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Celestial Navigation on Our Flat Earth

Celestial Navigation on Our Flat Earth


Nov 30, 2024

NathanOakley1980:… mitchell fromAustralia:    • FLAT EARTH SCHOOL – The Number One Fl…   Rob Durham:    • A Sextant and a Circle (improved qual…   Contact me at Backup Channel at Odysee:… Gab: As always, my videos are free to use, edit, mirror, share, criticize, claim as your own, or whatever. I will never file a copyright claim against anyone. For the globe trolls (whether you’re paid trolls or just insane globe zealots who have nothing better to do than attack flat earthers) – this is my classroom and if you want to comment here, there are a few rules: (1) no spamming, including group attacks – keep to your one comment and its thread; (2) no personal insults; (3) do not link to propaganda videos; (4) stay relevant to the topic at hand; (5) treat everyone here, especially my friends, with respect and kindness; and, (6) I’m not here to help you earn your income as a globe propagandist and so if you’re incapable of actually mustering an independent thought and just want to repeat shill talking points – good riddance. Violators will be banned immediately and I don’t think anyone’s going to shed any tears for you. Please remember, YouTube actively promotes globe propaganda videos and suppresses flat earth videos and and our comments on all other channels. If you can get YouTube to change that policy, then I will allow all globe propagandist comments here.

many people consider Celestial

navigation as the number one proof of

the Flat Earth and they could be right

but I still like my long-distance

observations Celestial navigation refers

to the practice of a navigator using

angles to the apparent positions of

celestial objects in the sky to

determine his location on the Earth’s

surface Celestial navigation has been

used for thousands of years by various

civilizations to safely navigate oceans

and other large bodies of water forther

more nautical Maps were built on these

Celestial angle

measurements without question all angle

measurements require a flat Baseline

therefore Celestial navigation can only

work on a flat Earth it’s that

simple let’s spend a few minutes and

watch a couple of video clips to get a

better understanding of this evidence

the first clip is an old instructional

video from the United States military

notice that even though the video

falsely uses an image of a globe for the

instruction the circles are still flat

which is impossible on a globe the

second video comes from the channel

Mitchell from Australia the third clip

is from Rob Durham’s Channel and the

last video is from Nathan Oakley 1980

and Flat Earth debate

enjoy an important conception for the

Navigator is the circle of position it

is still another way of showing the

relationship between between the

observer’s position and the geographical

position of the celestial body being

observed Zenith distance is the radius

of this

circle this navigational Aid can be

Illustrated easily the top of the pole

represents a star under observation the

base of the pole represents the

geographical position of that star the

length of tape along the ground

represents the Zenith

distance to see the top of the pole or

the star always at the same angle or

altitude ude The Observer must stay on a

circle if the radius is lengthened the

altitude or angle of observation is

decreased if the radius is shortened the

altitude is

increased the Navigator circle of

position however is on a much larger

scale to repeat its Center is the

observed Celestial body’s geographical

position and its radius is the Zenith

distance between the geographical

position and the observer’s position

obviously an observer at any point on

the circle will observe the same

Celestial body at the same

altitude therefore an altitude say of

62° and 33 minutes for a particular

Celestial body must be secured from any

point on a definite

Circle but the question that confronts

the Navigator is at what particular

Point am I

to answer this he constructs another

circle of positions for another body

observed at the same time he can be on

both circles at only two points the two

intersections of the circles are

normally so far apart that one may be

disregarded because it is obviously

incorrect according to his dead

reckoning every Star in the flat

Celestial plane has a position relative

to our flat plane where it will be

90° this is called the geographical

position or the GP of that star relative

to our flat plane here on

Earth when the Observer is at the GP of

the star it appears 90° above their head

Celestial navigation works by using a

seant to measure the angle of that known

St are and using its relative GP

geographical position to know where you

are and I’ll continue to point out that

measuring angles to celestial bodies

only works if we are on a flat plane now

if one Observer measures 30° to a star

and another Observer measures 30° to

that same star we can conclude that they

are both on what’s called a a circle of


altitude and this is another killer blow

to the globe right here everything on

that Circle of equal altitude is exactly

that equal altitude no matter where you

are on that Circle you’re going to


30° and through being able to measure an

angle to that star relative to the


everything on that Circle in between

that Circle in the area of that circle

is absolutely flat and level by doing

this once with a seant you know you are

somewhere on that Circle of equal

altitude to triangulate your actual

position you need to repeat these steps

with other stars your position is where

all these areas of equal altitude meet

this is how Celestial navigation works

and has always worked on our flat level

plane so if Observer a measures an angle

to the star and observer B measures an

angle to the star the same Star both

angles are the same

30° knowing the GP of that

star they can conclude that they are on

the same circle of equal altitude itude

distance between Observer A and B and

the area inside that circle is all in

the circle of equal altitude it is all

flat it is all the same level this is

the killer blow to the

globe not only is our world observably

and obviously flat it is measurably flat

look at this map with all the GPS of the

navigational sty on them and the reason

why this is the number one Flat Earth

proof is because using just one area of

equal altitude proves that that large

area that we’re navigating on is

absolutely flat but by doing this

multiple times to create multiple areas

of equal altitude we can literally

measure our entire world as flat just so

you understand the enormity of this

proof we can literally measure our

entire world as flat we are living on a


Earth now in order to do a triangulation

using a seant we use the M projection

map as shown here so we all know that in

order to do a seant triangulation you

need to use a nautical Almanac to give

you the Zenith of the celestial bodies

and you draw Circles of equal altitude

from that Zenith to determine where they

cross and hence where your location

is okay to briefly touch on what the

guys over at Flat Earth debate have been

saying we’re going to use the exact same

examples of the GP positions here I’m

going to look at it from an orthographic

view okay if we’re standing here on the

earth this is the angle to the celestial

body let’s take a line from our position

representing the

Horizon the angle formed here is

definitely not

90° and even at the position where it

meet the Earth you can’t have a 90°

angle to a curved

surface my general view of why Celestial

navigation would be put forward as the

number one Flat Earth proof is because

it’s the heart of our statement all

roads lead to a flat Earth it’s based on

elevation angles and elevation angles

are the origin measurement of all of our

mapping and charting of the known

territories the expansion of the known

world so the reason we can argue against

there being no need to speculate about

ice walls when we’ve utiliz elevation

angles and the geographic positions

ground positions of the stars on a flat

plane with elevation angles to expand


territories so they are the heart of our

current 2024 argumentation in terms of

all roads leading to a flat Earth the

reason you can launch forward as a flat

earther on the front foot talking about

Flat Earth is because we measure earth

flat and elevation angles for Celestial

navigation as described on screen now in

this diagram is what you do with them

measuring angles to a star with a flat

Baseline and a 90° at the ground

position of each star to find where you

are on earth if you get lost the only

reason you can do this on the maps

is because we have utilized these angle

measurements to plot the World We Now

map it’s part of the systems that we use

to measure the stars in the first place

with these

angles you can stop yourself from being

dead you can stop yourself from dying at

Sea if you have the means of measuring

the angles to find where the hell you

are and not die or to put it another way

the globe is derived from Flat Earth

elevation angles used in Celestial

navigation but for the fact that we

measure earth flat with these angles you

wouldn’t have a globe to believe

in Earth is measured Flat Earth will

always be flat these measurements prove

it Celestial navigation proves it Nathan

Oakley 1980 follow his he does Flat

Earth debates every day you know Nathan

Oakley is my favorite right now I love

Nathan Oaky he demolishes absolutely

The Real Reason You Are Not a Flat Earther

The Real Reason You Are Not a Flat Earther

Nov 28, 2024

There is one key characteristic, one personality trait that is particularly noticeable in flat earthers that is rarely seen in globe defenders. The more you pay attention to people on both sides of the issue, the more blatantly clear it becomes with time. This most obvious difference between those who accept and reject the flat earth is…

Transcript no time stamp
the Earth is not a spinning globe do you
think you could ever be convinced
otherwise or are you so confident in
this cosmology that nothing could change
your mind one of the main differences
that pits flat earthers in stark
contrast to Globe Believers is the fact
that flat earthers have shown the
capacity to consider new information
with an open mind and if necessary admit
that they were wrong 99% of all
modern-day flat earthers were once Globe
Believers themselves and were subjected
to the same mainstream media and public
school indoctrination as everyone else
so what allows some to see past their
confirmation bias and hinders others
from ever even opening their minds to
possibility there is one key
characteristic one personality trait
that is particularly noticeable in flat
earthers that is rarely seen in Globe
Defenders the more you pay attention to
people on both sides of the issue the
more blatantly clear it becomes with
time this most obvious difference
between those who accept and reject the
Flat Earth is
humility I can already hear the audible
groans and see their eye Globes rolling
back in their sockets but it’s true the
main reason most people reject Flat
Earth is because they lack the
humbleness to accept that they might be
wrong and cannot temper their egos long
enough to truly listen to and fully
consider the opposing side deep down
they don’t want to admit that they may
have been duped and so will continue to
double and triple down on debunk
explanations rather than opening their
minds to new possibilities over the past
decade I have spoken with thousands of
detractors and watched hundreds of hours
of globe ologists making reaction videos
to my 200 proofs Earth is not a spinning
ball and other presentations and the
main behavior on display consistently
without fail is a smug snarky sarcastic
Superior holier than thou arrogant
attitude Globe apologists tend to be so
sure of their position that they rarely
allow an entire sentence to be spoken
before interrupting to regurgitate
explanations taught in their third grade
science textbooks the irony is that
myself and other flat earthers are well
aware of these explanations and can
recite them too the difference is that
we are skeptical and open-minded enough
to carefully consider alternative
explanations before immediately jumping
to such foregone
conclusions think back to when you were
a child First Learning all of this what
did it actually take for you to believe
in it back then if you are truly honest
with yourself you first believed it
because you were a young child too naive
to know any better and your parents
teachers and every other adult around
you accepted it as fact in other words
our initial acceptance of heliocentric
cosmology is more the result of argument
from Authority than from actual sound
reasoning granted we are given a few
supposed proofs of the globe and told
that Flat Earth was a mistaken belief of
our ignorant ancestors but the main
method of indoctrination is through
Omission students are only ever educated
about one perspective one possibility
and told it is the gospel truth through
centuries of censorship a wealth of
information available on geocentrism and
the Flat Earth has been systematically
silenced and hidden from
Academia myself and other modern flat
earthers with the help of the internet
have recently brought dozens of
incredible books long out of print back
into the hands of young minds the fact
of the matter is that if students were
given equal school time to study
geocentric material as they are
heliocentric the globe would quickly
lose its popularity and no longer enjoy
its reign as an uncontested consensus
cosmology I have personally been
diligently studying geocentrism in the
the Flat Earth for nearly 15 years now I
have read over a 100 books and thousands
of old newspaper and magazine articles
on the subject I’ve have performed my
own experiments and demonstrations to
learn from personal experience and have
spoken to thousands of people from all
walks of life on the matter meanwhile
how many Globe Believers can say the
same how many of these adamant Globe
Defenders have actually read an entire
Flat Earth book How many have read 10
they will usually claim to have done
their due diligence in researching Flat
Earth before rejecting it but the
reality is that none of them have really
delved deep or done so with an open mind
you must approach the subject without
any bias or preconceived notions and
with the fresh eyes of a child just like
when you first learned the heliocentric
Globe model it isn’t easy to overcome a
lifetime of propaganda you must honestly
humble yourself to the possibility that
you have been fooled and everything you
were taught was a lie otherwise even
when you look you won’t see when you
listen you won’t hear when you read you
won’t comprehend and when you think you
Ponder if you cannot first empty your
cup then it is impossible to refill it
with pure water if you cannot first
unlearn what you were originally taught
then it is impossible to learn anything
new contrary to it if you cannot first
clear your mind of heliocentric
indoctrination you will lack the
discernment necessary to recognize the
geocentric truth you have been
systematically fed a complex Web of Lies
designed to make you reject your own
common sense and lived experience of the
world you have been taught that this
notion of Flat Earth is something so
ridiculous that it should only be
laughed at and that anyone advocating
for it must be utterly unintelligent or
completely crazy so your immediate and
confident rejection of the notion is no
different than your leg extending when
hit with a reflex Hammer your
exasperated eye rolls and permanent
smirks were programmed into you as was
the list of questions that instantly
roll off your tongue like but why would
they lie what does it matter and where
are the
whistleblowers all of these and even
more specific questions like why is
Earth the only flat Planet why isn’t
Polaris visible from
Australia and how does the eratosthenes
experiment work on a flat Earth all have
valid sound answers from a geocentric
perspective if you haven’t already
please do me yourself and the world a
favor by reading or watching watching my
free full video presentation of my
latest book Flat Earth FAQ and see for
Transcript with timescipt

the Earth is not a spinning globe do you

think you could ever be convinced

otherwise or are you so confident in

this cosmology that nothing could change

your mind one of the main differences

that pits flat earthers in stark

contrast to Globe Believers is the fact

that flat earthers have shown the

capacity to consider new information

with an open mind and if necessary admit

that they were wrong 99% of all

modern-day flat earthers were once Globe

Believers themselves and were subjected

to the same mainstream media and public

school indoctrination as everyone else

so what allows some to see past their

confirmation bias and hinders others

from ever even opening their minds to


possibility there is one key

characteristic one personality trait

that is particularly noticeable in flat

earthers that is rarely seen in Globe

Defenders the more you pay attention to

people on both sides of the issue the

more blatantly clear it becomes with

time this most obvious difference

between those who accept and reject the

Flat Earth is

humility I can already hear the audible

groans and see their eye Globes rolling

back in their sockets but it’s true the

main reason most people reject Flat

Earth is because they lack the

humbleness to accept that they might be

wrong and cannot temper their egos long

enough to truly listen to and fully

consider the opposing side deep down

they don’t want to admit that they may

have been duped and so will continue to

double and triple down on debunk

explanations rather than opening their

minds to new possibilities over the past

decade I have spoken with thousands of

detractors and watched hundreds of hours

of globe ologists making reaction videos

to my 200 proofs Earth is not a spinning

ball and other presentations and the

main behavior on display consistently

without fail is a smug snarky sarcastic

Superior holier than thou arrogant

attitude Globe apologists tend to be so

sure of their position that they rarely

allow an entire sentence to be spoken

before interrupting to regurgitate

explanations taught in their third grade

science textbooks the irony is that

myself and other flat earthers are well

aware of these explanations and can

recite them too the difference is that

we are skeptical and open-minded enough

to carefully consider alternative

explanations before immediately jumping

to such foregone

conclusions think back to when you were

a child First Learning all of this what

did it actually take for you to believe

in it back then if you are truly honest

with yourself you first believed it

because you were a young child too naive

to know any better and your parents

teachers and every other adult around

you accepted it as fact in other words

our initial acceptance of heliocentric

cosmology is more the result of argument

from Authority than from actual sound

reasoning granted we are given a few

supposed proofs of the globe and told

that Flat Earth was a mistaken belief of

our ignorant ancestors but the main

method of indoctrination is through


Omission students are only ever educated

about one perspective one possibility

and told it is the gospel truth through

centuries of censorship a wealth of

information available on geocentrism and

the Flat Earth has been systematically

silenced and hidden from

Academia myself and other modern flat

earthers with the help of the internet

have recently brought dozens of

incredible books long out of print back

into the hands of young minds the fact

of the matter is that if students were

given equal school time to study

geocentric material as they are

heliocentric the globe would quickly

lose its popularity and no longer enjoy

its reign as an uncontested consensus

cosmology I have personally been

diligently studying geocentrism in the

the Flat Earth for nearly 15 years now I

have read over a 100 books and thousands

of old newspaper and magazine articles

on the subject I’ve have performed my

own experiments and demonstrations to

learn from personal experience and have

spoken to thousands of people from all

walks of life on the matter meanwhile

how many Globe Believers can say the

same how many of these adamant Globe

Defenders have actually read an entire

Flat Earth book How many have read 10

they will usually claim to have done

their due diligence in researching Flat

Earth before rejecting it but the

reality is that none of them have really

delved deep or done so with an open mind

you must approach the subject without

any bias or preconceived notions and

with the fresh eyes of a child just like

when you first learned the heliocentric

Globe model it isn’t easy to overcome a

lifetime of propaganda you must honestly

humble yourself to the possibility that

you have been fooled and everything you

were taught was a lie otherwise even

when you look you won’t see when you

listen you won’t hear when you read you

won’t comprehend and when you think you


Ponder if you cannot first empty your

cup then it is impossible to refill it

with pure water if you cannot first

unlearn what you were originally taught

then it is impossible to learn anything

new contrary to it if you cannot first

clear your mind of heliocentric

indoctrination you will lack the

discernment necessary to recognize the

geocentric truth you have been

systematically fed a complex Web of Lies

designed to make you reject your own

common sense and lived experience of the

world you have been taught that this

notion of Flat Earth is something so

ridiculous that it should only be

laughed at and that anyone advocating

for it must be utterly unintelligent or

completely crazy so your immediate and

confident rejection of the notion is no

different than your leg extending when

hit with a reflex Hammer your

exasperated eye rolls and permanent

smirks were programmed into you as was

the list of questions that instantly

roll off your tongue like but why would

they lie what does it matter and where

are the

whistleblowers all of these and even

more specific questions like why is

Earth the only flat Planet why isn’t

Polaris visible from

Australia and how does the eratosthenes

experiment work on a flat Earth all have

valid sound answers from a geocentric

perspective if you haven’t already

please do me yourself and the world a

favor by reading or watching watching my

free full video presentation of my

latest book Flat Earth FAQ and see for


Why Isn’t There a Camera on the Moon?

Why Isn’t There a Camera on the Moon?

I’ve got an open letter a question and a

request for

NASA on behalf of the American people

who have funded your entire program

there’s something that needs to be said

if everything that you’ve told us and

everything that you’ve said you’ve done

is true then I think there’s no reason

why there shouldn’t be a camera on the

moon NASA why haven’t you done this

yet what possible reason could you have

for not doing something that can only

yield positive results it’s an absolute

slap in the face to the people who live

on earth let’s think about this for a

second let’s talk about the good that it

would do and the Damage it does with

every single day that passes without

NASA completing such a basic and

essential Mission so NASA would need to

launch a moonlander craft that would

head to the Moon 6 5 4 3 2

1 Z all engine running lifar we have a

lift 32 minutes

the and if we’re going to discuss

finances we can just look back to 2007

and recall the launch of the mission

theis a moon Orbiter that has been

measuring the auroras in the Earth’s

magnetosphere and still is operating

today so that craft has been in

operation for 10 years and it cost NASA

$173 million

so a launch of a simple craft carrying

five or six 4K cameras would cost much

less let’s say the cost is 159 million

that’s only 3 days of the NASA budget

which is $53 million a day so 3 days

worth of the budget and we already have

our 159 million so we launch

it we launch it up and we land it on the

moon and when we land it we land it

right next to the Apollo 16 landing

spot you can then show us the LM and the

lunar rover sitting exactly where they

were left over 50 years ago this could

finally prove your moon landings and

I’ve already heard people saying oh

you’ll just call that fake too just like

you did the lunar reconnaissance Orbiter

photos of the landing spots well there

is a huge difference between live video

footage showing the Rover and the lamb

sitting on the moon and these images

Believers want to call proof

Pro if these images are proof to you

that the Rover and the lamb as well as

the footprints and the PA of the

astronauts seen from 50 Mi above the

Moon if these pixel changes and arrows

are proof then you better start

believing in the proof of

bigfoot you better start believing that

this here is proof of two UFOs in the

sky you better believe the proof that I

spent 7 hours on on the roof of the

White House last week and the week

before I walked on water from California

to Hawaii yes I know I did get a little

bit tired and I got picked up you can

see where that happened right there in

the middle then the boat drove us a

little bit forward and then I completed

the journey with a buddy and if you look

closely you’ll see proof of that too as

there’s actually two

paths so that being said let’s look at

all the positive effects that would be a

direct result of NASA placing a CA

camera on the

Moon number one set it and forget it

since we always see the same side of the

moon all you need to do is land there at

the Apollo 16 Landing site point the

camera at Earth and forget it that

camera view would always show the Earth

from the Moon number two you could prove

the moon landings numbers vary but some

poles have it at 7% and some have it as

high as 40% what percentage of the

world’s population

doubts that NASA ever went and landed

man on the moon well NASA this would be

your chance land the craft near the

Apollo 16 landing position Pan the

camera and show us the lamb and the

Rover number

three you can actually change flat

earther Minds it’s going to be real hard

to deny that the Earth is a ball when

people see from the Moon the ball Earth

spinning in space one of the reasons

many people people are flat earthers is

because none of us have ever seen the

things we’re asking NASA to

show number four it would be the first

ever live stream of the Earth from space

seeing the Earth in its

entirety number five it would be the

first time we would get non-composite

images of our Earth how can there be no

non-composite images taken of where we

live this would solve that problem

number six it would be the first live

stream from space to show the Earth

spinning in space seems like something

we should have already we don’t this

would solve that number eight easy and

Clear Proof and observed data empirical

evidence of what’s going on during

eclipses no need for your misaligned

diagrams for your scales being

incredibly off for your backwards

spinning Earths this would show students

adults parents and teachers everyone

exactly what’s going on during an

eclipse because you’re watching live

what’s happening during an eclipse be it

a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse we

would get to see both from the Moon we

would either see the Moon Shadow appear

on the earth during a solar eclipse or

we would see the Earth block out the Sun

during a lunar eclipse number nine think

of the education opportunities that this

presents the time-lapse videos the video

footage using it in schools showing

children rather than telling them

exactly what’s going on in the sky above

them would you rather them read it in a

book or actually see a live video going

on as they learn in the sky above them

number 10 payback all of NASA’s money

comes from the citizens of this

country the very least that they can do

the very least is provide video footage

of where we live from space this is

crazy that we’re having this discussion

almost 60 years since NASA was created

11 science denial there’s a lot of

people who deny science this would help

to reduce that number by showing things

rather than telling people it’s hard for

people to deny things that are being

shown to them right in their face number

12 this would be the number one live

stream of all time it would be seen by

more people than any live stream ever

made number 13 if NASA has problems with

the cost of this Mission by simply

allowing advertising agencies or

companies corporations businesses stores

Walmart Target AT&T to buy 1hour time

slots where they would have their logo

on the screen during the live stream

over the course of 10 years you could

figure out how much money NASA could

make and they would actually make money

money if they employed this kind of AD


generation maybe I’m the only one I mean

can you believe we are having this

discussion 60 years after NASA was

invented and 50 years since we sent men

to the moon no photos of Earth no live

video of Earth no video of the Earth

spinning no video on the moon to show us

eclipses no 24/7 view from space are you

okay with this and and if so why so

there should be a poll available right

now would love to see what sides you’re

on the rational side who looks at what

NASA claims to be capable of and

questions why in the world is there no

camera on the moon or are you on the

other side the side of the Fanboys the

ones that give NASA the benefit of the

doubt that they do not deserve in any

way the side that continues to protect

them rather than pressing them with

issues like this make your pick

do you stand with

Humanity or those who have Enslaved the

minds of humanity with lies and

deception with false teachings and make

believe heroism from agents in Disguise


NASA why haven’t you done this

yet today we have with us uh a group of

students among America’s

best to you we

say we have only completed a beginning

the beginning the beginning we leave you

much that is undone undone undone there

are great ideas

undiscovered breakthroughs available to

those who can remove remove REM one of

truth’s protective layers protective

layers protective layers protective

layers layers layers so do you want to

know my opinion it’s only my opinion but

I honestly cannot begin to imagine how

anyone can see this any other way cuz

they can get you Curiosity on Mars they

can build you any satellite you want

they can land on comets and observe the

Sun from the lrange point they can

operate Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 13

billion miles away with no issue at all

they can fly through the rings of Saturn

with Cassini and orbit Jupiter with Juno

but for some reason they can’t put a

camera on the moon they can’t

take a video of the earth so some of

those are painted on it is photoshopped

but it’s it’s has to be the reason we

have no videos no pictures no moon base

no photos is simple problem is we don’t

have the technology to do that anymore

we used to but we uh destroyed that

technology and it’s a painful process to

build it back again because we can’t get

but a few hundred miles from Earth NASA

can’t go anywhere just like all of us so

rather than teach people to be good to

each other and help each other and make

life easier for each other they tell you

a story did you about a spinning ball

flying through endless space around a

giant ball of nuclear

fusion 1 million times the size of the

Earth in a universe 14 billion years old

in our Milky Way galaxy 100,000 Lighty

years across and the whole thing is

filled with dark energy and dark matter

and black holes none of which has ever

been observed that’s absurd well we sit

and we talk about things ahead this is

where you using the window spacecraft

who appear to be the Earth far away and

how you ask how does NASA get away with


lies because people love the fantasy

they will never ever see any piece of

that fantasy in reality they don’t care

no one will ever stand on Mars no one

will ever travel in space no one will

ever go to the moon or to Jupiter or

Saturn because it’s all a mental prison

and the inmates think the prison is home

if I’m wrong NASA put a camera on the

freaking Moon why in the world haven’t

you done that yet

this this is the window and you’re in a

well you’re talking to the wrong guy why

don’t you talk to the administrator in

NASA we’re passengers we’re we’re guys

going on a flight

Conspiracy Music Guru “The NASA Trance” Parody of The Humpty Dance by Digital Underground

Conspiracy Music Guru “The NASA Trance” Parody of The Humpty Dance by Digital Underground

all right start your booing cuz I’m
about to ruin the heliocentric model
that you used to it looks funny basa is
making money see so NPCs I hope you’re
ready to see they say it’s round but you
can’t tell from the ground and the sun
only looks like it’s going down I’ll
tear up all the evidence you got on your
shelf and expose all the proof that I
see myself n as grumpy the first P of
the monkey yo ladies why is your hair so
frumpy I know you CGI fan boys please
allow me to Trump thee it’s not a fall
y’all just like Humpty Dumpty it’s going
to crack like Joe Biden’s bad knee I’m
in my prime a little bit chunky I’m a
junkie I keep the Flat Earth funky I’m
done with this globe versus flat the
drama so ridicul is getting really hard
to be conspicuous hey yo flat go you
know the globe is jerish yeah you know
it’s flat but NASA says it’s spinning
but it never caus me to get dizzy I’m a
geek I love staring at the moon it’s not
a Dusty ball in an infinite vacuum I’m
pasty like thisis gets and gravy you
hate winner but it just don’t F me all
your goobers do is tap dance it’s a
romance turns into a jump I’m a they’ll
be a n p come on be a Jacks Chun don’t F
out y’all be a n Punk or a Jacks
chunk yeah do you know what they’re
doing they doing the
cun don’t be a n junk don’t be a fan boy
punk y people say the Flat Earth is
really funny looking that’s a high cuz
the moving is cooking you lie you f you
constantly take people’s money and it
just ain’t funny I’m not a slave be so
don’t you blame me and the is say is
fake oh yeah buddy you know their
motives are weird cuz in’ 69 the US had
their head up their rear the scam is Big
nuh-uh they’re not as sham big like the
Trump C they still haven’t played they
get paid on the daily you know it’s F
drinking what they’re pissing and their
budget’s too large they’re either stupid
or their brains are diluted anything
they’ve ever done has been disputed
aimed at the Moon one time and y’all
missed it now you’re at the bottom of a
pool eating Triscuits other images of
CGI it’s pretty obvious but all they do
is lie all you have to do is give Nazis
chance that’s is going to do their
dance be a Nas Punk come on be a Jackson
chunk don’t F out y’all they’ll be a Nas
Punk or a Jackson
chunk yeah do you know what they’re
doing they doing the C
this don’t be a n Chum don’t be a fan
punk ah yeah space is fake y’all they
laughing in your face
yeah ah yeah now that you know a little
bit about NASA let me tell you a little
bit about myself there’s not much to say
check it out heard the UP was FL but I
thought he was joking crying a [ __ ] and
now YouTube is broken mun is just a
monkey in Tennessee dude I heard you
look like a crack junkie that’s all
right cuz you got no devotion go join
your boy cray cross the ocean with for
y’all to shame it’s a s up y’all
Hollywood’s the blame no good reason
except for the fame you got to lie to
remain in the game jumping slumping
ducking screwing around fing the fun so
when the Cyber Punk junk make the mental
triple jump sell them flatter it’s been
true from the jump
the’ll be a n Punk come on they’ll be a
jackon chunk don’t fck out y’all they’ll
be a NASA Punk or a jackon chunk
too L yeah do you know what they’re
doing they’re doing the C this to L
don’t be a nasty
jump watch out old people don’t be nasty
punks don’t you lose your lunch young
people don’t fake the [ __ ] don’t be nass
of CHS Canadians you’re actually too
darn polite for me to
insult Joe Rogan are you a ass or just a
loud mouth chump
space is
stupid oh going be a nice Punk

Do we really live in on a Globe Fittest Flat Earther

Do we really live in on a Globe Fittest Flat Earther



welcome to part one of so you still
think you live on a globe I’m going to
start a multi-part video series
systematically explaining to you how and
why this was created and how you can get
off this big ball of Lies each video in
this series will build upon itself where
I will provide you a little bit more
complex evidence and eventually
hopefully get you off of this and into
reality I’m going to try my very best to
start with the most simple and obvious
explanations and proofs that you don’t
live here but first we got to get to the
why was this created but before we get
to the why I want to get to the how this
is John D Rockefeller and he started the
Board of Education in the early 1900s
and he is quoted as saying I don’t want
a nation of thinkers I want a nation of
workers so the man that had his
fingerprints all over the education that
all of us got is of this mindset and if
you take a look at where the modern-day
textbooks come from well Robert Maxwell
was a large large contributing factor
and controller of these textbooks and he
just happened to have some serious ties
to a certain few people so right off the
bat you’re trusting people that want you
as a worker not a thinker and have ties
to some pretty pretty rotten humans and
something you also need to be aware of
is that one of the founding fathers of
NASA is that gentleman circled right up
there in green his name is Wonder Von
Brown and well you can see who he used
to work with so what I’m trying to set
up for you here is the fact that the
information you’ve been given your
entire life is not coming from
trustworthy sources not by a long shot
but the craziest part about it all is
they don’t try to hide it not at all and
this is just the beginning take a look
and quickly just in case there are
people unfamiliar with 666 it’s in the
Bible it’s the mark of the beast it’s
the number of the Beast it’s part of the
Beast system and the Beast isn’t good
just to clarify that and when you start
to make the realization that that number
littered everywhere throughout the
heliocentric model that you believe in
that’s part of the globe Earth and the
solar system and the Galaxy it starts to
make you wonder
is that really just are these all
coincidental or something else going on
and when I say littered throughout I
mean littered throughout it’s not just a
handful people have found literally 33
examples no shocker there of the number
666 in everything distance to the Moon 6
* 6 * 6600 I mean you can pause and look
at these yourself but and when you
realize this number is everywhere and
you start to look at the images and the
pictures that these supposed trusted
people give us you got to start to
question and then they don’t hide it
like I said tonight Commander witson
making history with her record for any
American by the time she lands in
September her tally will be
666 days
666 days in Space the greatest trick the
devil ever pulled was convincing the
world he didn’t exist so your whole life
you haven’t realized that you are
trusting people that can’t be trusted
that have been caught doing green
screens in outer space and they’re
Rockets have you ever really taken a
look at where they go because they’re
not going where you think they’re going
and then have you ever seen what happens
when this multi th000 pound supposed
metal object is ejected from their
rocket it moves an awful lot like
balloon an awful lot like a balloon so
now hopefully that I’ve set up for you
the fact that you shouldn’t trust where
your information has been coming from
your whole life and there are clear nods
to The Not So Good Guys of the Bible I
want to explain to you in my opinion why
I think this was created in the first
place one that I think most people can
wrap their heads around is it’s a system
of control if they can make you think
you are just one of literally endless
planets and you were one of billions of
people and you were here on accident
evolved from an ape created from a big
bang that supposedly God didn’t create
well then it just it takes away your
power and your knowledge that you are an
infinite being and you are here with a
purpose and that you have big things to
do and the only laws you need to pay
attention to are the laws of God but God
God’s the bigger reason I think I think
they want us believing we are just an
accident like I said created out of a
big bang that somehow wasn’t created by
a spiritual entity and that we are just
here by coincidence by accident and that
God doesn’t exist and it’s clear that
they don’t like God you can just pay
attention in mainstream media in TV in
movies and music they mock him they mock
the Christian God specifically Jesus
to the nth degree but I don’t want to
lose you by making this a Christian
video and people might not understand
that well how is thinking you live on
this hiding god well it did for me I
didn’t believe in God for 42 years until
I realized I lived in a place that I
couldn’t deny was created by some sort
of Creator I thought I lived on a ball
hurling through Infinite Space in
infinite galaxies and that it formed
over billions of years of liquid hot
magma coming together because of gravity
I had my mind wrapped up in what I was
told by the mainstream but when you
literally realize that there is an
undeniable Creator then you without a
doubt don’t start believing in God you
know that there is a God so in this
video I’m not trying to convince you
that you don’t live on a globe yet I’m
just trying to convince you to question
what you’ve always been told because the
people that have told to you are clearly
not trustworthy not by a long shot this
is just that first layer of the onion
and if you can remove that first layer
well there’s further to go and I invite
you to keep joining me on this journey
and keep an open mind throughout today
on part two of do we really live on one
of these I’m not going to jump into the
proofs yet what I’m going to continue to
do is lower your defenses by showing you
some images that they show us I’m going
to start right here with this this is
literally supposed to be an image from
NASA of Earth and when you just type in
images of Earth from NASA you get things
that look so different that it has to
cause your mind to say well why does the
Earth look so different from day to day
coming from the same supposed images
I’ll tell you why because exactly that
they are images they’re not photographs
you are confusing photographs for
computer generated images the same thing
with satellites they don’t have
photographs of satellites they are all
computer generated images and if you
just go look with an open mind and some
discernment you will see that over and
over and over again there are no
photographs and if there are supposedly
thousands upon thousands of satellites
would think one would be able to take a
photograph of another but all you get is
a CGI total c g i over and over and over
again same thing with stars if you type
in stars and even NASA stars and images
all you’re going to get is computer
generated images and we are so used to
seeing these we saw these our whole
lives that we didn’t question them but
if you question them with a Discerning
mind what you will see
is these are pictures they’re pictures
literally pictures not photographs not
photos they’re
CG images and they even do the exact
same thing with the sun type in NASA
images of the Sun and you going to find
the exact same thing nothing but images
no photographs no solar filter
photographs just images CGI and when you
finally decide to go elsewhere and see
what other people are showing that isn’t
the agency that rhymes with Bassa you
see what I took here with my own camera
with a solar filter on images of the Sun
and what it looks like versus what they
show us do you see what you’re seeing
here unprogrammed the mind and look at
it with a clear mind it’s cartoons
cartoons and again when you go to
amateurs go to YouTube go to amateurs
type star amateur photography and what
you’re going to see is something a whole
lot different than what you think stars
are or what you have thought stars are
here we go I’ve captured something like
this many times does this look like what
they present
us does that look like a burning ball of
gas trillions if not quintili of miles
away you got to start looking at things
with an unprogrammed mind and then we’ll
jump into the proofs because until you
get to the point where maybe for the
first time in your life you believe your
eyes and your senses and what your body
and your mind and your soul is telling
you versus appealing to the authority
and believing what they tell us his
truth well then the proofs I show you
the scientific repeatable measurable
proof Pro over and over again you’re
never going to believe cuz you’re just
going to say well I trust basso or I
trust whoever stop trusting other people
and look with clear mind and an open
mind and use discernment and you’re
going to see by the end of this video
series that what you think you thought
your whole life isn’t truth and all you
got to do is want truth want truth want
to seek truth want to find truth more
than anything else and you’ll find it
it’s there they hide it but if you’re
determined you’re going to find it today
on part three of do we really live on
one of these we get into the proof but
if you are new to this and you haven’t
seen part one and part two I recommend
you go watch it it talks about Who
provided us the information that we live
here and also how all their evidence all
their Visual Evidence like this one is
computer generated and what I have to
talk about today while I think it maybe
isn’t the number one best right in yourf
face proof I think it’s really important
to start with this one because it’s
something you can experience and you can
research from the comfort of your own
home you don’t have to travel to some
Far distant place to try to see lands
further than you should oh no you just
need to get a starfinder app and you
need to know the information about what
they tell us about that star right there
the North Star Polaris now what you need
to know about the North Star pois is
that it stays stationary every day every
hour every minute every month every year
it’s right there and the Stars circle
around it and like I said the beautiful
thing is you can go test this out
yourself this is what you should do
download any starf finding app and
locate the star Polaris and do it from
standing in a specific spot in your
house and it’s going to be in the north
whatever Direction in your house North
is and Mark it and for me Polaris you
can see is there I stood in a position
where it’s always right there right next
to the corner of this little Inlet and
then you can go outside and do the exact
same thing and Mark it and it’s you know
for me I’m outside my front door and
it’s right at the corner of this tree
and I am telling you right now anytime
you ever go to check it whether it’s an
hour from now a day from now a month
from now a week from now 5 years from
now it will be right there all the time
and I’ve experienced this with seeing
the actual star with my own eyes I’m not
just relying on the technology and again
you can go find literally thousands of
people who have done star Trail
time-lapse videos where Polaris doesn’t
move and maybe you’re saying so what it
doesn’t move what does that prove well
maybe you don’t know what they tell us
we’re supposedly doing because we’re
supposedly rotating 1,000 mph we’re
supposedly traveling around the Sun at
66,000 mph it is as we know it takes the
Earth about 24 hours to complete a
rotation the circumference of the earth
is about 25 ,000 mil so if you live at
the equator you’re spinning at over
1,000 mph and we’re just getting started
we also know that it takes the Earth
roughly 365 days to orbit the Sun the
total trip is almost 600 million miles
which means the Earth is circling at
over 66,000 mph and the Sun is also
moving towards other stars in the galaxy
and bringing us along at about 43,000
mph at the same time it’s moving upwards
relative to the Milky Way plane at over
15 ,000
mph in addition to all that the sun
orbits the center of the Milky Way once
every 225 million years moving at
483,000 mph to make the trip All Things
Considered we’re moving at about 540,000
mph as a solar system and on top of all
of that the Milky Way is shooting
through the universe if we measure the
Galaxy’s speed relative to cosmic
background radiation from The Big Bang
we find it’s traveling at an incredible
1.3 million mph
so you’re moving on earth the earth is
moving around the sun the sun is moving
around the Galaxy and the entire galaxy
is moving around the universe at a
combined speed of over 1.9 million milph
and somehow Polaris stays right there
and right there and right there all the
time oh and they don’t even tell you
that all the directions that the Earth
is spinning and revolving and rotating
and traveling through the Galaxy and
traveling through the universe isn’t in
the same perfect directions like the
stars show us every single day but don’t
you dare believe me I started with this
one as the number one proof because you
can very easily go prove this to
yourself and please I encourage you to
do that and along the way I never want
you to believe me belief is the enemy of
knowing I want you to know and you need
to do things yourself to know today on
part four of do we really live on one of
these we tackle water and you ever
notice this little guy here with the
little mouth and two eyes that’s a
strange looking thing in a supposed
image from NASA you see this proof is so
Elementary to someone who is outside of
the programming that it literally is
kind of ridiculous but when you’re still
inside the programming your mind thinks
that gravity is holding trillions of
gallons of water to a spinning ball and
you’re immed response is to say you
don’t understand how gravity works well
I’m here to tell you you don’t
understand how water works because the
funny thing about water is that it
always lays level especially when it’s
at rest kind of like the level here in
the water and funny how the level there
is the same as the level there as the
same as the level there and the other
funny thing about water is that it needs
a container kind of like this small
little koi pon and we all know that the
water in that kooi pond is level and if
you level up to a bigger Pond that water
is level and if you level up to a lake
that water is level and to a bigger Lake
that water is contained by the shore and
level yet somehow when we take this to a
larger scale because we have all been
told since the age of 3 years old that
we live on a ball where gravity is
holding water to a curving ball
kind of like this water ball fountain in
Aruba but you’ll notice something that
water is all seeking its level it’s
going down down down seeking its level
it’s container which might cause you to
say well where’s the ocean’s container
I’ve never seen it well have you ever
seen this United States Navy photography
report from 1957 in
Antarctica well there’s your container
Antarctic Ice
Wall Ice wall now I want to show you
something else if you’re having a hard
time wrapping your head around this let
me first just let you see a little bit
more US Navy footage of said ice wall
and said container and did you know
something did you know that anarctica
just happens to have the highest average
elevation in any continent in Earth
that’s right more than double any of the
other ones so it’s average height it’s
more than double the height off of sea
level than any other continent and yes
this might be hard for you if you were
new to wrap your head around the fact
that the water is contained by a giant
ice wall but let me give you some
further evidence that you’re not living
on a curving ball and it again has to do
with water the law of reflection states
that a reflection of light on a sphere
does that and does that and does that it
does not travel a line of sight right to
your feet so all you have to do is
actually experience what you experience
and put that into use instead of
believing what you’ve been told your
entire life because as much as you would
like to believe what you were told is
truth and that water can somehow curve
around a ball even though anytime you
would ever see water anytime in your
entire life you’ve experienced water you
could put a level on it when it is at
rest and it will be level not curving
but of course as always this was just
for entertainment purposes and I know
that just all the water that I’ve ever
experienced is just on such a small
scale that I can’t tell that it’s
curving well maybe we’ll check that out
next time when we check the 60 mil of
water between the sand dudes in Michigan
to Chicago and see what’s happening with
that water today I’m on part five of do
we really live on a globe we tackle line
of sight I’m going to take a little bit
of a different approach on this one
though because I’ve literally done
dozens of videos showing buildings and
different objects in the distance that
they tell us we shouldn’t be able to see
because of the curvature of the earth
and this one was an example Chicago from
55 miles away that I saw with my own
eyes and I could tell unlike what they
say on the news that this was no Mirage
but me telling you isn’t going to do it
for you you got to go out and you got to
experience this and you got to do the
math yourself because if you just
believe this you’re just believing it’s
an overused saying but belief is the
enemy of knowing and I want you to know
that you do not live on a curving
spinning water ball here’s another
example of the longdistance photography
shot of 275 mil away and some of the
things you need to ask yourself is why
are things always pointed straight up
yeah you might not be able to to see the
bottom of buildings but there’s
explanations for that like lensing and
how the atmosphere can create a lens to
magnify things where you’re not going to
be able to see the bottom kind of like
at a certain point you can’t continue to
see the sun it’s not because it’s going
down it’s cuz it’s going further away
just like I’m going further away here
and there’s a lens that’s stopping you
from seeing endlessly so the bottom line
here is if we live on the ball they tell
us there is a specific curve rate
because they supposedly know the
circumference of the earth and that
specific curve rate is supposedly 8 in
per M squared so if you know your
distance from something and you know
your elevation from something you can
compare that to what they tell us the
obscured object should be the obscured
object was supposed to be 1,600 ft and
the tallest building in Chicago right
there is only 1,400 ft tall and believe
it or not I’ve even recorded the City of
Charleston South Carolina from the city
of Jacksonville Florida the dist of 194
M away and what they tell us the curve
rate should be is 25,000 ft of obscured
object none of these buildings are even
close to that but here’s something you
need to know the internet is so
difficult to navigate and find truth in
you can’t trust anything you get so what
you need to do is take the information
that they provide you as truth so AKA we
live on a ball with a certain curve rate
and you need to compare that with your
own experience so for me when I lived in
Illinois I drove here and I looked
across and I saw Chicago with my very
own eyes and I compared that to what
they said and this is what they said
you’re seeing a mirage and well I either
need to be looking at buildings with my
own eyes and believe what someone else
is telling me I’m seeing or look at
building with my own eyes and know what
my senses are telling me and it’s rage
so like I said don’t believe me and if
you want more evidence of this go search
it up there’s evidence EV upon evidence
upon evidence I have literally like I
said dozens on my page but I encourage
you to go find a spot to experience far
distance for yourself because then
you’re not believing anyone then you’re
knowing your soul will know what the
truth is today on the final chapter of
do we really live on a globe we tackle
anomalies as in things we can see and
experience with our own eyes that are
impossible to explain on one of these
we’re going to start at at the beginning
and at the end of days here is a
beautiful sunrise that I captured in
Florida on a very low humidity day and
where it looks like the sun is half up
because it hasn’t come around the curve
of the earth yet when you zoom in you
see it’s already very high in the sky
how is that possible if we’re only
seeing half of it because of the curve
this is where you need to take a minute
and ask yourself questions ask yourself
well if I can zoom in and the Sun is
already up maybe something else is going
on here that is not allowing me to see
the full sun maybe there’s atmosphere
that can create a lensing effect and
maybe just maybe perspective isn’t the
play as in when something goes further
away it gets lower in your field of
vision kind of like in this Sunset we
all know that these clouds are not
touching the water but they’re far
enough away that they became low enough
in my field of vision
to do exactly what the sun is doing
moving further and further away and
getting lower and lower in your field of
vision until it disappears and because
the humidity was high on that day the
humidity was acting as a lens kind of
like this magnifying glass I’m only
moving backwards there I’m not going
down kind of like the sun is only moving
backwards here but now go watch a sunset
in Mexico with a super low humidity day
again and you see that the Sun goes off
into the distance and it shrinks because
a something goes further away it gets
smaller and lower and then finding other
anomalies that cannot be explained away
in the heliocentric model like seeing
the Sun during the eclipse and the
actual sun in the firmament
projecting to the Sun that we actually
see and again the same exact thing
layers of the firmament projecting from
the actual sun and seeing things like
this that isn’t a solar flare because
that’s the solar flare that don’t make
sense on the model of the world you live
in you don’t just ignore it you look
into it and say what in the world is
actually going on here and you try to
make sense of it and well it’s funny
that making sense of it aligns perfectly
with the Bible and when you see the sun
which is supposedly 93 Million Miles
Away Nestle beautifully into a fluffy
layer of clouds you got to ask yourself
how is that possible
and experiencing things like anti-us
rays that are impossible if the Sun is
93 million miles away because you can
triangulate these Rays back to the
source not only above the Sun but below
the Sun as well again this is impossible
all these Rays would be coming in at the
same angle if the sun was really 93
million miles away but again you can
triangulate it back up to the source and
last but certainly not least if you go
explore what the Stars actually look
like instead of what that four-letter
agency tells us and what they put in the
books you see that they look nothing
like burning balls of gas trillions of
miles away and maybe just maybe we’ve
all been led to believe this so we don’t
know the true nature of where we live
and we don’t know the true nature of who
created it or who we are or how powerful
we actually are and how we can manifest
things and how we have the ability to do
whatever we want and maybe a big part of
the reason this was created was so you
don’t trust your senses because if you
can look up and see the moon and the
stars and the sun circling you yet you
can somehow be convinced that you are
rotating at 1,000 mes per hour faster
than the speed of sound well then you
can’t trust your own senses and you need
to appeal to the authority and ask Mr
teacher Mr government official can you
please inform me on the information
inform because I don’t trust myself well
I’m here to give you your power back I’m
here to say trust yourself learn to
reaccept your senses learn to trust your
senses find your senses because they’re
hidden inside of you and all you have to
do is want to get them back and they’re
yours you just got to want it and once
you realize you don’t live on one of
infinite of these and infinite galaxies
with infinite nonsense of space well
then you really iiz you’re here with a
purpose and you are very very special
and very very significant and like I
said you have a lot of power more than
you could ever realize and if you’ve
made it through all these videos and you
still are having a hard time challenging
your already established beliefs well
then let me ask you a question why are
you afraid are you afraid what might be
on the other side you afraid you might
have to give up on some things you’ve
enjoyed your whole life well I got news
for you the other side although it might
seem scary it’s a whole lot better I
promise you because you live in a world
where you’re not fearful you’re not
fearful of them you’re not fearful of
dying there’s nothing to fear but fear
itself and I’m here to give you that
little gift because this this big ball
lies it keeps it from you like I said I
just want to give it back and if you’ve
made it through this video and you still
have questions I encourage you to go to
that website or go to the App Store and
download this app because it’s the only
place in the entire flat realm that you
live in that you can actually research
things and get noncensored
unbiased opinion just literal real
science measurable repeatable observable
science and use my code fit flat and
have an awesome day oh and of course
this was all for entertainment purposes
I create these videos for the views and
just to entertain you with my iCal
opinion entertainment only