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WORLD UPSIDE DOWN | Full Documentary (2020)

World Upside Down

A Biblical Earth Documentary 2020. 

World Upside Down, a biblical earth documentary 2020. This documentary will show you the shape and structure of God’s earth according to the King James Bible.

Video Credit: Pillar of Truth Christian Church, located in Long Island, NY.

Similar biblical documentaries from 2019 and 2020 do not show the depth and knowledge of God’s word, as this documentary will show you. World Upside Down will expand your mind, and help you to understand the real truth about God’s earth from the bible.

We pray you will watch this entire biblical earth documentary of 2020 which has been in the making since 2019, to grow in your knowledge of God’s creation, and to learn how the heliocentric model of the universe cannot fit with God’s word.

World Upside Down describes the true shape of the earth, the movement of the sun moon and stars, their location in the firmament, and where God is located. Please share this with as many people as you can.

we are told that the earth is a sphere we are told that the circumference of
that sphere is twenty four thousand nine hundred and one miles
[Music] we are told that this sphere is rotating at a speed of over one thousand miles
per hour this is ten times faster than a
professional baseball player’s fastball faster than the speed of a bullet shot
out of a handgun faster than the speed of sound
[Music] we are told that this sphere while rotating at this speed
is also orbiting the sun at over 66 000 miles per hour
this is the equivalent of traveling from london to beijing in five minutes flat
we are told that our solar system is rotating through the milky way galaxy
at a speed of 483 000 miles per hour
we are told that our galaxy is traveling through the universe at 1.3 million miles per hour
[Music] and yet here we are still
stationary motionless questions begin to arise why is it that
we see the same stars in the sky every night why is it that we can see
distant objects that should have dipped below the horizon why is it
that no matter how high we go the horizon is always flat why
is it that we feel nothing the truth can be found in one place and
one place only and that is the bible today we’ll be taking a tour through god’s
holy word to determine if we truly are on a fast-paced ball
hurtling through a chaotic universe or if there is another reality
one far more believable
in the world we live in today we are told that the universe originated with an event known as the big bang
according to this theory everything that has ever existed was originally condensed into a single
small point then that concentrated point exploded
shooting all matter into every direction thus giving birth to what is known as
the universe the bible however tells a completely different story
in the book of genesis we are given the account of creation this is the record of how god created
the earth genesis 1 verse 1 says in the beginning
god created the heaven and the earth according to this verse the earth is the result of god creating
it not the result of a giant explosion but perhaps the theory of the big bang
in the biblical account of creation are not contradictory perhaps god used the big bang to create
the earth this idea becomes impossible after examining the sequence of the days of
creation god created the earth on the first day god did not create the sun
moon and stars until the fourth day therefore there could not have been an
explosion propelling all stars into every direction simply because
stars did not exist yet there are other details in the theory of the big bang
that do not line up with the bible first the big bang supposedly took place 13.8
billion years ago the bible however says that god created everything that
exists approximately six thousand years ago secondly
the big bang theory says that the universe is constantly expanding becoming bigger and bigger every day
the bible however says god finished creating the heavens on the sixth day
genesis 2 verse 1 says thus the heavens and the earth were finished
and all the hosts of them if the universe is currently expanding
that means that it is not finished the big bang is simply an attempt to
explain the world we live in today without including god in the equation
there was simply a small point of matter that then exploded the bible however
tells us that this is impossible hebrews 11 verse 3 says through faith we understand that
the worlds were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear
if the world is incorrect on how the earth was created perhaps it is also wrong on what
the earth is as well let’s continue to investigate the creation account to get
a better idea of what god actually created
we are told by the world today that the earth is a sphere this sphere is commonly referred to as
the globe this lesson is taught in nearly every classroom all across the world
but let’s take a closer look at the creation story to see if this truly is what god created
genesis 1 verses 1 and 2 say in the beginning god created the heaven
and the earth and the earth was without form and void in darkness was upon the face of the
deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters
so in the beginning the earth was purely water now the question we need to ask ourselves is this
is this body of water in the shape of a sphere or is it resting flat think back to any
time you’ve seen a body of water in your life it could have been a small body of water
such as a glass or a puddle or it could have been a larger body of
water such as a lake or an ocean whenever you witness these bodies of
water did you ever notice the surface of the water curve of course not the surface of the water
no matter how large or small always rested flat
this is because bodies of water always seek to reach and maintain their level
this is important to understand because the earth was originally completely water with the understanding
that bodies of water do not curve this rules out the possibility of this being
a spherical body of water it is safe to assume that this is a flat resting body of
water just like every other body of water that has ever existed
in order to create a place within this water for mankind to live god had to create a space for open air
genesis 1 verses 6 and 7 say and god said let there be a firmament in
the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters and god made the firmament
and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament
and it was so so what god did was god created the firmament a large
solid structure similar to a dome that separated the water that was above it
from the water that was below it we can tell that the firmament is a solid structure
because it is supporting the waters which are above it neither a gas nor a liquid could do that
only a solid genesis 1 verses 9 and 10 say and god said
let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear and it was
so and god called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters
called he sees and god saw that it was good here we see the body of water underneath
the firmament being gathered together into seas giving space for the dry land to appear on which man
and animals could live genesis 1 verse 8 says and god called the
firmament heaven and the evening in the morning were the second day here we learned that another name for
the firmament is heaven this is because the bible uses the word heaven to describe three
separate things the bible says in second corinthians 12 verse 2
i knew a man in christ above 14 years ago whether in the body i cannot tell or
whether out of the body i cannot tell god knoweth such in one caught up to the third
heaven this verse tells us that there are three separate heavens in the bible the first
heaven is the sky the place in which birds fly an example
of the bible using the word heaven to refer to the sky is revelation 19 verse 17
and i saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the fowls that fly in the
midst of heaven come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great god
we know that this verse is referring to the sky because that’s the only height birds can
reach in addition the word heaven in the bible can refer to the place where god
currently resides above the firmament this is what the bible calls the third heaven an example of the bible
using the word heaven in this way is matthew 5 verse 16.
the bible says let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and
glorify your father which is in heaven and lastly the word heaven can refer to
the firmament itself the solid dome which encapsulates the world we live in today
this is what the bible calls the second heaven the reader has to be able to distinguish from the
context which heaven the bible is referring to let’s look at an example
of when the bible uses the word heaven to refer to the firmament approximately
sixteen hundred years after god created the earth the number of men and women had multiplied greatly
unfortunately however mankind had become exceedingly wicked
genesis 6 verse 5 says and god saw that the wickedness of man was great
in the earth in that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually
consequently god decided to destroy the vast majority of mankind saving
just a handful of people and the lord said i will destroy man whom i have
created from the face of the earth both man and beast in the creeping thing
in the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that i have made them in order to
destroy mankind god decided to use the means of a worldwide flood
genesis 6 17 says and behold i even i
do bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh wherein is the breath of life
from under heaven and everything that is in the earth shall die
if you remember from genesis chapter 1 the purpose of the firmament was to divide the waters above it from
the waters that were below it so what god did was god opened windows
in the firmament allowing the water which was above it to flow down into the earth
genesis 7 verse 11 says in the 600th year of noah’s life in the
second month the 17th day of the month the same day were all the fountains of the great deep
broken up and the windows of heaven were opened
we know that this heaven is referring to the firmament because you can’t make windows in an
open space you can only make windows in something solid such as a wall eventually
so much of this water poured down through the firmament that even the mountains were submerged
genesis 7 verse 19 and 20 say in the waters prevailed exceedingly upon
the earth and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered fifteen cubits upward did
the waters prevail and the mountains were covered a good way to picture it is this
imagine drilling holes in the top of a snow globe and filling it with water that is what
god did to the earth the flood would have been impossible on
a spherical earth because you cannot flood a ball much less a ball spinning at 66 000
miles per hour centripetal force would have flung the waters into every direction after god had
successfully wiped out the majority of mankind god closed the windows in the firmament
causing the water flow to cease genesis 8 verse 2 says the fountains
also of the deep in the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained
notice that in this verse the windows of heaven and the rain are identified as two
separate things this is because the windows of heaven are not a poetic way of describing
rainfall they are literally windows in the firmament which is above us
this is not the only time that the firmament is mentioned being opened in the bible
first the firmament was opened at jesus’s baptism
luke 3 verses 21 and 22 say now when all the people were baptized it
came to pass that jesus also being baptized and praying the heaven was opened and the holy ghost
descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven
which said thou art my beloved son in thee i am well pleased in this verse
the firmament is being opened and the holy ghost descends through that opening
second the firmament was opened at the stoning of stephen
acts 7 verses 55 and 56 say but he being full of the holy ghost
looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of god in jesus standing on the right hand of
god and said behold i see the heavens opened in the son of man standing on the right
hand of god in this verse right before stephen dies
he looks up through the firmament into heaven and seized jesus standing on the right
hand of god third the firmament was opened in the
apostle john’s vision while on the island of patmos
revelation 4 verse 1 says after this i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven
and the first voice which i heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said
come up hither and i will show thee things which must be hereafter we know that this heaven is
referring to the firmament because you cannot make a door in open air you can only make a door in
something solid such as the firmament and fourth the firmament opens right before the
battle of armageddon and i saw heaven opened and behold a
white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and
make war notice that in this verse after the firmament opens
jesus comes down through it on a white horse this is because on the opposite side of
the firmament is god’s throne ezekiel 1 verse 26 says and above the
firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne as the appearance of a sapphire stone
and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it
so here we learn that above the firmament is god’s throne this is why the bible says in isaiah 40
22 it is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof are as
grasshoppers that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain and spreadeth them out as a tent
to dwell in according to this verse god has stretched out the firmament
as a tent for the world to dwell in and he is sitting on top of that tent
and when he looks down from that vantage point we all look like grasshoppers in addition
notice that the bible says that god is sitting upon the circle of the earth and not the
sphere this is because the earth is shaped as a circle a circle is a two-dimensional object and
a sphere is a three-dimensional object if god meant to say
that he sat upon the sphere of the earth he could have used the word sphere or he could have used the word ball
which he used a few chapters earlier instead god purposely used the word circle
because that’s what the earth is a circle this relationship between the
earth the firmament in god’s throne can be most clearly seen in revelation chapter 6. in this chapter
the bible describes the second coming of christ revelation 6 verses 14 through 16
say in the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and island were moved
out of their places in the kings of the earth in the great men and the rich men
in the chief captains in the mighty men in every bond man and every free man hid
themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall
on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb in these
verses the firmament is being rolled together similar to how a scroll would be rolled together
allowing the inhabitants of the earth to see god sitting above them on his throne in the old testament
one of israel’s prophets named elijah is taken by god into heaven by a chariot
of fire the bible says in second kings 2 verse 11
and it came to pass as they went on and talked that behold there appeared a chariot of
fire and horses of fire and parted them both asunder and elijah went up by a whirlwind into
heaven if there was an infinite amount of space all around us this verse wouldn’t make sense elijah
would quickly die due to lack of oxygen this verse only makes sense if heaven is located
directly above us the same is true of when jesus ascended into heaven
acts 1 verse 9 says and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a
cloud received him out of their sight the reason jesus ascended up is because
that’s where heaven is up one group of people in the bible
actually tried to build a tower that reached all the way to heaven this attempt is known as the tower of
babel and they said go to let us build us a city in a tower whose top may reach unto
heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth while
their efforts may have been futile it nevertheless shows that they understood
that heaven was directly above them and they even thought that they could
potentially reach it you may be wondering if the firmament really is above
us then what about rockets that i’ve seen being launched into space
have you ever noticed that after rockets launch they don’t go straight up
they fly horizontal to the ground why would they do that if they really were trying to reach
something such as space they would fly straight up the reason they fly horizontal to the ground
is because if they flew straight up they would crash into an enormous ceiling and what about
satellites are those real have you ever noticed that satellite dishes don’t span across
the sky throughout the day they point a single fixed direction
this is because satellites are not receiving signals from an object orbiting around our earth they
are receiving signals from a radio tower several miles away if heaven is on the
other side of the firmament then that means there is no such thing as space
there is just the sky the firmament and then god’s throne
this is important to understand because many people struggle with the idea of a flat earth because
they picture a giant disc soaring through the universe similar to a frisbee
flying through the air this perception is flawed due to an underlying faulty assumption
and that assumption is this that space actually exists
unfortunately it does not and if space does not exist the question must be asked where exactly
are the sun moon and stars
we are told by the world today that the nearest star outside of our solar system is 4.4
light years away this means that the near star is 24.94
trillion miles away one of the fastest jets in the world is
the lockheed sr-71 blackbird with a top recorded speed of 2000 2071 miles per
hour if stars truly are that far away it would take the blackbird 1.4
billion years to reach the nearest star according to the bible however stars are
much much closer genesis 1 verses 14 and 15 say and god said
let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night
and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years and let them be for lights in the
firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so
notice that god placed the lights within the firmament and not outside of it this
tells us that the stars are located in the sky directly above us have you ever noticed
that we see the same stars such as the north star in the same constellations
such as the little dipper every night this is because we are not traveling through a chaotic
ever expanding universe if we were we would see different stars every night
instead we are on a stationary ground and god has placed a set number of stars
directly above us their distance away can be measured in miles
and not in light years the world also says that stars are enormous balls of
gas millions and millions of times larger than our earth
according to the bible however stars are much much smaller one way to prove this
is because sometimes in the bible stars actually fall from heaven onto the earth
one example is matthew 24 29 immediately after the tribulation of
those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light
and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heaven shall be
shaken another example is revelation 6 13
and the stars of heaven fell onto the earth even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is
shaken of a mighty wind this is possible because stars are not
enormous balls of gas ready to implode rather they are small lights which
god has placed within the firmament this is why a star was able to guide the
wise men to the location of jesus matthew 2 verse 9 says
when they had heard the king they departed and lo the star which they saw in the east went
before them till it came and stood over where the young child was
the reason the star was able to move over the town of bethlehem is because the star is a small body of
light which god has placed within the firmament if stars were trillions and trillions of
light years away they would not be able to rest over a single town
when it comes to the moon we are told that it is a solid object something we can land on the bible
however says that the moon is something totally different genesis 1 verse 16 says and god made two
great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night
he made the stars also according to this verse the moon is a light of its own
have you ever noticed that sometimes you can see the blue sky behind the moon this is because the moon
is not a solid object it is a light that shines fully at times and partially
at other times this is why the bible says in mark 13 24 but in those days
after that tribulation the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light
notice the bible does not say that the moon will not reflect the sun’s light
it says that it won’t give her light this is because the moon emits its own light first corinthians 15 verse
41 says there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon
notice that the sun and moon have different glories if the moon was a reflector of the sun
the sun and moon would have the same glories this may be confusing because the world
teaches us that the gravity of the moon is what causes the tides the truth is however that gravity does
not exist we are told that gravity is the reason the oceans stay to the ground
if this were true we would all be cemented to the surface of the earth birds would
not be able to fly balloons would not be able to float we
would not even be able to lift a finger the reason things drop to the
ground is due to density not gravity objects continue to fall
until they come in contact with something denser than itself you may be wondering then what does
cause the tides the answer is magnetism one of the characteristics of water is
that it is diamagnetic you may be wondering what does diamagnetic mean
the word diamagnetic means that it is something that repels a magnetic field
here’s a brief video showing water being repelled by a magnet is water
a attracted by magnet b repelled by a magnet or c completely non-magnetic
most of you will answer c and you wouldn’t be wrong after all in everyday life you’d notice
nothing unusual about water and magnetism but interestingly enough the correct answer is b
water is actually slightly repelled by a magnet this antimagnetic property is called
diamagnetism however the effect is extremely weak
that’s why most people don’t know it’s there to see it we need to build an extremely sensitive detector
luckily this is brutally simple just get a basin of water and put into it a styrofoam block
it’s going to move around a lot but this is actually a good thing the styrofoam floats and because it’s so
light even the smallest force will push it around so try and build this away from drafts in moving air and be careful that your
own breathing doesn’t disrupt it the water helps to dampen any stray motion
now get a test tube and fill it with water and push it into the center of the styrofoam this is the water we’re actually going
to measure not the water in the basin now steady it and when it’s still get a
strong neodymium magnet and hold it as close as possible to the tube without touching it
oops i hit it there let me uh steady it okay let me try again slowly but surely
it’s moving away from the magnet it’s an extremely weak effect but it’s happening
so how does the diamagnetic property of water come into play with the tides
the sun and moon act as a battery in the sky the sun having a positive charge in the
moon having a negative charge the sun’s positive charge repels the water at low tide in the
moon’s negative charge attracts the water at high tide this is why there is a constant rate of
waves being thrown up on the seashore the opposing forces of the sun and moon
cause the ocean to be in a constant state of tumult and as for the images which nasa has
produced they have all been created through photoshop here is a testimony from
robert simmon a nasa cgi and photoshop designer admitting that the images of the globe
are artificially created
then in 2002 blue marble 2.0 nasa’s rob simmon made this and it had
wide appeal too for example it ended up as the default background on the iphone i didn’t even know until i bought an
iphone um and turned it on and kind of did a little happy dance simmons job is it’s primarily taking
data and making pictures out of it that’s what this is a composite of data sets from several different instruments
translated into a picture the to us the really cool thing was the data set up until that point there was no
realistic color map of the globe anywhere so the land layer here comes from the
moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer aboard terra and the tricky part here was the weather
so we actually had to take clouds out they stashed the clouds for later went on to the ocean that came from an
instrument that measures phytoplankton in the sea where it was low i colored it dark blue because they’re
low mostly in mid oceans and then where it’s a little bit higher it was like a little bit brighter green then add the clouds back in there’s a
small problem with it because there’s a very slight gap in between each orbit
so some of those are painted on it is photoshopped but it’s it’s has to be then there was another
layer to sort of simulate the atmosphere and then there’s this little bright spot it’s called the specular highlight so
it’s the reflection of sunlight off of water those are the pieces but you can’t just slap them all together just didn’t
look realistic it looks kind of flat or the clouds are sort of too see-through so i just hit command-z a lot there’s
artistry to creating the world what i imagine it to be um unfortunately
i’m not an astronaut i’ve never been to space but i’ve looked at these images over and over again
trying to sort of get the essence of it
have you ever noticed that when you look out of an airplane window you seem to be on the same field as the
sun have you ever noticed that sometimes you can see clouds
behind the sun have you ever noticed that the sun’s rays disperse from a
single point in the sky this is because the sun is not located 92 million miles
away it’s actually much much closer
the bible says in psalm 19 verses 1 through 4 the heavens declare the glory of god and
the firmament showeth his handiwork day and today uttereth speech in night
unto night showeth knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard
their line has gone out throughout all the earth in their words to the end of the world
in them hath he set a tabernacle for the son according to these verses the firmament
is a tabernacle for the sun a tabernacle is a tent-like structure
and god has placed the sun within that tent revelation 16 verses 7 and 8 say
and i heard another out of the altar say even so lord god almighty true and
righteous are thy judgments and the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun
and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire notice that this angel which is located
in heaven is pouring his vile upon the sun this is because the sun is located below
heaven beneath the firmament the world also tells us
that the earth orbits the sun this is impossible because the sun was created three days
after the earth there was an earth before there was ever a sun to orbit psalm 19
verses 4 through 6 say their line has gone out through all the earth in their words to the end of the world
in them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun which is as a bridegroom coming out of
his chamber and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race his going forth is from the end of
heaven and his circuit unto the ends of it and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof according to this
verse the sun has a circuit or circular route within the firmament a good way to
picture it is this imagine hanging a light bulb in the middle of a room
then imagine swinging that light bulb so that it goes in circles
that’s what the sun is doing above the earth it takes approximately 24 hours
for the sun to make a full circuit over the earth thus making a full day the light from
the sun covers approximately one half of the earth while the light from the moon covers the other half when the sun rises
in the morning that means that the sun is traveling towards us at noon the sun is directly above us
and in the evening the sun is traveling away from us this is why we feel no movement when we
go outside it is because the earth is not moving it’s the lights above us that move
this circular pattern can be most clearly seen by taking a time lapse of the night sky
you can see the star’s circular pattern over the course of time the circuit of the sun also has a large
impact on the weather here is a recording of the weather on a flat earth
you can see how the course of the sun directly impacts the weather in its wake
the fact that the sun and moon move and not the earth can be most clearly seen in the book of
joshua in this book the israelites have entered into the promised land
and are fighting against the inhabitants of the land with the help of the lord the battle is
going well for israel and victory seems sure their commander joshua desires more sunlight so that
israel can fully vanquish their foes consequently joshua prays for the sun
and moon to stop moving joshua 10 verses 12 and 13 say
then spake joshua to the lord in the day when the lord delivered up the amorites before the children of israel and he
said in the sight of israel son stand thou still upon gibeon and
thou moon in the valley of ashland and the sun stood still and the moon stayed until the people had
avenged themselves upon their enemies is not this written in the book of jasher so the sun
stood still in the midst of heaven and hastened not to go down about a whole day notice that joshua
told the sun and moon to stand still not the earth this is because the earth
does not move the sun and moon and stars do this is why the bible says in habakkuk 3
verse 11 the sun and moon stood still in their habitation at the light of thine arrows they went
and at the shining of thy glittering spear in order for the sun and moon to stand
still they must have been moving previously this is not the only time
god caused the sun to stray from its normal circular pattern in the book of isaiah the king of israel
named hezekiah is sick and on the verge of death hezekiah prays to god asking the lord to
heal him god agrees to heal hezekiah and gives him a sign to know that he will fulfill
his promise isaiah 38 verses 7 and 8 say
and this shall be a sign unto thee from the lord that the lord will do this thing that he hath spoken
behold i will bring again the shadow of the degrees which has gone down in the sundial of
ahaz 10 degrees backward so the sun returned 10 degrees by which degrees it was gone
down notice that it is the sun that returns 10 degrees
not the rotation of the earth this is because the earth does not rotate
it is the sun that travels in a circular pattern above the earth one of the most
beautiful verses that disproves the idea that the earth is rotating around the sun
is revelation 8 verse 12. this verse says and the fourth angel sounded and the
third part of the sun was smitten in the third part of the moon in the third part of the stars
so as the third part of them was darkened and the days show not for a third part of it
and the night likewise in this verse an angel darkens one third of the sun
moon and stars and the result is that one third of the day is darkened we are told that it takes
approximately 365 days for the earth to fully orbit the sun
if this were the case if god were to darken one-third of the sun the earth would be in complete darkness
for approximately 122 days out of the year and have daylight for
approximately 243 days of the year the effect would impact the earth on an
annual level not a daily level on a flat earth
however revelation 8 verse 12 fits perfectly the sun does a full circuit over the
surface of the earth every 24 hours if god darkened one third
of the sun in one third of the moon there would be eight hours of darkness every day and eight hours of darkness
every night just like the bible said
according to the world we live in today the earth is currently rotating at a speed of over 1 000 miles
per hour according to the bible however the earth
is not moving at all first chronicles 16 verse 30 says fear before him
all the earth the world also shall be stable that it be not moved psalm 93 verse 1
the lord reigneth he is clothed with majesty the lord is clothed with
strength wherewith he hath girded himself the world also established that it cannot be moved
psalm 96 verse 10 say among the heathen that the lord reigneth the world also
shall be established that it shall not be moved he shall judge the people righteously
this is why airplane pilots are able to land their plane without difficulty the runway is not
moving at 1 000 miles per hour beneath them the runway is standing still
the reason the earth does not move is because it is built upon a foundation job 38 verse 4
says where wast thou when i laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou has
understanding jeremiah 31 37.
thus saith the lord if heaven above can be measured in the foundations of the earth searched
out beneath i will also cast off all the seed of israel for all that they have done saith the
lord psalm 104 verse 5 who laid the foundations of the
earth that it should not be removed forever this is why the bible says in job 26
verse 4 he stretcheth out the north over the empty place and hangeth the earth upon nothing
the reason the earth is hanging upon nothing is because it is resting upon a foundation
in what lies within that foundation the answer is hell
amos 9 verse 2 says though they dig into hell then shall my hand take them though they
climb up to heaven fence will i bring them down job 11
verse 8 it is as high as heaven what can’t thou do deeper than hell what can’t thou know
proverbs 15 24 the way of life is above to the wise
that he may depart from hell beneath in fact in the bible a group of rebels
against god were actually swallowed up by the earth and fell into hell
alive and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up and their houses
and all the men that appertained undecorah and all their goods they and all that
appertained to them went down alive into the pit in the earth closed upon them
and they perished from among the congregation the bible tells us that jesus after
dying on the cross for our sins spent three days and three nights in hell
acts 2 31 says he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of christ that
his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption
when speaking about jesus descent into hell the bible says now that he ascended what is it but that
he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth
according to this verse hell is in the lower parts of the earth you may be wondering how does the fact
that hell is below the ground prove that the earth is flat the answer is because one of the names
for hell in the bible is the bottomless pit an example of such a verse is revelation
20 verse 1 and i saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit in
a great chain in his hand if hell were in the center of a spherical earth
hell could not be a bottomless pit if you went far enough down you would eventually reach the
other side of the earth but on a flat earth a bottomless pit would make perfect sense
the world tells us that the earth is a sphere with a diameter of nearly 8 000
miles if the earth truly is a sphere this size then that means that objects
should drop lower and lower in our vision the farther they travel away from us
due to the curvature of the earth the formula to calculate the drop in height
is eight inches multiplied by the number of miles away the object is
squared this formula tells you how far distant objects should have dropped
on a spherical earth for example if something were 10 miles away that
means it should have dropped 800 inches or approximately 67 feet
the only problem with this formula is that things don’t drop the farther and farther they
go they remain at the same height for example this is a picture of the
chicago skyline this picture was taken from 52 miles
away according to the formula the chicago skyline should
have dropped over 1 800 feet the tallest tower in chicago is the
willis tower rising over 1 451
feet therefore even the tallest tower in chicago should be completely
out of view from where this photo was taken proofs that the earth is flat exist all
around us sailors who can see lighthouses from miles out at sea
airplane pilots who can see mountain ranges from several states away
beachgoers who can see distant ships approaching this same concept the ability to see
distant objects even exists within the bible in the book of daniel we are told about
a tree in king nebuchadnezzar’s dream a tree so tall you can see the ends of the earth from
the top of it daniel 4 verse 11 says the tree grew
and was strong in the height thereof reached unto heaven in the sight thereof to the end of all
the earth on a globe this would be impossible because the curvature of the earth would
hide the ends of the earth but on a flat earth such a view would be
possible a similar instance is when satan tempts jesus in the wilderness
matthew 4 verse 8 says again the devil taketh them up into an
exceeding high mountain and show them all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them
on a globe no matter how high the mountain was it would be impossible to see all the
kingdoms but on a flat earth it would be possible
and there are other verses that only make sense on a flat earth for example in revelation 1 verse 7
when speaking about the second coming of christ the bible says behold he cometh with clouds and every
eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because
of him even so amen according to this verse
when jesus returns every single person on earth will see him coming in the clouds this
would be impossible on a globe because the curvature of the earth would hide christ’s coming from more
than half the world a certain hemisphere would be facing the wrong direction
and while many would argue that they will see jesus coming on a television set the fact remains that a significant
portion of the world does not have access to television the only way that every eye would be
able to see jesus is if the surface of the earth is flat
this is why airplane pilots when traveling long distances do not need to dip their nose except
when landing they simply need to ensure that the plane is traveling straight
this is because they are traveling over a flat surface this is why surveyors when designing
large architectural blueprints for things such as bridges railroad tracks and highways do not
include any allowance for the curvature of the earth in their calculations they operate under the assumption that
they are going to build their structure on a flat surface in addition the bible
often uses terms to describe the earth that can only apply to a flat surface
for example genesis 1 verse 29 says and god said behold i have given you
every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth
notice the bible says the face of all the earth face being singular a flat surface
has one face otherwise known as a side a sphere however has four faces
each facing a different direction in addition the bible often says that the earth has
ends for example in job 28 24 the bible says for he looketh to the
ends of the earth and seeth under the whole heaven psalm 67
verse 7 god shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him
spheres do not have ends if you were to try and find one you would go around and around forever a
flat earth however does have ends you may be wondering
if the earth does have ends then what are they and that brings us to the final
component of our flat earth model and that is the ice wall
if you’ve ever heard of flat earth before you’ve probably wondered what’s at the end the answer is a giant
shelf of ice you may know this shelf of ice by a different name and that is antarctica
the world tells us that antarctica is a continent the only continent that has never been
inhabited by mankind this idea however contradicts with the
bible genesis 11 verse 8 says so the lord
scattered them abroad from fence upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the city according to this
verse after the progress of the tower of babel was stopped god caused mankind to be scattered
throughout the whole earth this means that every single continent has been inhabited
antarctica however has never been inhabited the reason antarctica has never been
inhabited is because antarctica is not a continent it is a giant shelf
of ice that compasses the face of the whole earth proverbs 8 verse 27 says when he
prepared the heavens i was there when he set a compass upon the face of the depth
job 26 verse 10 says he hath compassed the waters with bounds
until the day and night come to an end notice the bible uses the word compassed
to compass something means to circle it this is because the earth is a circle
the majority of that circle is water and what is keeping that water in
the answer is a giant shelf of ice one of the most creative descriptions of
this ice wall can be found in job 38 verse 14. the bible says that it may take hold of
the ends of the earth that the wicked might be shaken out of it it is turned as clay to the seal
and they stand as a garment when a seal is used to press down a stamp it leaves a raised circle around
the edges this is similar to how the ice wall looks in relation to the earth
it compasses the whole face of the earth as a raised edge
so we have completed our model of the earth we have the firmament a glass-like dome
overarching the face of the earth above the firmament we have heaven where god’s throne is
below the firmament we have a circle covered by land and sea
within the firmament we have sun moon and stars traveling in a circular pattern below
the ground we have the foundations of the earth and within that foundation is hell and around the perimeter we have
a giant ice wall holding in the oceans this matches both with what we can gather with our
senses and with what we read in the bible and now
after having gone through all this the question must be asked
where in the bible does it say that the earth is a globe
where in the bible does it say the earth is rotating on an
axis [Music] where in the bible does it say the earth
is orbiting the sun where in the bible does it say that we
are traveling through a galaxy [Music] where in the bible does it say that
space even exists the fact is that it doesn’t there isn’t a single
verse in the entire bible that even hints that the earth is a sphere
it is simply an illusion perpetuated by the media
and now the last question of all and that is why
why does the shape of the earth matter why does it matter if the earth is flat
or sphere why not just leave the whole issue alone
the answer is because many people do not believe in god because of a lie that science has told
them [Music] satan is cunning and no lie that he
devises is without purpose or harm
and the globe is no exception the last thing satan wants mankind to think about
is god he wants them to get lost in the chaos and confusion
of this life and not give a single thought to their creator
the idea of an infinite universe fits perfectly with this plan [Music]
in the heliocentric model earth is nothing one of many planets in one of a million
solar systems in one of a million galaxies in an innumerable number of universes we’re
just a dot in an infinite sea of darkness
but in the biblical model the earth and more specifically mankind is god’s greatest work of art
something he took time and pleasure in creating and he sits immediately above it looking
down on everything that takes place within his creation [Music]
isaiah 45 verse 18 says for thus saith the lord that created the
heavens god himself that formed the earth and made it he hath established it he created it not
in vain he formed it to be inhabited i am the lord and there is none else satan does not
want man to know that his creator is above them satan wants us to think that god does
not exist and if satan can’t convince us of that he wants us to think
that god is millions of light years away in a distant universe that we will never
reach in the farther away he is physically the farther he will become mentally
how many christians would feel a greater sense of comfort if they knew that their god was right
above them [Music] how many atheists would reconsider if
they knew that science had told them a lie how many people would get saved if they
realized that hell was waiting right underneath their feet [Music]
the majority of people christians and non-christians alike will continue to mock the idea of a flat
earth esteeming it nothing more than a caveman’s theory
but the truth is that god created the flat earth and not man and those that mock the flat
earth do not mock man but their creator
but those who understand the truth and cherish it will reap the benefits of a deepened
relationship with their savior and creator [Music]
so our message to every christian who has been disheartened by the shame laughter and ridicule
associated with the flat earth is this [Music] do not be discouraged the earth is
undoubtedly flat [Music] be thankful that god has allowed you to
see the truth [Music] and remember that god is sitting above
us and he knows who stands for the truth and who opposes it
thank you for watching we pray this documentary has been a blessing to you
if we don’t see you on this side of the firmament we’ll see you on the other god bless

American Moon: Best Hoax Documentary Massimo Mazzucco

American Moon: Massimo Mazzucco

Has man really been to the moon? It’s been 50 years, and the debate rages on. For the firs time, a film compiles in a single piece of work, all the best evidence in favor of the moon landings and the evidence contrary to them. For the first time we can also analyze the Apollo pictures in detail, with the aid of some among the top photographers in the world. What was the Apollo project really? The biggest achievement in the history of mankind, or the biggest fakery of all times, watched on live television by more than half a billion people?


frogchris998 • 3 months ago
what a fantastic docu!
Not the first.. or the most original.. but probably the best assembly of all relevant info on why nobody has ever been to the moon.

TitusVolturcius frogchris998 • 2 months ago
Great documentary indeed. But they didn´t see the most convincing piece of evidence: that Buzz Aldrin was replaced with an actor. If you compare the old and new pictures and videos you can see that the supposed Aldrin is today SHORTER than the real Aldrin, he has a DIFFERENT VOICE TYPE, he has more HAIR today than 50 years ago, his CHIN and his NOSE are different. It´s amazing that most haven´t noticed this yet.

Mulysses TitusVolturcius • 22 days ago
I was thinking about how crazily different he looks and how much shorter he is now when I was watching it!

TitusVolturcius Mulysses • 21 days ago
spread the word, bro. It’s very important

Sasha82 • 5 months ago
A great collection of all the items that don’t add up.

TitusVolturcius Sasha82 • 2 months ago
But they didn´t see the most convincing piece of evidence: that Buzz Aldrin was replaced with an actor. If you compare the old and new pictures and videos you can see that the supposed Aldrin is today SHORTER than the real Aldrin, he has a DIFFERENT VOICE TYPE, he has more HAIR today than 50 years ago, his CHIN and his NOSE are different. It´s amazing that most haven´t noticed this yet.

Uncle Timo TitusVolturcius • 24 days ago
“supposed Aldrin is today SHORTER than the real Aldrin, he has a DIFFERENT VOICE TYPE”

happens to old people

Sasha82 TitusVolturcius • 2 months ago
Wow, is that right? Now that you mention it, I did pick up on him looking a little different. Do you have a video or link showing this?

TitusVolturcius Sasha82 • 2 months ago…

Titus Volturcius Sasha82 • 2 months ago
I have videos on my Bit Chute channel. And on youtube:…
But I don´t know if you can watch them because they made them invisible

Cosmic Toolbox • 13 days ago
So is the Myth Busters program extremely incompetent at busting myths, or just another corporate media propaganda show full of shit?

Phone7018 • 2 months ago
Kinda long at 3.5 hours but its very complete

Phone7018 • 2 months ago
Great documentary very well made

Bavo Dekker • 14 days ago
Why has the “Apollo Moon” no color? Why was (and still today) the surface of the Apollo Moon always presented as monochrome, black & white like cement with never any color shades? But colors are clearly seen on other solar-bodies like Io, Phobos, Mercury, Mars in our Solar system? Also here on Earth, the deserts all are loaded with different combinations of colorful minerals. The obviously (color) censored Japanese Lunar Orbiter SELENE (2007) shows a similarly colorless fake looking black & white ‘Apollo Moon’ in contrast to the sudden appearance of the vivid ‘Blue Marble’ over the horizon during its orbits, exactly matching the old Apollo’s Ektachrome color film pictures showing the same colorless lunar landscape. And now the Chinese Moon pictures are color censored too, behind the scenes they all comply to the 1969 Apollo Moon color standards. Could this be one of the reasons NASA can’t go ‘back’ and then be forced by 21century technology to expose the Apollo Hoax, this time showing a colorful moon surface with a starry sky above? NASA is its own worst enemy blocking progress since 1973 “unable to remove one of truth protective layers”, and refuse to come clean after 50 years, but sadly the deception is still continuing with the NASA Mars Rovers. NASA wants us to believe that it’s possible to land safely on the Red Planet by parachute in a near-vacuum with a pressure ranging from 0.0044 psi to 0.087 psi in the Mars atmosphere! This also proves that the sky on Mars is not red or blue but black.

Cosmic Toolbox Bavo Dekker • 8 days ago
I’ve had those Mars questions I’m undecided. A camera pointed straight
up should see black but at an angle there is much more atmosphere to
diffuses light. Why they havent taken a vertical picture I’m unsure of. NASA claims their giant parachute only slows it some.
Either retro rockets or airbags were needed. The dust storms
photographed by landers would require much thicker atmosphere also.
Those of the electric universe theory believe these are electrical
discharges. I still lean towards the Mars probes being real but I have
an open mind.

Soft_Dystopia • 24 days ago
When all this information stacks up it becomes very convincing.

kati7 • 20 days ago • edited
Hard to believe our governments anything these days, lies everywhere, but then there are also lots deceptions/diversions so i wont believe both sides and just stay neutral or even better ignore this topic.
Still sure upvoted cause its more plausible then the NASA/gov version.

Bak • 20 days ago
Great documentary, the best I have seen yet on the Apollo hoax. 3 and a half hours well spent.

Math & Physics • a month ago
I skipped through, did they bother to cover the thermodynamics of a BLACK BODY IN SPACE?

Rich • 13 days ago
Fk all you down voting idiots… Do some fkn research!!!! https://www.skyandtelescope…

Rich • 23 days ago
Only one problem with all of this…. You can buy a telescope now with which you can see the landing sites… So there’s that…

Bak Rich • 20 days ago
Have you ever seen any landing site with a telescope? NASA has some really good telescopes but I am not aware of any pictures they have that show the landing sites photographed through a telescope.

Rich Bak • 13 days ago
I’ll just leave this here.. https://www.skyandtelescope…

Cosmic Toolbox Rich • 11 days ago
That’s nothing. NASA has been doctoring and smudging out their own photos for years. A few blips supposedly by one of their own orbiters that cannot be corroborated. Means nothing. You originally said with the telescopes WE have these days. WE have no way to verify. This movie reveals them doctoring the timing of their conversations. So they can’t photoshop a shiney spot? Paleeease! Why don’t you address any of the 3 1/2 hrs of evidence.

Cosmic Toolbox Rich • 10 days ago
@Rich Was just rewatching and the spots that are supposedly proof in your skyandtelescope link are even addressed in this movie, making me wonder if you even watched the movie

VeganCaramel Rich • 22 days ago
No you can’t.
Do you actually believe that or were just hoping everyone would be too lazy to check into it?

Additionally, I have no doubt that people will eventually be able to see the landing sites some day using some form of technology because NASA is, and always has been, planning to reconstruct the studio sets on the Moon at some point.
As this documentary points out, NASA didn’t want the Lunar X Prize teams to go near the landing sites because they have not yet had a chance to reconstruct the studio sets.

Cosmic Toolbox VeganCaramel • 13 days ago
There are many that think there has been a secret space program for a long time that is responsible for some of the ufo’s we see in the sky. If so I’m sure they would have reconstructed the scene by now. some think Kennedy suspected it and thought this his proposal might force it out in the open. If so it didn’t

Cosmic Toolbox Rich • 13 days ago
There is one telescope that could- the Hubble. And users of it are forbidden to point it at the moon.

Rich Cosmic Toolbox • 13 days ago
ya ok… https://www.skyandtelescope…


What Is the Real Secret of the Georgia Guidestones?


Flat, or Stationary Earth Points At The Georgia Guidestones.

1. The Guidestones were purposely designed to track the sun’s east-west migration year-round.

2. During an equinox or solstice, those who stand at the west side of a “mail slot” carved into the Guidestones can see the sunrise over the horizon.

3. The four outer stones are positioned to mark the limits of the 18.6 year lunar declination cycle.

4. An eye-level hole drilled into the center stone permits viewers to locate the North Star.

5. A small hole drilled through the capstone serves as a sundial.
At noon every day, a reading of where the sunbeam hits the center column allows one to pinpoint the exact day of the year.

Click Here to drop down 27 of the most bizarre and interesting facts about the Georgia Guidestones.

1. The Georgia Guidestones are almost twice as tall as Stonehenge.

2. Nearly a quarter-million pounds of granite was used to make them.

3. The stones have 10 messages inscribed on them. They read:


4. These ten “messages” are written on the Guidestones in eight different languages. Those languages are English, Swahili, Russian, Spanish, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic, and Chinese.

5. No one knows who paid for their construction. As the story goes, an elegant, well-spoken, well-dressed, and grey-haired man who identified himself only as “R. C. Christian” appeared at a granite company in nearby Elberton, GA one day requesting a quote on the project. Figuring he was some “nut,” the granite specialist purposely claimed a ridiculous price, figuring Mr. “Christian” would balk. Instead, Mr. Christian agreed to the price.

6. Some people suspect the Rosicrucian Order financed the project.
Since “Rose Cross Christian,” AKA “Christian Rosenkreuz,” was the founder of the mystical society the Rosicrucian Order, many suspect that the Rosicrucians were financed the building of the Georgia Guidestones.

7. Others suspect that Ted Turner financed the project. Since Ted Turner of CNN fame is located a mere 100 miles away in Atlanta, and since many of his stated globalist goals reflect the Message of the Georgia Guidestones, it has also been suggested that he is the mystery patron behind the giant granite slabs.

8. The project’s builders’ had to sign a legal agreement never to reveal the identity of the financiers. They also swore to destroy all legal papers regarding the Guidestones’ construction once the project was finished.

9. The “Message of the Georgia Guidestones” seems to call for at least 90% of the Earth’s population to be wiped out. The passage about maintaining humanity at a population of a half-billion or less would require a massive dying-off of humanity the likes of which we’ve never seen. This is what has led many conspiracy theorists to allege that whoever financed the Guidestones, they are in cahoots with an evil New World Order project to extensively depopulate the planet.

10. Yoko Ono called the Guidestones “a stirring call to rational freedom.”
Apparently The Beatles widow is fine with seeing 6.5 billion humans wiped out.

11. The stones were defaced with graffiti in 2008. The spray-painted message was DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

12. About that “New World Order” thing… Whoever paid an astronomical sum to build a giant set of tombstones calling for massive depopulation, a single world language, and a World Court definitely didn’t see a use for national borders.

13. The Guidestones were designed to withstand catastrophic events. Events such as, oh, a World War that wiped out 6.5 billion people. As the world lay in ashes, somewhere R.C. Christian and his cohorts could take a little comfort that at least their giant creepy tombstone was still standing way out in rural Georgia.

14. Some claim they are Satanic in origin. This includes right-wing pundit Mark Dice, who claims they are of “a deep Satanic origin” and that R. C. Christian was a member of “a Luciferian secret society” with ties to the “New World Order.” Others have referred to the ten messages inscribed on the Guidestones as “The Ten Commandments of the Antichrist.”

15. Others claim they were intended to be seen by the survivors of a nuclear war.
Since the Georgia Guidestones were built in 1979, at the height of the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union that many thought would inevitably result in a nuclear apocalypse, writers such as Brad Meltzer suggests that the Guidestones were meant to be seen by that war’s survivors, at which point the world’s population would already be below a half-billion.

16. A mysterious “Time Capsule” is allegedly buried nearby. A tablet erected near the Guidestones claims that a time capsule is buried beneath the tablet, although there is no proof the capsule really exists and no suggestion of what is written on it.

17. R. C. Christian presented builders with a shoebox containing a wooden model of the monument along with 10 pages of extremely detailed specifications. Many of the specifications involved using the Guidestones as an astronomical guide, as explained in the next few items.

18. The Guidestones were purposely designed to track the sun’s east-west migration year-round.

19. During an equinox or solstice, those who stand at the west side of a “mail slot” carved into the Guidestones can see the sunrise over the horizon.

20. The four outer stones are positioned to mark the limits of the 18.6 year lunar declination cycle.

21. An eye-level hole drilled into the center stone permits viewers to locate the North Star.

22. A small hole drilled through the capstone serves as a sundial.
At noon every day, a reading of where the sunbeam hits the center column allows one to pinpoint the exact day of the year.

23. R. C. Christian and his cohorts allowed the landowners full cattle grazing rights. In a small gesture of generosity, the mysterious backers of the Georgia Guidestones still permitted the owners of the land on which they were built to allow their cattle to graze on it for their entire natural lives—or until a nuclear war that wipes out 90% of the world’s population, whichever comes first.

24. In his film Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement, Alex Jones claims the Guidestones represent a genocidal depopulation program sponsored by the world’s financial elites.

25. The Georgia Guidestones have been called “America’s Most Mysterious Monument.”

26. In 2009, a man stole a 6-inch cube of granite from the top of one of the Guidestones. Four years later, police arrested William Jeremy Ellis in the middle of the night as he was trying to replace the cube of granite he’d stolen. He explained to police that he “didn’t want that weight anymore.”

27. A tablet in front of the monument declares “LET THESE BE GUIDESTONES TO AN AGE OF REASON.” It’s kind of hard to be reasonable when you’re talking about wiping out 90% of the planet’s inhabitants, though?

The Best Flat Earth Documentary Eric Dubay

The following 6-hour documentary is currently the most complete and comprehensive presentation of the Flat Earth truth available to date. Narrated by Eric Dubay, this videobook covers the majority of his best-selling “The Flat Earth Conspiracy,” book and is guaranteed to awaken even the sleepiest sheeple to the global deception. Please like, subscribe, comment and share to help get this most important documentary out to the masses!