HOW TO SPOT A PSYOP- The Final Experiment Edition
The Final Experiment hits all 10 criteria for being an “engineered reality,” also called “a psyop.” The only reason someone can still believe this was a real event after watching this, is because there is a deep emotional connection that has been implemented. It’s the same process that MK Ultra uses. It’s called brainwashing. It’s time to wake up to the reality around you and for you to start seeking the truth about the ground you walk on and the luminaries that go over your head every day.
named will Duffy to try to discredit Flat Earth AKA biblical cosmology they
supposedly went to Antarctica to film a 24-hour son that somehow was Never filmed properly without suspicious edits
yes a mysticism practicing hermeticism promoting Bible denying heretic of a pastor that says
this so please I beg you we have to stop
claiming that the Ten Commandments prohibit lying that’s not true the Ten
Commandments prohibit bearing false witness against your neighbor
okay we finally get to my conclusion on the matter of lying in deception and
that is this after carefully looking at both sides of the debate and after
taking a very deep dive into everything I could possibly find in scripture regarding lying and
deception I have come to the conclusion that neither lying nor deception are
inherently immoral this deceitful Pastor must have not made it to Psalms 1017
that states he that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house he that tell lies shall not tar in my sight or he
must have not have made it to Revelations 218 that states but the fearful and unbelieving and the
Abominable and murderer and whoremongers and Sorcerers and idolators and all
liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death or he must
have not have read Proverbs 12:22 that states lying lips are Abomination to the
Lord but they that deal truly are his Delight so in light of this movement
it’s been my honor to edit this video for you enjoy
most people have no awareness of how easily our behavior and even our identity can be completely taken
over but people are waking [Music]
up I spent 20 years in the US military I’m a behavior expert I’ve trained Sops
I’m the bestselling author in behavioral psychology I want to show you exactly how to identify what we call engineered
reality or what some people call scops
at the end of this I’m going to give you a tool that’s literally going to give you a score out of 100 that shows you
how likely something is to be a scop let’s do
this so the first thing you need to know is following the Fate model Focus
Authority tribe and emotion this is what triggers the mamalian part of our brain that makes all of our real decision
decisions the first part is focus Sops always aim to hijack your attention with
repetition so with this pause and ask why is this message being pushed so
aggressively they consistently pushed this narrative over the past few months because they understood the importance
of a first impression if someone’s first impression of Flat Earth or biblical cosmology is this final experiment then
of course they are going to disregard it and not take the time to properly and thoroughly research it it only takes 7
seconds to form a first impression this movement has been gaining so much momentum that they are willing to do
whatever it takes to try to slow it down let alone whoever orchestrated this must have also known the psychology behind a
lasting impression cognitively speaking what we say at CIA is your last
impression is the impression that lasts the second part here is Authority trusted figures might shift their tone
or positions unnaturally to support the narrative we’ll uh now turn it over to the flat
earthers so obviously you all know jiren Campanella of jiren ism one of the most
popular Flat Earth YouTube channels not for long all right guys uh sometimes you are
wrong in life and I thought that there was no 24-hour son in fact I was pretty sure of it kept saying it was true I
kept saying it wasn’t it’s uh a fact the sun uh does Circle you in the South that
the sun does exactly what these guys said as far as circles the southern continent so I honestly believe there
was no 24-hour Sun I honestly now believe there is they’re holding guns on the other side of this camera this is
all stage this is all stage I mean I was one of the people that said I definitely
didn’t think that there was a 24-hour son we were wrong it is doing what they
said it would do truth doesn’t fear investigation truth doesn’t fear investigation so watch very closely for
expert panelists or endorsements where authority figures might speak outside of
their expertise pay close attention to that one then we have tribe so messages
that polarize opinions or create Stark in groups versus out groups or exploit
our tribal instincts for example labeling groups as Patriots versus traitors or scientific versus deniers be
very careful when you hear that language finally we have emotion so be wary of any communication that
triggers strong emotions like fear hope or outrage without any clear verifiable
evidence so emotional responses suppress critical thinking at the same time but
from a stationary standpoint in relation to other stationary standpoints Parallax should still show
up okay first of all it does like if I look if I pull my footage back up right now as I turn it around the relative
positioning of the items absolutely changes as you have you interacted with the video I’ll share it secondly it is
obviously different if the camera’s physically moving around and dude this is this is the thing bro you can just
come and interact with it and this is I don’t understand kind of annoying but
here we’ll just we’ll just show it emotional responses suppress critical thinking so as a tip here analyze the
evidence that’s presented to you if facts are replaced by appeals to emotion you need to be very very very
cautious so if I keep the sun still that means the camera is rotating and the
Earth is moving it’s the same thing so don’t let them bamboozle
you so it’s the same is if I’m using a camera a single lens camera or I’m using
a 360 camera and I rotate the footage to keep the Sun Center it’s the same
thing it’s the same for
both so here’s the point if there is a south pole with a 24-hour Sun then there
must be extreme parallel shift we don’t see that in their footage because the Earth is not
rotating and if the Earth’s not rotating there cannot be a South Pole so they’re lying to you so don’t
think they went there oh it was a sunny day that they were lucky no because it’d be hard to fake that so
let’s look at the footage so the claim here is that it’s a 360 camera the camera must be turning
because the the Earth is turning and I can see the cameras moving
because the Earth is
turning if I’ve got a rotating platform I put a spit level and I put a the capup
must have a left hand side and a right hand side so if the Earth is turning what
would my camera see so remember when even if you’re using a 360 camera I just in my nle isolate the Sun and keep the
sun standing still well the the spirit level can’t bend around me the spirit
level must turn rotate like this you’ll see one side of the spirit level then
you’ll see the other side of the spirit level you see one side of the robot then you see the other side of the robot the
same with the spirit level in the cup you must see the left side and the right side because it must rotate because the
Earth is supposed to be rotating right so we’re looking at parallel
shift so let’s put it into perspective
remember the camera if I’m rotating the camera or I’m rotating the footage it’s
the same thing things are in their relative position
and distances from the center of the camera so you must see paralle
shift and things can’t bend around you right as we see in their footage
things will move at different speeds and the table can’t
bend mountains can’t bend around you they must keep their same north and
south and east and west must be the same so you see this
bending is because they’re using a psych next question novelty our brains are
wired to focus on Sudden or unusual changes because they signal potential
threats or opportunities and this is an evolutionary survival mechanism scops
exploit this by creating events that break normal expectations you really
want to believe that YouTube shills went to Antarctica and got a 24-hour son on
video when there’s no government agency that has ever recorded a 24-hour son in
Antarctica and there’s government bases down there for over a 100 years some of them you really want to believe that
YouTube shills got a 24-hour Sun recorded in 2024 as Flat Earth is
exploding and there’s no 24-hour Sun videos from any University or any
scientist or or any astrophysicist there’s a few random ones starting I think around the year 2017
but no 24-hour Sun videos from 2010 or 2005 or the 1990s there’s no other
24-hour Sun videos in Antarctica but we’re supposed to believe that YouTube
shills got a video of a 24-hour son in Antarctica in 2024 that defies all reason all logic
all common sense so ask yourself why is this new so consider if the event or
somebody’s message has been artificially manufactured or timed look for patterns
like sudden shifts in public opinion trending hashtag that are unusual or viral videos that seem very coincidental
the timing shifts public Focus all of this is part of the NCI system I
developed for teaching tradecraft in extreme psychological operations and there’s even a gigantic textbook for all
of this stuff in the description definitely not for everybody but it’s definitely the most comprehensive guide
in the world on this stuff so next item look for multiple sources centralized
narratives create an echo chamber and they silence dissent and they narrow perspectives for example if all media
Outlets present identical talking points it is a humongous red flag so actively
seek out contrarian or independent voices even if they challenge something that’s already in your head so in
reality an example all the major news outlets report on the exact same study
but independent researchers reveal the study was funded by a company selling
the solution so watch for that group speak next is identify cognitive dissonance weapons let’s talk about how
this works so cognitive dissonance comes up when new information clashes with our
Identity or our beliefs so scops exploit the hell out of this by uh including
micro agreements micro Agreements are little small seemingly harmless
concessions to shape your identity and over time you’re going to unconsciously align your behavior to reduce that
internal conflict and as a weaponization example of this a scop might present you
as a part of moral or intelligent Enlightenment like only good citizens do
XYZ if you disagree with that you risk some identity conflict there so reflect
on your identity and ask am I being nudged to identify with some other group
you can Google or YouTube the final experiment and it’s easy to tell you were being fed one side of the
story remember once you decide on a subject it can take a long time and a lot of information to rethink
it it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled
Mark TW so be very careful of any campaigns that
are asking for seemingly minor commitments as an example of this let’s say a company launches an ad campaign
and they claim real Patriots by local if you disagree with their product it feels
like rejecting your identity as a patriot so this pushes you to conform to
be very very skeptical about those identity statements next is looking for
those emotional scripts and what I mean by this is the scripts that were written in our brains by our ancestors so
manipulated narratives trigger instincts round round round round lumbo the world
she’s flat the world she’s around she’s
flat look King she’s around like a the APPA she’s flat like the pancake POA
she’s round she’s a firm she’s a fully packed she’s round like my head she’s
flat like your [Music]
head a
[Music] biscuit yeah and what up do I’m a
disgust and nobody believes in the world that she’s around
me she looks around to me DC Oh by come here a Queen Isabella if you can
prove the world is round Chris I’ll give you my Jewels have Tribal rejection
these are threats of being socially Outcast like you’re selfish if you don’t comply and those things override logic
every time and as a tip for this break the script by focusing on the facts like
what’s the likelihood of this scenario so compare the claims with other sources
if the 24-hour Sun existed in Antarctica then it would be reasonable to assume that North facing Shadows should be
found with some images taken during the Antarctic Summer come to find out the
vast majority if not all of Google Earth’s images of Antarctica were taken
during its summer that is great news for shadow research sech it will depend on the time of day the footage was taken
but if we look over all of Antarctica and find no North facing Shadows then that is some strong evidence for no
24-hour Sun remember that what we call Satellites operate at all times of the
day a certain percentage of Shadows must be facing north than if a 24-hour Sun
actually existed let’s find out pay attention to the compass in the upper
right corner and the imagery date below [Music]
and again this is at it start I noticed it like 51 minutes in to video and now
at 52 minutes and six seconds it’s just
that there is angle and a blue line that cuts all the way up and across this is
all stage this is all stage next is follow the money so there’s a trail of
beneficiaries here so identifying who benefits always is going to reveal the motive okay five yeah no let’s do it I
I’m very I’m here for this actually okay how much are you getting paid
how much am I getting paid listen wait don’t answer that Jonathan don’t answer that yeah Will Duffy will Jonathan needs
to get paid for his time will hired him okay we could hire we we could hire somebody so I’m gonna stand up for will
on that one he hired him so look for funding sources like sponsorships or political connections that are tied to
the narrative at Amazon Studios we think big
and that’s why we’ve invested in the newest Technologies expand ing our
creative possibilities and offering our filmmakers an experience like no other
introducing Amazon Studios virtual production we ourselves are the
filmmaker so we’re trying to make a safe place for storytellers to be ambitious bigger than traditional walls that have
been built in the past just so we’re able to Encompass full World building shows there’s such a wonderful realism
that’s created with virtual production the ability to experiment with it on on this piece felt really f fitting it
definitely gives the ability for filmmakers to be able to visualize and utilize different locations within the same stage there are going to be aspects
of it as we shoot different content for different shows we could have a setup in the morning of one environment to have foreground set
pieces camera please shoot all that and then after wrap be able to swap out all the foreground step pieces switch out
the background and shoot a totally different environment the next morning could be a whole different part of the world this type of film making tool
makes location shooting around the world accessible to budgets big and small
next and this one is very important is analyze the context boundary the
mechanism here is context and context defines what is permissible so
manipulative people shift contexts to normalize extreme behavior on yah I
swear on everything that I went to Antarctica and that I did not went to
Antarctica he looks to the right he’s lying and he also doesn’t say that I
swear I saw a 24-hour son in an Arctica so that’s interesting so ask what is the
context compare some similar events in different settings to see if the rules or responses seem disproportionate look
for contradiction compare some similar events in different settings to see if the rules or responses seem
disproportionate look for contradictions so for lots of the students who are brand new to to NCI University this
right here is the most massive realization when they realize that the ability to weaponize cognitive
dissonance and then shift the context and get anyone to do almost anything
this changes the context to make previously unacceptable actions seem absolutely necessary next spot the use
of archetypes because they’re woven into our brains Sops simplify narratives by
using Arch types like heroes and villains and saviors deconstruct the story ask who are the characters and
what roles are they playing making a documentary I’m the filmmaker in the group I’m a flat earther as
well it’s hard to say what I think these days um but I’ll tell you this the AE map seems to be inaccurate um I think
some of the things with the Flat Earth now give me reason to investigate a little different um you know when you
see the sun circle around you it’s pretty clear just based on where we are that it couldn’t be happening where the
rest of the the planet is getting day and night every day as they do with the exception of the North Pole but that’s
for the same reason that down here in the South Pole we’re getting this 24-hour
sunlight I that doesn’t make any sense you’ve been a flat earther for eight or nine years and you just said we go to
space another red flag bro okay well excuse my uh my grammar
but my my my thoughts were send us up in a ship as high as it’ll go with one of these ships and like obviously if they
don’t send us in a ship high enough oh there’s an issue if they do send us what will we see Jonathan’s a real flat
earther simplistic like good versus evil stories usually signal manipulation just
about every time so always seek Nuance there the final
experiment uh is about the fact that a 24-hour sun in Antarctica does not work on a flat Earth
it’s not possible on a flat Earth and it’s obviously what the globe says
happens and the narrative ignores their mistakes and oversimplifies the conflict
to prevent a lot of scrutiny now what is VAP gate you might ask well one comment
that kept cropping up during people’s live streams was the lack of visible
breath with conspiracy theorists arguing that this was somehow proof that we
weren’t outside in a cold environment but instead we must be in a studio
somewhere then during Austin wit’s live stream he’d already been asked a few times about breath and was then asked to
pick up some snow so he went back into the Hut off camera to go and get his
gloves and when he came back onto camera he then produced two visible breaths
which then stopped again and what I’m seeing from that is thick foggy breath
being exhaled as he exits the hot then clearly holding what appears to be a vape pen to his mouth for quite a while
as he’s walking back then putting something in his pocket and then blowing thick fog from his mouth before getting
back to the computer which to me personally seems to fit the argument of him vaping I live in Florida bro where
it’s warm humid and close to sea level this was a complete flip on his head for
me I literally got sick okay now what I want you to actually address though is
I’m telling you factually I did not hit a vape walk over to the camera and
exhale a vape the first time I was asked if I Vaped in antic I said yes yes I Vaped I’m telling you actually I did not
hit a vape yes I Vaped I used to vape I quit vaping I found a vape in my bag
everyone claiming that’s a lie I I guess I can see why that’s coincidental or whatever but but the more words you use
the less believable you sound the more words it takes to tell the truth the farther it looks from I found an old
vape and I hit it because I wasn’t at home right so like I I wouldn’t Vape around my children you know like I
wasn’t going to smoke when I had children or whatever I also had a cigarette there I hate cigarettes think they smell terrible would never smoke
around my children ETA so the idea that I was away from my house is the only reason I would be vaping or smoking a
cigarette okay I never lied about hitting a vape I’m telling you actually I did not hit a vape yes I Vaped what I
said and still say to this day which is just the truth is that I did not hit a vape and walk over to the camera to try
to fake my breath less is more when you overe explain it’s because you have this fear that they’re not going to believe
you so you give more detail and hopes that they believe that you’re telling the truth or believe you know what you’re talking about so like if you
actually look at the video real closely you’ll see every time I hit a vape I’m trying to hide it from the camera and that’s because I would never Vape on
camera the more words you use the less believable you sound the more words it takes to tell the
hit a vape I walk over there I exhale out away from the camera like I turn my head away from the camera and everything
try to get another there’s more when you overe explain it’s because you have this fear that they’re not going to believe
you so you give more detail and hopes that they believe that you’re telling the truth or believe you know what you’re talking about hot water because
if you want it to be cold you just throw snow in there like the water just comes from the snow anyway right so when you drink hot water and you walk outside you
see your breath more and it takes like a couple minutes so you don’t really see your breath so I just assumed that that’s what my breath was from which is
why I said what’s up now and took two deep breaths after that thinking you keep seeing it and you didn’t why isn’t
your breath
FY S as Fogg as it was a second
ago it’s kind of foggy right now but right before I started the stream I I tested it so I knew you guys were going
to say that and my breath was like super foggy earlier but it’s not really talk you right
now there’s a little breath what’s up
now you have to take like deeper breath and it sucks it hurts your lungs stop the
cap stop right now stop no but Marty you wanted to bring up
some points um about what we care about and what we’re saying and what we mean here yeah so let’s just go let’s just go
on the list right away okay so are we proclaiming without question that they faked the 24-hour Sun as of right now
I’m leaning very strongly yes and I think Dave is pretty much there too but we you know there there other possibilities is do we still have to
take into consideration that there could be a rational reasonable explanation for there is a 24-hour sun down there and there’s a reasonable explanation in our
Flat Earth model because of Optics Dome that sort of thing yes that’s still a possibility as well but do we do we
believe that this Avenue should be specifically looked at yes and once you start looking at that this Avenue I
think the rest of them are going to fall off and you’re going to start to see that this actually makes a whole lot of sense next evaluate the frame so let’s
do a step-by-step evaluation here first one is expectation what are you expected to believe or do based on this thing
that you’re exposed to in the media next is belief what assumptions are being made about you like your values or your
fears then we have perception so how is reality being shaped like selective
facts or missing contexts and definition is the final step here when it comes to a frame what truth is being asserted as
something that’s completely unchallengeable they expect to get you to believe in a perception to accept
this fallacy of a reality so they can control your mind more easily when
someone is sucked out of their skull so far beyond comprehension that they can’t trust their own senses you can imagine
how easily manipulated they are when it comes to other deceptions I do not know of one seasoned flat earther who fell
for the planemic and actually got injected with this comes up with information
suppression so really look for topics that are being avoided critics that are being silenced if somebody needs to be
silenced in order for an idea to make it then the idea is not good so alternative
viewpoints being discredited that’s a big one to look out for you can actually take the same link from your YouTube
video and post it on the RTS platform and it’ll lift the shadow Banning sometimes YouTube will only show less
than 1% of the views that are actually being viewed this is a good example here of
one of my videos where it shows 419 views but somehow 3,000 likes I’ve
literally caught them sabotaging My Views terms of conspiracy theory content generally our goal is to promote
authoritative content to our users so we have two principles that guide the way here that’s the first one is we want to
provide users with authoritative trustworthy I’m sorry to cat you off I only have a minute half and I I I don’t
really need to hear what you’re trying to provide I want to know how you’re dealing with all these conspiracy theorists on your platform so the the
first way is by demoting lowquality content and promoting more authoritative content and the second is by providing
more transparency for users so we’re introducing boxes that provide factual
information at the top of results that have shown themselves to turn up a lot of information that is counterfactual
such as searching for the Earth is flat on YouTube where you see a lot of your response is to put a box saying nope the
Earth is not flat correct okay so cross check timelines of events and notice if
critics are labeled conspiracists or if algorithms are suppressing some kind of
specific search and this is a big one especially in today’s time this should go without saying but I will go ahead
and say it anyway whenever you Google Flat Earth all of the information is completely one-sided it’s either
misinformation a strawman fallacy world opposition or information that’s
steering you away from Flat Earth it’s not giving you any credible content from
a real flat earther perspective why isn’t there better content like TR Earth Wiki that comes up where you can look up
whatever you want regarding Flat Earth that will give you a credible resource it’s because they are hiding
the truth from you that should be very easy to understand so next be alert to
Rapid compliance shifts this one is scary and it’s happening every day scops
create urgency to drive rapid compliance and these tactics are stuff like
emotional appeals staged group behaviors or False Consensus for this it’s really
important to slow down and resist the pressure to act to question the Conformity as much as possible and test
the message engaging the Skeptics there then we have this controlled opposition
named Robbie Davidson who is now coming out on his Facebook saying that he is going back to the globe if that is not a
rapid compliance shift I don’t know what is study the timing of the events and
this one’s huge especially right now timing is everything ask yourself why is
this happening now so what other events or scandals might this thing be distracting everybody from so look for
very coincidental timing with unrelated major news stories or political
movements Sops can very often be uh smoke screens ironically right after the
final experiment is finished and all the information starts blowing up La starts burning down to the point where only
some of the trees burned but somehow was melting aluminum down to a liquid
coincidence probably not the next thing I want you to do is to sharpen your brain to start hearing and understanding
these manipulation tactics and one of the biggest things that you can do the most effective way that I could train
you right now just you and me is to teach your brain to recognize logical
fallacies so let’s go through these cuz Sops very often use these flawed arguments to convince people and if you
know how to spot them it makes you a lot harder to manipulate let me give you 10 of these so that your brain gets
hardwired to start seeing everything a whole lot differently so the first one
that you’re going to see all the time appeal to emotion so this uses fear and anger and hope to bypass logic this
Exodus will continue until a flat earther can show how tf’s experiments
and observations can work on a flat Earth but instead of doing this the Flat
Earth Community as a whole is taking the position that we did not actually go to
Antarctica or that we did not see the real sun or that there is no 24-hour sun
in Antarctica despite the fact that we all witnessed it with our own eyes they
are arguing that we were in a giant Studio filled with LED screens or that
the sun was created with a giant laser pointer to fool us no one ever said that next is the
straw man argument this misrepresents somebody’s argument so they can attack
it better don’t let anybody trick you that Flat Earth is a flat disc in outer
space so somebody might say they oppose the lockdowns because they don’t care
about lives think about that one number three is the bandwagon policy so this
claims that something is true because everyone supports it and this is you hear this all the time millions of
people agree with X Y and Z you should agree with it too I had asked you to debate one of them Flat Earth guys no I
don’t I can’t no I know we talked about it and we’re going to have him on Skype no that is something that should not be
debated does not belong in front of an audience getting debated only 64% are
convinced that the world is a ball the world is a circle that the world is a
what is it a spheroid only 64% are convinced that the world is a
ball please don’t cry like that please don’t
[Applause] Brennon number four is the false dilemma
this presents only only two extreme options and it ignores Alternatives so
it’s the either you’re with us or you’re against us fallacy there it doesn’t
matter when there’s a 24-hour sun in Antarctica if there is that falsifies
Flat Earth and it confirms the globe number five is the ad homonym attacks this is the attack of the person and not
the argument be very observant for this so this is when you hear you can’t trust
her she’s not a scientist you can’t do X because they’re not qualified based on X
ad homonym is very common and I want your brain to be able to spot it why do people think the Earth is flat the Earth
is clearly round right that’s why we have the Horizon time zone Seasons day and night cycle weing seen it from space
we know more about the curvature of the earth and the vast majority of things in our world how can someone get confused about the shape of the earth well the
answer is actually more annoying than you’d think flat earthers aren’t coming to the conclusion that the Earth is flat the same way we came to understand that
the Earth is round scientific experiments General observations and mathematical equations all prove to us that the Earth was round but flat
earthers belief isn’t based on evidence it’s based on distrust they believe that people in power are lying to them that
experts are full of sh there is no actual evidence that proves the Earth is flat the whole conspiracy is based
solely on the distrust of authority that’s it and hey I told you the answer was annoying number six is appeal to
Authority and this is a claim that something is true because an authority figure said so so like Dr X supports it
so it’s absolutely right you have to trust the science we should speak of seeking evidence that dis favors the
hypothesis that the Earth is flat of which there is plenty starting with the
historical evidence about how Stellar constellations shift if you travel how the length of Shadows changes to
Newton’s 1 over R square Force law that is the law for a sphere not a dis not to
mention Einstein and gravitational red shift and the peralan Precision of mercury and so on and so forth the
problem that flat earthers have is that they cannot do most of these observations themselves so if you buy
the idea that it’s only your personally collected evidence that you should accept then it seems you cannot refute
the idea that the Earth is flat number seven is the slippery slope these are claims that one action is going to lead
to some extreme negative outcome so you’ve heard this before somebody says
something like if we allow this we’re going to lose all of our freedoms all of our freedoms are Gone the country is
gone all of that kind of talk like that be very attuned to when you hear that
and very cautious when you hear that if you do not think about your sensory input if you do not properly decode it
you arrive at the wrong conclusion flat earther similarly arrive at the wrong
conclusion by failing to decode evidence indeed by simply ignoring a lot of evidence that their own censors deliver
this is evidence about how society and how science Works whether we are
scientists or not we all constantly use this evidence to navigate life and I’m
sure flat earthers are no exception number eight Hasty generalizations and
these are broad claims that are made with very little evidence so the example
is two politicians lied so all of them must be corrupt so giant claim tiny bit
of evidence two politicians might have lied so they’re all corrupt these controlled opposition’s
accusation do not speak for the entire Flat Earth Community you don’t have to be a Jack Parsons to figure that one out
number nine is huge it’s the red herring so this distracts people with irrelevant
information you’ve heard this maybe as an example when somebody says why are we worrying about climate change when we
have so much crime going on right now it’s an argument of distraction number 10 is false equivalence all right so
anybody can go to these two websites or any website really and um check out the
AI detection software this first one I uploaded the video from
mckagan’s the first one that was uploaded and it took like eight still shots or whatever came back as multiple
fake indicators shows you the image manipulation that 39% of it is
manipulated so they probably use some fake some real um here’s this footage or this picture
coming back as being AI or not or maybe computer generated not necessarily AI
but tampered with um same with this one there’s dozens of them that I put in
here I I took a picture from my window to show what it looks like a real
picture just to for as like a comparison and obviously that came back
with the green saying it’s fine so here’s another one that’s like the
little tents from jiren’s chest cam footage got quite a bit of jiren’s chest
cam footage that’s fake this one actually said that it looked legit but then I noticed it looked like I didn’t
see a sun I just saw the mountains there so then I decided to crop just zoom in
take the picture just cropped out the Sun as you can see here put that in and
all of a sudden Bam um computer generated modified
image that’s a very damaging
one I know there’s a lot of information here so I want to give you access to the actual tool that we use to identify Sops
that even rates the likelihood on a 1 to 100 scale I’m going to add that into the description right below this video but
keep this in mind throughout history the people who stood tallest in the storm
were not not the ones who knew all the answers they were the ones who asked the right questions they weren’t the loudest
voices they were the calmest they were the people that had composure thanks for
spending some time with me one
love I hope that was easier to watch than it was to edit now I’m going to do
something I don’t usually do I’m going to ask you to share this video I’m obviously not doing it for the views I’m
doing this to get the truth out this is deceiving some people and they do need to see the light so to all the deceivers
out there let this be a message from the real Flat Earth Community you cannot
pull a stunt like this without us honest researchers picking it apart this movement is not being stopped let alone
slow down you are fighting against God’s creation you’re at a lost cause the
truth will always prevail