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Flat Earth: Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy!

Recent discoveries have uncovered dates, agendas, and goals that connect the Jesuits to a massive deception

for the purpose of a multi-faceted end time delusion. .

The design of this deeply hidden plot has been to change the perception of the masses

regarding the authority of the Bible, the correct shape of the earth, the layout of the universe

and the Creator’s position in it. . This change in perception has prepared minds

for the overwhelming delusion to come up on the world under the First Woe. The Fifth Trumpet prophesied in Revelation 9,

“This delusion will be a demonic attack under the pretext of an alien invasion.”

Reportedly, Vladimir Lenin reportedly observed: “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”

. This quote is discovered within the belief of most.

The earth is a sphere; it spins through space while orbiting the sun,

hurtling thousands of kilometers an hour inside our Milky Way Galaxy.

So engrained is this belief, if one speaks of the words “Flat Earth”, listeners snicker.

The mental reflect of a flat plain from which a person might fall into an infinite space

creates this disrespect. . A globe earth, because unproven,

is pseudo-science, yet believed worldwide and passed from generation to generation,

and any who question it is mocked and ridiculed. .

For millennia well educated people believed the earth was flat,

and placed at the center of the universe enclosed there with a protective covering.

. In the early 16th Century, Nicolaus Copernicus introduced a different model of the universe,

in which the sun lay at the center and the earth revolved around it.

Copernicus’ heliocentric model is taught today, while the earlier geocentric model

has been utterly rejected. Less than a 100 years later,

Galileo was prosecuted by the Catholic Church for promoting Copernicus’ theory

and forced to recant his beliefs and spend the last years of his life under house arrest.

. Galileo’s prosecution for promoting heliocentrism

is surprising, as the Catholic Church initially supported Copernicus’ theories.

Consider the following facts: 1. While some sources claim Copernicus

never took the vows of a priest, he was a cleric and never married.

Furthermore, “The fact that in 1537 King Sigismund of Poland

put his name on the list of four candidates for the vacant episcopal seat of Ermland,

makes it probable that, at least in later life, he had entered the priesthood.”

. 2. When Pope Paul III sought Copernicus for advice

on how to reform the calendar, Copernicus at first demurred to answer.

Later, he wrote a series of letters to the Pope containing accurate observations

that “actually served, seventy years later, as a basis for the working out of the Gregorian calendar.”

(Ibid). 3. For a long time Copernicus refused to publish his beliefs

on a heliocentric universe. Finally, in 1531, he published a brief abstract,

stating his theory in seven axioms. From this, the concept spread rapidly.

. 4. Two years later, Albert Widmanstadt lectured on the Copernican model

before Pope Clement VII, an action for which he was richly rewarded.

5. In 1536, Cardinal Schonberg, who was Archbishop of Capua,

urged Copernicus to fully publish his theory or, at the least, have a copy made at the Cardinal’s expense.

. 6. Between 1539 and 1541,

Copernicus published and distributed a 66-page letter and a preliminary chapter.

. 7. Copernicus explained in a letter to Pope Paul III

that he finally yielded to the insistent urging of Cardinal Schonberg,

Bishop Giese of Culm, and other knowledgeable men, and agreed to publish his manuscripts.

. Copernicus’ theory of a heliocentric universe

was well known at the upper strata of the Catholic Church in his lifetime.

While he preferred his theories publish after his death, he ultimately agreed to publish his manuscripts

on the persistent appeals of high church officials. . Catholics were not first to reject Copernicus’ views,

for they themselves admit, “Opposition was first raised against the Copernican system

by Protestant theologians for Biblical reasons.” .

The Catholic Church advanced Copernicus’ heliocentric model constantly urging him to spread it abroad,

together with other theories that opposed the Sacred Scriptures. .

The necessity to change public conception from an accurate belief in a flat, enclosed earth,

to a false belief grew slowly. With sapient baby steps

the whole world would become amenable to the final delusion of an alien invasion

under the First Woe. . The Catholic hierarchy had the perfect opportunity

to lay groundwork for a global deception to culminate in this earth’s final generation.

This deception required a globe earth spinning throughout the vast reaches of space,

a space inhabited by aliens and other sentient life forms.

These contrivances created doubt in the Bible, putting science ahead of Scripture,

which advises mankind the earth is enclosed and unmoving.

They also placed the Creator far away from His creation by presenting a universe unimaginably vast.

. To engineer this transformation and belief, the newly created Society of Jesus,

commonly known as the Jesuits, became the agents of change.

The Roman Catholic Church was waging war on the new Protestantism believers having come from their own system,

while Copernicus was resisting appeals to publish his theory of a heliocentric solar system.

Under the approval of Pope Paul III the Jesuit order was established in 1540,

and Copernicus dedicated his book Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies to this very same Pope.

This newly formed order, the perfect instrument to implement a clandestine operation for the Pope of Rome,

began changing the public perception of the authority of the Scriptures, the earth, and the Creator

through the Copernican Revolution. By deliberately teaching their followers

to invite demonic spirits into their human spirits, the Jesuits exposed what manner of mankind each truly was.

The Jesuit founder, Ignatius of Loyola, had taught all members of the Society of Jesus

certain spiritual exercises which made them practical, mind controlled slaves to Satan.

They were to daily become as “corpses or cadavers,” that they “unhesitatingly obey” the will of their superiors.

In opening the mind to the influence of demons, these Jesuits brought in a spirit of malevolence,

a demonic intelligence that was unprecedented in Catholicism.

Now, satanically controlled, the Jesuit priests became successful

in every evil endeavor. They became infamous

for their skill at deception and subterfuge. Their ability to infiltrate governments

and institutions of learning; their standing as advisors to kings

and new leaders in education; the very influence they wielded was tantamount

to becoming humanly insurmountable. Working through government entities

and in the field of world education; they guide scientific research to further their own ends,

and present the biggest lie of all time: a globe Earth.

Following Copernicus Publications it is probable the Jesuit Order has produced more astronomers

than any other demographic in Europe, that ostensibly a religious order

should produce so many scientists should cause surprise.

However, as these scientists have focused nearly exclusively in but one area,

this gives us reason to question. . Upon rejection of the Sacred Scriptures,

which teach us Earth is a fixed, immovable object under a protective covering;

a nefarious foundation was laid. Atop this were built perversions designed to force humanity

to dealt the very word of our Father, Yahuwah. With the Biblical Geocentric Model rejected,

a new explanation was required. A globe Earth, its orbit of the sun

for millions of miles every year, illimitable realms of space with billions of galaxies

each composed of billions of stars with worlds innumerable.

All of this became necessary to explain the new Heliocentric Model of the universe

and mankind over a short time, lost his divine significance.

Thereafter, was created an environment within which the writings of Charles Darwin

found a receptive audience. One science showed the Bible wrong;

the disparager then diverged from her religious guys all together. Anything suddenly became possible,

there was nothing above questions, including how the Earth seemed to appear in the vastness of space with all else

and the existence of extraterrestrials. .

The Big Bang Theory is [today] the leading explanation about how the universe began.

At its simplest, it talks about the universe as we know it, starting with a small singularity,

then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos

that we know today. Priest Andrew Pinsent holds Advanced Degrees in Theology

from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, as well as a Doctorate in Particle Physics from Oxford.

. In January 2015, he wrote ‘Being both a priest

and a former particle physicist at CERN, I am often asked to give talks on faith and science.

Quite often young people ask me the following question, “How can you be a priest and believe in the Big Bang?”

To which I am delighted to respond, “We invented it! Or more precisely,

Priest Georges Lemaître invented the theory that is today called the “Big Bang”

and everyone should know about him.” . The author of the Big Bang Theory

was none other than the Jesuit-trained Priest Georges Lemaître.

On October 28, 2014 Sarah Kerr reported. .

Speaking to members of the Pontifical Academy of Science, ‘The Pope said it is possible to believe in both,

insisting God was responsible for the Big Bang from which all life evolved.’ .



Follow from cause to effect: . 1. Without a globe earth circling the sun

through the far reaches of space, we do not have the BIG BANG.

2. Without the Big Bang, we do not have Evolution.

3. Without evolution, we are more likely to accept creation as an act

of intelligent design by a DIVINE CREATOR. .

The Roman Catholic Church does, in fact, accept evolution.

Acceptance of evolution and its integral law of “survival of the fittest,”

gave rise to the bloodbaths of the 20th Century in which millions lost their lives.

Numerous researchers have established incontrovertible connections between the Vatican and the Nazi Party.

Regardless, of the level of collaboration between the Vatican and the Nazis, what happened after World War II is even more significant.

Operation Paperclip smuggled hundreds of Nazi scientists,

including top SS Officers on trial for war crimes, into the United States

for use in America’s Cold War space race. One of these, Nazi-party members, Wernher von Braun,

was promoted to head up NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.

“Under Operation Paper Clip, some 350 German scientists and former intelligence agents

were given visas and well-paying jobs. Many of those scientists had questionable pasts.

Braun himself had been an active member of the Nazi Party, and his colleague at NASA, Dr. Hubertus Strughold,

a specialist in aviation medicine, had performed experiments on concentration camp inmates.”

. The purpose of this massive and illegal undertaking

appears to have been for the establishment of a worldwide authority on all things relating to space and astronomy.

. NASA became the public face of space.

It has long acted as a front providing an unsuspecting world with pseudoscience,

legitimized by the backing of the US government. . NASA is its own monopoly.

It controls the dissemination of public information on astronomy while hiding facts it does not want the public to know.

. While many countries and universities have observatories,

always it is the statements, photographs, and discoveries of NASA

that make the news headlines. . With NASA in-charge

of the flow of astronomical information to the public, it appears that the Vatican has remained a central player

in the truly accurate astronomy not being released to the public.

For hundreds of years, the Vatican has owned more telescopes and observatories

than any organization, private university or government.

NASA and the Vatican jointly own LUCIFER, the world’s largest binocular telescope.

According to the official Vatican website, the Vatican observatory

is one of the oldest astronomical institutes in the world.

And yet… where are the photographs? Where are the news releases of the latest discoveries?

Precisely what have the Jesuit astronomers been doing for the last 500 years?

Only they know… . NASA’s public release of information,

promoting the idea of an expanding thus ever larger universe of incomprehensible size

has led to the supposition that there must be alien life on other planets.

After all, if the Big Bang produced life on earth, why couldn’t intelligent life have evolved elsewhere?

In combination with Hollywood and the science-fiction genre, NASA has created an environment

in which contact with extraterrestrial life forms is both fearful, yet desirous.

A recent book may hold the key to understanding the final steps in this long conspiracy

to delude the final generation. Authors Tom Horn and Chris Putnam,

recently published a mind-boggling book in which they alleged the Vatican

actively seeks extra-terrestrial life with their new LUCIFER telescope.

The book, Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER,

and the Vatican’s Astonishing plan for the arrival of an Alien Saviour,

asserts the Vatican is waiting for an extraterrestrial Saviour. .

In researching their book, “Horn and Putnam were granted permission

to visit the observatory on Mount Graham, which hosts the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT),

in September 2012. “Not only were they able to discuss the study of deep space

with the Jesuit astronomers there, but they also gained access to one [of] the top Vatican astronomers in Rome.

. “Horn said Brother Guy Consolmagno,

who has also been called the papal astronomer, told the authors some astounding information

during five interviews. “He says without apology

that very soon the nations of the world are going to look to the aliens for their salvation,” said Horn.

“Consolmagno also gave the authors private Vatican documents which reveal much of the thinking

of high-level theologians and astronomers within the Church. “Horn said these documents show that they believe

that we are soon to be visited by an alien savior from another world.”

. These statements are not that shocking when the Vatican’s ever evolving

stance on science and space is understood. On May 12, 2014, Pope Francis expressed a willingness

to baptize extraterrestrials who indicated a desire for baptism.

While the comment was clearly tongue-in-cheek, it made international headlines this one crowing:

“Cool Pope Is So Cool That He’s Willing To Baptize Martians!”

The net effect, it removed the idea from the science fiction

and transferred it to the realm of possibility. By Talking about it as if it was possible,

gives rise to minds more accustomed to the construct. .

After the Vatican hosted a five-day conference on the extraterrestrial life,

Catholic priest, Jonathan Morris, appeared on (US) Fox News to answer some questions.

How would it change the church’s teaching then? If you consider for a moment,

if you determine that there is an extraterrestrial life there. Well, one thing would be fascinating

would be not only extraterrestrial life, but if you were extraterrestrial intelligent life forms,

that would definitely make us go back and say, “Maybe our understanding of perennial truths

needs to be updated.” Now, the way we look at it is this: it’s not about whether or not God was the Creator,

but rather how He created. It’s not a question of whether original sin, that’s Adam and Eve story, is true or not,

but our understanding of how that played out. So, it’s growing in our understanding

of perennial truths. I think that’s an interesting explanation there and I think also if they were determined Father,

there would be an earthquake, would it not? It would be and especially if the Vatican were involved in accepting it.

Questioning the cosmology of the earth, often leads to people doubting Scripture and its Author

and prepares the way for the overwhelming deception prophesied in Revelation Chapter 9.

Earlier, it was stated: The Catholic hierarchy was presented with a perfect opportunity

to lay the groundwork for a global deception to culminate in the final generation.

. The purpose for this intricate, multi-layered deception

is to deceive the world’s masses, and create a desired outcome.

. To usher the world into a united One World Religion:

with the pope reigning supreme, the devil will create a PROBLEM.

This problem among earth citizenry will demand a SOLUTION.

The SOLUTION will have a predetermined outcome. .

Our wise Creator has revealed this culmination of deception in Revelation 9:

“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth:

and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.” “And he opened the bottomless pit,

and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace;

and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

“And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power,

as the scorpions of the earth have power. “And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth,

neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men

which have not the seal of [Yah] in their foreheads.

“And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months:

and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

“And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die,

and death shall flee from them… and their power was to hurt men five months.

. “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit,

whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

. The key to unlocking this prophecy is found in the phrase

“bottomless pit” from the Greek word abussos also translated “deep” in Luke 8:31,

Demons begged to be sent into the swine rather than back to the bottomless pit.

The same as the English word abyss. . The star fallen from heaven refers to Satan

and when he is given the key to the bottomless pit, he releases hordes of demons onto the Earth

appearing as an alien invasion from space, the First Woe.

These evil angels as extraterrestrials will have a distinct appearance

and will launch a horrific attack on the earth lasting for a 150 literal days.

The trumpets are both a solemn warning and a merciful invitation.

They warn probation will soon close and invite all on earth to accept Yahuwah’s free gift of eternal life.

Those who heed the trumpets warnings show with their loving gratitude by living in compliance to Yahushua’s will

and are in obedience to all the requirements of His divine law,

including the Fourth Commandment. The trumpets are loving gifts

to these living saints of Yahuwah, who after the Close of Probation

stand in the sight of a Holy Elohim without a mediator.

Almost 2000 years ago well before a Roman Catholic or Jesuit ever appeared,

this series of events was foretold. Does not the amazing foreknowledge of our Father

truly strengthen our faith, the righteous will see the trumpets unfold as prophesied

and their courage is strengthened. They are led more steadily to rely on the promises of him who cannot lie.

. We know the alien invasion is the manufactured problem.

Naturally, a representative of mankind will be chosen to negotiate a peace treaty with these invaders.

. The solution will be predetermined and under the direct control of Satan himself.

. Francis, the VIII and final Pope steps forward

to negotiate this full peace. A Jesuit, he has come under the direct control of demons

by way of the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola. .

Francis has previously ensured he has sympathetic ties with all religions.

Thus, will be the logical choice as mankind’s representative to establish a peace treaty with these invaders from outer space.

. This treaty will: 1. End the war exactly 150 days after it starts

2. Place the pope at the head of the New World Order

as mankind’s representative . 3. Place the pope as mankind’s savior

at the head of a new, unified One World Order and religion

. As the savior of the world, the pope will then be in a perfect position

to establish one common warship day for all, Sunday, calculated by the papal Gregorian Calendar.

This unification under one government and one religion will appear logical

to those more desirous to have a traitorous peace in a sinful world than to live as is their Creator’s way

which brings in eternal life. These want only an easy way out

and will join and enforce Satan’s New One World Theocracy.

All heads of state will hand their sovereignty over to the pope as Scripture explicitly spells out.

‘And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet;

but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind,

and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.’ .

This is the event that begins the final struggle between the forces of good and evil.

Under threat of continued extraterrestrial aggression the peoples of Earth will come together

to wage relentless war on all those who stand for Bible truth.

The conscientious few who placed the word of Yah above all earthly mandates will be seen as renegades.

Individual religious liberty will be sacrificed for a promised, yet finite safety – John Quincy Adams.

“It is better for a few to parish, it will be argued rather than the entire world is plunged

into suffering-under continued alien aggression.” When the fifth seal was opened:

John “saw under the altar the souls of them that was slain for the word of [Yahuwah],

and for the testimony which they held: and they cried with a loud voice saying,

How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them

that dwell on the earth?” The answer given is portentous

and foreshadows the intense persecution that shall come upon the righteous under the First Woe.

During that time many will be martyred for their faith as they refuse to unite with the wicked world

to worship on a day that pays homage to Satan, the great deceiver.

“And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season,

until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.”

For 500 years this Jesuit conspiracy has taught the story of a globe earth

circumnavigating the sun itself spinning around the center of an immense galaxy

which likewise speeds with over billions of galaxies throughout limitless space.

Within this immense realm surely there are other varieties of intelligent life

which inhabit other woes, these lies climax

with the alien invasion prophesied in Revelation 9. The ultimate act will occur

when Francis as Satan’s representative assumes leadership of the world

while negotiating a peace treaty on behalf of the human race with the fallen angels.

Then, Satan will have achieved his long desired goal to rule the Earth.

The First Woe reveals the opening sequence of events in Satan’s endgame to deceive the world.

For centuries, the Jesuits have worked to convince the human race the world is round.

This Jesuit pope unites mankind in infamy, all under one government and one religion,

none of whom will ever know the beauty of eternal life and this so very close to the second coming of Yahushua,

the world’s Messiah. Pope Francis then stands before those left upon the earth

as their prime benefactor. . The truth is an extraterrestrial invasion

is not possible within an enclosed earth. None would fall for this delusion

with scripturally clear and a spiritually correct understanding of the layout of our earth and Yahuwah’s universe.

People who know the truth would quickly realize any extraterrestrials appearing in our closed system

must then be demons. And any attempt to place the pope at the head

of a unified one world religion would notoriously fail.

The pope would never be accepted as the savior of the human race in a brokered peace treaty with demons.

The masses would see Francis colluding with fallen angels and turned from him with abhorrence

and yet, the First Woe is just the beginning, just the opening salvo in this climax of the ages.

It lays the foundation for an even greater fraud that will follow quickly thereafter.

. Be sure to watch the next video in this series.

The Devil’s Masterpiece: Counterfeit Second Coming!

Nimrod, The Tower WAS About Height, the Beast, Antarctica and Flat Earth

Rob Skiba – This is a compilation of a few segments from the second lecture I gave at the Beaumont 2017 “Declaring the End From the Beginning Conference.” It deals with the Biblical character, Nimrod. I also show how the Tower of Babel really WAS about height – trying to “reach” the Firmament. Has the stage been set for the return of the Beast? It would appear so… at least according to Manly P. Hall and the dreams of the Freemasons.



The Best Flat Earth Documentary Eric Dubay

The following 6-hour documentary is currently the most complete and comprehensive presentation of the Flat Earth truth available to date. Narrated by Eric Dubay, this videobook covers the majority of his best-selling “The Flat Earth Conspiracy,” book and is guaranteed to awaken even the sleepiest sheeple to the global deception. Please like, subscribe, comment and share to help get this most important documentary out to the masses!

Flat Earth Fact vs Theory Video Featuring Eric Dubay

Flat Earth has long been touted as the “mother of all conspiracy theories”. Suppressed and ridiculed for centuries as being an ignorant, unscientific, world view. But the facts of the matter are far from what you’ve been told.

It is a fact, not a theory, that bodies of water always seek and find their own level. From a pond, lake, or an ocean, the natural physics of water, is to find and remain level.

It is a fact that the majority of Earth is covered in such level water, thus making it an unscientific theory to postulate that earth is actually a gigantic sphere, with bendy oceans, curving all the way around it.

It is an unproven, un-scientific theory with no observable, measurable, or repeatable evidence, to claim that bodies of water
can somehow bend, cling, to the exterior of shapes, and show convexity upon their surface.

It is a fact, not a theory, that we’re able to observe objects at incredibly long distances, far beyond what would be possible if Earth were a globe 25K miles in circumference as we’re told. For example, it is a fact that in Genoa Italy, from just above sea level, it is possible to see the distant islands of Elba, Capraia, and Corsica, 80 to a 125 miles away. It is a necessary theory that the globe Earth must curve, 8 inches per mile squared if it really be a ball, 25K miles in circumference as we’re told. But based on such a theory these islands would all be completely hidden behind thousands of feet of curved earth.

It is a fact, not a theory, that the horizon always appears perfectly flat, 360 degrees around the observer, regardless of altitude. All amateur balloon, rocket, plane, and drone footage, show a completely flat horizon, as high as we can reach, over 20 miles or 120K feet up.

It is an observable, testable, repeatable, scientific fact of reality that Polaris, the North Pole star, situated perfectly over the north pole centre of Earth, never moves a single inch, night after night, year after year, century after century, with all the other fixed stars remaining fixed in their relative constellations, revolving perfect circles around Polaris.

It is also an unobservable unscientific theory, to claim that the Earth is spinning, a thousand miles per hour, and the Milky Way shoots millions of miles per hour more, off through infinite space, when we cannot see, hear, or feel or otherwise observe, or prove any such motion. And we can see clearly for ourselves Polaris never moving, and all the other stars revolving around it.

This is just a brief introduction to the many observable, testable, repeatable scientific facts of our level motionless Plane Earth, that have been suppressed and ridiculed for centuries, in favour of various unobservable, untestable, unscientific theories, purporting that we live on a tilting, wobbling, spinning, ball shaped Earth.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Many people become flat earthers after being challenged to find the curve without a fisheye lens or the fraudulent space agencies. Yet there are many who give up their quest after seeing a picture of the power lines or bridges at Lake Pontchartrain where a curve is clearly visible. I will be showing you why these curvaceous pictures are so famous in spite of their curved appearance being repeatable on a smaller scale, using a flat surface.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

AETHEREAL The Battle for Heaven Earth Biblical Cosmology Documentary

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth
(Cosmology Documentary)

1. The Ancient Conflict 4:36
2. A New Nation 11:00
3. The Cosmic Rewrite 17:30
4. The Quantum Deception 25:49
5. Sorcery Reborn 35:09
6. The Power of the Air 51:27
7. New Age “Zience” 1:12:33
8. Oracles of the Technium 1:28:27
9. The Templum Defiled 1:42:10
10. The Choice 1:47:53

Carolyn Hamlett and Daniel Duval: Higher Dimensions and Parallel Worlds (interview with Zen Garcia, V of VI): • Carolyn Hamlett and Dan Duval – V of …

“What is Reality?” [Quantum Gravity Research] • What Is Reality? [Official Film]

“Flat Earth… Let there be Light” [Dan Dimension] • FLAT EARTH … LET THERE BE LIGHT


middle of a war

this war is one that cannot typically be seen with the naked eye its existence is

not broadcast on the evening news it’s reality is not even realized by the vast majority of the population yet this war

has raged on since the very beginning

the first shot fired in this war had a devastating effect when the serpent

entered the garden and tempted the first men and woman to disobey God falling into sin and then death entered the

world sometime after his mankind began

to multiply and cover the face of the earth the first full assault on humanity was launched in a way you could describe

it as an alien invasion but these invaders did not come from some distant galaxy from some far-off

star system rather they descended from right above as together they conspired

to abandon their assigned posts in the firmament where the ether carried the light of their luminescence to the four

corners of the earth these watcher angels fell from their first estates that God had set for them

and they came down to Terra Firma where they began a sort of colonization

campaign they sired the Nephilim their hybrid

abomination offspring which began to ravage the land and feed upon men they

corrupted the genetics of not just humanity but of animals and plants as well using the knowledge they had been

given by God to perform their original tasks in the heavens they proceeded to teach mankind all sorts of forbidden

things in order to civilize them to equip them in the building of cities

vast kingdoms where these fallen angelic beings could rule as gods the knowledge

bestowed by these beings was presented as being the keys to humanity’s path to enlightenment the technological know-how

that would eventually allow us to take our seats alongside them as gods but of

course this was all a lie this forbidden knowledge brought nothing but destruction perversion wickedness and


God the Creator finally became so grieved by the immensity of the

wickedness on the earth and the corruption of his creation that he decided to wipe it all out and begin

again sparing one single family and the animals which God brought to write out the waters with them when the waters

receded the world had been cleansed from the evil that had almost wiped out humanity from the face of the earth the

great empires of the Watchers had been erased their monuments and Citadel’s shattered by earthquakes and buried by

oceans the angels who had conspired together against God were buried deep in

the bowels of the earth held there in the deepest darkness until the time of the final judgement of all things the

bodyless spirits of the Giants the Nephilim were cursed to roam the earth tortured by hunger and thirst that they

could never satisfy forever longing to have bodies to inhabit once again

Satan’s direct rule over the whole earth through his vassals the Fallen Watchers was over but no sooner than the earth

began to be filled once again with trees and plants and animals and people began to spread out and fill it once again did

the enemy of mankind begin working seeking to rebuild what God had destroyed his beloved Atlantean Empire

whose sole purpose was the enslavement and destruction of mankind but it would

be different this time around no longer did the Fallen one have the ability to send his rebellious

emissaries to the earth to take wives and build cities and palaces where such self-declared deities could sit and rule

directly over their subjects no longer could they walk amongst men and be revered for their brilliance and stature

The Satanic kingdoms that would be built after the flood had to be done through the worship of now invisible deities

forced to orchestrate their rule through various systems of interdimensional communication since God had now bound

them behind a spiritual veil once again a spectrum of forbidden knowledge was disseminated amongst these

newly reborn civilizations in order to facilitate the connection between these civilizations and their demonic

benefactors thus in the courts of all the human kings and leaders of these

kingdoms worked a host of occult priesthoods sorcerers mediums

astrologers and practitioners of divination the subjects of these pagan

kingdoms would demonstrate their fealty to their false fallen invisible gods by

sacrificing two idols building them temples having orgies and

revelries and Bacchanalia the rebellion against God resumed in earnest after the

flood from the first failed attempt by Nimrod to build a tower into the heavens and stormed the throne of God through

all the following kingdoms which were founded after the scattering from Babel

after God destroyed the tower at Babel and Confused the languages of mankind paganism and occultism were gradually

spread and developed throughout the world yet again until once more the true God of heaven and earth chose to

intervene this time by setting apart a nation a people a kingdom to bear his

name to all the others from Abraham Isaac and

Jacob down through Moses Aaron and Joshua judges like Samson and Gideon

Kings like David and Solomon prophets like Elijah Samuel and Daniel gone

through the centuries and amidst the rise and fall of many demonic empires the God of all creation revealed himself

and began to reveal his plan to redeem humanity from their curse of sin and death and demonic oppression

finally from the humble town of Nazareth a man stepped forward and revealed himself as the promised Messiah the son

of God the Word made flesh and the one whose own sacrifice would once and for

all destroy the curse and make it possible for men and women to be reborn through the Spirit of God who would

actually come and live within us as the new temple of God and from that point on

the great spiritual war began to take on a rather new twist for many centuries

that followed the truth of God began to advance upon the various territories of these demonic kingdoms freeing people

from the bondage they had been held in for generations and for the first time since the great flood large numbers of

people began to truly understand who they had actually been in servitude to in these pagan kingdoms throughout

stretches of Europe Africa and Asia the truth of Jesus kept spreading and people

kept getting set free the first tactic Satan brought against us was brute persecution he used his puppet Emperor’s

of the Roman Empire to imprison kill and torture the first Christians but somehow

this only wound up revealing the power of the gospel and the hope and eternity that it truly brought and so faith in

Jesus only spread under the stage where the once unshakable Roman Empire began to crumble under its own human weight

next Satan tried a different approach which many ways proved more effective than the first instead of trying to

crush the spread of faith in Jesus with the powers of empire he would usurp it from the time of Constantine onward the

enemy began a blasphemous campaign of rebranding many of his old demonic kingdoms and demonic occult priesthoods

as now being Christianized this way he could seduce the Christians with wealth

power and earthly pleasures and corrupt the Church of Christ from within pagan

temples were repurposed as Christian churches pagan rites and rituals were

reinvented as Christian ceremonies the Roman Catholic Church slowly emerged is

one of the most effective weapons against the kingdom of God while it mockingly carried out its activities in

his name a tactic which has no doubt given the devil no small measure of sacrilegious joy through this earthly

institutional vessel Satan was able to prevent scores to people from actually reading the Scriptures for themselves

and turned them instead back to the same bondage and darkness that the demonic systems had enforced before only now it

was being done in the name of Jesus

still by the sheer grace of God the truth endured the gospel spread and

genuine faith in the creator and savior of mankind continued to grow

Satan continued to work furiously to regain control of the world of men by way of Catholic imperialism and

eventually European colonialism which because of the advent of unprecedented naval power began to conquer more and

more of the world it was accessible by ocean at the same time however the spread of

imperialism all too often still brought with it the truth of the gospel which opened the hearts and minds of the

people to the true nature and identities of the pagan and shamanic religions they had traditionally held the more Satan

worked to tighten his grip on the world through Imperial and economic means the more he continued to find his kingdom

being forced to operate in the shadows the occult knowledge and pagan rituals

that went all the way back to Babylon had been preserved – down through the centuries by various strains of secret

societies esoteric mystery schools and underground Brotherhood’s and for the

most part this is where it remained as much as the devil had increased his

control over humanity through governments militaries in financial means the truth of God had increased as

well to the degree that most populations would still never openly embrace Lucifer as the one true God even if he did

control vast empires of wealth and power through his network of lesser demonic emissaries witchcraft and Luciferian

beliefs were not yet something that humanity as a whole would accept and this was an objective that Satan had to

achieve if indeed he was to successfully restore his absolute rule over the world and declare himself to be God

in order to get the entire world back to where Satan wanted it he had to implement another plan another strategy

so massive in scope the most people even the majority of those even believe he

exists in the first place have difficulty in believing that such a thing could be pulled off in the ancient

times when God first saved humanity from utter destruction at the hands of the Fallen watchers and then again from the

tyrannies of the demonic kingdoms people still understood the basic nature of the realm that God had created for them the

earth was filled with plants and animals and mankind had been given dominion over it the heavens above were filled with

the luminaries who served the creatures below by marking the days and months and years and allowed for navigation over

vast stretches of earth as well those pagan kingdoms that rejected God worshiped various fallen angels asked

their gods but for the most part they still understood where those quote gods had come from they still knew that they

had come from the stars from the sky from the firmament

when the truth of God had been fully revealed through the person of Jesus the ancient cosmology had been given its

full context the distinction between the creator and the creation was made clear

and the futility of the rebellion by those first fallen angels was made plain to see in order for Satan to convince

the world that he was the supreme being and worthy of humanity’s worship he would have to rewrite the entire script

and completely repackage himself his kingdom and his message like the

recycling of an old Shakespearean play into a modern Broadway musical in order to reintroduce and rebrand the old

characters you first have to rebrand the setting in the stage itself

Satan needed a whole new backstory a whole new angle through which he could gradually insert himself in his

rebellious agenda against God into the hearts and minds of men yet it was

through a familiar tactic that this new angle was achieved the old trick of bestowing upon humanity forbidden

knowledge which plays upon our pride and arrogance was now used again in a

masterful and cunningly deceitful way this occult knowledge or gnosis was

rebranded as science much of the groundwork for this rewrite had already

been laid in ancient Greece even before Jesus had been born by way of the so-called Greek philosophers these were

in fact men who took many of the concepts and teachings that came from the occult mystery schools from spirit

mediums and pagan ritual contact with the demonic realms and then proceeded to pontificate on them adding their own

speculations and human-centered conclusions which effectively sanitized these concepts from their demonic

origins in the eyes of many later generations as though they were simply the profound thoughts and musings of

mere men during the Renaissance in Europe many of these ideas began to once again take

hold as they were increasingly considered to be harmonious with the teaching of the Bible and slowly began

to exert a greater and greater influence upon theologians and scholars throughout the largely Christianized Europe

particularly after certain works ascribed to the Egyptian Magus notice Hermes Trismegistus were translated into

Latin and then circulated among intellectuals with a predilection for such material the kabbalah too began to

receive more attention from thinkers and monks and people with the necessary literary education and together with

writings on alchemy that came from allegedly the muslim mystics these three

veins of occult knowledge and teaching began to permeate how little do most

students today realize that the bulk of those individuals revered today as having been the pioneers and visionaries of materialistic science were in fact

greatly influenced by concepts that were introduced by occult manuscripts and the

core tenants of mysticism Leonardo da

Vinci Isaac Newton Francis Bacon Robert Fludd Nicholas Copernicus these are

names we all learn about in school but yet we learn about them as men who simply derived their discoveries and

scientific achievements by way of pure observation and logical deduction however a more thorough investigation

into the matter at which they arrived at their various discoveries and the various occult materials which they were

all coincidentally reading reveals that no these discoveries were nothing more than very ancient teachings on the

nature of the cosmos in nature simply being repackaged and reintroduced with a quasi Christian veneer the Copernican

cosmology of a vast universe a planetary solar system even a big bang to start it

all off could be found in the kabbalistic texts long before Copernicus

the concepts of molecules and chemical reactions even elemental transmutation

by a way of atomic fusion and fission were first presented in the more imprecise occult practices of alchemy

and the idea that nature and the cosmos was governed by invisible forces and

laws which could be discovered and calculated and then reapplied through various technological means this is

actually an underlying precept of Hermeticism and so with a good measure

of help by the well financed to call Brotherhood’s such as the Rosicrucians and freemasons the Royal Society was

established as the first official organization dedicated to the advancement of scientific understanding and the rest as they say is history

what had begun as a half-hearted attempt to combine the knowledge gained from the divine revelation with the knowledge

gained from nature was quickly transformed into an unapologetic natural philosophy the universe suddenly got

very very big and God became very very removed to the point where then the cosmos itself was easily considered

capable of having formed without God’s assistance whatsoever models of the

Copernican heavens were expanded and refined Darwin stepped in to explain how life could have emerged from the

primordial ooze long after the globe Earth had slowly formed over billions of years from the slow gathering of cosmic

dust in the vacuum of space the universities and lecture halls largely

built and maintained by these same wealthy blue blooded fraternities quickly and not surprisingly became

hostile territory to anyone who dared question the new burgeoning scientific consensus the universe was now presented

as a vast evolving almost infinite space with our little blue planet floating

somewhere in the middle and while man might be the pinnacle of life on this planet he might not be alone in the

universe either and so finally the stage had been set

and the same old characters could start to re-emerge with a new set of costumes


the 20th century so much has happened in

that 100 year span compared to the centuries that went before it is indeed daunting to even attempt to broadly

summarize any of it while the beginning of the 20th century saw a new yet old

cosmological paradigm put in place at least in the halls of academia that could theoretically provide a convincing

new and deceptive pretext for a new wave of rebellious Watchers or some kind of fallen entities to come down to earth

and present themselves as aliens we do have to stop and consider the question

of the dimensional veil the barrier the god does seem to have put in place after the invasion of the watchers back before

the flood could fallen angels once again

reveal themselves to humanity this time is alien saviors and serve as governors

of Satan’s earthly Kingdom perhaps can

demonic spirits even now sometimes manifest themselves and the physical realm inhabiting people moving objects

even attacking individuals yes but is it

also true that this ability for the demonic realm to interface with the physical is still limited it would seem

to be the case and the Bible does seem to confirm that this barrier will remain in place right up until shortly before

Jesus returns when it will be removed and the spirit of Antichrist will have a

period of unprecedented access to the earth and to humanity one last time before he meets his own end while I

certainly do not claim to have all the answers or to have a perfect understanding of biblical eschatology or

end times prophecy one thing I have come back to again and again through my research over the past few years into

cosmology prophecy current events the rise of scientism and its roots in

occultism is that somehow quantum physics plays a significant role in this

massive age-old agenda of Satan which the Bible refers to as the great deception

into the 19th and 20th century atom ISM eventually became formal modern atomic

theory bringing us all the way into the present day full of string theory and dark matter and Large Hadron colliders

the atom has long been split with fearsome destructive power or energy

producing possibility the existence of this minutely vast quantum reality has

been undeniably proven or has it

do the pervasively occult origins of these theories have any remaining significance for us today is there some

still yet undisclosed spiritual agenda behind all these supposedly innocuous and coincidental connections modern

occultist Manley P Hall certainly believed there was a great deal of esoteric significance to atomism and he

gave many lectures on the topic today we increasingly hear theoretical physicists

and other materialistic scientists talking about an uncanny amount of similarity between the things modern

quantum physics is claiming to discover and the sorts of things found in Cobble ISM and other ancient forms of


through the history of atomism we can see this familiar trend of an original a

mystical philosophy gradually and painstakingly hammered into what is supposedly a purely materialistic and

scientific knowledge base which then ironically enough winds up coming full

circle to where it begins pointing humanity back to that original underlying chromatic belief system has

humanity effectively been duped into building the machines that will serve as the key to freeing a horde of entities

from a dimensional prison did fallen angels perhaps begin perpetrating these

false cosmological and physical doctrines long ago so that eventually we

would believe we were acquiring the knowledge to achieve our own immortality when in reality we were only playing God

and even today there is still this process of discovery going on what we we

can clearly see in terms of the teachings in the Kabbalah in the Zohar

is that there is no such thing as death

this is very important teaching for example you’re driving along in your car

and you see a little animal he’s been run over it’s roadkill is a shame but in

the true lessons of the Kabbalah that animal is made of atoms which are

described in the kabbalistic texts and atoms are miniature points of light this

is how their their describes they are particles which you cannot see with your

eye but they are the building blocks of everything in the universe and that

little dead creature he is made of atoms and those atoms are full of energy and

so the kabbalistic texts of the tradition really breaks things down into

particle theory and what is really fascinating is that the oral tradition

of the Kabbalah teaching you know from father to son mother to daughter this I

suppose a version of nuclear physics was very strong in central Eastern Europe

okay where do all of the nuclear physicists come from Niels Bohr zilart

Albine Stein the Oppenheimer brothers Edward Teller

they invented the hydrogen bond if you look at their family histories they all come from central Eastern Europe which

is the geographical area where the oral tradition of the Kabbalah was its

strongest in your and I’ve just written a new book that’s

coming out tomorrow called the real dr. Strangelove’s and you know it shows that

the kabbalah is now being written into quantum theory

in quantum theory with quarks and neutrinos and all these exotic particles

traveling at you know two-thirds of the speed of lights that are being discovered in these particle

accelerators if you know about the kabbalah which though people like Albert

Einstein had an Edward Teller definitely knew about the Kabbalah you can see that

it’s always like they’re making quantum physics fit the Kabbalah

is it not a crazy thing to ponder this idea that practically every single one

of us has grown up being taught being indoctrinated with what is really

Babylonian mysticism and which is really what Kabbalah is only none of us had any

idea because we were all told it was science I’m a theoretical physicist and

I like to say that I walk in the footsteps of giants like Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr I’m not a philosopher

however I am rather dazzled by the fact that many of the basic mysteries that we

find in string theory and the theory of everything seemed to be mirrored mirrored in the Zohar and in the

Kabbalah as a scholar the most amazing thing of all is the degree to which

modern sounds like a Kabbalistic text

when I first made the correlations between Kabbalah and science I was stunned we do know that Isaac Newton had

access to certain mystical texts certain texts of the Kabbalah well the Kabbalistic description of

creation is coming from a single little point from a speck and of having matter form and time and space for him all

together at the very beginning this sounds very much to me like the description of the Big Bang I couldn’t believe that the Kabbalists could derive

these truths without really knowing any mathematics of physics it is certainly

true that in string theory the the number 10 is the dimension of space time

for supersymmetrical string theories in 26 for bosonic string theories stand out

as a requirement of monix all the things that could destroy string theory all the things that do

destroy every rival theory into string theory they are all eliminated in precisely 10

and 26 dimensions these dimensions are magic we physicists don’t know where

these dimensions come from the Zohar says those things that could have been a lucky guess I don’t know they new thinks

about the universe that took us till now to discover it’s rather amazing this

uncanny reflection of some of the most advanced cosmology coming from our

satellites coming from our atom smashers coming from our blackboards that are mirrored in the Zohar and ancient

Kabbalistic if we get away from the way

we usually see we’ll come to the true point that the Kabbalists are telling us that seems so strange to us


those scientists who study quantum physics why do they come to this

realization at that deepest sub-nuclear level of our reality you and I are

literally one because they enter a world that has strange rules suddenly one thing can be

in two places or time and space and

movement can be in another shape and they come to this same thought

everything depends on the one who perceives it and that’s why whether you

pass through the wall or you don’t exist only towards me but it doesn’t exist on

its own and what is towards my mean it means according to my vessels it will be yes or no you know I had been studying

physics and I knew something about that technology but Kabbalah as a science was

something that never would have even dawned on me I don’t care what you’re doing there’s something about this field

of way of thinking of seeing which can improve anything and I don’t care if

you’re a Jew a Muslim Gentile era I don’t care what you are I don’t care

what nationality I don’t care what religion you belong to you come Allah will help liberate your mind

from any shackles of thought but if you move forward several generations as you

get into the 20th century really for the past 80 years and and really right now

in our generation experiments in quantum physics have reignited people’s

religious or mystical imaginations it’s almost impossible to overstate the

strangeness and the peculiar nature the astonishing nature of what’s been found

in quantum physics experiments say over the past eight decades on an atomic scale scientists are finding that that

particles seem not to appear until they’re observed it’s suggestive of all kinds of incredible and extraordinary

things and quantum physicists are rightly concerned that New Agers or people like me should

not be seizing upon these things to say AHA look evidence of everything the Renaissance occultists were interested

in because quantum physicists themselves don’t understand this material it’s the

challenge of our age it’s the mystery of our age aspects experiment confirms

quantum mechanics and are confirmed in this very peculiar situation so that

obliged to admit the quantum correlations exist in the world and if

we are to explain them and not just accept the math given if we were to explain them we are obliged to invoke

something like actions going faster than light from one place to another it’s as

if somebody was playing a trick on us and say sit behind the scenes imagine

for example that you have a relay system we know that the trains cannot go faster

than light but you might by studying the timetable very carefully discover that during the night trains have to be

returned to their starting point faster than life so behind the scenes extraordinary things are happening which

we cannot use personally and this is a dilemma I don’t think we have a good way of looking at it it’s as if somebody

were saying is trick on us it’s as if somebody birthing a trick on us so if

you do understand what divination is and why the Bible flatly forbids it you understand that it is because

essentially it is a whole host of practices which involve contacting the

demonic realm the Fallen angelic realm and of course this is what all of occultism really is but I’ve been

thinking about this a lot lately as I’ve just been tumbling and further and further down the the rabbit hole of

quantum mechanics in quantum physics and concepts like quantum entanglement which

is one of the aspects of quantum physics which a lot of New Agers and our cultists and mystics do like to point to

as evidence of science vindicating ancient esoteric beliefs and mistis

Mystikal please much to the chagrin of many of many of the materialistic physicists out there but nevertheless

this tension continues to kind of mount and more and more people are are looking

to quantum physics as this mode by which science and spirituality can be like

reconciled so but there is that tension there within the scientific community unquote but the more you look into the

origins of quantum physics the development of this over the long term going all the way back to Greece and

India and ultimately to Babylon understanding that atom ISM is indeed in

a cult teaching that’s an occult idea so it’s a doctrine of demons essentially

from all that I can ascertain just like evolution and many other teachings it is

a somehow it is very intrinsic to the teachings of pantheism pantheistic

monism and mysticism and it’s filtered down all the way through the millennia and then taking hold again in the West

during the Renaissance with the resurgence of alchemy and Kabbalah and

Hermeticism giving way to the Scientific Revolution and then and then around the

turn of the 20th century we have Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr and this explosion of knowledge pardon the pun in

nuclear physics and atomic theory you know relativity and all that

so if as a concept this is a demonically seated concept this is essentially a

repackaged occult worldview a magical world for you that has been you know

made to look refined and polished and empirical being guided all along I had

just found it absolutely incredible to be listening to figures such as John Bell who from CERN whose experiments

have been one of the the pivotal physics experiments pertaining to the whole

quantum entanglement idea being supposedly proven and actually hearing him say out of his own mouth it’s as if

someone’s playing a trick on us and going back to divination and occultism

which obviously if you understand occultism and it involves a great deal of experimentation an experimenting kind

of mindset obviously to the mainstream scientists they wouldn’t consider that science but if we stop and understand

that did the occultist or the alchemists you know they believe that they are interacting with with cosmic forces or

interacting with their own subconscious interacting with the the all mind of the

universe or whatever the the important point of the deception is that the

practitioner does not believe that he is just being fooled by demonic entities

right regardless of whatever he’s doing whether using tarot cards or Ouija board

or rune stones sigil magic casting spells doing rituals he’s conducting an

experiment in which he will get a response you know hoping to get response

and again as Christians we understand that that response is a physical manifestation from a spiritual being

and so thus we do understand that in certain limited ways the demonic realm

can interact with the 3d physical universe and manifests you know energy

essentially and the more you understand about all the you know various paranormal things that are ultimately

are all demonic deceptions right whether if you understand how the UFO phenomenon

people are seeing things in the sky the people are having abduction experiences whatever these are energy manifestations

in a physical realm from the spiritual realm people who get into ghost hunting and paranormal research you know and

they go out and they’re actually looking for things like electromagnetic fields and sounds and and so on physical

manifestations of what they believe are deceased spirits or you know psychic

impressions of some past event or whatever or you even have things like crop circles or you know government

projects where they experiment with quote-unquote you know psychic abilities and you know remote viewing and things

like this all these things that are being demonically powered and engineered you know demonically guided but the

deception works because the humans participating believe in a false conception of what they are dealing with

so if we understand all of that put together how crazy is it to stop and ask

how difficult it would be for such entities to do things like manipulate a

single quote-unquote photon in an experiment or you know or some subatomic

particles whether it was at CERN or in any of these famous experiments that

have led up to CERN such as the extremely famous double slit experiment

how difficult would it be for these quote-unquote scientific results to be manipulated by

the other side in order to supposedly confirm things like quantum entanglement

and nonlocality you know on the quantum realm so that now we have this debate

going on now we have this mysticism and New Age spirituality and meshing itself

with what was previously called materialistic science and how this atomistic worldview that was spawned by

mystical spirituality is now coming full circle it’s hard to see that as a

coincidence at all at this point anyways that’s my thoughts tells us that the

essential nature of reality is done local correlation everything is connected to everything else that

there’s video and creativity there are quantum leaps of creativity that there’s something called the observer effect

where intention orchestrates space-time events which we then measure as movement

and motion and energy and matter and addressing Sam we can have a personal

relationship with this intelligence because we have a consciousness that is part of the sea of consciousness Rumi

the great Sufi poet said you’re not just a drop in the ocean you are the mighty ocean in the drop and

all you have to do is understand the principles of science and understand

that you have within you the resources to intuitively grass




the research into cosmology also brings with it a host of other peculiar avenues of investigation that come with it

for instance when something is universally accepted as the theory of gravity is allowed to be questioned this

brings along with it the eventual questioning of many tangential theories which are all predicated upon gravity

such as the entire realm of theoretical physics atomic theory and of course the

whole quantum paradigm at the same time a good portion of this resurgence of amateur cosmological research seems to

repeatedly reveal clues pointing to a vague realization that the cosmos this entire and closed system in which we

live actually operates under the influence of what we generically refer to as electromagnetic forces to a far

greater degree than what mainstream science would imagine


in recent years we’ve seen a massive resurgence of interests in the figure of

Nikola Tesla whose life’s work was suspiciously destroyed is the Einsteinian paradigm of relativity and

other such edifices of theoretical fantasy were made the mainstay of academia free energy natural harmonics

cymatics these are topics that have seen a massive rekindling of interest as the

fraudulent concepts of gravity and relativity have revealed their shameful nakedness in a reawakening of zetetic

inquiry has begun to sweep across the world in spite of how much the mainstream institutions of lower learning have endeavored to ridicule and

dismiss it somewhere in this realm of

vibrations and frequencies pulses and patterns through a now almost forgotten

medium which from millennia was referred to simply as the ether perhaps lies the

true mechanics of the more mysterious aspects of God’s creation even the higher dimensions of the heavens

themselves but as we increasingly explore these new yet old notions of

sonoluminescence and the variety of electromagnetic manifestations it would seem prudent to stop and ask

ourselves if indeed such things are really part of what the Creator intended for us to try and comprehend and conquer

or if in fact this is once again stepping into pools of forbidden knowledge involving aspects of the

creation which we were never given dominion over and thus in its own wave is potentially part of the grand

deception as well another part of the forbidden knowledge that the Fallen ones have brought with them from their original estates circuiting the heavens

and illuminating the ether

UFOs there’s military craft that look like flying saucers from the bottom but

look like a plane from the top yet thousands of years ago up until today there are also say people in the Amazon

who drink ayahuasca or take peyote and other natural substances and they also

talk about things very similar to aliens and UFOs and they paint pictures of them

and they show flying saucers and beings getting out of them and interacting with

them and giving them advanced knowledge of the plants and other things of things that will happen and all this but these

are known to be interdimensional creatures interdimensional phenomenon

happening when you interact with these entheogens these psychedelic plants and what is the most powerful psychedelic on

earth is produced naturally in our pineal gland in our third eyes and have

it comes out when we sleep and so dreams are actually a product of this and so when people are asleep and then they’re

abducted by aliens and they have this experience that’s so real to them and so unfamiliar it very well could be an

endogenous DMT burst causing these same kind of ayahuasca visions that the

iowa’s Karos in Peru are seeing and no to the internet dimensional beings but if we’ve been fed this new propaganda

that there’s extraterrestrial aliens and UFO physical UFOs then we start to think

that this phenomena that’s been known and talked about for thousands of years of these star beings these astral beings

and astral travel that we’re able to do turns into physical space travel and

Star Trek type stuff that they’re trying to get us to believe in many people thousands of years ago believed in

so-called aliens Furyk star beings but and they said that

they traveled to the stars to like the ancient myth Rick calls the Meets World worship they have this church called me3

em and it had tubs all lined up together in a sensory deprivation type

environment and in the metrium they were all worn out just like in a Christian

Church where you read the body and blood of Christ and they give you a cracker and some wine well they would eat the

body and blood of Mitra but it wasn’t just a cracker and some wine it was magic mushrooms and some powerful herbs

and you eat these things drink these things laid out in these communal comes with all the water touching each other

just like in Minority Report and they would that there was holes in the ceiling above each tub and they said

that their consciousness would communally come out of their bodies go through the hole in the ceiling and go to the Stars

where they would communicate with astral beings and they have their own civilizations but the difference is that

this is all happening whether they’re here on earth and their consciousness is going to the stars not physically in

creating some kind of technology that floats us up there like NASA says that they’re doing and in meeting the

physical creatures that you can touch that’s not what they were doing there’s some kind of beings that are not visible

that we have access to like this but we’ve lost contact with them and the

reason is because of this because they haven’t been fair they fake a cosmology and a fake idea of who these astral

beings are and so we’re trying to create tech metal technology to try and reach

them instead of remembering that the natural plant technologies already exist

here for us to reach these beings into interactive them the ayahuasca arrows say that these plants and these beings

are what told them about the combinations of plants and stuff to use to access them

so interestingly enough Eric Dubay is actually quite correct and so much of what he’s saying here yet there’s an

absolutely crucial detail which he gets completely wrong and this is the reason why I felt like I had to include this

clip because it’s incredibly telling and it actually provides a perfect segue into this whole broader topic of aliens

entities dimensions spiritual realms hallucinogenic plants and substances

astral projection of the pineal gland or third eye and so on all within the

context of flatterers and in closed cosmology of course the point that he’s getting so horribly and tragically wrong

here is one that is actually shared by so many others and that’s why I feel like it just must be addressed and I’m

gonna try and do it in his clear and comprehensive manner as I can do Bayes assertion is that the entire fake NASA

heliocentric space alien propaganda agenda is to misdirect humanity away from the spiritual truths known by the

ancients and experience through meditative practices and certain natural substances by inculcating everyone with

the false materialistic concept of outer space and the physical planet is inhabited by physical extraterrestrials

etc this argument basically assumes that the reason behind this agenda is just simply in order to control the ignorant

masses and more specifically to prevent ordinary people like you and I from

rediscovering this ancient knowledge and these ancient practices and to prevent us from rediscovering that connection

with these ancient astral beings because supposedly if we do it will allow

humanity to cross a tipping point or a threshold of spiritual evolution and then the powers-that-be would no longer

be able to control us like the quote sheeple in our higher states of consciousness and like I said Dube is

hardly unique in its profession of this idea because we see it everywhere and particularly within the broader truth or

sloshed conspiracy community and I will say point-blank that I’m convinced that this is hands-down one of the most

crucial and misunderstood questions when it comes to spirituality in the times which we are now living

and really it boils down to a couple of pretty basic questions namely who are

these astral beings and is contacting these entities really the key to overthrowing the human power mongers of

the New World Order now we could spend hours looking at all the various evidence that is germane to answering these questions and getting

into the things like the Theosophical Society or Aleister Crowley and all of his connections and Jack Parsons and all

these things that are very much connected to the connected to what we are largely understood to be the power

structures of the NWO but you know let’s just cut to the chase my hope is that in

all this work that I’ve been put in putting into all these different videos and on this topic and on other related

topics is that people just might find new resources and new avenues to investigate for themselves and as it’s

been something that has involved a great deal of time and energy and researching for myself and the net result of all

this research has really been the astoundingly simple conclusion that these beings who are being contacted to

these various practices whether it be through the more quote natural shamanic and typically you know tribal approaches

or the various routes of Eastern mysticism or the darker halls of mistery

school societies and their multi-generational occultism is that they are all the same beings they all

preached the same message it’s the message of apotheosis or man becoming

God the same message of monism or oneness the idea that everything is

connected everything is a part of God and God is and everything and these astral beings these interdimensional

entities these spirits or alleged masters or whatever else people might

want to call them they are very real and yes you can contact them but the real

troubling realization comes in facing the fact that all these same groups of humans who are running the entire

globalist cabal with all the fabricated Wars and fake terror attacks the whole Federal Reserve central banking Ponzi

scheme all the poisoning of our air food and water all the drugging of our populace all the sacrificing of our

children all lies all the brainwashing all the turmoil and pain and death is being

directed ultimately by these same entities these same astral beings and

and this is where the big it’s a totally wrong spinning it all through a Flat

Earth lens in completely the wrong way because once you’re able to stop and really reflect upon it you begin to see

that the phony Copernican NASA paradigm really isn’t meant to push people away from from a mystical or Gnostic

worldview but rather to teach a gnostic in mystical worldview only in a repackaged way don’t believe me just

start looking back over the decades of space propaganda in movies and television start paying attention to the

philosophical messages embedded behind all those sci-fi props like booster rockets and warp drives my favorite

example is still hands-down Kubrick’s 2001 a Space Odyssey and I’m sure I don’t need to mention to most of you

what sort of NWO insider Kubrick was and that movie is absolutely filled with

occult symbolism and I made a video many months ago showing how even there the climax of the film blatantly portrays

the astronauts surpassing the materialistic concept of space travel and having a spiritual hyperdimensional

experience where he comes face to face with the esoteric powers behind the mysterious monolith this kind of message

is coming through all the mainstream channels not independent of them Dubey would have you believe that

meditation and Hallucigenia clients is the thing that the mainstream control grid is trying to keep away from you

with all their phony Star Trek narratives when in reality this is this

is precisely what it’s all there to promote it’s it’s all about surpassing

limitation about exploring the cosmos about the humanistic expansion of

knowledge and almost always about contact about communion not with God but

with those long lost space brothers communion with our ancient alien

panspermia Cedars and with the consciousness of the cosmos itself and so honestly when we’re

stepping back and considering all this in the context of Flat Earth the enclosed cosmology with its implications

towards the heavens and heavenly beings who reside there it really does fit together in an incredible way many

people within the Flat Earth movement are familiar with the Book of Enoch but a lot of them have really only heard the

portions which described an enclosed world while they’re still quite unaware of all that it has to say about the

fallen watcher angels and how these beings came down from the heavens they had giant hybrid offspring with

human women and taught mankind all kinds of forbidden knowledge including

enchantments and root cuttings as described in Enoch chapter 8

[Music] so in the end it honestly makes no

difference whether you are engaging in Kundalini Yoga or astral projection or

drinking ayahuasca tea or taking DMT or using SEP or using sensory deprivation

techniques smoking things like peyote or salvia doing Golden Buddha meditation or

using any form of pagan witchcraft or ritualistic magic through whatever else it is all designed to put you in contact

with the same fallen angelic beings who taught these practices to humanity in the first place to lead people away from

God away from the true creator and towards worshiping themselves and the

creation and these fallen beings from the astral realms who are led by Satan in closing I would just like to play

this excerpt from an interview with a woman named Carolyn Hamlet who was herself raised in an Illuminati family

she’s a survivor of things like ritualistic abuse of deep spiritual

deception through the occult and in which she worked specifically is a very

highly trained practitioner of astral projection and in the course of that work had countless interactions with

these same entities these astral beings I just started off by saying I

definitely don’t recommend opening the third eye and that people don’t

understand that when one has the Holy Spirit of God in them that they’re actually connected connected to the very

creator of the universe it’s through God’s Holy Spirit so another name for

Satan is the Prince of the power of air and that’s because even in the air the realms around us or it’s filled with

Satan’s demons and entities very dangerous and a lot of people have had terrible experiences astral traveling

it’s because that room around us like the second heaven is filled with those entities so

when one opens the third eye they’re actually opening themselves to the unprotected realm and one of the reasons

God the Father sent the word was Jesus Christ has sent him into the flesh was to make a way which is a portal made a

portal to bring God’s Spirit here so that we can have that Holy Spirit in us

if we want it and having that Spirit of God in this is Leduc a being sort of

like having a closed phone line from us to God and from God to us and I mean

that mean it might be the best way to describe it but it’s I think it may be people can picture that gives them a

mental pic mental image and that through the it’s like kind of like having a soul

provider that God’s the provider and the provider of the network is actually Jesus Christ so opening the third eye is

actually connecting oneself to the Prince of the power of the air we just see at the same time people that

opened their third eye are making themselves a portal an actual portal to the demonic Kingdom and they become a

portal for them to be used they actually use humans to get the access to

information and get used to realms they need humans because humans actually have it

we’re like chips off the old block of God we are created in God’s image and likeness and we have a Dominion that

Satan and his hierarchy don’t have they want us to think that we need them they

actually need us


but back in the purview of the mainstream quantum physics effectively teaches that on the subatomic quantum

level none of the conventional laws of physics continue to apply and so things like

superposition quantum entanglement infinite potentiality parallel universes

and so on are all considered possible even while on the macro scale they would

naturally be regarded as immediately ridiculous and thus as time goes on

quantum physics has eventually revealed itself as little more than a built-in back door for the metaphysical and the

mystical a back door constructed on the blackboards of theoretical physicists which effectively brings modern

materialistic science back around full circle to the doorstep of the same

ancient occult mysteries which birthed it so many centuries before

so for anyone who still does not believe that quantum physics is without a doubt

nothing more than repackaged fantastic evolutionary mysticism that has been the

core teaching of the mystery schools going back millennia just watched this clip so last few minutes of a 30-minute

presentation by the quantum gravity Research Center in California there we

go so we think reality is a mosaic like

code or language at the smallest scale of reality possible which is called the

Planck length particle accelerator data tells us that all particles and forces

relate to one another according to a higher dimensional crystal called the e8

lattice but reality appears to be 3d so we project a slice of this EA crystal

down to 3d which produces a quasi crystal code or language and that allows

these geometric symbols to build up to the ordinary world of particles and

forces that we see around us now this geometric language has rules but it also

has syntactical freedom like any language and that requires some notion

of a chooser to choose the free steps in the language now the notion of

randomness doesn’t work so well when it comes to codes because meaning starts to

break down besides there is no decent experimental evidence for randomness in

nature in the first place a universal collective consciousness is

one answer but that sounds new age and religious now nowadays a good number of

physicists discussed the idea that our whole universe is actually a code based

simulation in some fantastically powerful quantum computer in another

universe now if true then by the same logic that other universe where the computer

running the simulation of our universes would also supposedly be a simulation in

another universe so the idea is a little shaky but it’s being discussed seriously

by a lot of credible people but it turns out that a universal collective like

consciousness of some sort maybe physically inevitable now we don’t need

to anthropomorphize this idea or make it religious or spiritual to follow why let

us start with the idea of the collective behavior of cells in your body each a

single celled microbe living its life a long time ago only this sort of cellular

life form existed here on earth these little guys were not too smart but they

did choose what direction to swim and could chase nutrients reproduce and run

from dangerous things they made choices with their very simple systems of environmental awareness and desire to

survive then they self organised into colonies that were smarter as a group

and had more environmental awareness than the individuals [Music]

eventually animals such as humans emerged sophisticated forms of awareness

and consciousness now float on an ocean of 37 trillion living cells

self-organized as a human being it is specifically the laws of physics that caused electrons and quarks to

self-organize into 81 stable atoms and from there into human consciousness and

physics places no upper limit on the amount of energy and matter that can

self-organize into conscious systems

physics allows the possibility of all the energy in the universe to eventually

convert into a single conscious system that is itself a network of other

conscious systems a massive technologically based collective consciousness given enough time anything

that can happen will eventually happen by this axiom this system of universal

consciousness has already emerged somewhere in the frames of space-time ahead of us because it is possible it is inevitable

in fact according to the evidence of retro causality time loops that inevitable future is co-creating us

right now just as we are co-creating it

when humanity discovers the theory of everything it will usher in a new age of prosperity for example clean cheap

energy leading to the eventual elimination of poverty

[Music] I like how they also included the

chemtrail in the background at the end but Wow I definitely encourage anyone

who is interested in kind of exploring this idea just go check out this whole

video I mean they’re they’re putting the pieces together now I mean he actually

says well this sounds new-age so we don’t have to we don’t have to call it that we don’t have to make it sound religious but it’s the same thing I mean

it’s I mean it’s it’s really quite remarkable and so you know again it’s

just coming back to the same things all

the same dots keep connecting you know this is this is the core of scientists

are really here it is it is a religion it is the ancient religion it’s the

Mystery Babylon religion being presented through quote-unquote science through through mathematics and through particle

accelerators and you know a part of you know Hadron the Large Hadron Collider I was giving us the information that’s

confirming all the all these ideas of I mean right there they’re talking about you know the fundamental building blocks

of the universe with Planck’s constant and you know speaking of Max Planck I

mean if you just go back and read some of the quotes from plank you know the founder of quantum theory

you can see that this pantheistic concept of the universe being consciousness and consciousness you know

coke the universe creates us and we create the universe I mean this is pantheism and this is why it’s really

alarming to see more and more Christians

picking this stuff up and and turning to it as though oh this is this is just

another arena where we can point to science and you know confirm the try and

confirm the Bible and try and confirm spiritual reality well it definitely is the problem is that it’s it’s definitely

geared towards confirming the reality the spiritual dimensions and it but not

at all in a way that is in line with biblical spirituality and so again we see more and more people like Josh Peck

and you know Dan Duvall who have been talking about you know getting getting sucked into these quantum theory quantum

spirituality kinds of things here’s

something from max planck the universe in which we operate is a holographic informational structure there it is

which we access which we access and program using our consciousness that’s a

simulation theory you know the matrix whatever this is it’s this this concept

has been embedded in this stuff since the beginning you know they didn’t think

you know the Wachowski brothers didn’t think this up

you know the the New Agers of the last couple of decades didn’t think this up this has been part of it so for at least

these are actually ancient teachings from mysticism that have been now

repackaged into science each person

inhabits a Microverse all their own what the venerable Robert Anton Wilson calls a reality tunnel so similarities between

them are due to shared programming all information in the multiverse exists as an entangled waveform and it is our

minds or rather the simple coded programs within our minds which organize it into space-time in objects rewrite

your programming and you encounter a different reality

there’s max-planck all matter arises and persists only due to a force that causes the atomic particles to vibrate holding

them together in the tiniest of solar systems the atom right again that’s the whole the whole Mandelbrot the fractal

IIST universe idea that I’ve been talking about it’s part of the cosmology it’s part of this quantum quantum

reality belief system is quantum spirituality it in the whole of the

universe there is no force that is either intelligent or eternal and we must therefore assume the behind this force there is a conscious intelligent

mind or spirit this is the very origin of all matter now that’s again that this

is monism or pantheism where all of where all of reality is emanating from

the source and that’s this is exactly what Kabbalah teaches with all the

different emanations emanating from the source it’s pantheism

you know the mind is the matrix of all matter Max Planck

now’s Bohr this guy was a total must mystic as well everything we call real is made of things that cannot be

regarded as real if quantum mechanics hasn’t prevent hasn’t profoundly shocked you you haven’t understood it yet

and here’s the dr.p lie he’s uh he’s kind of an open mystic trying to you

know pointing to the connections between physics and mysticism saying the physicists are coming to the same

conclusion that the Mystics had that it is just the vibration from which everything came into being and there’s

been a number of people making these kinds of these kinds of claims for four years and now you’ve got this quantum

gravity Research Center openly doing

this very same thing and they’re embracing it and you know I’m preaching this quantum this cuz I mean not just

not just in this hypothetical but saying like once we figure this out I mean you see the stage being set once we figure

out this long-sought theory of everything that’s gonna be the key to unlock everything and it’s actually

gonna you know pave the way for a new age of prosperity I mean this is they

are setting the stage for the Antichrist to come in you know finish the equation

and solve the solve the puzzle and explain all the stuff they’re setting up the problem you know it’s they’re

setting up the Hegelian you know you know sending it up for that final Hegelian you know move create the

problem and provide the solution in this case it’s it’s a sort of theoretical

problem but promising to solve all of the the quote-unquote real problems

bringing it all back to consciousness what quantum physics teaches us is that

everything with hell is physical is non-physical and that’s what again the

theory theory of relativity matter and energy are all the same thing there’s no such thing as physicality it’s all

consciousness everything is energy and

that’s all there is you know everything is information what does that mean information has to be stored in a mind

and so it’s been making me think about this is this is the final stage of the

of the mystery babylon new age gospel

its scientism and quantum physics is the delivery device

all right so let’s talk about probably the most out-there outrageous

cutting-edge theoria have come across in a long time it’s called the transcend hypothesis and it’s what happens about

600 years after the technological singularity now the transaction hypothesis by John

Smart is an attempt to explain or to account for Fermi’s paradox which is the

questions that asks you know if the universe is so vast if there’s trillions and trillions of galaxies with solar

systems with planets similar to ours that have way more time to develop intelligent life and intelligent life

that created technology and so on and so forth why don’t we see evidence of all those other technological singularities

that might have occurred in all these other civilizations and the reason that trance engine hypothesis as the reason

we don’t see anybody anywhere is because complexity and intelligence eventually

stops going to outer space and starts going to inner space

consider the iPhone in your pocket which is a million times cheaper a million times smaller and a thousand times more

powerful than a computer that was sixty million dollars and half a building forty years ago so you have you know a

billion fold increase in price and performance and then you have this miniaturization that continues so when

you consider the fact that you know 25 years from now trillions of times more intelligent computers will be a thousand

times smaller than today’s micro processors you start to see that we have what’s called stem compression space

time energy and matter compression more intelligent more density more communication more energy less matter

smaller smaller smaller smaller and eventually you know virtual Minds living at the nano scale and at the femto scale

will keep compressing spot space time matter and energy into smaller and smaller and smaller dimensions until we

eventually create black hole light conditions and disappear out of the visible universe and so the destiny

after the technological singularity for all civilizations like ours is transection which is essentially to

disappear out of this space-time reality that we know have into a black hole like environment created by us and as

slingshot into the future and meet every other civilization over there transcend

many people today are waiting for the unleashing of some kind of false flag alien invasion

we’ve been subjected to the propaganda involving alien visitors from other planets

at least since orson welles famous radio broadcast of War of the Worlds in 1938

ever since the public has been bombarded by movies and pop culture material

depicting flying saucers and our models of alien ships descending upon the earth

but is it also possible that this alien narrative could actually wind up manifesting itself in a slightly

different way or at least be rolled out in some sort of blended form with

another common element of science fiction propaganda that is this concept

of artificial intelligence

hey hey it’s the big master control program everybody’s been talking about with the information I can access I can

run things 900 to 1,200 times better than any human good morning dr. Chandra

this is how my CPU is a neural net processor a

learning computer it’s against my programming to impersonate today I’m sorry I don’t have

enough information now if quantum theory

is indeed at its core pseudoscience based on hollow theories designed to take ancient occult concepts of

mysticism and witchcraft and repackage them in such a way as to reintroduce them to the world under the guise of

materialistic science effectively creating a cover story for the interaction with the spiritual realm

under the pretext that it is just mechanical physical forces of matter and energy that are being engaged with

rather than the broad spectrum of electromagnetic forces which seem to in fact cross over between both our

physical realm and the spiritual realms then what might all this mean then to

see that now quantum theory is being applied in the arena of quantum computing and quantum computing in turn

is being hailed as the breakthrough technology that will usher a AI into the next level so I’m calling believe in

some director strategy with d-wave systems were the world’s first quantum computing company we’ve sold several of

our systems are ready to customers like Google and Lockheed so what sort of well into this Authority I’d like to talk

today though about an idea that is really just beginning to crystallize now in that it looks to us like the best use

case of quantum computers is going to be in accelerating machine learning systems

in recent decades computers have become more more powerful but computers as we

know them today have a major limitation they can only perform one calculation at a time in the quantum photonics research

group at the Duce points titude we are researching the processing of data by way of quantum technology we are working

on developing tomorrow’s quantum photonic chips based on light and the photons instead of electrons that is

photonics instead of electronics we are working to exploit the strange properties of the quantum world so I’m

going to talk about how we see quantum computing as being the key to really

making a powerful artificial intelligence and in the future [Music]

there’s tremendous mindshare out there that we can bring into IBM from using our quantum experience it is kind of

like peering into the unknown our quantum experience is currently open to

the entire world anybody can sign on register and start using it we want to

see the best ideas out there we want to be able to find new algorithms and we’d

love to work together with different individuals different organizations to help explore that frontier one of the

real surprises to me has been the amount of usage that we’ve seen in the in the

past six months we’re seeing researchers who are actually writing papers and doing new algorithms and and testing new

theories using it educational institutions professors using it as part of their coursework so we’re really

starting to see this ecosystem building and we’re really hoping to continue that

as we get towards these larger systems where we really want to find the areas

of application [Music]

the quantum world is fundamentally different from our more familiar classical world nature buildings any

most people everything that we can perceive with our sensor here we know

that one thing cannot be in two places at once football cannot be shot into the goal

and be located out in the middle of the pitch at the same time just as you cannot give a person a pat on the back

and have another person immediately feel it at an entirely different place in the world but in the microscopic world of

the atoms everything is fundamentally different than what we are used to in everyday life here the laws of quantum

mechanics prevail in the quantum world of entities one atom or a light particle

that is a photon can be located in two places at the same time this is called

the superposition principle and two atoms or photons can become entangled

that is to say a quantum mechanic link is created between them this link can be

maintained even if the photons travel far away from each other and this means that if we measure the one photon then

its entanglement partner will be affected immediately even if the two photons are located very far away from

each other and this is a fundamental advance of the architecture for the

machine learning system today this architecture is because the DVA because it has a discrete neural network in the

middle but later this year we’re going to be incorporating a quantum network to give an even greater acceleration this

problem so that the plan 4d wave is basically to launch a series of machine

learning services beginning this September in which initially we’ll be powering things with our classical

models and then over the course of the next year or two as we develop more and more sophisticated quantum chips we’ll

be doing more and more the core computational work on the quantum processor but the beauty of this is that

we’re consciously thinking in terms of hybrid models well we don’t expect the

quantum computer to do everything we just want to plug the quantum resources into a hybrid architecture and let the

classical neural nets do what they do best and let the quantum ship does what it does best so that’s all I really want

to say we think that quantum computing has the potential to really turbocharged unsupervised learning in particular we

already have quantum and hybrid classical quantum machine learning systems running today and we’re going to

be extending those into the future so maybe we make bigger and more densely connected chips we’re going to be

releasing a whole series of services that will be powering these probabilistic machine learning models

and we’re looking for partners in industry to use these services to make powerful AI systems beginning this year

and the one we’ve already created our first one the DBA it’s already

surpassing the state of the art in what was possible before so we’re actively

looking now for people who would like to use these probabilistic machine learning services to basically go back to the

models that we really wanted to train in the mid 2000s but we couldn’t because they weren’t really lending themselves

to acceleration by GPU but now with these new services and quantum processing unit we think we can really

train these things so thank you very much

personally I find it extremely peculiar that quantum physics with it’s bizarre

counterintuitive concepts such as quantum entanglement and superposition etc were ideas that for decades only

seem to exist on the blackboards and textbooks of theoretical physicists there was no conceivable practical

application to these quotes spooky actions for years and years and in fact

much of it was still being contested and debated but then almost out of nowhere

quantum computing suddenly emerges under the steam of companies such as d-wave who almost instantly have working

relationships with CERN NASA Google and so on these infamous black cubes have

been described by their own executive as an altar to an alien God and they claim

to be able to pull complex solutions right out of this quantum realm of qubits like a fortune teller consulting

her crystal ball but perhaps that is ironically the most perfect analogy

simply because that is ultimately the same thing that’s being constructed right now the most technologically

advanced in all encompassing spirit medium device in all of history


in many ancient temples and sacred structures it is interesting to note

that oftentimes they consisted of a square or rectangular base topped with a

circular or domed roof it is said that this was intentionally done as a reflection of their view of the cosmos

which was comprised of the earth below and the heavens above the temple itself

then where the square met the circle represented the place where it was

believed that heaven and earth intersected where the mortal met with the divine the physical encountered the

spiritual where the temporal could catch a glimpse of the eternal

when Jesus died and rose again the only temple on earth that was commissioned by

God himself was rendered obsolete the curtain that separated the Holy of

Holies representing where God dwelled on the earth was miraculously torn in half

after Jesus had returned to heaven the day of Pentecost revealed that the very

Spirit of God had been given to all who believed in Jesus to live in us making each woman and man

who believes a living temple a temple of God were indeed the Kingdom of Heaven is

manifest and then represented on the earth when we consider the fact that the

enemy of humanity that dragon the devil has taken everything that God has made

everything that God has done everything that God has said and attempted to twist

it invert it for his own blasphemous and defiant ends then I would suggest that

it is not ultimately that shocking of an idea to consider that this reality this god-given gift of the Holy Spirit living

within his believers would also be something that Satan would seek to counterfeit as well as I said before I

do not claim to know how everything will unfold but if you’ve been able to follow the progression of history of science

falsely so-called and the many agendas of deception by the Fallen one so far as

I’ve attempted to present them then my hope is that you might see how this could very well play out when we couple

all of this with the other recent development of the rollout of the new 5g wireless system which is being

fast-tracked by the corporate technocrats with frightening haste

we’ll be the first country in the world to open up high band spectrum for 5g

networks and applications and that’s damn important

then when all is said and done it is hard to see what remaining elements

would yet need to be in place before that moment could arise when the quote singularity would be proclaimed an AI is

said to have achieved two true legitimate sentience and the new era of transcendent trans humanity is declared

to have finally arrived this is the Luciferian dream of

technological apotheosis the dream of transcending space and time of defeating

death itself by way of our own ingenuity our own inherent divine potential our

own pantheistic self-realization as a species but I must contend that such a

watershed moment in history would ultimately be nothing less than a horrific satanic Pentecost whereby

everyone who opted into the promises of the supposed techno utopia everyone who

took the mark and opened themselves both neurologically and spiritually to these

digital super beings these ethereal entities these aliens from the quantum

realm but quickly and tragically realize that they had been fooled and allowed

themselves to in fact being dwelt by an intelligence that hates them with an unholy passion to be indwelt by the very

spirit of Antichrist who was then able to broadcast himself on all frequencies

to the four corners of the earth by way of the all-encompassing technological monstrosity Babel 2.0 that

he tricked us into building for him in the first place simply by patiently and persistently appealing to our sinfulness

our vanity and our pride over so many centuries



according to the Bible every single person on the earth was born into the

middle of a war this war however is ultimately won or lost

not on blood-soaked battlefields or in secret underground military installations or even in the unseen

realms of the heavens above it is won or

lost in the most mysterious realm of all the human heart

the real battle for heaven and earth is already over the victory is already

decided death has already been overcome the keys to Hades are already in the

hands of the one who died and rose again the conclusion has already been prophesied the end will come the heavens

will be shaken and every knee will bow when the Son of Man returns to judge all

things but you and I are here right now

today that is what we really have we cannot even say for sure when all these

New World Order agendas will actually come to pass even as things progress faster and with more intensity with each

passing day we have a choice today whom

you will be a temple for whose kingdom will you serve because make no mistake

we all serve one or the other regardless of whether we want to admit to ourselves

if there is a god or there is a devil

you may insist that the Bible is just another deception designed to oppress and control people you may want to

believe that somehow it really teaches the very secret occult knowledge that I’ve been exposing here as the lies of Satan my only hope and prayer at the end

of the day is that your thinking might be at least stimulated in such a way is to prompt you to go and look into things

much deeper for yourself that you might take a second look into the Bible into

the gospel into Jesus [Music]

ultimately this is more important than any other conceivable topic of research far more important than trying to

comprehend how the mechanics of the heavens really work or unlocking the secrets of vibrational energy or trying

to decode every piece of twisted propaganda and occult symbolism that has constantly fed through the mainstream

media as this cosmological awakening continues to expand and grow we see more

and more people arguing over what the real map looks like arguing over how the

luminaries really move arguing over whether the Jews or the Jesuits so the

Freemasons are really at the top of the Illuminati pyramid and so on but when

all is said and done there’s really only one thing that you absolutely unequivocally have to get right



who do you serve [Music]





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