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FLATLANDERS Episode 1: We See Too Far

FLATLANDERS Episode 1: We See Too Far

“The Bonneville Salt Flats are one of seven locations around the world where the curvature of the earth is purportedly visible to the naked eye.” –Bureau of Land Management, Utah

A group of researchers embark on a journey to test this claim. This is the first episode of a docuseries. Featuring experts: Ryan Walker, Sydney Silver, Daryle Marble, Robert Scott, David Hunt, Jay Tolan, Dr. Nyeng Gyang, Dan the Waterman, Rene Kalucea, and Shelley Lewis.

The Final Nail In The Coffin of the Helio-nonsensical Model

The Final Nail In The Coffin of the Helio-nonsensical Model


in the coffin of the heliocentric model

I understand that you go through the

stages of grief when you realize that

you’ve been lied to

you’re gonna get you’re gonna feel angry

you’re gonna bargain you’re gonna do all

this stuff I understand this is the

absolute proof and you never have to say

another thing about it

and people get so mad I get it you’re

going through grief you’re mourning

grief ready when people forget is that

it’s not a circle around the Sun even if

it was a circle would still be

impossible but it’s an ellipse which

means that it changes speed it unlike

the evolution line where you can just

keep adding billions of years but the

billions and billions of years in the

but it’s one year that’s a fixed amount

of time and a fixed amount of speed the

earth their length of Earth’s

trajectories around the Sun is 940

million kilometers thus the earth

travels about a hundred and seven

thousand kilometers per hour this means

that our planet moves around the Sun at

an average speed of 30 km/s or Mach 8888

times the speed of sound just let that

sink in earth speed this is the this is

the kicker earth speed is not constant

as the Earth orbits elliptical orbit let

that sink in if you’re going 66,000

miles an hour and you change 1% of your

speed and in this model it’s

significantly more in the moment well

you ready to feel it no just listen it’s

a fixed amount of time it’s one year if

you’re uh if you change one percent

that’s 660 miles an hour that would that

would liquefy all flesh if you change

one mile an hour I I challenge you to

walk on a treadmill at one mile an hour

and tell a friend to randomly unplug it

you will trip and you will fall down I

challenge you to hold a coffee that’s

full to the brim as you drive down the

street at 60 miles an hour just tap on

the brake to go 59

the coffee will spill when you’re going

88 times the speed of sound and you have

to change speeds you would feel it now

even if the psychotic people going

through the stages and morning want to

sit there you go one now 2.97 you would

be able to measure it can’t have it both

ways guys not only would you you can do

the math on it because the ellipse is

fixed and the time is fixed one year and

you can check out the math of the

ellipse there’s a change of speed every

year at minimum went twice a year at

minimum the way that let’s work okay you

can break that down into any fraction

you want it’s still one fixed year not

only would you feel it it would kill you

but forget all that you could measure it

you can measure it and if you don’t

think you can measure a change in speed

you’re lying

look at a swimming pool look at any

water if you just go like this ripple

ripple ripple my labels open for ya it’s


guys this heliocentric model is over the

Earth changes speed going around the Sun

at Mach 88 and that’s why they sent in

Einstein and said it’s all relative no

it isn’t if you’re going 66,000 miles

per hour and there is any change

whatsoever in speed you would feel it

forget about thousand mile an hour spin

how that couldn’t you couldn’t operate a

plane or you couldn’t forget just this

is it you need no more explanation if

you’re going one not 66,000 one mile per

hour and it goes to zero from one you

would trip and listen I’m not here to

I’ve heard the arguments I hear the

argument all the time I could read you a

hundreds of them of cognitive dissonance

of people be like one of the biggest

things you’ll hear is anger they’re

going through the stages grief I don’t

know if you realize that that’s what it

is I deal with this all the time it’s

one reason why my banhammer is so

intense its grief they’ll get mad at me

they’ll say you don’t care you mean it’s

so easy to understand even an idiot

could lol I mean inertia time for text

that’s grief and then they’ll bargain

well it could be it could be that it’s

just cute and then depression well what

do we do now I mean my whole childhood

just stop it’s not that big a deal it’s

more beautiful than it isn’t spinning

endlessly around the Sun it’s way better

it’s just like and this is one of those

torpedoes that you can’t get around and

there’s people that spend their whole

day I think just trying to troll me and

just being like you sir it’s like how

dare you that’s 1% of speed change which

is it’s way more than that and in the

given ellipse in the given year you

can’t change the numbers the calendar

here is set the rotation is set so you

can’t do what they do in evolution say

well in 20 billion years you know a

hurricane can just create a Ferrari

no you can’t just keep adding years one

year one ellipse change in speed how do

you not measure it how do you not feel

it how do things that fall over we’re

talking about Mach 88 1% change would

liquefy all flash there’s more than 1%

change in speed in the given ellipse in

the given year in a given moment yes

also included is a plug for the grip now

he’s telling bugs the greatest app of

all time exposing the helio nonsensical

model the flattest Sun Moon and so da

clock app available at the App Store and

Google Play there it was there it was

had to do it

Coriolis Effect Debunks Does NOT Flat Earth

Coriolis Effect Debunks Does NOT Flat Earth

named gusbard gustav coriolis performed
several experiments showing the effect
of kinetic energy on rotating systems
which have ever since become
mythologized as proof of the
heliocentric theory of the cosmos
the coriolis effect is often said to
cause sinks and toilet bowls in the
northern hemisphere to drain spinning in
one direction while in the southern
hemisphere causing them to spin the
opposite way
thus providing proof of the spinning
ball earth
once again however just like foucault
pendulums spinning either which way
sinks and toilets in the northern and
southern hemispheres do not consistently
spin in any one direction
sinks and toilets in the very same
household are often found to spin
opposite directions depending entirely
upon the shape of the basin and the
angle of the water’s entry not the
supposed rotation of the earth
quote while the premise makes sense that
the earth’s eastward spin would cause
the water in a toilet bowl to spin as
well in reality the force and speed at
which the water enters and leaves the
receptacle is much too great to be
influenced by something as minuscule as
a single 360 degree turn over the span
of a day
when all is said and done the coriolis
effect plays no larger role in toilet
flushes than it does in the revolution
of cds in your stereo
the things that really determine the
direction in which water leaves your
toilet or sink are the shape of the bowl
and the angle at which the liquid
initially enters that bowl
so even mainstream science publications
admit the so-called coriolis effect has
absolutely no effect on the behavior of
water in sinks and toilet bowls but this
fact doesn’t deter scammer opportunists
in ecuador and other tourist traps along
the equator where a popular parlor trick
is performed using a portable sink to
purportedly prove this coriolis effect
first the showman sets their sink
already filled with water perfectly
along the equator line
then pulls the drainage plug showing
their audience how the water drains
straight down the hole
next they pick up their portable sink
and walk their gullible audience several
meters to the south into the southern
hemisphere explaining how the coriolis
effect will now cause the water to spin
clockwise down the drain
this time they purposely pour water into
the sink from the left hand side and
quickly pull the drain plug while the
water is still spinning clockwise from
the angle it was poured
next they pick the sink up again and
move the magic show a few meters into
the northern hemisphere explaining how
the water will now spin counterclockwise
to conclude the show they then pour
water into the sink from the right hand
side making sure to quickly pull the
plug while the water is still spinning
the coriolis effect is also said to
affect bullet trajectories and weather
patterns as well
supposedly causing most storms in the
northern hemisphere to rotate
counterclockwise and most storms in the
southern hemisphere to rotate clockwise
to cause bullets from long-range guns to
tend towards the right of the target in
the northern hemisphere and to the left
in the southern hemisphere again however
the same problems remain
not every bullet and not every storm
consistently displays this behavior and
therefore cannot reasonably be used as
proof of anything
many professional snipers have stated
unequivocally that they never have to
factor or compensate for this supposed
coriolis effect
sniper bullets are actually affected by
wind temperature humidity barometric
pressure site aperture and human error
not the alleged spin of the earth
from quote i’ve shot at 2 000
meters and whoever says coriolis effect
is a factor is full of it
wind wind and more cross winds will play
games with your bullet more than
anything else
and from sniper quote i shoot
at distances up to 3000 yards yet i have
never experienced a need to compute for
coriolis effect
i have killed deer out to a thousand
yards and never had something go awry
that could be attributed to coriolis
ironically the same people who claim
sniper bullets are affected by the
earth’s spin are the same people who
claim planes helicopters and hot-air
balloons are not affected by the earth’s
because the entire atmosphere is somehow
magically adhered to the earth and
dragged spinning perfectly along with it
these globe earth apologists cannot have
it both ways
either the atmosphere is independent of
the earth’s alleged rotation and can
affect bullet trajectories or the earth
and the atmosphere move perfectly
together and therefore can have no
effect on bullet trajectories whatsoever
if they claim the former and the
atmosphere is independent of earth’s
alleged rotation then helicopters should
be able to simply hover in place and in
12 hours be halfway around the world
or if they claim the latter that the
earth and atmosphere do move together
then they are admitting that the
so-called coriolis effect is
non-existent and could have no effect on
bullets or weather patterns

Foucault Pendulums Does NOT Prove Earths Rotation

Foucault Pendulums Does NOT Prove Earths Rotation

In the mid 19th century a Frenchman named Léon Foucault became famous for swinging pendulums and claiming their consequent motions were proof positive of the Earth’s diurnal rotation. Since then so-called “Foucault Pendulums” have regularly been swinging at museums and exposition halls worldwide purporting to provide everlasting perpetual proof of the heliocentric spinning ball-Earth theory. The truth is, however, unbeknownst to most of the duped public, that Foucault’s pendulum was a failed experiment which proved nothing but how easy it is for pseudo-science to deceive the malleable masses.

To begin with, Foucault’s pendulums do not uniformly swing in any one direction. Sometimes they rotate clockwise and sometimes counter-clockwise, while other times they fail to rotate or they rotate far too much. Scientists who have repeated variations of the experiment have conceded time and again that “it was difficult to avoid giving the pendulum some slight lateral bias at starting.” The behavior of the pendulum actually depends on 1) the initial force beginning its swing and, 2) the ball-and-socket joint used which most-readily facilitates circular motion over any other. In fact, the majority of Foucault’s Pendulums in operation today are not even based on this design and are instead electrically powered and fully adjustable. The supposed rotation of the Earth is completely inconsequential and irrelevant to the pendulum’s swing. If the alleged constant rotation of the Earth affected pendulums in any way, then there should be no need to manually start pendulums in motion. Furthermore, if the Earth’s alleged rotation actually caused the 360 degree uniform diurnal rotation of pendulums, then there should not exist a single stationary pendulum anywhere on Earth!

named leon foucault became famous for
swinging pendulums and claiming their
consequent motions were proof positive
of the earth’s diurnal rotation
since then so-called foucault pendulums
have regularly been swinging at museums
and exposition halls worldwide
purporting to provide everlasting
perpetual proof of the heliocentric
spinning ball earth theory
the truth is however unbeknownst to most
of the duped public that foucault’s
pendulum was a failed experiment which
proved nothing but how easy it is for
pseudoscience to deceive the malleable
to begin with foucault’s pendulums do
not uniformly swing in any one direction
sometimes they rotate clockwise and
sometimes counterclockwise while other
times they fail to rotate or they rotate
far too much
scientists who have repeated variations
of the experiment have conceded time and
again that quote it was difficult to
avoid giving the pendulum some slight
lateral bias at starting
the behavior of the pendulum actually
depends on one the initial force
beginning its swing
and two the ball and socket joint used
which most readily facilitates circular
motion over any other
in fact the majority of foucault’s
pendulums in operation today are not
even based on this design and are
instead electrically powered and fully
the supposed rotation of the earth is
completely inconsequential and
irrelevant to the pendulum swing
if the alleged constant rotation of the
earth affected pendulums in any way then
there should be no need to manually
start pendulums in motion
if the earth’s alleged rotation actually
caused the 360 degree uniform diurnal
rotation of pendulums then there should
not exist a single stationary pendulum
anywhere on earth
dr samuel robotham wrote
first when a pendulum constructed
according to the plan of mr foucault is
allowed to vibrate its plane of
vibration is often variable not always
the variation when it does occur is not
is not always the same in the same place
nor always the same either in its rate
or velocity or in its direction
it cannot therefore be taken as evidence
for that which is inconsistent
cannot be used in favor of or against
any given proposition
it therefore is not evidence and proves
secondly if the plane of vibration is
observed to change where is the
connection between such change and the
supposed motion of the earth
what principle of reasoning guides the
experimenter to the conclusion that it
is the earth which moves underneath the
pendulum and not the pendulum which
moves over the earth
thirdly why was not the peculiar
arrangement of the point of suspension
of the pendulum specially considered in
regard to its possible influence upon
the plane of oscillation
was it not known or was it overlooked or
was it in the climax of theoretical
revelry ignored that a ball and socket
joint is one which facilitates circular
motion more readily than any other
and lady blunt wrote
we believe with all due difference to
the pendulum and its proprietor that it
proves nothing but the craftiness of the
inventor and we can only describe the
show and showmen as deceptions
a thing so childish as this pendulum
proof that it can only be described as
one of the most simple and ridiculous
attempts to gull the public that has
ever been conceived
it has been said that the pendulum
experiment proves the rotation of the
earth but this is quite impossible for
one pendulum turns one way and sometimes
another pendulum turns in the opposite
now we ask does the earth rotate in
opposite directions at different places
at one in the same time we should like
to know perhaps the experimenters will
kindly enlighten us on this point
if the earth had the terrible motions
attributed to it there would be some
sensible effects of such motions but we
neither feel the motion see it nor hear
it and how people can stand watching the
pendulum vibrate and think they are
seeing a proof of the motions of the
earth almost passes comprehension
they are however brought up to believe
it and it is thought to be scientific
to believe what the astronomers teach

Is Antarctica The Key To Flat Earth? INFO WARS Reports

Is Antarctica The Key To Flat Earth? INFO WARS Reports

in the age of social media censorship

questioning whether or not the earth is

a globe has been deemed harmful thought

but why is this we seem to be

conditioned to think that the issue has

been scientifically settled but this is

not the case our most popular scientists

recognize that the geocentric model

where the earth is at the center of the

universe is observably accurate Edwin

Hubble and Stephen Hawking went as far

as to say that they reject the

geocentric model not based on scientific

reasoning but rather because they find

the thought of being at the center of

the universe to be emotionally

disturbing physicist George Ellis stated

that you cannot disprove the geocentric

model you can only exclude it on

philosophical grounds the Michelson

Morley experiment in the 1880s proved

the earth was stationary an Albert

Einstein claimed this was a serious

embarrassment and intended to disprove

it with his relativity theory but later

admitted that he had failed to do so we

were conditioned to think that the

heliocentric model is scientifically

superior to the geocentric model but

when we apply scientific reasoning we

discover that this is not true

contrary to popular thought the

scientific community has disputed the

heliocentric model for centuries such as

the Earth’s curvature according to the

heliocentric earth model the earth is

twenty-four thousand miles in

circumference and if one were standing

at sea level they should only be able to

see less than three miles before the

surface of the earth curves out of view

but this has been proven to be false for

centuries from the Bedford level

experiments of 1838 to modern

photography this photograph of Chicago

was taken almost 60 miles away from

Grandmere State Park in Michigan on a

spherical earth this would be impossible

using the Pythagorean theorem and the

current dimensions of the earth the top

of the tallest skyscraper should be 900

feet below the observable horizon local

news explain this anomaly by claiming

the image was a mirage and what you’re

seeing here is a mirage we typically

would not be able to see this from the

Lake Michigan shore we talked

this last night conditions are right on

the lake that we’re actually seeing a

mirage they claimed that somehow light

refraction in perfect weather conditions

are responsible for creating a

photorealistic Mirage of the Chicago

skyline appearing to sit on the flat

horizon from almost 60 miles away

anomalies in the Earth’s curvature can

also be found in old lighthouses able to

be seen for several miles past what is

possible on the heliocentric model and

weapons guidance systems that are

capable of sighting targets that would

only be possible on a flat plane we are

accustomed to observing ships

disappearing over the curve but with

modern consumer cameras we can observe

that this seems to be an optical

illusion based on light reflection and

the laws of perspective many of us tend

to think the planet is too big to

observe curvature but the empirical

evidence tells us that either the

surface of the earth is a flat plane or

the planet is at least 100 times bigger

than we are told another very intriguing

argument for flat earthers is Antarctica

the mysterious massive continent at our

southern pole that nobody is allowed to

explore after sailing over 60,000 miles

along the Antarctic coastline Captain

Cook was never able to complete the

journey around the ice continent which

is supposed to be just under 12,000

miles around

neither was James Clark Ross or the

British ship Challenger

nobody has ever successfully

circumnavigated Antarctica many

so-called flat earthers claim that these

attempts failed because Antarctica is

actually a massive ice barrier that

surrounds the flat surface of the earth

the azimuthal equidistant projection map

produced by the US Geological Survey has

been used for centuries for the fact

that all directions or azmuth s– are

correct and all distances are at true

scale studying this map one can clearly

see how man has been able to accurately

circumnavigate the earth on a flat plane

model and if it is in fact accurate then

it explains why after 60,000 miles

nobody has been able to completely

circumnavigate Antarctica interestingly

this is also the math used by the United

Nations Admiral Richard Byrd Medal of

Honor winner youngest Admiral in the

history of the Navy and recipient of

three ticker-tape parades in his honor

led four expeditions to Antarctica the

fourth being a military operation known

as operation Highjump with an aircraft

carrier group 4,700 men 13 support ships

and 33 aircraft their stated mission was

to establish the Antarctic research base

little America four but many believe the

true nature of the secret mission was to

root out the Nazis who arrived in 1939

claiming new Swabia and setting up a

Nazi presence in Antarctica in 1954

Admiral Richard Byrd spoke on TV of an

area bigger than the United States with

valuable resources and announced a

future of international exploration a

very distinguished guest for this

evening is that Richard Ebert strangely

enough that is left in the world today

an area as big as the United States

that’s never been seen by human being

and that’s beyond the pole on the other

side of the South Pole from middle

America we found enough coal within a

hundred and eighty miles of the South


in a great region mountains it’s not

covered as snow enough to supply the

whole world for quite a while and it’s a

I think it’s quite astonishing that

there should be an area as big as that

unexplored with the tremendous oil

there’s a lot of adventure left down at

the bottom of the world well do you hope

to see that I do so I’m willing to say

to you that there will be a number of

expeditions that will follow

I think year after year bottom of the

world because the government has really

become interested but this never


in 1957 Admiral Byrd died in his sleep

of a heart ailment at the age of 68 and

on December 1st 1959 all 12 countries

active in Antarctica signed a United

Nations treaty that outlawed all public

travel south of the 60th southern

parallel this was the same time that

NASA was formed the world’s attention

was pulled away from exploring

Antarctica and directed firmly on the


in 1962 a series of high-altitude

nuclear tests was carried out by the

United States

it was called Operation fishbowl which

has caught the curiosity of many Flat

Earth researchers because the Flat Earth

model shared by the ancients was one

where we lived within a sphere upon a

flat surface and surrounded by a massive

dome like a fishbowl or the Truman Show

in 2012 the secret lost diary of Admiral

Richard Ebert was published wherein

Admiral Byrd allegedly claimed to enter

a Hollow Earth through a hole in the

center of Antarctica and meet with an

advanced alien civilization the diary

provides no evidence of being authentic

and many would suggest that it portrays

the distinguished Admiral as a crackpot

and strange tales of Antarctica as

fantasy to this day the public is

strictly prohibited from traveling below

the 60th southern parallel

nobody has ever completely

circumnavigated Antarctica and airplanes

are prohibited from flying over the icy

continent what are they hiding there is

now talk of investing trillions of

dollars to explore Mars why not

Antarctica if sharing videos about Flat

Earth is harmful why not put it all to

rest by circumnavigating Antarctica

documenting everything and prove that

the earth is a spinning globe

for this is Greg Reese



Infowars tomorrow’s news today

it’s for Joseph awesome widths summit

news in Action 7 News were here in Hong

Kong savannah Hernandez for info I’m reporting to you from Hong

Kong where I’m joined by reporter

Gregory’s for the next week this is

Gregory’s free info in Hong

Kong our recent trip to Hong Kong was a

new achievement for despite

being the most banned broadcast in the

free world we continue to win because of

our great strong loyal audience we have

Dan Lyman covering Infowars Europe Paul

Joseph Watson in the UK Millie Weaver

and Caitlyn Bennett in the American

heartland and from Austin Texas a team

of reporters and crew ready to be

dispatched wherever the story is going

down we are not done winning and with

your support we will keep winning we