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Celestial Navigation on Our Flat Earth

Celestial Navigation on Our Flat Earth


Nov 30, 2024

NathanOakley1980:… mitchell fromAustralia:    • FLAT EARTH SCHOOL – The Number One Fl…   Rob Durham:    • A Sextant and a Circle (improved qual…   Contact me at Backup Channel at Odysee:… Gab: As always, my videos are free to use, edit, mirror, share, criticize, claim as your own, or whatever. I will never file a copyright claim against anyone. For the globe trolls (whether you’re paid trolls or just insane globe zealots who have nothing better to do than attack flat earthers) – this is my classroom and if you want to comment here, there are a few rules: (1) no spamming, including group attacks – keep to your one comment and its thread; (2) no personal insults; (3) do not link to propaganda videos; (4) stay relevant to the topic at hand; (5) treat everyone here, especially my friends, with respect and kindness; and, (6) I’m not here to help you earn your income as a globe propagandist and so if you’re incapable of actually mustering an independent thought and just want to repeat shill talking points – good riddance. Violators will be banned immediately and I don’t think anyone’s going to shed any tears for you. Please remember, YouTube actively promotes globe propaganda videos and suppresses flat earth videos and and our comments on all other channels. If you can get YouTube to change that policy, then I will allow all globe propagandist comments here.

many people consider Celestial

navigation as the number one proof of

the Flat Earth and they could be right

but I still like my long-distance

observations Celestial navigation refers

to the practice of a navigator using

angles to the apparent positions of

celestial objects in the sky to

determine his location on the Earth’s

surface Celestial navigation has been

used for thousands of years by various

civilizations to safely navigate oceans

and other large bodies of water forther

more nautical Maps were built on these

Celestial angle

measurements without question all angle

measurements require a flat Baseline

therefore Celestial navigation can only

work on a flat Earth it’s that

simple let’s spend a few minutes and

watch a couple of video clips to get a

better understanding of this evidence

the first clip is an old instructional

video from the United States military

notice that even though the video

falsely uses an image of a globe for the

instruction the circles are still flat

which is impossible on a globe the

second video comes from the channel

Mitchell from Australia the third clip

is from Rob Durham’s Channel and the

last video is from Nathan Oakley 1980

and Flat Earth debate

enjoy an important conception for the

Navigator is the circle of position it

is still another way of showing the

relationship between between the

observer’s position and the geographical

position of the celestial body being

observed Zenith distance is the radius

of this

circle this navigational Aid can be

Illustrated easily the top of the pole

represents a star under observation the

base of the pole represents the

geographical position of that star the

length of tape along the ground

represents the Zenith

distance to see the top of the pole or

the star always at the same angle or

altitude ude The Observer must stay on a

circle if the radius is lengthened the

altitude or angle of observation is

decreased if the radius is shortened the

altitude is

increased the Navigator circle of

position however is on a much larger

scale to repeat its Center is the

observed Celestial body’s geographical

position and its radius is the Zenith

distance between the geographical

position and the observer’s position

obviously an observer at any point on

the circle will observe the same

Celestial body at the same

altitude therefore an altitude say of

62° and 33 minutes for a particular

Celestial body must be secured from any

point on a definite

Circle but the question that confronts

the Navigator is at what particular

Point am I

to answer this he constructs another

circle of positions for another body

observed at the same time he can be on

both circles at only two points the two

intersections of the circles are

normally so far apart that one may be

disregarded because it is obviously

incorrect according to his dead

reckoning every Star in the flat

Celestial plane has a position relative

to our flat plane where it will be

90° this is called the geographical

position or the GP of that star relative

to our flat plane here on

Earth when the Observer is at the GP of

the star it appears 90° above their head

Celestial navigation works by using a

seant to measure the angle of that known

St are and using its relative GP

geographical position to know where you

are and I’ll continue to point out that

measuring angles to celestial bodies

only works if we are on a flat plane now

if one Observer measures 30° to a star

and another Observer measures 30° to

that same star we can conclude that they

are both on what’s called a a circle of


altitude and this is another killer blow

to the globe right here everything on

that Circle of equal altitude is exactly

that equal altitude no matter where you

are on that Circle you’re going to


30° and through being able to measure an

angle to that star relative to the


everything on that Circle in between

that Circle in the area of that circle

is absolutely flat and level by doing

this once with a seant you know you are

somewhere on that Circle of equal

altitude to triangulate your actual

position you need to repeat these steps

with other stars your position is where

all these areas of equal altitude meet

this is how Celestial navigation works

and has always worked on our flat level

plane so if Observer a measures an angle

to the star and observer B measures an

angle to the star the same Star both

angles are the same

30° knowing the GP of that

star they can conclude that they are on

the same circle of equal altitude itude

distance between Observer A and B and

the area inside that circle is all in

the circle of equal altitude it is all

flat it is all the same level this is

the killer blow to the

globe not only is our world observably

and obviously flat it is measurably flat

look at this map with all the GPS of the

navigational sty on them and the reason

why this is the number one Flat Earth

proof is because using just one area of

equal altitude proves that that large

area that we’re navigating on is

absolutely flat but by doing this

multiple times to create multiple areas

of equal altitude we can literally

measure our entire world as flat just so

you understand the enormity of this

proof we can literally measure our

entire world as flat we are living on a


Earth now in order to do a triangulation

using a seant we use the M projection

map as shown here so we all know that in

order to do a seant triangulation you

need to use a nautical Almanac to give

you the Zenith of the celestial bodies

and you draw Circles of equal altitude

from that Zenith to determine where they

cross and hence where your location

is okay to briefly touch on what the

guys over at Flat Earth debate have been

saying we’re going to use the exact same

examples of the GP positions here I’m

going to look at it from an orthographic

view okay if we’re standing here on the

earth this is the angle to the celestial

body let’s take a line from our position

representing the

Horizon the angle formed here is

definitely not

90° and even at the position where it

meet the Earth you can’t have a 90°

angle to a curved

surface my general view of why Celestial

navigation would be put forward as the

number one Flat Earth proof is because

it’s the heart of our statement all

roads lead to a flat Earth it’s based on

elevation angles and elevation angles

are the origin measurement of all of our

mapping and charting of the known

territories the expansion of the known

world so the reason we can argue against

there being no need to speculate about

ice walls when we’ve utiliz elevation

angles and the geographic positions

ground positions of the stars on a flat

plane with elevation angles to expand


territories so they are the heart of our

current 2024 argumentation in terms of

all roads leading to a flat Earth the

reason you can launch forward as a flat

earther on the front foot talking about

Flat Earth is because we measure earth

flat and elevation angles for Celestial

navigation as described on screen now in

this diagram is what you do with them

measuring angles to a star with a flat

Baseline and a 90° at the ground

position of each star to find where you

are on earth if you get lost the only

reason you can do this on the maps

is because we have utilized these angle

measurements to plot the World We Now

map it’s part of the systems that we use

to measure the stars in the first place

with these

angles you can stop yourself from being

dead you can stop yourself from dying at

Sea if you have the means of measuring

the angles to find where the hell you

are and not die or to put it another way

the globe is derived from Flat Earth

elevation angles used in Celestial

navigation but for the fact that we

measure earth flat with these angles you

wouldn’t have a globe to believe

in Earth is measured Flat Earth will

always be flat these measurements prove

it Celestial navigation proves it Nathan

Oakley 1980 follow his he does Flat

Earth debates every day you know Nathan

Oakley is my favorite right now I love

Nathan Oaky he demolishes absolutely

Top 5 Proofs The Earth is Not a globe

Top 5 Proofs The Earth is Not a globe



our level Earth plane has long been
ridiculed as being a crazy conspiracy
theory and an ignorant unscientific
worldview but the facts of the matter
are far from what you have been told
when thoroughly examined and diligently
researched with an open mind any
skeptical critical thinker will find it
is actually the spinning space ball
Earth presented by government space
agencies and taught in schools that is
truly ridiculous and un
scientific proof number one common sense
it cannot be overstated or
overemphasized the most important thing
to realize and the most obvious way to
know we are not spinning on a ball is
our own common sense and lived
experience we have always and will
always experienced ourselves as living
right side up on a non-rotating level
Earth with the sun moon and stars
revolving over and around us this is
common sense and what everyone in the
world personally
experiences every day of their
lives we are taught to believe otherwise
however many things completely contrary
to our own common sense and experience
from a very early
age we are told that we live on a sphere
where people on the other side live with
their feet above their heads where rain
falls upwards trees grow upside down and
the sky is lower than the ground truly
the idea that people are standing ships
are sailing and planes are flying upside
down on certain parts of the earth While
others are tilted at 90° and all other
impossible angles is an utter absurdity
and an insult to Common
Sense in fact common sense is the first
casualty of globe
belief proof number
water the natural physics of water is
that once contained and undisturbed the
surface will always remain
horizontal this fundamental physical
property of water is why it has been
used as a leveling tool by Builders and
Engineers from Millennia whether in a
pond lake or ocean the surface of the
water at rest always remains level and
doesn’t have the ability to hold and
display convexity or any shape
whatsoever upon its surface this
fundamental fact of reality is easily
demonstrable and empirically verifiable
but completely at odds with what we are
told about the globe for Earth to be
globular and over 70% covered in water
the oceans must somehow be curving
around and sticking to all sides of a
rapidly spinning ball suspended in a
vacuum it is simply impossible to make
water behave this way as anyone can
experiment for themselves bodies of
water will not stick to the underside of
a ball and cannot display or hold
convexity or any other shape upon their
proof number three fake
photographs one of the main reasons the
average person believes the world is a
globe is because of the globular Earth
images and video footage provided by
NASA and other space
agencies hundreds of such pictures and
thousands of videos featuring a globe
Earth are freely available on the
internet yet most people never
critically examine them with a skeptical
eye from the earliest photographs to the
latest live stream NASA and the world’s
other space agencies continue to be
exposed for their Hollywood style
trickery when conscientiously compared
contrasted and investigated for
inconsistencies it turns out every
single image and video showing a
globular Earth has been manipulated in
some way all Globe videos for example
are achieved using either a fisheye lens
to curve the horizon or created
completely through CGI technology
as for the hundreds of supposed
photographs available of the globe NASA
readily admits that these are computer
generated composite images and not
actual photographs if NASA and the
world’s space agencies could provide
real legitimate photographs and videos
of a globe they most certainly would so
the fact that they continue producing
and pumping out nothing but fisheye
fakery and CGI cartoons is strong
evidence that Earth is not what they
claim proof four longdistance
photography we are consistently able to
observe objects at incredibly long
distances far beyond what would be
possible if Earth was actually a globe
of given
proportions by inputting The Observer
height and distance viewed into an earth
curvature calculator it is easy to check
how much a Target should be obstructed
on a globe Earth in Genoa Italy clear
days reveal the distant island of Elba
125 M away if Earth were a ball with a
25,000 Mi circumference Elba should be
concealed behind over a mile of
curvature making it forever invisible in
recent times people have been filming
using infrared Zoom cameras at high
altitudes to capture Lakes mountains and
other landmarks up to an incredible
thousand miles away if Earth was really
a globe the size we are told many of the
landmarks photographed would be hidden
behind upwards of 70 MI of curved
Earth proof five The
Horizon The Horizon is always perfectly
horizontal 360° around the Observer
regardless of altitude all amateur
footage captured from balloons Rockets
planes and drones at maximum altitudes
of over 20 mi without using fisheye
lenses consistently shows a completely
flat Horizon that remains at I level
only in NASA and other space aent gency
footage does the Horizon ever curve or
appear below the observer’s eye level in
the heliocentric model The Horizon is
claimed to be the physical curvature of
their globe and the reason boats
receding from a shore-bound Observer
disappear from view this was originally
presented as one of the alleged proofs
for a globe Earth by Aristotle and is
still echoed by Believers today however
with the use of modern Zoom technology
we now know that the Horizon isn’t a
result of the physical curvature of a
glob glob and those boats can be zoomed
back into full view this is because the
Horizon is not an objective physical
phenomenon at all but rather a
subjective Optical phenomenon based on
an individual observer’s perspective if
the Horizon was actually the objective
physical curvature of a globe then
objects receding Beyond it could not be
zoomed back into view and it would
remain fixed as an observer ascended
this proves the horizon line is not some
objective point of curvature on a convex
Earth but rather the subjective
Vanishing line of perspective from a
given observer’s point of
view suffice to say these five points
are just scratching the surface and
there are many many more proofs
available both in William Carpenter’s
book 100 proofs Earth is not a globe and
Eric dubay’s 200 proofs Earth is not a
ball to gain a deeper understanding of
this crucial and heavily censored topic
take the time to research and discern
for yourself

World Record? Flat Earth Proof – Israel to Crete – 616 Miles

World Record? Flat Earth Proof – Israel to Crete – 616 Miles

Hello everyone,
I have an awesome video to share with everyone today and it comes from the YouTube channel
Shimshon currently has only four subscribers and so I highly recommend you head over to
his channel, subscribe and show your support and gratitude.
I’ll have a link in the description.
Shimshon has a serious tech background.
He was a graduate of University of California San Diego in the STEM program.
Unlike the globe trolls who frequent our channels, Shimshon actually worked in the purported
space program.
He worked for a time at the Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences (CASS) at UCSD on the Electron
Drift Instrument.
He wrote most of the code to control the test harness to develop the instrument and refine
its operation.
This was allegedly launched on the space shuttle but it more likely just found its way onto
a satellite balloon much like this one.
Shimshon has continued to work in software development in both America and Israel in
marine and space science labs, controlling hardware, recording, analyzing, presenting
data, using complex algorithms written in C and Forth.
None of that really makes any sense to me and I do have to take his word for it.
Shimshon has been married for 30 years and has adult children.
He also wanted to give a shout out to the Owen Benjamin Israeli Bears.
Shimshon actually first came to the flat earth when he saw Owen Benjamin’s analysis of my
video “Our Flat Earth Journey (Romania)” back in 2019.
Owen, if you happen to watch this video, I just want to thank you again for helping so
many people open their eyes to the truth of the flat earth.
Anyways, after watching “Our Flat Earth Journey,” Shimshon decided that he wanted to “see too
far” as well but in his own way.
Filming long distances has now become a hobby for him.
That brings us to this particular footage that was taken on May 14, 2023 in Israel.
According to Shimshon, he had been preparing for years to capture that very footage.
The current recognized world record long-distance ground-to-ground photograph from the Beyond
Horizons website is this photo at a distance of 275 miles (443 kilometers).
It’s an impressive record but that world record pales in comparison to what Shimshon filmed
and this wasn’t filmed from the top of a mountain but only from about 133 feet (40.5 m).
The observation comes from the Ashkelon National Park in Israel.
According to Google maps, the elevation at that location was 128 feet (39 m).
Add 5 feet (1.5 m) for the camera’s tripod and that gives us an observation height of
about 133 feet (40.5 m).
I have the coordinates listed there on the map.
This was his camera and set up on that day.
I don’t know much about cameras but Shimshon is using a full spectrum infrared camera here.
According to Shimshon, this is better than the Nikon P-1000 for long distance viewing,
and it cost him less than $600.
I hope at least a hundred of you go out and get this setup.
I certainly need one of these.
Here’s his equipment list for those who are interested; pause the video if you need to.
Much like this Canigou photograph that was taken in France from a distance of 163 miles
(263 km) that you can find on the Beyond Horizons website, Shimshon instead planned to capture
the setting sun behind the Greek island of Crete.
But the distance between Ashkelon National Park in Israel and the highest point in Crete
was 616 miles (991 km) that’s 453 miles (729 km) further than that Canigou photograph.
And the only way you re going to see that far is through a full-sectrum infrared camera.
Let’s watch the footage.
I’ll leave a link to the unedited version in the description.
There is some confusion on exactly what platform that is.
Unlike many other countries, Israel seems to keep those things a little bit more hidden
and so you have some maps showing platforms much more north while some showing the platforms
much further south.
The GPS coordinates are off as well.
Shimshon didn’t even know that the platform was going to be there when he planned this
Although interesting, the platform and location doesn’t affect the observation because we’re
relying on where the setting sun is and the angle to it.
As you can see from this rough diagram, SunCalc placed the sun in direct line with Crete but
it gets better.
So, how can we confidently say that Shimshon actually filmed Crete 616 miles (991 km) away
and those aren’t some distant clouds?
First, keep in mind that the whole event was carefully planned and executed including a
specific date and vantage point, this wasn’t an accidental viewing.
He used a high zoom full spectrum camera to capture what very few people would be able
to do, to capture the silhouette of Crete in front of the setting sun.
Second, the silhouette in front of the sun certainly looks like pointy mountains in the
distance, much like Canigou, which further supports Shimshon’s claim.
What are the odds that at the exact time of his planned observation clouds just happened
to form at the same angle with the setting sun that appeared to look exactly like mountains?
Possible but not probable.
But more importantly, the silhouette of the mountains in the actual video closely matches
the same result from Google Earth.
Here we have our pathway from the camera’s location to the highest point of Crete.
According to Google Earth, on May 14, 2023, this is what the sunset should have looked
like on the same pathway.
Keep in mind that Google Earth adds a phony curvature drop which distorts the view of
the mountains.
Regardless, compare Google Earth’s sunset with the actual video.
I have them here on top of each other.
The silhouette of the mountains in Shimhon’s video appears very similar to what Crete should
have looked like from that angle and the sun set angles match as well.
Those two facts strongly support the claim that Shimshon did indeed film Crete.
Let’s get to the coup de grâce of the globe.
At an observation height of 133 feet (40.5 m) and a distance of 616 miles (991 km), we
get a target hidden height of 240,197 feet (73,212 m) or 45.5 miles (73.2 km).
Here are the calculations in metric.
For some perspective, a height of 45.5 miles (73.2 km) would be enough to hide 88 of the
Burj Khalifas stacked on top of each other.
The highest point on Crete is Mount Ida at 8,058 feet (2,456 m) or 1.5 miles (2.5 km).
That means the tallest point on Crete should have been 39 miles (63 km) below the geometric
globe horizon.
The top of those points should be 39 miles (63 km) below the curvature from the vantage
point of Israel.
Of course, the hired globe propagandists aren’t going to give up their livelihood and surrender
to the flat earth truth but come on, Shimon’s video evidence here destroys the globe for
the honest and reasonable person.
There is simply no way that Crete should have been visible 616 miles (991 km) away at a
mere observation height of 133 feet (40.5 m).
I don’t care what imaginary pixie dust you throw at it in your ridiculous attempts to
maintain your globe indoctrination – the globe illusion is dead here.
Thank you for watching!

FLATLANDERS Episode 1: We See Too Far

FLATLANDERS Episode 1: We See Too Far

“The Bonneville Salt Flats are one of seven locations around the world where the curvature of the earth is purportedly visible to the naked eye.” –Bureau of Land Management, Utah

A group of researchers embark on a journey to test this claim. This is the first episode of a docuseries. Featuring experts: Ryan Walker, Sydney Silver, Daryle Marble, Robert Scott, David Hunt, Jay Tolan, Dr. Nyeng Gyang, Dan the Waterman, Rene Kalucea, and Shelley Lewis.

The Final Nail In The Coffin of the Helio-nonsensical Model

The Final Nail In The Coffin of the Helio-nonsensical Model


in the coffin of the heliocentric model

I understand that you go through the

stages of grief when you realize that

you’ve been lied to

you’re gonna get you’re gonna feel angry

you’re gonna bargain you’re gonna do all

this stuff I understand this is the

absolute proof and you never have to say

another thing about it

and people get so mad I get it you’re

going through grief you’re mourning

grief ready when people forget is that

it’s not a circle around the Sun even if

it was a circle would still be

impossible but it’s an ellipse which

means that it changes speed it unlike

the evolution line where you can just

keep adding billions of years but the

billions and billions of years in the

but it’s one year that’s a fixed amount

of time and a fixed amount of speed the

earth their length of Earth’s

trajectories around the Sun is 940

million kilometers thus the earth

travels about a hundred and seven

thousand kilometers per hour this means

that our planet moves around the Sun at

an average speed of 30 km/s or Mach 8888

times the speed of sound just let that

sink in earth speed this is the this is

the kicker earth speed is not constant

as the Earth orbits elliptical orbit let

that sink in if you’re going 66,000

miles an hour and you change 1% of your

speed and in this model it’s

significantly more in the moment well

you ready to feel it no just listen it’s

a fixed amount of time it’s one year if

you’re uh if you change one percent

that’s 660 miles an hour that would that

would liquefy all flesh if you change

one mile an hour I I challenge you to

walk on a treadmill at one mile an hour

and tell a friend to randomly unplug it

you will trip and you will fall down I

challenge you to hold a coffee that’s

full to the brim as you drive down the

street at 60 miles an hour just tap on

the brake to go 59

the coffee will spill when you’re going

88 times the speed of sound and you have

to change speeds you would feel it now

even if the psychotic people going

through the stages and morning want to

sit there you go one now 2.97 you would

be able to measure it can’t have it both

ways guys not only would you you can do

the math on it because the ellipse is

fixed and the time is fixed one year and

you can check out the math of the

ellipse there’s a change of speed every

year at minimum went twice a year at

minimum the way that let’s work okay you

can break that down into any fraction

you want it’s still one fixed year not

only would you feel it it would kill you

but forget all that you could measure it

you can measure it and if you don’t

think you can measure a change in speed

you’re lying

look at a swimming pool look at any

water if you just go like this ripple

ripple ripple my labels open for ya it’s


guys this heliocentric model is over the

Earth changes speed going around the Sun

at Mach 88 and that’s why they sent in

Einstein and said it’s all relative no

it isn’t if you’re going 66,000 miles

per hour and there is any change

whatsoever in speed you would feel it

forget about thousand mile an hour spin

how that couldn’t you couldn’t operate a

plane or you couldn’t forget just this

is it you need no more explanation if

you’re going one not 66,000 one mile per

hour and it goes to zero from one you

would trip and listen I’m not here to

I’ve heard the arguments I hear the

argument all the time I could read you a

hundreds of them of cognitive dissonance

of people be like one of the biggest

things you’ll hear is anger they’re

going through the stages grief I don’t

know if you realize that that’s what it

is I deal with this all the time it’s

one reason why my banhammer is so

intense its grief they’ll get mad at me

they’ll say you don’t care you mean it’s

so easy to understand even an idiot

could lol I mean inertia time for text

that’s grief and then they’ll bargain

well it could be it could be that it’s

just cute and then depression well what

do we do now I mean my whole childhood

just stop it’s not that big a deal it’s

more beautiful than it isn’t spinning

endlessly around the Sun it’s way better

it’s just like and this is one of those

torpedoes that you can’t get around and

there’s people that spend their whole

day I think just trying to troll me and

just being like you sir it’s like how

dare you that’s 1% of speed change which

is it’s way more than that and in the

given ellipse in the given year you

can’t change the numbers the calendar

here is set the rotation is set so you

can’t do what they do in evolution say

well in 20 billion years you know a

hurricane can just create a Ferrari

no you can’t just keep adding years one

year one ellipse change in speed how do

you not measure it how do you not feel

it how do things that fall over we’re

talking about Mach 88 1% change would

liquefy all flash there’s more than 1%

change in speed in the given ellipse in

the given year in a given moment yes

also included is a plug for the grip now

he’s telling bugs the greatest app of

all time exposing the helio nonsensical

model the flattest Sun Moon and so da

clock app available at the App Store and

Google Play there it was there it was

had to do it