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The Shape Of Deception Why The Truth Matters

The Shape Of Deception Why The Truth Matters


‘Flat Earth’ as a term DOES NOT represent a map or a model. It’s not an “Archaic Conception”, but instead represents free thinking and an ongoing investigation and understanding of where we are, who we are, what we are, when, how, and why.

is often used as a defense mechanism by
stubborn Globe Defenders it’s more
rhetorical than inquisitive and tends to
be their final discussion point before
refusing to engage further with the
this question formulated one of several
ways is so what if the Earth is level
why does the shape of the earth even
what difference does it make to my life
firstly the thing of crucial importance
is not the shape it’s the LIE
the LIE of heliocentrism is one of the
most Insidious lies imaginable that
replaces our common sense and lived
experience with unproven theories and
explanations from supposed experts
children are indoctrinated to abandon
the evidence of their senses in favor of
this nonsensical Globe Model A Schism
occurs in their psyche where they are no
longer able to trust their own senses
and experience and instead must trust
information completely contrary to it
presented by perceived authority figures
teach such a false cosmology is
incredibly deceitful and disempowering
to the individual and the result is that
Humanity has become just like the slaves
in Plato’s allegory of the cave
a child who learns not to trust the
evidence of their senses becomes forever
imprisoned within Plato’s Cave
a world of distorted Shadows
cast by Plato’s Puppet Masters
that blinds them to the reality Beyond
so why does the shape of the earth
again it’s not about the shape
it’s about the LIE
to fool nearly the entirety of humanity
from multiple Generations stripping
people of their common sense and
replacing it with carefully crafted lies
is obviously a matter of serious
it is one of the most psychologically
devastating things that could be
perpetrated upon an individual
and seeing through it should be one of
the most revealing Revelations of a
so when someone asks the foolish
question of what difference does it make
that is already evidence of extreme
psychological Distortion if knowing the
truth doesn’t matter to your life what
does that say about your life
the level Earth is an epic Epiphany that
changes many people to their core
affirming their common sense
developing their critical thinking
skills and reigniting a spirit of
Discovery and adventure
in this way the level Earth Revelation
is holistically helpful and truly
transformational for many on an
individual level
even more importantly however is if
Humanity succeeds in fully exposing this
egregious lie
and finally rooting out the liars
The Beneficial ripple effect it will
have throughout Society is massive
once these foundational facts are
realized these governments universities
media outlets and other entangled
suddenly and completely lose all
the resulting Mass mental Exodus away
from the control system is exactly what
is needed
essentially once the level Earth
conspiracy is exposed
so is every other important conspiracy
by proxy
because this so-called mother of all
conspiracies holds under its umbrella so
many fundamental and foundational facts
fully reveals them

Level with Me 2023 Hibbeler Productions

Level with Me 2023 Hibbeler Productions

The third installment of the LEVEL series, the documentary “Level with Me” is definitive proof that our space agencies are fraudulent. They have been stealing our tax money for far too long. Fooling the masses with, but not limited to, CGI, green screens, harnesses, and governing your mind into a fantasy heliocentric world. Gravity you say? Well in this documentary, they prove electrostatics is the force commonly referred to and accepted as “gravity” due to our Rockefeller funded education systems, with a ground breaking electrostatics experiment! This time around, they visit NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Orlando, NASA’s CSBF in Palestine, Texas, and the Board of Brevard County Commissioners office in Florida. Also, they bring forth what really happened with the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion and what the crisis actors involved are currently doing with their lives.

This is Part 3 of a 3 part Level Series by Sean Hibbeler of Hibbeler Productions.

Part 1 – Level 2021

Part 2 – The Next Level 2022 

Part 3 – Level with Me 2023

Okay, level with me here. There’s this idea that we live on a ball and it’s spinning, and we’re traveling

through space at unfathomable speeds. Yet you can’t measure it.

You can’t repeat it or observe it. At this point, it becomes a religion. What are you holding onto?

Do you care what other people think? Are you just worried what your friends and family are gonna say? Is it your satellites?

Is it your aliens? There are no satellites in the vacuum of space.

Satellites are sate-loons. Your aliens, let’s say you’re an outer space alien fanatic.

What if I told you, you can have your aliens too, that they come from alterspace, not outerspace, but alterspace?

They are extraterrestrials. Terrestrial meaning terrain, meaning land.

So, what is it? What’s stopping you? You’ve never seen curvature with your own eyes. You never felt the Earth spinning.

You’ve never been able to observe and measure these claims. So at this point, it becomes a religion.

Do you want to become free? What if there’s thousands upon thousands of other continents?

What if there is an actual creator? This place was designed for a purpose?

This isn’t an accident? Would your life change?

We’re all supposed to live in abundance. We’re all supposed to be here for a purpose, and learn, and love, and live.

Being on a ball from an accident of a big bang, evolved from monkeys.

That’s no way to live. That’s no way to perceive life. You’re an accident. You have no purpose.

What’s stopping you? Look out here. There’s no curvature.

120,000 feet, 30,000 feet. It’s nowhere to be seen. Where’s the curve?

It’s time to pay attention. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to become free.

7, 6, We have main engines start. 4, 3, 2, 1, and lift off. Lift off of the 25th Bay shuttle mission.

And it has cleared the tower. On January 28th, 1986, CNN watched the Challenger launch live on the air with its

viewers. They and the other media outlets told you that the astronauts died in the explosion.

But as always, there is an agenda behind every mainstream headline. Velocity 2200

This morning, it looked as though they were not going to be able to get off.

A minute, 15 seconds. Velocity 2,900 feet per second altitude. Nine nautical miles. Down range distance, seven nautical miles.

Looks like a couple of the solid rocket boosters blew away from the side of the shuttle

in an explosion. Flight controllers here, looking very carefully at the situation, obviously a

major malfunction. We have a report from the flight dynamics officer that the vehicle has exploded.

Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pain to the core with the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger.

We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is, truly, a national loss.

The seven NASA astronauts supposedly killed in the 1986 Challenger disaster, did not die in the explosion and are quietly living out their lives in the US,

with many of them hiding in plain sight, using their same names and working at high levels in the same fields they worked in before the disaster,

according to exposive evidence uncovered by investigators. We’ve located six outta seven of them.

In the world of deception, it’s really easy to say this person is that person. And there’s a lot of that going on,

muddying the waters. But six out of seven have identical names. They work for universities, most of them.

There were no people in the Challenger. That was a hoax. That’s been proven conclusively by researchers and reporters.

Investigators who have found that those supposed people that were in the Challenger are still alive, today.

We remember Dick Scobee, the commander who spoke the last words we heard from the space shuttle Challenger.

We remember Michael Smith. We remember Judith Resnik. We remember Christa McAuliffe.

We remember Ellison Onizuka. We remember Ronald McNair. People still think the Challenger exploded with these astronauts.

It was a horrible thing. Never happened. Yes, the rocket exploded. There was no one on board. So, imagine you’re at the launch of the Challenger.

This is a historic moment, and it blows up in midair. Whether you are personally related to somebody on there or don’t know anybody,

you’re gonna be a mess. This is an emotional, incredible scene.

And CNN was reporting, and they told the cameraman, let’s get a live shot of Christa’s parents.

And when they zoomed in on them, they were giggling, they were laughing, they were smiling. I don’t know how you can put a smile on someone’s face, even if you told them the

funniest joke in the world, at that very moment. Just look at their face. Is that the face of somebody whose daughter just blew up in the most

horrific, violent accident ever? Or is that somebody playing a role not knowing that they’re on camera and

thinking about the money that they may have gotten? You can hide somebody that’s allegedly dead right in plain sight.

All you have to do is move them a little farther away, give them a different job, claim that they’re somebody else.

You don’t even need to change their name. So, statistically speaking, the odds that almost everyone on the Challenger have

exact lookalikes with exact names still existing, is kind of laughable, honestly.

Exact doppelgangers existing in the world with the same names. And when confronted, they get very nervous and their stories begin to conflict.

And they have the same mannerisms. You know, it doesn’t take a lot to put it together, honestly. Let’s start with former NASA astronaut, Michael J. Smith, with the same name as

this retired professor from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hi. I saw you, Ijust came by to ask…

Are you Michael Smith? Yeah. Professor at university? Retired. Retired?

Yeah. Yeah. I just stopped by because there’s this rumor.

Are you aware that there’s a rumor on the internet that people are saying… It’s not me, obviously.

I mean, anybody that looks at my background, looks where I was born. It’s not me.

I mean, it’s interesting that the Michael J. Smith that was the astronaut looks something like me when we were younger, but really not.

If you really look at facial recognition… You’ve never been a pilot, never been in the military? Nothing like that.

No. Okay. Yeah. That’s all, I just came… And I don’t respond to the emails I get. I get probably an email, maybe two a month.

Really? Yeah. And I got one guy that’s been really hounding me and I turned it over to the FBI.

Okay. Yeah. You just sure look alike. It’s the same name. I know the facial thing. But that’s what we looked like, what, 40 years ago?

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, thank you. Yeah. Okay. Michael J. Smith. Identical looks, dimples the same, teeth the same.

There’s really no denying it. And before he could finish the question, Michael denied it.

Oh, that’s not me. That’s not me, you know, and laughed it off. What’s you gonna say? Oh, you got me.

Not gonna happen. The driveway footage of Michael J. Smith. That’s real. I mean, that can’t be a deep fake, you know?

So, at some point you gotta stop trusting liars. We don’t hide our space program.

We don’t keep secrets, and cover things up. We do it all upfront and in public.

Next, is former NASA astronaut, Judith Resnick, with an exact doppelganger working at Yale University.

37 years have passed, and she hasn’t even changed her name.

Side by side, there’s no denying it. When she’s approached, she has a very odd way of not responding.

Hey, hey, Judy. How you doing? I’m from the press. I just had a quick question, if you don’t mind.

What press? I’m from a radio station in San Bernardino. I know there’s a conspiracy about the space shuttle.

No, I want to be polite. No, I’m friendly.

It’s just a question. So, there’s a lot of rumors about you being on that space shuttle. Obviously, you know, if you want to comment, we would really appreciate it.

Kind of odd that Judith is in full panic mode when realizing the press is in her presence.

She’s no stranger to being in the spotlight. She even made her way into Hollywood for a quick cameo.

If the choice is to allow Americans to be taken as hostages or to be executed, I’ll bring my own fucking rope.

Sadan backed down. And Ambassador Wilson helped thousands get safely home.

When he himself came home to the United States, he was warmly greeted by our president, who took him to the Oval Office and introduced him to the war cabinet as

an American hero.

Commander Dick Scobee had a company called Cows and Trees. And when you went to his website, there was an animation of a cow taking off like

a rocket with a smoke stream coming out of its backside, doing a twisty curl in the air that looked remarkably just like what we saw with the Challenger.

And after we started making videos on that, and it started going viral, that website disappeared, never to be seen again.

And nobody could have predicted back in 1986 that in 30 some odd years from then, that there would be something called the internet that would bring all this

information to the tip of your fingers and you’d be able to search through pictures, Facebooks, websites, profiles.

Now these people are scared. They’re hiding their profiles, they’re deleting their websites.

They’re making their Facebooks private. Onizuka and McNair are always together.

They’re hanging out at NASA and always talking about themselves. Ellison Onizuka, if you look at clips of him back in 1986 when this happened, he

actually spoke like, uh… Every other word was, uh…

Let me say that, uh, It’s really a pleasure to be back, uh. If you look at clips of his brother Claude, now speaking, it’s the same exact thing.

Every other word is, uh. But uh, Ellison’s dream is

continued to be carried on, uh. We’re very fortunate that, uh, the…

I think we’re ready to go fly. Thanks for, uh, being out here today. His brother just so happens to be the spokesperson for the Challenger tragedy.

Why aren’t there any pictures of his brother back when this happened? Why didn’t his brother speak at the funeral?

Use your head. Former Governor Ariyoshi, who has a story about a picture that survived the Challenger disaster.

Ellison Onizuka came to see me one day, and he wanted the family photo, and he wanted to take it up on the Challenger, and he’s gonna bring it back, inscribe it,

and autograph it. But that Challenger accident happened, and I felt very sorry to lose Ellison, but I

didn’t even think about the photo. After everything else must have been destroyed completely.

About two months later, Lauren Onizuka called me, and told me that they found, in

the water, NASA found the personal belongings of Onizuka.

And she said there were two things in there. One was a monk’s prayer, and the other was his family portrait.

So I told her, oh, then it must have been in terrible condition because the astronaut, the the big bang up, and the ocean, the water, for two months.

She told me, no, it’s in perfect condition. I said, I’m gonna bring the picture over to you, and you present it to you.

And then in the meantime, NASA got the picture and they put this together for us.

Ronald McNair conveniently has a twin brother named Carl McNair, who looks exactly like him and is at a lot of the events now, but was nowhere to be found

when the explosion happened. Christa McAuliffe was a fairly new teacher just three years at that school to get her

story planted. All of these people, the parents, the astronauts, everyone involved that you saw

are crisis actors. She was in the stands to see Tuesday’s launch, a site that, she says, still

haunts her. Why didn’t I leave too? But I thought, no, I wanna stay and see it.

Then she read Mike’s invitation for the launch, Ms. Hessy said that she doesn’t know if she’ll be emotionally ready for a service like that in his hometown.

Since I won’t be able to see you all in person, let me say, thanks for coming and have a great time.

And I hope you see a good show. George Bush Sr. hand-selected the teacher, Christa McAuliffe.

What are the odds that 30 years later there is a professor at Syracuse University with the name Sharon McAuliffe?

I still can’t believe that I’m gonna actually be going into that shuttle. It just really doesn’t seem possible.

Christa McAuliffe was asked if she had any fears about her space shuttle flight. People really feel that space travel is safe now. It’s not that earlier feeling

that, oh, it’s gonna blow up or something’s gonna happen. Right at this point, I feel that I’ll be okay if I go up.

Where’s Jarvis? How come you haven’t located him? And the answer is, you know, he could have died of natural causes, a heart attack, a

car accident, you know, 3, 4, 5 years later. And it would never be reported. The reason they did it was a psychological operation to justify not doing man space

flights anymore. And to pull on your heartstrings with an emotional cover. So, if you dare question it, then you know you’re immoral.

And then, when you look into it, you find out, of course, that you have all these people still existing in the world.

So, basically, a government version of witness protection for NASA. Our nation held a vigil by our television sets.

In one cruel moment, our exhilaration turned to horror. We waited and watched.

They were waiting, and watching. When they saw the explosion, there was confusion. Was something wrong? The

principal and teachers weren’t certain either. Then, it got very quiet as the horror of it began to register.

Besides the trauma-based mind control, and putting children through that trauma, It also reinforces their model.

It reinforces their religion. Look, this terrible thing happened. We’re trying to go to space. We’re trying, you know, we’re trying to explore for science.

But, oh, look, all those people died. But at one o’clock, school was closed, it had to close.

I felt as if my whole body blew up inside when I saw that.

And I can just never be as shocked as I am now. Seeing it with my own eyes, it really just scared me.

Some astronauts blow up in a rocket. What does that do subconsciously to the average person?

They don’t don’t want to go up into space. They don’t want to blow up in a rocket. We’ll leave that to the professionals.

We’ll leave that to NASA, our government. Once they had seen the evidence on the visual screen that there would be no

survivors, it suddenly became apparent to them that they were dealing with deaths.

The government had incentivized the different public schools to play the Challenger in their classroom.

So they rolled their TV sets out, they had all the children sit down and get ready to watch it. And 20% of the American public watched the Challenger event happen live.

And within one hour, 80% of Americans had seen the Challenger tragedy happen.

So, just like with 9/11, they have everyone see this traumatic event, and then we’re all in unison and we’re traumatized.

And when it blew up, it was a form of trauma-based mind control that, you know, some people will never grow out of.

And then the emotions kick in, and you’re unable to think logically about what’s going on. Of course this was planned.

They made every school show this event live. They wanted these kids to grow up defending this tragedy. Think about how many field trips come here, unfortunately.

Yeah. And they go in and watch that Heroes and Legends thing and they come out thinking that, yeah, this is the greatest possible hero that they could ever be.

And that’s just… They’re actors, and we’re building them up higher than your father, police, military, all these people that are actually heroes.

These are actors working for a government agency. So… Next!

Hello. Hi. I’m gonna get one of these signed, if that’s all right. My name is Justin.

Justin? with an i n? Yes. With an i, n. Where are you from, Justin? Orlando.

Yeah. Picture? Not too far. No, I’m okay, but thank you. I do have a question, though. Sometimes, when we’re watching the ISS footage, you’ll see the astronauts

sometimes connected to like wires and harnesses. Is that to keep them like in the frame during the broadcast or what’s the reason

for that? You know, I haven’t actually… You mean while they’re inside the shuttle?

Yeah, like when they’re inside the ISS, sometimes during the feeds, the broadcasts, you’ll see kind of, pulling on their belts or something like that.

I, that they, I bet, that is, I have, they, bet, that is. I have, I have, I have not personally seen that.

Oh, really? I know that they, you know, they try to be still when they’re doing it, they’re talking to someone, and then they usually try to release, and do like a flip at the

end, or something like that. Yeah. Because I’ve seen the flip before and it almost looked like a foot was caught like

inside something, but there was nothing really there. It was really strange. I didn’t know if there was something to kind of like hold them in place or

something. They’ve never had anything like that. Oh, okay. But they may have learned over time that it was hard to stay still and came up with

something. Did you ever think the public would find out that all the spin walks were filmed

underwater? Thanks, sir. Did you have any comment on that?

Well, we train underwater. Oh, okay. But only training? Only training. Okay. Most of the public have no idea that the ISS is located in an underwater neutral

buoyancy lab in Houston, Texas. The space station footage that they trick us with is not traveling at 17,500 miles

per hour above your head. It’s all being filmed here on Earth.

An exact ISS replica underwater. Coincidence?

It’s a pretty simple process. Film your footage underwater, remove the water layer, add in your CGI Earth layer

and cast your spell.

1, 2, 3… Bubbles in space! The International Space Station.

That’s a complete fraud. It’s a complete hoax. I don’t believe that all these astronauts are living up there and doing all this.

Every single time that they do some type of live demonstration, you can see some type of faulty wiring, some type of glitch.

They’re literally being held up by strings. Green screens, wires,

CGI, you know, augmented reality, all sorts of issues. Think about this. They always have the women with long flowing hair that would never be allowed.

They literally spray hairspray in their hair to make it look like their hair’s floating in zero gravity.

The International Space Station, brought to you by the same guys who faked six moon missions.

Yeah, I believe that. You know, I don’t know exactly how they’re videotaping themselves.

They could be on one of those zero-G planes and, you know, doing it all in there.

I’m not sure how they’re doing it, but I don’t believe it at all. It looks like a bunch of green screen fuckery.

I don’t believe that at all. Space Station is a serious place.

We’re doing serious research, scientific research, and engineering research.

Running around in gorilla suits, going 17,500 miles an hour. There’re supposedly micro meteorites, other satellites up there.

They could die at any second. But they’re running around playing with water. They’re always playing with water,

claiming to grow lettuce. And I love this video because it looks like animation, like something that

somebody made, but it’s actually real footage from the space shuttle. Just sped up just a little bit.

And this is a little video. It’s about four minutes long here. So, there’s a space station. I love that this is not animation, this is film taken by a shuttle of the space station.

And so, this is real. It’s not animation. Now, this looks like animation and I’m very proud to know that it’s actually real film.

It’s not a video game. People are living there. I know this looks like animation, but it’s actually really real.

I love this video because it looks like animation. It doesn’t look real, but it is real. People can watch all these fuckups and trickery by NASA and all these other space

agencies, and all that goes out the window because they see a little light in the sky, and it’s the ISS.

Oh yeah, that’s the ISS. That’s all the proof they need. And everything else goes out the window.

The view will still be A OK out there. And all you need to look for is a bright light in the sky that will be moving, and that’ll be the space station.

I’ve seen the light go from horizon to horizon. There’s many problems with that light. First, it’s as bright as the sun.

It’s really bright. How is the ISS reflecting that light as bright as the sun back to me, the whole way across?

Is it made of mirrors? Is that mirror following me? Right? How would somebody 10 miles away see the same reflection?

Because it can’t reflect in all directions. It’s going 17,500 miles an hour for 12 minutes.

I could see it. So what is it? I was in communication with a NASA whistleblower and he says that they have

five B2 bombers that they’ve re-modified with some parts of them are transparent material with a thin metal strut that you

really can’t see. The bottom was overlaid with LEDs to match the color of the sun.

And they use them in their base. Two of them are in Alaska, and I forget where the other ones are. And they take

turns doing these flybys.

Good afternoon, commissioners. Today I’d like to bring to your attention a potential fraud on an enormous scale happening in your County.

There’s now clear evidence of NASA using numerous methods to grossly mislead the public about astronauts being on the International Space Station.

During interior ISS scenes from NASA’s own live feed, the use of wires, harnesses, green screens and virtual reality have been detected to achieve the appearance of

a weightless environment. This begs the obvious question, if they’re really up there, why are they using

Hollywood techniques to fake the footage? Are they in space or are they underwater?

Now what’s really interesting is that they train for space walks in an underwater pool with a complete ISS replica.

Now, surely they aren’t filming these space walks in an underwater pool, and then editing them to appear if they’re in space.

Cause that sure would be something, wouldn’t it? I’m calling on the Board of County Commissioners to open a full investigation

into NASA’s fraudulent practices and use of taxpayer dollars. It costs NASA a $3 billion per year to operate the ISS.

And if they don’t have a darn good explanation as to why they’re faking these videos, I and the public would like a darn good explanation as to where our tax money is going.

It is our duty to expose and eliminate this fraudulent and astronomically wasteful ISS program.

And look, I know what you’re all thinking. The NASA’s part of the federal government and you’re just county commissioners.

Even if what I’m saying is true, what can you do? But let me remind you, not only is this happening in your county. As public

officials, you have the platform and the ability to make a statement or hold a press conference alerting the public, state and federal authorities to

investigate further. You have the power to start the conversation.

I look forward to the day that 3 billion annual budget is put towards our veterans, our homeless, maybe some of that mental health stuff the young lady just spoke

about, and the revitalization of Rivard County. Flat Earthers, pay attention.

We’re paying attention to NASA, we’re paying attention to SpaceX. Most people aren’t, but yet they’ll defend it.

They’ll defend it. They have no idea. The Earth’s supposed radius, they don’t know.

They have no idea how far the sun is supposed to be according to NASA, 93 million miles?

They don’t know. Like, how far is the sun? Like, I don’t know, a couple million miles. I don’t know. They have no idea.

But they’re defending it to the death. You know, once you start paying attention and have an open mind. Pay attention.

That’s the worst footage ever. But we do wanna make sure that the Americans, American people understand that

there’s no need to panic. The president took this action, as I mentioned earlier, because the objects

were indeed flying at lower elevation, and they were in civilian airspace, and we wanted to make sure that we protected that airspace.

But again, you know, we wanna also make sure that the Americans do not panic during this time.

Wait, what? It’s on a balloon? Why is there a satellite on a balloon? It’s always been that way.

Flat Earthers have been talking about this for a long time. One thing that isn’t really discussed in the mainstream is that NASA, you know, of

course, we know spends more money on helium than anyone else in the world, and actually just upped their most recent contract to hundreds of millions of

dollars for helium. And they admittedly launched balloons bigger than one to two football fields.

And it’s significantly more efficient for transmission of data, for weather compilation of data. They basically have a fleet of balloons above you that are facilitating majority

of the information that we utilize. So, why do you think NASA is the world’s largest consumer of helium?

Why would they send up balloons, these satellites on balloons if they’re in

magical floating space? In the magical floating vacuum of space?

They’re showing us. They’re telling you, right now. They’re telling us in plain sight.

Hey, look, satellites are on balloons. They’re not in magical space. Right here, at this research center…

Okay. Loud, loud truck. Yeah,

I know They’re gonna make, okay.

Howdy. I’m just doing some filming. What? I’m just seeing if there’s anything we can see, we’re just doing a documentary,

No, we’re independent journalists. Are you filming me?

Oh, well, I mean we’re in public. There’s no expectation of privacy. I’m not, I’m not…

Well, we tried to call ’em, they said they weren’t doing any tours. They said they weren’t doing any tours. Hey, of course you gotta do your due diligence and, you know, make sure there

ain’t nobody out here potting shit. I get it. Like Johnson Space Center, they have guards…

They will shoot you. Yeah, they, yeah, they definitely…

Do not run up in there… We’re interested in these Sateloons, you know? We didn’t even know they existed.

It’s cool that they’re all going up on balloons. We didn’t even know. We were taught, you know, they’re just orbiting by themselves.

That they shot up with the rockets. Yeah, the shot up with a rocket. It makes more sense on a balloon. So we’re like, okay, well this makes sense.

I don’t know… Unless they got some top secret stuff I don’t know about. You don’t know about any of these satellites without the balloons?

The idea that you would need some type of box that free falls in orbit around a ball

is really just a fiction of imagination that we don’t, we don’t need that at all.

We don’t utilize that. Satellites have been on balloons since the fifties and they’ve always been on balloons.

They just lied about putting ’em in space. There’s no evidence at all of satellites in space. They would have to have a propulsion system.

Even if you believe that the Earth is a ball, you must also believe that satellites cannot propel themselves without a source

to thrust, okay? We know that they don’t have engines on ’em.

What’s making ’em go around? They don’t make sense. Then, you find out NASA owns 98% of the helium.

Then, you find out all these satellites that crashed, have balloons attached to ’em. Then, you can deduce they actually float these satellites up with balloons.

It’s that simple. If all these satellites are moving 17,500 miles an hour, some are moving this way, some are moving that way.

It’s common sense. There’s 50,000 of them. They’re supposed to hit each other eventually, but none of them hit each other?

Come on guys, wake up. There’s no satellites, there’s no proof of ’em. The only proof we have are things floating on balloons.

Arthur C. Clark, in the fifties, wrote a book theorizing about satellites falling around an Earth in an endless fall.

Shortly after, we all of a sudden had satellites falling around the Earth. Now, think about it.

The Earth is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. It’s orbiting in an elliptical orbit’s speeding up and slowing down.

It’s 66,000 miles an hour. It’s chasing this on in another curved orbit. And we somehow have geostationary satellites.

That’s a satellite that stays above the same plot of land. So it’s mimicking the spin, it’s mimicking the orbit, it’s speeding up and slowing

down, and staying over that same plot of land. And it’s just falling in a never ending fall.

That makes absolutely no sense. And now it’s openly accepted that they’re on balloons, but they’re making it seem like it’s a new thing.

This is the new way we’re gonna launch satellites, it’s on balloons, and it’s cheaper, and it’s just better.

Like, we don’t need them space ones no more. You know, people are starting to figure it out. That’s why they’re going back to balloons.

A majority of all the transmissions we use for our cell phones or “satellite TV” are all ground towers.

They all send transmissions from the ground, tower to tower, admittedly at high elevations. And, of course, we have underground and undersea cables that make up 99.9% of all

transmission. So this is just a facade in people’s mind that you have little metal boxes flying

around giving you all of your data. None of that is real.

Oh, my God, I’m calling my brother. That is freaking beautiful!

Okay, there you have an Artemis fly. Wow! It’s flying right now! Whether it’s ISS or the rocket launch, the second someone sees it with their own

eyes, they think it’s real. This is freaking amazing!

Oh, there it is. What the heck happened? They don’t even know what the fuck’s going on.

The reason that you can always find a video of a rocket from NASA taking off,

and then slowly making a U-shaped arc is not because it’s going around the ball and

going to the other side or going out in the space,

it’s because shortly after these rockets, that are funded by your tax dollars, take off, they only have a certain amount of time before they crash back to the Earth,

because they run out of fuel. It’s all made up.

So, what really happens is they launch ’em near the ocean, in Texas or in Florida, they will never launch a rocket from the middle of the country.

It won’t make it to the ocean. It’ll crash on dry land. Okay? So, NASA has to launch rockets from Texas and Florida because it’s right by the water.

If they wanted to launch a rocket from Little Rock, Arkansas, it wouldn’t even make it to Texarkana.

So, when they launched rockets in Cape Canaveral, Florida or in Houston. Houston, we have a problem.

Yeah, the problem is you can’t get past the firmament. In 1962, 7 years before they faked the moon landing, operation Dominic began.

A series of 31 missiles were shot straight up into the sky to test how high humans can actually reach.

They quickly figured out, not far at all. It seems that whenever they were shooting these missiles up into the sky, they were

actually interacting with different layers of this plasma field or this electromagnetic phenomena.

And it seems to have fluid-like properties as it actually hits a certain portion of this force field, if you will.

It begins to disperse and seek equilibrium based on the impedance of the electromagnetic layers.

Why is it, when we review this footage, that these things are exploding? It looks like they’re hitting a barrier.

Testing the strength of the firmament, and they weren’t able to penetrate it. What’s going on there?

What is this? In my opinion, I think that they were trying to find a way to possibly get out.

There’s a firmament above us. So everything is as above, so below.

Obviously many people are becoming aware that there’s a firmament above, that many people are now starting to realize is impenetrable.

No matter what you do, you can’t go straight up in the air and keep going. An interesting rocket launch was the amateur GoFast rocket.

They gave us something that NASA and SpaceX never gives us, an uninterrupted feed from their camera.

If you watch a NASA launch or a SpaceX launch, there’s 4, 5, 6 cuts before it even clears

the launch pad. Gave us an uninterrupted 72 miles, I think. Went up and all of a sudden it went chirp, flunk, it hit something.

It went up, and it appears to have hit the firmament. One thing I really want your generation to embrace is that the Earth is a closed system.

We cannot leave the Earth. There’s no place to go. There is water surrounding us in all directions, including directly above us.

We now know that there’s something called super fluid that exists. You could have helium-3, and it could actually offer full electromagnetic

propagation perpetually, without any impedance. Based on the things that I see such as Crow 777’s lunar wave observations, I

think that there is clearly a fluid-like medium above us. The waters above in ancient astronomy, which was the same science as astrology,

except one was more theological and one was more secular.

They taught that this was called the crystalline sea. And in the book of Revelation, it speaks about the crystalline sea.

It’s the ninth heaven. The waters above, it’s firm. I think the evidence is pretty overwhelming that there is a fluid-like

medium above us.

What I can tell you, for sure, is the water above is level. Because all water finds and maintains level.

I feel that’s the next wave of enlightenment, is now more and more people realizing as above, so below.

And the only way we can get above or below is to go within and

tune our frequency to that of which surpasses and passes through. Who knows?

Maybe there is some kind of firmament, some kind of firmament, and we’re underwater.

We can be underwater. Maybe there’s water above the firmament and then water down here. That could possibly be why the sky is blue.

Because behind it is the firmament which holds back water. As above, so below. God’s throne does not sit on a convex silly snow globe.

Okay? The firmament, the waters above, where he separated the waters below from above, they’re flattened level.

It’s the sky plane. The sky only appears to curve, just like the ground. There is no curvature in the sky.

There’s no curvature on the Earth. Well, Dave, the SpaceX Falcon 9 is going to launch from Vandenberg Air Force base,

and it’s going to launch in just about a minute, maybe a little less here.

Just see the trail it’s leaving behind. Absolutely amazing.

And to describe it to you, and you can see it, but from the ground, it almost looks as though…

Some of these rockets look like they’re scraping across a watery firmament, kind of like a boat dragging something through the water.

You see what resembles a speedboat going through water. You’ll see the rocket hit the firmament explode like watery, and then it will skim

along the surface of the firmament. Why is that? Well, because it’s hydrogen, it’s water.

I’m not sure what they’re doing, but they’re not flying into space. It’s almost like they’re just throwing it in your face.

Look, we’re running into a solid barrier. These rockets literally look like they’re bouncing off the ocean. Like a boat in the

ocean, creating waves. Look at it, look at the footage, look at that.

They’re putting it in our face. It’s soft disclosure. They can’t just come out and say there’s firmaments, we’re on a flat Earth or whatever else.

They can’t just come out and say it. They have to show breadcrumbs. They gotta show a trail of breadcrumbs.

They have to boil the frogs slowly. People say, well, what’s under the flat Earth?

Cause they’re thinking of a disc floating in space. We don’t know what’s under the flat Earth, cause the deepest hole is 7.8 miles.

And while they were digging that hole, while they were drilling that hole, they were using ground penetrating radar to see what they were gonna hit next.

And they were wrong every step of the way. No more rocks, no more water. They hit rocks, they hit water, right?

They were wrong, wrong, wrong. And then they hit an impenetrable barrier. They tried for years to get through and they couldn’t.

And then they gave up. But then, somehow, we have a meme that shows us a cross-section of the Earth.

The next 4,000 miles, they know exactly what’s there. They couldn’t get the first 7.8 miles right,

but they know the next 4,000. And everyone’s seen the meme of the Earth with a molten magnetic core. Another thing that they’re laughing at us, cause you can’t have a molten magnet. Any

magnet of any type, you heat it up and before it melts, it hits the curi point, and it loses all its magnetism.

Have y’all heard about the recent claim from the heliocentric priests? They’re saying that the core has stopped spinning and it’s now spinning the

opposite direction, which is gonna cause all this chaos.

Well, this morning we are learning about a shift in the Earth’s inner core. That sounds like the plot of a

Hollywood blockbuster. Scientists say our planet’s solid core, which is actually disconnected from the rest of the Earth’s layers, may actually have stopped rotating

and could even reverse course. What does this mean? Well, at first it sounds like something from a Hollywood movie.

The script says, oh my God, the core of the Earth is spinning backwards? How do they know this? I just wanna know, how do they know what the core is doing?

If they’ve only been down eight miles? How? How is that possible?

We’ve only as humans dug down a maximum depth of eight miles. How do they know what’s 3,000 miles down?

Makes no sense. So, if you look at a magnetic field on a ferrel cell, you have something called the inertial plane or the block domain wall.

That would be where we reside. We live within a magnetic field. And you can only go so far down before you’re actually gonna have the

reciprocation of that energy or that magnetic field. We know the deepest hole ever dug is around 7.8 miles, which seemingly

correlates to the deepest area in the ocean, of course, the Mariana Trench.

So, the way that I see it is, you’re actually living on the inertial plane within the magnetic field, which actually then begins to make all celestial

phenomena fit perfect within the toroid. And of course, this entire idea that there’s this magic magma core made of

nickel and iron that’s spinning at different speed than the Earth spins, is a complete fiction made up of seismic activity and speculation.

And actually, when you look further into that, they say that that causes the magnetic field with something called convection currents.

You have the geomagnetic field from the geo dynamo model, and actually, you would have a symmetrical magnetic field coming from the core as it is a sphere.

You would have the same magnetic field in the north and the south. But what the evidence actually shows is that it is not symmetrical at all.

And in the south, the magnetic field gets up to 30% weaker. There’s something called the South Atlantic anomaly, which shows that a 100%

is not some symmetrical dynamo effect causing the magnetic field. If you actually look further into the dynamo model, there is about 50 questions

that have gone unanswered. They can’t even get the math to work with super computers. It’s pure speculation that they can’t get to work.

And it seems that actually we are just prohibited from going too far down, based on pressure mediation within a magnetic field.

There was a famous scientist that sent a submarine down and hit the bottom of the ocean, and wasn’t

able to penetrate the bottom of the ocean as if there were some type of water barrier firmament.

One of the strangest places on the ocean’s floor was only just discovered in the 1990s.

And Mike deGruy is one of a handful people to ever see it in person. Without a doubt, one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen in the bottom

of the ocean, and it was while filming for Blue Planet in the Gulf of Mexico.

And I noticed there’s something out in the distance, I couldn’t tell exactly what, but it looked like dark band,

and as we approached it, the dark band became a donut. When I saw this donut, it was black in the center.

What the heck is that? And so, as we get closer and closer to it,

I noticed that the black band would appear to have kind of steam over it,

and then I looked, and there was water lapping against the shore. This band was a ring of mussels.

And inside the ring of mussels was a lake. I was like, wait a minute, I’m already underwater! I went up over the water

in this lake and tried to descend in it and bounced off. It was so super saline and dense that the submarine couldn’t go down and we

literally bounced off. And as we bounced off, we saw ripples

heading back to the shoreline. It’s because of the firmament. It’s firm.

What I believe is that this is a plane and everything vibrates. And ultimately, we have to become masters of vibration to work through

the dimensions of this plane. This is the third dimensional plane so that, this physical,

physical, physical. This is the physical plane. Now, if we close our eyes and we envision something, our brain doesn’t know the

difference between a thought and actual reality.

So, they teach us about gravity when we’re young kids. Because when you’re a young kid, you kind of believe everything that you hear.

They tell us that gravity was discovered by a guy named Isaac Newton. And by the time he was 23, he had discovered gravity, invented calculus and

trigonometry. Well, I’m telling you right now, none of that happened.

Gravity’s just a theory and an excuse, really. It’s real simple.

If there’s a force, strong enough to hold oceans

to the planet, if there’s a force, we should all be stuck to the ground. You know, the force can hold building skyscrapers, tanks, ships to it, but it

can’t hold a helium balloon. Helium balloon just flies away.

Smoke just flyes away. Everything should be stuck to the ground like a magnet. If there’s a force holding oceans to it, it doesn’t make any sense.

Once you look at gravity and you try to prove that it’s real, you’ll discover there’s no proof of it.

And that there is only proof of density, buoyancy and electrostatics. Electrostatics is a proven thing.

We all know that a positive and a negative will attract towards each other. So, the Earth has a neutral or negative charge.

Everything above it has a positive charge, and it is attracted to it. Everything that exists is electric.

There’s not one thing that exists in the entire world that is not electric. It’s actually the unifying force that keeps everything here, holds everything

together, and everything seeks equilibrium based on that. So everything’s trying to find a state of rest based on its electric phenomena or

its electric nature within the environment that we exist within. And then when you start to look further into it, you find out that on the smallest

scale, electrostatics is significantly stronger than gravity is even claimed to be. Magnitude’s greater, 10 to the 36 power to be specific.

So everything simply put, everything that exists is electric. Everything that is falling to the ground or not falling to the ground is seeking

equilibrium based on electrostatics. We can actually test this.

We can use something called a corona motor. And whenever we manipulate electrostatics, we can make things levitate.

We can make things go up or down and we can actually change how fast they go down. We can also manipulate the weight of an object simply by manipulating

electrostatics. And of course that’s how science actually works. As you do an experiment that shows you what the cause of the effect is, and you

can manipulate electrostatics and cause the effect of downward acceleration, commonly referred to as gravity.

Of course, I’ve never seen a test that manipulates space time, and you will never see that, it doesn’t exist.

Everyone thinks that the reason things fall is because of gravity, but actually everything that exists is electrostatic.

So, when everything go to the ground, they’re seeking equilibrium. So they go find their balance on the ground where their charge disperses or

spreads out in through the ground. So we have positive charge in the air, we have negative charge on the surface of the

Earth or on the ground, which is why it’s called grounding. And then we introduced positive charge, and then it went back down to the ground

to seek equilibrium. This shows that that’s actually what objects do when they fall to the ground.

They go to the ground because of the electric forces and they seek equilibrium on the Earth.

We knew about it as in the 1950s, even earlier. And it’s all been hidden because, if humans were allowed free energy, free

movement and able to explore, we would find out what this place is.

We’d find out our position in this world. And that’s the number one thing. Why? That’s why are they hiding the flat Earth?

Why? What’s the motive? And the motive is to keep us dumbed down, not knowing who we are, not knowing where

we are, not knowing the true power that we have and not having true freedom. So, ultimately, the master plan in all of this is to fake an alien invasion.

I think one of the biggest upsets with globe believers when they hear flat Earthers, is we’re taking away their star wars.

We’re taking away their aliens. We know that aliens extra thresholds have been documented since all recorded history.

I’ve actually personally seen UFOs multiple times from like the age 18 up. Probably seven different times, I’ve seen UFOs.

I know it’s a very real phenomenon. What about the secret space program? I call it the secret propulsion program.

They’re using electrostatics and other technology to maneuver around.

Maybe they’re even just pulling energy out of the air.

We can go back to, I think it was Reagan and his famous United Nations speech, talking about the world coming together, facing a universal threat.

Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bound.

I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we

were facing an alien threat from outside this world.

They knew back then that that’s the the best way, the most powerful way to get everyone to unite into a one world government.

If suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species, from another planet

outside in the universe, we’d forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries.

And we would find out, once and for all, that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together.

Well, I don’t suppose we can wait for some alien race to come down and threaten us,

but I think that between us, we can bring about that realization.

We did secure some footage of the flying disc in the hangar. The codename for the project is A KEY and it has been designed for humans to fly.

We asked the scientist in charge of the project what propulsion system the craft uses, but he would not divulge what he called classified information.

As to how much of it is manmade or something that maybe you wouldn’t understand. That’s a great question, who knows? But I think that they’ve simply reversed engineered ancient technology and then hid

it from the masses so that we don’t know what it is. And you can look back at the Germans and they explained that we’re using electric

levitic propulsion. And so, with electric levitic propulsion, you could attain a perpetual flight.

You could defy, “defy” physics. You could attain all kinds of changes in angular momentum on a dime.

Manmade technology that we don’t understand yet. I don’t know, maybe there’s other humanoids or aliens, whatever you want to

call ’em, like, that way and that way. But up there, I don’t believe it.

UFOs are real. You guys are just confused where they come from. They don’t come from some far off planet trillions of light years away.

They come from the outer lands, and possibly under the ocean. I personally believe that the government is so evil that they’re devising any type

of plan that they can to manipulate people into one world government. They call it the new world order.

One way that they can manipulate people is by destroying cities with missiles and

lasers and all sorts of destructive bombs.

And then, they can blame it on aliens. They can say that aliens are coming when really, it’s our own government.

Now, man has reversed engineered that. So we do have them here now. We know our government has this technology.

If they fake an alien invasion, they get the new world order, which they want. They thought Covid lockdowns were bad.

We found out that they pretty much lied to us about everything to push an agenda of more total control.

We’re closer than we’ve ever been to World War III, all of this other stuff. And now the only way for them to truly, in my mind, get what they want or supersede

the timeline, speed up the timeline, is the fake an alien invasion.

The moment they do that, everybody panics. The government has to step in as a one world government.

All governments come together to fight an outer worldly threat. And then, we’re all in lockdown like you wouldn’t believe, because we gotta be

aware of the alien viruses. I mean, we’re already scared of the human viruses now we gotta be scared of the

alien viruses and we’re fucked. So that’s, I think, the end game.

And it’s pretty easy to see that that’s what they’re gearing up for. That’s why they’re telling us there’s a mothership in our… No, shut the fuck up.

Like we’ve had this technology for years. They’ve taken our focus and put it up there and not to the outer lands or the

extra terrestrial areas. When someone says extra terrestrial, what does that mean?

It means extra terrain. So it’s a lot more prevalent that the world is bigger than we know, in my

opinion, than these beings are traveling millions of miles or light years away to come here.

I believe they won’t let us go past Antarctica, so they won’t let us go past Antarctica.

My favorite show in the world is Attack on Titan. I believe they’re telling us things through shows, that being one of them,

that there is potential for other land outside of what we know. If there’s more land out there, then why are we paying $1,500 a month to live?

Or in California, people are paying $3,000 to $4,000 a month in rent to live.

Why would we have to do that if all of our world could fit into Texas and then there

was more land, other places, like obviously it makes more sense.

You can still have that concept, that idea, that belief, whatever you wanna call it. You can still have that on flat Earth.

You’re not trapped in a snow globe. I honestly do believe that the government is hiding more land.

There could be thousands of continents. There’s definitely more than seven. I’ll bet my life on it.

Relax. This is only a visual concept,

although this is scientifically possible. There have advanced aircraft that can do incredible things and move incredible

speeds. But it’s for here, it’s for exploring this world, not scientifically impossible outer

space. Little green men running around, abducting people.

That’s the Hollywood mainstream narrative. There are underground caverns, there are underground cities, deep underground

military bases, dumbs, there’s all kinds of networks under the ground. Think about all the underground bases.

Think about the millions, and millions, and billions of dollars that go into black budget projects and black,

I mean, that is a whole nother industry. NASA, nobody knows what NASA does. Regardless if it’s, you know, a government hoax to instill fear and control and take

away our rights. If it’s project Bluebeam, just know that these crafts are not coming from upper,

outer space in the magical vacuum of floating balls. They’re coming from outer space, not upper space.

They’re coming from outer space. The extraterrestrials are coming from outer space.

So just know they’re not coming from up there. There’s a firmament. They’re showing you on the daily rockets bouncing off of it like water.

They’re showing you on the daily. They’re not coming from up there. They’re coming from out there. So, I’ve recently come across information from someone inside the military that is

early as 1992. They were able to attain the ability to do holography or holograms with acoustic

holograms, electromagnetic manipulation, just utilizing light, as you know, for very realistic holograms in any size and proportion that you can imagine with the

entire spectrum of dimensions. So, I would just encourage anyone that does begin to see this activity in the

sky, to always keep in mind that it could be simple hologram technology used to manipulate you emotionally to get you to be in a state of fear.

Of course, we’ve been warning people about that for over seven, eight years. That Bluebeam was given to us as a warning via the Secretary of von Braun.

But that will be their last card. He would repeat to me over and over. And the last card, the last card, the last card would be the extraterrestrial threat.

Well, at the time I kind of laughed when he said asteroids. And when he said extraterrestrials, I knew I wasn’t gonna deal with that subject.

And now we hear on the news just today, this week, that they’ve slid in another enemy.

Only this time we’re gonna protect our satellites. In other words, we have to have some reason to spend these trillions, to waste

these dollars on a space-based weapon system. And they’re all lies, a lie, a spin.

And Wernher von Braun was trying to hint that to me back in the early seventies and right up until the moment when he died in 1977. What he told me was is that there’s

an accelerated effort in place.

He didn’t mention a timeline, but he said that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could possibly imagine, and that the last card that was being held was

the extraterrestrial enemy card.

The intensity with which he said that made me realize that he knew something that he was too afraid to mention.

He was too afraid to talk about it. He would not tell me the details. I’m not sure that I would’ve absorbed them if he had told me the details or even

believed him in 1974. But there was no question that that man knew

and had a need to know, I found out. The look in his eyes made it clear to me that he knew that there was

something going on that was a big secret that he could not divulge.

That’ll probably be their last card. I think that’s where they’re heading.

They’ve got the technology, they’ve got amazing advanced stuff, which they’ve held from us, the elite families, for millennia.

And also there’s patents for this guys. There’s patents, old documents, patents, US government, Russian government, German

government, everyone. They have patents, documents from dating back to the early 1900s of building these

machines by hand. Why are they building these machines? For what? What is the whole plan?

If these are some special things coming from above, then why does man have to build him here to scare you with him?

Why does man have to create Bluebeam technology to, coming soon, scare you with this stuff?

Because none of it’s coming from above you. None of it is random, okay? It’s either coming from the outer lands, under the ocean, or they’re manmade or

Bluebeam or all the combination of what I just said. But there’s nothing coming from above your head.

So please stop. Stop holding onto your alien bullshit. Let your ball go.

My name is Joseph Spencer. I was known as a man in black.

Following seven years, acting as a counter intelligent agent for the CIA, I was recruited for a new assignment that entailed working with thin, above top

secret operations. I was aware of the black budget projects, but never knew the context of them, due to

their high level secrecy. Even the president was denied access to their inner workings.

Annually, billions of dollars are poured into black projects, which operate without any supervision or intrusion.

They have full autonomy. The operations deal primarily with advancing military technologies, most of

which have been reversed engineered from recovered alien spacecraft that had either crashed or were shot down by our military.

The public sadly, will never, ever have knowledge of these operations. Since the early 1950s, scientists have been developing holographic technology,

and over the years, improved it to a state that we can only imagine. They stood there staring at the bomber, which looks so absolutely real and solid,

that I could reach up and touch it. I contemplated the possibilities.

What if this projection was a thousand feet up in the sky? How would anyone know that that was an illusion?

The Phoenix Lights craft, witnessed by 10,000 people, was the first grand scale sky beam test upon the public.

It succeeded beyond expectations. In October, 1938, Orson Wells unleashed

his War of the Worlds radio broadcast to the American public. They were so realistically portrayed,

fast portions of the population went into panic. Terrified citizens scrabbled to evacuate their this city in robes.

America has been easily tricked by very simple memes. In the year 2024, the world will stand witness to a massive alien invasion.

Thousands of projected holographic alien warships will blanket the skies, sending people into a panic. Real military crafts within the holograms will inflict actual

damage to the surrounding areas to sell the gimmick. And as a result of the ensuing human chaos,

a one world government will immediately form without any resistance from the people. They will be the new world order.

Once this happens, we, as a people, will be tuned to enslavement and accelerated depopulation.

With that said, the only hope for human salvation is to acquire and spread the knowledge of these

activities and agendas. Resist, retaliate, then conquer this imposing enemy.

The time is now. The time is now.

The time is now.

Why would rich powerful people want you to not know the Creator, God?

Because a man of God cannot be controlled.

World Record? Flat Earth Proof – Israel to Crete – 616 Miles

World Record? Flat Earth Proof – Israel to Crete – 616 Miles

Hello everyone,
I have an awesome video to share with everyone today and it comes from the YouTube channel
Shimshon currently has only four subscribers and so I highly recommend you head over to
his channel, subscribe and show your support and gratitude.
I’ll have a link in the description.
Shimshon has a serious tech background.
He was a graduate of University of California San Diego in the STEM program.
Unlike the globe trolls who frequent our channels, Shimshon actually worked in the purported
space program.
He worked for a time at the Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences (CASS) at UCSD on the Electron
Drift Instrument.
He wrote most of the code to control the test harness to develop the instrument and refine
its operation.
This was allegedly launched on the space shuttle but it more likely just found its way onto
a satellite balloon much like this one.
Shimshon has continued to work in software development in both America and Israel in
marine and space science labs, controlling hardware, recording, analyzing, presenting
data, using complex algorithms written in C and Forth.
None of that really makes any sense to me and I do have to take his word for it.
Shimshon has been married for 30 years and has adult children.
He also wanted to give a shout out to the Owen Benjamin Israeli Bears.
Shimshon actually first came to the flat earth when he saw Owen Benjamin’s analysis of my
video “Our Flat Earth Journey (Romania)” back in 2019.
Owen, if you happen to watch this video, I just want to thank you again for helping so
many people open their eyes to the truth of the flat earth.
Anyways, after watching “Our Flat Earth Journey,” Shimshon decided that he wanted to “see too
far” as well but in his own way.
Filming long distances has now become a hobby for him.
That brings us to this particular footage that was taken on May 14, 2023 in Israel.
According to Shimshon, he had been preparing for years to capture that very footage.
The current recognized world record long-distance ground-to-ground photograph from the Beyond
Horizons website is this photo at a distance of 275 miles (443 kilometers).
It’s an impressive record but that world record pales in comparison to what Shimshon filmed
and this wasn’t filmed from the top of a mountain but only from about 133 feet (40.5 m).
The observation comes from the Ashkelon National Park in Israel.
According to Google maps, the elevation at that location was 128 feet (39 m).
Add 5 feet (1.5 m) for the camera’s tripod and that gives us an observation height of
about 133 feet (40.5 m).
I have the coordinates listed there on the map.
This was his camera and set up on that day.
I don’t know much about cameras but Shimshon is using a full spectrum infrared camera here.
According to Shimshon, this is better than the Nikon P-1000 for long distance viewing,
and it cost him less than $600.
I hope at least a hundred of you go out and get this setup.
I certainly need one of these.
Here’s his equipment list for those who are interested; pause the video if you need to.
Much like this Canigou photograph that was taken in France from a distance of 163 miles
(263 km) that you can find on the Beyond Horizons website, Shimshon instead planned to capture
the setting sun behind the Greek island of Crete.
But the distance between Ashkelon National Park in Israel and the highest point in Crete
was 616 miles (991 km) that’s 453 miles (729 km) further than that Canigou photograph.
And the only way you re going to see that far is through a full-sectrum infrared camera.
Let’s watch the footage.
I’ll leave a link to the unedited version in the description.
There is some confusion on exactly what platform that is.
Unlike many other countries, Israel seems to keep those things a little bit more hidden
and so you have some maps showing platforms much more north while some showing the platforms
much further south.
The GPS coordinates are off as well.
Shimshon didn’t even know that the platform was going to be there when he planned this
Although interesting, the platform and location doesn’t affect the observation because we’re
relying on where the setting sun is and the angle to it.
As you can see from this rough diagram, SunCalc placed the sun in direct line with Crete but
it gets better.
So, how can we confidently say that Shimshon actually filmed Crete 616 miles (991 km) away
and those aren’t some distant clouds?
First, keep in mind that the whole event was carefully planned and executed including a
specific date and vantage point, this wasn’t an accidental viewing.
He used a high zoom full spectrum camera to capture what very few people would be able
to do, to capture the silhouette of Crete in front of the setting sun.
Second, the silhouette in front of the sun certainly looks like pointy mountains in the
distance, much like Canigou, which further supports Shimshon’s claim.
What are the odds that at the exact time of his planned observation clouds just happened
to form at the same angle with the setting sun that appeared to look exactly like mountains?
Possible but not probable.
But more importantly, the silhouette of the mountains in the actual video closely matches
the same result from Google Earth.
Here we have our pathway from the camera’s location to the highest point of Crete.
According to Google Earth, on May 14, 2023, this is what the sunset should have looked
like on the same pathway.
Keep in mind that Google Earth adds a phony curvature drop which distorts the view of
the mountains.
Regardless, compare Google Earth’s sunset with the actual video.
I have them here on top of each other.
The silhouette of the mountains in Shimhon’s video appears very similar to what Crete should
have looked like from that angle and the sun set angles match as well.
Those two facts strongly support the claim that Shimshon did indeed film Crete.
Let’s get to the coup de grâce of the globe.
At an observation height of 133 feet (40.5 m) and a distance of 616 miles (991 km), we
get a target hidden height of 240,197 feet (73,212 m) or 45.5 miles (73.2 km).
Here are the calculations in metric.
For some perspective, a height of 45.5 miles (73.2 km) would be enough to hide 88 of the
Burj Khalifas stacked on top of each other.
The highest point on Crete is Mount Ida at 8,058 feet (2,456 m) or 1.5 miles (2.5 km).
That means the tallest point on Crete should have been 39 miles (63 km) below the geometric
globe horizon.
The top of those points should be 39 miles (63 km) below the curvature from the vantage
point of Israel.
Of course, the hired globe propagandists aren’t going to give up their livelihood and surrender
to the flat earth truth but come on, Shimon’s video evidence here destroys the globe for
the honest and reasonable person.
There is simply no way that Crete should have been visible 616 miles (991 km) away at a
mere observation height of 133 feet (40.5 m).
I don’t care what imaginary pixie dust you throw at it in your ridiculous attempts to
maintain your globe indoctrination – the globe illusion is dead here.
Thank you for watching!

44 Government Documents Prove Flat Earth

44 Government Documents Prove FLAT EARTH

Anthony Skaar Moochie is a Trump advisor and he went on CNN and made an of
himself on the issue of climate science overwhelmingly census in the scientific community is that presented actions have
an impact on science race oh yeah I was interacting world and whenever it comes out creo had Chris there was an
overwhelming science that the earth was flat and there was an overwhelming sign learned over the time the Senate we were
the center of the world a hundred percent you know we get a lot of things wrong in the scientific community you
and I both know that no that’s called not science geocentrism to there was an
overwhelming signs have you believe no that wasn’t a scientific belief that was a belief that wasn’t scientific that was
a belief there’s a difference there’s a difference hello my name is Nathan Roberts thanks for tuning in to flat
earth doctrine I appreciate you being here please do subscribe if you haven’t yet done so though do not count on my
social media account always being active it’s at one point in time sometime in the future YouTube because it is censoring
flattered specifically you will not be able to find my account it will be gone because of YouTube so as a result to
stay in contact with me once all that goes down please go to my website flat
earth doctrine calm and you’ll see a pop-up appear on the web page please
provide your email address so that when things go down where I’m censored completely we will be able to stay in
contact through email so let’s go ahead and dive into these documents I’m here
to share with you 44 different documents from the government swear by they admit the earth is flat documents from the CIA
USSR US Army NASA Federal Aviation Administration the FFA US Navy national
imagery and mapping agency National geospatial intelligence agency and the US Marine Corps which
includes state-owned universities such as UCLA Penn State and Shang yang aerospace
university government admits Flat Earth document number one put out by the CIA
whereby it looks like they stole it from the USSR and this document was created
appears to be sometime around March of 1957 and you’ll notice that in the
bottom left-hand corner and you’ll see the title of the document the author if there is one cited unless there’s a ton
of them and I’m not gonna list them all and then you have the URL of this document so if you want to go download it yourself you were able to and when I
go through these documents themselves you’ll see on the bottom right-hand corner is the page number where you can
find these these phrases and words cited so beginning with page 19 of 104 this
dissertation there’s the brightness of the firmament the firmament is a biblical term which
is a just mentioned in Genesis chapter one eight different times and beginning with verse six and the firmament is is
was made to divide and separate the waters from above from below as well as
the Sun Moon and stars are placed within the firmament so please go reread
Genesis chapter one the firmament is also mentioned on page 20 also a near
Sun which means localized Sun is mentioned and it talks about the
brightness of the first order and derived on the assumption of a Flat Earth and giving some conclusions
derived on the basis of this formula so the formula is based upon the assumption of a Flat Earth there’s a near Sun and
there’s a firmament apparently government admits Flat Earth document
number two propagation of electromagnetic fields over Flat Earth you’ll notice it on page seven it says
flat idealized Earth on page 17 Flat Earth page 18 Flat Earth
page 28 Flat Earth page 35 Flat Earth government admits
Flat Earth document number three from the US Army titled an energy budget
model to calculate the low atmosphere profiles of effective Sound speed at night there’s an image in the document
where it shows a near and localised Sun crepuscular rays and a flat earth and
that again is on page 10 and then if you go to page 16 you see the word Flat
Earth government admits Flat Earth document number 4 put out by the United
States Army titled computationally efficient algorithms for estimating the
angle of arrival of helicopters using acoustic arrays let’s see what it has to
say on page 17 it says Flat Earth page
30 Flat Earth model page 31 Flat Earth
page 35 a flat earth government admits
flatter document number 5 this one is from United States Army titled adding liquid payloads effects to the 6 DOF
trajectory of spinning projectiles see what it has to say on page 7 says assume
a Flat Earth these equations assume a flat earth government admits Flat Earth
document number 6 this is put out by the United States Army in fact it’s the same author as document number 5 gene R
Cooper and in fact the title is almost eerily the same though what we’ll find
is that he didn’t make any Corrections for assuming a Flat Earth but let’s read
the title trajectory prediction of spin-stabilized projectiles with a steady liquid payload what does it say
page 10 it says these equations assume a Flat Earth
why would you assume a Flat Earth if you’re on a spinning ball govern
admits Flat Earth document number seven put out by NASA in August of 1988
derivation and definition of a linear aircraft model what does it have to say
let’s see here well starting with page six it says this report details the development of the
linear model of a rigid aircraft of constant mass flying over a flat non
rotating earth it goes on to say on the same page by defining the initial conditions of the nominal trajectory for
straight in level flight and setting the asymmetric aerodynamic and inertia terms
to zero one can easily obtain the more traditional linear models from the linear model derived in this report on
page 35 it says this report derives and defines a set of linearized system
matrices for a rigid aircraft of constant mass flying in a stationary
atmosphere over a flat non rotating earth on page 55 it says based on
assumptions of symmetric mass distributions symmetric aerodynamics and straight in level flight and then on
page 102 this report documents the derivation and definition of a linear
aircraft model for a rigid aircraft of constant mass flying over a flat non
rotating earth government admits Flat Earth document number 8 put out by NASA
titled general equations of motion for a damaged asymmetric aircraft and on page
2 it states in this paper the rigid body
equations of motion over a flat non rotating earth government admits Flat
Earth document number 9 put out by NASA titled predicted performance of a thrust
enhanced sr-71 aircraft with an external payload this has put out in June of 1997
and it states non rotating earth right there page 10 and this this sr-71
blackbird has a top speed of 2,100 93 miles per hour and it doesn’t have to
account for a rotation of the earth the Coriolis effect the alleged Coriolis effect or even the curvature of the
earth at 2193 miles per hour certainly
would have to if it existed unless it was flying over a flat non rotating
earth government emits flat earth document number 10 put out by the Federal Aviation Administration in
conjunction with company named MIT re it’s derivation of a point mass aircraft
model used for fast time simulation this is from April 2015
says assuming a flat non rotating earth page 7 government admits Flat Earth
document number 11 put up by NASA in conjunction with the University of Kansas they contracted kayuu to do this
work with with them and it was put out June of 1971 it is titled a method for
reducing the sensitivity of optimal nonlinear systems to parameter uncertainty let’s see what has to say
page 14 it says the idealizing assumptions made are the following
number two is a flat non rotating earth government admits Flat Earth document
number twelve put out by NASA it is titled calculation of wind compensation
for launching of unguided rockets and on page eight and 10 we have a diagram as
well as it states the missile position in space is computed relative to a flat
non rotating earth government admits Flat Earth document number 13 put up by
NASA December of 1987 titled user’s manual for linear a Fortran program to
derive linear aircraft models and it’s states on page 16 a rigid aircraft
flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat non rotating or
government admits Flat Earth document number 13 put up by NASA December of
1987 titled user’s manual for linear a Fortran program to derive linear
aircraft models and it’s states on page 16 a rigid aircraft flying in a
stationary atmosphere over a flat non rotating earth government admits Flat
Earth document number 14 put up by NASA in 1988 in fact it looks like to be an updated version from the document number
13 that I just went over same authors and almost the same exact if not same exact title which is user’s manual for
interactive linear a Fortran program to derive linear aircraft models and it
states on page four equations with stationary atmosphere and flat non rotating earth assumptions same thing as
in document 13 same authors basically same title they didn’t make any adjustment going onto page 126 it states
the same thing stationary atmosphere and flat non rotating earth assumptions doesn’t look like they made a mistake
with that documentation their government admits Flat Earth document number 15 put
out by NASA this was put out in March of 1972 and it’s titled determination of
angles of attack and side slip from radar data and a roll stabilized platform what does it have to say well
page two it states the method is limited however to application where a flat non
rotating earth may be assumed if it’s limited to that assumption and the earth
is a spinning ball then this document is garbage unless the earth is truly flat
and non rotating government admits Flat Earth document number 16 put up by NASA
it’s titled US standard atmosphere what does it have to say well on page 22 it says for the
accuracy required in this document it suffices to treat the surface as an
ellipsoid whose flattening ellipticity that means they had to flatten the globe
why would you have to do that for accuracy maybe because the earth is government admits flatter document
number 17 put out by NASA in December of 1991 titled an aircraft model for the
AIAA controls design challenge and what does it have to say on page 13 it states
the flight dynamics of a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over a
flat non rotating earth government admits flatter document number 18 put
out by NASA this was in December of 1978 titled investigation of aircraft landing
in variable wind fields and what does it have to say on page 14 it states the
aircraft trajectory model employed in this study was derived based on the following assumptions a the earth is
flat and non rotating government admits
flatter document number 19 put up by NASA titled a mathematical model of the CH – 53 helicopter and its states on
page 25 the helicopter equations of motion are given in body axes with
respect to a flat non rotating earth government admits flatter document
number 20 put out by NASA titled development and validation of a piloted simulation of a helicopter and external
sling load well what does it have to say well on page six it states a general set
of nonlinear rigid body equations of motion for both the helicopter and external load determines the motion of
each vehicle with respect to a flat non rotating earth it states on page 37 the
equations of motion for both the helicopter and the external sling load are developed in body axes with respect
to a flat non rotating earth on page 48 it states the terrain is generally flat
government admits Flat Earth document number 21 put out by NASA and the US Air
Force in conjunction with research provided by Georgia Tech and it is and
it is titled atmospheric oscillations what does it
have to say well on page 13 it states a model frequently used is that of a flat
non rotating earth also States the most one can profitably simplify the problem
is to consider an isothermal atmosphere plane level surfaces and a non rotating
earth government admits flat earth document number 20 to put out by NASA
titled stability and control estimation flight test results for the sr-71
aircraft with externally mounted experiments and what does it have to say
well it states on page 18 and 19 if you put them together because there’s a
break in the paragraph it states these equations assume a rigid vehicle and a
flat non rotating earth not very safe for a vehicle that travels at a top
speed of 2000 193 miles per hour government admits Flat Earth document
number 23 put out by NASA in May of 1988 titled flight testing a V s tol aircraft
to identify a full envelope aerodynamic model and it states motion over a flat
non rotating earth page 9 of 18 government admits flatter document
number 24 put out by NASA it is titled singular arc time optimal climb
trajectory of aircraft in a two dimensional wind field what does it have
to say it states on page two in our minimum time to climb problem the
aircraft is modeled as a point mass of the flight trajectory is strictly confined in a vertical plane on a non
rotating flat earth government admits flatter document number 25 this is put
out by the United States Navy and it is titled studies on instabilities in long baseline two-way satellite time and
frequency transfer including a troposphere delay model and what does it have to state it states on
page two it shows a graphic which shows two ground stations on equal level
ground both ground stations on the same flat plane and then on page six it states assuming a flat earth and the
straight line of sight line of sight just so you know line of sight does not
apparently exist when you’re looking over the earth and I’m gonna get to that in another document pretty soon
government admits Flat Earth document number 26 United States Army it is
titled scale and sensitive detection algorithm for FLI our imagery what does
it have a state it states that in other scenarios only the range to the center
of the field of view and depressions angle is known so that a flat earth approximation provides the best estimate
that is page 6 of 22 government admits Flat Earth document number 27 put on it
again by the United States Army and it is titled user manual for the microsoft
windows edition of the scanning fast field program version 3.0 what does it
have to stay well it says on page 45 and 47 this model works over a flat and non
turbulent atmosphere government admits Flat Earth document number 28 put out by
the United States Army titled path loss measurements in a forested environment at VHF and what do we have to find in
here but it states on page 8 Flat Earth age 16 over a flat earth age 17 over
flat earth page 18 over flat earth page 19 over flat earth h20 based on Flat
Earth theory not a theory it’s fact page 23 over Flat Earth page 25 Flat
Earth page 26 Flat Earth page 35 over Flat Earth over Flat Earth stated
twice government admits Flat Earth document number 29 this is the US Air
Force who contracted Brown University to put forth the docking
titled review of sound propagation in the lower atmosphere documented in May
1955 so what does it say on page 18 it says in most of the topics to be
discussed the problem is to describe the sound field in a region of atmosphere
above a flat earth and then it goes on to cite and page 208 cite a document an
article that was written in 1954 in physica xx
and it is titled the extension of summer fields formula for the propagation of
radio waves over a flat earth two different conductivities of the soil so
you may want to research that one a little bit further government admits Flat Earth document number 30 put up
with the United States Army entitled beacon position and altitude navigation aided by a magnet meter and it states on
page 11 it says that the first is the
earth fixed coordinate system which is fixed to the earth with a flat earth
assumption and just check out the diagram that they have associated with it are you serious government admits
Flat Earth document number 31 put up by the United States Army and it is titled automatic target acquisition of the demo
3 program and it states on page 9 only
the range to the center of the field of view and the depression angle is known so that a Flat Earth approximation
provides the best estimate government admits Flat Earth document number 32 put
up by the United States Army and it is titled modeling of atmospheric effects
see what it’s got to say well I’m page 28 it states this model works well over
a flat earth and non turbulent atmosphere government admits Flat Earth
document number 33 put out by NASA in conjunction with an organization called
range commander’s Council telemetry group the cumin is titled telemetry standards this
organization range commander’s council their mission is dedicated to serving the technical and operational needs of
us test training and operational ranges the RCC provides a framework where in
common needs are identified and common solutions are sought technical standards are established and disseminated joint
procurement opportunities are explored technical and equipment exchanges are facilitated advanced concepts and
technical innovations are assessed and potential applications are identified the vision is the range commits
commander’s Council RCC will promote credible change to meet Department of Defense DoD tests and training
requirements while promoting the common good of its members and enhance and enhance sharing and interoperability of
infrastructure and resources and so apparently I’ve got a lot more than just
NASA who they serve they just they serve the Department of Defense the Air Force the Navy the army that’s who’s at least
listed here so back to the document which is to telemetry standards on page
172 it states although the equations for the terrain model can be rather daunting
in its simplest form one uses flat earth trigonometry to compute the difference
in path lengths between the direct and reflected signals you don’t use flat
earth trigonometry if you’re on a globe government admits Flat Earth document
number 34 put out by NASA in conjunction with UCLA that’s right the University of California this was put out in 1993 and
it is titled approximate optimal guidance for the Advanced Launch System
and it states that the equations of motion for the 0th order problem of
flight in a vacuum over a flat earth are presented that’s
page 32 of 164 and then on page 43 of 164 it states in this section the
three-dimensional equations of motion are reduced for flight in a great circle
plane the the xz-plane over a flat non-rotating
earth and in further states below it says equations of motion representing
flight in a vacuum over a flat earth government in MIT’s Flat Earth document
number 35 put out by NASA and October 1995 and it is titled flight simulation
software at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center and it states on page 4 this
structured with both flat and oblique earth versions has successfully supported more than 50 different
aircraft apparently it also has a flat earth version and in most cases Flat
Earth six degree of freedom equations of motion are used why would that be unless
here at this flat government admits Flat Earth document number 36 put up by NASA and it
is titled simulator arrow model implementation on page 10 it states for
the flat non rotating earth considered here and why are we considering to build
a software over a flat earth to be used for trainings when the earth is a
spinning ball maybe the earth is flat government admits Flat Earth document
number 37 this is Shen yang aerospace University which is affiliated with
obviously China and the title is design and implementation of flight visual
simulation system and on page three it states and I’m gonna read this entire thinks it’s very important to understand
mathematical modeling of flight simulation the aircraft flight motion simulation as an important part of fvss
directly affects the reliability and authenticity of the system flight motion simulation of effect can be greatly
improved by relative mathematical models of aircraft flight dynamics in this paper the fvss is based on two
assumptions a flight area is the space above ground level level where the
rotation of the earth and the curvy motion of mass center of Earth are
neglected meaning they don’t take it to an account at all for this flight
simulation software why would they do that if the earth is a spinning ball why
would you create software to train people how to fly on flat non rotating
earth software why because government
admits flat earth document number 38 this is put up by Penn State which is a public university so state-owned the title is a discussion
of methods of real-time airplane flight simulation and what does it have to say
about flight simulation well on page 11 estates flat earth coordinates and many
flight simulators globe navigation is not important in such cases it is
appropriate to model the earth as a plane half-space rather than an oblate
spheroid then the simulator need not worry about how the local horizontal plane changes as the airplane flies
around the earth though we know from other documentation all flight is straight and level this simplifies the
bookkeeping in the simulator considerably the Flat Earth coordinate system is a Cartesian system Flat Earth
model Thank You Penn State government admits Flat Earth document number 39 and
this is in conjunction with nad the National imagery and mapping agency as well as the national
geospatial-intelligence agency and the document is titled the American practical navigator an epitome of
navigation this is the 1995 edition alright so what does it have to say well
it states well one is water line how can water have a line if it’s always curving
maybe because it’s level in any case this assumes that the observer is at sea
level the earth is flat between observer and object there is no refraction in the
object and it’s water line form a right angle for most cases of practical
significance these assumptions produce no large errors or
rather in fact no errors at all and that’s found on page 351 of 7:14 and
then we also find that they have curvature of surface at point 8 foot per
nautical mile which does workout with what commonly is known as the earth
curvature calculation for the statute mile for the statute mile it’s point six
six six foot per statute mile for the
curvature of the surface but for nautical mile it does work out to 0.8 fluid per nautical mile for the
curvature of the surface so apparently they’re using the same spherical trigonometry that flat earthers are
using to prove that the earth is not a globe and that’s found on page 355 of
7:14 and then this definition I think was very interesting it’s called back
shore the part of a beach which is usually dry being reached only by the
highest tides and by extension a narrow strip of relatively flat Coast bordering
the C flat Coast page 573 and then we
also have line of sight now this is a very interesting definition line of sight the straight line between two
points which does not follow the curvature of the earth the only way that
this apparent definition works out would mean that you’re only looking up in the
sky never looking straight out over the plain of the earth because if you were
then you would be following the curvature of the earth thereby it’s no longer the line of sight
but we commonly say in my line of sight I can see such-and-such when you’re
looking straight over the earth apparently we’ve been using it incorrectly government admits Flat Earth
document number 40 put up by the United States Army in November of 1969 titled
the production of firing tables for cannon artillery ballistic research laboratory
in Aberdeen Proving Ground Maryland and what is it state right off the get-go on
page ten ms l equals mean sea level what does sea level mean well sea level it is
the level of the sea surface used in reckoning the height of geographical
features such as hills and as a barometric standard and then what is the definition of level but a horizontal
plane or line with respect to the distance above or below a given point a position on a real or imaginary scale of
amount quantity extent or quality having a flat or and even surface without
slopes or bumps at the same height as someone or something else give a flat or
even surface to begin to fly horizontally after climbing or diving
that’s the word level that’s what is attributed with the word for sea level
the phrase sea level the word level is in there because water always seeks to
find its level and okay so now
interestingly in this document it does state on page 22 and 34 rotation of the
earth that phrase rotation of the earth is cited three times between pages 22
and 34 however an equation based on a theory particle theory is not a proof
for rotation of the earth for each of the three variables for the rotation of the earth in the theoretical equation
the number zero can be plugged in without negatively impacting the
entirety of the equation thus it’s just a variable that has no bearing within
the equation and here was an interesting graphic on page 110 it shows a horizontal range in meters on
the far right the one is chopped off somehow that happened but it’s 12,000
meters that represents seven point four five miles and would be representative
of 37 foot drop if the earth is a ball but earth curvature is not necessary for
calculating ballistic artillery they put it on a [ __ ] until range no curvature government
admits Flat Earth document number 41 put out again by the United States Army April 2016 titled Field Artillery manual
cannon gunnery what do they have to say well no rotation of the earth that is
standard conditions no rotation of the earth that’s on page 175 however it does
state on page 192 theory of rotational effects but we understand if we look at
the word theory in the definition it is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something especially
one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained about hypotheses thesis conjecture
supposition speculation postulation postulate proposition premise surmise
assumption presumption presupposition notion guess hunch feeling suspicions do
you understand that the idea of a theory in science with until it’s been proven
anyways it is simply a form of mysticism even potentially so this idea that they
want to throw in the rotational effects and this document has no bearing because they admit that is just a theory a
supposition a speculation a postulation it’s not a fact so and this is
interesting to the m198 howitzer has a maximum range of 14 miles that would be
a hundred and fifty seven feet of dropped from the alleged earth curvature that goes unaccounted for why why would
you not account for the alleged drop if you’re living on a ball because you don’t have to here at this flat
government emits Flat Earth document number 42 United States Army put out in
July of 2006 titled field artillery gunnery and I’m not gonna go through all
the document but I’m gonna summarize what is in here and you can check it for yourself concepts not discussed or
disclosed in the document Coriolis rotation of the earth sphere curve
or even the motion of the earth however the concept that is discussed is azimuth
and azimuth proves that you have to be on a ground plane flat no curvature for
an azimuth now this image was not in the document itself but the concept itself
is used throughout the document proving that it’s flat government admits Flat
Earth document number 43 and this time it’s the United States Marine Corps and it is titled TTP for the field artillery
cannon gunnery and what is a state the same thing is the document number 42
which I just covered the concepts that are not discussed in this document include Coriolis rotation of the earth
sphere curvature and motion of the earth however azimuth is is discussed again
the earth is flat government admits Flat Earth document number 44 put up by the
United States Marine Corps entitled tactics techniques and procedures for the field artillery manual cannon
gunnery what’s interesting about this document is that it does go into great lengths of
stating the words and phrase rotation of the earth and Coriolis it says it one
two three four five six seven seven different times at least however it also states that the standard
conditions by which it operates or expects to be operating is no rotation
of the earth at all so why is there this contradiction so how do we reconcile the
difference an apparent contradiction of whether or not rotation of the earth or Coriolis needs to be taken into account
well number one other than the mention of the terms rotation of the earth and Coriolis there is absolutely no
instruction in the documentation for how to account for the rotation of the earth so why is that number two the rotation
of the earth is a theory and just as in the quote equation cited in the u.s. army document report number thirteen
seventy one entitled the production of firing tables and for cannon artillery which was document number
it allows for the variable of alleged rotation of the earth to be zero leaving
the entirety of the equation unaffected and it is the same with this documentation produced by the United
States Marine Corps and if you’re interested in looking at document number
40 again one more time you can pause this this is for your help and research a little bit more right
here or you can just go to the document itself and check it for yourself but I’m gonna move on now what is discussed in
the document is azimuth and we understand that only works on a ground
level plane flat no curvature so I rest
my case the earth is flat so in the photo you see this curvature of Earth’s
surface Wow he’s in space look at that no he’s not at that point you don’t see you don’t
see the curvature of the earth if you are two millimeters above this beach ball he just don’t that stuff is what a
quick shout out to pasture Dean Hodel who was the first to expose many of these documents on June 10th 2018 if you
want to check out his website you can go to WWE know tool org and there’s also a
conference coming up and that is October 2nd through the 4th of 2019 and Auburn
Alabama if you would like to register assuming there’s still space for it which actually there is no space but if
there is space or room rather for the event you can go to Skyfall 2019 org and
register nearly everyone interested in space has seen this picture it was
released by NASA and has the iconic name the Blue Marble 2 you can find the
picture everywhere but one of the best places to find it is NASA’s own website
this photograph is iconic because NASA says it is one of the most detailed
true-color images of the entire Earth to date to put it in a nutshell the picture
is iconic well amazingly it turns out a number of sleuths have now found compelling new
evidence that the image is indeed a fake now let’s take a look at first the photo
seems legit I mean it looks like earth the earth that we have always been told
we live on but as the Savi Internet sleuths point out if you take a closer
look things start to take a somewhat sinister turn look closely at the
repeating cloud pattern here we can see clear examples that the photograph has
not only been doctored or constructed but also strong evidence that whoever
done the doctoring used repeating photographic templates that is they
cloned parts of the image and repeated it that is the photograph is a construction this does not happen in
nature clouds do not repeat in the same pattern like this the chances of this
happening in the same photograph are low the only way this could happen is if
someone has cloned clouds and painted them on this of course could be for a
number of reasons you could argue that NASA simply touched up the photograph or effect or that it was a problem with the
imaging systems that were used but still the question exists why is NASA
releasing fake pictures of Earth if they are going to release a picture of Earth to be used in museums and by educators
as they state for the blue marble – then should they not release real images of
Earth instead or manipulated or fake images since the natural extension of
this is what other images have they doctored the moon pluton Mars maybe all
of them and if they are faking pictures to such an extent whether by wanting them to look better or other reasons
then what real scientific value are they isn’t science about finding the truth and is that not hard to do when you are
being fed and accurate or in this case completely manufactured data NASA says
these images are to be used by educators museums and scientists which means they
are passing off the image as a real picture of Earth when it is not what do you guys think do you think
something sinister is going on or is there some harmless and less exotic reason there are great ideas
undiscovered breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truths
protective layers
then in 2002 Blue Marble 2.0 NASA’s Rob
simin made this and it had wide appeal – for example it ended up as the default background on the iPhone I didn’t even
know until I bought an iPhone and turned it on and kind of did a little happy
dance Simmonds job is it’s primarily taking data and making pictures out of it that’s what this is a composite of
datasets from several different instruments translated into a picture the to us the really cool thing was the
data set up until that point there was no realistic color map of the globe
anywhere so the land layer here comes from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer aboard Terra and the
tricky part here was the weather so we actually had to take clouds out they stashed the clouds for later went onto
the ocean that came from an instrument that measures phytoplankton in the sea where it was low I colored it dark blue
because they’re low mostly in mid oceans and then where’s a little bit higher it was like a little bit brighter green then add the clouds back in there’s a
small problem with it because there’s a very slight gap in between each orbit so
some of those are painted on it is photoshopped but it’s it’s has to be then there was another layer to sort of
simulate the atmosphere and then there’s this little bright spot it’s called the specular highlights so it’s the reflection of sunlight off of water
those are the pieces but you can’t just slap them all together just didn’t look realistic it looks kind of flat or the
clouds are sort of to see-through so I just take command Z a lot there’s artistry to creating the world
what I imagined it to be unfortunately I’m not an astronaut I’ve never been to space but I’ve looked
at these images over and over again trying to sort of get the essence of it
you [Music]
[Applause] [Music]
ha I know ranking centigrade could you show us somersault right now
[Laughter] [Applause]
low Earth orbit is between 99 miles and 1200 miles away
the moon is claimed to be two hundred and thirty-eight thousand miles away that’s a big difference this is the
spacecraft that’s gonna take humans to explore the solar system it’s the next
big step for NASA in exploration called the Orion multi-purpose crew vehicle or MPCV this next generation spacecraft
will enable America to explore beyond low-earth man that NASA has is to build
a rocket called SLS which is a heavy lift rocket it’s something that is that is much bigger than what we have today
and it will be able to launch the Orion capsule with humans on board as well as
Landers or other components to be it two destinations beyond Earth orbit right
now we only can fly in Earth orbit that’s the farthest that we can go right now we only can fly in Earth orbit
that’s the farthest that we can go in this new system that we’re building is gonna allow us to go beyond and hopefully take humans into the solar
system to explore so the moon Mars asteroids there’s a lot of destinations that we could go to and we’re building
these building block components in order to allow us to do that eventually the moon Mars the moon the moon the moon
kinds of technologies that we’re testing out on space station are definitely helping us with our goals of going
beyond low-earth orbit our goals of going beyond low-earth orbit a set of crewed flights will test and prove the
systems required for exploration beyond low Earth orbit [Music]
it was all recorded on these telemetry tapes so where is this hard evidence I
haven’t seen anything that indicates the kilometer II data is even an existence
and as I said even if we had it we don’t have the machines to play it back but you’re you your own researchers show the
telemetry data is missing that’s right could this be true mankind’s first
interplanetary exploration and the original science data is missing if it’s
anywhere it should be here at NASA’s Goddard Space Center in Maryland home to
the national space science data archives Tim you’re making man what is it this is
this is a film trying to prove that Apollo 11 happened I just have an AI mean do you have you have a name for it yet or you okay did we go did we go okay
okay doesn’t have it either this was so
right as an ad right right right we’ve been unable to track it down I mean we
don’t know where this this telemetry data ended up and we don’t know the what
what path it may have taken so unfortunately I’m afraid I can’t really give you much of a clue as to as to
where this data ended up and whether it still exists or not [Music]
mr. look at the supposed to images provided from NASA of Jupiter here’s the
problem again 2016 2014 what’s the difference here no difference is they
how did the supposed Aurora’s on the North it’s nothing but a Christmas tree
give me a break take a look here mean all the clouds from the same exact
position just in 2016 images a bit will take darker it’s a bit lighter in 2014
here’s a side by side if you can’t see what’s taking place or if NASA nothing
more than faker to me give me a break this is completely an insult you have to be brain your head [Music]
so I keep digging a little bit deeper and I finally get underneath this cloud cover here and a few images pop up I
sell they were just really well this we got which I’m sure that looks familiar to you right looks just like the
pictures they give us a Mars so I’m just kinda creeping around here and definitely notice in the same kind of
undulation changes and same kind of rock same kind of dirt only thing it’s missing is that nice of a red tint that
they ate take somebody hundred fifty two thousand dollars a year to put on there
whose owner covers this okay that looks like an assistant well let’s do a little
further because I can’t really see anything on here then NASA simple
I can’t read that track cameras set up dance ATVs who have been there a while
it’s not a one-day trip tennis setup
no we’re in Greenland another ATV the left-wing bubbler
equipment so I keep kind of going through here and yeah so
I think I found out what Mars is guys it’s just 5,000 miles north of me
not quite the distance and essences I can’t find anybody who’s in charge this must be hiding behind these rocks oh no
they’re there I’m friendly with my standard lovely number one number two
number three thinks his travel around taking pictures
Simmons job is it’s primarily taking data and making pictures out of it that’s what this is a composite of
datasets from several different instruments translated into a picture
[Music] um it is photoshopped but it’s it’s has
to be then there was another layer to sort of simulate the atmosphere and then there’s this little bright spot it’s
called the specular highlight so it’s the reflection of sunlight off of water those are the pieces but you can’t just
slap them all together just didn’t look realistic it looks kind of flat looks kind of flat looks kind of flat or the
clouds are sort of to see-through so I just take command Z a lot there’s artistry to creating the world
lish in reading too much but I’ve since grown out of that and I enjoy reading now and I played a lot of sports and all
of that happened at a little town called York Maine across the United States from where we’re talking to you right now us
the United States from where we’re talking to you right now boss the United States from where we’re talking to you right now
and that enlist the help of a friend thanks you might know ladies and
gentlemen if you didn’t figure out by now I’m gonna be the first man to actually tell you this that teleportation is officially real we are
live in the ISS and let’s go back and relook at that clip again you see it now
watch whoa wait see this ladies and gentlemen should let you know that this
is only done through the usage of chroma key this is chroma key technology this is
green screen or blue screen technology that’s what is being utilized here this
is simply virtual reality that is actually being fed to you and you’re taking this virtual reality making it
the reality when in fact all this is is simply just virtual CGI computer
generated images them so you decide for yourself if we have the technology to
build the space station and have people go and live in the space station for months and months at a time and they are
they’re constantly reporting back to earth the things that they are finding there then the question is why go
through all this trouble as far as taking the space station itself why go through the trouble of making these
people in space who are supposed to be the astronauts who are in space and of their arms disappear from the screen
just like that why have that why go through all the trouble so this video is an astronaut
explaining the mission it’s not like practice footage or anything watch closely
[Music] dan said in the pilot seat during this
operation sort of monitoring the motion of the vehicle making sure that
it was steady and that the you know there were very few vibrations of any
sort here’s a picture of the inset actually being deployed from the
spacecraft you can see that the deploy went very smoothly at that moment did
you see it in the background there was a guy in the background man I’m not kidding you did
you can’t deny that that’s someone in the background there’s a guy moving in the background here and watch it again
watch it closely I looked up or I tried to lock up the
size of this rocket I found his picture you can see it’s massive so if that
rocket is in space and if there’s a guy in the background in that footage that
means that there are like giants like insane big giants floating around in
space looking at NASA that’s pretty that’s probably why they don’t dare to
go back to the moon and why they hide so much stuff space is full of giants and
explore 130 2,900 feet per second altitude now I know I got my downrange distance 7r huh this is not standard
this is not something that is planned of course I can see a solid rocket booster has broken away from shuttle Challenger
that’s what you’re looking at in the middle of your screen I cannot see the shuttle itself in 1986 the shuttle
Challenger exploded about 74 seconds after takeoff killing all seven astronauts insanity or did it
it turns out that six of the seven are still alive and kicking today Ellison
Onizuka claims to be his identical twin brother Claude yeah I’ve got an
identical twin brother Claude do the Challenger pilot Mickey Smith
hasn’t even bothered changing his name he’s now professor Michael J Smith of
University of Wisconsin now Christa McAuliffe was a bit of a sneaky
one she was the Challenger payload specialist quite famous for being a teacher it turns out during her
astronaut days she was using her middle name Christa and now all she goes by her
first name Sharon and she’s a Sorak whose law professor the Challenger
commander Frances Richards scoby is now on dick Scobee who sounds like a rather
unpleasant disease CEO of housing fees limited Judith Resnik the Challenger
mission specialist again hasn’t even bothered changing her name she’s a professor at Yale Law and finally Ronald
McNair another challenger mission specialist claims be is identical twin
brother Carl McNair [Music]
in the first round and white is flying at 17,000 miles per
hour 200 miles above the earth okay
if the spacesuit fails the difference in pressure will kill him instantly this
could be a serious problem because you don’t want your stop-motion toy to die in space as white floats in space a
glove drifts out of the capsule oh so garden glove you’re telling me there’s
an astronaut in space with no glove and a fair hand exposed and what blew it
away the wind today those pictures are are classic they’re
still overpowering today to realize number one has been done and that we did
it it blew me away how easy it was to deceive everyone it was quite easy
actually we all know nASA uses wired and sometimes we’ll catch them like this here the guy I pulled on his wire
however some days when you’re filming my things just don’t work out and it
becomes so blatantly obvious it’s ridiculous so in this clip they’re talking live
feed and what you know we have hey astronaut Tobias in the background
obviously trying to give it a more realistic Spacey station busy effect the
only problem is the camera that was supposed to mess this harness out or the video feed is not working and so we see
the guy come flying along in a harness on his wires pretty amazing but that’s
not all that goes wrong here
channel in 3d space it’s virtual reality he’s they’re wearing argumented contact
lenses so that they can interact with these 3d objects now in this scene the guy on the left and the green shirt he
thinks he sees an object in 3d space is being broadcast to him so he grabs it NE
puts it off to the side he’s looking straight ahead because he’s looking at an object rotating in front of him but
the video channel is down that is supposed to show the viewers what we’re
supposed to see and so we don’t actually get to see the object that he has seen and I would just sum this up as a very
terrible bad horrible day for NASA doing my feet as much fun as this was there is
a time coming when you and I will not be able to tell the difference
[Applause] [Music]
now I know what you’re thinking so NASA is fake big deal how does this affect me
blah blah blah or you’re thinking no no there’s no way my heroes could be lying
to me there’s no way that this whole world is in on this big scam this is just too much and that’s what I would
have thought too but here is what they are hiding and why NASA form in the
first place pay attention federal bird you’ve been to both the North Pole and the South
Pole is there any unexplored land left on this earth that might appeal to
adventurous young Americans oh yes there is and that up around the North Pole because it’s getting crowded up there
now because they find out it’s really usable not only to live in but militarily but strangely enough that is
left in the world today an area as big as the United States that’s never been seen by human being and that’s beyond
the pole on the other side of the South Pole from middle America
and it’s I think it’s quite astonishing that
there should be an area as big as that unexplored was the tremendous oil is a lot of adventure left down at the bottom
of the world a number of expeditions that will follow I think year after year bottom of the
world because the government has really become interested I tell you one reason
they’re interested it’s by far the most valuable important place left in the
world for science that’s where the scientific groups all over the nation are really interested
but more important than that it’s it has to do with the future of the nation
those to come after us or even during your lifetime because it happens to be
an untouched reservoir of natural resources you know as the world shrinks
with an ever increasing acceleration far-flung places once useless like we
thought the North Pole was and no-man’s land become very useful a the bottom of
the world will be important not only to us but to our allies then it’s the most
peaceful place in the world I’m sure that won’t last very long what are the
natural resources there well a we found enough of coal within
180 miles of the South Pole in a great region Mountain it’s not covered as snow
enough to supply the whole world for quite a while well and that’s that’s the
coal now there’s evidence of other many other minerals we have pretty sure of
this oil now that call shows the bottom of the world now by far the coldest spot
in the world where that coal is gets a hundred below zero in the weather well where’s lunch tropical so we think
there’s oil there and there’s evidence probably uranium there is it any secret
is there uranium there that would be the only thing it would be practical to actually go after I suppose everything
else would be economically unfeasible wouldn’t it well as really recklessly
expend their resources the time common we can we’ll have to go after that stuff down there well Admiral Byrd
our private expedition is a thing of the past is that his expedition and exploration making expedition
exploration now a purely a government function because I think them South it
may be more or less a thing of the past but not other other expeditions and go
there a lot I’m going off now there the North Pole is the sound of an ocean 10,000 feet deep the South Pole the
scent of a plateau 10,000 feet high [Music]

Government Documents Prove FLAT EARTH

ALL the governments on the face of the earth are controlled by Satan, he has deceived the entire world (Revelation 12:9). Just as it was foretold in the following three passages we now are able to clearly see who the enemy is and his inequities.

“For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.” Luke 8:17 (KJV)

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4 (KJV)

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,” Romans 1:18-22 (KJV)

(1) Dissertations Defended in the Scientific Council of the Institute of Physics of the Earth
Pages: 19, 20

(2) Propagation of Electromagnetic Fields Over Flat Earth
Pages: Cover Page, 7, 17, 18, 28, 35

(3) An Energy Budget Model to Calculate the Low Atmosphere Profiles of Effective Sound Speed at Night
Pages: 10, 16

(4) Computationally Efficient Algorithms for Estimating the Angle of Arrival of Helicopters Using Acoustic Arrays
Pages: 17, 30, 31, 35

(5) Adding Liquid Payloads Effects to the 6-DOF Trajectory of Spinning Projectiles
Page: 7

(6) Trajectory Prediction of Spin-Stabilized Projectiles With a Steady Liquid Payload
Page: 10

(7) Derivation and Definition of a Linear Aircraft Model
Pages: 6, 35, 55, 102

(8) General Equations of Motion for a Damaged Asymmetric Aircraft
Page: 2

(9) Predicted Performance of a ThrustEnhanced SR-71 Aircraft with an External Payload
Page: 10

(10) Derivation of a Point-Mass Aircraft Model used for Fast-Time Simulation
Page: 7

(11) A Method for Reducing The Sensitivity of Optimal Nonlinear Systems to Parameter Uncertainty
Page: 14

(12) Calculation of Wind Compensation for Launching of Unguided Rockets
Pages: 8, 10

(13) User’s Manual for LINEAR, a FORTRAN Program to Derive Linear Aircraft Models (2768)
Page: 16

(14) User’s Manual for LINEAR, a FORTRAN Program to Derive Linear Aircraft Models (2835)
Page: 4

(15) Determination of Angles of Attack and Sideslip from Radar Data and a Roll-Stablized Platform
Page: 2

(16) U.S. Standard Atmosphere (1962)
Page: 22

(17) An Aircraft Model for the AIAA Controls Design Challenge
Page: 13

(18) Investigation of Aircraft Landing in Variable Wind Fields
Page: 14

(19) A Mathematical Model of the CH-53
Page: 25

(20) The Development and Validation of a Piloted Simulation of a Helicopter and External Sling Load
Pages: 6, 37, 48

(21) Atmospheric Oscillations
Page: 13

(22) Stability and Control Estimation Flight Test Results for the SR-71 Aircraft With Externally Mounted Experiments
Page: 19

(23) Flight Testing a V/STOL Aircraft to Identify a Full-Envelope Aerodynamic Model
Page: 9

(24) Singular Arc Time-Optimal Climb Trajectory of Aircraft in a Two-Dimensional Wind Field
Page: 2

Pages: 2, 6

(26) Scale-Insensitive Detection Algorithm for FLIR Imagery
Page: 6

(27) User Manual for the Microsoft Window Edition of the Scanning Fast-Field Program (WSCAFFIP) Version 3.0
Page: 45

(28) Path-Loss Measurements in a Forested Environment at VHF
Pages: 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 35

(29) Review of Sound Propagation in the Lower Atmosphere
Page: 18, 208

(30) Beacon Position and Attitude Navigation Aided by a Magnetometer
Page: 11

(31) Automatic Target Acquisition of the DEMO III Program
Page: 9

(32) Modeling of Atmospheric Effects
Page: 13

(33) Telemetry Standards
Page: 172

(34) Approximate Optimal Guidance for the Advanced Launch System
Page: 172

(35) Flight Simulation Software at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Pages: 4, 10

(36) Simulator Aero Model Implementation
Page: 10

(37) Design and Implementation of Flight Visual Simulation System
Page: 3

(38) A Discussion of Methods of Real-Time Airplane Flight Simulation
Page: 11

(39) The American Practical Navigator: An Epitome of Navigation
Pages: 351, 355, 573, 636

Doc #39 on page 11 of 714 states, “The earth is an oblate spheroid (a sphere flattened at the poles).” This statement is in direct contradiction to at least 5 different statements within the document itself:


Page 351 of 714 states, “This assumes that the observer is at sea level, the earth is flat between observer and object, there is no refraction, and the object and its waterline form a right angle. For most cases of practical significance, these assumption produce no large errors.”
1) Waterline, assumes the water has a FLAT line
2) “Earth is Flat between observer and object”


Page 355 of 714 states, “Curvature of surface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = 0.8 foot per nautical mile”
3) If the earth was “flattened at the poles” then this calculation of the curvature is blatantly inaccurate, as the curvature of the surface of the earth would vary.


Page 574 of 714 states, “back shore, n. That part of a beach which is usually dry, being reached. Only by the highest tides, and by extension, a narrow strip of relatively flat coast boarding the sea. See also FORESHORE.”
4) How can the there exist a “flat coast” bordering the sea if the sea curves? It can’t.


Page 636 of 714 states, “line of sight. The straight line between two points, which does not follow the curvature of the earth.”
5) If the earth is a globe and curving in every direction downward from the observer, given the definition of “line of sight” it is impossible to achieve “line of sight” for every observation necessitates that it occurs over the “curvature of the earth”.

(40) The Production of Firing Tables for Cannon Artillery
Pages: 10, 22, 34, 110

Doc #40 on pages 66 – 68 of 115 references “Rotation of Earth”:
1) Doc #40 does NOT account for curvature of earth
2) Doc #40 represents the “Rotation of Earth” in an equation for “particle theory”, whereby, when the numerical value of zero (0) is plugged in for the variable to account for the alleged rotation it does not negatively impact the rest of the equation and it is able to compute.

(41) Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery
Page: 175, 192

I should have done a better analysis on doc #41. Sorry about that, and now here it is. 


Doc #41, “Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery”, page 48 of 664:
“3-55. If a round were fired in a vacuum, gravity would cause the projectile to return to the surface of the earth. The path or trajectory of the projectile would be simple to trace. All projectiles, regardless of size, shape, or weight, would follow paths of the same parabolic shape and would achieve the same range for a given muzzle velocity and quadrant elevation.”

Nathan Roberts’s reply: The “parabolic shape” of the trajectory of the bullet is caused by density, not gravity or the alleged curvature of a spherically shaped earth.
Doc #41, “Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery”, page 48 of 664:
3-57. Gravity causes a projectile in flight to fall to the earth. Because of gravity, the height of the projectile at any instant is less than it would be if no such force were acting on it. In a vacuum, the vertical velocity would decrease from the initial velocity to zero on the ascending branch of the trajectory and increase from zero to the initial velocity on the descending branch, Zero vertical velocity would occur at the summit of
the trajectory. For every vertical velocity value on the upward leg of the ascending branch there is an equal vertical velocity value downward on the descending branch. Since there would be no resistance to the forward motion of the projectile in a vacuum, the horizontal velocity component would be a constant. The acceleration caused by the force of gravity (9.81 m/s) affects only the vertical velocity.”

Nathan Roberts’s reply: Gravity is an unproven theory, buoyancy is proven. Bullets fall because they are heavier than the medium they are within, that being the air.
Doc #41, “Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery”, page 49 of 664:
“The standard (chart) range is the range opposite a given elevation in the firing tables. It is assumed to have been measured along the surface of a sphere concentric with the earth and passing through the muzzle of a weapon. For all practical purposes, standard range is the horizontal distance from the origin of the trajectory to the level point.”

Nathan Roberts’s reply: IF “It is assumed to have been measured along the surface of a sphere concentric with the earth”, then why in the very next sentence does it state “For all practical purposes, standard range is the horizontal distance from the origin of the trajectory to the level point.”
Doc #41, “Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery”, page 51 of 664:
“Deflection effects. Some of the deviations from the standard conditions affecting deflection
* Drift.
* Crosswind.
* Rotation of the earth.”

Nathan Roberts’s reply: On page 192, “Rotation of the earth” is established as an “unproven theory”, which holds zero bearing in reality.
Doc #41, “Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery”, page 132 of 664:
5-36. The third condition is valid met corrections considered by each of the firing platoons. This includes the met message valid for the firing platoon, propellant temperature, projectile weight, vertical interval, and corrections for earth rotation.

Nathan Roberts’s reply: On page 192, “Rotation of the earth” is established as an “unproven theory”, which holds zero bearing in reality.
Doc #41, “Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery”, page 186 of 664:
“Range (Column 1). This is the distance measured from the muzzle to the target on the surface of a sphere concentric with the earth. When chart range is used as the entry argument for this table, it is expressed to the nearest 10 meters and interpolation is necessary.”

Nathan Roberts’s reply: The same response given to “sphere concentric with earth” mentioned on page 49 applies here too.

(42) Field Artillery Gunnery

(43) TTP for the Field Artillery Cannon Gunnery

(44) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the field artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery