The Best Flat Earth Documentary Eric Dubay
The following 6-hour documentary is currently the most complete and comprehensive presentation of the Flat Earth truth available to date. Narrated by Eric Dubay, this videobook covers the majority of his best-selling “The Flat Earth Conspiracy,” book and is guaranteed to awaken even the sleepiest sheeple to the global deception. Please like, subscribe, comment and share to help get this most important documentary out to the masses!
13 Reasons Why the Moon Landing was FAKE
13 Reasons Why the Moon Landing was FAKE
The moon landing was fake! In this video I teach you how the moon landing was faked and why it was fake with 13 clear cut reasons. The moon landing hoax isn’t just a conspiracy, it’s true!
Space Force Brainwashing
Interesting piece about the US Governments latest bureaucratic add on…a space defense force! It will be implemented by NASA and FEMA and keep our satellites safe from space aliens, rogue nations and killer asteroids. Can this be real? Nice soundtrack. Jim would find this all very interesting.