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One Shot at Redemption 2020 Documentary Hibbeler Productions

One Shot at Redemption 2020 Documentary Hibbeler Productions

We know they will hide this video, we know they will throw in annoying ads (even though we always click do NOT monetize) we know this video will reach a certain amount of views, and then freeze, and we know they will do all in their powers to hide the truth. Yet, it’s too late. The truth is out and spreading like the Government issued California wildfires. Sit back, relax, and watch Hibbeler Productions take One Shot at Redemption by shooting a truth bullet thru their fucking heads. God bless.

but do you think the earth is round or

flat we round round yeah it’s obvious

right no question no question at all

okay so how can you prove that to me

right now I can’t right now

I don’t know how I prove it to you right

now do you want me to pull out my phone

and show you stuff on the internet

because that’s what I can do just give

me like some facts here like some

statements that like proves that the

earth is round like without showing me

an image of the earth can you do that

off the top of my head no fruity rain

olives ground

I don’t know a good probably couldn’t

really I cannot prove that I just went

to school then they they say that to me

and suppose that’s real we’ve been told

that our whole life so I can look at a

tall ship sailing out over the water

eventually you’ll start to lose sight of

the bottom of the ship until the point

where all you can see is the very top of

the mast

together the curvature of the earth

curvature here



you show them how the math works for the

church or the earth


how you’re not going to be able to see

something once pass before a little rise

in via the curvature


you can see you can just tell by looking

that you conceded this is there is

natura curvature to the earth



what do we raise with razors of space

kids space space space space space space

me red flag red flag why do they want to

get kids with space so because I know

that’s when the indoctrination sets in

as kids

it started with the big bang and

everyone [ __ ] believes that zero

evidence no one knows anything about the

big bang theory but if you say you

believe in it you’re considered a smart

person you don’t know [ __ ] about it you

know nothing about out of nothing out of

nothing everything you just came about

and just exploded where’s the evidence

there’s no [ __ ] evidence of that it’s

magic so shut the [ __ ] up with this

[ __ ] Big Bang Theory magic you have

no evidence and you like cling on to it

zero evidence you didn’t even know that

a priest came up with that [ __ ] a priest

not a scientist a priest


it’s hard to find the truth being a

peasant because I don’t have access to

you know high-level technology we have

to figure it out for ourselves







I must say that Admiral Byrd our guest

tonight is not only our greatest living

Explorer but he’s been an inspiration to

countless Americans is there any

unexplored land left on this earth that

might appeal to adventurous young

Americans yes there is and not up around

the North Pole because it’s getting

crowded after that now because they find

out it’s really useable not only to live

in but militarily but strangely enough

that is left in the world today an area

is bigger the United States that’s never

been seen by a human being and it’s a I

think it’s quite astonishing that there

should be an area as big as that

unexplored but more important than that

it’s it has to do with the future of the

nation those to come after us or even

during your lifetime because it happens

to be an untouched reservoir of natural

resources and in the future I can see a

time when it will be very very important

we had at it nearly half a million

square miles

to the Pacific Ocean and here is a

Jennison at length we cited that great

natural phenomena the ice-barrier

as we started alongside the barrier with

our ships suddenly the edge

that too


that’s off-limits nothing it’s dangerous

that’s all you’ve got to know your





it’s not that we believe something

ridiculous and you don’t your you don’t

believe it it’s not about that it’s

about we actually don’t know what we’re

honor we always say that we don’t know

but based on all the [ __ ] that we got by

the mainstream we don’t believe that you

believe that when you realize nasty no

that’s to get nightly got nineteen point

three billion in taxpayers money this

year and all they have to do is enough

of a honey would to give us enough

photos and stories and hypnotizes and

and connect with that in a child in a

child in a child and so they saw these

Rockets up but they don’t really go

anywhere yeah if you watch the projector

II it’s never straight it’s never



sorry to tell you you started to tell

you already tell you the only thing

that’s been to space in space is your

imagination your imagination there is no

such thing as look at that they always

showed a little you know a little solar

panel on the side no you’re out of here

without real in and fart what is that

I’m not saying that what you’re looking

up in the sky isn’t there it’s there but

what they’re telling us it is is not




oh sure

all stars


why do you think that Truman has never

come close to discovering the true

nature of his world until now we accept

the reality of the world with which

we’re presented it’s as simple as that

it’s as simple as that it’s as simple as

that although the Sun is at all times

above and parallel to the Earth’s

surface he appears to ascend the

firmament from morning until noon and to

descend and sink below the horizon that

evening this arises from a simple and

everywhere visible law of perspective

barring these phenomena in mind it will

easily be seen how the Sun although

always parallel to the surface of the

earth must appear to ascend when

approaching and descend after leaving

the meridian or noonday position at a

certain point the line-of-sight to the

object in the apparently Uprising

surface of the earth upon or over which

it stands will converge to the angle

which constitutes the vanishing point or

the horizon beyond which it will be

invisible it is obvious to any child and

sovereign minded adult that the Sun Moon

stars and planets every light and the

sky above revolves around the motionless

earth beneath our feet


it is also plain to see that the Sun and

Moon are both approximately the same

size and situated relatively close to

Earth of the earth


not millions upon millions of miles away


some of the earliest high-altitude arrow

knots confirmed the flat earth in 1931

August 8 Picard reached an altitude of

50 1775 feet much higher than any plane

you’ve been on the card described the

earth as a flat disc with upturned edge

no you’ve never seen the curvature of

the earth from an airplane window

fortunately you don’t have to be a

death-defying arrow not to see what’s up

there what you’re seeing right now is a

video from 121 thousand feet I remember

when I first saw this I was just

dumbfounded because it didn’t match

anything that I’ve watched before

whenever you’re showing a picture of a

high-altitude balloon or even a high

flight you’re showing something phony

like this this isn’t once a while this

is the standard it turns out that these

so-called curvature photos and videos

were all shot with a fisheye or ultra

wide-angle lens to get this effect

that’s a fact

it’s a curvature illusion


for all of our lives were inundated with

supposed pictures from space

high-altitude balloons finally gave us a

vision of what the earth truly looks

like from high up here’s a great example

of the standard deception as you can see

by the bent rope the students photo here

was taken with the fisheye lens and then

the article falsely claimed it was the

curvature do you see the deception I’m

tired to try to [ __ ] wake people up

tired of that show [ __ ] these guys at

all I believe [ __ ] fish story why

would they long they could never pull

something like that off then that would

mean that everybody was in on in no way

didn’t say that I don’t see an end I

want to get those [ __ ] ah fool

these [ __ ] easily they’re mine


what about satellites did you know that

nASA has hundreds of these satellite

balloons up in the air right now

I never knew these nests so satellites

existed before Flat Earth have you seen

them Google and many other companies

have fleets of these balloons as well

look up Project loon the fact that NASA

and its subsidiaries hardly discussed

these so-called satellites was a huge

proof for me because it events as a a

deliberate effort to conceal the fact

that space satellites don’t exist the

whitewash of these balloons satellites

is evidence that they are lying about

space satellites these high-altitude

balloons can carry 8,000 pounds and

include telescope radar equipment

communications equipment internet etc

here’s one that almost killed some



finally look at these actual NASA videos

of satellites they are manifestly fake

look at this one imagine we live on the

flat [ __ ] world all this time we

thought we lived on a round planet huh

we have no [ __ ] evidence to believe

that we run around playing only but

people telling us but we really don’t

know where we came from who the [ __ ]

[ __ ] insane brain this got me going

to so many directions right there guys

there are so many facts that is flat I

mean think about it like think about it

like okay I guys you don’t even know how

do you know because did you know and I

don’t mean to say because I’m probably

gonna be shut down on it something so

all the astronauts are just actors actor

knots after knots after knots have you

ever looked away from Earth into the

black yeah so yeah as you can see the

stars oh yeah you know and pretty much

all the time you can see the star

there’s more than stars you can see

planets rising moons we were never able

to see stars from the lunar surface

I don’t recall during the period of time

that we were photographing the SONA

Karla what what stars we could see

remember singing can’t wait to see Chris

Hadfield tell him that my buddy thinks

he’s an actor go and see the others say

nice try but didn’t fool me a little

crass AG field has never been to space

what you’re telling me never

no one has no one has no world is is so

generous in its beauty and and you do

your best to take pictures of it it’s

just it’s just flat gorgeous to see you

choose four gorgeous the word is out the

cats out of the bag the elite cabal can

do anything in their power to keep the

truth hidden from the masses they can

blacklist YouTube channels like mine or

freeze channels like Hitler Productions

they can totally eliminate channels time

and time again like Eric Dubay they can

censor our videos that expose the

sinister agenda at play and make them

very difficult to find in the search

they can stifle our freedom of speech

even though speech control is a form of

mind control but one thing is for sure

it’s not to prevent the spreading of

propaganda but instead to silence any

and all truth that would render theirs

completely powerless they can do all of

these things but it’s too late too many

people are aware of what’s going on and

the truth is going to continue to spread

whether these satanic pedophiles like it

or not people will learn the truth about

the motionless plain that we live on the

people that already understand this

understand the impact of the ways in

which we are being deceived they tell us

that we’re an accident that we’re

basically advanced monkeys that live on

a tilting and wobbling ball that spins

at a thousand miles per hour while

orbiting the Sun at 66,000 miles per

hour and also flying through infinite

space at around a half a million miles

per hour

all the while this is supposedly

happening we have to worry about Earth

colliding with meteors and one day the

sun’s going to die out Plus in the

fossil centric model that were given the

existence of alien life becomes more

viable and that’s exactly what they want

if they try to pull off a fake alien

invasion most people are gonna fall for

it hook line and sinker these are all

the nonsensical lies meant to make you

feel hopeless like your life has no

meaning that couldn’t be further from

the truth

it’s time to wake up and make moves

people let’s do this

thanks for watching Hitler Productions

largest foolish fool of a they get angry

point out the truth about reality they

label you crazy just a glitch in the

system you’re a critical thinker I know

they don’t want that [ __ ] hip on the

finger I do it every single day each and

every thing I say not living like a

victim it doesn’t have to be this way

I just wanna


it’s way


The Greatest Deception 2019 Hibbeler Documentary

The Greatest Deception 2019 Hibbeler Documentary

“If you tell a lie, make it big, and then keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”. The globe is the biggest lie, ever told, and ever believed. Time is running out for the globe during the information age, so stop defending their lies and wake the fuck up!

The Matrix has ever
is all around us even now in this very
room you can see it when you look out
your window or when you turn on your
television you can feel it when you go
to work
when you go to church
when you pay your taxes
it is the world that has been pulled
over your eyes to blind you from the
truth you take the blue pill the story
ends you wake up in your bed and believe
whatever you want you take the red pill
you stay in Wonderland and I show you
how deep the rabbit-hole goes
remember all I’m offering is the truth
there’s 300 million people together
salmon this makes any sense
we need answers because it changed the
discussion there are not reasonable
questions delicious especially do you
think you they carefully keeping us
the barge
their earth is indisputably not around
is it possible if these guys are using
stage magic tricks look over here look
over here and is it possible that the
world that we’re living in it has been
miss described I definitely know that
the world were living in has been miss
described to us it oversimplified
including the solar system model it’s
been a vastly oversimplified it doesn’t
actually Accord itself to the very
accurate readings we can get today with
our technology right like – they never
predicted that it was going to come to
that’s not an eight-year-olds question
that’s my question
I want to know but I think I know
because we didn’t go there and and
that’s way it happened and and if it
didn’t happen it’s nice to know why it
didn’t happen so in the future if we
want to keep doing something we need to
know why something stopped in the past
that we wanted to keep it going and you
can see the real location of the camera
and the very bright and dear earth out
of the window ten or eleven years ago I
stated to various scientists that the
moon is not a piece of rock but it is a
plasma the Americans and Russians are
thinking of landing minerals
well that will never happen together
happen sometimes got something called a
lunar ways there are many videos showing
the moon just a mystery
there you’ve got a pee line under Canada
now you can buy and you can zoom in to
the moon it’s supposed to be by the way
two hundred twenty-eight thousand miles
away in deep black space if sometimes
translations you can see if you’re
really into it whether you believe I
went to the moon or not everybody
believes there’s the debate about it
right now if you really have an open
mind and we want to get to the bottom of
it let’s let’s have an open line let’s
get to the bottom of it and let’s let’s
take it to trial first thing we got to
do is examine the evidence and the
defendant the government says we
destroyed all the others I’d go to the
moon in a nanosecond the problem is we
don’t have the technology to do that
anymore we used to but we destroyed that
technology and it’s a painful process to
build it back again destroy the evidence
why would you destroy all that precious
evidence of the greatest achievement of
mankind these guys are [ __ ] they
destroy the evidence
okay it’s on now yeah it would be it
open it you want answers I think I’m
entitled you want the truth
when you look up at the Sun the moon you
see two equally sized equidistant
circles tracing similar paths at similar
speeds around us one stationary earth
rise up look at that grip cosmic light
and think about it that gets up in the
eastern horizon every morning in moves
across the sky with a kind of symphony
of motion and paint sets Technicolor
across the blue a life that man could
never make they had become so involved
in thinking about man’s progress they
forget to think about the need for God’s
power the experts claim your common
sense everyday experience is false on
all counts
to begin with they say the earth is not
flat but a big ball not stationary but
spinning around 19 miles per second they
say the Sun does not revolve around the
earth as it appears
the Earth revolves around the Sun
and the Sun is actually 400 times larger
than the moon and 400 times farther away
that’s right you can clearly see they’re
the same size and distance
you can see the earth is flat
you can feel the earth is stationary but
according to the Gospel of modern
astronomy the Earth spins 1038 miles per
hour under your feet and revolves 67,000
108 miles per hour around the Sun the
Prentice calculated the sun’s distance
from Earth to be three million three
hundred and ninety one thousand two
hundred miles the next century Johannes
Kepler decided it was actually 12
million three hundred and seventy six
thousand eight hundred miles away Isaac
Newton once said it matters not whether
we recommend 28 or fifty four million
miles distant for either would do just
as well no scientific science bachelors
were calculated between 81 and 82
million miles the moon is actually a
semi-transparent luminary and not the
solid spherical desert planet that NASA
would have us believe
in fact it is likely that both the Sun
are not densely physical at all in our
simply luminous flat discs able to pass
by or through one another during
eclipses the sudden luminaries revolve
around the earth once every 24 hours for
the Sun and approximately 25 hours for
the moon illuminating like spotlights
the areas over which they pass the sun’s
annual journey from topic to topic
solstice to solstice is what determines
the length and character of days nights
and seasons what can be more common than
the observation that standing at one end
of a long row of lampposts those nearest
to us seem to be the highest than those
farthest away the lowest as we move
along towards the opposite end of the
series those which we approach seem to
get higher and those we are leaving
behind appear to gradually become lower
it is an ordinary effect of perspective
for an object to appear lower and lower
as the observer goes farther and farther
away from it
let anyone try the experiment the
apparently uprising surface of the earth
upon or over which it stands will
converge to the angle which constitutes
the vanishing point or the horizon
beyond which it will be invisible Helio
centrists would have you believe the
very opposite of what every human who
has ever walked the earth is seen with
their own eyes it is obvious to any
child and suffering minded adult that
the Sun Moon stars and planets every
light in the sky above revolves around
the motionless earth beneath our feet it
is also plain to see that the Sun the
moon are both approximately the same
size and situated relatively close to
Earth not four hundred times divergent
and millions of our millions of miles
away to abandon your senses and everyday
experience in favor of such unfounded
science fiction fantasies is a fallacy
of appeal to Authority so extreme that
it leaves the brainwashed believer
impotent to trust his own natural
instincts and forever thereafter changed
to the fantastical explanations of
astronomical charlatans
Timon ya ever wonder what those
sparkling dogs are of their public I
don’t wonder
I know Oh what are they a fireflies
fireflies to their cut stuck up in that
big bluish black thing oh gee I always
thought they were balls of gas burning
billions of miles away
pretty damn Philippines is maybe tonight
the my chance my let me know all the
oh sure all the stars oh sure all the
start a bull
all stars
to stay fixed in their constellation
night after night year after year
century after century never changing
their relative positions if earth was
truly a tilted waffling spinning space
ball as NASA and modern astronomy
the star patterns would never look the
same two nights in a row let alone be
fixed in exactly the same constellations
for thousands upon thousands of
I want to talk about Flat Earth and I
noticed things like when you search it
in a search engine all you get is
misinformation you don’t even get real
critical thought on it well I saw the
blanket censorship which tells me
there’s truth to it tells me that
they’re panicking they’re in panic mode
and they don’t want us to have real
tangible information more importantly
they don’t want you to think critically
about it see we’re in the Information
Age and this is what the tactic is this
is why Logan Paul just did a video on
Flat Earth
it’s why Shane Dawson just did a series
of videos it’s to discredit the real
truth truth
it tells me that there’s something here
that they don’t want you to know it
tells me that mainstream science NASA
more importantly our government powers
are panicking so they’re hiring through
the same companies at the own because
there’s only six companies by the way
if it’s a wild conspiracy theory why do
they need to discredit it if it’s a wild
conspiracy theory and it isn’t the truth
and no one’s gonna believe it because
they’re smart enough to think on their
own why do they need to discredit it why
do they need any of these same people
keep keep in mind Logan Paul that Disney
is the parent company I’m pretty sure he
gets a check from Walt Disney why would
they then put out these misinformation
campaigns I mean ask yourself these
logical questions I think we know the
answer and I think we know the reason is
it possible that we’re living in that
Truman Show today we’re living on the
flat earth with the dome the firmament
as we start to look around us we start
to wake up our eyes open maybe that
third eye opens we start to understand a
wow this isn’t what I thought it was
maybe instead of being a worthless blob
of goo that came from nothing and then
developing into eights that were doing
and eyeing and then eating bananas like
a bunch of idiots maybe instead of that
we actually are the center of the
universe maybe we are special in fact
maybe there is unbelievable evidence of
creation but the government has decided
to hide that from you why why is there
so much misinformation why is there a
giant disinformation campaign going on
right now when it comes to things like
Flat Earth
are my eyes lying to me or can I trust
what I’m actually saying but Christopher
the earth is a globe I was told that
when I was 1 years old they said look
this is a globe isn’t it interesting
it’s one of the first things you’re
actually taught the earth isn’t flat
it’s a globe even though for hundreds
and hundreds if not thousands of years
they thought that the earth was flat
obba crystal we have all these images of
outer space that show that the earth is
a sphere really where do the images come
from NASA oh you mean the same NASA that
is our government our secretive
breakaway government that housing them
back to the moon since the 1960’s that
NASA have you ever seen it with your own
how come milk none of the electronics
account for curvature of the earth and
you’re flying a plane
none of the engineering of bridges and
train tracks buildings all kinds of
infrastructure that goes for miles and
hundreds and maybe thousands of miles
none of it accounts for in its actual
engineering blueprints for the curvature
of the earth I mean if I was building a
giant bridge of hundreds of miles what
did I have to account for the curve
where’s it possible there’s not a curve
and that we’ve been lied to for a reason
everybody in this room was taught the
story of how Columbus went before Queen
Isabella Spain and he was going to prove
to her that the world was the blow
so this world is round story it’s a
hundred percent [ __ ] it’s total
fiction yet how did our grandparents
learn this we learned this our
grandchildren are probably gonna learn
this how come because history is pop
culture and that dude who jumped out of
a perfectly good balloon
what’s his a Felix Felix Baumgartner H
of space jump the the honesty of it
would greatly diminish what I think
people thought he was actually doing and
not only that they made sure to
photograph him standing there with a
really wide angle lens which curves
horizontal lines you see this curvature
of hearths surface and he’s a while he’s
in space look at that no it’s not it’s
almost overwhelming but are you standing
there in the pressure suits the only
thing that you hear is just self
breathing you can see the curve over
there for theorists you can see this guy
is totally black you don’t see that
stuff is what you can see the curvature
of the earth you don’t see the you can
see the curvature of the earth
just don’t that stuff is what what
with a really wide angle widens large
curves horizontal line
there’s a really wide angle why these
hijackers are on the line
a really wide angle wire in July
scientists wrote that the earth is flat
flat so trust your eyes and trust your
experience trust your feeling trust your
intuition look out see the horizon flat
feel for yourself you’re not moving just
sit still
sit still for a second you know
you’re not spinning around an axis at a
thousand miles per hour rotating around
the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour
spiraling around the galaxy at 500,000
miles per hour and shooting off from a
big bang of 67 million miles per hour
you’re not
emotionless a just sitting there
this is still does that even mean sit
you think you could Cisco with all those
let’s feel like you’re moving
same thing you’ve always felt nothing
nobody’s ever
he’s never seen the earth
he’s ever seen
maybe just got fooled by some places
Mark Twain said easier to fool people
than to convince them they’ve been
fooled that’s why it’s so hard to
convince you you’ve been fooled I know
you’re out there I can feel you now I
know that you’re afraid you’re afraid of
us you’re afraid of change I don’t know
the future I didn’t come here to tell
you how this is going to end
to tell you how it’s going to begin

The Best Flat Earth Documentary Eric Dubay

The following 6-hour documentary is currently the most complete and comprehensive presentation of the Flat Earth truth available to date. Narrated by Eric Dubay, this videobook covers the majority of his best-selling “The Flat Earth Conspiracy,” book and is guaranteed to awaken even the sleepiest sheeple to the global deception. Please like, subscribe, comment and share to help get this most important documentary out to the masses!


Many people become flat earthers after being challenged to find the curve without a fisheye lens or the fraudulent space agencies. Yet there are many who give up their quest after seeing a picture of the power lines or bridges at Lake Pontchartrain where a curve is clearly visible. I will be showing you why these curvaceous pictures are so famous in spite of their curved appearance being repeatable on a smaller scale, using a flat surface.

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