Celestial Navigation on Our Flat Earth
Celestial Navigation on Our Flat Earth
Nov 30, 2024
NathanOakley1980: https://www.youtube.com/live/DFQChtlG… mitchell fromAustralia: • FLAT EARTH SCHOOL – The Number One Fl… Rob Durham:
• A Sextant and a Circle (improved qual… Contact me at TabooConspiracy@protonmail.com Backup Channel at Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TabooConspiracy:c?r=2q… Gab: https://gab.com/Taboo_Conspiracy As always, my videos are free to use, edit, mirror, share, criticize, claim as your own, or whatever. I will never file a copyright claim against anyone. For the globe trolls (whether you’re paid trolls or just insane globe zealots who have nothing better to do than attack flat earthers) – this is my classroom and if you want to comment here, there are a few rules: (1) no spamming, including group attacks – keep to your one comment and its thread; (2) no personal insults; (3) do not link to propaganda videos; (4) stay relevant to the topic at hand; (5) treat everyone here, especially my friends, with respect and kindness; and, (6) I’m not here to help you earn your income as a globe propagandist and so if you’re incapable of actually mustering an independent thought and just want to repeat shill talking points – good riddance. Violators will be banned immediately and I don’t think anyone’s going to shed any tears for you. Please remember, YouTube actively promotes globe propaganda videos and suppresses flat earth videos and and our comments on all other channels. If you can get YouTube to change that policy, then I will allow all globe propagandist comments here.
navigation as the number one proof of
the Flat Earth and they could be right
but I still like my long-distance
observations Celestial navigation refers
to the practice of a navigator using
angles to the apparent positions of
celestial objects in the sky to
determine his location on the Earth’s
surface Celestial navigation has been
used for thousands of years by various
civilizations to safely navigate oceans
and other large bodies of water forther
more nautical Maps were built on these
Celestial angle
measurements without question all angle
measurements require a flat Baseline
therefore Celestial navigation can only
work on a flat Earth it’s that
simple let’s spend a few minutes and
watch a couple of video clips to get a
better understanding of this evidence
the first clip is an old instructional
video from the United States military
notice that even though the video
falsely uses an image of a globe for the
instruction the circles are still flat
which is impossible on a globe the
second video comes from the channel
Mitchell from Australia the third clip
is from Rob Durham’s Channel and the
last video is from Nathan Oakley 1980
and Flat Earth debate
enjoy an important conception for the
Navigator is the circle of position it
is still another way of showing the
relationship between between the
observer’s position and the geographical
position of the celestial body being
observed Zenith distance is the radius
of this
circle this navigational Aid can be
Illustrated easily the top of the pole
represents a star under observation the
base of the pole represents the
geographical position of that star the
length of tape along the ground
represents the Zenith
distance to see the top of the pole or
the star always at the same angle or
altitude ude The Observer must stay on a
circle if the radius is lengthened the
altitude or angle of observation is
decreased if the radius is shortened the
altitude is
increased the Navigator circle of
position however is on a much larger
scale to repeat its Center is the
observed Celestial body’s geographical
position and its radius is the Zenith
distance between the geographical
position and the observer’s position
obviously an observer at any point on
the circle will observe the same
Celestial body at the same
altitude therefore an altitude say of
62° and 33 minutes for a particular
Celestial body must be secured from any
point on a definite
Circle but the question that confronts
the Navigator is at what particular
Point am I
to answer this he constructs another
circle of positions for another body
observed at the same time he can be on
both circles at only two points the two
intersections of the circles are
normally so far apart that one may be
disregarded because it is obviously
incorrect according to his dead
reckoning every Star in the flat
Celestial plane has a position relative
to our flat plane where it will be
90° this is called the geographical
position or the GP of that star relative
to our flat plane here on
Earth when the Observer is at the GP of
the star it appears 90° above their head
Celestial navigation works by using a
seant to measure the angle of that known
St are and using its relative GP
geographical position to know where you
are and I’ll continue to point out that
measuring angles to celestial bodies
only works if we are on a flat plane now
if one Observer measures 30° to a star
and another Observer measures 30° to
that same star we can conclude that they
are both on what’s called a a circle of
altitude and this is another killer blow
to the globe right here everything on
that Circle of equal altitude is exactly
that equal altitude no matter where you
are on that Circle you’re going to
30° and through being able to measure an
angle to that star relative to the
everything on that Circle in between
that Circle in the area of that circle
is absolutely flat and level by doing
this once with a seant you know you are
somewhere on that Circle of equal
altitude to triangulate your actual
position you need to repeat these steps
with other stars your position is where
all these areas of equal altitude meet
this is how Celestial navigation works
and has always worked on our flat level
plane so if Observer a measures an angle
to the star and observer B measures an
angle to the star the same Star both
angles are the same
30° knowing the GP of that
star they can conclude that they are on
the same circle of equal altitude itude
distance between Observer A and B and
the area inside that circle is all in
the circle of equal altitude it is all
flat it is all the same level this is
the killer blow to the
globe not only is our world observably
and obviously flat it is measurably flat
look at this map with all the GPS of the
navigational sty on them and the reason
why this is the number one Flat Earth
proof is because using just one area of
equal altitude proves that that large
area that we’re navigating on is
absolutely flat but by doing this
multiple times to create multiple areas
of equal altitude we can literally
measure our entire world as flat just so
you understand the enormity of this
proof we can literally measure our
entire world as flat we are living on a
Earth now in order to do a triangulation
using a seant we use the M projection
map as shown here so we all know that in
order to do a seant triangulation you
need to use a nautical Almanac to give
you the Zenith of the celestial bodies
and you draw Circles of equal altitude
from that Zenith to determine where they
cross and hence where your location
is okay to briefly touch on what the
guys over at Flat Earth debate have been
saying we’re going to use the exact same
examples of the GP positions here I’m
going to look at it from an orthographic
view okay if we’re standing here on the
earth this is the angle to the celestial
body let’s take a line from our position
representing the
Horizon the angle formed here is
definitely not
90° and even at the position where it
meet the Earth you can’t have a 90°
angle to a curved
surface my general view of why Celestial
navigation would be put forward as the
number one Flat Earth proof is because
it’s the heart of our statement all
roads lead to a flat Earth it’s based on
elevation angles and elevation angles
are the origin measurement of all of our
mapping and charting of the known
territories the expansion of the known
world so the reason we can argue against
there being no need to speculate about
ice walls when we’ve utiliz elevation
angles and the geographic positions
ground positions of the stars on a flat
plane with elevation angles to expand
territories so they are the heart of our
current 2024 argumentation in terms of
all roads leading to a flat Earth the
reason you can launch forward as a flat
earther on the front foot talking about
Flat Earth is because we measure earth
flat and elevation angles for Celestial
navigation as described on screen now in
this diagram is what you do with them
measuring angles to a star with a flat
Baseline and a 90° at the ground
position of each star to find where you
are on earth if you get lost the only
reason you can do this on the maps
is because we have utilized these angle
measurements to plot the World We Now
map it’s part of the systems that we use
to measure the stars in the first place
with these
angles you can stop yourself from being
dead you can stop yourself from dying at
Sea if you have the means of measuring
the angles to find where the hell you
are and not die or to put it another way
the globe is derived from Flat Earth
elevation angles used in Celestial
navigation but for the fact that we
measure earth flat with these angles you
wouldn’t have a globe to believe
in Earth is measured Flat Earth will
always be flat these measurements prove
it Celestial navigation proves it Nathan
Oakley 1980 follow his he does Flat
Earth debates every day you know Nathan
Oakley is my favorite right now I love
Nathan Oaky he demolishes absolutely