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The Best Flat Earth Documentary Eric Dubay

The following 6-hour documentary is currently the most complete and comprehensive presentation of the Flat Earth truth available to date. Narrated by Eric Dubay, this videobook covers the majority of his best-selling “The Flat Earth Conspiracy,” book and is guaranteed to awaken even the sleepiest sheeple to the global deception. Please like, subscribe, comment and share to help get this most important documentary out to the masses!

How the sun and moon work over the Flat Earth model

Rob Skiba

Published on Jan 26, 2017
This is a short segment from a much longer video I’m working on and it is being presented in response to the critics of my previous model showing the sun moving over the “circle of the Earth.” This video combats some of the usual arguments you hear against the idea of a smaller sun and moon moving over a flat Earth and how they “should” appear in the sky if it worked that way.
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The Sun and Moon on the Flat Earth

12 minute presentation about the sun and moon as luminaries. Flat Earth theory and the Flat Earth Model describe the sun and moon as near by and not hundreds of thousands or millions of miles away. Graphical representations and narration are all very clear. Watch, listen and learn the truth.

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