophers and the
way we think about the causes of these
things and if some are beyond our
comprehension like those before us
concerning the waters above the heavens
we must believe them and admit our lack
of knowledge rather than either wickedly
deny them or presumptuously interpret
them in conformity with our own
understanding the great reformer Jean
Calvin also known as John Calvin called
Copernicus a dreamer who has a spirit of
bitterness and contradiction reprove
everything and prevent the order of
nature we will see some who are so
deranged Calvin said not only in
religion but who in all things reveal
their monstrous nature that they will
say that the Sun does not move and that
it is the earth which shifts and turns
when we see such Minds we must indeed
confess that the devil possesses them
and that God sets them before us as
mirrors in order to keep us in his fear
so it is with all who argue out of pure
malice and that happily make a show of
their imprudence when they are told this
is hot they will reply note it is
plainly cold when they are shown an
object is black it will say no it is
and vice-versa just like the man who
said that the snow is black for although
it is perceived and known all to be
white yet he clearly wished to
contradict the fact and so it is that
they are madmen who tried to change the
natural order and even to dazzle eyes
and be numb the senses do you think
Calvin knew how the Freemasons were used
by the Jesuits when they are shown an
object is black they will say it is
white we’re talking about our government
he owned we’re talking about a crime
bill feeling simple y’all got to start
thinking on a different level like the
CIA does now went through the
looking-glass here people white is black
and black is white very quickly Rome
jumped upon this new model of the
universe and Jesuits like Christopher
Claudius used Copernicus and his work to
fabricate the Gregorian calendar the
calendar we all use rightly did the
prophet Daniel say in Chapter 7 verse 23
that during his vision of being standing
near him said the fourth beast shall be
a fourth Kingdom on the earth which
shall be different from all other
kingdoms and shall devour the whole
earth trample it and break it into
pieces the ten horns are ten Kings who
shall rise from this Kingdom and another
shall rise after them he shall be
different from the first ones and shall
subdue three kings he shall speak
pompous words against the Most High
shall persecute the Saints of the Most
High and intend to change times and laws
and the Saints shall be given into his
hand for a time very quickly did Rome
and papal agents like the Jesuits begin
to push this new cosmology she took over
astronomy and either pushed out or
killed off anyone who contradicted the
idea that the earth was a globe spinning
in space and revolving around the Sun
even those that met her halfway didn’t
keep her happy and she dealt with them
as well
Teague ah Tintin brah hey whose nickname
was Tycho accepted the idea that the
earth was a globe spinning in space but
still believed that his own observations
and data
proved that the earth was the center of
the solar system and not the Sun this is
known as geocentrism Tycho wanted to
follow in the steps of Martin Luther and
studied at the University of Wittenberg
but was forced out by the plague
Brahe Hayes life appeared to be
frequently in danger and in 1566 he lost
a large portion of his nose in a duel he
was 20 years old at the time he later
died under mysterious circumstances at
the very young age of 54 one of those
who claimed it was simply an illness a
bladder infection contracted during a
banquet in Prague was his understudy
Johannes Kepler Kepler was a German
astronomer and supposedly a Lutheran yet
he had an intimate relationship with
Jesuits in 1597 Archduke Franz Ferdinand
ii of austria banished all protestants
good Roman Catholic that he was and
Kepler fled to Hungary but that Jesuits
intervened and convinced Ferdinand to
allow him to return Kepler grew up with
a Jesuit uncle under the same roof of
their house in veal de staat uncle said
Aldous was a Jesuit astrologer who also
kept a wife upon the unexpected death of
Tycho Brahe Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph
the second immediately promoted Kepler
to replace him as Imperial mathematician
and Kepler very quickly went to work
rewriting all of bra haze observations
to be interpreted as heliocentric and
not geocentric in a paper titled
Kepler’s relation to the Jesuits dr.
York shook nur the University of Leipzig
noted that it is well known that the
order of the Jesuits was the most
important and the most active Catholic
order in the field of science during the
17th and 18th centuries one field of
particularly intensive successful study
carried out by the Jesuits was astronomy
many of their names are associated with
the important discoveries in the history
of astronomy such as the discovery and
mapping of
moon craters it is nearly impossible to
list all the names of those who made
serious contributions as astronomers or
mathematicians one aspect of the
considerable role the Jesuits played in
the history of astronomy was their
support of Johannes Kepler some of them
stood in extensive correspondence with
Kepler now it was obvious to protestors
like Luther and Calvin that something
fishy was going on in Rome and the
papacy needed plausible deniability
while she rewrote our reality that
propaganda was presented by Italian
astronomer and mathematician Galileo
Galilei and it’s absolutely fascinating
what user edited wikipedia says in the
entry for Galileo Galilei under the
subtitle Galileo Kepler and theories of
tides Cardinal Bellarmine had written in
1615 that the Copernican system could
not be defended without quote a true
physical demonstration that the Sun does
not circle the Earth but the arrow
circles the Sun Galileo considered his
theory of the tides to provide that
required proof of the motion of the
earth now there’s no link on the name
Cardinal Bellarmine which is unusual for
maybe that’s because Cardinal Bellarmine
was Robert Bellah mean of the Society of
Jesus one of the most powerful Jesuits
of his time was canonized a saint in
1930 and named a doctor of the church
what’s more it is ludicrous to imagine
that the Earth’s supposed large mass
doesn’t pull the moon and crash into it
and instead the magical force of gravity
holds its stationery even more
ridiculous is the idea that the moon
affects tides by pulling on the water
the magical mystical force of gravity is
blamed South African author Thomas
Winship wrote in 1899 his book zetetic
cosmogony if the moon lifted up the
water is evident that
the land the water will be drawn away
and low instead of high tide caused
again the velocity and path of the moon
are uniform and it follows that if she
exerted any influence on the earth that
influence could only be a uniform
influence but the tides are not uniform
and wish it uses examples from South
Africa at port natal the rise and Falls
about six feet while at birra about six
hundred miles up the coast the rise and
fall is twenty six feet this effectually
settles the matter that the moon has no
influence on the tides but Protestant
reformers were on to Rome she knew she
needed a smoke screen and she provided
it suddenly history was rewritten and
rather than pushing with her own agents
like Copernicus Kepler and Galileo and
others to rewrite our cosmology suddenly
the papacy was a defender of the Flat
Earth well just look what they did to
poor Galileo let’s do supposedly Galileo
was tried for heresy at the hands of
that evil flat earther Jesuit Robert
Bellamy he bravely stood by his guns and
humiliated the church with a
heliocentric spinning ball earth what
happened to Galileo Galilei well for the
last few years of his life he was put
under house arrest have you read
anything about the Inquisition do you
know what the Inquisition did to people
when it truly considered them an enemy
things like rotating their arms
backwards until they were pulled out of
their sockets inventing special
instruments that could be jammed into a
person’s body to rip open their valves
putting them in a special sarcophagus
filled with spikes that would jam into
them to the bone you ever hear of Edgar
Allan Poe are you familiar with his
short story the pit and the pendulum
about a swinging razor-sharp pendulum
that lowered across a victim and would
take hours to slowly saw that victim
half did you know it was based upon the
Inquisition a little known secret is
that the Jesuits now own astronomy when
their missionaries went across the world
across our flat earth the first thing
they did was insinuate themselves in
royal courts to become the official
astronomer of that kingdom China is a
great example one of the first Jesuits
in China was Matteo Ricci Ricci and his
successors like Adam Shah and Ferdinand
verbiage were all the royal court
astronomers and eventually fabricated
the calendar for the Chinese emperor
today the Jesuits even have their own
observatories both in Italy and in
America they use their puppets in
American government to steal Apache holy
ground on Mount Graham in Arizona are
they reaching out extraterrestrial or
enter dimensionally they appear to have
answered our question with the latest
piece of technology on Mount Graham the
large binocular telescope near-infrared
utility with camera and integral field
unit for extra galactic research also
known as Lucifer and it’s not surprising
given the success the Jesuits have had
in rewriting our reality now we’re
supposed to believe that rome was
against the spinning ball earth
heliocentric cosmic accident cosmology
of our modern understanding yet at every
step of the way Jesuits are Jesuit
agents were there to bolster our false
reality hiding whenever possible behind
convenient Jews and for more on that see
our special report it’s the Jews from
Johnny suruci and mig/mag
needing to contrive an origin for our
accidental existence that contradicts
the Bible Jesuit trained Belgian priest
George’s lemaître is the father of the
so called Big Bang Theory the idea that
first there was nothing and then it
exploded he was a close co-worker of
just such a Jewish puppet Albert
Einstein Einstein bolstered the Jesuit
cosmology with his convoluted theory of
relativity the problem was that
observations of both scientists and
laymen weren’t matching what so-called
astronomers were telling us and so
Einstein fabricated the theory of
relativity to claim that your reality
was relative to the time-space continuum
it is purposefully almost impossible to
understand you’re just supposed to trust
science and astronomy the Jesuits then
jumped on with dinosaurs and Charles
Darwin to claim the earth is billions of
years old
and wherever Darwin’s theory of
evolution had holes Jesuits stepped up
to fill the gap Jesuits like Pierre
Teilhard de Chardin the father of the
new age after fabricating the eight like
pre humans that we supposedly came from
even students of evolution became
concerned that there was a quote missing
link between primitive Apes and modern
humans a discovery was made in 1912 to
bridge that gap having been found in
Piltdown East Sussex England it was
named Piltdown man unfortunately it was
also found to be a hoax the skull of a
small human with the altered mandible
and teeth of an orangutan sometime later
paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould
uncovered the father of that hoax
a Jesuit priest named Pierre Teilhard de
Chardin there are many such examples in
archaeology and paleontology and yet no
one asks why would so-called scientists
be fabricating evidence the goal was to
discredit the Bible and it has been
resoundingly successful without the
spinning ball earth Darwinian dinosaur
cosmic accident the Bible is a science
textbook with it critics laugh and
questioned the Bible and instead look to
human authorities to save their souls
such as the Vicar of Christ himself who
is for the first time in Roman Catholic
history a Jesuit priest this has been
Johnny suruci for a mig/mag special

Heliosorcery (2022) | Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism | Full Documentary

Heliosorcery (2022) | Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism | Full Documentary

As part of a legal defense speech, the revered Roman statesman Marcus Cicero said these words:

“The illustrious Lucius Cassius, whom the Roman people considered the wisest and most conscientious of judges, was in the habit of asking repeatedly in trials, cui bono fuisset? ‘Who has profited by it’. Such is the way of the world: no man attempts to commit a crime without the hope of profit.”

The purpose of this documentary is not to provide scientific, practical, or Biblical evidence against heliocentric doctrine. But rather, to trace the presently raging cosmology dispute back to its ancient heritage. We will review the hot political and religious climate in which heliocentrism was reborn.

We will question whether it was more than a love for science which motivated the medieval hierarchy to get behind Copernicus’ new theory.

We will investigate lesser known facts about the celebrated champions of sun-centered cosmology; their powerful associations, and their hidden obsessions.

Gathering the common threads which tie the various players together, we will follow the steady evolution of this paradigm, marking the dramatic effects it has had upon the character of society. And we will ask the question: Cui Bono? Who benefits?

Read ‘The Cosmology Conflict’ by Chris Sparks:

For more information visit:


00:00 Introduction
03:07 The Protestant Reformation
16:11 Gnosticism
26:04 Copernicus
31:32 The Jesuits
42:20 Galileo
48:29 Newton & Hermes Trismegistus
57:39 Kepler & Hermes Trismegistus
01:03:56 The World That Forgot God
01:07:53 Darwin, The Big Bang & NASA 01:26:44 Conclusion

Flat Earth: Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy!

Recent discoveries have uncovered dates, agendas, and goals that connect the Jesuits to a massive deception

for the purpose of a multi-faceted end time delusion. .

The design of this deeply hidden plot has been to change the perception of the masses

regarding the authority of the Bible, the correct shape of the earth, the layout of the universe

and the Creator’s position in it. . This change in perception has prepared minds

for the overwhelming delusion to come up on the world under the First Woe. The Fifth Trumpet prophesied in Revelation 9,

“This delusion will be a demonic attack under the pretext of an alien invasion.”

Reportedly, Vladimir Lenin reportedly observed: “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”

. This quote is discovered within the belief of most.

The earth is a sphere; it spins through space while orbiting the sun,

hurtling thousands of kilometers an hour inside our Milky Way Galaxy.

So engrained is this belief, if one speaks of the words “Flat Earth”, listeners snicker.

The mental reflect of a flat plain from which a person might fall into an infinite space

creates this disrespect. . A globe earth, because unproven,

is pseudo-science, yet believed worldwide and passed from generation to generation,

and any who question it is mocked and ridiculed. .

For millennia well educated people believed the earth was flat,

and placed at the center of the universe enclosed there with a protective covering.

. In the early 16th Century, Nicolaus Copernicus introduced a different model of the universe,

in which the sun lay at the center and the earth revolved around it.

Copernicus’ heliocentric model is taught today, while the earlier geocentric model

has been utterly rejected. Less than a 100 years later,

Galileo was prosecuted by the Catholic Church for promoting Copernicus’ theory

and forced to recant his beliefs and spend the last years of his life under house arrest.

. Galileo’s prosecution for promoting heliocentrism

is surprising, as the Catholic Church initially supported Copernicus’ theories.

Consider the following facts: 1. While some sources claim Copernicus

never took the vows of a priest, he was a cleric and never married.

Furthermore, “The fact that in 1537 King Sigismund of Poland

put his name on the list of four candidates for the vacant episcopal seat of Ermland,

makes it probable that, at least in later life, he had entered the priesthood.”

. 2. When Pope Paul III sought Copernicus for advice

on how to reform the calendar, Copernicus at first demurred to answer.

Later, he wrote a series of letters to the Pope containing accurate observations

that “actually served, seventy years later, as a basis for the working out of the Gregorian calendar.”

(Ibid). 3. For a long time Copernicus refused to publish his beliefs

on a heliocentric universe. Finally, in 1531, he published a brief abstract,

stating his theory in seven axioms. From this, the concept spread rapidly.

. 4. Two years later, Albert Widmanstadt lectured on the Copernican model

before Pope Clement VII, an action for which he was richly rewarded.

5. In 1536, Cardinal Schonberg, who was Archbishop of Capua,

urged Copernicus to fully publish his theory or, at the least, have a copy made at the Cardinal’s expense.

. 6. Between 1539 and 1541,

Copernicus published and distributed a 66-page letter and a preliminary chapter.

. 7. Copernicus explained in a letter to Pope Paul III

that he finally yielded to the insistent urging of Cardinal Schonberg,

Bishop Giese of Culm, and other knowledgeable men, and agreed to publish his manuscripts.

. Copernicus’ theory of a heliocentric universe

was well known at the upper strata of the Catholic Church in his lifetime.

While he preferred his theories publish after his death, he ultimately agreed to publish his manuscripts

on the persistent appeals of high church officials. . Catholics were not first to reject Copernicus’ views,

for they themselves admit, “Opposition was first raised against the Copernican system

by Protestant theologians for Biblical reasons.” .

The Catholic Church advanced Copernicus’ heliocentric model constantly urging him to spread it abroad,

together with other theories that opposed the Sacred Scriptures. .

The necessity to change public conception from an accurate belief in a flat, enclosed earth,

to a false belief grew slowly. With sapient baby steps

the whole world would become amenable to the final delusion of an alien invasion

under the First Woe. . The Catholic hierarchy had the perfect opportunity

to lay groundwork for a global deception to culminate in this earth’s final generation.

This deception required a globe earth spinning throughout the vast reaches of space,

a space inhabited by aliens and other sentient life forms.

These contrivances created doubt in the Bible, putting science ahead of Scripture,

which advises mankind the earth is enclosed and unmoving.

They also placed the Creator far away from His creation by presenting a universe unimaginably vast.

. To engineer this transformation and belief, the newly created Society of Jesus,

commonly known as the Jesuits, became the agents of change.

The Roman Catholic Church was waging war on the new Protestantism believers having come from their own system,

while Copernicus was resisting appeals to publish his theory of a heliocentric solar system.

Under the approval of Pope Paul III the Jesuit order was established in 1540,

and Copernicus dedicated his book Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies to this very same Pope.

This newly formed order, the perfect instrument to implement a clandestine operation for the Pope of Rome,

began changing the public perception of the authority of the Scriptures, the earth, and the Creator

through the Copernican Revolution. By deliberately teaching their followers

to invite demonic spirits into their human spirits, the Jesuits exposed what manner of mankind each truly was.

The Jesuit founder, Ignatius of Loyola, had taught all members of the Society of Jesus

certain spiritual exercises which made them practical, mind controlled slaves to Satan.

They were to daily become as “corpses or cadavers,” that they “unhesitatingly obey” the will of their superiors.

In opening the mind to the influence of demons, these Jesuits brought in a spirit of malevolence,

a demonic intelligence that was unprecedented in Catholicism.

Now, satanically controlled, the Jesuit priests became successful

in every evil endeavor. They became infamous

for their skill at deception and subterfuge. Their ability to infiltrate governments

and institutions of learning; their standing as advisors to kings

and new leaders in education; the very influence they wielded was tantamount

to becoming humanly insurmountable. Working through government entities

and in the field of world education; they guide scientific research to further their own ends,

and present the biggest lie of all time: a globe Earth.

Following Copernicus Publications it is probable the Jesuit Order has produced more astronomers

than any other demographic in Europe, that ostensibly a religious order

should produce so many scientists should cause surprise.

However, as these scientists have focused nearly exclusively in but one area,

this gives us reason to question. . Upon rejection of the Sacred Scriptures,

which teach us Earth is a fixed, immovable object under a protective covering;

a nefarious foundation was laid. Atop this were built perversions designed to force humanity

to dealt the very word of our Father, Yahuwah. With the Biblical Geocentric Model rejected,

a new explanation was required. A globe Earth, its orbit of the sun

for millions of miles every year, illimitable realms of space with billions of galaxies

each composed of billions of stars with worlds innumerable.

All of this became necessary to explain the new Heliocentric Model of the universe

and mankind over a short time, lost his divine significance.

Thereafter, was created an environment within which the writings of Charles Darwin

found a receptive audience. One science showed the Bible wrong;

the disparager then diverged from her religious guys all together. Anything suddenly became possible,

there was nothing above questions, including how the Earth seemed to appear in the vastness of space with all else

and the existence of extraterrestrials. .

The Big Bang Theory is [today] the leading explanation about how the universe began.

At its simplest, it talks about the universe as we know it, starting with a small singularity,

then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos

that we know today. Priest Andrew Pinsent holds Advanced Degrees in Theology

from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, as well as a Doctorate in Particle Physics from Oxford.

. In January 2015, he wrote ‘Being both a priest

and a former particle physicist at CERN, I am often asked to give talks on faith and science.

Quite often young people ask me the following question, “How can you be a priest and believe in the Big Bang?”

To which I am delighted to respond, “We invented it! Or more precisely,

Priest Georges Lemaître invented the theory that is today called the “Big Bang”

and everyone should know about him.” . The author of the Big Bang Theory

was none other than the Jesuit-trained Priest Georges Lemaître.

On October 28, 2014 Sarah Kerr reported. .

Speaking to members of the Pontifical Academy of Science, ‘The Pope said it is possible to believe in both,

insisting God was responsible for the Big Bang from which all life evolved.’ .



Follow from cause to effect: . 1. Without a globe earth circling the sun

through the far reaches of space, we do not have the BIG BANG.

2. Without the Big Bang, we do not have Evolution.

3. Without evolution, we are more likely to accept creation as an act

of intelligent design by a DIVINE CREATOR. .

The Roman Catholic Church does, in fact, accept evolution.

Acceptance of evolution and its integral law of “survival of the fittest,”

gave rise to the bloodbaths of the 20th Century in which millions lost their lives.

Numerous researchers have established incontrovertible connections between the Vatican and the Nazi Party.

Regardless, of the level of collaboration between the Vatican and the Nazis, what happened after World War II is even more significant.

Operation Paperclip smuggled hundreds of Nazi scientists,

including top SS Officers on trial for war crimes, into the United States

for use in America’s Cold War space race. One of these, Nazi-party members, Wernher von Braun,

was promoted to head up NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.

“Under Operation Paper Clip, some 350 German scientists and former intelligence agents

were given visas and well-paying jobs. Many of those scientists had questionable pasts.

Braun himself had been an active member of the Nazi Party, and his colleague at NASA, Dr. Hubertus Strughold,

a specialist in aviation medicine, had performed experiments on concentration camp inmates.”

. The purpose of this massive and illegal undertaking

appears to have been for the establishment of a worldwide authority on all things relating to space and astronomy.

. NASA became the public face of space.

It has long acted as a front providing an unsuspecting world with pseudoscience,

legitimized by the backing of the US government. . NASA is its own monopoly.

It controls the dissemination of public information on astronomy while hiding facts it does not want the public to know.

. While many countries and universities have observatories,

always it is the statements, photographs, and discoveries of NASA

that make the news headlines. . With NASA in-charge

of the flow of astronomical information to the public, it appears that the Vatican has remained a central player

in the truly accurate astronomy not being released to the public.

For hundreds of years, the Vatican has owned more telescopes and observatories

than any organization, private university or government.

NASA and the Vatican jointly own LUCIFER, the world’s largest binocular telescope.

According to the official Vatican website, the Vatican observatory

is one of the oldest astronomical institutes in the world.

And yet… where are the photographs? Where are the news releases of the latest discoveries?

Precisely what have the Jesuit astronomers been doing for the last 500 years?

Only they know… . NASA’s public release of information,

promoting the idea of an expanding thus ever larger universe of incomprehensible size

has led to the supposition that there must be alien life on other planets.

After all, if the Big Bang produced life on earth, why couldn’t intelligent life have evolved elsewhere?

In combination with Hollywood and the science-fiction genre, NASA has created an environment

in which contact with extraterrestrial life forms is both fearful, yet desirous.

A recent book may hold the key to understanding the final steps in this long conspiracy

to delude the final generation. Authors Tom Horn and Chris Putnam,

recently published a mind-boggling book in which they alleged the Vatican

actively seeks extra-terrestrial life with their new LUCIFER telescope.

The book, Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER,

and the Vatican’s Astonishing plan for the arrival of an Alien Saviour,

asserts the Vatican is waiting for an extraterrestrial Saviour. .

In researching their book, “Horn and Putnam were granted permission

to visit the observatory on Mount Graham, which hosts the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT),

in September 2012. “Not only were they able to discuss the study of deep space

with the Jesuit astronomers there, but they also gained access to one [of] the top Vatican astronomers in Rome.

. “Horn said Brother Guy Consolmagno,

who has also been called the papal astronomer, told the authors some astounding information

during five interviews. “He says without apology

that very soon the nations of the world are going to look to the aliens for their salvation,” said Horn.

“Consolmagno also gave the authors private Vatican documents which reveal much of the thinking

of high-level theologians and astronomers within the Church. “Horn said these documents show that they believe

that we are soon to be visited by an alien savior from another world.”

. These statements are not that shocking when the Vatican’s ever evolving

stance on science and space is understood. On May 12, 2014, Pope Francis expressed a willingness

to baptize extraterrestrials who indicated a desire for baptism.

While the comment was clearly tongue-in-cheek, it made international headlines this one crowing:

“Cool Pope Is So Cool That He’s Willing To Baptize Martians!”

The net effect, it removed the idea from the science fiction

and transferred it to the realm of possibility. By Talking about it as if it was possible,

gives rise to minds more accustomed to the construct. .

After the Vatican hosted a five-day conference on the extraterrestrial life,

Catholic priest, Jonathan Morris, appeared on (US) Fox News to answer some questions.

How would it change the church’s teaching then? If you consider for a moment,

if you determine that there is an extraterrestrial life there. Well, one thing would be fascinating

would be not only extraterrestrial life, but if you were extraterrestrial intelligent life forms,

that would definitely make us go back and say, “Maybe our understanding of perennial truths

needs to be updated.” Now, the way we look at it is this: it’s not about whether or not God was the Creator,

but rather how He created. It’s not a question of whether original sin, that’s Adam and Eve story, is true or not,

but our understanding of how that played out. So, it’s growing in our understanding

of perennial truths. I think that’s an interesting explanation there and I think also if they were determined Father,

there would be an earthquake, would it not? It would be and especially if the Vatican were involved in accepting it.

Questioning the cosmology of the earth, often leads to people doubting Scripture and its Author

and prepares the way for the overwhelming deception prophesied in Revelation Chapter 9.

Earlier, it was stated: The Catholic hierarchy was presented with a perfect opportunity

to lay the groundwork for a global deception to culminate in the final generation.

. The purpose for this intricate, multi-layered deception

is to deceive the world’s masses, and create a desired outcome.

. To usher the world into a united One World Religion:

with the pope reigning supreme, the devil will create a PROBLEM.

This problem among earth citizenry will demand a SOLUTION.

The SOLUTION will have a predetermined outcome. .

Our wise Creator has revealed this culmination of deception in Revelation 9:

“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth:

and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.” “And he opened the bottomless pit,

and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace;

and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

“And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power,

as the scorpions of the earth have power. “And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth,

neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men

which have not the seal of [Yah] in their foreheads.

“And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months:

and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

“And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die,

and death shall flee from them… and their power was to hurt men five months.

. “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit,

whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

. The key to unlocking this prophecy is found in the phrase

“bottomless pit” from the Greek word abussos also translated “deep” in Luke 8:31,

Demons begged to be sent into the swine rather than back to the bottomless pit.

The same as the English word abyss. . The star fallen from heaven refers to Satan

and when he is given the key to the bottomless pit, he releases hordes of demons onto the Earth

appearing as an alien invasion from space, the First Woe.

These evil angels as extraterrestrials will have a distinct appearance

and will launch a horrific attack on the earth lasting for a 150 literal days.

The trumpets are both a solemn warning and a merciful invitation.

They warn probation will soon close and invite all on earth to accept Yahuwah’s free gift of eternal life.

Those who heed the trumpets warnings show with their loving gratitude by living in compliance to Yahushua’s will

and are in obedience to all the requirements of His divine law,

including the Fourth Commandment. The trumpets are loving gifts

to these living saints of Yahuwah, who after the Close of Probation

stand in the sight of a Holy Elohim without a mediator.

Almost 2000 years ago well before a Roman Catholic or Jesuit ever appeared,

this series of events was foretold. Does not the amazing foreknowledge of our Father

truly strengthen our faith, the righteous will see the trumpets unfold as prophesied

and their courage is strengthened. They are led more steadily to rely on the promises of him who cannot lie.

. We know the alien invasion is the manufactured problem.

Naturally, a representative of mankind will be chosen to negotiate a peace treaty with these invaders.

. The solution will be predetermined and under the direct control of Satan himself.

. Francis, the VIII and final Pope steps forward

to negotiate this full peace. A Jesuit, he has come under the direct control of demons

by way of the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola. .

Francis has previously ensured he has sympathetic ties with all religions.

Thus, will be the logical choice as mankind’s representative to establish a peace treaty with these invaders from outer space.

. This treaty will: 1. End the war exactly 150 days after it starts

2. Place the pope at the head of the New World Order

as mankind’s representative . 3. Place the pope as mankind’s savior

at the head of a new, unified One World Order and religion

. As the savior of the world, the pope will then be in a perfect position

to establish one common warship day for all, Sunday, calculated by the papal Gregorian Calendar.

This unification under one government and one religion will appear logical

to those more desirous to have a traitorous peace in a sinful world than to live as is their Creator’s way

which brings in eternal life. These want only an easy way out

and will join and enforce Satan’s New One World Theocracy.

All heads of state will hand their sovereignty over to the pope as Scripture explicitly spells out.

‘And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet;

but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind,

and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.’ .

This is the event that begins the final struggle between the forces of good and evil.

Under threat of continued extraterrestrial aggression the peoples of Earth will come together

to wage relentless war on all those who stand for Bible truth.

The conscientious few who placed the word of Yah above all earthly mandates will be seen as renegades.

Individual religious liberty will be sacrificed for a promised, yet finite safety – John Quincy Adams.

“It is better for a few to parish, it will be argued rather than the entire world is plunged

into suffering-under continued alien aggression.” When the fifth seal was opened:

John “saw under the altar the souls of them that was slain for the word of [Yahuwah],

and for the testimony which they held: and they cried with a loud voice saying,

How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them

that dwell on the earth?” The answer given is portentous

and foreshadows the intense persecution that shall come upon the righteous under the First Woe.

During that time many will be martyred for their faith as they refuse to unite with the wicked world

to worship on a day that pays homage to Satan, the great deceiver.

“And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season,

until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.”

For 500 years this Jesuit conspiracy has taught the story of a globe earth

circumnavigating the sun itself spinning around the center of an immense galaxy

which likewise speeds with over billions of galaxies throughout limitless space.

Within this immense realm surely there are other varieties of intelligent life

which inhabit other woes, these lies climax

with the alien invasion prophesied in Revelation 9. The ultimate act will occur

when Francis as Satan’s representative assumes leadership of the world

while negotiating a peace treaty on behalf of the human race with the fallen angels.

Then, Satan will have achieved his long desired goal to rule the Earth.

The First Woe reveals the opening sequence of events in Satan’s endgame to deceive the world.

For centuries, the Jesuits have worked to convince the human race the world is round.

This Jesuit pope unites mankind in infamy, all under one government and one religion,

none of whom will ever know the beauty of eternal life and this so very close to the second coming of Yahushua,

the world’s Messiah. Pope Francis then stands before those left upon the earth

as their prime benefactor. . The truth is an extraterrestrial invasion

is not possible within an enclosed earth. None would fall for this delusion

with scripturally clear and a spiritually correct understanding of the layout of our earth and Yahuwah’s universe.

People who know the truth would quickly realize any extraterrestrials appearing in our closed system

must then be demons. And any attempt to place the pope at the head

of a unified one world religion would notoriously fail.

The pope would never be accepted as the savior of the human race in a brokered peace treaty with demons.

The masses would see Francis colluding with fallen angels and turned from him with abhorrence

and yet, the First Woe is just the beginning, just the opening salvo in this climax of the ages.

It lays the foundation for an even greater fraud that will follow quickly thereafter.

. Be sure to watch the next video in this series.

The Devil’s Masterpiece: Counterfeit Second Coming!