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How the sun and moon work over the Flat Earth model

Rob Skiba

Published on Jan 26, 2017
This is a short segment from a much longer video I’m working on and it is being presented in response to the critics of my previous model showing the sun moving over the “circle of the Earth.” This video combats some of the usual arguments you hear against the idea of a smaller sun and moon moving over a flat Earth and how they “should” appear in the sky if it worked that way.
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13 Reasons Why the Moon Landing was FAKE

13 Reasons Why the Moon Landing was FAKE

The moon landing was fake! In this video I teach you how the moon landing was faked and why it was fake with 13 clear cut reasons. The moon landing hoax isn’t just a conspiracy, it’s true!

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The Sun and Moon on the Flat Earth

12 minute presentation about the sun and moon as luminaries. Flat Earth theory and the Flat Earth Model describe the sun and moon as near by and not hundreds of thousands or millions of miles away. Graphical representations and narration are all very clear. Watch, listen and learn the truth.

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Flat Earth Mystery of the Moon Is Finally Revealed MIND BLOWING!

This is an exhaustive survey of moon facts by World History Official. It has great production values and graphics and the robot voice can be dialed back with closed captioning present. The video lasts longer than 20 minutes and it is stuffed with so much information you will have to watch it more than once to get it all.

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10 Lunar Waves Filmed To Date & What We Now Know

What are lunar waves? Apparently they are an important key to proving flat earth theory. This is a nicely done if somewhat repetitive treatment on lunar waves and the evidence they carry. Take a look and tell us what you think it means.

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