Eric Dubay The Greatest Lie of All Time
Eric Dubay The Greatest Lie of All Time
WORLD UPSIDE DOWN | Full Documentary (2020)
World Upside Down
A Biblical Earth Documentary 2020.
World Upside Down, a biblical earth documentary 2020. This documentary will show you the shape and structure of God’s earth according to the King James Bible.
Video Credit: Pillar of Truth Christian Church, located in Long Island, NY.
Similar biblical documentaries from 2019 and 2020 do not show the depth and knowledge of God’s word, as this documentary will show you. World Upside Down will expand your mind, and help you to understand the real truth about God’s earth from the bible.
We pray you will watch this entire biblical earth documentary of 2020 which has been in the making since 2019, to grow in your knowledge of God’s creation, and to learn how the heliocentric model of the universe cannot fit with God’s word.
World Upside Down describes the true shape of the earth, the movement of the sun moon and stars, their location in the firmament, and where God is located. Please share this with as many people as you can.
The Greatest Deception – 2019 Documentary
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”. The globe is the biggest lie, ever told, and ever believed. Time is running out for the globe during the information age, so stop defending their lies and wake the fuck up!
Flat Earth Origins: The Michelson Morley Experiments & Einstein “The Earth Mover”
Flat Earth Origins: The Michelson Morley Experiments & Einstein “The Earth Mover”
Scientific Proof of FE ~ The Michelson Morley Experiments
These experiments were so spot on convincing and repeatable, that Einstein was invented as a rebuttal and an answer.
These experiments have NEVER been disproved – 130 years later.
Einstein’s THEORY has never been proven – it remains only a mishmash of mathematical goulash.
Transcript of Flat Earth Origins: The Michelson Morley Experiments & Einstein "The Earth Mover"
moving around the sun as michaelson himself described the results of his experiment
this conclusion directly contradicts the explanation which presupposes that the earth moves
but since his colleagues including albert einstein were die-hard copernicans who didn’t want to believe that
michelson had discovered a motionless earth they proposed his experimental apparatus was distorted by earth’s motion through
space and thus michelson’s apparatus only made it appear as if the earth wasn’t moving
in scientific parlance we call this the fallacy of petitio principia that is using his proof a moving earth
the very thing one is trying to prove a moving earth let me explain
the first light beam was pointed westward because it was the presumed direction of the earth’s movement around the sun
the second light beam was pointed northward and thus away from the direction of the presumed moving earth the first
light beam should have been affected by earth’s movement through space if the earth is moving around the sun at
an accepted speed of 66 000 miles per hour if so the first beam would have traveled
slower than the second beam of light but that didn’t happen both light beams
traveled at nearly the same speed according to michelson the first beam traveled only about 1
6 of the speed needed if the earth was moving around the sun the conclusion as
michelson notes above should have been that the earth isn’t moving around the sun
other prominent physicists have noted the same truth there was just one alternative the earth’s true velocity through space
might happen to have been nil physicist arthur eddington
the data of the michelson-morley test were almost unbelievable there was
only one other possible conclusion to draw that the earth was at rest bernard jaffe
thus failure of the michelson-morley experiment to observe different speeds
of light at different times of the year suggested that the earth must be at rest and it was therefore the preferred frame
for measuring absolute motion in space yet we have known since galileo that the
earth is not the center of the universe why should it be at rest in space adolf
baker the easiest explanation was that the earth was fixed in the ether and that
everything else in the universe moved with respect to the earth and the ether such an idea was not considered
seriously since it would mean in effect that our earth occupied the omnipotent position in the universe
with all the other heavenly bodies paying homage by moving around it james
coleman the michelson-morley experiment confronted scientists with an embarrassing alternative
on one hand they could scrap the ether theory which had explained so many things about electricity magnetism and
light or if they insisted on retaining the ether they had to abandon the still more
venerable copernican theory that the earth is in motion too many physicists it seemed almost
easier to believe that the earth stood still then that waves light waves electromagnetic waves
could exist without a medium to sustain them it was a serious dilemma and one that
split scientific thought for a quarter of a century many new hypotheses were advanced and rejected
the experiment was tried again by morley and by others with the same conclusion the apparent
velocity of the earth through the ether was zero
lincoln barnett forward by albert einstein what happened when the experiment was
done in 1887 there was never never in any orientation
at any time of the year any shift in the interference pattern none no shift no fringe shift nothing
what’s the implication here was an experiment that was done to measure the speed of the earth’s motion through the
ether this was an experiment that was 10 times more sensitive than it needed to be
it could have detected speeds as low as 2 miles per second instead of the knowing 20 miles per
second that the earth moves on its orbital motion around the sun it
didn’t detect it what’s the conclusion from the michelson-marley experiment the implication is that the earth is not
moving richard wolfson michelson and marley found shifts in the interference fringes
but they were very much smaller than the size of the effect expected from the known orbital motion of the earth
john d norton this no result was one of the greatest puzzles of physics at the
end of the 19th century one possibility was that velocity would be zero
and no fringe shift would be expected but this implies that the earth is somehow a preferred object only with respect to
the earth with the speed of light bc as predicted by maxwell’s equations
this is tantamount to assuming that the earth is the central body of the universe
douglas c giancolai but the die hard copernicans of that day
were not about to accept the prima facie results of michelson’s experiment they knew the catastrophic scientific
cultural and religious implications if it was experimentally shown that the earth is
fixed in space in a word the whole world would have been turned upside down literally and figuratively
pressured to provide a scientific answer to the world they searched for a way to make it appear that the first light beam did indeed
provide 6 6 of the speed required for an earth moving around the sun
to do so they thought up an ingenious but devious explanation as noted above
they claimed the earth’s movement around the sun contracted the metal enclosure
in which the first light beam traveled if the length of the housing was
contracted then the first light beam does not need to travel as far as when the housing is not contracted
this would account for why the speed of the two light beams did not differ much with this contrived
explanation they proposed to the world that the contraction of michelson’s apparatus
was the reason the earth appeared to be motionless in effect if someone said to them you
claim the earth is moving but you admit you cannot detect that movement by any experiment
they would retort well we can’t detect it because every time we try to do so
the length of the experimental apparatus shrinks just enough to conceal the movement
which makes it impossible to measure the earth’s movement again we see the fallacy of petitio
principii in play from start to finish the whole enterprise was ad hoc
lead contraction wasn’t even contemplated previously much less was it an established fact of
science but in this emergency situation length contraction was invented on the spot
so that the science establishment would have at least some hypothetical answer as to why michelson’s experiment showed
the earth was motionless everyone could breathe a sigh of relief the irony
as of this date is that no one has ever detected a length contraction in a moving object
in fact modern physicists can’t even agree on what length contraction is
or how it would be manifested since they insist the earth is moving
around the sun yet cannot detect it moving nevertheless they needed some physical and
mathematical way of accounting for it since there’s obviously a difference between motion and non-motion
so length contraction became their convenient scapegoat this is the essence of the special
relativity theory that einstein invented in 1905 it was invented solely to answer
michelson’s experiment as einstein himself said
to the question whether or not the motion of the earth in space can be made perceptible in terrestrial experiments
we have already remarked that all attempts of this nature led to a negative result before the
theory of relativity was put forward it was difficult to become reconciled by
this negative results whereas in 1892 hendrick lawrence had
hypothesized that the ether of space was what caused the contraction einstein decided to dispense with ether
and attribute the cause to relative motion in effect lawrence at least proposed a
physical cause for his claims of length contraction but einstein never explained how
relative motion could shrink objects hence during his
day various philosophers accused him of violating the principle of cause and effect
so whatever the cause of the contraction in order to give the ad hoc theory some semblance of credibility
the required amount for the metal enclosure to contract was put into a mathematical equation
called the lawrence transform it has become the most famous and most
used equation in modern physics essentially whatever tests disagree with their belief that the earth was moving
around the sun could now be mathematically transformed into their desired result
as well as give the semblance of being scientific but the transform of linked required
another transform since they contracted the length they also had to dilate the time
since if a moving object has its length contracted it is not going to get from point a to
point b in the same time as when it is not contracted to increase the time of travel
they use the same transform equation as above but since they are increasing instead of decreasing they turn the
multiplier into a divider to get the following equation of course
just as there is no proof that length contracts there is no proof that time dilates they just need it to make everything
appear to balance if they are going to insist that the earth is moving around the sun when the empirical evidence says that
it’s not it’s easy for them they just put up a theory and represented by a mathematical equation
to erase any discrepancies the experiment shows against our theory
the transforms are not over they must also add mass increase since if a moving object has
its length contracted then it will have a larger mass per unit volume when it gets to point b
so to make the mass larger they use the same exact transform equation as for time dilation
often in the debate over the relevance of michelson’s experiment the issue of inertial frames presents itself
an inertial frame is one in which an object is at rest or is moving in uniform motion and not
accelerating or decelerating if the earth is moving around the sun it is a non-inertial frame
since it is accelerating in physics all objects that move in a circle are considered accelerating
even though they go the same speed as such one is hampered when doing experiments
on earth due to the effects of acceleration on the apparatus so in order to make
michelson’s experiment valid that is one that takes place in an inertial frame a relativist will create the
inertial frame by the above transform equations once again it is easy to see the fallacy of petitio
principia at work in their thinking for those who accept the prima facie results of michelson’s experiment
that the earth is not moving the earth is already shown to be an inertial frame
because it is at an absolute rest thus there is no need to create inertial frames for the earth and thus
no need to use a transform equation incidentally we
should note one more important facet of michelson’s experiment before we move on we saw above that the experiment showed
only one-sixth of what was required for an earth moving around the sun this one-sixth is important for another
reason it showed that space was composed of something substantive [Music]
the name given to it by lawrence maxwell and all other scientists was ether
no one knew precisely what it was composed of but they correctly deducted that space cannot be
nothing since metaphysically nothing cannot exist space must be something composed of
something physical although like air we cannot see it because it is invisible
it doesn’t matter what you call it the fact is it must exist quantum mechanics has suggested that
either’s basic component is planck particles which are 20 orders of magnitude smaller than the electron
another type of ether may be the electron positron dipole particle which was discovered in 1932 by carl
anderson in any case the substance of space which we call ether
is detected in michelson’s 1881 and 1887 experiments as well as 1897 experiment with an above
ground apparatus since light moves so fast it can serve to measure the effect on something as
small as ether particles his interferometer was so accurate it
could measure 100 times more than it was required to measure as such microsoft’s interferometer
didn’t measure enough ether to match an earth moving at 66 000 miles per hour around the sun
but it did measure a little ether otherwise his results would not have shown 1 6
but 0 6 of ether presence michelson noted the small presence on his 1887 paper
the actual displacement was certainly less than the 20th part of this
and probably less than the 40th part but since the displacement is proportional
to the square of the velocity the relative velocity of earth and ether is probably less than one-sixth of the
earth’s orbital velocity and certainly less than one-fourth this was not good for einstein he countedly
admitted that if any ether was detected even a little bit his theory of special relativity
would automatically be falsified this was noted in einstein’s statement to sir hubert samuel in jerusalem
if michaelson morley is wrong then relativity is wrong in other words einstein was forced
to assume that because michelson did not find enough ether for an earth revolving around the sun
then michael’s son couldn’t have found any ether but if this conclusion of einsteins was
wrong then his whole relativity theory would be falsified automatically since even a little ether would act as
an absolute frame and thus nullify relativity noted physicist charles lane poor of
columbia university reiterated the problem the michaels and morley experiment forms
the basis of the relativity theory einstein calls it decisive if it should develop that there is a measurable ether
drift then the entire fabric of the relativity theory would collapse like a house of cards
so einstein was banking on the hope that since michelson did not detect the required amount of ether for the earth
moving around the sun he can conclude that the ether simply didn’t exist hence the detection of one-sixth of the
required ether was thus conveniently chalked up to experimental air
the facts show otherwise however every interferometer experiment
performed from michelson in 1881 to juice in 1930 which is
50 years of the same results from a dozen different experimenters detected one-sixth to one-tenth
einstein was so bothered by this fact that he hired what can be called a scientific hitman
robert shankland to seek to discredit the experiments especially the most comprehensive
interferometer experiments performed by dayton miller between 1908
and 1921 but at this point in time the 1910s and 1920s the world was only
too happy to accept einstein’s series and reject anyone who challenged him after all einstein was the earth mover he made the
earth move around the sun and thus saved mankind from having to admit the popular science had misled the
world for over 500 years for the geocentrist the only thing left
to answer is from where did one-sixth of ether originate the simple answer is since the universe
with its ether is rotating around a fixed earth some of that ether spilled into
michelson’s 1887 inferometer when he was trying to detect if the earth was moving around the sun
this is confirmed by the fact that michelson did another experiment in 1925 in order to measure the ether movement
for the daily rotation between space and earth in that experiment he found 6 6 of the
required ether for a daily rotation hence it is logical to assume that the 160 found in 1887
came from the same ether he later detected in his 1925 experiment since the ether in his 1887 experiment
hit the interferometer orthogonally instead of linearly it would only pick up 1 6 of the total
ether in space you will often hear modern devotees of einstein claim that he invented special
relativity as an answer to maxwell’s equations of electrodynamics they do this because they don’t want to
admit that einstein invented special relativity for the express purpose of making it appear the earth was moving
around the sun they want to make it appear that einstein invented special relativity out of the pure motives
and an independent thought process the truth is far different einstein himself admits the only reason
he invented special relativity was due to michaelson’s discovery he writes in 1922. soon i came to the
conclusion that our idea about the motion of the earth with respect to the ether is incorrect if we admit michaelson’s no result as a
fact this was the first path which led me to the theory of special relativity
be that as it may the reason the relativist wants to intrude on maxwell’s electrodynamic theory is because as it
stands electromagnetism doesn’t show any characteristics of being relative maxwell’s experiments from 1865 show us
that the effect of an electric coil moving over a stationary magnet is different than a magnet moving over a stationary
electric coil and maxwell appropriately represented these different reactions by two different equations
maxwell’s experiment and his two equations actually four equations altogether but with two main equations thus show
that space and the reactions that occur in it are absolute not relative since it distinguishes
between the two different effects of the electric coil and the magnet respectively since a relativist does not like
anything absolute einstein sought to make maxwell’s experiment relative just as he tried to
make michelson’s experiment relative to do so he used the same transform equations that he had used to make it
appear the earth was moving as such the relativist can make it appear that any effect of electricity on
magnetism is the same as magnetism on electricity but in reality they are not the same
we still use maxwell’s equations today because they are correct but when the relativist uses them he
must invariably inject the transform equations in order to make maxwell’s two absolute reactions into einstein’s one relative
reaction without the transform equation maxwell’s findings are diametrically opposed to
einstein’s relativity theory not surprisingly einstein was well aware that maxwell’s findings
of the different reactions between an electric coil and a magnet are related to michelson’s unsuccessful
attempt to discover any motion of the earth in his famous 1905 paper
he seeks to make their respective absolute effects into relative effects he writes
it is known that maxwell’s electrodynamics as usually understood at the present time when applied to moving bodies leads to
asymmetries which do not appear to be inherent in the phenomena take for example the reciprocal
electrodynamic action of a magnet and a conductor the observable phenomena here depends
only on the relative motion of the conductor in the magnet whereas the customary view draws a sharp distinction between the two cases in
which ether one of the bodies are in motion for if the magnet is in motion and the
conductor is at rest then arises in the neighborhood of the magnet an electric field with a certain
definite energy producing a current at the place where parts of the conductor are situated but if the magnet is stationary and the
conductor is in motion no electric field arises in the neighborhood of the magnet in the conductor however we find an
electromotive force to which in itself there is no corresponding energy but which gives rise assuming equality
of relative emotion in the two cases discussed to electric currents of the same path
and intensity as those produced by the electric forces in the former case examples of this sort together with the
unsuccessful attempts to discover any motion of the earth relatively to the light medium suggests
that the phenomena of electrodynamics as well as of mechanics possess no properties corresponding to the idea of
absolute rest they suggest rather that as has already been shown to the first
order of small quantities the same laws of electrodynamics and optics will be valid for all frames of
reference for which the equations of mechanics hold good in other words since einstein firmly
believes that the earth is moving around the sun and yet he realizes that he must have an answer for all of the unsuccessful
attempts to discover any motion of the earth he proposes that the discrepancy can be
dealt with by one assuming as a fact that electrodynamics and mechanics did not
show states of absolute rest michelson did not show us a motionless earth and maxwell did not show us
the absolute state of electricity and magnetism and two we are thus obligated to change
what appeared to be absolute frames in michelson’s and maxwell’s experiments into relative
frames which is noted in his phrase all frames of reference in order to do so that is in order to
make all frames of reference to be valid einstein will use the transform equation
which appears on page 7 of his 1905 paper as follows this is the precise equation
used by lawrence to claim that the arm of michelson’s apparatus had shrunk with einstein
also adding time dilation the section of the paper where this transform equation appears
begins on page 5 with the title theory of the transformation of
coordinates and times from a stationary system to another system
in uniform motion of translation relativity to the former alas we don’t need to go
searching for it einstein tells us quite candidly what he is doing he is transforming space and time from a
stationary system a fixed earth to another system one of relativity
in fact the word transformation appears 24 times in this paper as he applies it to every phenomena from
time space motion electricity magnetism the doppler effect stellar aberration energy
of light ways electron acceleration to mass increase it becomes quintessential means to
relativize the whole universe and forever the banish the thought of a motionless earth
as we can see it is all done by mathematics there is not one iota of physical
empirical evidence to prove the theory in the relativist mind of course there is no need to prove their findings or to
justify their transform since everyone knows the earth is moving around the sun
and everything is moving and there is no object at rest unless the whole universe is relative
in effect whenever the experiments show an absolute result the relatives can wave his magic wand
and change it into a relative result this is the essence of special relativity theory that einstein invented
in 1905 that einstein believes the earth is moving but has no proof for it as noted
in his statement i have come to believe that the motion of the earth cannot be detected by any
optical experiment though the earth is revolving around the sun
einstein’s admission merely begs the question if one scientific basis he can’t detect
the earth moving how does he know the earth is moving the truth is he doesn’t know he just
assumes it to be so since that is what he has been taught since childhood in fact the transform
equation is then invoked to make it appear as if the earth is moving around the sun
but in reality the transform equation is just an equation that has no ability or authority to determine the issue
hence einstein would admit in 1938 the possibility of solving these
difficulties depends on the answer to the following question can we formulate physical laws so that
they are valid for all coordinate systems not only those moving uniformly but also
those moving quite arbitrarily relative to each other if this can be done our difficulties
will be over we shall then be able to apply the laws of nature to any coordinate system
the struggle so violent in the early days of science between the views of ptolemy and copernicus would then be
quite meaningless either coordinate system could be used with equal justification
the two sentences the sun is at rest and the earth moves or the sun moves and the earth is at
rest would quite simply mean two different conventions concerning two different coordinate systems
that is he will employ arbitrary coordinate systems to make the absolute state
a fixed earth until either coordinate system can be used a fixed earth or a moving earth all the
coordinate systems are created mathematically out of thin air by using the transform equation
if they didn’t use the transform equation then they would be stuck with only one coordinate system the one michelson
found in 1887 when the experimental evidence showed the earth wasn’t moving around the sun
if you ask a relativist for the scientific validity of using the transform equation he will
simply retort well the transform equation was proven to be valid when michelson did his experiment in 1887.
again the fallacy of petitio principia as readily apparent since he is using an
unproven fact an earth is moving around the sun as the basis for making the conclusion
that the earth is moving around the sun the cause of the fallacy as einstein admitted above when he said
though the earth is revolving around the sun is that they insist on using a moving
earth which they claim to know intuitively as the indisputable authority to interpret
michelson’s experiment consequently if one firmly believes the earth is moving but the experiments show
it is not moving then one’s interpretation of the experiment will force one to
find some way to make it appear that the earth is moving in effect any experiment that shows
the earth is not moving will be math magically transformed into a moving earth
by the transform equation the transform equation is like a magician waving his
wand over the experiments so that the system one does not prefer
is transformed into a system one does prefer many modern men certainly
do not prefer a fixed earth since a fixed earth would validate much
of the history and science prior to our modern age and would show modern man that he is not
the objective and non-prejudice icon of society that he has enjoyed for the last few
hundred years he is little more than a magician who has been feeding the world a steady diet of illusions
all in all the history of the michelson experiment show how a preconceived idea the earth moves around the sun is made
the sole determining factor of how modern scientist is going to interpret the results of any experiment
in order to hold on to his preconceived idea he will introduce mitigating factors onto the experimental
results and usually this is done by hypothetical concepts and fudged mathematics
the scientist thus convinces himself that because he can invent a mathematical equation that can transform
the empirical results he can keep his preconceived idea of how he thinks the universe must operate
in his mind the end justify the means because he knows the earth revolves
around the sun there is nothing that would make mankind happier than to keep believing that the
earth moves around the sun regardless of what the experiments show their god from on high albert einstein
showed them a magical way to avoid such a predicament and the world has accepted einstein as a god ever since
his transform equation has become the magic wand to turn a fixed earth absolute universe
into an earth-wandering relative universe as noted by einstein biographer
abraham pais put it a new man appears abruptly the suddenly famous dr einstein
he carries the message of a new order of the universe he is a new moses come down from the mountain to bring a new
law and a new joshua controlling the motion of the heavenly bodies the new man who appears at the time
represents order and power he becomes the theo saner the divine man
of the 20th century
The Best Flat Earth Documentary Eric Dubay
The following 6-hour documentary is currently the most complete and comprehensive presentation of the Flat Earth truth available to date. Narrated by Eric Dubay, this videobook covers the majority of his best-selling “The Flat Earth Conspiracy,” book and is guaranteed to awaken even the sleepiest sheeple to the global deception. Please like, subscribe, comment and share to help get this most important documentary out to the masses!