today let’s make a quick video
addressing the false claim of professor
phony he came up with this video saying
that people in those three regions of
the earth see the southern cross looking
at different directions now i wonder why
didn’t he add night and day on his
description where’s night and day on
he purposely avoided to confuse his
viewers but that’s okay we’re here today
to address his false claim
now this year there is a date that you
can look forward to july 22nd
this is when if you are standing in a
certain place in south america all over
africa in a certain place in australia
it’s possible to see the southern cross
now it’s not just any parts of this
place to be a specific part and i’m
now the first region is in salvador
anywhere in africa you don’t need to
appoint johannesburg in this case
and for someone in perth australia
at 31 degrees south and 115 degrees east
it’s possible that three people in these
three different regions at the same time
can see the southern cross
so let me explain here why we’re gonna
look at something that professor foney
avoided either on purpose or by mistake
is to demonstrate day and night when he
was trying to show how three people in
different parts on flat earth can see
so let’s look at this right now first
we’re going to calculate time zones in
salvador in brazil is three hours behind
utc time or greenwich time three hours
two hours ahead of the utc time okay
johannesburg is two hours ahead of utc
time very important information because
we’re gonna put all everything together
perth which is eight hours ahead of utc
time or the grand witch time
thing that you you must do you have to
go let’s say this website here in this
case we’re gonna use the mercator
project so i went to
that you see a day and night world map
16 hours utc time translated to
american way of saying the time
midnight in australia so let’s advance
go ahead and go start uh let’s advance
increment one hour so now we have
which is 7 p.m in africa 2 p.m in brazil
3 p.m in salvador 8 p.m in africa
now you have 7 p.m utc time
4 p.m salvador 9 p.m in africa 3 a.m
now you have 9 p.m 21 hours utc time
that’s 6 p.m in salvador brazil 11 p.m
now we cannot increment one hour now we
need to increment only 40 minutes and
all right at this point a person who is
staying in salvador brazil
anywhere in africa and perth australia
the southern cross now why do these
people can’t see the southern scrolls
that region in brazil where salvador is
located is the easternmost region
in south america which means closest to
africa and the southern cross
is above africa someone in salvador
he or she will be able to see the
southern cross now it’s very important
that person standing their region looks
south-east you cannot look south like
his he was demonstrating lack of
or just i know he tried to deceive his
next one which is pert why can you see
the southern cross from perth at that
time of the year well very simple perth
is located in the westernmost region in
australia which is closest to the
african continent that’s why these three
people in these three different
locations will be able to see the
southern cross that’s the best time now
you have 20 uh 23 hours utc 11 p.m it’s
that’s 8 a.m in port so people in south
and in africa can still see the southern
the southern cross but the focus is on
all three parts of the flat earth now
let’s do it again one more time this
the southern cross on the sky and see
again one more time let’s let’s run this
real quick so there you have again uh
midnight depart 1 a.m in port
the southern cross is approaching africa
4 pm in salvador 3 a.m in port
5 p.m salvador 4 a.m in port
this is 9 00 p.m utc time let’s
increment now only 40 minutes there you
have it the southern cross
right above africa three people stayed
in these three different parts of the
the person in salvador has to look
southeast the person in perth australia
has to look towards the southwest and
that’s the part how this person will be
able to see if you keep growing it’s
now two people still can see one in
africa and one in brazil no longer the
but the only reason they can now see at
the same time is because they will look
adjusting their compasses and their
declination so there’s not just looking
south all right the person in brazil has
to look southeast the person in
australia has to look south west and
that’s how they all can see
did not include this on his model he has
like standing on patagonia region in
totally wrong and he has the other
person standing close to sydney totally
wrong did he do it on purpose or playing
ignorance and lack of research and where
is date and night time he you know it’s
pretty easy to do we’re gonna run this
one more time the way we would do it
let’s convert this day and night world
into a flattered projection i’m gonna
show you here what to do i saved the
just take it to photoshop
you can easily convert that into a flat
there you have it this is what he should
deceiving picture so let’s go ahead and
start again that’s 4 p.m 5 p.m now utc
2 p.m in salvador now you can see now
once we convert the mercatus projection
into a flat earth map you can see how
close that region of brazil is of africa
what he had a person in patagonia
argentina so let’s go home increment
now 9 00 p.m utc time let’s increment
now only 40 minutes and there you have
it three people standing in these three
different regions can see the southern
extremely easy to understand he made it
it impossible to understand because he
used people looking at wrong directions
he didn’t even include night and day on
his description on purpose or perhaps
he’s just lazy then i want to research
here is on another angle stars are
rotating from east to west three people
in these three different regions can see
the southern cross specific on this date
july 22nd 2022 now that repeats during
the year you can see from another angle
from the top three people standing three
the southern cross it’s not difficult to
understand pretty easy actually all it
takes is a couple minutes of research
once you research you can understand he
doesn’t understand the flat earth model
he doesn’t want to all he wants to do
is to promote the satanic spinning ball
earth funny thing he is an atheist and
atheist are what they call useful idiots
why well because the rulers of this
they are not atheists they worship
they know god exists and they ownership
the enemy of the creator which is
listview they they they use people like
professor phony in schools and
universities to promote atheism
once people become atheist it’s easier
to accept the heliocentric lies as one
of them and now the others so professor
he on purpose demonstrated his ignorance
by showing people looking different
directions when in fact all he had to do
was to convert night and day
world map into a flattered projection
and understand how southern cross can be
in all three different regions at the
thanks guys this is all for today so