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Trannies EVERYWHERE! Transvestigation of the Transpocolypse

Trannies EVERYWHERE! Transvestigation of the Transpocolypse

This video is a cursory look at the “Transpocolypse”, which is appears to be at least a partial cause of the collapse of civilization through intentional, psychological deterioration of the human family, or humanity in general. Before casting judgement on the topic, please LOOK INTO THIS, as you will be shocked to learn the truth, thinly veiled right before our eyes. We’ll focus on the jaw-dropping FTM transition using potent testosterone, mutilation and plastic surgery. View discresion is ADVISED! We should all pray for, and have sympothy for the people ~ (often unwillingly) spearheading this transgender movement, often without their knowledge or consent, as multi-generational satanic families are apparently transgendering their children before they are old enough to make such decisions.

This video is not intended to be mean to anyone, or a suggestion to “hurt or kill” anyone.. Nor is it to prove anything conclusively about anyone in particular. If people want to try and change their natural born sex, that is their decision. BUT, if people are being intentionally deceived, it is our job as truthers to shed light on the deception… This video is simply shedding light on a HUGE deception which has been targeted at us all since we were children.

Marching In Parade – Barrack Obama, Bill Gates, Michael Levine Robinson (college football linebacker) BEFORE Becoming Mrs. Barrack Obama.


Castrato News Network.



Why is it that almost all of the Billionaires – and their families – are ALL TRANNY’S…


May 26, 2020 Upload from YouTube May 31, 2017 The following was written by the Producer. If you would like to mirror this video to your channel, please do not edit anything but the thank you at the end, otherwise I request that it be kept the same. If you would like to know more about the Elite Gender Inversion, please visit my channel.

The following Elite were featured in this documentary and the links are to my, Apostle Laura Lee’s and MrE3000’s transvestigations of these celebrities. I would highly suggest a quick YouTube search of, “-certain celebrity- transvestigation” to find out if others have done an investigation.
Full List of Current Transvestigations:


Earth Lacks Curve, Flat Proof in Malibu California

JTolan Media 1 walks us through some photo proofs of a flat earth. Using infra-red filters, he exposes long distance views including objects that should be invisible on a round earth. The music is really loud and the narration smoky but he gets the point across.

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Space Force Brainwashing

Interesting piece about the US Governments latest bureaucratic add on…a space defense force! It will be implemented by NASA and FEMA and keep our satellites safe from space aliens, rogue nations and killer asteroids. Can this be real? Nice soundtrack. Jim would find this all very interesting.

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Flat Earth Proof Mountain Can Be Seen From 175 Miles

Just watch the beautiful sunset and listen to this simple explanation. The narrator includes the math using a earth curve calculator and the numbers don’t add up. Check it out for yourself. This one is hard to argue with.

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The Sun and Moon on the Flat Earth

12 minute presentation about the sun and moon as luminaries. Flat Earth theory and the Flat Earth Model describe the sun and moon as near by and not hundreds of thousands or millions of miles away. Graphical representations and narration are all very clear. Watch, listen and learn the truth.

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